Kayla Chapter 4 - Submission

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Kayla


Chapter 4: Submission


Chapter 4: Submission

S.M. Wolf

Copyright 2002, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. Based on characters and situations created by Kittiara. All rights reserved by the author. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, and Mike copyright S.M. Wolf. Characters Kayla, Trouble, Marla, Jenny, various Academy employees, slaves, and visitors copyright Kittiara. Zassa copyright her player Reproduction and distribution of this work by any means without the expressed written prior permission of the author, or hotlinking from another Web site without the expressed written permission of SM Wolf is expressly forbidden. Similarity to any person, living or dead, or similarity to any LARPing character is coincidental.

Kayla looked down at the city lights. Dusk was falling, and the city was coming alive for the night. She loved seeing it from the penthouse. It looked like a fairy tale land that she and Master David would descend into for another night of fun and adventure.

Tonight, though, was going to be different.

Kayla heard the private elevator start to ascend. Mike had called up to warn her when Master David arrived so she could be prepared. She looked herself over carefully. She had spent a great deal of time and effort planning and preparing for tonight. She had worked hard the entire day cleaning her fur and hair. Both gleamed in the soft light of the dimmed penthouse lights. Valentia had sent over a hairdresser to style her hair and fur. The hairdresser had done it up in a style Valentia assured Kayla Master David would love.

Kayla walked over to the foyer and stood on the edge of the tile floor. She drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. As the moment of her final commitment approached she found herself strangely calm.

Master David walked through the open elevator door and stopped dead in his tracks. Kayla stood before him, a naked beauty even more alluring than the sculpture of Venus beside her. Without a word she dropped fluidly to her knees and placed her forehead on the cold marble tile.

"Master David, I submit myself completely and totally to you." Kayla said in a strong, clear voice.

Master David walked over to Kayla and raised her up from the hard floor. Holding her paws, he quietly asked, "Are you sure, Kayla? You know you do not need to do this for me. You can remain with me as we are now. I would not like it, but I would even let you leave if that was your desire rather than force you to remain."

Kayla kept her eyes downcast but replied firmly, "Yes, Master David, I am sure I wish to be your slave, completely and totally. forever."

Master David held her lightly in his arms and gave her a peck on her left cheek.

"Thank you, Kayla, for this wonderful present," Master David told her.

Kayla led Master David to the dining room. A small but luxuriant dinner had already been laid out for him. On the floor beside his chair was a dish with a simple dinner for Kayla. Master David sat in his chair, and Kayla knelt beside him. He gestured for her to start eating and began his own meal.

The two ate in silence. Each was wrapped up in their own thoughts.

Dinner was soon done. Kayla picked up the dishes and took them to the kitchen. She returned to the dining room where her Master lounged in his chair sipping his wine. She knelt beside him again and placed her forehead on his right foot.

Master David swirled the last of the wine around inside his mouth. Glancing out the windows he could see full darkness had fallen. He swallowed the wine and stood up.

Without a word Kayla rose and followed her Master David. He led her to the library. He reached into one of the bookcases and raised a small handle. The bookcase opened outward to reveal the dungeon. Master David ushered Kayla inside. The hidden door swung shut behind them. Kayla could hear a loud click as the latch closed. She was surprised when shivers of anticipation rather than dread ran up and down her spine.

Master David pointed at the floor. Wordlessly Kayla knelt with her knees spread as wide as possible. He removed the small gold chain necklace symbolizing his ownership of her and placed it on a table near the door. He took down a plain leather collar from a nearby peg. Standing before her, he said, "Last chance. Do you want to change your mind?"

Kayla did not look up or speak. She simply shook her head no.

Master David secured the heavy leather collar about Kayla's neck. After so many weeks away from the Academy it felt strange to be wearing one again. Stranger yet was she who disliked sex and domination so much had willingly requested it. He undid the clasps holding her hairdo in place and allowed her long brown hair to fall down her back.

"I'm sure Valentia had a paw in selecting this hair style for you, but I have come to love your hair, and you, as you had it before," Master David told Kayla. She was warmed deep in her belly by his words. Intuitively she ah known that he liked her for herself, but to hear him actually say the words confirmed her feelings and made her happy.

Master David snapped a short leash onto her collar. A small, sharp jerk on the leash brought her to her feet. He walked her over to the X-frame. He made her kneel and secured her leash to a bolt in the floor. She knelt as she had been taught at the Academy - knees obscenely wide, her paws placed palm up on her thighs, staring at the space between her knees - ready for Master David's pleasure.

Kayla could see some of her Master's preparations. He repeatedly went to nearby hooks to retrieve items. She could hear him attaching them to the X-frame. She saw him place a small step in front of the frame.

Lastly she saw Master David take something from a peg and walk behind her. She felt a leather cuff wrap around her tail about a foot from the tip. Her Master securely buckle it to her tail. Kayla felt a small shiver of apprehension run through her body. The cuff was not going to come off until he decided to remove it. She had confidence in him, though. She knew she was in good paws tonight.

"Stand up, Slave," Master David ordered Kayla.

A small shock ran through Kayla. It was the first time she could remember him calling her "Slave". Nonetheless she stood as ordered.

"Stand on the step and face me."

Kayla stood in front of the X-frame with her flanks just touching the intersection of the heavy wooden beams. Through her fur she could feel the cool, smooth surface. A wide leather strap with a large brass buckle dug into the small of her back.

Master David took her right wrist and raised it high above and somewhat behind her head. A wide fleece-lined leather cuff secured to the X-frame was wrapped about her wrist and securely buckled. Kayla gave a slight tug on the cuff. Nothing moved. She was tightly fastened to the X-frame until her Master chose to release her.

Master David took Kayla's left wrist and fastened it similarly to the X-frame. For the first time she realized the X-frame was tilted backwards. In her current position she had to bend backwards and rest on the frame to relieve the pressure on her shoulders and upper back.

Master David reached around Kayla's waist and pulled the leather strap from behind her. He wrapped it around her body just above her navel and pulled it tight. The buckle closed, and Kayla's torso was secured to the X-frame.

Master David bent over and grabbed Kayla's left ankle. She stood on the step supporting her weight on her right leg as her Master buckled her left ankle into the wide leather cuff. He walked around to Kayla's right side. She saw him bend down and felt him grasp her right calf and pull her foot off the step. Her body slumped against the X- frame. She held still as the cuff went about her free ankle and was fastened shut.

Kayla had been placed on X-frames at the Academy as part of her training and punishments. She vividly remembered the pain in her arms and shoulders as she hung helplessly in her bonds. This time, though, most of her weight was on her back as she reclined on the X-frame. The leather belt about her waist and the cuffs kept her from sliding off the X-frame. She was open and vulnerable, but she was in no great discomfort.

Kayla saw Master David remove the step and walk behind her. She heard him take something down from a peg. A tug on her tail brought it back and down. Master David snapped two short leads to a ring on her tail cuff. He snapped the other end of each to two small rings set in the floor about a foot apart. They left the tip of her tail brushing the floor.

