Michael and Eric - Chapter 2

Story by CraZygAEmeR on SoFurry

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#2 of Michael and Eric

It's a new day for Michael and Eric as they get to know eachother better.

Michael wakes up groggy. His body is lead, his fur reeks of elephant farts, and his pillow is soaked in his sweat. He hardly got any sleep, and not for the reason he'd prefer. Despite it all he finds himself unable to complain. A night of breathing in noxious intestinal gas is better than starving, cold and alone, in the harsh wilderness. Hearing Eric in the kitchen Michael brings himself to sit up; he's finally able to get a good look at his surroundings: the roof is painted white, the walls are a light blue, there's a grey sofa and chairs next to a small, old-fashioned Television -- It seems like the bedroom and living room are combined. Michael can also see that a window is open; probably to air out the room from last night. "That's pretty considerate." The entrance to the kitchen is a simple archway. The blue bathroom door is ajar, some of the floor tiles visible. He stands, his legs jelly, and slowly stumbles across the blue comforter to the edge of the bed, struggling to stay up. It's a long drop to the green carpet below. He decides to just wait for Eric's return.

"Glad to see you're awake." Eric saunters in with a warm smile on his face. Michael smiles back. "Breakfast is ready." After the usual of Eric stinking up the kitchen, he strikes up a conversation. "I've been thinkin', your parents are probably worried about you, maybe you should tell them that you're okay?" Michael is pinching his nose.

"Sounds good to me." Eric brings Michael back to the bed and pulls a pen out from a drawer, the pen slips out of his hand and rolls under the cabinet. He bends over to search for it, his butt high in the air, cheeks spread open, while his balls dangle freely. Michael is captivated by the elephant's backdoor. It looks soothing. A moment later Eric looks back and notices Michael staring.

"What you thinkin' about?"

"... How can something so... beautiful... smell so bad?"

"... You think my butt is beautiful...?"

"... Yeah... huh...? Uh... w-wait, I mean..." Michael blushes. Eric giggles at this.

"It's fine, you can stare if you want." Eric gently sways his butt, his balls swing from side-to-side. He accidentally lets loose a silent one, a blast of hot, foul air hitting Michael in the face, breaking him out of his trance. It's nauseating, but he doesn't want to say anything; his heart is pounding in his chest.

"... Is it f-fine... if we stay like this... for a while?" Eric smiles.

"Take as long as you need." The moment seems to freeze in time as they enjoy eachother's company, a gust of hot wind washing over Michael every few seconds; Eric forgets all about the pen.

As night rolls around Eric's stomach churns, loud enough for Michael to hear. "Is everythin' okay?"

"Yeah... the food is ready to come out..." Eric says as he stands up, tripping backwards and landing on top of Michael. Eric lets one rip. "Sorry. Heh, It kind of reminds me... of how we met." *mumble* "Huh?" *mumble* "Oh, right. Sorry." Eric lets out another trumpeting fart as he gets off Michael. "My bad."

"... Beautiful... and deadly..."

"D'you need to go too?"

"Sure... I'll go." Michael's still dazed. Eric sits on the toilet and places Michael in front of him on the toilet seat. "From one great view to another..." Michael pulls down his shorts and empties his bladder into what little room there is between Eric's legs. He quickly finishes and pulls his shorts back up. "I've never had someone watch me use the toilet before."

"Me neither. If you don't mind me askin', what'd you do before you left home?"

"Not much, jus' stayed at home and did house work for my parents. You?"

"Same. Except for the 'parents' part. I mainly grow things in the garden: beans, onions, garlic, just to name a few." Eric lets out a roaring fart.

"Sounds like you really like beans."

"They're my favourite." Finished, Eric stands up, knocking Michael off. Michael holds on to Eric's dick to avoid falling. "Sorry about that."

Returning to the bedroom, Michael says what's been on his mind since this morning. "It looks like I might be spendin' more time with you... 'n' I was thinkin'... Could you... s-sit on m-me?" Eric gives Michael a quizzical look. "If we're goin' to be spendin' time together, I should get used to your... flatulance... so can I s-sleep under your b-bum?"

"Well, this'll be a new experience for me too so... sure!" Michael lays down near the middle of the bed where Eric's tailhole will be. "This might be your last chance to change your mind."

"I'm ready! lay it on me! And don't be afraid to get more comfortable, I can handle it." Eric clambers onto the bed and carefully sits down on Michael who notices his mistake too late; Eric forgot to wipe. Michael's ears are filled with a revolting squelch, among other things. Eric shifts his rump around, accidentally rubbing his anus on Michael, before lying down, his cheeks squeezing together. As Eric drifts off to sleep, his rear begins it's cacophony, blowing dung over what little of Michael's fur remained clean. As the elephant lets out another hurricane, only one thing crosses the mouse's mind; he's going to need a shower after this...