
Story by Odontus on SoFurry

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#1 of Literary Works

Okay... This is outside of my subject interest, but one of my characters was involved in a chat... turned RP... and now turned short story. It took a little work to convert it from the chat log, but I got it done for what it's worth. I'd appreciate any comments/criticisms but please... no bricks through my window. That gets expensive!

"Repossession" - by S. Ryan "Odontus" Wood

© 2017, November 8 - S. Ryan Wood




(Commission: Odyssey Wallpaper by Blitzy-Arts)

[Scenario: Late one evening a young vampiric wolf relaxed peacefully in bed within his dimly-lit room. He was of an impressive physique and possessed a handsome facade which had won him the hearts of many females, creating his extreme narcissistic attitude. A cool breeze blew through his window...]

The vague figure of a vulpine female darkened the opening of the wolf's window. She emanated no discernible facial features, but only the scent of a fragrant and irresistible form of death. The wolf's domicile was dark and peaceful as she entered. "You must be... Lucane?" she demandingly asked with glowing eyes.

The male wolf tilted his head as he turned to the female "Ummm yes... I'm Lucane. What are you doing in my room?" he inquired - eyes filled with fear and doubt.

"You need not speak." she responded lacking any emotion. "I will accommodate both sides of this conversation." she whispered with a cryptically hypnotic voice. She approached him while becoming more visible from the room's dim lighting. A vapor-like image of a vixen's face became illuminated above the wolf's head. "Your name has been mentioned in my brood's house and I've come to remedy your issue." The room's temperature dropped with the continuing duration of the female's presence. The darkness seemed to change contrast though never yielded to the wolf's struggle to clearly see the intruder. She stepped closer to him and brushed her tail past his nostrils. "I am Scarleshia - the keeper of your sexuality."

Lucane tilted his head at her and blushed as he took in her mysteriously erotic scent. "What issue? I'm confused as to what you mean!" being concerned about her reference to his 'sexuality' and waiting to learn more.

"Good!! You need not try to think or even comprehend our meeting! You shall listen to everything I say and follow my thoughts without a word spoken." She stepped further into the only light offered by the room and revealed a slender and soft feminine face with solid snow-white eyes, red and black flowing fur that ran from her ears to her chest and a black-and-silver forelock that almost covered her eyes. She possessed a short snout that coupled her elfin mouth with a well-defined button nose. She smiled an evil grin, barely showing an obvious set of sharp piercing fangs that dripped with a viscous green saliva that formed a stringy connection between her jaws.

Lucane whimpers gently and obediently nods as he looks at her muttering "Okay Mistress... I will."

The vampiric vixen rested a small wooden staff embossed with a single diamond upon the wolf's mattress and removed the obscure outline of a robe from her shoulders. She then pulled back her paw that glowed with an intermittent shimmer of light that cast a shadow of despair upon everything in the room. She stepped closer to Lucane, emanating her necrotic fragrance throughout the wolf's den. "You re quite the admired canine by many, am I correct?" as she placed the frigid article of clothing upon his bed.

Lucane shook his head as he looked up at her ghostly form. "Yes, actually! Why tie myself down to just one girl??" smirking up at her with a devilish grin and shrugging his shoulders.

Leaning closer to him, a beaming green light emerged from her eyes, "Oh, REALLY? You don't have just ONE special female so pertinent in your life?" The temperature dropped quickly as her voice crept throughout his room.

"Why should I? I'm a male mammal and have an obligated right to breed whoever and whenever I wish!" raising his hips and referencing his endowment with a paw and an overly-confident expression.

The undefined female reaper leaned against the canine with her mission remaining unknown to him. "You... find this behavior worthy of a respectable male?" she inquired as she inched closer to his lips and brought her tail to his nostrils. A faint hissing noise escaped from her mouth as the wolf could feel her cold breath brushing his facial fur.

