Two Months Time: Silence

Story by Kiah Z on SoFurry

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#1 of Two Months Time

Duke and Max have lived together for a while now, until something drastic changes...

A year ago I had given up. Not on life, but on having a life to spend with someone else. I'd fucked up my love life so far, dating men who turned out to be jerks, but when I met Duke he changed my life forever. I know it's sounds cliche, but he did. We've been together for months now, and have never fought. We have great discussions together and great fits of passion together, if you know what I mean.

Now we live on the top floor of wolf tower. Whose owner is ironically a coyote. I dated a coyote once back in high school, he started cheating on me with a vixen his friend had recently dumped a month or two into the relationship. I remember confronting him about it. I told him I wanted us to end and he told me to go fuck myself. I took that as a firm yes to my request.

I was alone for most of my freshman year in high school. Until I met Lee. Lee was the only person I could talk to back then, and we both fell in love quickly. We bonded over binge watching Netflix and talking about other guys at our school. I can still remember this one Doberman that me and Lee were always checking out. His name was Brian and he was a complete homophobe, so me and Lee hypothesize that he was in fact gay.

It was different times than. There was a very small tightly knit group of LGBT students in my high school. Most of the other students accepted it or hated it.

One student actually came into our club after school and said some hateful stuff. He got suspended. Me and Lee laughed about it for days. The protester Dev, was a tiger who was a quarterback on our football team. He didn't back up his argument at all. He just said same sex relationships were bad, nothing else. I mentally told him to go fuck himself than thought nothing of the matter.

That night after the protester came in, I lost my virginity to Lee. It was his first time too.

I remember his parents weren't home. They were off at a conference or something. As soon as Lee's front door was closed I pulled him into a deep kiss. He gave in easily as we both held each other. His paws moving around my back and mine on his butt.

We stayed like this for at least a minute, but it felt like I could have held him like this for much longer.

"Max, Oh, Max are you awake?"

I woke up from my slumber. Duke was sitting on the other side of the bed facing away from me. He was shirtless and I took an opportunity to rub my hands on through his brown fur.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"I'm fine."

Duke turned towards me. His brown eyes looked into mine. I was still naked and I tried to make him see that I wanted him.

Duke gave me a kiss and got up. He put on a shirt pulling it over his muscular torso. Then he put his sport coat on over it. I wanted him to slowly take it all off, like he had last night, before I let him top me.

I got up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his on my butt. His paws moved minutely making me really want him. It was aggravating, and I think that son of a bitch knew it.

Duke laughed.

"I got to go to work." He laughed again. A smile spread across his face, but I smothered it with a kiss. My cock grinded against his and I moaned briefly.

After a moment he pulled out of the kiss.

"Max, I really need to go now." He stated.

Duke began to walk away from me. I stood there naked my penis erect and throbbing. I had hoped he would stay home from work life last week.

I had woken up to the sound of our shower turning on. I rolled over onto Duke's side of the bed to check the time. It was 10:30, he was two hours late for work!

I caught Duke's scent on the bed, but it smelled recent. I walked into the shower to find him there.

He was drenched but nonetheless completely sexy. I slipped off boxers and got into the shower with him.

"Hey, you." I said as I came up behind him.

"Hey, Max," He had his back to me.

"Staying home from work?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

He turned around, I saw that he was pretty excited. I briefly moved my hands down his abdomen, than drew them away as if I had touched a hot stove.

"You must be happy to see me." I suggested.

Duke rolled his eyes.

"Say something new." he laughed.

"Why are we discussing this in the shower?" I asked.

He looked me in the eyes and I looked back into his brown as I leaned in and kissed him, placing my paw on his chest.

"I don't know," He said sweetly.

"But you know what I do know?" He whispered in my ear, letting the shower spray directly into my face.

"You look so sexy right now," He was past seduction, some part of his brain had taken over.

I love it when he does this, I've done it too. It's like a mental orgasm, you say what you are going to do than you do it. What really turns me on when he calls me sexy. That gets me really hard.

"Do you want to?" He asked precariously, as he used his paws to turn me around.

I laugh off his statement playfully resisting his paws.

"Who said anything about you being on top?" I asked.

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be." Duke laughed as he gave me a kiss on the lips, than down my neck, than lower and lower and lower...

"Bye, Max see you tonight." Duke said.

"Yeah, bye, love you." I replied.

Duke turned briefly towards me his brown eyes connecting with my green.

"Love you too." He said with a smile than left, letting the door slowly close.

Now I have the whole day to myself. Fuck, I already want Duke again.

It's hard not to think of myself as a parasite. Duke is rich, like really rich. I do depend on him financially, but he assured me he is fine with it, because of our relationship. That's why I love Duke, he finds every excuse, no matter what the topic, to bring it to saying that he loves me.

"Was that fun?" Lee asked as I pulled out of him.

"That wasn't fun, that was fucking amazing," I managed to squeeze out between fast breathes.

Lee laughed.

We had were still covered in each other's essences and scents. When I climaxed I felt all the negativity in my life leave me, and I think Lee felt the same way. We became each other's rock.

Now, Duke was my rock, a fucking sexy rock at that. I got up out of bed and went into our big kitchen. I took two eggs out of the freezer, but then thought twice about it. I got changed, deciding to go and buy my breakfast at a cafe across from Wolf Tower.

