Heated Passions

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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Vanar, a young red fox, has been happily living out his life under the care of Rhalden, a caring phoenix that has been working towards teaching the fox everything they would need to know in life. Starting with just an odd dream, Vanar finds himself facing a situation he has never been taught about, and seeks a way to better understand new feelings, and understand his newly found lust.

Rushing through the smouldering woods, dodging and ducking under smoking branches, Vanar forced his way deeper into what seemed to be the heart of an impossibly large inferno. Risking his own fur to try and see if there was anything that needed his help, calling out as he ran through the billowing smoke. He ignored the touch of the flames, brushing them off as more of an annoyance than anything actually dangerous. Vanar had creatures to save, so he couldn't let something as simple as a blazing forest fire keep him back. The flames licked and grasped at his fur, only for him to emerge from them like a hero bursting out of their shackles.

He was set on a quest, and he was sure that he would finish it, saving anyone that needed the help and becoming the heroic fox that he knew he was. His orange fur set the flames back, the brilliance of it making them shudder and die out alone, and every step sent him vast distances forwards. The flame tried to tie him down with its fiery promise of rest, but it didn't bother him. Where the flames would burn anything else, he was all but immune to the pain that they could cause. It almost felt comfortable striding through the flames in his vigilant hunt to find anyone that needed his help.

It did feel oddly comfortable though, and soon he found himself side tracked, wondering why the flames seemed to have changed their tone towards him, offering comfort and what could only be the faint call of pleasure. He found himself confused for a moment, wondering if he should surrender to the mysterious fires burning around him, burning inside him now, or do what he knew was right, what any hero would, and continue his much needed search. The thoughts seemed to be taken from him though, his paws leading him on a clumsy path through the flames, towards what was obviously the centre, burning so bright he could barely stand to look at it.

Each step sent a jolt up his spin, filling him with an odd need, the sense to do something, though he couldn't quite figure out what. Vanar thought he could make out a shape inside the brilliant centre of the flames, something that was so obviously distinct that he knew he should know it. And the closer he moved towards it the more he felt that urge, that need to do something, like a primal fire burning its path through his mind, screaming at him to do what should have been so obvious. He was on the verge of understanding, the flames engulfing him whole, surrounding him in a soft nimbus of warmth and faint pleasure, pleading for him to continue.

With his eyes locked on the shape ahead of him, he took another step, and found himself suddenly falling into an unspeakable abyss, its depths stretching down for an eternity. With a jolt Vanar stood up, shaking his head groggily. He had managed to fall out of his bed, an odd assortment of twigs and branches that no normal fox would have had anything to do with. His dream was rapidly fading from him, leaving him reaching out to try and grab it. It was strange and wondrous, he knew that much, but the details of his odd adventure fled him faster than he could ever hope to catch. Letting out a defeated sigh, Vanar gave up at chasing his dream, he knew that it was a useless fight anyway, if his dream wanted to be remembered then he would know what it was, he had learned that fairly early in his life.

There was one thing that stuck with him though, an odd sense of pleasure, and for a moment he imagined an almost unseen figure in the flames, but it was gone from his mind so quickly that he wasn't sure if he had even imagined it or not. Spreading his paws out in front of him Vanar ducked down, raising his rear, his black tipped tail shivering above him for a moment, and let out a long yawn, shaking his head at the end of it in an attempt to clear his groggy thoughts. As much as he would like to dwell on pleasant dreams that he couldn't remember he was sure that there was a better way to be spending his time.

Taking a few steps forwards he nimbly climbed down the thick trunk of the tree that had been housing him, his paws landing in small holes that had been carved along its length. Whether or not there was a better way to spend his time he knew what he was going to do right now and that was get a drink. His dream had left him feeling oddly flushed and thirsty. He would have to ask Rhalden about it, the knowledgeable phoenix seemed to know everything, so he would surely know why a dream had taxed him so much.

It didn't take long for him to reach a small pond, conveniently close to his home, and he ducked down to lap at the water, being sure to keep his dark paws away from the water. He hated the sensation of wet fur, much preferring to stay dry, which was an obvious issue when he had to wash off the dirt that he accumulated with all of his daily activities. Pulling back from the pond and letting out a relieved sigh Vanar sat down at the edge of it, looking into the unsettled water, waiting for it to calm so that he could see his reflection in the surface.