"Move your tail back and forth, Slave!" Master David ordered her.

There was just enough slack in her tail to let her move the center of it back and forth about half a foot.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Master David walked around his slave and took in the sight of Kayla's taut body secured to the X-frame. Her ample breasts rose and fell invitingly as she breathed. Her white underbelly fur was radiant from her cleaning and the bright lights of the dungeon. The medium brown fur of her back, sides and extremities contrasted well with the dark wood of the X-frame. Her long brown hair streamed down her back and over the X-frame. He was pleasantly surprised to see her pink nipples already starting to rise above the thin white fur of her breasts. Dropping his gaze, he saw her pink pussy lips were already slightly spread and puffy. Kayla was already aroused from the thought of sharing her body with him this night.

Master David stood in front of Kayla between her feet. He reached up and placed his paws on her sides just above her hips.

Kayla waited for something, anything to happen, but her Master simply stood there holding her. Unable to bear the waiting anymore, she raised her eyes and looked into her Master's eyes.

Kayla had seen many things before in the eyes of males during her life, especially while she was at the Academy.




Even hatred.

But for the first time in her entire life she saw something new in the eyes of her Master, the male who owned her totally. It had been lurking at the back of her Master's eyes since she first met him. She had never been able to figure out what it was. Now it came blazing forth.

She saw the love and affection he had always felt towards her.

Kayla's body shook at the sudden realization of her Master's feelings towards her. As she hung there on the X-frame totally defenseless, held in the paws of the Master of her life, she realized she had no need to fear or worry. Regardless of what was to come she was in no danger from him and never would be.

Master David leaned forward and nuzzled Kayla's neck. She lifted her head to allow him easier access. He opened his mouth and encircled her throat in his strong jaws. She felt the tips of his sharp teeth graze her skin through her thick pelt. He could rip out her throat simply by closing his jaws. Instinctively she jumped just a bit in a primal reaction even though she knew intellectually he was only playing.

Kayla lay motionless as Master David's tongue lapped over her neck fur, caressing her throat. Her initial alarm dissipated rapidly under his tender licking. He could feel her fast pulse slow quickly. Satisfied, he released Kayla and took a small step backwards.

"Slave, to show your dedication to me you will not have an orgasm until I permit you. Is that clear?" Master David asked.

Kayla lowered her eyes to stare at the floor.

"Yes, Master," Kayla replied softly.

Kayla missed the mischievous grin on her Master's muzzle.

Master David returned his paws to Kayla's hips. He leaned forward and buried his muzzle deep into her cleavage. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, luxuriating in the scent of his beautiful otteress. He could feel the steady rising and falling of her chest beneath his nose. Briefly he turned his head and lay his right ear on her chest. Faintly he could hear her slow, steady heartbeat through her luxurious pelt.

Kayla felt Master David's muzzle open. Out shot his nimble tongue. He ran it up and down her cleavage repeatedly. His paws moved upward to the sides of her chest. His thumbs slid along the lower edge of her breasts and began to circumscribe small circles on the underside of them.

Kayla tried to shift in her bonds. Her Master was slowly but surely exciting her. She could feel her nipples harden fully. Worse, her Master saw her pink towers as well. His muzzle lifted out of her cleavage and settled on top of her left breast. He flicked the tip of his tongue over her nipple repeatedly. He spread out his attention to massage her entire breast with long, slow laps of his tongue, but he repeatedly returned to her erect nipple.

Kayla groaned through clenched teeth. She thought it had been bad when her Master had used his tongue on her feet, but the sensations he was causing in her bosom were far more intense and pleasurable. She clenched and unclenched her paws as he began dividing his attention between both her breasts. His long tongue played over her tits incessantly.

Master David shifted his paws to Kayla's breasts. He cupped them in his palms and pushed upward and inward. He brought Kayla's nipples close enough together that he could flick his tongue over both with a single motion. She let out a throaty groan of dismay as he began running his tongue in figure eights over her areolae and nipples while lightly kneading her breasts with his fingertips. He was driving her wild, and the night had barely begun. Despite her training at the Academy, she did not know how much more she could take,

Kayla took a deep breath and let it out in a quivering moan. She was trying hard to ignore what her Master was doing to her, but it felt too good. She looked around the dungeon. She tried to concentrate on the many instruments of pain and punishment scattered throughout the room to distract herself, but every time all she could think about was how each could be used on her boobs to pleasure her and that brought her right back to her present predicament.

Without warning Master David stopped and lifted his muzzle. He continued to play with her breasts with his paws. Kayla looked at her Master, and he gave her a truly wicked grin. Kayla's very audible swallow elicited a playful chuckle from her Master.

Master David dropped slowly to his knees. Kayla's slightly open cunt lips were positioned just above his eye level. He tilted his muzzle up slightly and placed his cool nose against the top of Kayla's slit. His paws cupped her ass cheeks and slid under her tail.

Master David glanced up and saw Kayla staring down the length of her naked body at him. He heard her scream in pure pleasure as his tongue snaked out of his muzzle and encircled her swollen clit. He could feel her body stiffen as he worked the tip of his tongue over her engorged organ repeatedly.

Kayla felt her Master's tongue slide along her pussy lips. Desperately she tried to pull away from his questing tongue, but she was far too securely bound to move more than a fraction of an inch. She could only thrash her feet and paws in a vain attempt to distract herself from the pleasurable waves coming from her crotch.

Master David adjusted his head slightly and slid three inches of his tongue into Kayla's wet pussy. He relished the flavor of her freely flowing juices. He thought she would lose control for a second when her body went rigid, but she managed to recover and by sheer force of will stop her orgasm. She was close, though. He could smell it in her musky scent and taste it in her juices.

Kayla barely stopped the first orgasm. Her Master had commanded her not to cum without his permission, but she was rapidly losing control of her body as it responded to the primal urges engendered by her Master's incessant penetrations. Only the thought of the no doubt severe punishment she would receive staved off the inevitable for the moment. Kayla knew she was a losing battle, though. It was only a matter of moments until she would cum.

Master David turned his attention back to Kayla's clitoris. She screamed and whipped her head back and forth, but there was no relief from the thrills running up her belly. Her Master was not satisfied to just use his tongue on her this time, though. His middle fingers snaked under her tail and began to massage the pink rose of her tail hole. As soon as she was relaxed, he thrust both deeply within her ass.

The combined assault on her most sensitive areas was too much for Kayla. Unable to stop her body, she instead chose to sink deep into her orgasm and revel in the sensations her Master was giving her. She filled the dungeon with her yells and screams of pleasure. She repeatedly urged her Master to continue harder and faster. Unexpectedly he responded and drove her to even greater pleasure as repeated orgasms shook her body.

Eventually Kayla felt the last of her orgasms subside. She hung limp on the X-frame. Her stupor was broken by the reappearance of her Master in front of her. His muzzle and lower jaw were drenched with her juices. She could even see copious amounts on his chest fur. She wondered what her punishment would be for so badly disobeying her Master. She could not look him in the face. She dropped her muzzle to her chest in shame.

