The Chance to Explore: Part 4 Founding Day

Story by WanderLust on SoFurry

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Chapter 4. Founding Day!

It had been a full week since the "incident" in Lieutenant Commander Breyson's quarters and the mere thought of it still made Jaden jittery. Try as he might, he couldn't get the image of that naked stallion out of his head nor could he convince himself that he didn't wish he had stayed in that room. Not that it matter right now...he was drunk after all.

After nearly a week of traveling in underspace the entire ship took the time to celebrate "Founding Day", the holiday that observed the very beginning of the An'Mas Republic. It was a pretty big party considering that they were flying a bazillion miles an hour to an unknown star system. Most of the crew were using the main dining facility but many others chose to migrate to the hydroponic forest; the very place which Jaden now occupied.

Sipping on the beer under a tree, (well not beer exactly but it tasted like it) fingering the little red pill that everyone planning to ingest intoxicants was required to carry, just in case of an emergency. It dehydrated the body and made you feel like crap but it sobered you up in less than a minute. Francis called it an instant hangover. Jaden glanced over at the rest of the humans. They were all grouped together, not bothering to interact with the rest of the crew, laughing as one of them made a comment missing being able to take a crap anymore.

Jaden thought about joining them but decided against it since all they'd do is try to find out what was bothering him and he was so drunk that he might just tell them. He knew he probably shouldn't be drinking so much, his roommate's antics were still only allowing him 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night.

But being drunk was good. When he drank all the distracting bullshit that routinely floated through his mind just fell away and he could see things about himself and his environment so clearly. Take the An'Mas. Jaden now understood that his fascination with them stemmed from the fact that they were so new and fresh; one could never tell what they might do next. It was so exciting for the human. And they also had a way of living that he couldn't quite put into words, but he was drawn to it nonetheless.

Jaden also understood that despite what he told himself, on some level he was deeply attracted to Lieutenant Commander Breyson. And that he wished he had gone back to the equines quarters. The human wanted to experience being with the stallion and he wanted to feel what he felt in his vision.

"I shoulda done it." He said aloud, slapping the tree he was resting against and picking up his "beer". "I shoulda gone back to his room and felt him up while I had the chance." He then took a long swig of his drink and surprise, surprise, the tree spoke back.

"Yes, you should have."

He coughed and the liquid in his mouth spray shot straight out onto the grassy floor. Jaden then spun around and back-peddled away. "Oh my God, the tree can talk!" But then he noticed on the other side of the tree, a hand (a very familiar hand) was beckoning him over.

Crawling on all fours, Jaden rounded the trees thick trunk and found Commander Breyson sitting against it with the top of his uniform pulled down around his waist. He had a beverage of his own and he wore a pleased expression on his face.

"You stalking me?" Asked the human.

The equine snorted, probably in amusement, and then answered. "It would be hard for me to follow you when I arrived here first."

"Oh" Jaden replied. He didn't know what to do. Should he turn tail and run like he did before? No, this time he was determined to stay; he couldn't spend the rest of his life trying to avoid the big equine, he needed to see where this was headed. Damn alcohol sure made him brave.

"Why should I have stayed? Did you really want me" The human stammered not sure if he wanted to actually say something that might be overheard by his human companions.

"You mean did I want you to touch these?" Breyson said as he pushed a hand down the front of his uniform and and squeezed his package. "Yes, with all seriousness I did."

"But why me?" Jaden asked as he crawled a little closer so they didn't have to speak too loudly.

"I find you attractive and from your scent and the way you looked at me, I believed you felt the same way."

"Oh" Jaden said again.

The ship's second officer leaned closer to the human, removing his hand from his uniform and grasping Jaden's chin. "Do you know there's a tradition on Founding Day? Do you know what it is?"

Jaden answered no, a little distracted by the stallion's warm breath.

"To do something you've never done before." And Breyson pulled the human's mouth to his and they kissed.

At first Jaden was too shocked to do anything but instinctively he closed his eyes and kissed back. Then he felt a large tongue invade his mouth and that managed to kick start his brain. "Wah...wait." He said when he finally managed to pull away.

"Congratulations." The lieutenant commander whispered. "If I'm not mistaken believe this makes the first kiss between my species and your own. It probably counts as the first between humans and any other intelligent race. Shall we go tell your human compatriots?"