His fur was sticking up at odd angles all along his face and body, making it look as if he had been caught in a thunderstorm. Setting a small from across his face he started working towards looking more presentable, doing his best to push the fur back down with his paw.

"You know," Came a voice behind him, making Vanar jump slightly, before letting out a small groan "That would be a lot easier with some water."

Rhalden stood behind Vanar; his black talons working to keep him perched atop a thick branch. His yellow eyes cast a critical gaze across the fox, who was more or less equal his size.

"Maybe if you didn't roll around so much in your sleep this wouldn't be a problem?" Suggested Rhalden, his own dark brown feathers catching some stray beams of sunlight, showing his near perfect composition.

"It's not my fault." Complained Vanar, "I had a strange dream."

"And what was so strange about this dream?" Rhalden asked, spreading his wings out above himself, stretching and giving the fox a marvellous view of the golden brown feathers that covered the inside of his wings.

"I don't know," Vanar grumbled, pawing at the ground in front of him, "I can't remember."

"If you can't remember the dream, then how do you know it was so strange?" The phoenix asked, looking down at the fox that was his foster child.

"It just felt weird..." Vanar trailed off, clearly not willing to offer anything more on the subject.

"It sounds to me like you are just making excuses for such a messy appearance, how will you ever be a hero of the forest if you look like you have fallen out of bed?" Rhalden asked, a grin splitting his beak, taking a few steps towards the fox, quickly closing the distance between them.

"Heroes like that are for pups." The fox argued, but there was a glint in his eyes that suggested he didn't think that was entirely true.

"Oh, well I guess that even a pup will become a great hero before you then." Rhalden countered, his grin seeming to reach even wider. He knew that Vanar dreamed of being some sort of figure from myths, facing impossible odds, only to push through and save the day.

Everyone dreamed of such things when they were young, but Rhalden was not so cruel as to crush the fox's dreams, instead letting them have their fun while they could, before they decided that those sorts of thoughts were silly.

"Well I'm going to show that anyone can be a hero!" Vanar shouted, lunging towards the phoenix with a grin on his muzzle, his fur still jutting out at odd angles.

Rhalden could have easily avoided the lunge, but decided to play along with the fox, falling to the ground and letting out a dramatic oof. Vanar stood above Rhalden, with his chest puffed out and his head held high, as if he had just completed some colossal task. Rhalden couldn't hold back his laugh at the sight of the dishevelled fox standing above him.

"Hey! Don't laugh, you're meant to be defeated!" Vanar argued, falling more than jumping on top of the downed phoenix, trying his best to pin the elusive bird to the ground, and gently biting at the feathers he could reach.

Vanar was flailing around on top of Rhalden, trying his best to get some sort of grip on the bird, to show that he could catch something as mighty as a gryphon even. It took a while, but eventually he found himself with his paws locked around Rhalden's feathery back, his hind paws reaching down to push at the ground. He was planning on declaring his victory at that point, but his body seemed set on betraying him, and he found his hips jerking forwards suddenly, sending a jolt of unexpected pleasure through his body, making him lose his hold because of the sudden movement.

He stepped back off of Rhalden, looking beneath himself at his hind paws, wondering what had caused the sudden action. He was displeased to discover a small spot on his belly that seemed to be wet, wondering how water had managed to reach there when he had been so careful to stay away from it.

"What's the matter?" Rhalden asked, noticing the annoyed look on Vanar's face, slowly getting his talons beneath him, his claws digging into the soft soil for a moment to help him keep his balance.

"I managed to get splashed by the water" Vanar complained, "even though the pond is all the way over there." He flicked his nose in the direction of the pond.

Rhalden spotted the small wet spot resting just above Vanar's sheath, and decided that it was definitely not the pond that had done that. He pieced together what Vanar had said before and decided that it was probably the weird dream that the fox had had. As much as Rhalden would like to spend his time playing with Vanar, it was obvious that they weren't a kit anymore, they were growing and they were going to make some shocking discoveries about themselves sometime soon. Rhalden would do his best to try and help Vanar understand what the fox could expect, but he decided that they weren't quite ready for that knowledge, not just yet anyway.