"I'm sorry, Master. I will accept any punishment you deem appropriate for failing to obey your order," she said softly as she fought back tears of shame.

Master David brushed Kayla's long brown hair back from her face. He lifted her muzzle and unexpectedly kissed her deeply and passionately. She could taste her own cunt juices on his lips.

"Actually, Kayla, you did a lot better than anyone else has so far. I am most pleased with your performance," he quietly informed her.

Kayla's head lifted some, and she saw the soft smile on her Master's muzzle. Hesitantly she answered with a smile of her own and was rewarded with a radiant grin erupting on his face.

Master David leaned in close to her and whispered in her left ear, "As for a punishment, you may now lick my muzzle clean as the first part of it."

Kayla enthusiastically began licking her Master's muzzle. She could taste her juices mixed with his saliva. As she neared his mouth his tongue emerged and caressed hers. She temporarily shifted to French kissing her Master. His tongue moved over her muzzle and reciprocated as she bathed his face.

After twenty minutes Kayla's work was done. Her Master's muzzle was clean if still damp. She was thrilled to see the pleased grin on his muzzle. He had obviously enjoyed the experience as well. During his cleaning Master David's paws had roamed freely over her body. They played with her sensitive areas. Despite her worries, she was feeling aroused again.

Master David released Kayla from the X-frame. Her legs were wobbly from her bondage and sexual exercise, and he had to help her off the step. He took her over to a leather covered table. The table was about three feet wide and seven feet long. The top was even with her waist.

Master David assisted Kayla to sit on the table. The surface was well padded like fine furniture. From underneath the table Master David pulled out a thin metal cable. Using the clasp on the end, he secured Kayla to the table.

"Lay down, Slave," Master David instructed Kayla.

Obediently Kayla stretched out on the comfortable table. She lay on her back and examined herself in the ceiling mirrors. Her crotch and legs were dark from her own juices. Her pink nipples were still stiffly erect. She could even see her puffy labia and clit sticking up proudly above its hood.

What surprised Kayla was her own face. A contented smile played across her muzzle. She was about to be punished for disobeying her Master, and yet she was smiling like the proverbial cat that ate the canary. She repeatedly tried to school her features into a properly submissive look, but each time the smile returned. She was just having too much fun with this male wolf to not be happy.

Master David walked over to the lighting controls. The entire room was briefly thrown into darkness. Before Kayla's eyes could even start to adjust, eight powerful beams came on. They were focused on the table where she lay. Her body and the table surface were brightly illuminated, but she could not see more than six inches past the edge of the table.

Kayla heard Master David walking around in the darkness. She followed him with her ears. She could hear him picking up something from one of the shelves. She listened to him approach her.

Master David's voice come from the darkness near her head.

"Since you cannot contain yourself, I must find another way for you to demonstrate your dedication to me," Master David said in a severe tone of voice. "You will show your submission to me and willingness to please me by achieving a minimum of three orgasms in the next thirty minutes. This will also serve as additional punishment for failing to obey my orders before."

Two paws appeared from the darkness. In one was a one and a half inch diameter dildo about seven inches long. Its metal surface gleamed in the spotlights. In her Master's other paw was a smaller dildo, maybe five inches long and only an inch in diameter. It appeared to be made of pink silicone. Both had controls in their base. Kayla guessed correctly both dildos had heavy-duty vibrators.

Master David handed the dildos to Kayla and said, "Begin."

Use of a dildo to pleasure a Master or another slave and as a prop in a sex show for a Master were part of her training at the Academy. She was certain her Master knew this. The real problem would be to pace herself to take almost all of the thirty minutes while providing her Master with a show he would enjoy. As she wetted down the ends of the dildos with long, sensuous licks of her tongue, she planned her strategy.

Kayla checked the slack in her leash. As she had suspected, there was plenty for her to stand and move about on the table. Ready to begin in earnest now, Kayla stood up in the center of the table.

Kayla gave a final lick to both of the dildos. She withdrew them from her muzzle and placed the tips against each of her tits. She found the switches and turned on both vibrators. The vibrating dildos sent electric thrills through her hard nipples. She worked the tips of the dildos in small circles about her areolae. She lost track of her Master in the darkness beyond the spotlights, but she hoped he was getting a thrill watching her masturbate for him.

Kayla lowered the dildos down her front side. She began moving them about her navel and even sent the tips into the small depression. She raised herself up onto her tiptoes. The motion accentuated her legs. Her hips and tail began to sway back and forth, sensuously matching the circular motion of the dildos. From the darkness in front of her she heard a contented sigh. Inwardly she smiled. Her Master was enjoying himself.

Kayla spread her legs wide. Her hands moved downwards. She rubbed the tips and shafts of the dildos over the lips of her wide open cunt. Her juices began to flow again, and she coated the entire length of both dildos with them. Satisfied that they were slick enough, Kayla was ready to begin her first penetration.

In a single graceful motion, Kayla lowered herself down onto her knees and spread them wide. Her pussy was now a mere eight inches above the padded top of the table. She lifted her tail high in the air. Her right paw moved behind her and placed the tip of the smaller dildo against the pink rose of her anus. Her left paw guided the tip of the larger dildo to her pussy slit. She relaxed both sets of muscles in preparation for her next act.

Kayla held her position for five seconds, and then drove both dildos deep into her body simultaneously with a single hard thrust. She heard the small gasp of her watching Master as both of the hard shafts completely disappeared into her willing body.

Kayla groaned in pleasure as she felt the dildos slide into her. Answering grunts from the darkness assured her that her Master was also enjoying himself. She also heard the unmistakable sound of his paw sliding over his erect prick. Kayla smiled and began working the two dildos in and out of her body in tandem. Slowly at first, but with an increasing tempo, Kayla rammed the two dildos up into her body. She would hold them in her for a second, and then allow them to slowly slide back out.

Kayla carefully paced herself. Each time she thought she was coming close to an orgasm, she would slow her pace and allow the mounting waves of pleasure to sink back down. She wanted to take her time and drag out her Master's pleasure for as long as possible.

Five minutes into her performance she felt her Master's paws slide over her hips from behind and lightly caress her upper thighs. His muzzle suddenly lay against the middle of her back. He had moved so silently she had been unaware he had shifted to stand behind her to better enjoy the view of the dildo reaming her ass. Startled, she froze.

"Continue, Slave," Master David commanded Kayla in a stern voice.

Kayla quickly resumed thrusting the dildos deep within her. Her Master gently stroked the fur of her upper thighs.

Kayla suddenly felt greatly daring. She thrust both dildos deep within her and held them tight with her vaginal and anal muscles. Her paws moved over her Master's and guided them to her pussy slit and tail hole. She's spread his fingers so that his middle and forefingers fell on either side of the dildos. When she was satisfied with the position of her Master's paws, Kayla resumed thrusting the dildos forcefully in and out.

Master David began nibbling Kayla's back along as much of her spine as he could reach. The sharp points of his canines pricked her skin and sent pleasurable sensations running along her back.

