Waxing Moon Ch. 8 - Home is Where the Heart Is

Story by Zephyr Paws on SoFurry

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#8 of Waxing Moon

Waxing Moon

_ DISCLAIMER: All characters and properties are copyright their respective owners. All writing and original characters are copyright 2010 Zephyr Paws. The author is in no way associated or affiliated with any third-party. This original fiction was created with no intention of any copyright infringement against any third-party, and is purely for fan enjoyment. _

WARNING: This chapter contains descriptions of sex and sexual acts between two Pokemon. If this bothers you and you've somehow made it through the rest of this story, or if you are under 18 years old (or whatever it is in your area), screw you and go away, because this ending is freaking worth it (I hope). ;-;

-~ Chapter 8: Home is Where the Heart Is ~-

Scotch and I joyfully ran towards the marvelous Mt. Moon, gripping each other's hands firmly the whole time. Time didn't even seem to pass as we headed towards the mountain. There didn't seem to be anything else in the world other than my adorable Charmeleon and the destination he was taking me to - home.

By the time we got to the foot of Mt. Moon, night had completely encompassed the countryside. The moon was shining down from just over the mountain, glowing right onto our faces and smiling at me in a way it hadn't done in a very long time. It was surely a full moon, too, given just how perfectly circular and bright the glowing orb in the sky was. It lit up the entire landscape around Mt. Moon!

"Wow, ah, this place is even prettier at night than it was in the daytime!" exclaimed Scotch, taking a step forward - still holding my hand - and looking up at the full moon above us. "It's a full moon out, too, isn't it?"

I nodded and smiled, taking comfort in knowing that it was. "It is. It's really nice..." There was always something special about full moons. It may be a Clefable thing, sure, but I always felt an extra sort of connection to the moon when it was full.

"Do you, ah, um, well..." started Scotch as he looked back towards me with a bit of a hesitant look on his face. "Do you think you could lead? I really found the dark cave a little scary when I was a Charmander, ah heh heh..."

I giggled, realizing the irony in the situation. "But what about that flame on your tail? Wouldn't it light things up?"

He blushed and scratched the back of his head with his free claws. "Y-yeah, it would... ah heh. But it also signaled a lot of wild Pokemon - Zubats, Geodudes... even this one really tough Graveler!"

Hearing that caused my heart to skip a beat. "A... a Graveler?" There were plenty of Geodudes in Mt. Moon, but I'd only seen one Graveler my whole life there...

"Oh boy, ah, he scared me silly! Jack and I ran as quickly as we could out of Mt. Moon after he started charging at us, yelling, 'Keep out!' " He hung his head a bit, still blushing and scratching the back of it. "That was pretty scary for a little Charmander like myself!"

That sounded exactly like something daddy would say... go figure that daddy had chased away the Pokemon that I would hopefully end up spending the rest of my life with. I debated whether or not to tell Scotch. I decided that he might get a chuckle out of it.

I tugged on his hand and took the lead, leading the Charmeleon into the entrance of Mt. Moon along with me. "Well... um... I guess you've already met my daddy, then... hehe." I couldn't help but giggle afterwards. It was just far too coincidental, but, surprisingly enough, it made all the sense in the world. Lots of Trainers and their Pokemon passed through Mt. Moon each day, and Jack and Scotch were just one such pair.

"What?!" exclaimed Scotch, stopping and preventing me from walking further. "Ah, how do you figure that?"

It didn't really make a lot of sense unless it was explained. "He found me inside of an egg and took care of me." That was really the best way to explain it. Even though it seemed perfectly natural to me, I had realized that it wasn't exactly 'normal' to most Pokemon.

"Ah, huh, that is a little weird I guess, but also really nice of him to do that. I was just expecting your family to be a bit more... pink, ah, that's all." He laughed and took a step forward so he was right in front of me, glancing into my eyes. "I never even knew my real family. I was raised in a laboratory and given to Jack after I was a few months old."

"That sounds terrible..." I said, hugging Scotch tightly. For some reason, I had never really thought about his family before, or anyone's for that matter.

"Oh, well, it's okay." He held me tightly and really seemed to be appreciating the hug. "I did have some nice friends growing up - a Bulbasaur and a Squirtle. But two Trainers ended up taking them shortly before Jack showed up."

"That's nice..." It made me wonder what my life would have been like if I had a friend like Scotch while I was growing up. All I had was daddy... that was it. Scotch was the first and only friend I'd ever truly had. "I... I'm so glad I have you..." I said to Scotch, looking down into the shorter Pokemon's eyes as they looked right back into mine, so deeply, so passionately.

Without saying another word, the two of us shared our appreciation for each other with a kiss, kissing each other tenderly and caressing each other's faces with our hands and claws. Scotch was such a sweet Pokemon... he was so amazing to me. I didn't feel like I deserved his kindness or friendship, but I was so unbelievably grateful that he blessed me with it anyway...

After our kiss, we looked at each other and smiled, each blushing a bit, but I knew I was at least feeling really glad to be able to. It showed that I cared about him and that I honestly did love him. Not only that... but it was something both of us were able to do out of our own free will, not because either of us were forcing one another to, but simply because we wanted to.

That was what love was supposed to be like...

I led Scotch around Mt. Moon, finally seeing the parts of the cave that I grew up in. I showed him a little pool of water that I once fell into - which he got rather nervous being around - and showed him the den that I was raised in. It looked like it was being occupied, though, so we didn't intrude.

He seemed almost as thrilled as I was to go exploring my home. It was the place that he knew I was taken from, after all, so I guess it made sense. I'd feel great if I could do something so meaningful for Scotch... and I was hoping that by the end of the night, I would be able to.

There was somewhere special I wanted to take him first, though.

Holding his hand the whole time, I brought Scotch up through a series of tunnels leading out onto the peak of Mt. Moon. Or at least fairly high up on it. It was a very special place to me because I could see for what I thought was the whole world from up there. Not only that, but on a full moon, it felt like I was so close to the moon that I could actually touch it.

