Valentines With The Sun

Story by Arcane Reno on SoFurry

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Author's note:  Wow, I really don't know how I manage...

_ *Author's note: * Wow_, I really don't know how I managed to grind this story out in two days, but here it is, just in time for the big day. This is my first time writing Yiff, so please be gentle! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. For those of you who wish to skip the story and go straight to the sex, I've seperated the scene with a bold line. So you can just scroll straight down and get right to fapping if you wish. However, I do hope you will take the time and appreciate the build up. Now for the usual legal stuff...

WARNING!! This story contains consensual heterosexual sex between two consenting, non-anthropomorphic (OMG) beings! If you are under 18, or in some places, 21, it is illegal for you to view this content! It will cause your eyes to fall out of your head and your brains to ooze out onto your computer. So flee children! Flee! If you are in any way offended by this material, but are old enough to read it... too bad. If you don't like what you see in the tags, don't read. And what the heck are you doing on THIS website anyways?

Okami is a trademark of Capcom.

Now, on to the Storeh!

S** omewhere** to the East of Kamiki village, a chill wind rose up over the water. The breeze swirled up and over the rolling breakers, tossing seagulls to and fro in its wake. It passed over Oni island, sweeping the empty plateau that had once been the domain of the feared Ninetailed demon. Onward it blew, rustling the straw roofs of the fishermen of Ryoshima coast. Picking up momentum, the wind whipped over the mountain passes, sweeping down through Kamiki village.

Its passage knocked over a laundry line, and caused the village elder to draw his clothing tighter around him with a shiver. A few stray cherry blossoms joined the wind from the Konohana guardian tree, Sakuya the wood sprite watching them go with a worried frown for the odd wind. Onward it blew, shifting slightly towards the far north of the ancient land of Nippon.

The sky grew darker along the wind's path, ominous clouds roiling overhead. The wind was now pushing its way through falling snow, rising to a shriek as it shoved the crystals of ice aside for its passage. The swirling wind finally came upon an odd bowl shaped valley in the icy mountains. It howled as the terrain forced it downward, swirling around and billowing out the sails of an ancient looking ship of odd construction that floated above the valley.

The frigid tempest almost knocked over a white wolf that was standing in the valley, gazing up at the ship. It flattened her snowy fur against her body, causing an involuntary shudder at the sudden chill. Her companion, another wolf with bluish grey fur, raised his head and sniffed the air as the wind shrieked past them. "This is a foul sign Amaterasu. That wind carried upon it the stench of death."

"Ya think so Samickle!" Issun proclaimed as he pulled himself up from where he had been gripping Ammy's ear. "That just about made me a Ponclesicle!"

The old wolf sighed, shaking his head at the feisty Poncle. "There are many stories in the Oina tribe about what would happen if this evil were to ever be released. All the stories carry a common theme, that there would be a chance of salvation. However, I also know that this trial will be far more difficult then any of the others you have faced before."

Amaterasu nodded gravely at this statement. The ancient sailing ship hovering above them held an ominous air about it like none other she had felt before.

"Before you enter the demon stronghold Amaterasu, there is one last thing I believe you should do," said Samickle. "Time is growing short, but I believe that any help we can garner at this point will be sorely needed. Hidden in our village is a forgotten shrine. There is very little known about it, which is why most of the villagers don't even know it exists. The knowledge of it is passed down to the elders and leaders of the village, to ensure that all measures can be taken should this dark day ever arrive. The shrine claims that in an hour of darkest need, the one who would smite evil must pray for help at the shrine. Then, the gods will hear the prayer of the warrior and take a hand in the fight against evil."

"What!" Shouted Issun. "You wait to tell us this NOW!? Ya old furball! We could've used that info ages ago!"

Samickle growled at the Poncle's outburst. "You should remember whom you are speaking to Poncle. Had I truly believed it would help, I would have spoken of it earlier. However, I put very little stock into these ancient legends of gods. When you two defeated the demons Lechku and Nechku, I thought our troubles were over. Now though..." he trailed off, gazing into the swirling snow. "Now, I think any chance we have is one we have to take. Even if it will do nothing as it probably will."

Amaterasu stood up and barked, shaking the accumulated snow out of her fur.

"Yeah, that's right Ammy!" said Issun. "Take us to this shrine Mr. village leader!"

Samickle gazed up at the floating ship for another moment, before turning around towards the village path and saying, "Right, follow me."

Amaterasu poked a paw through the light crust of snow covering the entrance to the cave. The thin layer crumbled away easily, the entire covering collapsing into a lump at the mouth of the shrine. Turning, she looked back at Samickle with a question in her eyes.

"Yes, this is indeed the place," he said. "As I said, the only ones who know it are myself and elder Kemu. We do not come here often."

Amaterasu nodded, turning back to the dark entrance.

"You must enter alone, for the shrine claims that only the warrior can beseech the help of the gods." Samickle said.

"What about me?" Issun asked, bouncing on Amaterasu's head.

"You are Amaterasu's trusted companion. I believe you should enter as well." The gray wolf replied. "I will await you here."

Giving another nod of understanding, the white wolf stepped forward into the blackness.

The inside the shrine was as black as pitch. It's a good thing I have the light from my divine instruments Amaterasu thought. Even my wolf's eyes wouldn't be able to see a thing in here. She padded deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless shrine, following several twists of the increasingly narrow passage. "Hey Ammy, good thing you aren't afraid of the dark Eh?" said Issun from his place on her neck.

She gave a bark in reply, thinking to herself, Poor Issun, being back in his homeland must be difficult for him. I hope he has the strength to stand with me through these final trials.

Abruptly, the passage widened into a medium sized cavern. The crackling light from her Thunder Edge glaive just enough to get an impression of the area. A small puddle formed on the floor by the entrance, dripping down from a stalactite. Stepping further into the cavern, the far wall slowly came into view, the light from her weapon suddenly fragmenting into a million streams, lighting the cavern quite effectively.