Master David's fingers roamed over Kayla's hot cunt and stretched tail hole. Kayla moaned loudly as she felt her Master's thumb rub the nub of her clit. That was all that was needed to take her over the top. She gave a series of short, sharp otter barks as her first orgasm rocketed through her body.

Master David felt Kayla's body shiver beneath his questing paws. His left paw was soaked by the deluge of Kayla's cunt juices. His nostrils were filled with the scent of Kayla's sexual release. He grunted as his first release of the night took him as well. A stream of hot white jism arched onto the table and fell in front of Kayla. She felt her Master's paws withdraw. With the suppleness only an otter possesses, she bent forward and licked her Master's cum off the table top. The salty fluid tasted exceptionally good to her.

While Kayla cleaned the table, she shifted her body so that her still filled ass hole and pussy were presented to her Master's adoring eyes. He was treated to the sight of the two still furiously vibrating dildos rammed deep into her nether regions.

Master David disappeared back into the darkness beyond the lights. She pulled the dildos from her cunt and ass hole. She turned to her right and lay face down full-length on the table with her arms, legs and tail stretched out along the length of the table. She turned off the dildos and placed them at the end of the table. They pointed upwards like a pair of pleasure towers.

Before she could do anything further, Master David's paws appeared from the darkness. He used a small white cloth to clean and dry the two dildos.

"You wouldn't want this to be too easy, would you, Kayla?" her Master's rumbling voice asked with just a hint of laughter.

Kayla just smiled. There was plenty more juice from where that had come. She could already feel a slight stream dribbling down her cunt lips in anticipation of her next act.

Kayla lifted her tail slightly and lay it along the outside of her left leg. She slowly drew the tip of her tail upwards along the length of her leg until the base of her tail arched upward in a small loop just big enough for her paw to slip through. She slowly spread her legs wide until her feet hung over the edge of the table. She felt her Master's hip graze her right foot as he adjusted his position for the best view.

Kayla reached backwards and began to stroke the fur of her flanks and upper legs. She cupped her ass cheeks in her paws. She manipulated her tender flesh to show it off to her Master. Her paws moved from her flanks to the base of her tail. She arched her supple back and stroked as far down along the length of her tail as she could reach. She paid particular attention to the sensitive underside.

Kayla felt the warmth began to grow in her loins again. She shifted her paws further up her tail and placed her thumbs against the pink rose of her ass hole. Even though her muscles were already relaxed, she began to provocatively massage her tail hole. When it started to feel really good, Kayla began to slowly bob her tail up and down seductively. Each time she lifted her tail she gave her Master a tantalizing glimpse of her tail hole. She could hear his deep breathing coming from near her right foot grow quicker as she displayed herself to him. She smiled at his reaction.

Ready to get serious about pleasuring herself and her Master, Kayla lifted her tail up high to expose her assets to Master David. She took the two dildos and began to alternately drive them deep into her cunt. Satisfied they were well lubricated again, she left the larger one vibrating in her pussy and slid the tip of the smaller one down her slit to the center of her tail hole. She held it in her left paw and teased her anal opening with the just the quaking tip.

Kayla heard a contented sigh from her Master as she ever so slowly slid the entire length of the dildo into her waiting ass. She leisurely withdrew it completely. She repeatedly inserted and withdrew the dildo until it slid in with virtually no resistance.

While Kayla was starting to play with her ass hole, Master David had placed his left paw on her right ankle. As she worked the dildo in and out he slid it up her inner calf and began massaging her leg. Kayla just smiled at the pleasurable touch of her Master's strong paw on her leg.

Kayla pulled the second dildo from her wet pussy and without pausing jammed it up her ass. She heard Master David gasp in shock and grip her leg in surprise. Kayla had been working her muscles carefully and had no trouble taking the second hard shaft into her tail hole. She now lay before her Master with her tail held high and just the base of two vibrating dildos showing from her ass hole.

Kayla's paws moved back to her flanks and tail. She sensuously stroked her fur while making sure her Master had an excellent view of all that was going on. She could feel Master David's paw move up her leg until it was caressing her inner thigh.

After a couple of minutes Kayla turned her attention back to her cunt. Her fingers massaged her outer lips. A steady stream of fluid was now flowing over her labia and down her lower abdomen. The fur in her crotch was soaked. Ready, she grasped her pussy lips and pulled them wide to expose her tender pink flesh waiting just within.

Master David needed no second invitation. His paw moved up her thigh and over Kayla's paws. She felt first one and then two of his fingers slide into her steamy cunt. She let go of her pussy lips. Her pink flesh enveloped his fingers.

As a third finger penetrated her, Kayla placed her paws on the table underneath her shoulders. She pushed up and arched her back. Her tail curled around until it touched the center of her shoulder blades. She adjusted it so the tip lay along the back of her head.

Kayla spread her legs even further until her knees were on the edge of the table. As her Master slid a fourth finger into her pussy, Kayla felt her second orgasm begin. She cried out in pleasure as wave after delightful wave ran from her crotch and crashed over her body. Her Master never faltered as she filled the dungeon with her yips of pleasure. His thumb joined his four finger inside her cunt. She was completely filled.

Even Kayla was surprised at the intensity of her reaction to her orgasm. She had been brought off many times while at the Academy by instructors, guards, slaves and visitors. Some had been perfunctory. Some had been slow and careful. Some had even been cruel. None matched what Master David was doing to her now. Mechanically it was only good, but emotionally it left her drained but incredibly pleased.

Kayla sank back to the table. She was exhausted and breathing heavily, but she still had one more orgasm to go. Worse, she had lost track of time. Quickly she tried to figure out how many minutes had passed. Fifteen minutes? Twenty minutes? Could it be twenty-five minutes even? She was not sure, but she knew she had to make sure she finished in the next ten minutes, preferably sooner.

Kayla felt the two dildos pulled out of her ass by Master David. She could just make out the white towel in the darkness as he wiped them clean and deposited them back on the head of the table.

"Damn!" she thought to herself. Now she would have to either use them dry or take the time to lubricate them again.

Master David leaned forward and kissed Kayla on the forehead.

"You only have seven minutes left. You'd better stop goofing off and start getting off," he informed her.

Kayla breathed a small sigh of relief. Her Master had anticipated her needs. Seven minutes was not as much time as she wanted for the climax of her little show, but it was a target she could hit.

Kayla rolled over onto her back. She could feel the damp surface of the table where her pussy had leaked cunt juice. She did not have any time to take care of that now. It was time to show off some of the tricks she had been taught at the Academy that had earned her unexpectedly high marks in the Sexual Positions class.

Kayla drew her feet up so her heels touched the outer edges of her ass cheeks. She placed the soles of her feet flat against the table top. She placed her paws next to her shoulders with her palms on the table and her elbows pointing upwards. Her fingertips just grazed her shoulders. She pushed up with both her legs and arms. Her torso rose off the table, and her body formed a graceful arch high above it. She carefully worked her feet further apart until they were spread about two feet wide. She slid her tail underneath her body so her pussy and ass hole were fully exposed to her Master.

