The Lab: A Vore Adventure (Nov 2017)

Story by KD on SoFurry

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Original post on FurAffinity:

The Lab is a vore adventure game under development. It takes place in an underground Mad Science Lab full of slobbering, hungry monsters. You are an amnesiac captive of the Lab with an opportunity to escape.

This game contains large amounts of soft vore and "soft" digestion (nothing too gruesome). Some predators engage in cockvore, soul digestion, male/solo sexual acts, and regurgitation of bones. If this bothers you, then The Lab may not be the game for you and that's okay. If_some_ of it bothers you, I have provided an item called "Radio" that will reveal the content of each room in advance.

Play The Lab online:

Download The Lab and play offline (Quest required):

If you do not have the latest version of Quest, download here:

Support me on Patreon in exchange for perks here:

Current features

  • 20 Predators with full writeups for approaches, escapes, and vore.

  • OV, CV, SV, sexual acts.

  • Around 20 items.

  • Puzzle elements and an end goal with different endings.

  • Far more Easter Eggs and customized responses than is reasonable.

  • Vending machines with Dracobug™ brand soda.

December Roadmap:

* Observation Rooms and VR headsets.

* Scenes for existing predators

* One-off scenes/predators.

* Observation room scenes

* VR headset scenes

Patch Notes

[Addition] The doors have unlocked for 8 new predators.

-- Chameleon, Chessmaster, Crocodile, Giant Spider, Lion, Lord Treval, Snake, T. Rex.

[Addition] The best ending for opening 20 treasure chests and using the plot item inside.

[Addition] 4 additional selectable difficulty modes. (Sandbox, Easy, Normal, Hard, Nightmare)

[Addition] New item, Bag of Holding; produces one random item per use, but no plot items. (Sandbox only)

[Addition] Vore sounds.

[Addition] Death's Door mechanic.

-- When reduced to zero health by a pred, you have a percentage chance to escape with 1 health anyway.

-- This chance is ignored if you choose to give up. It'd be weird to give up and then miraculously escape.

-- The chance decreases each time it is triggered, so you can't save-scum through it forever.

[Addition] The map squares are now color-coded.

-- Red means incomplete.

-- Green means completed.

-- Violet means vending machine.

-- This may change in future versions due to different gameplay elements.

[Addition] More customized verb responses are added across the board, including generic responses.

[Addition] New method to deal with KBot.

[Addition] Chomper Plant (one-off scene)

[Addition] New digest scene for Zsaarr.

[Change] When being swallowed, another key press is required to actually move to "Inside (predator)"

[Change] Zsaarr's Look At text lightly revised for typos and clarity.

[Change] Paragraphs should always/mostly have breaks now.

[Change] Giving up no longer affects your health points. Although for most practical purposes you're still 30 seconds from being gurgled.

[Bug Fix] Approaching the Panther multiple times no longer repeats the vore encounter.

[Bug Fix] Hoarder now has proper text for swallowing you.

[Bug Fix] Panther now has a Look At description.

[Bug Fix] Panther now has a button for Approach, minus a button for Speak To.

[Bug Fix] Use of inappropriate items (e.g. sodas) on Predators now makes you pick something else instead of exiting the script. Sodas and cloth bags are not self-defense items, guys.

A Walk In The Park

(Please note that this story contains vore, but no yiff. All commentary greatly appreciated.) "I'm back, safe and sound!" Jessi announced. "I'm glad," said Kath. "What did you find today?" Jessi grinned and set her camera down on the...

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