The summit itself had very little in the way of decoration. There was no snow or anything like that, a few boulders scattered around, various trees and shrubs, and it was actually a fairly large, flat summit. Sure enough, right in front of us was the moon hovering over the Kanto landscape.

Breaking free from my grip, Scotch took a few steps forward, nearly approaching the edge of the summit before stopping. "W-wow...! This... ah... this is incredible!" he said, his gaze seemingly fixed on the bright orb in the sky.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around his, leaning against him at his side. "Yes... it's a really beautiful place." While still grabbing his arm, I sat down on the ground, tugging on my Charmeleon friend to join me.

Scotch did so and sat down right beside me, though he was now the one leaning against me rather than the other way around. He glanced over at me, but then the fire lizard took a sigh, which seemed a little off. "So... what... what happens now?"

I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that. It could have been any number of things, really. "What do you mean?" I asked back, looking at him with a more concerned look.

"J-just... um... you're home... are you, ah, going to stay... here?" Tears started forming in Scotch's eyes. He looked really sad about what he just asked...

Actually, I hadn't really given it any thought. For the past few months, all I'd wanted to do was get home. I was so desperate to return to the place that I was taken from that I didn't actually consider what would happen when I got there - or even realistically think that I'd get there in the first place.

I thought for sure that everything would just magically become right when I returned. I had such a hope in my heart that things would shape up, that I could get back to normal, that somehow being at Mt. Moon would fulfill me.

But now that I was actually there again... I realized that it wasn't as important to me as I once thought it was. I had Scotch... He was more important to me than Mt. Moon was. Not only that, but I was now Jack's Pokemon... and Scotch was my partner. We could travel together, the three of us - or five of us if you count Mary and Vodka... eww - all across the world, participating in contests and doing whatever it was that good Trainers do for their Pokemon.

That was what gave me fulfillment now. Scotch, Jack, contests... none of them made me feel empty. They gave me a purpose. They gave me something exciting to look forward to. I felt a part of something more than just delivering berries to a cranky Gabite or as someone's pet project in some therapy center.

"N-... no..." I said back to him. It was hard for me to say, because it was turning my back on what I once thought was home, but... really... I knew deep down in my heart that it was no longer where I was meant to be. "I want to be with you, Scotch. You and Jack." I turned so my body was pointing towards him rather than towards the cliff, then leaned in to hug his side. "But mostly you..."

Scotch turned around so he was facing me and leaned forward, burying his face into my chest. The poor fire lizard was crying and sobbing quite a bit. "T-thank you...! A-ah... I- I'm s-so happy..." He looked up at me with tears rolling off the side of his face, though halting his sobs. "I was so afraid on the way here... that you'd want to, ah, stay here... and leave me behind... or I'd stay here with y-you... ah, I d-don't know... ha... ha..."

"Scotch!" I exclaimed as the Charmeleon started crying into my chest again, sobbing loudly. I couldn't help but smile, though, seeing that he really would do anything for me. "You... you're so sweet..." I gently rubbed the Charmeleon's head as he cried into my chest.

"S-sorry... I'm such a c-crybaby... hehe," said Scotch as he withdrew his head from my chest and rubbed the back of his head, removing my own hand from it.

"N-no!" I exclaimed. "I... I like it that you cry. It shows that you have a heart... a big one." With that, I did the leaning in for a change and leaned in to give Scotch a kiss on the cheek before pulling his face towards mine with my hands, embracing him in a much more passionate kiss than the one I just gave him.

We found ourselves compelled to lie down on our sides as we continued kissing each other, still embracing each other's presence. My heart felt electrified with so many emotions and feelings for the gentle male. He was so sweet, so innocent... and so incredibly loving. I never could have imagined that he or any male could have been so nice. Even Jack, who I thought to be absolutely perfect, didn't even come close to Scotch once I realized all of the things that Scotch had done for me.

He was a Pokemon that made sacrifices for me, that was willing to do anything within his power to help me become happy, even if it meant putting aside his own feelings - perhaps even permanently. He was willing to help me be with Jack, after all, and though that plan thankfully didn't go through... just the fact that he was always there and supportive of me throughout it all had such a huge impact on me.

Vodka must have really tested him, too... He should have done something with her... she was far more attractive and beautiful than I was, not to mention that I had my eye on Jack back when that was all going on... He could have done that and he would have wound up happy... but... for whatever reason, he didn't; he continued helping me, he sacrificed his own shot at happiness because he didn't love her... he didn't love Vodka...

He... he loved me. He really loved me... oh, Scotch...

"Scotch... I... I..." I wanted to say it... not just that I love him, but what I wanted to do with him. It was very difficult, because I'd never actually been the one to suggest doing what I was about to suggest doing... it'd always been forced upon me, really. "I... I want to do something for you..."

Still lying on his side, he looked at me with a very curious expression on his face, perhaps somewhat hopeful and nervous as well. He took a gulp, confirming that nervousness I sensed. "A-ah, y-yeah?" He paused for half a second before adding, "I- I mean, um, ah, uh, well, j-just if- n-no, I- I mean, y-you don't h-have t-to- err... ah, wh- what d-did you w-want to do...?"

I couldn't believe how cute Scotch was just there, trying to catch his tongue and literally blushing his face off. It was absolutely endearing... not only that, but it reflected just how caring and considerate he was, too.

"Just... just please, relax..." I said, pushing him onto his back and pressing my hands against his chest, pinning him down. "I-... I really want to do this... I want to make you happy."

His eyes were wide, wide open, and the poor Charmeleon was sweating quite a lot. "W-w-wha- wait, ah- uh, um, B-Brandy, i-it's o-okay... I l-love you... a-and, ah, I re- ah- respect you...!"

He kept spitting out a bunch of different excuses, but it didn't change my decision. I knew that he wanted to and I could only hope to prove that I wanted to just as bad.