Kayla bent her neck back and lowered her shoulders until the top of her head was planted on the table top. Her hair and the padding on the table provided a comfortable support. She rested her weight on her head and grabbed the dildos in her paws again.

Kayla's pussy was already well lubricated and more than a bit open. She gritted her teeth, relaxed her vaginal muscles as quickly as possible and shoved both dildos into her waiting snatch. They slid in with some resistance but no pain. This time she left them off and concentrated on working them in and out of her wet cunt.

Kayla expected Master David to move around to the foot of the table. She was surprised to see his silhouette appear in the lights above her as he leaned down and began to caress her breasts. She groaned in pleasure as his fingers dug into her soft mounds. He bent down and began to nuzzle Kayla's belly button while continuing to massage her breasts.

Master David's position drew his hips up against the table. From her position Kayla had an upside down view of her Master's engorged cock. It was the first time she had gotten a good view of it while it was erect. He was very well endowed. She estimated his cock was a good twelve inches long and almost two inches in diameter. She could already see his knot at the base of his shaft starting to swell as well. It was a tool that could bring considerable pleasure to the otteress when the time came.

Master David's movements brought the tip of his dick near Kayla's muzzle. Without thinking she opened her mouth and grabbed his rampant tool with her tongue. It slid into her mouth, and she was sucking on it before she fully realized what she had done. She froze as she suddenly realized her impertinence, but Master David only moaned and worked her breasts harder.

Kayla split her attention between the two hard artificial shafts in her cunt and the hot canine shaft in her mouth. It was hard with the taste of her Master filling her mouth. His salty precum dribbled from the tip of his prick and down her waiting throat as she furiously ran her tongue over his shaft. To her it was pure ambrosia.

Master David's tongue snaked out of his muzzle and began to play across the taut flesh of her tummy. He stopped kneading her breasts and instead took her erect nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, He gently twirled them between his fingers. Kayla's body went rigid as electric jolts ran through her entire front side. She had to stop sucking off Master David and open her mouth to breathe because of the intense sensations.

Master David raised his muzzle and looked down the length of Kayla's arched body at her face. Almost indifferently he informed her, "One minute left, Slave." Only the big smile on his muzzle showed his true feelings.

Kayla turned on the dildos. She ran them in and out of her cunt in quick, short, sharp thrusts. She clamped her lips down hard on her Master's cock and licked and sucked for all she was worth. Master David resumed giving her stomach a long, slow tongue bath.

The sensations from her mouth, breasts, stomach and pussy did the trick. In seconds she was coming so hard her body shook violently. She jammed the dildos up her cunny and twisted them back and forth to help prolong her ecstasy.

Master David reared back and arched his back. Suddenly a torrent of hot jism erupted in Kayla's mouth. She swallowed it down as quickly as she could, but soon her lips and muzzle were coated with white goo. She did not mind, though. She just kept sucking on her Master's dick while it slowly wilted in her mouth. She followed it with her tongue as it slid back into her Master's sheath. Still not satisfied, she licked his cum from his sheath and her face.

Kayla collapsed on the table, spent from her exertions of the prior half hour. Master David bent over her. He was grasping the sides of the table and breathing hard from his own orgasm. What Kayla could not see in his outline was the broad satisfied smile on his muzzle as he looked down at his drained slave or the adoration in his eyes.

Master David leaned down and, ignoring the remains of his cum on her lips, kissed Kayla full on the mouth. She sighed contentedly. She was content. Her Master was pleased with her.

Kayla rolled over onto her belly. She lay there breathing hard and recovering her strength as Master David stood above her. His right paw reached out. He ran the very tip of his right forefinger down the length of her spine. She arched her back in pleasure as the edge of his fingernail trailed along her skin. Her mouth curved up into a smile.

Master David continued to stroke her back. Kayla folded her arms underneath her head and lay her head down on her right side. She watched her Master as he stood beside her on her left. his cock was sheathed again, but a stray thought crossed her mind that it would be easy to correct that.

Kayla almost laughed out loud. She was getting as bad as Marla, Zassa and Trouble! She, who had hated the Academy and the forced sex, now was actively thinking of seducing her Master for her own pleasure. It was a far cry from her former, timid self. And yet it felt right with this male.

Valentia had been right. Kayla was very glad she had shed her inhibitions and chosen to submit herself to Master David

Master David leaned in and nibbled Kayla just behind her left ear. She giggled a bit, but she also turned her head to allow him easier access to her ear. He responded by taking it into his mouth and licking it. Kayla's giggles turned to full laughter.

Master David ceased toying with Kayla's ear. She closed her eyes and sighed. He continued running his fingers down her back.

"Kayla," Master David whispered into her left ear, "you certainly took your time this evening finishing your assignment. Did you know your last orgasm took you well past thirty minutes?"

Kayla felt a growing coldness in her belly

Master David nibbled her ear some more before continuing.

"And there was that little bit where you moved my paws without my allowing you to do so. And, of course, there was that little bit where you tricked me into frigging you off. Don't think I missed that little ploy of yours.

"I imagine at the Academy an instructor would do something really degrading and painful to correct your 'errors', Kayla. Don't you?"

Kayla froze. She was in deep trouble if her Master chose to take her to task, and they both knew it.

"Yes, Master David," Kayla replied contritely. She was trying to concentrate on his words and her potential danger, but his tongue was snaking into her ears and causing some incredibly good sensations that made it hard to think of anything else with the possible exception of playing with the wolf cock sheathed a few inches from her muzzle.

"And yet," Master David continued, "you did these things. Why?"

Kayla took a deep breath. She remembered hanging on the X-frame and seeing the love and affection in her Master's eyes. She had to trust that she was right and that he did in fact want her.

"I did it because I wanted to give you as much pleasure as possible, Master," Kayla told him.

"And that is why you took so much time getting off instead of finishing your task in the first five minutes?"

"Yes, Master," she quietly replied.

Master David's arms moved to encircle Kayla's body. For several seconds he got very serious about licking both the inside and outside of both of her ears. She involuntarily squealed in pleasure.

Kayla suddenly found herself flipped over onto her back. Master David pressed his muzzle hard against hers and drove her head back into the soft padding of the table top. Languidly he French kissed her, driving his tongue deep into her waiting mouth. She responded with passionate licks of her own. An irreverent thought crossed her mind that is this was Master David's idea of punishment and humiliation she should get punished more often.

Master David broke his lip lock on Kayla. She could just make out the open muzzle grin on his muzzle against the hard back lighting.

"Kayla, thank you. I had a most enjoyable time watching you."

Kayla's body sagged. She had guessed correctly what her Master wished.

Master David removed the lead from Kayla's collar. He raised his muzzle and said loudly, "Lights!"

The lighting control responded to his voice command and turned on all the lights. Master David reached under Kayla and effortlessly picked her up in his arms. He slid his muzzle under hers and forced her to look him in the face.

"I am glad we are not at the Academy, Kayla, because I doubt I could do this if we were," Master David said just before he passionately kissed her again. Kayla could feel her body melting from the heat of his amorousness.