"I guess you will just have to be more careful then" Rhalden offered after a lingering silence, "now come on, let's get you properly cleaned up."

With that the phoenix reached out with his wing, pulling the fox in closer and doing his best to help pat down the clumps of fur that were standing out so obviously. Even now he could smell the slight musk that was telling him Vanar was definitely not a kit anymore. Vanar grumbled through the whole ordeal, though he didn't complain once it was over, checking his reflection in the pond to make sure that there wasn't some fur still standing out despite the attentive ministrations of Rhalden.

After that they went for a nice relaxing breakfast, eating what Rhalden had managed to catch while idly talking about what the day would hold for them. Vanar had been making great progress with his hunting, and Rhalden knew that the fox would be able to provide for himself in no time, he just had to work passed his issue of being so impatient at times. After they had eaten, Rhalden led the way into the thick woods, following a well-worn path that both he and Vanar used almost daily. He was pointing out certain tracks and types of bushes, and even though Vanar had heard it all before his ears stood tall, flicking forwards to catch the words of the phoenix.

There wasn't much left to learn for Vanar, the fox knew what tracks he could follow to a meal, and what ones to avoid to save him from running into anything too dangerous. He had even seen tracks that Rhalden had said belonged to a dragon once, though he had trouble believing that. But dragon or not, the paw print had been several times the size of his own, so if it wasn't a dragon it was definitely something big. To Vanar, Rhalden was easily the bust hunter in the forest, maybe even the world. The phoenix could follow near invisible tracks and seemed to have a supernatural sense of when something was nearby. He believed that the phoenix could take on anything and win, so when he had first heard of dragons, and Rhalden had told him that even a phoenix would have trouble facing one, Vanar had found himself in disbelief.

That had been ages ago though, and Vanar was older now, much more experienced. He thought back to that time sometimes, wondering if dragons were real or not, and if the craft phoenix had made the track himself as some way to share amazing stories of impossible creatures. So caught up in his memories, Vanar found himself face down on the ground in only a few seconds, a stray root having caught his hind paw, sending him sprawling in the dirt. He wasn't hurt from such a small fall, but he felt flush with embarrassment. After that he tried his best to pay attention to the path in front of him and what Rhalden was saying.

The day passed quickly, and before long the odd family found themselves returning home with a hare caught that they would share for an early dinner. Vanar beamed with pride at it, he had caught it himself, showing how well he had been learning what Rhalden had taught him. He recounted the tale several times to the patient phoenix as they ate, how he had chased the malevolent beast down and slain it in the name of good. Rhalden found the tale amusing, having been there when Vanar had caught the stunned rabbit, finding the colourful retelling of the epic saga to be much more enjoyable than how it had actually played out.

Finishing dinner quickly, Vanar quickly found his excited energy turning into tiredness, holding back a yawn as he sat with Rhalden, both of them looking up at the stars that were visible through the thick branches above. Vanar was lucky enough to avoid having to go for a cold swim in the pond to clean himself off, but knew that he would almost certainly have to face that torture tomorrow. He had learned so much from Rhalden, who was in his eyes the best father ever, though he had been wondering how they could be family but look so much different. He wondered what his mother had been like at times, Rhalden telling him that she had had to leave when he was only young.

Not managing to stifle his next yawn, Vanar felt the comforting weight of Rhalden's wing shift on top of him, slowly pulling away and leaving the chilly night air to attack him. The day had left him surprisingly tired, and with Rhalden's help he found himself clumsily making his way up the steep trunk towards his bed. His paws felt heavy and seemed like such a burden, but he finally managed to make it to his bed, which was by all accounts a nest. With all the grace of a falling tree he flopped onto it, rolling over onto his back and kicking at the air while wriggling around to get comfortable.

"Good night Vanar." Rhalden said, smiling as he watched the fox struggle to find a comfortable position.

"Good night..." Vanar mumbled, his paws falling to his sides as he found himself rapidly drifting off into sleep.

