Slutcat and Sworddog #22

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#24 of Slutcat


Slutcat did an end-run around my anti-sex prohibition. Damn slippery cat! Now I have to add a new tag to this story! Well, I hope no one expected this to be porn-free. Oh! A new song came into my head! Apologies to Matt Monro.

Porn Free, as free as the cat blows...

as free as the ass flows...

Porn-free to follow your heart

Anyway, so yeah. That happened. So is Slutcat actually Bi? Well, that's yet another label, isn't it? And aren't we supposed to be beyond labeling? Let's just say that she's happy. That's enough for now.

Okay, maybe we can get on with some actual plot now? You think we could do that please ladies? If you could possibly get your fingers out of each other for a few minutes? Thank you! Sheesh! What a couple of horndogs!


"Ah yes, reducing men to a puddle. I used to be able to do that," Slutcat commented wistfully as they continued down the road towards the mountain.

"Used to? I would have guessed you would get all the men you could handle, Thane. You are interested in non-khajiits then?"

"Oh certainly! Why, back home I used to take on three at a time. All the flavors too. I remember this one time I even broke out the chocolate syrup, chopped strawberries and crushed pineapple. I was a banana split! It was wonderful!" Slutcat said, her eyes glazing over in remembrance. But then she returned to the present and her countenance dropped. "But since we came here I haven't bedded a single one."

"Wait, I'd heard that you and the Jarl were lovers. I even have it on good authority that you slept in his bedchamber last night," Lydia protested.

"That much is true," Slutcat sighed. "We were all set for a night of lovemaking till the wee hours. I even got to feel his beard between my legs! But then. SNOOZE."

Lydia snickered uncontrollably, "You fell asleep with the Jarl licking you?!"

Sworddog spoke up then, "Well, she did have a pretty full day, remember. She'd just vanquished a dragon after all!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. But you have to admit... the Jarl?!"

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"I know, I'm pathetic," Slutcat said. "I just think something has it in for me here. It's like there's a force preventing me from feeling a nice hard man ever since we got here. Maybe the men are just different here than where I come from."

Lydia sat down to rest for a moment. "I don't know about that, Slutcat. From my own experience, they seem to to be every bit as horny as any you've probably met. There have been times I've literally had to fight them off. Maybe you should tell me a little about where you come from? Perhaps I can give you some advice?"

Sworddog let out a warning growl, but Slutcat waved her away.

"Well, it's a lot less wild anyway. Most of the men I met there have desk jobs of some kind or another. Pretty flabby and weak too compared to your men here. It's the lifestyle though. We don't have the wild creatures around every turn either ready to eat you! I think we've gotten rid of all of them pretty much, until the only ones left we keep in zoos."

Lydia ignored the words she didn't understand, "Sounds comfy anyway."

"Oh, yeah. Comfy for sure. But I do love the sight of six-pack abs on every man. Sworddog, you should have seen the Jarl! The guy's gotta be at least 50, and if you ran your tongue over his stomach it would be like, 'lub-lub-lub-lub'"

Lydia laughed and even Sworddog chuckled in her doggy way.

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They got up to continue on.

"But I'm flabby too. Did you know I dropped the Jarl's gift sword? Yup, right in front of his throne. He handed it to me and I might as well have been a noodle. If I weren't able to do magic here, Lydia, I'd be useless."

"No offense intended, Slutcat, but you could always be a whore."

Slutcat bristled at that. "Look Lydia, maybe here that's an okay thing to suggest, but where I come from it's quite an insult. Besides, I'm telling you, I can't get a man here anyway. The universe conspires against me. I'd be the most useless whore ever."

"I'm sorry Slutcat, but I find it hard to believe you can't get laid here. Being a prostitute in Skyrim is probably not the most glamorous of professions, but a girl's gotta eat too. My own mother... well, she did what she had to do."

"Easy for you to say with your fucking perfect body!" Slutcat said, turning on her Housecarl. Why look at that stomach! It's even more toned than the Jarls'!"

As proof Slutcat ran her tongue over it, and sure enough her sound effect from earlier was pretty accurate.

"And yet, even with your muscles, you have those gorgeous tits! And even your face is to die for."

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"My lord!" Lydia croaked huskily, but Slutcat wasn't done.

The khajiit dropped to her knees and ran her paw across Lydia's rump, causing the Housecarl to groan.

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"And to top it all off, check this out!" she said taking Lydia's butt in her claws, "look at that ass! Perfectly curved, firm as a melon, no hint of a tail to get in the way and, just as I suspected... You don't shave do you? You're naturally hairless down here! Goddammit Lydia, no wonder you have to fight them off! You're a man's walking wet dream!"