Master David carried Kayla back to the Master bedroom and lay her down on the bed. He adjusted the lights to low and left the room for several minutes. He returned with a platter of food, a bottle of champagne, and two glasses. He uncorked the champagne, filled the glasses, and presented one to her.

"To our future together, Kayla," Master David said as he clinked his glass against hers. She ducked her muzzle, but she had to grin at his toast and the promise it held for them both.

Later after eating they lay on the bed facing each other making small talk. Occasionally Master David's left paw would reach out and roam over Kayla's right side and front. She would smile when he did this.

Kayla was getting steadily more distracted as they lay talking. She kept glancing down the front of her Master's body to his sheath. As his paw roamed over her body more frequently, she could see the pink tip of his prick begin to emerge from its hiding place. It brought erotic thoughts to her mind. Tonight sexually she was far from satiated. The food and the presence of her handsome Master laying a few inches from her body had energized her. He had not punished her for taking the lead before. She doubted he would not do so now.

Kayla took the empty champagne glass from her Master's paw and placed it on the headboard. He raised an eyebrow in question, but before he could say anything Kayla pushed him over onto his back with her right paw. She got up and straddled her Master's waist as he lay face-up on the bed. Kayla placed her paws on his chest and leaned forward.

"Master, a proper slave should submit not only her mouth but her vagina and anus to her Master's penis. I have done neither... Yet." Kayla said in a low, throaty voice filled with sexual promises.

Any lingering anxiety Kayla had was dispelled by her Master's broad grin. Kayla leaned down. Her long brown hair fell about her Master's head and onto the pillow as she began to kiss him. Her muzzle roved all over his face depositing a long series of kisses before settling on the tip of his muzzle. She slid the tip of her tongue between his lips and gently pried them apart. His muzzle opened. Kayla's tongue drove into Master David's mouth. Their tongues intertwined in a passionate French kiss.

Master David lay back on the bed enjoying his slave's attentions. Kayla was relaxed and seemed to be happy serving him in this manner. As he had hoped from the first time he had seen her, she was completely and totally his slave. Better yet, she had given herself to him freely and appeared to be enjoying the night at least as much as him. He let his paws roam over her back and sides. Occasionally they would slide around to Kayla's breasts and gently play with them. When he did Kayla would moan into his muzzle.

Kayla turned her head so her muzzle was perpendicular to her Master's. Their muzzles locked together. Kayla could feel Master David's long tongue move deep into her mouth. She reciprocated using the best techniques the Academy had taught her. Master David's muffled groans assured her of the success of her work.

Kayla lifted up her lower torso. She slid downward along the length of her Master's body until her pussy came even with her Master's now semi-rigid cock. She relaxed her vaginal muscles and lowered her body. Her cunt slid over her Master's cock like a tight fitting glove.

Kayla lifted her muzzle. She looked down at her waiting Master.

"Remember the things I did with the balls the night before you rescued me?" she asked him.

Master David hesitantly nodded his head yes.

"Now I'm going to show you what I can do with a willing male's cock!" she told him in a sultry voice.

Kayla began to rhythmically contract her vaginal muscles. The whites of Master David's eyes showed as a look of total astonishment covered his face. He had to raise his head and look down at his dick buried in Kayla to assure himself what he felt was truly happening. Her inner pussy was caressing and sucking his throbbing prick to full hardness. He had never experienced anything like this before!

Master David gave Kayla a big toothy grin. His tongue lolled out one side of his mouth. He raised his paws and played with her tits while she continued to work over his rapidly hardening cock. He began to wriggle and groan beneath his beautiful otteress as she brought him to the edge of orgasm and then left him hanging repeatedly.

Kayla shifted her paws to his chest and ran her fingers through his heavy chest fur. He moved his paws down to her flanks and quietly lay beneath her watching Kayla.

Kayla shook her head to clear her hair away from her eyes. The sight of her Master beneath her brought a tender smile to her muzzle. Master David saw it and affectionately smiled back at her. Shyly Kayla dropped her gaze, but after a moment she raised her eyes back up to Master David's face. She smiled broadly at him and bent down to give him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose.

Kayla waited for Master David's knot to swell completely. When he was fully hard, she slid her pussy down to his knot.

"Kayla, you don't-" Master David began.

Kayla ignored her Master and relaxed her muscles fully. As easily as she would pick up a pool ball, she engulfed his knot with her pussy. Once it was fully enveloped, she clamped down hard on it. She was rewarded by a sudden yell from her Master and a flood of hot cum erupting into her pussy as her Master came.

They lay locked together at the genitals for thirty minutes. Every time Master David thought he was done Kayla would work him back up to another orgasm using nothing but her pussy muscles. The room was filled with their groans and moans of mutual sexual pleasure. At times they would slow the tempo to almost a stop to recover their strength. Other times they moved hard and fast against each other. Each time they culminated in mutual orgasms.

Master David repaid Kayla well for her work. He continually licked and nuzzled her breasts. He paid special attention to her hard nipples. His tongue drove her wild as he systematically worked over both nipples. His paws roamed freely over her body, concentrating on her flanks, breasts and tail. She enjoyed the feeling of his strong, warm paws stroking and caressing her body.

Kayla used Master David's knot to her advantage. She was firmly tied to him, so she could not only draw him deeper into her but also push outward against his hard cock. Pushing against him as he thrust brought some very pleasurable friction to both of them and a pleasant alternative for Kayla to her normal routine of pulling males deeper into her cunny.

Eventually Master David was spent. His cock slowly shrank back down and disappeared into his sheath. Kayla collapsed onto her Master. Her body was drenched in sweat from the combined physical exertion and multiple orgasms. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She could feel a stream of jism flow from her pussy and down onto her Master and the bed.

Kayla lay with her head on her Master's chest for several minutes. Both were breathing hard from their exertions. Master David recovered a little quicker than Kayla. He started nuzzling her left ear.

Kayla laughingly asked him, "Ready to go again already, Master?"

Master David laughed with her.

Kayla rolled off her Master and over onto her back. She stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before asking him, "Would Master like a bath now?"

Master David replied, "I think both of us and the bed could use one."

Kayla started to crawl over Master David and head for the bathroom. Master David gave her a playful slap on her rump.

"Off with you now, Slave, and draw your Master's bath!" he teasingly ordered her in a imperious tone. She glanced at him and saw his laughing face. She grinned back, and he winked at her.

Kayla got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. She paused at the door and looked back over her left shoulder. She gave him a toothy grin and a saucy wink before disappearing through the door.

Master David watched her go and could not help but think how lucky he was to have found her. He slid out of the bed as well and went to the bar. He quickly prepared a tray of sushi from the food stored in the refrigerator. He also picked up a small bottle of one hundred year old white wine, a corkscrew and two glasses. Ready for his bath, Master David went into the bathroom with the food.

Kayla knelt on the white tile floor beside the large marble whirlpool bath with her head bowed, her tail laying on the floor, knees spread wide and her wrists crossed behind her back just above her tail. She was wearing a perfectly neutral expression as befitted a lowly slave. She had drawn a warm bath and turned on the heater but not the whirlpool jets.