When he opened his eyes, Vanar was met with the strange flames that he suddenly remembered, tall and flickering, almost seeming to beckon him towards the impossibly bright centre that he had been so close to reaching last time. He could make out much more of a shape this time though, and found himself feeling confused at it almost seemed to be his own. It was as if his reflection had climbed out of the pond and stood before him.

"Who are you?" Vanar asked, his voice sounding weird in his own ears.

The strange fox replied by wagging its tail, slowly walking towards Vanar. Vanar felt like he should be worried, it was such an odd situation after all, but he felt calm. He felt nice, so nice and warm, and felt that strange tingle of pleasure run through his body, seeming to build up between his legs. He was going to look and see what was causing the pleasant sensation, but remembered he had a seemingly perfect copy in front of himself. Seeming to understand what Vanar wanted, the mirror fox lifted its hind leg, giving Vanar an unrestricted view of their balls, sheath, and the small amount of pink flesh pushing out of the sheath.

He leaned forwards to sniff at it, but found it had no scent; he touched it but couldn't really feel it. He reached up with a paw to poke at it, and found a sudden pleasure spark inside him as he touched it, gently prodding it with the tip of his soft paw. More of the pink flesh seemed eager to spill forth, and Vanar found himself eager to touch it, his fleshy paw pads attempting to grab it, making him shudder in delight. This was an amazing discovery for him, there was something that just seemed to force pleasure into him, and he had full control over it. He played around with the sensitive flesh a bit more, and found a clear liquid coming from the tip, which quickly found its way to his paw pad.

With that small amount of liquid he found things more pleasurable already, his paw pad slightly slippery, grasping the mysteriously hot pink flesh. He arched his back at the sensation, his hips thrusting forwards of their own accord, the mirrored fox working in the exact same timing, thrusting into his clumsy grip. He could feel the pleasure building up inside him, leading to something that he knew would be intense. He had to find out what it was, he was nearly desperate for it, and the more he rubbed at that pink flesh the closer he got.

The flesh was getting harder under his paw, growing longer and thicker too, and at the base of it the thickness seemed like it would just keep growing. A faint scent entered his nose, and he wasn't sure what to make of it. It wasn't something that he had smelled before, but it was decidedly pleasant, a nice thick, musky aroma. He inhaled deeply, his paw working hard to stroke the needy flesh, not even realizing that the mirrored fox was gone now, his paw working between his own legs. It wasn't enough though, he just couldn't get any proper grip, he couldn't get enough friction with his slippery paw.

His hips bucked against his paw in an attempt to help him reach that unknown goal, but it just seemed like he couldn't reach it. It was so close, he could feel it, but it just wasn't possible to reach. His frustration mounted, his pleasure no longer building, and to make matters worse he seemed to be falling backwards through the world now. Waking with a sudden jolt Vanar was even more confused than last night. His dream had fled him again, but he remembered some sort of intense pleasure.

He found himself with his shoulders against the thick branch that held his bed, his rear end high in the air above him. He had fallen out of bed again, this time lading on his back. Rolling over onto his feet, Vanar was surprised to find his belly fur matted down, wet with some unknown liquid, which had a decidedly strong scent to it. Not only that, but there was a pillar of thick pink flesh spilling from his sheath, dribbling even more of the liquid onto himself. He recalled one part of his dream, something to do with the pink flesh that was now to centre of his attention, and before he could even think about it he found himself touching it, letting out a groan of pleasure.

He knew that this sudden pleasure would just lead to frustration unless he could find a proper way to release it, but he wasn't sure how he would manage that. Thinking on what these new sensations could mean Vanar found himself feeling guilty suddenly, as if what he was doing was wrong, and quickly looked around to make sure he hadn't woken Rhalden. The phoenix still looked sound asleep, their feathered chest slowly rising and falling in time with their breathing. Deciding that it would be best to try and clear his head at this point Vanar decided to take a short trip to the pond, his member slapping against his belly as he stood up, making the trip awkward, his steps too wide in an attempt to compensate for the sensitive flesh between his legs.

