Secret of NIMH: Finding the rats chapter 2

Story by darkcanine on SoFurry

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#2 of Secret of NIMH

Now we all know that the farmer fired the tractor up and started to plow the field. Where then the shrew went ahead and destroyed the fuel line. Well I guess in my version the rats stole a critical electric component off the tractor so it never left the barn.

When Brisby woke up she was surprised to feel a slight soreness between her legs. Than she wondered if last night actually happened or if it was some kind of masturbation dream? Either way she remembered from the dream a voice telling her to go to the owl and she felt like she could trust it.

It was later that evening when Brisby was flying through the air and she was thinking that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. "Please tell me that we are all most there." she cried out to Jeremy with her eyes closed. "Aw come on Mrs B give flying a chance, besides I'm pretty sure that is the owl's forest up ahead. Now hold on for the descent." Brisby squeaked with fear and buried her head into Jeremy's neck. She kept her head buried until she heard his talons grip the branch to come to a stop.

Jeremy's gaze traveled through the branches until he saw a very old tree with a dark ominous looking hole. "I think that is the owl's tree over there." Brisby looked over at the tree and paled with fear as it grew in size as Jeremy flew over to it. He landed on a branch and she slid down his wing. "Go on Mrs B, I'll just wait out here."

She looked at the ominous entrance and all of a sudden that was all she could think about. "I don't think I can do this." she whispered as she started to back up. "Sure you can, all you need is a little help." He put his wings behind her and gently nudged her towards the entrance. "Come inside or go away." A deep voice rumbled out engulfing both of them with fear. "I don't think you're going to get a clearer invitation than that Brisby, I'll just wait out here." She turned around and saw him standing on the far end of the branch with his legs shaking. She faced the hole and swallowed her fear and took the first hesitant step into the darkness.

She immediately felt a drop in temperature and continued cautiously. She felt the ground beneath her feet change from bark to some smooth texture that seemed to shift under her feet, and she was thankful that the light was so poor. Within a minute she ran right into the back of the hole. She reached out her hand to make sure and all she felt was tree. "Why have you come?" said a voice that seemed to come from everywhere at once. Brisby jumped clear off the ground and turned around but no matter how much she looked she couldn't identify the speaker behind the voice.

Her gaze finally settled on a formation in the wood. The longer she stared at it the more it seemed to take on a shape of an owl. Than without warning the eyes opened up "Well I'm still waiting for an answer but answer quickly for my time is short." She was trembling like a leaf but she took a deep breath and said "I'm Mrs. Brisby and I came asking for advice." "Brisby? As in Jonathan Brisby?" The owl asked while giving a very close and somewhat uncomfortable look at her. "Y...Yes but how do you know Jonathan?" "That is not important, but his name is not uncommon in these woods. Ask your question, my time has arrived." "I need to know what to do with my family now that the frost is off the ground, and moving day is here?" "The answer you seek is a simple one, you need to move your family." "I would but my one son is dreadfully ill. The chill in the air could kill him." "Hmm, then you need to seek out the help of Nicodemus the leader of the rats. You'll find them in the rosebush, next to the farmhouse. They will move your house to the lee of the stone." "No rat can move my house it's a great big....." "They have ways." With the way he said it she could tell that the conversation was over. "I don't understand what you mean but I'll do as you say." "Good, now it is night so I must go."

She followed him out of the hole and watched him walk to the end of the branch. He stopped and looked into the sky and then without warning he spun his head around and shouted "BOO." Brisby heard Jeremy scream with fright as she watched the owl fly away laughing. She stepped out and watched him climb back onto the branch. "Well what did he say?" "He said to go to the rats." "Rats uhh what rats?" "The rats in the rosebush. They shall move my house."

The next day she made sure to wake up bright and early. As she stepped outside her home she took a moment to admire the beauty as the sun's first rays peeked over the horizon. She took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and began her journey to the farmhouse.

As she was trying to find her way through the dense thorn bush, she was so occupied that she did not notice the bundle of blanket creeping up behind her. "Psst Mrs Brisby, it's me Jeremy." She turned around and quickly looked beyond Jeremy just in case he alerted Dragon with his infernal squawking. "Jeremy are you crazy, you have to get out here before you're seen." she told him as she went back looking for the entrance. "Don't worry I'm in disguise, also I'm here to help you." He then thrusted his head up into the rose bush "Ow jeez that hurts." he squawked. Brisby rolled her eyes but then she got an idea. "Jeremy I could use your help." "Of course Mrs B anything." "My children are home alone and I really need someone to watch them." "Oh hey, what about me." "Oh could you that would just be fantastic, now I live by the big stone in the garden." "All right Mrs. Brisby now you don't worry about anything," She watched him fly away and turned back to task at hand.

After a bit more of searching she finally found the entrance. As she approached it, the door slowly creaked open. She stopped to see if maybe someone was coming out but when the door didn't open any farther she slowly crept forward and looked in. All she saw was a dark tunnel spiraling down around the central root of the bush. As she started down the stairs she heard the door shut, the sound echoing all around her almost as if it was warning.

