The Law of The Jungle

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Jessie Stamp convinces her new friend, Kyte to join her in her favorite game; and learns a LOT more about him in the process.

WARNING!!! WARNING!!! This story contains Cubs and Nudity. If you do not like to read about these topics then DO NOT READ THIS STORY!!

Jessie and Red Stamp, and Kyte and Barbra Dillon are copyrighted to SPARTASTICUS.

"Radical Ride!" the lioness cub shouted as she grinded the lip of the half pipe and plunged back down the ramp, easily gaining the speed she needed to ascend the other side. She planted her hand on the lip and lifted her body into the air, held her position for a good five seconds, then flipped back onto her skateboard and skidded to a stop at the bottom of the ramp.

"Sweet moves, Jessie" said the cougar cub who was watching her, "I've never seen a girl who could ride a skateboard with that much skill."

"Comes from spending twenty hours a week at the skate park, Kyte;" said Jessie, "As long as I keep my heart rate up, I should be in premium shape by the time I reach my teen years; perfect for starting my career as a professional skateboarder."

"I wish I was that good at skating;" said Kyte, "But I've been thinking about taking surfing lessons this summer."

"Sure!" said Jessie as she hopped down from the ramp, "Surfing's a lot like skateboarding; apart from the reduced risk of blood loss and the increased risk of drowning."

"Then I guess it's lucky for me that I'm a strong swimmer." said Kyte. He took a moment to look around the park and said, "You know... I think the west coast is a lot more beautiful than the Midwest."

"I wouldn't know;" said Jessie, "I've never been to the Midwest, so I can't really pass judgment on that."

"Well," said Kyte, "There's plenty of room and that sort of stuff." Before coming here, my mom and I lived in a small farmhouse about a mile off of one of the side roads. It was kinda lonely out there."

"I can imagine;" said Jessie, "I'd probably go crazy if I wasn't able to skate to school, or the park, or into the city." She thought a moment, then said, "Thanks for coming to the skate park with me today."

"Not a problem!" said Kyte, "We should probably head back to your house before our parents start to worry about us."

"Good idea." said Jessie, "Do you have my cell phone?"

"I sure do." said Kyte. He pulled Jessie's cell phone out of his pocket, and handed it to her. Jessie speed-dialed her father and put the phone to her ear.

"Afternoon..." the voice on the other end said, "Red Stamp speaking."

"Hi Dad!" said Jessie, "Kyte and I are done at the skate park and are about to catch the bus home."

"Sounds good to me, Cubbo!" said Red, "You reckon you'll be home in about twenty minutes?"

"Only fifteen if we can catch the next bus;" said Jessie, "See you when we get home!" With that, Jessie put her phone back into her pocket, kicked her skateboard up under her arm, and took off her helmet. Then the two kids exited the park and headed to the bus stop where they would catch the bus back to the outer suburbs of Firewall City.


It didn't take long for Jessie and Kyte to get back to the suburbs, and it was only a few blocks from the bus stop to Jessie's house. Jessie coasted along on her skateboard as Kyte strolled beside her. The two cubs had actually met each other two months ago while at Turner Middle School. Jessie had been short on lunch money, so Kyte had been kind enough to lend her some. In return, Jessie had invited Kyte to sit with her and her friends, Abby and Katie, at lunch time. Understandably, he had been a little uneasy about suddenly joining a group of girls, but by now, he was much more confident and casual around them (though he probably wouldn't be if he knew about some of the things they did in their spare time). All too soon, they made the turn onto Durham Drive.

"Kinda amazing, isn't it?" asked Kyte.

"What is?" asked Jessie.

"Well..." said Kyte, "Just a few months ago, you and I were an entire world apart; now, we're only separated by a two lane stretch of asphalt."

"I know, right?" said Jessie. Cliché though it may seem, Kyte had moved in literally across the street from Jessie, so they could hang out together practically any time they wanted. "So..." said Jessie, "Ready for our sleepover tonight?"

"You bet!" said Kyte. Once they reached house number five, Jessie kicked her skateboard up under her armpit and led the way up to the door. She was about to knock, when the door suddenly swung open!

"Whoa!" cried the surprised woman in the door.