"Wow! Look at that Ammy!" Issun said, pointing.

The far wall of the cave was a myriad of crystalline formations. The faceted surfaces gathered in the light and bounced it around the cave. How beautiful. She thought, gazing at the many hued crystals. In front of the wall was a small shrine with Kanji lettering on it.

"Let's check this out furball," Issun said, bouncing to the floor and up to the shrine.

She padded forward, the light shifting and sparkling crazily as she moved. The characters upon the sign began with the phrase: Shrine of the Unknown God. Above the letters, a small gemstone was set in the top of the tablet.

"It pretty much just says what old Samickle told us," Issun said. "So get going furball! Start praying to the god!"

Not really entirely sure what to do, Amaterasu moved right up to the shrine. I sincerely hope that this wasn't a waste of time, that our prayers will not fall on deaf ears. She thought. She pressed her nose to the gemstone embedded in the rock, closed her eyes and barked three times. Please, however you can, help us!

Shawn sat up in bed, drenched in sweat. The odd dream he had been having was so surreal, yet seemed important somehow. He could still here the echoing female voice in his head. "Please, however you can, help us!" On odd pain in his hand caused him to look down at his clenched fist. Opening his fingers revealed his wolf fang talisman lightly breaking the skin of his palm. "Damn!" he exclaimed, yanking it out with a small trail of blood. "What the hell? When did I even take that out?"

He stumbled into the bathroom to wash his wound and get a band-aid. Looking at himself in the mirror, he thought again of the vivid dream. Why the heck was I holding my wolf necklace? He thought. I know I had it in my storage pocket when I went to sleep. Am I losing it? Looking down at the transformation talisman, the young wizard shrugged to himself, and slipped it around his neck. I might as well wear it, besides, Shelly thought it was cool, he thought as he got himself ready for the day.

Shawn had very little to do right now. He wasn't currently on duty at the DBW headquarters, and he hadn't had any normal wizarding assignments for a couple weeks now. He had tried calling up his friend Shelly to see if she wanted to hang out, or get together for Valentines, but she was apparently visiting her grandparents for the entire weekend.

He felt quite disappointed at this, as Valentines day had been a very hard time these last few years following his former lover Nina's death. Now he could only look forward to spending the holiday by himself once again. Shawn decided to spend his time just wandering around the mall, shopping for a few upcoming birthdays. He wandered somewhat aimlessly, unable to forget his odd dream.

He began to feel an odd tugging. As if there where somewhere else that he was supposed to be. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, pulling his inner self towards an unknown destination. In addition, a strange tingling, itching sensation began to spread through is skin. As if it were no longer the skin he was supposed to have. This is getting too weird, I'd better get home. He thought.

Arriving at his apartment, Shawn immediately jumped into the shower again, scrubbing vigorously at his skin. The bizarre itching only got worse. Shutting off the water with a sigh, Shawn towelled himself off, gazing at his brown haired blue eyed reflection. What is happening to me? He thought. Going into his living room, he flicked on the TV as a distraction. Not even the 3543 channels of mindless entertainment from across the galaxy could completely distract him though.

After a couple hours of watching, the wolf talisman around his neck began to tingle as well, spreading an odd cool sensation through his chest. "Now what!?" Shawn exclaimed, pulling the necklace over his head. As soon as he did so, rather than stopping, the tingling and cool sensation became exponentially worse. It started to become physically painful. It's like it is trying to get me to activate it. _ He thought. _But there's no reason to. I don't understand this. Is this all related to the dream?

Slipping the talisman back around his neck immediately muted the sensations in his body back to their original, merely annoying levels. This is ridiculous, I can't concentrate on anything. He thought, switching off the TV. Deciding he might as well go to bed early, He walked into his bedroom and stripped down to his boxers, flipping out the light and trying to get some rest.

"Hmm, that didn't seem to do anything Ammy. Maybe you should try again?" Issun said.

Nothing, not even a whisper. She thought. Maybe this was a waste of time after all.

"Hey! Why don't you try one of your famous howls?" Issun said. "If that doesn't get their attention, nothing will!"

Figuring it was at least worth a try, the sun goddess reared back her head and let loose a long howl that echoed through the cavern. Please, whoever you are, we need you! Help us save our land!

The ethereal words echoed through Shawn's head. He arose from his bed in a hypnotic state, still halfway between dream and reality. The tugging seemed to be coming from a definite direction now, and, not bothering to clothe himself, he spoke the words for a teleportation spell. Had he not been in a trance, he would have given more thought to where he was going, but instead he put his verbal wizardly signature on the spell, activating it and causing him to disappear in a small thunderclap of displaced air.

Shawn's arrival at the main portal gate transit terminal caused quite a spectacle. Although wizards popping in and out were a common sight, even the various races who didn't have much contact with humans found it odd to see one walking around in a trance wearing only boxer shorts. The fact that he hadn't bothered to silence his transport spell only added to the oddity.

Shawn dreamily walked through the terminal towards the older section. A few beings called out to him as he passed, but he ignored them, one purpose in his fogged mind. He eventually came to an out of service gate. This section of terminal had been mostly abandoned in favour of the larger, slicker departures area. Starting up the portal, he ran his hands over the control board flicking various settings into place automatically. The gate lit up, its crossing beams of energy forming the familiar 'window' of light that would take him away to another world. Finishing his calibration, Shawn stepped up, and without hesitation, dove headfirst into the gate. Just as he did so, he snapped out of his trance, just long enough to think, What the...where am I gooiiiinnggg!!!

Shawn came around to the sight of an odd, flickering light. The first thing he noticed was that his body was no longer its usual shape. What? I activated the talisman? He thought, examining his body from his much shorter, four legged stance. Where the heck am I?

"Greetings, unknown warrior god. We are grateful that you have heard our prayers." Came a soft, somewhat musical female voice in his head.

