Dalaran Lesson: Modesty

Story by Sen32 on SoFurry

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#2 of Dalaran Lessons

Okay, the next chapter in my WoW series, shout out to Foreverwolf and Anarchie for the help! Once again, the world and places mentioned are from World of Warcraft, owned by blizzard, I do not claim any ownership of them.

Dalarian Lessons: Modesty

A beautiful sun rose in the Stonetalon mountains. The rays of light pieced through the holes in the tent, and began to wake a sleeping druid who clung tightly to the human in his arms. Swiftclaw nuzzled Cain's hair as he woke up feeling the best he had in years. The young human still slept soundly in his arms as the bull scratched his back. The bull let out a slight groan as he slowly got out of bed, feeling his spent member slide out of the human who had slept with it inside him all night. Cain gave a soft moan as the thick member retreated back into its home. Swiftclaw smiled as he realized they would need another bath. He left to perform his morning duties and let the exhausted mage sleep.

Around noon, the Tauren came back to see Cain had awaken. The human smiled and walked up to the big bull, and gave him a hug. Swiftclaw smiled and held him, before putting him back down on the ground once more.

"Good morning," Cain said as he stood back and watched the Tauren set down his things.

"Morning? It's noon Cain, and we have a few things to do today,"

"Noon already?"

"You look so peaceful when you're asleep, I couldn't bring myself to wake you,"

"Aww," Cain said, his cheeks reddening. "Well, before we set out, how about we get cleaned up?"

"Sounds good, I worked up a sweat this morning," he said as they both walked outside. "I'll handle the magic this time," the druid said as he quietly began to chant. Soon a small storm cloud formed above them, but as dark as it was, no lightning struck, but only a torrent of cool rain. There was a floural scent to the enchanted water as it washed the two clean. Cain splashed in the rain as he grinned and rubbed the bull down, giving his muscled body a few extra squeezes and rubs more than necessary in certain places. The bull fought to maintain concentration on the storm, but eventually he broke into a fit of laughter as Cain began to rub his sides.

"Ha ha ha, sto..stop that" he said in a fit of giggling.

"Oh? I see this mighty Tauren breaks beneath the might of my fingers." Cain said as he gave the bull another tickle.

The rain subsided as Swiftclaw lost all concentration, breathing hard, he spun and grabbed both of Cain's smaller hands into his large palm. He picked the mage up by his hands, and stared him down. He looked back at the bull wide eyed, before he was pulled into the bull's muzzle for a passionate kiss. Cain smiled and pressed his lips against the larger ones of the Tauren before him. They broke the kiss and dried off magically once more.

"Cain, today, we go and replant the seeds that we spent all day gathering yesterday," Swiftclaw said as he walked back to their tent, his eyes fixed on the bare bottom of the human in front of him. He reached forward to give them a playful slap before his hand hit nothing but air.

"Too slow," the mage said as he blinked into the tent.

"You know, as great as you are, a touch of modesty will do you well."

"I am Grand Magister Terroh's brightest pupil. You know how many others are jealous of my skill?"

"It matters not young mage, for you to gain true wisdom, you must bow to all those around you, for everything has something to teach you,"

"My aptitude for learning exceeds that of regular brilliance,"

With a long sigh, Swiftclaw placed a hand on the human's shoulder, "Cain, you still have many things to learn,"

"Well, I must say, as long as I have a strong body to support me, I will face whatever challenges await," he said as he caressed the Tauren's firm abs, and sneaked in another tickle. The Tauren jumped to the side, far out of the human's reach, which was an amazing feat to see such a large creature move so nimbly.

"We're losing daylight, let's go," he said as he dressed quickly in a dusty leather tunic. Cain's robes flew towards him, and wrapped themselves accordingly till they were snug.

"Ready," he said. They both set off together, walking side by side, occasionally they would bump into each other playfully. They reached the Charred Vale, all of the destruction caused by one mage. Nature seemed to be a little pissed off.

"Be careful, plant these seeds in the most fertile mounds of soil you see. Nature is mad, and it will try to kill you," said the bull before he shifted into a cat and disappeared. Cain looked around, and noticed everything seemed to be aggravated, so he did his best to plant the seeds without drawing any unwanted attention. Things went by swiftly, and they finished up in the vale. Some of the seeds have already sprouted, enchanted by their magic.

"Our work here is done," said Swiftclaw as he led Cain out of the Vale. They traveled quickly back to their camp, and began to set up dinner, when an unexpected visitor arrived. They looked up as they heard the footsteps of a hawkstrider. Outside was a Sin'dorei dressed in the traditional garb of a Dalaran scholar.