The vixen touched her lips to his and softly blew into his nostrils with a hint of necrotic lust that began to transform his thoughts. She purred quietly and pressed harder, forcing his mouth open and making him anticipate her tongue. His hopes remained unfulfilled as she had NO tongue at all! He explored her cavity only to find yet another set of razor-like fangs behind the first. Her sweet sticky salivary fluids seeped into his mouth as he could feel her fangs throb. The vixen pulled back from their lip-lock and glared into his eyes, "Forget any other female you know of. You now love only ME! Don't try to deny it... I am your ONLY love, my dear!!" The male could only stare as he listened to her commands.

She became amused at his confusion and realized her hypnotic attempts were successful. "Such an innocent and gullible gender you are!" as she wrapped her arms around his upper body, kissing him harder than before - her fangs now pulsing within his watering mouth. "You're so proud of your masculinity, aren't you?" stroking his fur with a mesmerizing touch.

Lucane whimpered and tried to push her away, faintly becoming aware of her intentions. "P... Please st... stop!! I don't want to..." he pauses and begs as he starts to whine.

"SILENCE!!" she demanded and cast a membrane-like covering over his mouth, rendering him unable to speak. The mistress ran a sharp claw up his chin and across his lips. "I will speak for BOTH of us." She focused on his thoughts now as he struggled to open his mouth, but with no success. "That's my good wolf!!" Drawing closer to his quivering lips, she makes him more aware of her proficiencies. "Your vampiric abilities are of no threat to ours, so struggle as you may against me, you're better off remaining my... pet!" now introducing her flowing crimson and white tail to his rattled state of disarray. His eyes began to glaze and his breathing became shallow and erratic through her incessant torture. "You are actually... quite handsome!" she uttered as she toyed with his despair. She closed in and gazed into his eyes, "Do you have any... offspring??"

Lucane whimpered and shook his head, sobbing with the feel of being raped. The thought of starting a family had never crossed his mind, for it would have only committed him to one partner and that concept never appealed to his voracious sexual appetite. His trespasser continued as she watched his vulnerability become more pronounced with each passing minute.

"Relax my docile young male!" she expressed with insincerity and waved her smooth seductive tail across his face, mentally altering his mind and taking control of his will and soul. "I will not harm you! I am merely here to introduce you to... a new way!" brushing her soft facial fur against his cheek while becoming more amused at his trembling body.

She rose over him and hovered in mid-air while staring down at his panic-stricken figure. "Gaze upon this..." and presented to him the most tempting femininity he had ever seen! Her abdomen glowed with a soft-pink tenderness and the texture of a freshly-plucked peach. Her defined thighs and flowing tail conjoined at an attractive pair of moist fleshy folds whose appearance and scent could enhance ANY male! Lucane could only gaze upward unable to prevent his extreme arousal and just pleaded for her to relieve it.

The vixen released a sinister laugh knowing he now lacked all ability to resist her sexual charm. "Allow me to introduce myself... again, my sweet canine!" She seductively stroked his nostrils with her tail as she lowered her irresistibly moist anatomy just above his face. "Other females no longer mean ANYTHING to you!" and rests her wet folds upon the wolf's quivering lips. His eyes rolled back in his head as he entered his tongue into her glorious gateway and crossed over the threshold of what he previously thought of as ecstasy!

Lucane growled and attempted one last time to free himself. He raised his legs and brought his hind paws to her chest, kicking with all of his force. He stood up and his eyes glowed brightly as he growled, only to be restrained again.

"ENOUGH!!" she shouted and hurled a translucent membrane-like sheet across his upper body. It pinned him to his bed as it absorbed the air between it and the wolf, forming an inescapable vacuum. "You WILL listen to ME and I assure you, I'll bring no harm to your future!" She crawled upon his chest and numbed what remained of his physical strength, allowing him only his involuntary reflexes and making sure he would witness what she had in store. She giggled with an evil smile as her eyes widened, "Your anger only strengthens my sexual dominance!" As she glared at him with a threatening glow in her solid-white eyes, she was now fully in control of the helpless male. She closed in for her kill. Lucane only let out a quiet whimper, unable to do anything.