"Mom...?" asked Kyte, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh..." said the adult female cougar (whose name was Barbra), "Jessie's dad invited me over to tell me some of his police stories."

"That's great, Mrs. B;" said Jessie, "My dad's got all kinds of great adventures to tell about; even I never get tired of hearing them."

"He really is an amazing person;" said Barbra, "I never knew there were so many skills involved in being a police detective." She paused a moment, then said, "Well, I better get home and start preparing dinner for one. Kyte, you be a good guest for Mr. Stamp, okay?"

"I will, Mom;" said Kyte, "I promise."

"That's my boy." said Barbra, "Have a good night, Son."

"Sure thing!" said Kyte. Barb started across the street, but as she went, Kyte couldn't help but notice her readjust her pants slightly. Shrugging it off, he followed Jessie into the house.

"We're home, Dad!" she called, expecting a response. When there was none, she heard the sound of running water, coming from upstairs. "Dad!" she called from the stairs, "Are you in the shower?"

"Nope!" she heard Red's voice say, "Just cleaning out the tub a little bit!"

"Okay!" said Jessie, "I'm gonna get Kyte settled into my room, okay?"

"Go ahead!" said Red, "I'll be done in a few minutes!" Thinking nothing else of it, Jessie led Kyte up the stairs and down the hall to her bedroom.

"It still amazes me;" said Kyte, "That you have so much skateboarding stuff."

"My mom didn't really like it;" said Jessie as she propped her skateboard up against the edge of her bed, "She was always pushing me to be more feminine; wearing bows and dresses, sipping my hot chocolate, and NO skateboarding stuff whatsoever!"

"Sounds like a lot of the moms from back where we came from;" said Kyte, "Boys were supposed to be boys, and girls were supposed to be girls."

"I'm glad that I'm finally free to be who I want to be," said Jessie, "But I wish that my parents didn't have to get divorced for it; I wish my mom could have seen that I just wasn't who she wanted me to be."

"Do you still miss her?" asked Kyte

"Not all the time;" said Jessie, "But there are some times that I wish I had a mother figure in my life." She suddenly looked as though she might shed a tear.

"Well..." said Kyte, "You're not alone in how you feel. There are a lot of times I wish I actually had a dad."

"What exactly happened to your dad?" asked Jessie, "If you don't mind me asking." Kyte sighed and said,

"Mom says he walked out on her when I was two; but I don't buy it. I think there's something she's not telling me. Of course, I don't remember anything that went on back then, so how would I know?"

"I'm sure she'll tell you when the time is right;" said Jessie.

"Yeah..." said Kyte, "It's just too bad I have to wait till I'm like seventeen to find out." He sat down on the bed and said, "You know, Jessie, "It's nice to finally have someone who I can talk with about this kind of thing."

"Yeah..." said Jessie, "I feel the same way." She sat down on the bed next to Kyte, and the two cubs lay out on their backs, looking up at the ceiling. After a minute of silence, Kyte was the first to speak.

"You know, Jessie..." he said, "Call it a hunch, but I think you might have a mom again sooner than you think."

"What makes you say that?" asked Jessie, curious.

"Well, think about it;" said Kyte, "Every time we get together at my place or yours, our parents always tag along with us; and while we do whatever it is we do, we'll sometimes hear them laughing and stuff."

"Well..." said Jessie, "That probably means that they get along really well."

"And..." said Kyte, "What do you think my mom was doing at your house when we got home? What if she was here the entire time we were at the skate park? And who's to say they never did this kind of thing while we were in school?"

"Huh..." said Jessie, "I don't think she'd come over just for tea and to hear detective stories. Do you think that you mom might love my dad?"

"That's a very real possibility;" said Kyte, "But if I'm honest, I really like your dad, so I wouldn't mind if they do love each other."

"And I think your mom is a really nice person;" said Jessie, "So I wouldn't mind either."

"Hey, kids!" they heard Red calling, "Who wants barbeque ribs for dinner tonight?"

"BARBEQUE!" Jessie and Kyte cried out in unison, "Alright!"

"I'll take that as a 'we do'!" Red laughed, "Dinner should be ready in half an hour, so take your time!"