While Scotch was continuing saying many more sweet, mindful things, trying to talk his way out of his own anticipation, I started sliding down the Charmeleon's body. I could feel his erect malehood slide along my belly and up towards my chest as I made my way down his body.

Before long, I saw him lying down on his back, erection pointing proudly towards the moonlit sky. He propped himself up on his shoulders and nervously glanced down at his throbbing piece of red malehood.

"S- s- sorry... it was j-just... well, ah- you know..." He looked extremely embarrassed over his display of maleness. He didn't have to be, though... that was just what I had wanted and expected to see.

"I've seen it before," I said with a smile and a cute giggle, on my elbows looking up at the Charmeleon's worried face. "I want you to enjoy this... I love you, Scotch, and it's okay..."

As I reached forward and touched the shaft of Scotch's member with one of my fingers, it twitched quite a bit and he let out a rather audible gasp. "A-ah! Ah... ahh... um... I- I love you, t-too, Brandy..."

I moved from a delicate touch to a full on grip with one of my hands, gripping the Charmeleon's length in my hand. There was no doubt that he was a bit smaller in length than either Gin or Tom, but, to me, that didn't matter - he looked like he'd be just the right size for me... just what I wanted. Just what would make me feel comfortable. Plus he was also shorter in general than either of those two.

As I ran my hand down its length, I heard yet another audible gasp from Scotch, who was half-closing one of his eyes as he looked down to where I was. He looked quite unsteady about what was happening and I was starting to get a little worried about that.

"Scotch? Are you okay...?" I asked, releasing my hand from his member and looking back at him with sincerity.

He paused for a moment, blushed even heavier, and then answered shyly. "Y-yeah. A-ah, I'm sorry, I'm j-just not used to anyone else touching it... ah heh heh..."

"Well, um... do you want me to...?" I asked softly, wanting to reassure that it was okay, but also not wanting to pressure him into doing anything he'd rather not do. After all, that wouldn't make me any better than the males in any of my previous relationships, would it?

He looked at me very shyly and slowly nodded his head, averting his eyes and directing them in various directions. It looked like he was about to say something, but ended up stopping himself right before the words were about to come out.


"I don't want to hurt you... I... I don't want you doing this just to make me hap-... happy... ah, you deserve better than th-that..." He paused for another moment, once again looking like he was about to say something, though he was much better at letting it out the second time. "You've... you've been forced to do this before... I, ah, um... I want you t-"

I couldn't help but interrupt him. "Scotch!" I exclaimed, gripping his member with my hand and holding it firmly, all while still keeping my gaze locked into his nervous eyes. "You're the sweetest male ever! If I wasn't raped... if we met here on Mt. Moon and became this good of friends, if we fell in love here without any of the pain I had to go through... I would still want to do this just as badly I want to now." Saying so much wasn't a normal thing for me, but I knew I needed to then...

"You... ah... you want to do t-this...? B-badly? It's not just because-"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, interrupting him again. "It's not just because it's what I think I should do to make you happy..." I ran my grip down his length, then slid it back up, seeing a clear reaction in his face after doing so. "I wish that you could have been... my first mate, t-too... but I want you to be my last... and I want to be yours..."

I had never seen so much shyness and reluctance out of a male before. Of course, I sure had a rather limited selection of males that I even could have seen it from, but it was just so amazing seeing how hesitant and caring he was. I knew that he must have been extremely curious about mating... having come so close to it. But I also knew that he was sincere when he wanted it to be something special, not something that he felt like he was taking advantage of me or using me...

I think that was what he was most worried about, to be honest... I only wished I could get him to realize that he wasn't using me, that I wanted for us to share such a special moment together, that I wanted to mate with him, to be his first mate, to have him be my one and only mate, to give him that incredible feeling of orgasm while inside of me...

The Charmeleon seemed to be speechless after what I had just said. He was staring back down into my eyes, looking at me with a look of affection and satisfaction. Those eyes... they were just so caring, so sweet... but they also assured me that, despite his seemingly outward hesitation, deep down he really did want to mate with me.

Knowing that, I felt it was the right time to proceed. The thought of no female ever doing what I was about to do to Scotch excited me, because from the sounds of it, males absolutely loved receiving oral pleasure... and it was a pleasure that Scotch clearly had never experienced.

I cocked my head and smiled at Scotch, giving him a silent confirmation that I was about to proceed. I then gave several strokes down Scotch's red shaft with my hand before getting back down onto my elbows and looking right at the Charmeleon's cock.

It looked quite similar to Gin's, actually. A bit redder, a tad smaller - but in a good way. It also had a totally different scent to it, smelling more... um... I couldn't quite tell. But just the scent alone was starting to drive me crazy, signaling internally that I needed - absolutely needed - to have that thing in my mouth. It was almost like instinct took over, really.

Without flinching or getting any second thoughts, I lowered my head down and gently licked the tip of Scotch's member, causing it to twitch substantially and eliciting a much louder audible half-moan-half-gasp from the Charmeleon.

"A-ah! Ahhh... ahhn... what are y-you...?"

I looked up at him with an affectionate, confident look on my face. "Trust me... just relax..." I nodded at him and then brought my mouth back down to his member, licking it once more and then taking an inch or so of it into my mouth.

As I did that, he tensed up quite a bit and let out another loud moan, clearly receiving an enormous amount of pleasure in the very little I had already done. It was interesting that he was so sensitive to what I was doing. I guess maybe males were like that if they hadn't mated before... or maybe it was just good old Scotch.

He wasn't being forceful or demanding or anything at all like that with me, leading me essentially free to pleasure him however I saw fit. It was a little intimidating at first, to be honest, because although I had done that to males before... it wasn't out of my own free will. Not totally. Now it was, though.

Because of that, I was a little unsure about what to do. I mean, I knew what to do, but just... how to make it particularly memorable for him. It just seemed really strange being in charge... it seemed somewhat empowering.