"Mithel? What brings you here?" Cain asked as the elf dismounted.

"Ah Cain, Terroh is missing his best student, and I have been sent to retrieve you,"

"Oh, well, care to discuss this over dinner?" Swiftclaw said as he finished cooking up a few legs of tallstrider. The scent of the cooked meat made their mouths water.

"Well, I have become quite famished on my journey here. I am honored that you will have me,"

"Swiftclaw, this is Mithel Kori'e, next to me, he's runner up for most promising magister."

"Pleasure to meet you," he said with an elegant bow. They all went inside the warm tent as they began to eat their dinner. The food was amazing as they slowly stuffed themselves. Finally, Cain broke the silence of dinner.

"Listen, Mithel, I don't think I'm quite ready to return yet,"

"Oh? I was afraid of this,"

"What do you mean?" Cain said, wondering what could possibly offset the elf.

"Well the scryer was right, you've become too attached to him, please, don't make this harder than it has to be," Mithel said as he stood up. Both other stood up, alarmed at what Mithel was prepared to do. Cain as quickly as he rose, began to fall down as his vision blurred. Swifthoof caught him as he fell, looking back at the elf in shock. "No need to worry, I just drugged his tea, I can't say the same has worked on you, Shu'halo? No worries, I have prepared a backup plan," he said as his hands started to channel some dark energy. Swiftclaw shifted into his cat form and pounced at Mithel, but suddenly his body lost control, and fled. His body felt panicked and haunted, and he fought hard to regain control. By the time he could steer his body back to the tent, he reached it in time just to watch the Blood Elf warp away with the unconscious human in his arms.

There, alone once more, the Tauren fell to his knees, tears running down his face as the best thing that's happened to him in years just vanished. He cried to himself, and let out a bellowing roar. The earth shook with his voice.

Cain woke up in his bed. "What...what happened?" he said to himself as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Wait, where is Swiftclaw?!" he said shocked he was elsewhere. He couldn't remember anything other than seeing Mithel appear.

"Cain, you're awake," said a voice. Mithel walked around the corner. "About time, let's go, you're late,"

"What do you mean? I was in Stonetalon, why am I in Dalaran? Did the Grand Magister not send me away?"

"What wild dreams you have, get up, today is not day to be lazy," he said before running off.

"I swear Mithel, if this is some trick," he said as he donned his robes and headed off. He thought to himself, there was no way it all could have been a dream. He knew in his heart, but his mind couldn't seem to grasp any memories other than he had met the bull. He stopped as he felt the memory go vague. Wait, where was he again?

"Come on!" Methil shouted. Cain moved to follow him down the stairs. They followed it into the side tower, a large practice area stood before them, and there was their teacher. "Good morning Grand Magister," Methil said as the two trainees bowed.

"I see you're awake, Cain."

"Yes, Magister,"

"Very well, immediately we begin training, you two will dual eachother, I believe you need some experience using your magic on something that could fight back. When you are ready, bow and begin!"

The two casters stared each other down before jumping back. Methil made the mistake of casting first, and was countered by Cain. Cain quickly charged a frost bolt right at the elf who took a direct hit. Parts of his robe froze over as he tried to move away. He whispered a power word, and was encased of a shield made of his own soul, but that was nothing to the mage who simply ripped it off him, and took the spell for himself. The action was great, because it blocked the shadow priest's mind blast. Cain smirked as his fingers began to glow as he made a sharp gesture, and instantly a barrage of arcane missles shoot out, knocking Methil into a wall hard.

"Enough! It is clear that he is no match for you,"

"Why then..."

"So then I will be your opponent," Terroh said as he got up from his chair. In a flash of light, Methil was standing once more.

"Grand Magister? Are you serious?"

"Sit down and learn Methil, you will see the skills you lack, and I've been waiting a while to show Cain I am not just an old man, prepare yourself,"

Cain had no choice but to ready himself, he watched his teacher's hands for any indication of what he might try. They started to take on a purple hue, 'Arcane,' he thought to himself as he readied for a counter. The color quickly shifted to orange as a great fireball suddenly shot forth from his hand. Cain had throw up his flameward just in time to negate the magic, but his when the flames disappeared, he was already casting another spell. Cain blinked, but his master's magic tracked him down as he was hit hard by a frostfire bolt. His body was frozen and on fire at the same time. He cursed himself as he blasted his master back with fire. Terroh seemed to shrug it off as he channeled a stream of arcane missiles at Cain as he knelt on the floor. He was no match for his teacher, the first bolt hit him hard, bruising his side, it stung worst that anywhere else. He raised his arms, and was incased in thick ice. He stood there, watching his master try to chip away at his iceblock, but eventually started to wait for him to thaw out. In a flash of memory, he remembered Swiftclaw. It wasn't some dream, he knew he had been taken away from the bull. Cain's anger swelled.