"Thanks, Dad!" called Jessie, "We'll be down soon!"


True to Red's word, in half an hour, the kitchen was rich with the smells of meat, barbeque sauce, and limeade. Aside from being a great detective, Red Stamp was famous at the FCPD, and among Jessie's friends, for his great barbequing skills. Tonight, he certainly didn't disappoint, as the smell alone made Jessie and Kyte's mouths water. In a matter of only ten minutes, the cubs' plates were clean, and their glasses empty.

"You two look like you enjoyed yourselves;" said Red.

"I certainly did, Mr. Stamp;" said Kyte, "I've never had barbeque this good in my life!"

"I'm so happy that you liked it, Kyte;" said Red, "It never hurts to have skill in the kitchen."

"Maybe you could teach me some of your techniques when I get older." said Kyte.

"I'd be happy to;" said Red, "So, what does your plan for the rest of the evening look like?"

"I thought we'd watch a movie or play some games;" said Jessie, "We're kinda worn out from being at the skate park all day."

"Do you have a chess board around here?" asked Kyte.

"We sure do;" said Red, "And it would be great to have someone to play with."

"My teachers insisted that I joined the chess club back in Stillwater;" said Kyte, "And I have to admit I'm pretty darn good at it."

"Cool!" said Jessie, "Maybe you could teach me to play."

"Sure;" said Kyte, "I'd be happy to."

"You never wanted to learn chess when I offered to teach you..." Red playfully whined.

"Sorry, Dad..." said Jessie, "You were always too good for me."

"It's alright, Cubbo." said Red, with a smile, "Well, I best get these dished tidied up; you two have fun."

"Thanks, Mr. Stamp!" said Kyte. So he and Jessie went to the closet to fish the chess game out of the closet. Then, they went upstairs to play.

"It's kinda like checkers;" said Jessie, "Isn't it?"

"Sort of;" said Kyte, "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." Kyte spent the next five minutes teaching Jessie how to play, and then the game began. Feeling like her pride was at stake, Jessie played aggressively in an attempt to intimidate Kyte. But Kyte had clearly played the game before, sacrificing his pawns before taking out Jessie's forces with his more powerful pieces. Ten minutes into the game, Kyte said, "And I believe that is checkmate!"

"D'oh..." moaned Jessie, "Chess is nothing like checkers."

"I should have gone a little easier on you;" said Kyte, "This is, after all, your first time playing."

"Yeah..." said Jessie, "I guess so." She thought for a moment, and then said, "I know a way you can make it up to me... You have to play my favorite game."

"Sure thing!" said Kyte, "What is this game of yours?" Jessie smiled and said,

"A long time ago, in the jungles of the Amazon, two young cubs, just like us, were separated from their families and left alone in the jungle."

"Oh wow..." said Kyte.

"They had only themselves and each other to rely on;" Jessie continued, "And they had to survive by their wits, their instincts, and their teamwork."

"I like the sound of this..." said Kyte.

"So..." said Jessie, "We go out into the backyard, and pretend that we are wild cubs! I first played it last summer with my friend, Abby, and then we got Katie to join us; you'll be the first boy to become a wild cub with us."

"Sounds like a lot of fun!" said Kyte, "I'm kinda amazed that Katie hangs out with you guys, still."

"Oh...?" asked Jessie, "Why's that?"

"Well..." said Kyte, "She is a gazelle, and in the wild, gazelles tend to be the targets of animals the likes of us."

"That may be so;" said Jessie, "But Katie knows she can trust us. I rescued her on Halloween from bullies trying to steal her candy, and we've been firm friends ever since."

"That's really nice of you;" said Kyte, "I wish I could have been there to see it." He shrugged and said, "So, should we go outside now?"

"Not just yet..." said Jessie; she smirked and continued in a whisper, "You see... when we play wild cubs, we only wear our underwear...!"

"No jive, Clive...?" asked Kyte as his eyes went wide, "You run around in the backyard in your underwear?"

"We sure do!" said Jessie, "Only under certain circumstances of course. We only do it during night time, and when my dad isn't home; the guys at the station are always calling him in to do paperwork and that sort of thing." Kyte thought for a moment, then said,

"Well... It sounds like a lot of fun, and I would like to try it, but... I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you or anything like that."