Kayla stared at the floor and meekly asked, "May this humble slave now serve her Master by assisting him with his bath?"

Master David placed his tray on the shelf of the tub. He slid into the water. He crooked his forefinger and wordlessly summoned Kayla to him.

Kayla smiled and got up off the floor. She slid into the bathtub and swam across to her Master. She took the jar of fur shampoo from the shelf and applied a liberal amount to her paws. She worked it into Master David's chest fur as he lay back and enjoyed her paws running over his chest and through his pelt. She worked over his entire body leaving none of his fur uncleaned. He had to sit very still and think of work intently as she gently cleaned the outside of his sheath to stop from flipping her over and grinding her ass into the tub.

When Kayla was done she started to sit down beside her Master but he stopped her.

"Not yet. You need a good cleaning as well," Master David told Kayla.

Kayla stood up in the center of the bath tub. The warm soapy water came up above her knees. She took the bottle of fur shampoo and slowly drizzled a thin stream over her breasts. She gave him another wink before starting to work the shampoo into a lather. She arched her back and moaned as she worked the shampoo into her breast fur. her paws travelled down across her taut stomach and between her legs. She openly masturbated for her Master, working her fingers deep into her pussy.

Master David lay back and placed his arms along the lip of the tub as he watched his slave perform again for him. He smiled as she suddenly gave a series of short otter barks as she came again.

Kayla turned and began lathering her flanks. She worked along her tail from the base to the very tip, lifting it high in the air to give her Master a full view of her pink tail hole.

Master David stood up and took the shampoo bottle from Kayla. He applied a liberal dose to his paws and worked it into her back and shoulder fur. Kayla paws went back to her cunt and continued to work the shampoo deeper into her pubic hair. Her fingers kept straying downward to her cunt. Master David placed his muzzle on her right shoulder and watched as she played with herself more.

Just as she was ready to reach a second orgasm, Kayla felt herself lifted by her Master. He dunked her in the water. She surfaced, and he moved in. Kayla found herself pinned against one of the seats with her Master laying astride her between her widely spread legs. He leaned forward and planted a small kiss upon the tip of her nose.

"Hungry?" he asked her.

"For my Master? Always!" she replied.

Master David laughed. He took a piece of fish from the tray and held it above Kayla's muzzle.

"Actually, I was talking about having some fish. Later..." he told her just before placing another quick kiss upon her lips.

Master David turned on the whirlpool jets. The surface foamed. Together Master David and Kayla sat on a bench in the whirlpool. They snuggled close and shared the food and wine, often taking both from the other's muzzle.

The water and jets reinvigorated both furs. After the food was done and the wine bottle emptied, Kayla stood up and got into the fur drier. Master David gave her a quizzical look.

"The bed linens are sopping wet, Master. Please give this slave a few minutes while you get dried to replace them before we go to bed," she told him.

Master David settled back down into the tub. For some reason he felt uneasy, but the warm water felt good, and he was in no mood to argue with Kayla. Still, there seemed to be just a hint of coyness in her tone...

As soon as her fur was dry Kayla raced back into the bedroom. She tore off the bed linens and tossed them into the clothes hamper. She removed the special linens she had hidden in the dresser earlier that day. They were another gift from Valentia.

Kayla tucked the red satin fitted sheet onto the mattress. Red satin pillow cases with frilly white ruffles and heart designs went over the four pillows on the bed. She took an atomizer and sprayed a small amount of her Master's favorite perfume for her onto the sheets and pillows. A final spray deposited a small amount into her cleavage. Kayla quickly adjusted the lighting so the room except for the bed was dark. The bed she left softly lit as if it were surrounded by candles.

Satisfied with the effect she had achieved, Kayla slid onto the bed. She heard the fur drier running again. Kayla positioned herself on her knees and elbows in the center of the bed. She curled her supple body into a C-shape with both her tail and muzzle pointing towards the bathroom door. She lifted her tail slightly to expose her hidden assets and waited for her Master.

Kayla saw the silhouette of Master David pause in the doorway to the bathroom. She lifted her tail and started to sway it back and forth in the air seductively.

"Master, there is still one entrance to my body you haven't used tonight," she playfully informed him.

Master David took in the erotic linens and the romantic lighting. Dead center in all of it was his beautiful otteress. He had assumed after everything else that had happened tonight she would be too tired to do anything else, but here she was inviting him to anally rape her. He had no intention of disappointing her.

Master David moved to the edge of the bed.

"Slave, you are taking quite a few liberties tonight. I think it's time to remind you who the Master is and who the slave is!"

Kayla was momentarily stunned by her Master's words, but when he leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss she saw his contented smile. He raised his muzzle and whispered in her ear, "Remember that your safe word is 'Rex' and don't be afraid to use it."

Kayla whispered back, "Why would I ever need a safe word with you as my Master?"

Master David was warmed by her confidence in him. He gave her another kiss, this time sliding his tongue into Kayla's mouth to brush her tongue tip. He stood back up and assumed the role of imperious Master.

"I want you on your paws and knees, head towards the head board, tail up in the air!" he commanded Kayla.

Kayla quickly shifted to the position her Master desired. He grabbed two of the pillows and placed them underneath her breasts.

"Drop to the mattress, grab the pillows and hug them to your chest, Slave!"

Kayla lowered her upper torso to the mattress. She placed her shoulders and lower jaw on the red satin sheet. Her arms wrapped around the pillows. Her ass was now raised high in the air, awaiting her Master's pleasure.

Kayla saw Master David open a drawer in the night stand beside the bed. She turned her head to see what he was doing. Master David frowned at her and tapped her muzzle with a tube of lubricant he had gotten out of the night stand.

"Muzzle and eyes forward, Slave!" he chastised her.

Kayla quickly resumed her position but watched her Master in the conveniently placed mirror.

Master David climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of Kayla's muzzle. Without a word he pointed to his still sheathed cock.

Kayla raised her head up and began to lick his outer sheath. She could taste her Master's salty precum juice as the tip of her tongue trailed over his slit. She worked him very slowly, drawing out his pleasure as she manipulated him to full hardness with long, slow licks of her tongue. She used every trick she had been taught at the Academy to slow his arousal, differing her pace and yet remaining agonizingly slow in her work even as he panted in near frustration.

It took nearly ten minutes for Master David to achieve a full erection. He was drenched in sweat again. Now it was his turn to reciprocate

Master David gently pushed Kayla's muzzle back down onto the bed. He picked up the tube of lubricant from beside her head and moved around to kneel behind Kayla. She eagerly raised her tail and displayed her pussy and ass hole to her Master.

Master David applied a generous amount of lubricant to his erection and used his paws to coat his member thoroughly. Next he used his left paw to push Kayla's tail as far forward as he could. She helped by arching her back. Her tail hole was raised high in the air, exposed and waiting her Master's penetration.

Master David drizzled a small amount of lubricant onto Kayla's pink anus. She sighed as the warm fluid coated her anus. Master David lay the tube down on the bed. He used his right forefinger to gently massage Kayla's anal muscles and work the lubricant into her anus.