Turning, he saw another wolf standing in front of him, obviously the source of the voice. She (at least, he assumed it was a she, judging by the voice) had brilliant white fur, with odd swirling red markings along her face and sides, and what seemed to be a wing like protrusions attached to her forelegs. A sword crackling with energy was strapped to her back, emitting the strange light. All in all, a very striking, and rather attractive figure.

"I don't know about the 'god' part, but I am a warrior," He replied in the wizard speech. "I take it you are the one who was speaking in my dreams?"

"You truly can hear my thought speech?" The wolf said, seeming a bit surprised. "There are few who can do that. No matter, yes it was I who summoned you. A great crisis threatens this land, and this shrine claims that the gods would descend to help us in our plight."

"Well, I'm no god, but I am a wizard. I should be able to help you." He replied.

"Hey furball!" Said Issun, unable to understand the conversation between the two wolves. "If this guy is our help, we should probably get going back to the ship!"

The white wolf looked down at him and barked. "Yes, time is of the essence," She said. "There is a great evil about to descend on our land, and we must enter its domain and stop it before it can unleash its fury. Will you help us?"

"It's what I am here for," He replied. "But wait, who are you two anyway?" This last was in normal speech for the benefit of the Poncle.

Issun drew himself up to his full diminutive height, "I'm the great warrior artist Issun! And this here is Amaterasu, Okami goddess of the sun!"

"And what of yourself warrior? What name do you go by?" Amaterasu asked.

"You can just call me Shawn," he replied.

"Well then Shawn, follow me please," Amaterasu said, turning and walking towards the tunnel.

As they walked through the dark passageway, Amaterasu kept glancing behind her at her canine companion. He followed her with no difficulty whatsoever, his slightly longer legs easily matching her stride. He was quite the handsome wolf, with dark, silvery gray fur, lightening in hue towards his belly. Very shaggy, but obviously in good shape. His blue eyes were odd for a wolf, giving him a penetrating gaze.

The sword strapped to his back matched her own for size, but was quite different in construction. It was perfectly straight and double edged, but had a three inch notch in the tip for catching enemy blades. Further down towards the hilt, the middle of the blade was also a hole, obviously designed to reduce the weight. It didn't crackle with energy like her glaive, but it seemed to glow with an inner power that seemed much greater than what even she could summon. I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust him with my life, she thought. He seems so supremely confident in his ability to defeat this threat, without even knowing what it is. I sure hope he is right.

Stepping out of the cave into the daylight, the two wolves and poncle all suppressed a shiver at the sudden drop in temperature. Samickle had shifted back to his human form and was waiting for them at the entrance. His mask hid his expression, but his voice revealed his shock at seeing another wolf come out of the cave. "So, you have found some assistance it seems," he said. "Good, we must make all haste to the ship. The day of darkness is starting." He turned and led the way out of the hollow at a jog, trailed by the two wolves.

Shawn and Ammy walked up the rainbow bridge to the entrance of the ominous ark of Yamato. Stopping in front of the massive door, Amaterasu looked up at the darkening sky, knowing very well this could be a one way trip. Suddenly, Issun bounced down to the ground in front of her. "W-wait a sec Ammy."

She looked down at him, a bit perplexed. Shawn sat on down on his haunches, listening to what the Poncle had to say.

"Um... well.... we've been through a lot together," He went on. "How long's it been since we first met? It all started in the valley of Sakuya's chest..." Amaterasu showed increasing confusion as he went on, recounting their journeys together.

"Well...what I'm trying to say is," he said, bouncing back onto the solid ground. "Is that I'm sorry Ammy, but this is where we say goodbye."

Amaterasu was stunned by this. At first, she would have loved to be rid of the little Poncle, but she had quickly grown very attached to him. Now, it was heartbreaking to see him leave after all they had been through. She stepped forward with a bark, hoping to convince him otherwise.

"Don't Ammy!" he cried, whipping out his tiny sword. "Don't....make this harder then it is. I...hate long goodbyes." He sounded like he was starting to tear up.

"Amaterasu," said Shawn. "If that is his choice, you must let him go. I'm sure it is difficult, but you can't force him to come into danger with you."

She nodded slowly, gazing down at her pocket sized companion with a whine. "I know, but we've been together so long now..."

"T-take care of yourself furball," Issun said. "And you, Shawn! Make sure Ammy gets out of there safely! Or the great Issun will hunt you down!" With those parting words, he bounced his way back to the ground, leaving the two wolves standing at the ark's entrance. Amaterasu watched him go sadly, but she knew that Shawn was right. She had no right to try to convince Issun to come with her. Turning with a growl, she leaped through the darkened entrance.

The two wolves made their way through the giant ship. It was mostly deserted, but they had had to fight their way through several monstrous fiends in order to open up a portal to the demon king's lair. Shawn was quite impressed with the fighting prowess of this beautiful wolf goddess. Her ability to slow time and manipulate elements with her celestial brush was remarkable. She had seemed equally impressed with his own powers, judging by the conversation they had had after the initial battle.

"It seems that your abilities are similar to my own," She had said.

"Yes, although I can't do those time manipulation things that you can," He replied.

"Perhaps, but you're elemental abilities are clearly far stronger than mine. I...I don't know exactly why, but I feel a with you. As if we were meant to fight side by side."

"I feel the same," he had said. "Our abilities complement each other perfectly, and we can read each-other's movements."

Working together, they had quickly dispatched the guardian monsters, and were now standing in front of the open portal into the king demon's lair.

"Are you ready?" Amaterasu asked him.

"As ready as you are," He replied

"Well then, let's go get 'im!" She said, leaping into the portal with a bark.

"Here we go!" he said, following her through the gate.

Shawn emerged through the portal, having to react quickly to get his balance as he dropped several feet to a stone surface. Amaterasu was standing a bit in front of him, facing towards the opposite edge of the large open platform. The walls, or perhaps sky, as it was impossible to tell exactly where they were, roiled crazily past the edges of the platform. Flashes of jagged lightning ripped through the chaotic backdrop, yet there was no thunder. The platform had multiple pillars at periodic intervals around its edge, reminding him slightly of Stonehenge.