"Why would you think something like that?" asked Jessie.

"Because when I think of underwear..." said Kyte, "I think of something that only goes on... the lower part of the body."

"Oh..." said Jessie, "And because us girls have to cover our chests with our bathing suits, but boys don't."

"Yeah..." said Kyte, "I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, because that would make me feel uncomfortable." Jessie thought for a moment, then said,

"I'll tell you what, Kyte; if it will make you feel better, I'll wear a tank top when we go out, so you don't have to see anything if you don't want to."

"Thanks, Jessie;" said Kyte, "You really are a great friend."

"So are you, Kyte." said Jessie, "So here's the plan; if he's not working, my dad usually falls asleep by midnight; so I'll set a quiet alarm on my phone, and we can go out back and play wild cubs!"

"I'm there with you!" said Kyte, "For now, how about another game? Maybe you'll actually come close to beating me this time."

"Oh it is on!" said Jessie, and the two of them got stuck into another game.


The rest of the night went according to plan. Red spent a good portion of the evening reading a book, and was good and tired by the time Jessie and Kyte were ready for bed. The two cubs took turns showering, brushing their teeth, and changing into their sleepwear. Unbeknownst to Red, they hid the underwear that they had been wearing that day in Jessie's closet. When bedtime, came, Jessie kissed her father goodnight, and Kyte thanked him for having him over. Soon, the two cubs crawled into bed; Jessie in her own bed, and Kyte in his sleeping bag. Rather than chat, they did their best to fall asleep, so they wouldn't arouse suspicion. The hours slowly ticked by, until the clock struck the first minute of the new day.

'Beep-beep! Beep-beep!' went Jessie's phone. Jessie woke with a start, and quickly silenced her phone. After some initial confusion, she remembered that she and Kyte had conspired to play wild cubs in the dark. Rather than wake Kyte, she decided to make sure that her father was asleep first. Very carefully, she climbed out of bed, opened her door, and tiptoed out into the hall. Red's room was at the opposite end of the hall, so Jessie didn't have far to creep; nonetheless, it felt like walking a mile on her toes when she had to keep absolutely quiet. She eventually reached her father's door, and listened. Sure enough, through the crack at the bottom of the door, she could hear the gentle rhythm of her father's breathing, which told her that he was most likely asleep. With a smile, she crept back to her room, where she found Kyte, still asleep. Jessie knew she would have to be gentle, or the jig would be up. She knelt down beside the male cougar cub and whispered into his ear.

"Kyte..." she whispered, "Psst! Kyte...!"

"Hmmm...?" Kyte moaned as he opened his eyes, "Jessie?"

"My dad's asleep!" she whispered, "It's time to play wild cubs!"

"Oh yeah..." said Kyte, "We need our underwear, right?"

"Yeah..." said Jessie, "Why don't you close your eyes, and I'll tell you when I'm dressed."

"Works for me;" said Kyte, "Then I'll take my turn."

"Right!" said Jessie. Once she was certain Kyte had his eyes covered, she fished her undershirt and panties out of the closet and slipped to the other side of her bed; just in case. She took her pajama pants off first, and slid her panties covered with cartoon dolphins up her legs until they covered up her crotch. Then she took her night shirt off, and slipped back into her undershirt. "Okay!" she said, "I'm done!"

"You just stay there a moment;" said Kyte, "And I'll get my underwear back on." Jessie curled up on her section of floor as she waited for Kyte to get into his wild cub attire. She couldn't help but feel curious as to what he would look like while changing, but she restrained herself; she certainly wouldn't want to instigate a confrontation that would upset Kyte, and possible wake her father. "Alright!" said Kyte, "I'm ready!"

"Okay," said Jessie, "Let's go ahead and head downstairs. Just remember to be quiet." Jessie opened her bedroom door, and led the way down the stairs, with Kyte staying close behind her. It was a heart-pounding experience for both of them; the fear of accidentally hitting something and creating a sound drove them to move slowly and attentively. It took them a full two minutes just to get down the stairs, and another minute to get to the backdoor. Jessie, thankfully, had the foresight to bring along their bath towels in case they decided to go swimming.