The moment the ice began to crumble, the ground around Cain froze over as he released his frost nova. He quickly countered whatever spell Terroh had in mind for him as he began to charge another frost bolt. The hard magic slammed against Terroh and froze his body in half, Cain flicked his fingers and began to impale his frozen master with had Methil not seized control of Cain. The human watched as his body moved away and stood still as the Sin'dorei held him in place.

"I had him," Terroh said as he blinked out of the shell of ice.

"Yes, of course Magister, forgive me," Methil said as he broke his channeling. Cain, free to move once more walked up to his teacher, his body glowing red as heat began to flow out in anger.

"What have you done to me?!"

"What do you mean? You've won fairly, I am not above admitting that I've been bested before,"

"I'm not talking about what happened here, why did you take me back to Dalaran?"

"Why to resume your training of course, our seers have already foreseen your greatness. You are to become the grand champion of the Kirin Tor, my defeat today marks a milestone in your progress,"

"I'm not talking about my magic, I'm talking about the one I love!" Cain said as he felt his body become surrounded my molten energies. Terroh had to step back, or risk catching fire. He looked over at his other disciple and shot him a dirty look.

"I thought you erased his memory," he said in a harsh whisper.

"Master, I did as you asked, but his will must be stronger than my magic," Cain could hear everything, it was true. Methil used his magic to alter his memory. He was angry, he was depressed, above all, he was through with them playing puppet master, having his life forced to dance in their strings.

"I've heard enough!" Cain said, unleashing a powerful explosion of magical energies, knocking the two back into the wall. He released another torrent of frost and froze the two into the walls. The growing ice covered their mouths so they could not chant any spells of escape. "I don't care how great I will become, I don't care about being the Kirin Tor's grand champion, and these things matter not if it's at the price of my heart. You two think about your actions, and if you do decide to pursue me, then be prepared to die next time, farewell teacher, I thank you for the years I've spent under you, but all teachers know that the student must eventually leave," Cain said, and turned around walking towards the window. He wanted to cry, but every tear he shed evaporated immediately around his molten armor. He ran full speed at the window and leapt out, the other two watched in horror as he just jumped, for it was a long way down.

Cain, still empty of possessions, had no light feathers to slow his fall. He closed his eyes and focused his timing. The ground rushed quickly to meet him, but right before the end, he blinked once more, his momentum transferred forward by magic and he landed safely. He needed to get back to Swiftclaw, the Tauren must have been decimated by his disappearance. He wondered why they wanted to train him so hard. The Lich King had been defeated, and the strongest mages have returned home to their families and friends, why would they need a champion? His mind kept producing questions, but he focused on one, how to get back to the druid. He looked up, as his enchanted ice had shattered, and the two above looked down to spot the rogue mage. Cain ran, he ran to the other side of the grand city, to the Sunreavers, the faction who associated with the Horde. He remembered that Stonetalon was not too far from Orgrimmar, but he needed to figure out how to get in there.

It was common knowledge that all humans, gnomes, night elves, dwarves, and the Dranei were not allowed in their sanctuary. At the same time, each faction housed portals to their respective towns. Cain had a few stops to run before he would infiltrate the Sunreaver's home. He made a quick stop by the bank, and took a few bags of goods with him, as well as a small whistle. He ran back, outside the red colored gates, was his way to return to Swiftclaw. With a determined sight, he snapped his fingers, and began to fade from sight.

After a night of crying to himself, Swiftclaw decided he would find Cain, no matter what. He packed his things, and outside his camp, he began to chant the words that would return him to Moonglade. He the world spin around him as he was dropped off in the home of the Cenarion Circle. He saw many familiar faces that seemed to not have aged much. A thin night elf came up to him and gave him a hug around his arm.

"Swiftclaw, it's good to see you again!" she said in her high elfish voice.

"Madeline, it's been ages," he said as he gave her a small hug.

"Indeed it has, last I heard, you've run off to Stonetalon," she said as she let him go.

"I did, but now I've returned, for I have another quest I must embark on, but my duties still come first, I need a replacement for the position,"

"Oh? I happen to know of two druids who are in need of work, head over to the shop, you should find the two in there, hopefully they're staying out of trouble, she said as her glowing eyes looked over to the nearby building.

"Thank you so much Madeline, I'll be sure to stop by when I'm done with my quest,"

"You big bull, always busy," she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush under his fur. He waved to her as he headed over to the shop, and as he approached, he heard a loud commotion as two young druids spilled out, tangled with each other as they fought. Swiftclaw reached and picked the Night Elf up by his arm and the Tauren by his horn.