I lowered my head a bit more and began sucking lightly on the tip of his member, encasing the whole thing into my mouth as I wrapped my lips around it. I used my hands to fondle the lower section of his shaft. Like Gin, there were no external testicles or anything due to his more reptilian build, but I hoped that the sensation I was providing to his member would be more than enough stimulation for him.

Oh... it felt incredibly nice having that piece of Scotch inside of my mouth. It seemed like it'd been so long since I'd had anything like that in there and having Scotch inside of me in at least some way really made me feel complete. It was hard to believe that I used to despise having anything in there, because with Scotch's malehood, I wanted to take the whole thing in my mouth and choke on his cum. Hehe...

I quickly found myself blushing at the thought of Scotch ejaculating into my mouth and me actually looking forward to it, but it was true, I wanted it. I wanted it badly. I was so curious to know what his tasted like, what the texture felt like, how much he would cum, and how much he would enjoy it.

Oh... I had to have it. It was driving my senses crazy. And I had barely even started!

I began bobbing my head up and down, pressing one hand on Scotch's groin for leverage and to keep my balance while using the other one to hold onto Scotch's member, holding it just below where I was sucking on it with my mouth.

The Charmeleon moaned loudly, panting in the interim. It sounded like he was definitely getting into it, that was for sure. "A-ahh... uhn... B-Brandy... t-that- ah!- that feels so g-gooood..." he said through his moans, still panting quite heavily.

His legs and feet were twitching along with his member, showing that he was definitely getting into it. It worried me, because I didn't think he would be cumming already, but it must have been just the new rush of pleasure to him that was causing him to be rather weak in the knees.

It wasn't long before his pre began coating the tip of his member and I was able to slurp it up into my mouth, taking it in as if it were the most delectable liquid in the whole world. I wasn't even sure how to describe the taste, honestly, because it was a bit weird and rather spicy at the same time... but just the liquid itself was doing an amazing job at arousing me. Its taste electrified my senses and heightened my arousal very quickly.

In fact, I found myself getting quite wet down there. I don't believe that had ever happened to me before, actually, especially without any stimulation. But wow... that pre, that delicious, incredible liquid I was sucking from the tip of the Charmeleon's penis... his malehood... it was causing my heart to flutter and my groin to moisten.

I had gotten to the point where I was bobbing up and down on it quite vigorously, seeing as he was giving only an occasional involuntary thrust every now and then, basically giving me free reins over my actions. I liked it... and I was eagerly awaiting his finale. I was getting far too eager to actually mate with him...

"A-a-ahhh... I t-think I'm g-gonna... a-ah... B- Brandy, a-ah..."

Despite his efforts to remove my head from his cock, presumably to spare me the force of his semen entering my throat, I resisted and kept sucking with even more force, taking as much of the smooth red cock into my mouth as I possibly could before the fire lizard came.

And, as warned, he did just that. Giving one final, very loud moan, Scotch shot several rapid bursts of very warm, sticky, gooey cum straight down my throat and all over the inside of my mouth. It tasted unbelievable! Not necessarily 'good' or 'sweet' or any other sort of distinct flavor, but it was exactly that - distinct. I wouldn't trade it for the world...

I swallowed every bit of the hot liquid as I could before releasing my mouth from his member, licking my lips as I looked up at my love to see him with a starstruck look on his face. He looked completely dazed and euphoric, bobbing his head a bit and bearing a huge smile. It even looked like he was drooling quite a bit down onto his chest. Awww, how cute!

"B- B- Brandy... a-ah... mmmn... t-that was... a- AMAZING!" he exclaimed, falling onto his back and mixing laughter with heavy panting. "Ha ha... ah ha... ha... ah..."

I crawled up onto Scotch, crawling myself up so I was able to look him directly in the eye. I was right on top of the delighted fire lizard, looking down into his sweet, affectionate eyes... I saw the look of pleasure on his face, the look of utmost satisfaction. I could only hope that he could see that in my eyes as well, because I certainly had that feeling.

He reached up and pulled my head right down to his, pulling me in for a huge kiss. It seemed a bit stickier than it had been, perhaps due to what I had just gotten on my lips, but it was all the more enjoyable nonetheless that he would do such a thing to show his gratitude.

We continued kissing for what felt like hours, though in all actuality was only a few minutes. When we stopped, the two of us lay there still panting, but still just as affectionate towards each other. He kept looking up at me and smiling, blushing almost nonstop whenever he'd look at me.

"S- Scotch... I love you..." I said softly, reaching down and rubbing his face gently. It felt so warm and smooth, but it also felt so reassuring knowing that that was the face of a real male, one who cared, one who loved me just as much as I loved him.

"I love you, too, Brandy... ah..." said Scotch, reaching his claws up towards my face, mimicking exactly what I was doing to him, except he was beneath me instead. He surveyed my eyes with his and looked directly into them.

I wasn't sure exactly what was on his mind, because I was certainly no mind reader, but I could tell that he was happier than he'd ever been before. I guess that made two of us.

We remained like that for a good while. It felt so nice and relaxing having the warm Charmeleon beneath me. We were a couple... mates... lovers... it was amazing to think that I had finally found a male that cared about me. And not just one that cared about me... but one that really, really cared about me.

For a moment, I thought about it from Scotch's perspective, though. He sounded like he'd always been a nice Pokemon. He'd been loyal and good friends with Jack for a long time. He traveled with him, listened to all of his problems regarding human girls, and put up with defeat after defeat all for Jack's sake.

Not only that, but he also put up with me coming along... He was Jack's pride and joy, his best friend, and then I came along and took that from him. Jack started ignoring Scotch and paying more attention to me.

Then he overheard me when I was confessing my feelings to Jack... and I told him about my past, how I'd been raped and abused, about Gin, how I had been taken away from home - ironically, the home that Scotch brought me back to... He overheard very personal, very terrible things... but really... if I had heard that about Scotch, I would have felt so sorry for him, too...