She finally got to the bottom of the stairs, and found a well beaten path leading to the heart. As she started down the path and came to a few a crossroads but instead of getting all confused she decided to keep a straight path. As she got to a huge open court area filled with wonderful flowers. A huge rat seemed to materialize itself from the wall and barred her path.

Mrs. Brisby stopped and looked up at the huge imposing figure. It was a huge dark rat and his eyes seemed to glow red with an evil intent. "He....llo I'm looking for Nicodemus." She trembled with fear as the rat uncoiled a huge whip. "Are you Nicod....AHH" without warning the rat struck out with whip and smacked her across the side. The force turned her around and she screamed as she felt another lash across her back. The result of the blow forced her to the ground. As she laid there panting, she felt her cape slide up her back exposing her private region to the rat. The rat paused in mid whip when he saw her little furry lips and tiny little tailhole.

At first she thought maybe he was done but then she felt the sting of whip smack across her ass. Tears sprang to her eyes as she cried out in pain as she felt another smack across her furry cheeks. He brought back his arm and swung his whip this time right across her vaginal lips. She screamed as the whip cut threw her skin and blood beaded down her lips. She would give anything in the world to make it stop as she prepared herself for another one. When she didn't feel the sting of the whip, she took a chance and glanced over her shoulder. Her eyes immediately took in the new situation. The rat had discarded his whip and was stroking his huge cock. She took in the size of it as his hand moved up and down. "It is as thick as my arm and nearly 2 inches long!!" she thought, hoping her vagina would be able to handle it but she had her doubts that he only would be able to fit the tip. She watched as the tip in question leaked a bit of pre cum and the rat approached her. She turned back around and tried to make herself relax as she felt his cock tease her vagina. Brisby closed her eyes and prayed it would be over quickly. He continued to run his cock up and down, no more than a teasing parting of her lips. He watched as his cock became covered in her blood and his pre cum. With a wicked smile creeping across his stern features he lined up his cock with her little asshole and shoved without warning.

Her eyes shot open at the sudden force of her rectum being forced open. Her mouth opened up into a scream as the pain overwhelmed her being. She felt her insides spread to accommodate this unwanted intrusion in her body. He watched the little mouse panic on the tip of his cock and smiled. He started to get frustrated as his cock would only go pass the tip no matter how much he pushed. So he decided to come at this with a different approach.

Since Brisby was screaming her lungs raw from this anal rape, she really didn't notice that she was dangling above the rat now. Now with her on top he could feel gravity doing most of the work as his cock slowly started to slip into her ass. He watched with fascination as the mouse slowly came to a stop against his balls. He looked at her face and saw that her eyes had rolled into the back of her head and that sometime during the rape of her tunnel she lost conscious.

Oh well he wasn't going to concern himself with this, at least now he didn't have to listen to that infernal screaming. He picked her up and moved her up and down. Watching his cock the entire time as it entered her ravaged hole again and again and again. Until with one final thrust he grunted and shot his seed deep into her backside. As his balls were drained he watched with amusement as her stomach seemed to swell a little bit. "It almost looks like she is with child" he thought. He also knew that once he removed his cock it would leave one hell of a mess. Knowing that he couldn't leave a mess where he was stationed, he decided to carry her back to the entrance on his cock. So with his cock acting like a cork to keep in the flood, he stood up and shuffled back towards the entrance. When he got there he took one last look at the mouse that was hanging off the ground all because his cock was still speared up her ass. He laughed a little at this and pulled her off. As she reached his tip he could see the flood starting to leak out around the edge of her rectum. So with one swift movement he yanked her off and held her upright at arms length. He was right as soon as she was free his sperm came gushing out quickly making a puddle behind the boulder where he decided to dump her. When the sperm stream started to become drips he dumped her without ceremony into the puddle. He watched as she landed face first and little air bubbles started to come up the side of her face. He laughed at the thought of this little mouse drowning in sperm but his laughter quickly turned into a frown when he realized maybe a dead mouse on his entrance wasn't such a good thing after all. With a sigh he turned her around and hoisted her up until her back was resting against the boulder. As he turned to walk away he made sure her ass was still in puddle which it was. After all his kindness only stretched so far and walked back to guard his entrance.

When Brisby finally came around the first thing she realized was that she was sitting in a huge puddle of semen. She pushed down with her hand and forced herself to stand up on wobbly legs. She lowered her hand and felt her entire lower body encrusted in dry semen. Her hand crept around to her ass. She gasped as her entire hand slipped up inside her rectum. Her hand slid out way too easily and she hoped that with time her rectum would return to normal. She now realised that she had no idea what to do next. Except maybe to go back up to the surface and think of a different plan for her and her kids. As she started walking back she came across a stream that she somehow had missed on her way in. She lowered her foot and stepped into the gentle moving water. She slowly lowered herself and sighed with relief as the stream went to work at clean her inside and out.

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