Reaching to water's edge quickly he leaned down to lap at the water, the coolness of it refreshing. Errant beams of light reached through the ocean of leaves above him, playing across the water in front of him, and telling him that it was still late at night. Vanar didn't need to check to know that his flesh was still hard between his legs, twitching as the wind played across it. He just wanted to grab something and push against it, knowing on some deep primal level that was what he needed to reach that peak that he had not been able to find on his own. His thoughts quickly led to another fox, thinking that it would definitely be nice to hold them, but there were no other foxes nearby.

He didn't have a lot of options, but his confused desire demanded that he think of something, or else the aching pleasure that he felt would never blossom into that unimaginable peak. Sighing out loud Vanar glanced back along his side, seeing the pink flesh there, still dripping with that slick liquid. Maybe he should wake Rhalden and ask them about it, they would surely know what was happening, and might even be able to help him. A nervous smile flicked across his muzzle, desire and nervousness waring inside him, but even so he was making his way back up to his bed, or rather Rhalden's bed.

The phoenix was in the same position they had been in when Vanar had checked to make sure they were still sleeping before, and Vanar found a bit of humour in the situation as Rhalden's talons griped at some imaginary object above him, his head turned to the side, quite breaths working their way out of his yellow beak. There was something that quickly drew his attention though, a small pink point pressing out of the phoenix's feathers. Curiosity outweighing his need to explore his own pleasure Vanar found himself trying to get a closer examination of Rhalden's flesh, sniffing at it.

Vanar found it to smell sweet, sort of like some of the berries that could be found nearby, and decided that he liked it. He let his nose take in the scent for a while longer, letting it play across his senses, before wondering if it tasted as sweet as it smelled. Being sure not to wake the sleeping phoenix, Vanar placed his paws on Rhalden's bed, leaning forwards and quickly dragging his tongue along the exposed flesh, finding it sweet but also laced with some other taste he couldn't identify. Not satisfied with just that he took a longer lick, his tongue stroking from the feathers to the tip, and found that the fleshy length twitched slightly, Rhalden letting out a quiet groan.

It didn't take Vanar long to figure out that this must be the same as his own newly discovered member, though shaped differently, looking almost nothing like his own thick length. Rhalden's length was quickly pushing out away from his feathers, growing longer and thicker, looking more like some strange tentacle to Vanar than what he had hanging between his own legs. There was nothing wrong with tasting that sweet liquid if Rhalden enjoyed it, even if the big bird was asleep Vanar thought, letting his tongue lap and lick along the length, coating the inside of his muzzle with the sweet taste, his nose becoming full of it.

Rhalden groaned again, his body shuffling, his talons grasping at the air for a moment in desperation before his eyes snapped open. For a moment he wondered why he had woken up so suddenly, but that was answered quickly as he felt a slick warmth slide along his length, making him gasp in pleasure, lifting his head and looking down to find Vanar happily lapping at his length. The fox seemed eager to get a taste of his flesh, licking at whatever exposed flesh he could, looking as if he was enjoying it a fair bit himself. Rhalden felt conflicting emotions, Vanar was like a son to him, having been raised by the phoenix since he was just a kit, but here he was, greedily lapping at the length pushing out of Rhalden's feathers like a lust crazed beast.

A moment of clarity pushed passed the pleasure that the fox's tongue was forcing onto him, and he quickly picked up the potent smell of Vanar's musk.

"V- Vanar," Rhalden said, his voice catching as that slick tongue made another slow pass along his length, "what are you doing?"

Vanar's ears flattened against his head, looking up at the now obviously awake phoenix with his tongue slowly pulling off the tip of their member, sliding back into his muzzle. He felt guilty; even though he was sure he hadn't done anything wrong.

"It tastes sweet." He argued, poking at the flesh with his nose, making it twitch in the cool night air. "And it feels good doesn't it?"

"Mmm, it certainly does," Rhalden replied, flexing his wings and talons, "but what has you so interested all of a sudden?"

Seeing that there was no punishment coming, and that he had obviously done nothing wrong, Vanar nuzzled up against that warm flesh, breathing the scent in deeply.