"Can you see alright?" asked Kyte, "I can see well enough."

"I sure can;" said Jessie, "Being a lion has its advantages sometimes." She slid the backdoor open, and slipped out into the night with Kyte right behind her. Jessie could now see Kyte quite clearly, and the green briefs he was wearing. If she was honest, he looked quite good wearing them.

"Hey, Jessie..." said Kyte, "I've been thinking about this, and I hope you don't find this rude, but there's something I'd like to ask you."

"What's that?" asked Jessie.

"Well..." said Kyte, "I've been thinking about what you said, and now I'm wondering... would you be alright with taking your top off...?" Jessie thought for a moment, then said,

"Before I do, can you tell me what made you change your mind?"

"It was something my mother told me when we moved here;" said Kyte, "she told me that if you get a chance to do something new and exciting, don't waste it. I'm already out here playing at night, so if you're not uncomfortable with it, I think I can handle you taking off your top." Jessie smiled and said,

"That's the spirit!" She gripped the bottom of her undershirt and lifted it over her shoulder, revealing her cream colored chest, and her little pink nipples for Kyte to see. When she had thrown it to the side, she said, "So... what do you think?"

"Wow..." said Kyte, "It's... not really that different from a boy's chest."

"I know;" said Jessie, "It's just that my nipples are slightly bigger than yours; that's all."

"I don't know what I was worried about!" said Kyte, "So, how does the game go?"

"Well since we want to be as quiet as possible," said Jessie, "We could pretend that we are hiding from poachers as we hide out in my climbing fort."

"Sounds good to me!" said Kyte. Jessie giggled and threw herself onto her belly in the grass. Kyte followed her, and the two cubs crawled along on their stomachs, trying to stay undetected by the poachers hunting for them in the jungle. Jessie's fantasy world soon engulfed the two cubs. Even Kyte could see the towering trees obstructing the starry night sky, and hear the chirping of nocturnal jungle dwellers. At one point, he glanced over at Jessie; she looked so amazing crawling through the grass in nothing but her panties. The light gold fur on her back was smooth and flawless, and she moved with such grace, it was like she was actually a feral jungle cat instead of an anthro lion.


Jessie and Kyte spent a few minutes crawling through and rolling around in the moist grass of the lawn. Then they slipped into Jessie's climbing fort, where they took shelter from the pursuing poachers. Amidst their giggling, the sound of crickets chirping in the night provided a calming ambiance.

"This is pretty cool, huh?" said Jessie, hoping Kyte was having as much fun as she was.

"Totally cool!" said Kyte, "I never would have thought of doing this back in Stillwater."

"Never crossed your mind?" asked Jessie.

"You could say that; yes." said Kyte. Jessie smiled at Kyte; he looked so strong and brave when he was in just his underwear. She couldn't help staring at his white chest, bordered by light brown fur; he almost looked like a young jungle dweller to her. "Is there something wrong?" asked Kyte.

"Wrong? Oh no;" said Jessie, "I just got lost in thought for a moment, that's all."

"About what?" asked Kyte. Jessie rapped her brain for a quick way out, and quickly came up with the answer.

"About what you said about our parents this afternoon;" she said, "I was wondering how you might get along with my dad if he did end up marrying your mom."

"I don't think I would mind;" said Kyte, "From what you've told me of him, he sounds like a really nice dad. What I'm concerned about is how you would find it. I mean... you're probably used to having him to yourself for the most part. Do you think you could manage sharing him with my mom?"

"I think so;" said Jessie, "It would be nice to have a mother figure in my life again; especially someone as bold and as nice as your mom."

"Thanks." said Kyte. At that moment, from high above there came the distant roar of a modern jet plane, reminding the cubs that they were not in the jungle, but in a modern climbing fort in a modern backyard.

"We probably shouldn't stay out too long;" said Jessie, "The longer we stay out, the more we put ourselves at risk of being caught; and if we don't get a lot of sleep, we'll appear sleepy in the morning, and my dad might smell a rat."

"That's a very real possibility;" said Kyte, "He is after all, Firewall City's greatest detective."

"We can probably spend another half hour out here before we really need to go in;" said Jessie, "Wanna go swimming?"