He even went so far as to put my feelings above his own and do everything he could to help support me and help me be with Jack, even suggesting that I kiss him... He actually suggested that I kiss Jack rather than himself...

What a kind and selfless Pokemon...

How hard he worked to see me and Jack happy, all while putting off his own happiness. Why would he do that? I think it was to see me happy... to see Jack happy. He didn't care about himself in the end, despite the fact that he'd become attracted to me... despite how badly he must have wanted to be with me.

And there I was for him after all. I reciprocated his feelings after realizing just what a good Pokemon he was... I should have seen it from the start. It doesn't matter, though, because that only made him all the sweeter.

Still, though... as happy as he made me, I honestly believed deep down in my heart that I made him truly happy as well. To find a female that he could shine for, that he made feel special, cared for, loved... to find a female that loved him back. Yes... I'm certain that I meant everything to him as well. Even though I still think that he means more to me... hehe.

"Scotch..." I said, getting increasingly eager by the moment. I knew exactly what I wanted out of him. I knew exactly what I wanted to do to show him how much I loved him. "I... I want to mate with you. C-can we?"

His eyes shot wide open again, similarly to when I propositioned him before, but after a few seconds, they appeared to settled. The Charmeleon gave a nod and a smile, closing his eyes the whole time. "I... I want that, too. If- ah, well, if you're sure that you really want to... I don't want t-"

I needed to interrupt him again. He needed to know that I was serious, not just about mating, but in my intentions to do so and genuinely enjoy it. "Yes! Scotch, the past is the past... you... you are my future. And I love you... and... I want to be with you and make you happy..."

"What about you?" he asked, looking at me with a still somewhat unconvinced look on his face. "I want you to enjoy it, too."

"Silly," I said, petting the side of his face. "When I was in love before... or at least what I thought was love... it felt incredible. Unbelievable. And that was with a rough brute who didn't really love me..." I smiled and gave a nod back to the Charmeleon beneath me. "I know that you could only make me feel amazing... just having you, my love... inside of me... and knowing that I will be your first... it makes me excited just thinking about it!"

"R-really...?" asked Scotch shyly, blushing rather heavily.

I nodded and smiled at him. "Yes." That was all the confirmation I needed to give, really, because I had my mind set on mating with him and I was absolutely confident that I would enjoy it no matter what. He was such a sweet Pokemon that I felt genuinely happy and proud to have him as a mate, even though we hadn't officially used the term in reference to each other just yet.

"S-so... um... I- ah, well, I've never done th-"

I interrupted Scotch, knowing where he was going with that and not wanting him to worry. "Scotch, it's okay, don't worry." I sat up on his belly and looked behind me to see his member eagerly peeking out of its sheath, clearly excited for what was about to happen. "Just leave it to me, it's okay."

With that, I stood up, still above the fiery Charmeleon beneath me, and took a step or two back until his cock was right below me. I looked down at it, then back at Scotch and smiled. After that, I started lowering myself down towards it, feeling it poke at my rear but miss any openings.

Scotch seemed to be watching me intently as I continued positioning myself, looking so incredibly anxious and excited about what I was about to do. That was probably how first times were supposed to be, huh? But I was still just as excited, because beyond just the mating, it was knowing who I was mating with... someone truly kind and deserving.

After a few seconds, I had the Charmeleon's erection placed right at the entrance to my folds. I could feel it throbbing against them, knowing just how excited he must be over what we were about to do. Slowly, I guided myself down on it, feeling it part my folds and press against my vagina, part of it already poking in due to the shape of Scotch's cock.

There was no doubt about it: we were both really excited. It was evident both in our dreamy, eager expressions, as well as how moist we both were down there. I already felt incredibly wet inside and that it would be no hassle getting him inside of me at all.

Finally, I lowered myself down, straddling the Charmeleon and feeling his cock fill me. As I was used to much larger penises, I had no difficulty at all fitting Scotch's cock inside of me and even managed to take it all in on my first attempt.

I was now sitting down on Scotch's groin, hilting him entirely. I just sat there and let out a light moan, looking at Scotch, my lover. His eyes were closed and he was panting quite heavily, looking to be enjoying it already. I could feel his cock twitching and throbbing while inside of me, clearly quite happy in its new home, so to speak.

"How does it feel?" I asked him softly, excited to hear his response. I'd never been a male's first mate, before, so it was something rather thrilling to me to think of. It still seemed to me that all males were magically gifted and knew exactly what to do, but Scotch definitely didn't, and I loved that about him.

He opened his eyes and looked right at me, blushing and pausing for a few seconds before finding the strength to speak. "A-ahh! It- it's so... mmm, ah... warm... g-goodness...!"

I giggled and smiled back at him, cocking my head slightly and feeling all the more thrilled with what I was doing. He looked a lot more pleased than he was able to vocalize, so I wanted to make sure I continued pleasuring him, not to mention myself.

In all honesty, I found that the feeling of having inside of me was nice, but it wasn't even what was most arousing to me. It was looking down at that sweet Charmeleon and fantasizing what it must be like for him that was most arousing, thinking of him mating for the first time, not being such a strong and dominant male, and, of course, being in love...

It sent shivers down my spine and excitement through my heart.

I leaned in forward, now that I was fully connected to Scotch, so I was lying on top of him. He remained inside the whole time, though now found me right up to his face and covering his chest. I reached my hands forward and grabbed the fire lizard's face before embracing him in a loving, passionate kiss, while entwined in coital bliss.

He gladly returned my affection, holding my face as well and starting to instinctively thrust into me, totally getting into it. I'd slide my body down as he'd thrust into me, forming an excellent, completely passionate rhythm together, all while never breaking our kiss.

It felt more right than any other time in my life. I was mating with my mate, my love, a real sweet male, my best friend... Scotch... oh, Scotch... not only that, but I was also the first Pokemon he'd ever mated with and hopefully the only Pokemon he'd ever want to mate with...