"I had a dream, and there was a fox, but it was just like me, like a reflection, and it- it had this thing..." Vanar trailed off, realising how silly it sounded. "Look, I'll show you." Vanar insisted, climbing fully into Rhalden's nest, lifting a leg to show off the thick member that had forced its way out of his plump sheath.

"Ah, well that helps explain things." Rhalden said, wondering what he should do in this situation. He did know a great deal, but he had never really planned on how he would explain this particular part of life to Vanar.

"It feels good though, and yours tastes nice." Vanar said, placing a few hefty licks along Rhalden's length for emphasis, "It smells nice too..." the fox mumbled.

Rhalden couldn't deny that it felt good, it had been quite some time since he had felt another's touch, and Vanar's tongue seemed quite adapt at coating his member in saliva. Finally deciding that maybe Vanar could learn with a firsthand experience he decided to let the fox have his fun, part of him just wanting to feel that tongue continue its ministrations.

"Well, if you enjoy it than I don't see any reason to stop you." Rhalden said, wriggling his hips slightly, his member twitching and sending a clear bead of pre rolling down its length.

Vanar needed very little encouragement to continue, and his tongue was quick to lap up the large drop of liquid, and then continue greedily trying to cover the rest of the hot phoenix flesh. Rhalden let out a quiet caw of pleasure, watching the fox happily tend to his erection. There would be time to explain what this was later to Vanar, but for now he was lost in the pleasure of a slick, eager tongue. There was no rest for Rhalden, Vanar's assault on the tasty flesh seeming endless, lapping at it with long, fast strokes of his tongue.

Vanar noticed the phoenix moving around more, making odd caws and bird calls, the sound pleasing for him to hear. He was happy that the phoenix was enjoying himself, and all but forgotten his own aching length as he worked on the needy member in front of him. It wasn't just the pleasant taste that drove him now, but wanting to push the bird to that peak that he had felt only briefly. He wanted them to feel pleasure; he deserved it after all, having helped Vanar learn everything that he knew. Vanar thought of trying to take the length into his muzzle at one point, but decided that his teeth might be dangerous for it, remembering how sensitive his own member was.

It didn't take long until Rhalden was shuddering in his bed, feeling flushed as the lewd sounds of slurping and licking reached through the quiet night. He had to admit that Vanar had some skill with that tongue, seeming to know where to focus his efforts, with it trailing from the tip of his sensitive length down to the slit where it had emerged, making him caw and trill in pleasure. Rhalden could feel the heat building inside him, but not just that, it was building around him too, his feathers taking on a dull glow to start with. The more Vanar worked driving the lustful phoenix towards his climax the brighter those feathers seemed to get, eventually small flames lifting from the tips of his wings.

Vanar noticed them, but instead of any unpleasant heat he felt a near pleasurable caress from the warmth, surprised as he saw what appeared to be two flaming tails pushing out from under Rhalden, each tipped with a magnificent flaming feather, lighting up the area around them with a steady light. Rhalden was groaning loudly now, his hips twitching upwards despite his attempts at keeping them still, seeking the wet warmth of Vanar's tongue even though it rarely lost contact with his member. It wouldn't be much longer until he found his peak, he knew, feeling his body become alight with flames as his passion rose.

Vanar could feel the difference in the bird under him, not just the gentle flames that were trying to engulf them. He could feel Rhalden's muscles clenching, see his talons trying to grasp something solid as the phoenix shivered under the onslaught of licks, his eyes scrunched tight. Vanar was just wondering when they would reach that awesome peak when a loud screech filled the air, Rhalden's beak open in pleasure, his body shaking for a moment before his member started twitching and throbbing violently against Vanar's tongue. He both felt and saw the thick spurts of liquid coming from the tip, covering Rhalden's feathers, his member working to make a bigger mess.

Vanar's licks only increased in speed at that, excited at seeing the phoenix that he had spent his whole life with shuddering in pleasure just because of him. He found the taste of this new liquid even more enjoyable, the same sweetness found but a much heavier taste to it. He found himself becoming intoxicated with the taste of it, the scent of it working to addle his mind, and without realizing he had left that sensitive member found himself lapping at the puddle of seed on Rhalden's belly.