"Sure!" said Kyte, "We can drift down the river by the light of the moon."

"You know it!" said Jessie. She slid down the slide, followed by Kyte. Getting down on all fours, the cubs crept stealthily over to the in-ground pool. Jessie turned to Kyte just as they reached the concrete deck. "Just one thing..." she asked, "Lights on or off?"

"Off." said Kyte, "Our eyes have already adjusted to the dark, so we should be able to see just fine." He thought a moment and said, "One thing, though... we shouldn't splash around a lot; that means no cannonballs, no belly flops, and no excessive laughing."

"I was gonna say that!" said Jessie, smiling, "You've been behind me all night; why don't you go in first?"

"Getting me to warm up the water for you, huh?" asked Kyte, "Okay, let's catch that river!" He got up out of the grass and gently made his way up to the diving board. Jessie caught a nice glimpse of him from where she was situated; standing there in the dark atop a diving board, with only his green briefs covering the most private part on his body. Kyte took a minute to psyche himself up; he needed to make his dive as letter perfect as possible to keep the noise of the splash down to a minimum. After wiggling the board a bit, he forced it down and leapt into the air before diving into the water with a splash that wasn't too loud at all. Kyte grinned with pleasure as the cold water washed over him, but winced in horror as he felt an extra gush of cold where he shouldn't have. Upon surfacing, he found that his briefs had washed off of him in the dive, leaving him stark naked in the pool. Worse still, Jessie was making her way over to the pool for her dive. "Wait!" he cried, trying to keep his voice as shushed as possible, "I lost my undies!"

"Pfft...!" Jessie had to fight to keep herself from laughing, "Really...?"

"Yeah...!" said Kyte, "And I can't find them in the dark!"

"Don't worry!" said Jessie, "I can help."

"Oh thank you!" said Kyte, relaxing a little bit. Jessie stepped up to the diving board. As the lights were off, she couldn't see precisely where Kyte's briefs had come off, but she knew they had to be in roughly the deepest end of the pool. She was just thankful that it was also too dark for her to see anything of Kyte that she shouldn't. On the other paw, Kyte could see Jessie quite clearly; standing on the diving board, bathed in the moonlight, wearing nothing but her fur and her dolphin panties. He was filled with mixed emotions about the whole scenario, but there was a certain part of him that enjoyed looking at Jessie very much. Jessie crouched low, building up what she could for a single spring. When the board released, she leapt up and arced her body into a graceful dive. As she pierced the water, lightning struck twice; her panties were torn from her waist by the sudden gush of water, leaving her just as naked as her friend. Filled with dread and embarrassment, Jessie nonetheless completed her mission; she managed to pick up Kyte's underwear from the pool floor and bring them to the surface. She saw Kyte, stifling his own laughter.

"You saw what happened, didn't you...?" she asked, blushing quite a bit.

"I did..." said Kyte, "But thanks for getting my underwear for me."

"You want to put it on while I go and get mine?" Jessie asked.

"Nah..." said Kyte, "Just throw it on the side of the pool and I'll go and grab yours later."

"You're really okay with skinny dipping?" asked Jessie.

"Fair's fair." said Kyte, "That's the law of the jungle." Jessie broke out in a huge smile.

"Okay then!" she said, "Let's swim!"

"There is one thing, though," said Kyte, "At this rate, we're bound to see what the other one has in our bathing suit area at one point or another."

"Well I've already shown you my chest;" said Jessie, "so I really don't think I'd be vexed by whatever you have down there at this point."

"Then how about this...?" asked Kyte, "On the count of three, we go under and take a good look at each other, that way no one has an unfair advantage."

"Sounds fair to me." said Jessie, "One... two... three!" Both cubs took deep breaths and allowed themselves to submerge into the deep water of the pool. Then, Jessie saw it; a member of pink flesh emanating from Kyte's crotch area, fully erect. Her eyes went wide with wonder as she gazed at the foreign body part. Kyte looked a little confused, so Jessie rolled back a little and spread her legs to show him what she had. Kyte's eyes also went wide as he got a glimpse of the world between Jessie's legs; a strange pattern of skin folds that looked as though they were the opening to something. After taking a good look at each other, the cubs resurfaced to replenish their oxygen supply; being careful of course to remain quiet.

