Happy New Yeen

Story by lurker16 on SoFurry

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Wuffie always enjoys the fireworks at New Years. This time, his close friend Coleberry tries to make the most of the celebration by forcing a transformation upon him. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't quite go as planned.

Request written for Wuffiewolf !

Happy New Yeen

It streaked through the sky like a laser pen, beyond the city into the black. Below it, scratches of pearlescent light took chase. In the midst of the night they collided, illuminating the sky with a ruby chandelier. For one blink it held, tethered to some invisible ceiling, before fading.

Wuffie loved the fireworks. Each year he made a point of attending the show, just him and Coleberry, hidden away in their secret spot. They stood atop the hill and leaned into one another for warmth. The air was thick with gunpowder.

"That was a _loud_one," Wuffie shouted, covering his ears. He leaned into his accompanying folf for protection, their grey and black furs camouflaging them with the nearby trees.

Cole laughed and hugged him close. He procured a glove from his pocket, sliding it on before reaching back in for a sparkler. He set it alight with a lighter in his free hand, holding it out, "For you."

It burned bright and white. Wuffie looked at it for a moment, dazed, before nodding and taking hold. In the instant that he grabbed it, the same white-orange sparks caught hold of his hand.

He yelped. It engulfed his arm like a flame to gasoline. Under the cover of smoke, circles of fur grew dark. It licked hotter than any fire, individual strands of hair searing from top to bottom. As it reached his skin, it intensified to a sharp point, before caterwauling through his chest.

"H-help!" he said, terror shaking his voice.

Coleberry looked down at him with a smile. "Don't worry, little guy," he snickered at the last word, "You'll be fine soon enough."

Wuffie collapsed, rubbing and smacking and fanning his arm with the other. His palm connected with a spot of black, and before he could realize the error of his action, that same inferno spread to his other side. As he lay on the spot - their spot - the two halves of combustion met in the middle to blanket him entirely.

It singed his chest, his fur puffing out to escape the flames and form two pointed spheres. The fire moved onwards, but still he felt the heat in his breast - wait, his breast? Wuffie grunted and slapped his own chest, cupping the shapes that had formed upon it: the breasts. He circled his new nipples with a finger, still writhing in heat, before gasping aloud. His nipples had never been this sensitive before.

The fire granted no respite. It continued upwards and downwards, staining his fur. He tensed his neck backwards and stretched forwards his paws. His back crackled like kindling.

The heat felt different, less frightening. As it engulfed his cock and balls he was surprised to find himself erect, oozing pre-cum that was immediately evaporated by the flames. It wrapped around his shaft, the warmth of his own pulse meeting it in the middle to squeeze it. He stared, mouth agape. It might have been a trick of the light, but he could almost swear it looked longer - by at least two inches.

Coleberry frowned, stepping closer to inspect Wuffie's cock. As the flames tugged down on his balls, causing them to triple in size, _he_was the one to panic. He shook his head. "How you feeling, slut?" he said quietly.

Wuffie glared at him, his pupils no longer red but a sharp blue. Coleberry flinched. He held his head in his hands, chewing his lower lip.

Though Wuffie's balls enlarged, he could feel a hot ring of sensation below them. He tried to lean forwards to look, but lying down granted a bad angle for it. The fire lessened, receding to the pads of his bigger feet and the new purple-to-green shock of hair sprouting from his head. As the final pieces of his transformation concluded, burning ceased.

He sat up, grinning. His tongue ran across a new set of teeth. Twitching under his knot and balls were the fine pink lips of a pussy. He ran a finger between it. The slit was hot and wet. It tightened around the digit, throbbing before swallowing it entirely. A trail of pre-cum dribbled down his shaft and balls to mix with his new discharge.

It lubed the passage of another finger, then another. He licked his lips and stood up, looking down at Coleberry - had he always been so short? Wuffie doubted it, relishing the heat of arousal coiling around his clit. Whatever trick Coleberry had tried to pull, the horror on his face said it did not _quite_go to plan.

"L-look, I'm sorry, okay?" Coleberry said, pacing backwards as Wuffie grew close - God, he looked stronger now. He flexed his biceps forward, cupping them around his new-found cleavage until they stuck out beyond the ridges of his abs. Those were easily 38DD's, maybe even E cups. "Fuck me," he whispered to himself.

"What was that?" Wuffie said, ears raised. His voice was deeper somehow, even though he had breasts and a cunt. Coleberry's eyes flicked between the grass and his gaze, avoiding eye contact. Still, Wuffie advanced, those voluptuous tits coming close enough that they were a mere tongues-length away. "You want me to fuck you?" he laughed, causing his boobs to bounce against Coleberry's forehead, "Pussy or cock first?"

Coleberry froze. He had not even realized, so distracted by the transformation-gone-wrong, that his cock tented under his trousers. Wuffie gripped it roughly, extracting a spurt of pre-cum that joined the rest in the damp fabric of his pants. "No, no! Wuffs, you know I was just... You know how we-"

"-Shut the fuck up," Wuffie stifled his plead with his tits, forcing the folf to motorboat him. He tore off his pants with one claw.

As the enormous chest took Coleberry to a new height of arousal, he whimpered, leaning into him. The tight, slick lips of Wuffie's pussy slid over the tip of his cock. He moaned.

Fireworks erupted in the distance. He could get used to this, Wuffie thought - at least until next year. As Coleberry's entire cock was claimed by him, he chuckled at the moon.

He laughed like a hyena.


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