The Russet Couple

Story by Apachy on SoFurry

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#6 of The Age of Ash

Hello again. I've come with a rather short story to tide you all over till my other upload is complete. This isn't as in-depth or important story-wise, but I do still hope you find some enjoyment from this story! As always, please do not hesitate to comment about any issues or additions you might want in later stories!

This story is implemented with a Skip feature, but the sexual content starts immediately after you read this, so.....

use CTRL + F and search for %%%% to skip to the beginning of any sexual scenes


"I'll tell you again and again. It's not gonna fit" Eric said, measuring his near forearm-length canine pecker with a tape measure. Sprawled overtop the side of their bed, Eric's longtime lover Sarah continued to spread her vagina with her fingers, two furred fingers idly rubbing across her clit with a face of mock boredom.

The two wolves had just finished their shifts at the docks, which had been cut rather short when a ship that had just arrived exploded in a cloud of purple flames. Work had been cancelled for their docks, giving Sarah and Eric some much needed time together.

"We're never gonna know if you just sit there looking at it all day, fuzzball." She retorted, her foot lightly smacking Eric on the rump. He gave Sarah an exaggerated look of pain, leaning down to move her hands away from her snatch. The soft pink flesh shined in the candlelight, his furry paw stroking over her folds.

"That's better." She chimed. Eric pressed his palm against her nethers, feeling the warmth against the pads of his paws. Between their long hours and grueling work, Eric could hardly spend any time with the love of his life, and even when he could, both of them were far too worn out to do much together.

The soft moans that came from Sarah was music to his ears, pressing him to slip one finger between her nethers. The potion they had drank earlier was already taking hold, given his increased malehood and the intense scent that wafted from her pussy. Slipping another finger into his lover Eric began pumping his fingers in and out of her, more than eager to get the show on the road.

Sarah clutched at the blanket beneath her, biting her lower lip as Eric worked his fingers to scratch every itch of her's he could reach with his fingers. She could hardly contain herself, walls quivering with every touch of his furry fingers as they slid into her. It had been too long since they had any quality time together, but she hadn't bought that potion for him to use his fingers for the entire time.

"Come -ah, on Eric... Don't make me beg, please." She said, gasping as he slipped another finger between her folds. He gave her a warm smile, pulling his soaked fingers out of her.

"I was gonna pay you back for the fuzzball comment, but since you asked so nicely..." He replied, rubbing his wet fingers over his throbbing erection. Giving it a couple strokes to coat as much of her juices over his canine pecker, Eric lifted it between Sarah's legs, his thick knot pressing against her sensitive nub.

Although she had asked nicely, Eric wanted to draw out a few more lustful moans from her, grinding his shaft against Sarah's lips with a few hard humps. After a few moans and groans from his lover, Eric ceased his teasing, pulling his hips back to angle the tip of his cock towards her awaiting passage.

"Are you ready?" He asked, leaning over her with one hand keeping him steady as their snouts bumped against one another. His lips parted to lick her on the muzzle, their longing gazes holding one another in silence for what felt like hours.

"Always, my dear." She whispered, their muzzles interlocking into a deep kiss. Carefully, Eric inserted the tip of his oversized cock into his lover, their moans muffled by one another as the first wave of pleasure rolled over them. Sarah closed her eyes, feeling his rod press into her with ease. It was everything she had hoped for and more, the warmth of him inside her, the caress of his flesh against hers, it made every grueling hour of work worth it.

Their mouths slowly parted from one another, a bead of spit bridging between them briefly. Free from each other, the two wolves moans along with the slapping of flesh filled the room as Eric began thrusting into Sarah.

Despite his clear growth and warnings to Sarah, her pussy was more than capable to accommodate his massive tool, wrapping him in her heat as he plunged further with a well-timed thrust. He grasped at her waist, holding her steady as he pounded into her faster, the creaking of their bed joining the myriad of ecstatic noises from them both.

"You'll -oh, have to do be-ah better than that Eric" She chimed, goading him to pick up his pace even further, wide knot pressing against her lips with every thrust. Every thrust brought a cry from her as his massive tool found its way to squeeze against every neglected crevice in her quaking walls.

Wanting to contribute to the fun, Sarah began working with her husband's motions, pulling and pushing in time with his thrusts to send droves of lustful moans whenever his rod brushed against a sensitive spot within her.

A howl of bliss escaped her as an orgasm racked across her body, a streak of juices escaping her stuffed box to stain Eric's groin. He could feel himself also reaching his peak, but fought against the instinct to bury himself fully just yet. Removing a hand from Sarah's waist, he found his way to the woefully neglected nub resting just above her stuffed cunt.

Squeezing it between two fingers, Eric felt his lover's walls suddenly quiver from his touch. Eric brought her to a second orgasm faster than the first, thrusting every way he could to find the sensitive spots hidden within her, rubbing and squeezing her buzzer at each opportunity.

Eric's cock pulsed within Sarah as her second orgasm cascaded through her like a wave, claws digging into the blanket clutched between her fingers. His thrusts continued, wild and untamed as he bashed his knot over and over against her lips until, finally, her lips surrendered to him, knot pushing to hilt him within her luscious walls.

With a shudder Eric felt his orgasm fly over the tipping point, his cock beginning to spurt cum into Sarah, falling overtop her in the haze of bliss. "Hey!" she shouted as he landed, his head flopping between her cushiony breasts. Grumbling, Sarah gave a sigh of relief, her husband's orgasm slowly filling her to the brim with his cum. Wherever his seed painted her insides, a deep warmth soothed her to the core, the gentle noises coming from her husband serving to bring a loving smile to her face.

When she felt his cock slowing in dispensing his ball's load into her already packed pussy and cervix, Sarah poked him in the cheek until his eyes opened, the two beaming at one another with love.

"Was it good for you honey?" He asked, reaching underneath her to hug her chest.

"Of course. You always know how to make it feel special." she replied, stroking the fur atop his head. "We'll have to stop by those kobold's shop and pick up another of those elixirs."

The End