She expressed no emotion as she levitated above him and lowered her moist predatory petals over his watering mouth. "TASTE me, my sweet boy! SMELL my sex! MAKE me a part of YOU!!" as she leaned forward and began awakening his flaccid masculinity against his will, involuntarily bringing it to a full erection. He smelled a sweet and fragrant essence in her scent that he'd never experienced before - a morbid combination of death and pure ecstasy! He felt her mindful arousal begin to bleed her necrotic nectar into his starving mouth. "SWALLOW what my sexual prowess gives you!!" She let him become engulfed in her offering, then introduced him to her REAL tongue as it sank from deep within her tract and wrapped itself around his own curious fleshy member. She let him become committed to her essence and slowly offered him her vaginal juices, ensuring that he swallowed everything she gave him. "Good boy!!" the vixen squealed with satisfaction as she ensured his full attention. Her tail then entwined itself around his neck, ensuring his permanence in her grasp!

"You need to be alert for this, my LOVE!" She leaned down and took him into her mouth and effortlessly began to extract any traces of his sex that remained in his body. Lucane looked up at her as he felt his masculinity slip away and cried with closed watering eyes. Licking her lips, she raised her head and looked back at him. "I actually came here seeking... something..." feeling his chest beneath her panting heavily. "I'm here to take... your SEXUALITY." She widened her grin to expose her glowing white fangs, dripping with light-green saliva that oozed onto to his stomach. His eyes flared with a sense of panic! She gave him a reverberating snicker and lowered her fangs to his throbbing testicles. He could only cry out in pain.

She reached for his paw and led it to his testicular pouch. "You feel these??" She then sank her dripping fangs deep into his symbols of masculinity, sucking them completely vacant. The wolf whimpered and started to cry, for he prided himself on being a breeder! He winced and squirmed in severe pain as he could now feel a void where once he possessed the origin of his lineage. His treasured appendages slowly vanished and were soon... gone. The female reaper released her necrotic hold, leaving nothing but a pool of her saliva over the wound. The once-fertile canine felt the emptiness between his legs and fainted. She gave a wicked giggle and said looking down at him, "Welcome to your new life - of chastity!"

She rubbed the remnants of the wolf's testicular tissue from her lips and arose from his body. She leaned over his face and kissed his mouth, leaving on his tongue the last taste of his manhood he would ever know again. She reached between her own legs and displayed to him his displaced pride. "Now I OWN your future!" she hysterically chuckled stroking her paws over her groin and up her abdomen. She gathered her robe and staff, leaving the wolf to wake up much later with just a bad dream and a void between his legs. The room regained its darkness as the wolf slept...

"A Wing and a Lair" - Chapter Two: "Reflection"

**"A Wing and A Lair"** - by S. Ryan "Odontus" Wood © 2017 - S. Ryan Wood [odontuscreations@gmail.com](mailto:odontuscreations@gmail.com) [www.odontus.net](http://www.odontus.net/) **Chapter 2 - "Reflection" (ADULT)** [Scenario: (Julie's lair) -...

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"A Wing and a Lair" - Chapter One: "Just Julie"

**"A Wing and a Lair"** - by S. Ryan "Odontus" Wood ![1114g8k.jpg](http://i68.tinypic.com/1114g8k.jpg) © 2017 - S. Ryan Wood [odontuscreations@gmail.com](mailto:odontuscreations@gmail.com) [www.odontus.net](http://www.odontus.net/) **Chapter 1 -...

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**Rescue** - by Ryan Wood (Odontus) On a warm spring day on a secluded beach, he gave away his pride and nearly his life at the same time. Elmorous had seen this dragoness a couple of times in rather precarious situations involving alcohol, swearing...

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