On the opposite end of the platform, was a...thing. _ What the heck is that_? he thought. This is like no other demon I have faced before. It appeared to be an armoured....ball. Like a giant marble, striated with pulsing red markings. It seemed to suck the light out from the surrounding air.

"Amaterasu, what is that thing?" he asked.

" not terribly sure. A name comes to my mind that seems to be correct, as if I'm remembering something I've forgotten. I believe this is Yami, the king of darkness."

I see, he thought to himself. _So this is the avatar of the Lone Power in this world? _

Suddenly, the thing pulsed, and a stream of darkness shot out almost faster than the eye could see, and struck Amaterasu in the chest.

"Amaterasu!" Shawn shouted, running forward.

The dark beam drained the colour from the white wolf, the red markings and black swirling wings fading away, dropping her pale and motionless form on its side.

Shawn growled in anger, reaching through his sword and focusing a beam of Light energy through the darkness.

The brilliant attack lanced out, severing the dark energy and eliciting a shriek from the demon. Shawn leapt in front of the downed wolf, keeping an eye on the demon as he checked to see if she was still breathing. Putting a paw in front of her nose, his heart swelled with relief to feel a faint breeze coming from her nostrils. He was yanked from his examination by a clacking sound coming from Yami. The ball was separating, unfolding at the four corners and opening like a twisted metal flower. In its centre sat another sphere, this one appearing to be made of glass. Inside it sat a slug like creature. "This world is MINE!" it hissed, a glow of power building up around it.

Shawn steeled himself, siphoning extra power into his magical battle shield. He would dodge the attack if possible, but he couldn't afford the risk of Amaterasu being struck if he tried to get her out of the way. The energy beam lanced out, Shawn throwing up an additional shield of elemental light for protection. The blow was far too strong for this however, slicing through his screen of Light like butter. It slammed almost full force against his shield. He gritted his teeth and held on, protecting his fallen comrade. He simultaneously pulled Earth energy into his body for strength, while adding even more of his own power to his shield.

The attack finally broke off, after what seemed like hours, but was really only seconds. Shawn's shield was on the verge of collapse, and he had used up far more power than he would have wished. He quickly threw several scythes of air at the creature, trying to buy time for Amaterasu to recover. The creature laughed at the weak attacks, raising the corners of his armour and blocking them easily. It began to charge another beam, but this time, Shawn was ready for it.

Grabbing Amaterasu with his forepaws, he quickly spoke the words for a teleport spell. Waiting until the very last second, he activated it, the beam lancing through where they had been only milliseconds before, as they landed safely on the other side of the platform behind Yami. Shawn quickly prepared another spell, ready to pull of the trick again, but he felt Amaterasu stir.

Releasing his grip on her as she staggered to her feet, he asked, "How are you feeling? Can you move?"

"Yes, I think so," she replied, wobbling slightly, but seeming to regain her strength. "He...he took my brush powers. Without those, I'm practically useless!"

"It's okay. I will hold him off!" Shawn said. "You just concentrate on keeping out of the way of his attacks!"

By this time, Yami had once more closed his outer shell, and was rolling towards them at a rapid pace.

"Run left!" Shawn shouted, coming at Yami from the opposite angle. Now that he didn't have to protect Amaterasu, he could focus on attacking. The wizard ran up to the side, preparing to strike with a massive blow of Earth. He had to react quickly and jump to the side as a giant hammer popped out of the armour and smashed a hole right through the platform. Whoah, he thought. Good thing this body has such quick reflexes. It may not be as dextrous as my human form, but the superior senses and reactions are a nice plus.

Shawn flipped over in mid air, landing on the edge of the hole and spinning with a dual attack of vibrating scythes of Air. The twin blades clanged of the armoured ball, sending it wobbling, but not really seeming to do much damage. Then, he once more had to jump out of the way as Yami responded with a saw attack of his own, twin saw blades coming out of his shell as he spun towards the gray wolf.

Amaterasu stood to the edge of the platform, feeling helpless as Shawn traded blows with Yami. Without her brush powers, all she could do was stay out of the way. His abilities are incredible, but will it be enough? She questioned, watching as the dashing wolf vanished in mid air, appearing on the other side of the demon and hitting it with a massive electrical attack. This froze the orb in place for a split second, allowing Shawn to prepare some sort of spell. She saw his lips moving, then he vanished again with a thunderclap, appearing close to the edge of the platform on the other side of the massive holes Yami had created.

As Yami got his balance back, he rolled towards the wizard again, preparing to leap across the intervening hole. Before he could however, he was rocked by a massive explosion, sending him flying away into one of the pillars. It appeared Shawn had set an invisible bomb in front of him, and lured him into the centre of its blast. Yami's sphere shuddered as it hit the pillar, and suddenly, the top opened slightly, a glowing kanji symbol appearing in the air and shooting towards her. Is that... She thought.

"Amaterasu! Look out!" Shawn cried, racing towards her.

"No! It's fine!" She shouted, leaping towards the symbol. As it connected with her body, she felt a sudden rush of strength return. The colourful markings reappeared on her body, and her glaive once more crackled with energy.

"Somehow, you knocked one of my powers out of him!" She shouted, "Don't stop attacking! I'm fine!"

Shawn nodded and turned back towards the demon of darkness, who was now recovered and spinning towards them once more. She used her returned power of rejuvenation to repair the holes in the floor, giving Shawn more space to move in. This gave him a new option, and he gathered his energy and leaped, sailing an impossible distance to land on the repaired floor. Yami couldn't turn fast enough to hit him, and as he slowed down, Shawn followed up the move with a tri-pronged electrical attack, and a massive fireball. This drew another enraged shriek from the demon, the sphere opening again to release another one of her brush powers. Now that her power slash ability was restored, she could once more join in the fray.