A part of me still felt I didn't deserve him, but I also had to remember that a part of him probably thought that, after all I'd been through, I deserved even more, so I accepted that and realized that we really were made for each other... we really were such sweet, good Pokemon, both willing to put up with anything for those that we love.

It was only right that we'd fall in love with each other... and just as that was only right, it was only right that we'd be sharing such a special moment as we were now together, mating as true mates, as best friends, and as two Pokemon in love.

I continued sliding myself up and down onto his cock. As I did so, and as he thrust into me, I also received additional stimulation from my clit rubbing against his smooth, scaly belly. It felt so good... so unbelievably good. It was like my breath was entirely taken away - which it practically was, because all throughout that, we were still kissing each other affectionately, only breaking to get a little bit of air since we were getting rather deprived of it and exerting a lot of energy.

The two of us would moan in near unison, our rhythms, thrusting, and bucking were all in sync, and our affection and love only seemed to grow while the two of us mated. It was a truly magical feeling and, without a doubt, that was what mating was supposed to feel like. I knew it. It finally felt right. It finally felt right to be with a male. It finally felt right having someone truly love me for exactly the Pokemon I am. It finally felt right... oh... oh Scotch...

It seemed to last an eternity, the two of us mating, but our first time together couldn't last forever. Before long, I felt Scotch's rhythm grow more erratic and his thrusting increase in speed. He was panting a lot more heavily, too, which led me to believe that he was about to hit his orgasm.

I broke our kissing streak just long enough to say a few words to him, wanting to be sure to make my desires clear. "Mmmm... C-cum inside of me..." I said softly, yet bluntly. I wanted his seed inside of me so badly that I could practically feel it inside of me already, warming me up and filling my insides.

"A-ahh... o-okay...!" The way he said that - the cute, sweet way that he replied was just so adorable, like he was just a little baby Charmander eagerly listening to what his best friend was saying without question. He was so innocent, so sweet... oh Scotch...

It wasn't much longer before he did just that. The Charmeleon picked up his thrusting, sliding himself as far inside of me as he could with each and every powerful thrust that he made, placing his hands on my hips rather than at my face to help apply more force.

He forced his lips away from mine just in time to let out one loud cry, mixing in with pants and moans the whole time. And that was when I felt it. That was when I felt him squirt several spurts of his very hot, very wet cum deep inside of me. He stopped his thrusting while hilting me and I felt his warm seed travel throughout my depths and squirm around inside of me, filling me with warmth and satisfaction.

It was actually just enough to bring me over the top, too, which I wasn't sure I'd be able to in all honesty. The feeling, the incredible feeling his thrusting and his warm, sticky cum inside of me sent me over the edge. I felt my whole body tense up after his own orgasm and bring me to mine.

I froze there, shaking and moaning on top of my lizard mate beneath me, enjoying every last moment of that beautiful, golden feeling surge through my body. I felt my insides squeeze against his shrinking member, milking every last bit of his cum out and sucking it further inside of me.

After that incredibly powerful sensation swept through my body, I found myself still panting on top of my lover, looking down at his sweet, red-as-a-cherry face. Awww... he was panting heavily as well, eyes closed and with a huge smile on his face.

I leaned in and gave Scotch one more kiss, which he eagerly returned. He finally opened his eyes and looked up at me. His eyes were looking all across my face, but focusing mostly right back into my own eyes. He didn't say anything for a good minute, but then he finally brought himself to do so. "A-ah... that was... that was the best feeling I've ever felt, ever...!"

I smiled and nodded, realizing that I honestly couldn't think of a time it was any better for me. In fact, just hearing him say that rather than just some half-assed comment that Gin would say after mating made me feel so overjoyed, knowing that he really, really did enjoy it... and really was appreciative for me, not just for me mating with him.

After a few minutes of remaining conjoined together, I rolled off of Scotch and lay down beside him. Immediately afterwards, the Charmeleon rolled over and hugged me tightly at my side. I wrapped my arm around him and the two of us cuddled up together for the rest of the night.

The poor Charmeleon was really worn out after mating. He fell asleep in my arms rather quickly and drooled like he usually did. He was so cute... and he was mine. He was my mate, my love, and my best friend.

It wasn't too much longer before I fell asleep beside Scotch. I was finally home. I was finally in love and loved back. No matter the hardships I was forced to go through, it seemed like I had done exactly what daddy urged me to do all that time ago... I had grown up.

Despite everything I had to endure, I stuck through it. I kept believing. I found that strength within myself to succeed rather than repeat succumbing to failure and abuse. Whatever it was that I was supposed to have learned, I learned it. I did it. I wasn't just some waste, some weak, worthless Clefairy unable to defend myself. I was now a strong, capable Clefable. I had a loving mate, a wonderful Trainer, and a real sense of where I was in the world.

As nice as it was returning there for the night, I knew that Mt. Moon was no longer my home. Home is where the heart is, after all, and my heart was with Scotch... As long as we remained together, I'd always be home.

In the morning, I'd go back to Jack with Scotch. We could happily be his loyal Pokemon while also each other's mates. Maybe Jack would try take on some of the Gym Leaders that Scotch lost against. Maybe he would enter me in more contests. Maybe we'd have to put up with Mary and that stupid Lopunny.

Ah... we would probably have to do that regardless of what else Jack wanted, but it was alright now, because I had Scotch, because we loved each other, and I would actually be hopeful for Vodka that she could find someone just as caring for her someday as well.

Whatever the case, though, I would do it together with Scotch. And I could live happily at last, feeling safe and protected, but also so very important to my dearest, sweetest friend...


Morning came. As usual, I found myself waking up before the sleepy fire lizard, seeing him nuzzled against my chest, drooling as if he were a water Pokemon. I looked over to him and smiled, recognizing it as more than just a dream, but as the reality I could now proudly call my life.