"What is the meaning of this?!" he shouted.

"He started it," the Night Elf said, pointing at the young bull.

"That's a load of crap, you spilled your drink on me,"

"Stop it, the both of you! I'm here looking for two druids in need of work, have you seen them?" They both looked at each other, and then back at the bull.

The Tauren spoke first, "Umm, yeah, that would actually be us,"

"You two? "

"Yes, we're in need of some work," the Night Elf said as Swiftclaw set them back down.

The elder druid let out a long sigh, but he needed to find Cain, he also needed someone to take his position, hopefully what they lack in experience they can make up in number. "Fine then so be it, you are to report to my camp in Stonetalon,"

"Stonetalon?" they both replied in unison.

"Yes, work is work, if you want experience to become full fledged druids, you will take over my task of watching over the forest!" he said, losing his patience.

They both let out their own sigh, and agreed. Swiftclaw gave them some time to pack up before they all used a set hearthstone to return to his camp. He informed them of any hazards, and the basics for life around the camp before giving them a pat on the back.

"Be sure to report in every so often, I must leave now," he said as he stomped his hoof into the ground, suddenly the earth rumbled as a large kodo with a saddle appeared. The bull grabbed onto the mighty horn, as the mount tossed it's head back and Swiftclaw landed into his saddle, and they trampled off into the distance. He needed to go to Dalaran, and his best bet would be to find a mage in the city, someone who could open up a portal to the floating city for him. He headed out to Orgrimmar, horde capital. It was a long trek, but he hoped that Cain would be alright.

In the busy city of Orgrimmar, Cain appeared next to the portal master, his guise of invisibility was fading, he had to get out of the building quickly. He ran over the edge of the top gazebo and fell into the shallow pool below. He made it to the first steeping stone of the path that lead to the main road before he faded back into view. So far no one has noticed him, and he smiled as he brought out his whistle. He pressed them against his lips and blew gently. A rush of wind flew past him as from the dust stood a large transparent saber. The large cat's ghostly eyes focused on the one who summoned him as he nudged Cain's hand. Cain get the cat a quick pet, a small wonder that even a phantom cat the size of a horse still craved attention. He quickly mounted, and the spectral tiger took off. It wasn't long before guards caught sight of the human and cried out in alarm.

Cain couldn't help but smile as he ran, it wasn't so different from running from the people he angered in Dalaran. He ducked as his head dodge a flying arrow.

"Alright, so it's a bit more dangerous," he said to himself as he continued to flee. He thought to himself if he had taken the time to explain that he was a Dalarian mage, and was here to find someone, he could have received some help, but he threw that away the moment he started running. Up along the road, he continued to run, most of the guards have given up chase, the human exiting their city. The spectral tiger leaped over the guards at the northern gate as he ran across the wooden bridge. He finally made to the other side to see that his pursers had stopped. He watched as they ran back, out of sight of the mage, and Cain let out a long sigh. "Thank goodness that's over, time to go find Swiftclaw,"

"I'm afraid not human, you're going back to Dalaran," said an echoing voice. Cain looked over, and saw the Death Knight walk around a large stone. "I have been sent to retrieve you," said the orc death knight. His skin was a sickly pale green, as his eyes glowed like soft silver lights. His armor billowed out soft smoke as the frost presence he wore froze the air around him.

"I'm not going anywhere at the moment," Cain said in defiance. He was offset by the twisted smile the orc produced.

"Oh good, and I thought all I was going to do was babysit today," he said as he began to draw out his axe that glowed with runes of powerful magic. Cain was powerful in his arts of magic, but death knights were their bane.

"Leave me be, abomination!" he cried out.

"Or what?" he said as he gripped his handle.

"This," he said as his hands started to glow. His concentration was thrown off as a sudden rush of dark energy ripped him off his mount and pulled him right at the orc. He watched as the axe began to fly right at him, but it severed the front of his robes before he blinked passed the impact, narrowly dodging the blade. He rolled and turned around, channeling his magic once more. A great ball of fire hurled towards the dark knight, but he simply slapped it to the side with the flat of his axe. Cain already charged another spell, and threw it at the knight. Suddenly green runes shimmered in the air as he activated his anti-magic shield, negating all magic done to him. Cain was forced to run. The death knight chased him, and the runes continued to grow brightly as he activated another spell. Beneath Cain, the ground erupted with sharp spikes of ice, as the biting cold they held wrapped around his body. The chains of ice melted fast against his molten armor, but by then, the orc had caught up. Cain noticed his shield had expired and began to cast another spell.

