The Promise

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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#9 of Legend of the Tiger Clan

After figuring out the location on the map the group went into preparing for the journey, Sir Bronn would escort them since he was a dragon killer himself, while they gathered up the equipment Zeng used this time to be with Linda as they strolled through the castle courtyard to the garden, after finally arriving at the center of the garden the two decided to rest a bit as Linda laid her head on Zengs shoulder. She felt safe around him and happy and he felt the same about her, there wasn't a better match in all the kingdom he thought.



Zeng looked into her eyes, so full of happiness then after one huge nervous gulp he held both her hands and began to color up slowly.

"I know we've only known each other for a while but....will you marry me?"

Linda gasped in shock and her heart began to race rapidly, never in her life had she thought someone would have the courage to ask for her hand in marriage let alone a simple hunter like Zeng. For a while she stayed quiet and Zeng sunk his head down in disappointment and as he stood up to walk away Linda suddenly sprang from her seat tackling him to the ground for a long kiss with a smile forming on her face.

"YES!! YES!! I will marry you...."

Zeng smiled with joy as he lifted her up from her feet and kissed her again spinning them around, laughing until Zeng tripped over the bench making them fall into a brush but still they laughed with joy, then after staring into her eyes for a moment Zeng moved himself on top of her and resumed the kiss as she wrapped her arms around him, as they held their kiss Linda removed her lovers vest while he helped with her dress and after pausing for a moment Zeng stared at her beautiful body before allowing her to take off his pants.

Linda then nervously spread herself as Zeng played her left breast and fingered her a little, once she was stimulated Zeng slowly pushed the tip of his erect feline cock but before he could proceed any further Linda snapped out of her trance and shoved him away as she faced the other direction and began to cry.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry! it's just....*sobs*"

Zeng had remembered that when they were little Linda was kidnapped by bandits and raped meaning they had taken her virginity, the memory of that day was burned into her greatly but Zeng slowly turned her around and wiped the tears from her face before looking her in the eye.

" know that I would never let that happen to you again."

After staring in his eyes Linda kissed him and laid herself on the ground holding Zengs paw.

"I'll go slow."

This time she did not move as Zeng made his way in, the barbs on his shaft were amazing as they tickled every part of her entrance, making her blush uncontrollably. Once he was fully inside her Zeng began moving his hips at a steady pace allowing his mate to get use to his size while she gave a few short gasps and moans with each thrust then as Zeng moved faster she wrapped both her arms and legs around him whimpering as she felt his tip enter her womb.

"Faster Zeng! faster!-AAH!!!"

This time Zeng moved at the regular pace but for his mate that was more than enough as she realeased her arms, gripping the dirt beneath them while arching her back moaning in ecstasy, her pussy grew more wet with each movement and already she had gone through one orgasm but her lover was far from done.


Zeng suddenly began pounding into her like a jack hammer, she knew he was going to cum and soon, as he slowly pulled out of her Linda used her legs to wrench him back in leaving him stunned a little bit.

"Keep it inside...I want to feel it."

Then after giving a few more rapid thrusts Zeng gave a ferocious snarl as he filled her womb with his hot feline seed making her eyes spring to life with shock while she shrieked for a short moment through what was no doubt her biggest orgasm ever.

The two lovers then collapsed on the ground in each others arms covered in sweat. Two hours had passed and they still laid there behind the brush naked but smiling at each other and as Linda snuggled in his arms Zeng closed his eyes and from his discarded pants he pulled out a ring he had crafted himself placing it on the princess's finger.

"When I return we can start our lives a family."

"And thanks to you...our family is starting."

She moved his hand to her belly which was slightly swollen from the cum inside her but Zeng could picture a cub or two growing in their and it made him smile then Lindas ears perked up as a thought came into her head.

"Zeng! why don't we get married now; today?"

"What? but Linda-"

"I....I don't want to wait anymore...what if you never come back? I can't stand the thought of raising a child all by myself..."

Zeng gave this some thought for a few moments then after careful consideration he agreed and Linda hugged him greatly.

"Just promise me one thing."


"That you'll ALWAYS come back to me..."

"....I Promise."

With that being said wedding bells were soon heard later on in the day and the people cheered for the sudden marriage of the princess and their new prince, Zengs mothers were aflood with tears of joy for their cub as they hugged each other while throwing a good luck kiss to the newly weds while Kerric and a bunch of the townsfolk danced and sang while they drank ale making the crowd and his friends laugh with great joy.

As the celebration ended Zeng and Linda stared at the sunset together looking over the kingdom from her tower.

"I wish you didn't have to go tommorow...."

"I know...but if we are going to have children I wanna make sure they grow up in a land without fear...I promise I WILL return when this is all over."

Zeng made his promise crystal clear before the day slowly turned into night. Meanwhile deep in the volcano region black pillar mountain began to shake and tremble with great force and from its darkest depths an ear splitting roar echoed throughout the mountains caverns.

The End.