I try not to think about Duke as I step out of the tower and out onto the sidewalk. Whenever I think about that brilliant canine all I feel is love and loneliness. I get sad when I don't see him all day. I think that's starting to draw me away from him. Recently, its been getting harder to talk with him. I mean we are intimate all the time and there is passion there, but why can't there be passion in the rest of our partnership.

The walk signal came on and I slowly walked across. The street was suprisingly empty, usually the intersection I was crossing was packed with cars and people bustling about. The cafe I'm going to has a really long name. "I luv you a latte" Yes, love is spelled "luv". Its cheesy as hell, but that doesn't mean the coffee is bad. It's never busy, due to the Starbucks a block down the street.

I fucking hate Starbucks. I happen to know the owner, of I luv you a latte, he is a known supporter of the LGBT and his son Danny, a sexy white tiger, is a member of one of our clubs that meets every Wednesday. The Starbucks owner however is a complete homophobe. He calls me a faggot under his breath whenever I come in, which I rarely ever do, (I visit in the fall for the pumpkin spice latte).

I brought Duke in once, just to piss the owner off, but he wasn't there. The owner, a black panther, only employs straight guys as well. I checked Starbucks hiring policy and they are an equal opportunity employer, and while technically the guy has done nothing illegal, he didn't pay any attention when I tried to apply. I only tried to apply to make him mad.

Standing up for my sexuality feels fucking amazing. Not because I'm getting a confidence boost, but because I'm helping to fight for a community that is largely unaccepted in America.

"EQUAL RIGHTS! WE STAND FOR EQUAL RIGHTS! EQUAL RIGHTS!" We chanted it over and over again. Me, Travis, and the rest of my college's GSA.

I stopped after an hour, realizing that no one was listening. That nobody actually gave a fuck, to them we were just protest about some new controversy. Luckily no one had challenged us, but that's what most of the other guys and girls wanted. They wanted a challenge to their beliefs, to their way of life, but I didn't really give a shit.

I thought I had it figured out than. I had Travis, a golden retriever, my boyfriend, and I didn't look into the future. I didn't care that we couldn't get married. It was the same almost ten years before when I had dated Lee.

To me I had everything I needed: a relationship. That was all I needed. I knew not everyone was going to accept it. That's impossible.

I remember I had sat down on a bench and just stared blankly at the rest of my friends marching in a circle chanting for the rest of the day. Travis came up to and sat down. He gazed into my green eyes and said something I'll never forget.

"We all have our own way of protesting, and sometimes silence is the best answer. Sometimes it's better to do nothing at all."

That made me understand it clearly. I wanted acceptance and I knew eventually someone in a position of power would help me with that, but for now I knew what to do. If I was silent, I wouldn't have to deal with everyone calling me out and calling me a fag or queer.

It was a tortured way of living but it worked.

I gave the owner a wave and ordered a sandwich and coffee. I pulled out my wallet and took out a twenty, telling Dennis the owner to keep the change.

"Thanks, Max." He said with a smile.

Duke gave me spending money every week. Sometimes I didn't take it other times I did. It was usually several hundred dollars, he was rich after all. Some people say I live off of him, but in reality I think he lives off of me.

Almost every night he tells me all about work, how this one guy keeps on giving him shit, and another isn't getting his work done, you know the stuff a normal married couple would chat about. I listen intently, then afterword we usually eat or fuck.

"Hey Duke," Is said as I rolled over on top of him.

His brown eyes gazed intently into mine. It was a Saturday, so we had spent most of the day in bed, doing what lovers do.

"Yes," he said groggily, he must have been asleep.

"Do people know about me and you?" I ask.

Duke gave me a kiss.

"I've told everyone that I have a mate, but I never said it was you, or that you were a man." He replied.

I didn't know what to think of this. One part of me wanted him to tell everyone that he was sleeping with another man to raise awareness, but another part of me said that he was handling it. Since he was a millionaire he could lose money just based on who he was fucking.

"Is that okay?" he asked.

I reached down and started to cradle his balls in one of my paws.

"It's fine." I replied.

I sat down at one of the tables and silently ate my sandwich, but left my coffee alone. I decided to bring my coffee back home and make a candlelight dinner for me and Duke tonight. I took cooking classes in college, and even Duke, who has been to some of the best restaurants in New York, says that my cooking is great.

I walked back across the crosswalk and into my building. I went to Duke's private elevator, and found it empty as usual. This was the only thing I didn't like about Duke's living arrangements. There was no one to talk to on the elevator.

As soon as the doors closed, I heard a grating noise, like metal melting. I looked up to see a small canine, a fennec maybe, crawling through a hole in the ceiling of the elevator. He was dressed in black stealth gear and I could see a pistol on his waist. Why hadn't Duke ever given me a gun.

I punched the fox right in the face. People say I have a mean punch, but the fennec got back up silently, his golden brown eyes glistening violently. He tried to kick me in the face, but I parried with my arm. I had taken a few self defense classes after becoming Duke's mate. I thought I could put them to use sometime, and that sometime was now.

The fox tried again and again to hit me and the face, and now it was just like a game to me. He kicked or punched and I blocked. Now, I was just waiting for the doors to open into Duke's apartment.

The fox had stopped by now and stood there panting.

"Who are you?" I asked fervently.

He remained silent. I punched him directly in the nose. He crumpled against the elevator wall just as the doors opened. I felt a prick in the back of my leg, and I turned around from the fox to see three or figures standing in Duke's apartment before all went black.