Master David felt Kayla's muscles relax underneath his finger, but he did not penetrate her. Instead he continued his small circular motion for several minutes. He paused several times to add more lubricant. He felt Kayla shift restlessly as she anxiously waited for his fingers to penetrate her tail hole. She shook her ass and tail to encourage him to proceed. He picked up the tube of lubricant and swatted her on the left flank with it. It made a satisfying sound while causing no pain.

"Be still, Slave!" he ordered her.

Kayla stopped her nervous movements, but her breathing was becoming steadily more labored as her Master's gentle touch excited her. She almost screamed out in joy as she felt his finger finally slide into her rectum. She closed her eyes and concentrated on relaxing her anal muscles so he could achieve maximum penetration as quickly as possible, but he stopped as soon as the tip of his middle finger was in her. She remained still for several seconds, hoping her Master would continue, but nothing happened. She clenched her ass cheeks a couple of times, but still nothing happened. Finally she wiggled her hips slightly in the hopes of enticing him to proceed.

Master David knelt watching and feeling Kayla's attempts to get his finger moving again. She could not see the big grin on his muzzle as she tried different tacks to get him to pleasure her. After playing for her for a minute in this manner he relented and slid his finger completely into her. She responded with a cry of pleasure. He could feel her muscles contract repeatedly around his intruding digit.

Master David withdrew his finger and applied more lubricant. As he slid his finger in and out of Kayla's tail hole, he could hear her panting hard and feel her body shake as an orgasm took her. He smiled and covered a second finger with lubricant. Soon it joined his first finger in coating the inside of Kayla's rectum. From the circular motions Kayla's butt and tail were making, he gathered she did not mind the additional intruder.

Master David pulled out his fingers until just the tip of his middle finer remained resting against Kayla's anus. She whimpered softly in complaint at the cessation of the pleasurable intrusion into her tail hole. He coated the three center fingers of his right paw with a generous amount of lubricant. He pushed firmly against Kayla's anus, All three fingers slid into her tail hole easily. Kayla gave a sharp yip of pleasure. Master David began to rotate his fingers in Kayla's ass. As he felt her muscles relax again, he slowly spread his fingers, pulling her anus ever further open.

Kayla lay panting on the mattress. Her entire being was centered on the sensations running from her tail hole up her spine and directly into her brain's pleasure centers. She had yet another orgasm as her Master spread her anus wide. The cessation of pleasure when he removed his fingers was almost painful. It took all of her training and conditioning to stop her from raising up off the bed and turning around to demand he continue.

Kayla did not have long to wait for the pleasure to resume. Master David slid his knees forward until they were even with the inside of hers. He placed his paws on her ass cheeks with his thumbs even with her tail hole. He pulled her ass cheeks even further open in preparation for mounting Kayla.

Master David lifted his pelvis and positioned the tip of his prick against Kayla's open tail hole. He slowly slid inch after inch deep into her ass. Kayla filled the bedroom with her moans and pleas that her Master hurry, but he refused and instead forced her to wait for him to hilt his cock in her.

Master David's balls finally brushed against Kayla's thighs. She lay breathing hard beneath him. He paused for several seconds before beginning to withdraw from her ass as slowly as he had entered.

Master David continued to torture Kayla with his slow thrusting for several minutes. She tried everything she could think of to speed him up so she could get off again, but like the finest of the Academy studs he refused to alter his tempo. She was nearly brought to tears of frustration by him.

Master David paused with his cock buried deep in Kayla's butt and went down to his paws and knees. He nuzzled the back of Kayla's neck. She lifted her head and turned her head to the right to look at him. He was grinning down at her wickedly.

"Ready now, Slave?" he casually inquired.

Kayla opened her muzzle to reply, but before she could Master David grabbed the back of her neck in his powerful jaws and forced her head back around. He continued to grip the base of her neck in his razor sharp teeth as he started ramming his cock in and out of her with strong, powerful thrusts.

Master David became the dominant alpha male slave owner. He used her ass to take his pleasure from Kayla without thought of her pleasure or desires. She was forced to lay motionless underneath him, pinned to the bed by his jaws and weight.

Kayla was loving every moment of it.

Soon her Master's knot swelled. She felt it catching on her anal ring as Master David continued to drive his dick in and out of her. She cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he drove it past her tail hole a final time before they became tied together again.

Kayla lay panting as torrents of cum filled her ass. Each deluge was answered by a stream of her own juices as she experienced orgasm after orgasm of her own. They lay tied together by her Master's knot for almost forty-five minutes. He nibbled the back of her head and shoulders. He drove his tongue deep into both of her ears. At one point he turned her head and forced her to French kiss him more. Kayla responded enthusiastically each time to her Master's demands.

Kayla cried out in pleasure as Master David worked the fingers of his left paw deep into her soaking cunt. She could feel him press hard against the back wall of her vagina. He pressed her flesh between his paw and hard shaft. He continued even deeper into her cunt until he finally found her G-spot. Her hips bucked involuntarily as he ran the tips of two of his fingers over her sensitive region. His wrist was soaked with another deluge of juices as she came again.

When his knot finally shrank, Master David did not withdraw. Instead he rolled both of them over onto their right sides but remained buried in her butt. He stroked her hair, shoulder and face with his left paw. Both were at the limits of exhaustion from their night's sexual escapades, but neither wanted the moment to end.

Kayla tried her best to keep her Master's prick trapped within her. She clamped down with her anal muscles and held his shaft tight for several more minutes. Eventually, though, it returned to her Master's sheath.

Kayla and Master David lay on the bed quietly conversing for several more minutes. Neither had the energy left to get up and clean up in the bathroom. Instead Master David grabbed the pillows and placed them under their heads.

Kayla fell asleep that night with her Master's arms wrapped about her and his muzzle gently resting on her left shoulder. The warmth of his body pressed against hers was comforting. As she drifted off into dreamland, Kayla fantasized about the many days and nights she and Master David would spend together in sexual debauchery. Before she had been kidnapped she would never had entertained a single thought now running through her mind. At the Academy she would have cringed at such a future even as the instructors forced her body to comply to their will. Now, though, it seemed so right to give all of her body, mind and soul to the male that gently held her in his arms.

With her last waking thought Kayla realized she had found her soulmate in Master David.

Kayla Chapter 3 - Charity Ball

# Kayla ## Chapter 3: Charity Ball ### S.M. Wolf * * * _Copyright 2002, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. Based on characters and situations created by [Kittiara](%5C). All rights reserved by the author. Jennifer Childs, Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, and...

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# Serf ## S.M. Wolf * * * Stella, Lord William and the story copyright 2002 S.M. Wolf. Any resemblence to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. The story may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission of the...

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Kayla: Chapter Two - Punished

# Kayla ## Chapter 2: Punished ### S.M. Wolf * * * _Copyright copyright 2002, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. Based on characters and situations created by [Kittiara](%5C). All rights reserved by the author. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, and Mike copyright...

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