Shawn continued to pound the demon, now assisted by invisible blows from Amaterasu. Their combined efforts left him not knowing which one to attack, and he howled in rage as another brush power escaped his shell and returned to Amaterasu.

"Shawn, get ready to let him have it!" she shouted, as she wielded her weapon. Taking her advice, he readied a particularly potent battle spell, causing a large gun to appear before him. The wizard's spell manual was very explicit about the destructive power of this particular spell, and creating it took a fair bit of his power.

Steadying the weapon with his forepaws, he aimed it at Yami, awaiting Amaterasu's signal. Suddenly, the armour around Yami popped open fully, exposing the true form of the dark creature. Shawn activated the gun, holding on with all his strength against the recoil. An odd beam of light lanced out from the muzzle, glowing brightly enough that it erased the gloom around it. The edges of the beam were a rainbow of colours from flash ionized air molecules. The attack hit Yami squarely, the light pushing against his protective sphere, and then slowly growing to encompass it.

As the light surrounded the sphere, the rainbow borders breached the edges, and the beam was freed to shoot off into the distance. Shawn blinked the sparkles from the edge of his vision, as he tried to see if it had been enough. The wake of the devastating attack had left Yami's shell spider webbed with cracks, but not quite broken. Several more brush powers flew away to the white wolf as the armour snapped closed again.

Howling in rage, the demon began to spin rapidly, the colour of his sphere changing. Lighting raced along the surface now, and legs and tentacles popped out of the ball. One of the tentacles whipped towards Amaterasu, but Shawn parried it with a scythe of air. A hatch popped open on the back of the armour, and dozens of missiles came streaking out towards them. "I've got it!" shouted the she-wolf, using her brush powers to strike down the projectiles in mid-air.

"He's turned elemental, we need to hit him with the opposite element!" Shawn said. "I'll distract him, you use your wood attacks to get him to open up again!"

Jumping forward, Shawn pounded the ground, sending a fissure towards the demon king. The split in the floor caught Yami off guard, and he teetered on the edge, one of his mechanical legs pistoning in the air to keep his balance. Shawn quickly disrupted this with a fist of air, shoving the beast into the hole. The sides of the fissure slammed into place, trapping the armoured juggernaut.

Shawn used the opportunity to whip the air around Yami into a frenzy, a twister ravaging the surface of his armour. "Now Ammy!"

She took the cue and attacked with her brush, the opposing elements overloading Yami's defences. Once more, the shell popped open, exposing the dark deity. Shawn leaped into the air, prepared to deliver the finishing blow to the stunned monster. Suddenly, all the light was sucked out of the atmosphere, and, unable to see his target, Shawn crashed to the ground.

"You will all bow to MEE!" screamed Yami, the outline of a giant hand rising in the darkness.

"No, this ends now!" shouted Amaterasu, and suddenly, the darkness melted away as the blazing light of the sun cut through the roiling blackness surrounding them.

Suddenly exposed in his true form, Yami wailed in terror, the giant hand extended from his body frozen in place. Acting quickly to take advantage of the opportunity, Shawn channelled pure Light element through his sword, severing the dark hand from Yami's body.

As the appendage was still in mid-air, he pulled in Earth power, and charged forward. Yami was powerless to do anything as the wolf flew towards him with unnatural speed, a fierce snarl on his features. Shawn's blade struck true, piercing the shell with an explosion of shattered glass, his blade running the demon through. A moment of stunned silence fell over the scene, the universe seeming to hold its collective breath.

A small dribble of pitch black blood oozed over the hilt of Shawn's embedded sword, his fierce visage pressed up against the demon lord's. The moment was broken by an ear-splitting dying wail from Yami, his body disintegrating into flecks of ash. Shawn fell to his feet, glass crunching under his paws as he landed on the discarded armour. Slowly, he turned to Amaterasu, locking eyes with her as she padded up to where he stood. They stared at each other like this for several seconds, a poignant sense of expectancy in the air. The moment finally broken as they simultaneously threw back their heads and howled their victory to the sky.

I can't believe it. We finally did it. My journey is at last at its end. Amaterasu thought, gazing at the broken glass that was the only remains of Yami. With the help of this...incredible warrior, the evil is defeated. A pang of sadness suddenly hit her though, as something felt amiss._ If only Issun were here to see this... _

_Her inner musing was rudely interrupted by a sudden rumble coming from the ground. She looked down, seeing cracks beginning to spider web out from the broken armour. She looked up at Shawn, wide-eyed. "The platform is collapsing! No! We've won! We can't go out like this! Where is our portal?" _

"I...I don't know! I can't sense it anymore!" He replied. "Quick, grab ahold of me!"

She did as he asked, lightly taking his tail into her mouth. She felt an odd tingling come over her body, then there was a thunderclap, as her vision blurred for a split second.

"Damn!" said Shawn. "I can't teleport us out of here! This...This world is collapsing. And we are trapped inside."

She couldn't believe it. After the great battle with Yami, their lives would end here, crushed out as the world folded away their existence.

"Shawn... if this is the end, I'm happy that I at least got to know you. And I'm sorry that I dragged you into this."

"No! We can't give up hope! _ _There must be a way.."

Suddenly, with the sound of a giant bumblebee, something burst through the crazily roiling atmosphere. An odd, plate shaped craft zipped to a halt in front of them, a familiar blonde head poking up over the edge.

"My apologies ma cherie, it seems I have arrived a bit late..." said Waka.

"C'mon furballs! Jump in!" Shouted Issun, bouncing on the edge of the craft.

The wolves didn't need to be asked twice, and the scrambled over the lip of the craft as the floor began to drop away.

"Next stop, the celestial plain!" cried Waka, throwing the controls and sending the ship shooting forward. Racing at an incredible speed, the punched through the wall of oppressive darkness, emerging into the beautiful light of the sun.