I was so genuinely proud to have Scotch as my mate. And, the best part was, I think that he was equally as proud to have me as his. We both felt so important to each other and felt like the other was so important to ourselves. It was so perfect. So absolutely perfect...

I spent the next hour or so thinking about the other night, thinking about my past, thinking about everything that had happened to me. Whatever difficult past I had to go through now didn't really seem to matter. I was finally free of being haunted by it, for good. It wasn't coming back. I knew that with the utmost of confidence now.

Scotch finally let out a yawn into my chest and opened his eyes, looking up at me lovingly and nuzzling against me even more. "Mmmmm...! I had the greatest dream last night," he said, smiling at me with his eyes happily closed. "Ah, you see, it was that you loved me and wanted to spend the rest of your life with me." He giggled a bit and then opened his eyes, looking at me with a bit of anticipation.

I had a feeling I knew what he wanted me to say, hehe. "It's not a dream... it's real," I said, not caring how sappy I must have sounded. It didn't matter, because he buried his face into my chest again and hugged my side anyway.

The two of us sat up together, but then Scotch looked in front of the two of us, forcing me to break my focus on him. "Hey, ah, what's that?" He was pointing at an egg right in front of us, just laying there. "Is that an... Did- AH! Did I do that?! Oh, ah, I'm a father, ah-!" exclaimed the Charmeleon, standing up and running around in a panic.

I stood up and walked over to the odd Pokemon egg that was laying in front of us. It definitely wasn't there last night... there was absolutely nothing there. But on the other hand, I also knew that egg didn't come from me... or, at least... I didn't think it did. I wasn't so sure, to be honest, because I didn't know that much about eggs or how they were made other than baby Pokemon hatch from them.

Then, in a flash, it all sort of hit me... I remembered what daddy told me, about how he came across raising me in the first place. He found me in an egg that had been abandoned... I never knew my real parents, but just my daddy, the Graveler.

That egg... the egg in front of us... it must have been placed there by another Pokemon that just must not have been ready to be a parent. Maybe that Pokemon saw us sleeping together and figured that we were a happy couple that could take care of it...?

"It's not mine, Scotch," I said to Scotch, causing him to stop his frantic running around and look at me, then down at the egg. "I think someone left it there while we were asleep..." It made sense, after all, because there was no reason an egg would just appear out of nowhere.

"Ah, why would someone want to leave an egg in front of us?" He looked at the egg intently. Just a few seconds later it looked like he had some huge revelation. "Ah! What if they wanted us to take care of it? Sort of like what happened with you, right?"

I smiled, seeing that Scotch came to the same conclusion that I came to a few minutes ago. "That's what I think..."

"B-but what if we're wrong? What if it's someone else's and they were going to come back for it later?"

I'd also sort of thought about that, too, and it didn't make sense. If someone were going to come back for an egg - or anything precious to them, for that matter - they would hide it somewhere away from other Pokemon, somewhere where no one would find it. "Whoever left it here left it here for us... otherwise they wouldn't pick such an obvious spot."

Scotch gulped and looked back over at me. "Hmm..." He tapped his feet for a few seconds, but ultimately found nothing to argue that with. "That's a good point."

"So, um... Scotch..." I said nervously, but still with a smile on my face. "Do you... do you want to be this egg's daddy...?"

His eyes completely lit up. His face grew increasingly red. But I could see the excitement he was having while processing just what it meant to him. Without saying a word and seeming detached from the question, he walked over to the egg, picked it up, and looked at it. He then hugged it tight - not too tight, obviously - and lifted it up into the air. "I'm- I'm a daddy!" shouted Scotch at the top of his lungs out into the distance.

I walked over to him and hugged him from behind, getting an even closer look at the egg that he was carrying. "And... that makes me this egg's mommy, doesn't it?" Mommy... I've never used the word before, but I have heard of it... Tears started filling my eyes as I said that. It was true... I was going to be that little Pokemon's mommy. I was going to give that hatchling what I never had when I was growing up... a mommy.

That egg was left there for a reason, there was no doubt about that. It was left there because whoever left it must have felt how much Scotch and I cared for each other. They must have felt how much we'd do anything for each other, just as we'd do anything for that egg... We were meant to find it. We were meant to be together, to return to Mt. Moon... it was all meant to happen.

The two - no, sorry - the three of us left Mt. Moon and headed back towards Pewter City where Jack and Mary were undoubtedly waiting for us. I felt bad that I had left Jack without notice, and I'm sure that Scotch felt even more guilty, but he would hopefully understand.

When we returned, no one was home at Mary's house, but we still saw Jack's backpack in the living room next to the couch. He hadn't left yet... he must have been searching for us.

Rather than go out and try to find him, we decided we'd just wait there until he came back. Sure enough, that evening, he walked through the door with Mary and Vodka. He looked absolutely pitiful...

"They're gone... I... I can't believe they're gone..." he said in a desolate tone.

"I'm sure they'll turn up. They couldn't have gotten far, after all," said Mary, walking over to him and patting him on the back. "You've been searching all day. Officer Jenny has several officers looking for them. They'll be okay, Jack."

"But... I just... I miss them. I've never spent a day without Scotch, even from when he was just a little Charmander... He's my best friend..." He paused just long enough to snivel a bit, clearly rather choked up over us being missing. "And Brandy... she's been such a great addition... I j-just..."

That was our cue. The two - darn it, I mean three of us walked over to Jack and Mary. I held our egg in my arms while Scotch gently tugged on Jack's leg.

"Ah, hey, Jack!" said Scotch, tugging until he caught Jack's attention.

There was a moment of silence as Jack looked down into Scotch's eyes. As much as I cared for Jack, I felt overjoyed that he cared so much about Scotch. I actually felt happy that he missed him in particular so much, because those two also have a very strong bond. A different bond, sure, but still a very strong one.

Jack then burst into tears and lifted the Charmeleon up in the air, then hugging him close to his chest. Through that, he accidentally knocked off his own glasses, but it didn't bother him. He looked just so glad to have his Charmeleon back...