Rhalden was panting beneath Vanar, feeling the fox lick at his feathers, but as if his body was a great distance from his mind. His member still throbbed randomly, sending thick globs of his seed trailing down its length. He couldn't remember the last time he had climaxed so hard, near painting himself in the hot liquid. Taking a deep breath he found himself with a bit more control over his own body, lifting his head off the twigs and branches beneath him, looking down at the mess he had made of himself and the fox that was working over eagerly to swallow it all. Coming down from the intense pleasure, his member slowly retreating back into his vent, Rhalden remembered having seen Vanar's own hardened flesh, and knew that the fox must be aching for similar release.

Vanar showed no sign of it though, working hard to clean the sticky mess from Rhalden's feathers, before working his way back to the tasty flesh that had been the start of this whole situation. He found it retreating back into Rhalden's body, and give the retreating flesh a few quick licks, making the phoenix caw in pleasure. The flames that had seemed to engulf the bird's body were slowly guttering out now, his feathers returning to their natural colour. Vanar let out a loud sigh as he finished lapping up the last of the seed that he could find, content warmth in his belly after swallowing the hot liquid.

With nothing left to occupy his attention he quickly found his own aching length again, rolling onto his side and licking at it a few times, finding the taste free of the intoxicating sweetness that the phoenix's had. A slight bump was clearly visible at the base of his member, and Vanar attempted to lick at that too, pleasantly surprised at the additional pleasure it caused him. He thrust at his own muzzle a few times, an odd sight as he was still lying on his side, before giving up at the impossible chase of pleasure. He looked up at Rhalden, whining, pleading for the phoenix to tell him how to reach the same peak that they had just reached.

Rhalden felt guilty for the small smile he showed at seeing the fox in such an odd position. Vanar looked as if he would hump a rock to try and relieve himself at this point, but the fox didn't quite seem to know what to do with himself.

"Vanar." Rhalden called, watching as the fox quickly got his paws beneath him, rushing over to the phoenix, too far into his lustful state to attempt any sort of intelligent reply.

Still recovering from his intense climax, Rhalden still wanted to help the fox. Unfortunately he didn't have the same skill that Vanar had with his tongue, and his talons would definitely be of no help in this situation. He rolled over, getting his talons beneath him, slowly standing up as Vanar shifted around impatiently, the fox's thick member swaying between his legs, eager to be anywhere wet and warm. Despite the appearance of the phoenix, with his hard beak and dangerous looking claws, there was somewhere that was soft and slick, and his vent twitched at the thought of having that member inside it.

His tail feathers splayed out at the thought of it, and even if Vanar didn't quite know what to do it looked as if he still had his instincts, his weight pushing back against his hind paws, ready to jump up at Rhalden in an attempt to sink that member. Even though he was still feeling sensitive, Rhalden decided that it wouldn't be right to deny Vanar now, and so turned around so that he was facing away from the fox, lowered himself slightly, and did his best to lift his tail feathers out of the way. Vanar didn't need much more of a sign after that, leaping forwards and grabbing hold of the phoenix, his paws desperately grabbing hold of the bird's hips, his hips already thrusting forwards.

"Slow down a bit," Rhalden called back, "otherwise you will have a lot more trouble finding what you're looking for."

Even in his lustful state Vanar managed to take the advice, slowing his hips for a moment, the tip of his member pushing against the soft feathers of Rhalden's underside. Rhalden moved around a bit, turning his body slightly, and lowering himself a bit, which was a fairly difficult task with Vanar's weight on top of him. He eventually found himself in as good as a position he could get though, and pushed back against the hard member that was gently poking against him. Vanar felt something slick and warm at the head of his member, and quickly thrust forwards, only to bury himself in feathers.

He was quick to try again though, and found his mark, the tip of his member sinking into the tight cloaca of the phoenix under him, making him whine in pleasure. Rhalden let out his own caw of pleasure, feeling that thick fox member pushing into him. Vanar seemed to restrain himself surprisingly, and didn't start thrusting in and out instantly, slowly pushing forwards instead, panting as he felt the heat of Rhalden's vent swallowing his member. Rhalden could feel himself heating up again as the needy fox pushed into him, his wings lighting up briefly.