"No you don't," he said with a smile as dark energies reached out from the orc's hand and wrapped them around Cain's throat, strangling him as he was lifted off the ground helpless. "You should have just came with me, nice and easy, but now, when they ask what happened, I will tell them the truth, that you tried to run," he said as he walked up to the human who hung in the air, gasping for breath. The undead knight gave the mage a hard punch into his stomach. His body cringed and contorted as the force of his blow was amplified by his unholy strength. The orc smiled, and gave him another punch, causing a small spurt of blood to erupt from the mage's mouth. "Such a weak thing,"

"That's why I am his strong body," said a deep voice behind the death knight. The orc turned and drew his axe in a smooth motion, but was not quick enough to react to the giant paw of a bear slamming into the side of his helm. The crushing blow of the druid dented the black steel, preventing a mortal blow, but rendering the knight motionless on the ground. Cain fell to the ground, coughing hard, and Swiftclaw shifted back to his Tauren form, scooping him up and holding him tightly. "Thank Elune, I thought I would never see you again," he said as he held on to the human with all the might he could that wouldn't break him.

"Swiftclaw! They tried to take me away, there's so much going on, I need to figure out what they want with me, more importantly, why they want to keep me away from you," he said when he finally regained enough breath. His chest and stomach hurt, but he was in the comfort of the druid's strong embrace. They both shared a brief kiss as they stood up and looked back at the orc.

"Leave him here, we must run," Swiftclaw said as he waved his hands, the orc's body became wrapped in vines and roots, holding him to the ground firmly. Cain nodded, and summoned his spectral mount once more, while Swiftclaw climbed atop his kodo and they both rode off. After a while, they found a small spring in the barrens and stopped to rest.

Swiftclaw told him he was now free from the mountains as he found a replacement for him. Cain explained how he was a rogue mage, and is on the run from the city that wants him back so bad. They shared their tales and some food before they decided to move once more. Cain was dousing out the fire, when he felt something tingle. He looked over at Swiftclaw who was turned around, placing a few bags onto his kodo, then around the fields of the Barrens. Tall grasses just waved on endlessly as he smiled in the air.

"These fields are not without their own dangers. Various beasts lurk in the grasses. We should head over to Ratchet. Being so deep in Horde territory, you're bound to be noticed.

"Alright, we should pack up and go then," Cain said as he packed up a few things, and put out the cooking fire.

"Okay, I left my pack next to the waters, I'll be right back," the Tauren said as he walked over to the thick grasses that surrounded the waters. Cain sat on the log, and looked out into the savannah. He saw a pack of wild zebras run past the great plains. He looked back over at Swiftclaw, but he had disappeared behind the lush foliage. Cain stood up from the log and felt something strange, like he was being watched. He turned around, looking for whoever it could have been. The sun was bright, but was soon floating behind a great hill, and that's when Cain saw the shadow in the hills. Something definitely moved, and looked back over at the springs. He heard Swiftclaw shout before he suddenly fell to the ground in horrible pain.

Swiftclaw looked in horror as he shouted for Cain to get down, but it was too late, two large arrows stuck out of the mage's back as he hit the ground. The druid was too late to warn his love of the hunter's mark above his head. He ran quickly as the sniper rose from his cover on the rocky hill. A tall troll waved, and shouted at him.

"Sorry mon, didn't mean to take ya kill!" he said in fear he had been caught stealing another person's kill, but instead he had stolen essentially the Tauren's new life. Swiftclaw let out another cry of torment and anguish as he watched the human hit the ground. Such a fierce cry startled the hunter and he immediately mounted, and ran, not wanting to stick around for the fury of the druid. The troll hunter wondered why the Tauren ran to the body of some human. It wasn't until he reached the cross roads did he see the human's face on a wanted poster. He shrugged, assuming he was dead, and the bull would not get credit now because it was clear to bring him in alive.

The bull was sad once more; his tears filled his large eyes, and dripped down on the pale face of the human who bled in his arms. Cain had his eyes closed, his face motionless, as if he was in peace. Swiftclaw ripped the arrows out of his back, one of them holding poison. He could only cleanse his blood of the toxic substance, but could not close up the fatal wounds. He cried out to the Earth Mother, preying harder than ever that his words would reach her ears. He watched as Cain's eyes stirred a bit, trying to open, but eventually stopped moving once more. Swiftclaw shook his body, crying for the mage to wake up, but there was simply no response. He continued to cry, until he noticed something drop. He watched as one of the enchanted seeds they planted in Stonetalon dropped out of his front pocket onto Cain.