"Scotch!! Oh, Scotch...!" exclaimed Jack, holding the fire lizard so tight. "I was so worried!"

Scotch smiled and then licked his Trainer's face playfully, smiling and spitting a tiny spurt of fire up in the air to signify his happiness. At least that was what I was assuming it meant.

A minute or so later, he set Scotch down, grabbed the glasses that Mary took the liberty of picking up and handing to him, and then started to pull me in for a big hug before stopping abruptly. He looked at the egg I was holding in my arms, studying it carefully and then laughing.

"Ah haha...! Now I get it!" he exclaimed, patting me on the back and then petting me on my forehead, ruffling that little bit of headfluff I had up there. "I knew there was something going on with you two!" He gave a wide grin as he looked at the egg curiously.

Scotch walked over to me and offered to take the egg so I could hug Jack. Of course I took him up on that offer and then fell into Jack's chest, feeling so relieved to be accepted and cared for by Jack as well as Scotch. That was what a healthy bond between Pokemon and Trainer was supposed to be like... it was still love, but a different sort of love.

"I missed you, Brandy," he said to me while hugging me and gently rubbing my back. "I'm so glad that you're alright." Jack then took a step back, knelt down, and looked at the egg Scotch was holding, silently requesting to hold it. Scotch obliged and let Jack take the egg, which he then held in front of the two of us. "Wow... so this is really your egg..."

Well, it was, but probably not in the way that Jack was thinking it was. Even though it wasn't actually ours, we were going to treat it just like it was, that was for sure.

"It looks like a very healthy egg," said Mary as she knelt down and examined the egg along with Jack. "I'm not exactly sure how they would have made an egg, though... but, never mind that, I know a few things about taking care of eggs." She looked over at the two of us and smiled. "Would you two like my help?"

Scotch and I both looked at each other. Mary no longer had to be our enemy. In fact, she was probably a really good thing for Jack. They seemed very happy together, just as we were, so there wasn't really any reason to distrust her. She seemed to be very knowledgeable as far as raising Pokemon went, too.

I was the first to nod back at her, smiling, only to see Scotch follow suit and nod along with me. Mary smiled back and carefully took the egg from Jack, holding it in her arms. "I know you can use Sing, Brandy," said Mary, looking right at me. "Eggs become a lot healthier if their parents sing to them."

Immediately after hearing that, Scotch started singing, trying to jokingly emulate me. However, his singing voice was a little less than... acceptable, as pointed out by Jack, who quickly covered the Charmeleon's mouth with his hands. "Maybe we'd better leave the singing to Brandy, okay, bud?" All of us couldn't help but laugh at that rather silly moment. It was very comical to say the least.

Mary finally handed me back our egg, petting me on the head afterwards. "You two will make great parents." She then looked over at Jack and held his hand, leaning against his shoulder. "Jack and I will help if you need it, don't worry."

"Ah, thanks!" "Thank you!" Scotch and I both said in unison.

"Hey, Scotch," said Jack, looking at his Charmeleon. Scotch turned his attention to his Trainer. "I was thinking... Maybe while we wait here in Pewter for that egg to hatch, maybe you'd like to try take on Brock again. Sound good?"

Scotch gulped a bit, but then gave a confident pose. "A-ah! Yeah!" He looked over at me and his soon-to-be son or daughter. "I mean, do you think I should, Brandy?"

I smiled and nodded at my mate, so pleased to see him eager to face his past just like I'd done with mine. "Yes," I said softly. "You want to be at least a little tough for your mate and your little son or daughter, don't you?" I chuckled a bit and blushed. I loved that he wasn't a tough, macho Pokemon, but I also knew that he was fully capable of fighting and wanted him to feel like he was capable of protecting me at the least. Hehe.

"Alright then, I'll train you up, buddy, and we'll take him on tomorrow!" said Jack, throwing a few punches into the air to get pumped. Or maybe it was to show off. Who knows... but it seemed to motivate Scotch, as he mimicked his Trainer and gave a few of his own into the air right beside him.

Not only did everything feel right, but it also felt like it would remain right. It didn't feel like it was just a temporary thing. The happiness I felt seemed like it could never end. The love in my heart felt as if it were unbreakable. Scotch and I meant so much to each other that there was no way either of us could ever bear to cause each other pain or sadness...

It was fate that Scotch and I found that egg, so we could raise it and give it the love and affection that any baby Pokemon should have - the love and affection of two caring parents that neither Scotch or I truly had growing up.

It was fate that I grew feelings for Jack, because without those feelings, Scotch wouldn't have fought so hard for me... he wouldn't have proven just what an amazing male - what an amazing friend he was.

It was fate that I was caught by Jack in the first place... that I ran from Mt. Coronet and clung so desperately to the hope of returning to Mt. Moon...

It was fate that Gin cheated on me, that he hit me... that I fell in love with Gin back then... that I was raped by that Machoke...

It was fate that I ran from the Pokemon Therapy Center... or was even brought there in the first place... that I was brought to Sinnoh, rescued from Tom and Whiskey...

It was fate that I was taken from my home when I was so young... that I was raped and abused...

It was fate that daddy told me that I needed to grow up and left me on my own.

Because of all of those things, I'm where I am today. It was all meant to happen. It was all meant to be.

I had watched my life fade out, fade to pitch darkness. Just when I thought I was getting a break... I was left with nothing. But then Jack and Scotch came along... and slowly, my heart, my life, my own personal moon... it began waxing, filling up, until it finally shined like the bright moon it wanted to be for so long.

Now it was my turn to give our child a happy life, one that could hopefully be free of the problems that we both had to endure. Now it was my turn to finally live a happy life myself. No... not by myself... but with my family. With Scotch, with Jack, with Mary... even Vodka... and with our new little egg.

Home is where the heart is, and for the first time in my life, I felt like I was truly home.

-~= THE END =~-