Waka brought the ship down to the ground, bringing it to a hovering halt a foot from the grassy surface of a forest clearing. During their flight, he had explained about the exact nature of the creature they had fought, as well as about the unblemished land of the celestial plain.

"You will finally be returning to your true home Amaterasu" he had said. "I do not know about your companions, but they will have to make their own decisions about where to go. You however, cannot return to Nippon. Your duties there have been fulfilled, and it is time to let the land recover on its own."

She had nodded at this, understanding, and a little curious to see this land that she no longer remembered. Her reunion with Issun had been sweet, and the Poncle had explained his true reasons for not wanting to follow her into the ark. He had been unwilling to accept his destiny of celestial envoy, and had done his best to deny it. He had been unable to escape his fate however, and had now come to grips with his duty. Under Waka's tutelage, he would do his best to become what he was supposed to be.

Amaterasu jumped down from the ship, landing softly in the grass.

"This goodbye is a lot easier Ammy," said Issun, bouncing and waving at her from the edge of the ship. "Ya aren't going to be rid of me ever now! I'll be coming back to sit on your head all the time!"

She barked happily, knowing that he would make good on his promise.

"And you, warrior Shawn? What will you do?" Asked Waka.

"I will get off here as well," he replied. "I am free now to return to my own world. And I know I can do that easily from here."

Waka nodded, bowing to the wizard with a flourish. "Well then, slayer of Yami. I bid you well on all your endeavours."

Shawn returned the gesture, then turned and followed Amaterasu onto the soft grass.

Waka waved goodbye to the wolves, Issun bouncing and shouting at the top of his little lungs for as long as they could hear him as the ship ascended back into the air.


A warm breeze rustled through the trees, carrying the scents of spring. Cherry blossoms floated through the air, lending an ethereal beauty to the scene. The light of the sun was golden in the late afternoon, giving a glow to the fur of the wolves. Shawn looked at Amaterasu, a toothy grin spreading across his muzzle. "Well, we did it!"

She smiled back at him, "Yes! It's finally over."

"So, now..."

"Now, we celebrate!" She said, cutting him off. Padding towards him, she pressed her muzzle against his, slurping her tongue over his lips.

Shawn pulled back in surprise, caught off guard by her action. "Amaterasu...Ammy. What are you doing?"

"Well, the brave warrior deserves a reward..." She said seductively, moving forward for another kiss.

"Wait, stop," he said, holding up a paw.

She halted, looking hurt. " don't want this?"

"No, that's not it. You have no idea how much I want to, but I need to know. Is that the only reason you are doing this? Because you feel you have to? To thank me? If that is the case, then...I...I can't. I would just be taking advantage of you, and I would feel dirty and cheap."

She was a bit taken aback at his statement. She hadn't considered it like that when she had said what she did. She sat back and pondered her feelings. She found it incredible that he could restrain himself from taking her offer if it wasn't something she truly wanted as well. It only took her a brief moment of contemplation to make up her mind though. Any lingering doubts she might have had were chased away by his consideration of her feelings.

"No, I really do want this too. I meant what I said earlier, I feel a strong bond with you. As if we were meant to be together, even if it's just for a little while."

"Ohh Ammy," Shawn said, freely using the endearment now. "If that's how you feel, then..." He finished his statement and erased any doubts she may have had about his feelings as he initiated the kiss this time. Passionately, he pushed his tongue into her mouth in a French kiss. The action was a bit awkward with a canine muzzle, but he managed to find a position that worked. Amaterasu murred into his muzzle, clearly enjoying the experience which was a bit unusual for her. She had received and given the canine form of kisses before, but had never experienced a true human French kiss like she was receiving now.

"Wait," Shawn said, panting slightly as he pulled back._ "There is something you should know before we continue. You see...I'm... not truly a wolf. I'm a human wizard. I am temporarily transformed into a wolf, but it is not my normal form."_

"I don't care," she replied. "It's YOU I want, not just your body. Although," she said with a mischievous grin, "Your current body is an awfully sexy one..."

"Right back atcha gorgeous!" he said, leaning forward and drawing her into another long kiss. Coming up for air, Amaterasu pulled back and wriggled forward between the sitting wolf's forepaws, getting up close and personal with his wolfhood. The fuzzy sheath was already plumping up with his arousal, a couple inches of pink tip poking out. Drawing in a deep breath through her nostrils, the she-wolf inhaled the aroma of his maleness.

"Looks like somebody is getting eager," she said, drawing her tongue across his furred ball sack and sheath, right up to the tip of his exposed flesh. Wrapping her dextrous tongue around the maleness in front of her, she was rewarded with a twitching from it, and a moan of pleasure from Shawn.

Meanwhile, at the other end, Shawn was afforded a lovely view of Amaterasu's raised rear. Her tail was arched to the side, and as he was a bit bigger, he could look right down at her tidy little pucker and folds. He could see moisture building up on her labia as her arousal grew. The scent rising to his sensitive canine nose was pure heaven. He had never had the experience of being able to smell a female's pheromones in full detail like this before, and it was an incredible turn-on for him.

"Looks like I'm not the only one." he said, using his superior height to crane his flexible neck down and burying his nose in the short white fur above her slit. He experimentally flicked his tongue over her folds, causing her to start beneath him and halt her ministrations.

"You like that eh?" he said, repeating his action.

Amaterasu's only response was a rumble of affirmation as she attempted to resume her own tongue work under his assault.

Grinning wickedly, Shawn began attacking her pussy without mercy. He lavished lick after lick on her sensitive outer lips, his wide tongue just penetrating her folds and flicking over her clit. Each time he hit the little pleasure nub, the white wolf jolted beneath him slightly, his eager slurping causing more juices to well up inside her. The growing pleasure affected her clit too, engorging it and causing him to hit it even more often. The sensation of his slightly rough, sloppy canine tongue dragging across the bud of flesh drove her absolutely wild, and she did her best to concentrate on the wolf cock in front of her. The member had started to truly inflate now, not needing the penis bone to keep it rigid. It now poked out about 5 inches, and his sheath had started to bulge with the beginnings of his knot.

