Growvember Day 13

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#13 of Growvember Series

Group moral is down, the growth is picking up it seems, and a cry pierces the calm day. What could possibly go wrong?


November 13th

"Um, Bryant. You may want to wake up, be careful when you do." I heard someone say. My heart began to race. Were we surrounded? I opened my eyes slowly, having laid on my back for the night for once, to see Chris over me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not seeing any immediate danger.

"Well, you aren't going to like this." He sighed. I wondered what he was talking about, getting fed up with the ambiguous answers, and sat up.

I wish I hadn't.

There is a fence that surrounds the camp to make sure normal sized furs stay out, rather than keep us in. My foot apparently had grown right over it over night, and I knew I was far away last night to not cause any damage.

" big did I, did we grow?" I gasped, looking down.

"Not sure, but it wasn't just you." He pointed over to the rest of the group.

It wasn't just me who had a bigger than normal boost. A lot of others had as well. But like Mary, more seemed to have stopped. Out of the twenty in our group, now only eight of us were still growing; Me, Chris, Jeff, Nicolas, Shawn, the doberman Sherry, the mouse Craig, and the tiger William. The rest hadn't apparently grown an inch.

When I saw Mary, she gulped as she looked up at me, barely knee high. I was having flashbacks to when this all started and how the normal furs seemed to shrink to me every day.

"It seems to be speeding up." Shawn explained. "At least that's what a scientist said."

"But have they discovered anything new yet? A cure? Anything?" William was worried, seeming to plead for a yes. But Shawn was silent, and shook his head.

"I'm sorry bud. Still nothing. All they got so far is maybe with our DNA. But after earlier samples being looked at, nothing seemed out of the ordinary."

A sense of hopelessness was coming over the group. An unsettling silence had fallen over us. What was to be said? What could be said? I thought about yesterday, and how I had sunk so low.

"We hold on." I said, lifting my head to look at everyone. They didn't seem to believe me.

"Look, right now, the world is in a dangerous state. There are other giants out there who are destroying cities and towns, and committing mass murder intentionally."

Everyone was pretty stone faced.

"But we aren't like that. Most of us have stopped growing. That means we could be next. They can figure out a cure to return us to normal. This isn't permanent everyone, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for all of us. But until we reach that end, we have to be protectors of this city, and even others. We can't let those rogue macros do whatever they want because of their size. All of us, big and not so big. We can't give up."

Everyone began to nod their heads in agreement.

"But why? What's the point?" Craig spoke up. I wasn't sure how to respond right away, and struggled to find words.

"Because, we have to. The normal furs may fear us at times, but they need us to protect them. Despite whatever they may say, we have to do what's right." Chris spoke up. Everyone else nodded, even Craig. I looked at Chris and smile, him giving me a wink. After that, everyone broke up and went their own way where we could.

We were informed later that day our area was being expanded, anyone near the camp was being cleared out by the use of eminent domain. We felt bad kicking furs from their homes, but it was getting harder to see houses the larger we got. I wouldn't be surprised if we just grew over some soon.

"Good speech back there." Chris said to me as we both looked at the city.

"Thanks. And thanks for helping me out." I gave him a soft punch in the shoulder. We sat in silence for a bit before he spoke.

"Do you believe it? Everything you said?"

"I have to. It's the only thing I can keep saying now to not lose it. And the others needed that as well. Furs are stopping in the growth, so that has to mean there is a limit. Everyone just has a different one." I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"What are you thinking about." He asked.

"Samantha. She hasn't visited me in awhile. I've really been missing her. And I'm afraid at this rate, I won't be able to hear her, even with a loud speaker." I sighed.

"Hey, maybe you'll stop after today and not have to worry bout it." He rubbed my back.

"Thanks. Hey, you think they're watching us talk from here and wondering what we are saying?"

"Probably with how loud we are, they can hear us easily if they listen in. But nothing we can do about it." The puma shrugged.


Suddenly, a loud yell pierced the air. We both jumped up in surprise, looking to where it came from, but saw nothing.

"Who did that?" I asked, the group coming together. Everyone looked at each other, shaking their heads.

"Who's missing?" I quickly scanned the group, finally noticing Jeff and Mary were missing. Were they attacked?

"It's Jeff and Mary. Spread out and carefully search for them, try not to step on anyone or thing." Shawn said. Everyone broke into twos, me and Chris going together. Everyone took a different part of the large territory we were given, but no sign. Chris and I checked around the woods, before coming to the other side, our jaws dropping.

Jeff was lying there, his cock completely erect and having just cummed, panting hard with his claws having dug trenches into the earth. Beside him, her face covered in his semen, was Mary, coughing and trying to clean her face.

"Are you kidding me?" I yelled, lost for any other words. Mary looked up at us, ears flushing red, Jeff lifted up his head, panting.

"Oh uh...hey guys." Also looking completely embarrassed.

"We heard you yell, did you find-HOLY CRAP!" Shawn stopped in his tracks along with William. "You actually did it? I wasn't serious!" He exclaimed. I facepalmed.

"Well, this isn't exactly the first time..." Jeff slowly sat up, hunching over.

"Wait, what?" Chris finally found his voice.

"We...kinda been doing it since we got here..." Mary spoke up. "We kinda fell in love after he saved me and Mr. Baskowits."

"So why did you yell?" I rubbed my temples, trying to process all of this.

"Well, with her size, it was pretty kinky the way she can toy with my cock so-"

"Okay, okay! I don't need to know anymore." I groaned. "You do know how dangerous it is right? If you aimed in the wrong direction or anything you could- Chris! Seriously?" Shawn glared at the puma, his own shaft starting to speak out.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it! Its just affecting me for some reason!" He quickly covered himself, hurrying away.

"Okay, we're all adults here. Its completely natural, but ill advised. I'll take partly blame for this since I joked around with the idea. But no more. Control your libidos!" Chris warned, glaring at everyone before shaking his head and walking away.

Everyone started to head back since it was a false alarm, and I quickly felt my disgust fade away. I remembered the second day of growth and how Samantha was curious about it at that time. But I was too afraid to act on it, afraid I would hurt her. And back there in my mind, I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if we had done it at that time.

Shaking my head, I couldn't help but laugh. Maybe we were all going to be alright after all.