Vanar had nearly half his member sunk into Rhalden's tight slit when he decided to give in to the wonderful sensations assailing him, wanting to feel more of that slick warmth around him. He thrust his hips forwards sharply, bumping Rhalden forwards a step, but his grip was like stone and the phoenix wasn't going anywhere. Rhalden let out a grunt as he felt Vanar push into him, the fox rapidly thrusting back and forth, sinking his member deeper and deeper with each thrust, making them both give voice to their pleasure.

Rhalden's feathers lit up brightly every time Vanar pushed into him, diming slightly when the fox pulled out. Even though he had only just found his release before he was more than aroused now, the wet sounds of Vanar thrusting needfully into his vent only serving to fuel his lust. He didn't expect the fox to last long, and with how loud they were panting above him, and how desperate his thrusts seemed to be, he knew that Vanar wasn't going to make this a long mating. That didn't mean it wasn't pleasurable though, their passion being lit with every thrust, Rhalden's fiery feathers a testament to that.

Vanar was in a world of bliss already, desperately working his cock in and out of the bird beneath him, not even bothering to try and make sense of his surroundings. That bump at the base of his member was decidedly larger now, he knew because he could feel it press against Rhalden's entrance every time he thrust forwards. His hips had a mind of their own, which was a good thing as Vanar barely seemed to have a mind at all right now. Rhalden could feel Vanar's knot pressing against him, and knew without a doubt that the fox would be desperately trying to sink it inside him soon.

That prediction came true rather quickly, as Vanar shuffled around on his hind paws, his hips thrusting his member harder into the vocal phoenix under him, his ears barely registering the lustful bird sounds escaping their beak. His next thrust seemed to stop time a moment for him, he had been pushing hard, working to get the thick base of his member inside the tight phoenix, and then suddenly the resistance was gone, and now he could feel the hot flesh of Rhalden's insides squeezing down on the entirety of his length. Rhalden found himself unable to control his pleasure at that point, letting out another loud screech in pleasure as he felt that knot pop into him, his seed spurting against Vanar's invading member.

Vanar was thrusting rapidly inside Rhalden's cloaca, he own peak rapidly approaching, when he felt that hot seed flood over his member, seeking to escape the stuffed bird only to be blocked by his knot. Vanar's face was almost indescribable at that feeling, his tongue lolling from his maw, his eyes rolling up, and his paws gripping onto Rhalden as if he feared for his life. His own member burst into frantic life a moment later, throbbing rapidly and working to fill Rhalden with his thick seed, the phoenix cawing and trilling in unrestrained delight, his muscles squeezing down around Vanar with all the strength he could muster.

He felt ready to burst with all the pressure building inside him, but that thick fox knot ensured that it was all kept inside, making them both pant and groan at the overly pleasant pressure of it. Vanar had collapsed on top of Rhalden; lazily licking at their feathery head as his member still twitched and throbbed inside the depths of the phoenix's vent. He had reached that peak he had been looking for, and it was amazing beyond belief. Rhalden struggled slightly under the weight of Vanar, his pleasure making it hard for him to think properly, but he still managed to work his way safely to the ground, letting out a trill of delight as he felt that knot tug at him slightly, being rewarded with a lazy thrust from Vanar.

For the fox's first time at mating, Rhalden thought he had been exceptional; he had driven him to two climaxes within minutes after all, only reaching his own after Rhalden had been awash in pleasure. Now the fox seemed exhausted though, barely able to keep his eyes open, with his member buried snug inside Rhalden's vent, the heat of the phoenix's seed working to keep a steady pleasure sailing through his body. He was dimly aware that he couldn't pull his hips away from Rhalden's, but he couldn't find the strength to care, more than happy to leave his length in the bird's tender care.

Vanar had learned rather quickly, and now Rhalden wondered at what sort of pleasure they could find later, surely there was nothing that could top the feeling of having that knot wedged inside him, but there would be plenty of time to find out.

I would like to give a special thanks to Cheetahs, for giving me the idea for such a great story, and highly recommend having a look at their stories if you haven't already. This story wouldn't have been possible without them.