Druidic Rites Part One: Pampering a Peach

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Druidic Rites: Pampering a Peach

Wiping his muzzle off, Emar Wanpaku watched as a blushing mouse rogue scurried out of his shop. Wanpaku hoped the boy didn't get his pert butt into too much trouble with his pile of discounted potions. Surveying the nearly empty shelves of his store the Pomeranian druid turned potion maker knew that it was time get to brewing. This year's flood of newbies might have subsided but one had to be prepared for irregular surges.

Letting out a weary sigh the Pom reconsidered his decision to stop adventuring as he set about contacting his suppliers, most of whom lacked the means to be magically reached. It was certainly not for a lack of ability even if he didn't follow the more traditional druidic fighting styles. Where other druids could call down fearsome storms or shift into any number of beasts, Wanpaku had instead focused his attentions on improving his own form. Combining his knowledge of potions, an altered stomach to store them, and increased muscle and bone density allowed him to outlast any foes he couldn't simply pummel into submission. Of course, while the life of an adventurer was exciting the income of a shopkeeper was far more stable.

Done with the more mundane requests, Wanpaku gathered his harvesting tools before heading out. At the edge of town, he stops to hand a note to the guardsman at the same time lightly groping the bear's respectable bulge. From there Wanpaku set out following a spiral path ever deeper into the woods pausing here and there to harvest reagents. Wanpaku's druidic rites in the winter finally coming to fruition in his spring harvests.

Hearing high-pitched laughter Wanpaku veered off his path to investigate. Carefully slinking through the underbrush, he spies a group of giggling boys in a small clearing hunched around a book. Wanpaku bursts into a large grin as he watches one of them, some sort of tan floppy eared puppy, try to covertly adjust a small bulge in his crotch. They must have found one of my stashes, Wanpaku thought_, and at least one of them seems promising_. The book the puppy, rabbit, and raccoon boys were so captivated by was more than likely one of the many pornographic collections that Wanpaku had hidden throughout the woods. Each collection was a random assortment of paintings, sketches, and stories all featuring men and boys of various ages engaged in homoerotic actives. The end goal being to encourage men and boys to masturbate around plants reactive to the magic energies released during sexual actives.

"So, whose cock am I sucking first?" Wanpaku loudly states, placing special emphasis on cock, as he boldly advanced into the clearing hands on hips. The youngsters jump up spinning around to stare wide eyed at this intruder. Not giving them time to bolt, "you bunny boy, pants down, now" Wanpaku continues pointing at the rabbit "unless your too scared_to show use that you're not a real _man." The taunt seemed to do the trick, as with flushed checks the bunny boy yanked his breeches down with a sharp "FINE" revealing his semi-hard cut cocklet.

Wanpaku swiftly kneels down and grabs the bunnys ass locking him in place while the dog engulfs the bunny's member swirling tongue prompting it to full hardness. The bunny boy starts to loudly moan as the Pom proceeds to bob up and down, tongue gently lapping at the shaft. Under the groans of the bunny boy Wanpaku begins to hear soft whimpers. Glancing to the side he is pleasantly surprised to see that the pup had pulled down the raccoon boys pants and was nursing at his member floppy ears cutely bouncing with each bob. The boy's position had the added benefit of giving Wanpaku in excellent view of the pup's plump bum. The boy seemed to have been an attentive scholar taking the porn's examples to heart, fondling the raccoon's purse even occasionally swapping around his hand and mouth's positions. The raccoon boy seemed to really enjoy when the pup suckled on the tip while stroking the shaft

It did not take long for both the rabbit and raccoon to hit their limit. Eyes nearly rolling back in their head's bodies and penises spasming as they dry cummed one shortly after the other. Breathing heavily both boys likewise plopped down onto the forest floor too spent to do anything but lay there. Wanpaku turned to the puppy and gently pulled him into a kiss, before grabbing his plump bottom using it to guide him to his feet.

"I think this sweet boy has more than earned his own turn" Wanpaku declares pulling down the puppy's shorts revealing his hard cubhood. Jackpot Wanpaku thought examining the pup's large, for his age, uncut humanoid member now THIS is a Cock. Pressing his nose into the boy's sack Wanpaku inhaled deeply savoring the puppy's scent. Resisting the urge to spin the boy around for a taste of that fine ass, Wanpaku starts to suckle on the boy's balls settling on only kneading the boy's puppy fat laden buttocks for the time being. Letting the orbs fall out his mouth the dog begins to whirl his tongue between the pup's foreskin and glans. Encouraged by the excited barks this action wrought from the pup, Wanpaku slid his tongue even deeper into the foreskin and was rewarded for his efforts with a salty-sweet bead of precum.

Suckling at the tip Wanpaku was eager to get every last drop of the boy's sweet pre. Taking in more of the shaft the Pom gently began rocking the puppy's hips only moving his own head slightly. Catching on the pup began to slowly buck his hips sliding his puphood even deeper into Wanpaku's muzzle. It did not take long for the speed of the pup's thrusts to increase so that he was truly muzzle fucking the Pomeranian. As the pup continued to thrust, Wanpaku massaged the boy's rump softly rubbing a finger against the hole. The boy's pace only seemed to increase when his own thrusts forced that finger inside, especially after it bumped his prostate a couple times. With a finally loud bark the boy buried his cock in Wanpaku's muzzle shooting a small amount of puppy-seed inside.

Swirling his tongue around the glans for a final time, Wanpaku stood up drawing the pup into a deeper kiss this time giving him a good taste of his own essence. "So, what's your name kid?" Wanpaku asked finger still buried in the boy's hole. "I'm... Momo...nice to... meet you mister" the boy finally replied panting heavily between each word. "Well Momo" Wanpaku grinned, "how would you like to come to a little party I'm throwing?"

Wanpaku's Orc Playtime

Wanpaku's Orc Playtime By a Naughty Pup Merrily humming an incantation of stamina, a short Canid skips along the forest path to his secluded workshop now turned makeshift dungeon. The Pomeranian's well-groomed fur and clothing, a small vest and...

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