Lydia was breathing hard by now.

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"And I," Slutcat continued over her shoulder as she stood up and continuing down the path. "I'm a fucking walking cat with fur everywhere. The only men who want to fuck me are khajiits that will get me pregnant if they so much as look at me funny if I'm lucky! I know I'm a monstrosity to you humans, but is it too much to ask to get some attention every now and then? Is it any wonder I'm a slut?"

"Um... Slutcat," said Sworddog close behind.

"What Sworddog?"

"I think you broke her."

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Slutcat turned back to where Lydia still stood standing on the bridge.

"I'm sorry Lydia. I came down too hard on you, I know. I'm just so frustrated. Fucking is the one thing I'm really good at, and I can't even do it here!"

Lydia looked at the khajiit, her expression unreadable. "I don't think you're a monstrosity, Slutcat."

Lydia stepped closer to Slutcat until they were nose-to-nose.

"I think you're beautiful," Lydia said and took the khajiit in her arms, kissing her passionately.

"Oh my," Sworddog said, looking away awkwardly.

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The sudden kiss was totally unexpected, but Slutcat's own passions had been bottled up so long that she literally said "Fuck it" and returned the embrace. The two took refuge under the bridge while Sworddog stayed out of the way for a while.

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"Lydia, you know I..." Slutcat said after they had recovered their senses.

"No! Let me tell you something first before you get all apologetic on me. I know you're not looking for a long term lover, male or female. Neither am I. But I'm a slut too. I might have hidden it away until you brought it out in me, but if we're going to be together for who knows how long, you might as well know how attracted I am to you physically, Slutcat, I'll use the hell out of you if you let me. I'm have to admit it's just pure lust right now, but I don't know you well enough for it to be anything else yet. And I know you prefer men. But you can't tell me that you didn't get a hell of a kick out of me too! So just keep your apologies to yourself, okay? I got what I wanted, and at least to some extent I know you did too. So let's just call it a mutually beneficial arrangement for now, okay?"

"Well! Thanks Lydia, that does make me feel better."

"There is nothing to be sorry about, my lord. I've harbored my own lust for you since we first met. And then you carrying on about your frustration... Well, it's time to set the record straight. You certainly lit the fire in me!"

"I noticed!" Slutcat said, her tail fluffing.

Lydia shrugged while putting her armor back on. "Well, until you get over your curse here, I'll be happy to offer an alternative."

Slutcat gave her a hug. "Alternative accepted, Lydia. At least I can walk now without wanting to touch myself every step."

"It is my pleasure, Slutcat. But we'd better get moving. We'll be lucky to make Ivarstead before nightfall and we really don't want to be traveling the roads of Skyrim at night if we can avoid it." Lydia said as she stood and adjusted what meager clothing she had.

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So finally they got back onto the road again.

"A woman?," Sworddog said when they were out of earshot of Lydia.

Slutcat sighed, looking at the ass of the woman in front of her. "Any port in a storm they say Sworddog. Long term, not likely. But she has a point. Besides, look at that ass will you? I may like the feel of a good hard man, but I can sure appreciate that too!"

"Suffers from a lack of tail to me, but to each their own. The question is, would you give up your men for it?"

"A bird in the hand, they say. She likes me, she likes my body, and she's not looking for long term commitment too. Right now she's just about perfect given my 'curse'."

"So should I mark you down as 'Bi' then?"

"Probably best not to mark me down as anything Sworddog. For now lets just pencil in 'Lydia's lover' how about?"

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"Fair enough. And now that you've had your passions relieved, maybe we should think about these Greybeards though. What if they want you to join them in their monastery up there?"

Slutcat looked up at the huge mountain that loomed in the distance. "I could imagine a worse fate than to be the only female in a monastery of men."

"Good point. But I gather these men are pretty old. 'Greybeards' is pretty specific."

"You didn't see the Jarl. Age seems to mean a lot less here than it did back home."

"And what about Lydia?"

Slutcat looked back at the bare back of her Housecarl and a smile crept over her face.

"You know, not all banana splits are made with the same ingredients."

Sworddog snickered, "Apparently even the bananas are optional."

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Slutcat and Sworddog #23

| "Ah yes, reducing men to a puddle. I used to be able to do that," Slutcat commented wistfully as they continued down the road towards the mountain. The three continued up the road, but soon encountered some Imperials. "Careful Slutcat," Lydia...

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Slutcat and Sworddog #20

| "I feel... weird," Slutcat confessed to Sworddog. "I feel like... Like I have greater potential now, but something is holding me back." "Do you think that dragon-spooge had something to do with it?" the dog asked, trying to be helpful. "Not......

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