Seeing his knot starting to form, she used her forepaw to slide his foreskin down around the base, finally releasing his entire member to the air. The darkening pillar of flesh was slick with her saliva, and as she resumed her tongue bath, she was rewarded with a couple shots of salty pre. Smacking her lips around the unusual fluid, she wasn't quit sure if she exactly liked it or not, but she did find it extremely arousing, the thought of his shaft ploughing its way through her folds causing her inner walls to spasm in anticipation.

Focussing her attentions a bit lower, she wrapped her tongue around his sensitive knot, lavishing licks all around it and beneath it, occasionally slurping over his fuzzy orbs. This treatment caused him to buck his hips a few times, helplessly bound in instinctual primal pleasure from her oral wizardry. A few more squirts of pre spurted over her muzzle as his wolf hood at last stood at full attention. "You're a pretty big boy aren't you?" she commented. He was a good 7 inches from tip to knot, with the uniquely canine feature being a good eight inches around, and adding a full two inches to his shaft.

Suddenly, she let out a bark, as he plunged his tongue into her as deep as it would go. The sudden penetration set her passage rippling around the intruder, and she hunched back against his muzzle. As the coup de grace, he began wriggling his tongue around inside her, simultaneously stimulating her clit and her inner walls. The odd sensation of the long squirmy organ within her was enough to tip her over the edge, letting out a howl of bliss and grinding against his muzzle as her orgasm washed away her senses.

Her delectable nectar cascaded over Shawn's tongue and splashed out against his muzzle. The flavour was a bit tangy, and Shawn had come to the conclusion that the taste was right up his alley. He eagerly consumed the fluid treat, her passage constricting around his tongue as he tried to lap up all of the gushing flow. He pulled his tongue away from her folds as the flow stemmed, licking the remaining juices off his lips. Her blitz of pleasure had caused her to pull back from his member, which was now twitching freely between his legs. "That didn't take too long, been awhile?" he said with a toothy grin.

"Uhh. Mmm. Waaayy too long." she moaned. "I haven't even gotten myself off since I started my quest."

Pulling herself out from underneath him, she stood up and spun around, exposing her rear to him again. "I need you inside me now," she cooed, waving her tail and wiggling her hips seductively.

Shawn didn't need to be asked twice, he quickly brought his forepaws up onto her back and scootched his rear forward. He was still unfamiliar with having sex in canine form, so it took him a few tries to find the right angle to hit her entrance. A few experimental jabs later though, he felt his tip slide into place, resting just inside her fuzzy labia.

He halted there however, a devious grin crossing his face. "You want it? You really want it?" He asked, prodding her clit teasingly.

"Yes, yes! Put it in!" she replied, pressing back against him and trying to slide him inside.

He pulled back with her, denying her the penetration, "Hmm, I don't think you really want it. I think you're going to have to ask really nicely."

"Put it in now or I'll use Power Slash on your balls!" she growled, having had quite enough of the teasing.

"Oh, well, we can't have that..." he said. And with no further warning, plunged himself in all the way to the knot in one stroke. Readjusting his position so that he gripped her around the hips, he began to pound into her. His inexperience with this form was quickly wiped away as canine mating instincts took over and he began the characteristic jack hammering motion. His cock throbbed as it parted her insides like a fleshy missile. Her still sopping passage made it easy to slide in and out all the way, his knot mashing against her entrance on each thrust. Even though the interval in stimulation had caused him to shrink slightly, his knot was still at full size, and no matter how much he shoved, he couldn't get her lips to part enough to get it in.

Due to the great oral treatment he had received, Shawn was already nearing the point of no return. He desperately sped up his humping to as fast as he could manage, trying his best to tie with her and complete their union. She growled lustily beneath him at the rough pounding, her walls super sensitive from her orgasm. His knot was beating against her clit, causing the engorged nub to be pressed hard with each slap of their thighs. Her inner walls started rippling around him, juices flowing freely as he further slicked her passage with his pre. A familiar burning need built up inside his groin.

He felt his turgid balls begin to tense, drawing up in their hairy home as he growled, "I'm about to..." That was as far as he got, as with one final thrust, his seed came flying out of his rock hard puppy maker. The sensation of the fluid spurting from his tip was enough to send her into her second orgasm, her inner muscles clamping down on his rod and milking it of its love juice, a bath of her fluids soaking their inner thighs. He collapsed on top of her, panting. A bit disappointed that he hadn't been able to tie. Without pressure around it, his knot quickly shrank, pulling his spent rod out from her folds. "Wow, that was...intense." he murmured in her ear. She looked up at him, giving a loving lick to his lower jaw. "Oh, you aren't getting away that easy boy."

Moving forward and allowing to slide off her back, Amaterasu turned to face him. "Now, I want you to lie on your back."

"What? I don't even get a chance to rest first?" he asked, a bit overwhelmed by the incredibly horny female.

"Just trust me dear, you're going to love this," she said.

"Alright then..." he complied, flopping onto his side and rolling belly up, his head facing away from her.

Amaterasu nodded appreciatively, then in the blink of an eye, activated her celestial brush. She drew a vine around each of his ankles, stretching them off to the sides and binding him in place.

"What the...hey!" he exclaimed in surprise as the vines appeared out of nowhere.

She gave him a wicked toothy grin, "T_his is your punishment for teasing a goddess_," she said stepping over him. "Now, are you going to be a good little puppy? I would hate to have to punish you more..."

Shawn grinned back at her, clearly beginning to enjoy the twist in their lovemaking. At least, if the renewed stirring of his sheath was any indication. "Yes, I suppose I can be good..." he replied, not doing anything to resist the treatment.

"Good, see, for good little puppies, I can do this..." she said, once more activating the brush.

He let out a gasp as the shock of her Rejuvenation coursed through him, his pole instantly springing back up and giving a shot of pre.