"Holy cow!" said Kyte, remembering to keep his voice hushed, "What was that thing I saw?"

"It's my vulva;" said Jessie, "I've had it ever since I was born; but what was that pink thing between your legs?"

"That was my penis;" said Kyte, "It's usually limp, but it gets all stiff and hard when certain things happen."

"Like what kind of things?" asked Jessie.

"Like when I take a bath;" said Kyte, "And sometimes, I kinda feel it getting that way when... when we're really close together. But I don't know what makes it do that."

"I don't mind..." said Jessie, as she gave a kind, comforting smile, "Really; I don't."

"Thanks, Jessie," said Kyte, "You really are one in a million. Now if you'll give me just one minute..." He slipped underwater again, and Jessie started to wonder if he would try to sneak up on her from underneath. But she needn't have worried; for he surfaced a minute later, holding her panties. "I'll put them on the edge for now;" he said, "So we can keep swimming like this."

"Sure!" said Jessie. And the two cubs slipped underwater to play.


Jessie and Kyte spent a little more time playing than they should have. They pretended that they were having a romantic moonlit skinny dip in a jungle lagoon. They also kept going underwater and swimming around each other to get glimpses of their private areas from different angles. Eventually, Kyte said,

"We should probably go back inside now."

"I agree;" said Jessie, "We've pushed our luck more than enough for one night." Jessie and Kyte climbed out of the pool and wrung the water out of their underwear. Then, they dried themselves off with the bath towels that Jessie had brought down. Carrying both their underwear and their towels, the two cubs crept back into the house, as naked as they had been in the pool. Moving with more caution and fear than they ever had in their short lives, they climbed the stairs and hung the towels where they had been on the hangers. Then they slipped back into Jessie's bedroom.

"Whoa nelly..." said Kyte, "That has to be the most fun and scary night of my life so far."

"Mine too;" said Jessie, as she got back into her pajamas. Kyte did the same.

"I still can't figure it out..." said Kyte, "Why I have a penis and you have a vulva. I personally think it means something."

"What could it mean?" asked Jessie as she got into bed.

"That's the part I haven't figured out yet." said Kyte as he got into his sleeping bag, "But I would like to know."

"You know something...?" said Jessie, "I think I'd like to know too; It might even lead to the reason why my mom always wanted me to me so girly."

"Maybe..." said Kyte, "I guess it might even explain why our parents are always sneaking off together."

"Well, we're certainly not going to find anything else out tonight;" said Jessie, "So let's get a good night's sleep, and we can discuss it next time we get together."

"Good idea;" said Kyte, "We shouldn't talk about it in the morning." He snuggled down into his sleeping bag and said, "Well... goodnight, Jessie; I'll see you in the morning."

"Not if I see you first!" Jessie joked before also hitting her sack. Kyte fell asleep in short order, but Jessie stayed awake a little longer. Once she was sure Kyte was out cold, she reached under her pillow, and took out an old picture. It was a picture of her family; herself, her father, and her mother. It was a picture of them when they were a happy family; before all the girly drama had started. Jessie stared sadly at the picture; she wished that her mother hadn't been so adamant that her daughter lead a girly lifestyle. But then she thought about what Kyte had said. If her father really did like his mother, then there was a very real possibility that she may have a mother again sooner than she thought. With this thought in her mind, she put the photo back and finally settled in for the night, looking forward to the adventures that the summer would hold for her and her friends.

To Be Continued...

Skye's Guardian Angel

"And up we go!" Ryder said as the hot air balloon ascended off the ground. Skye yipped happily; this was their second run at parachuting and she had been looking forward to it all week. Of course, being the team's aviatrix, she was the best at these...

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Fuli Dives In

I'm sure most if not all of you are aware how hot things can get on the African Savannah, especially in the midst of summer; so it's only fitting that there are several water holes scattered around the landscape. One of the best water holes was...

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Tension and Relief

_Dear Diary:_ _I honestly don't know what to do right now. I've been getting that funny feeling that Mom told me I'd start to feel at this age; But I only seem to feel it when I'm around other girls; particularly when I see them in their bathing suits...

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