"Wha! Was that a brush technique?" he asked.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," she said coyly as she positioned herself between his spread legs. Lining herself up, she went right down on his stiff member, her pussy lips pushing down his foreskin and exposing his only half inflated knot. Lifting herself up, she dropped again, greatly enjoying the change in angle this new position gave her.

His tip was rubbing wonderfully across a magical little spot inside her. With the control afforded by being on top, she could use his maleness to stimulate the place at her leisure, sending electrifying bolts of pleasure coursing through her. As much as she enjoyed this, she quickly began to feel the need to have ALL of him inside her, and realized she'd have to act fast if she wanted to take his knot. Slamming her hips down, she ground against the wad of wolf flesh. It hadn't quite reached it's fullest state yet, and as she wriggled against it, she felt it slowly begin to part her lips.

She clamped down hard on it, eliciting a moan and a squirt of pre from Shawn as she used her powerful inner muscles to work her way down onto his knot. At last, she felt herself pass the widest point, and somewhat anti-climactically, the rest popped right in. She let out a soft howl of bliss as she felt herself stuffed completely. His knot was exerting a wonderful pressure against her clit, and she could feel his tapered tip buried somewhere deep inside her, tickling the entrance to her womb. She was so far down on him that her lips were pressed right up against his testicles.

She rocked her hips slightly, feeling the orbs bounce lightly against her stuffed entrance. Even though she knew it was impossible, she found herself wishing that she could cram them inside her as well, fully encompassing his masculinity. She settled for having 10 inches of pulsing, dripping puppy maker however, and began to rock back and forth. The sensation of fullness was causing her excitement to skyrocket, bringing her up to the verge of a third climax.

She glanced down between her legs, and was surprised at how she could see the outline of his cock through her belly. The highly erotic sight of the wolf cock moving inside her was enough to put her right at the brink, and with one more downward thrust, she came hard around his length. The great grinding feel of his knot against her clit sent her into a wild hunching motion, drawing out her pleasure. As she started to come down, she noticed that he was doing his best to meet her thrusts. She giggled slightly at the tense expression on his face. His eyes screwed shut as he wriggled his hips in his eagerness to get himself off.

His extremely restricted motion wasn't enough though, and he had to rely on her for the motion. She revelled in the power she held over the trapped male, the exciting emotion causing her to start rocking her hips again. He yipped happily at the renewed friction, being so close to the brink and desperate for his second release. Ammy clamped down on him with her pussy, increasing the pressure around his knot and squeezing the sensitive zone behind it.

This was enough, and she felt his balls draw up to her furry booty, his rock hard shaft jumping inside her. His seed absolutely boiled out of his tip, splashing deep inside her most private place, seeking to give her offspring. She could feel each pulse of his ejaculate, from base to tip. The rippling sensation sent her off again, and she let out another howl as she joined him in orgasm, her femme liquids drenching his balls a second time. Thanks to the Rejuvenation, there was somehow even more of his warm fluid this time, adding to what was already in her and filling her womb. At last, the flow of seed dribbled to a halt, and Shawn collapsed limply against his restraints.

"S-See what happens when you are a good puppy?" she said, a bit unsteadily.

"Mmm, that was...amazing." he replied,

She raised herself up slightly, peering down at their union. He looked too, and could clearly see his thick knot and shaft outlined in her belly fur. Which, if he hadn't been so spent, would have instantly brought him back up. Ammy then proceeded to make the sight even more tantalizing, as she curled her head down between their bellies, and began licking up the fluids still leaking out of her.

"Mmm, this is much sweeter than your pre, a bit salty still, but sweet and tangy at the same time." She said, licking up his leaking semen. She licked her chops, a few strands of seed visible connecting her teeth. Giving him a sultry smile, she said, "Like what you see?"

He nodded, loving the sight and feel of her self-pleasure.

She leaned forward again, brining her lips to his in a tender kiss. Their wonderfully dextrous tongues played freely in each other's mouths, swapping saliva and giving Shawn a taste of their combined love juices. She held the kiss for a long moment, before pulling back, panting for air. Her dark amber eyes gazed into his blue ones, her expression exuding total contentment. He felt her pussy squeeze down on him again, and her expression began to grow more lustful. She growled, and he steeled himself as once more, the shock of the celestial brush brought his receding member back to attention. No, she was not going to let him off easy indeed...

The waning light created an amber glow over the clearing, as the sounds of canine lovemaking finally began to fade from the air.

"Mmm, Ohhh Shawn," Amaterasu mumbled as she collapsed on top of him, finally completely spent. She snuggled into his chest, sighing contentedly as her internal muscles squeezed his buried cock a few more times for good measure. He wrapped his forelegs around her, pulling her close as the comfortable haze of afterglow settled over them. Wow, I'm going to need a long time to recharge after THAT. He thought. I don't think I've cum that many times in a full week!

He could still feel his spent shaft, lodged as deep inside her as it could be and locked in place by his engorged knot. Their combined juices continued to dribble out of her ploughed and stuffed sex and pool into the fur of their already sticky crotches. One final thought crossed his mind as he drifted off into weary sleep. Wait, if I left on Saturday night... It has to have been at least 12 hours. That means, that back home... He trailed off. This was the best Valentines day I've had in a long time.

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Full credit to Krennar, from whose comic I got the idea for Ammy's *ahem* secret brush powers.

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If you haven't seen it already, check out the awesome pic for this story, drawn by the always sensational Lonewolf666

Dimensional Balance Chapter 2: Into the rift

_Author's note: Not 100 percent happy with how this turned out, but unfortunately I didn't see any way around another big info chapter. Fortunately though, this is the last one, and chapter 3 will have some more action to it....

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Dimensional Balance: A Trainer's Tale

_Author's note_ Let me preface this by saying that this will not be a quick paw off story series. There probably won't even be any Yiff for at least four or five chapters. Also, due to the fact that I know real life is going to...

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