"No!" Jaden said a little too loudly and turning his head saw that Walter and a few others looking in their direction; he waited until they turned away before continuing. Breyson had a surprised expression on his face and Jaden had to choose his words carefully before speaking. "You see, on Earth...uh...when males are intimate its...well not illegal but it's really looked down upon so it has to be done in private. And since you're not human the others might..."

"It bothers you that they will judge you and take issue with your willingness to bed with someone outside your own species." The second officer guessed. "And the fact that I descend from an animal that still exists on Earth, doesn't help."

"Yeah, that's it." Jaden answered feeling a little ashamed. He felt that this shouldn't be an issue but it was.

"Very well, meet me in my quarters in 10 minutes." Breyson said getting to his feet.

"Huh? What?" The human had expected the equine to reject him, not get an invite.

The large An'Mas turned and looked at him. "I'm not willing to just abandon something that I would really like to do simply because some other people may not like it. Are you? No? Then don't be late."

With that he walked off with the top portion of his uniform still hanging down from his waist, the artificial sun made his dark coat shine.

Jaden watched him until he exited the small forest. The human stood and then quickly downed the rest of his drink. He was going to need all the courage he could get. And moving swiftly past the other humans he followed the stallion.

9 minutes later.

It's amazing how many thoughts one can have when you're really nervous. It's like when you go skydiving for the first time. All the things you should have considered before you're sitting on the edge of a plane ready to jump out seem to float through your brain. Now here Jaden was standing just outside Lieutenant Commander Breyson's quarters and his alcohol ladened mind was asking a lot of questions.

What exactly were they going to do in there? How far was the stallion planning on going? How far was HE planning on going? What if you make a mistake? That last one nearly made Jaden laugh. He has asked himself that before; just going to meet his girlfriend after prom. * _Calm down. You didn't screw up then and you won't here.__ * Taking several deep breaths, he pressed the door chime and waited._

Not two seconds later, the door slid open and Jaden's mouth ran dry. Breyson was just has he had been when Jaden had bolted from this very room last week. He was naked, sitting on the edge of his bed and his long equine cock was free of it's sheath, hanging limply between his legs.

"You are....almost late crewmen." The stallion's voice sounded rich and full but with a little humor.

Jaden stepped in quickly to let the door close; he'd heard voices coming down the corridor and didn't want anyone finding the two of them like this.

"Ah, eager I see." Breyson said, extending a hand to Jaden, which he took. "Good, I wish to continue where we left off." And without another word, pulled the human into a kiss.

Again Jaden instinctively accepted the kiss but this time he didn't pull away when he found an extra tongue in his mouth. He put his free hand against the stallion's rock hard chest, feeling the strong heart beat beneath it. Meanwhile Breyson guided his other hand downward and soon Jaden was holding a large pair of horse balls.

He held the hot, smooth sacs gently for a moment before rubbing his palm over each individual orb. His other hand was released which he brought to the rapidly hardening cock and slowly began to jerk it off. It was then that he felt the horse's thick hand manipulating the sealing tab on the back of his uniform causing the opening slit to travel from his neck down to his rear.

Breaking their kiss, Breyson looked into the near-breathless human's eyes and said. "It is unfair that I am the only one to be unclothed." And then proceeded to pulled the high-tech material from Jaden's body.

He wasn't anywhere near as muscular as the stallion but the young Quinn was lean and in shape. He let go of Breyson's equipment long enough to pull his arms free of the sleeves and to step out of the suit before the equine pulled him close again. He leaned his head on Breyson's shoulder while the stallion used his hands to explore his body.

"You are so smooth and yet without scales...I like that. And look what I have discovered." The stallion hands came to rest of Jaden's crotch, finding a hard length and a set of balls. The human had always been proud of his size, he was considered above average and had never had any complaints, but next to Breyson he might as well have had a baby's penis.

"Yes, you are perfectly proportioned." The big male said just as his right hand slid between the crack of the human's ass and tickled the round puckered hole. This got an immediate reaction from the inexperienced Jaden, who thrust his hips forward into the hand playing with his cock and then back into the other hand. "You are sensitive back there, that is good."

The next thing the small male knew, he was being lift off his feet, dropped onto the bed and the stallion kissing him again. The huge cock in his hands had begun to leak and the warm fluid dripped onto his stomach. But it wasn't until Breyson asked him to get onto his hands and knees that his lust and drunk hazed brain realized just how far the stallion wanted to go.

"Wah-wait!" He said trying to ignore the thick digit that kept circling his asshole. "You can't stick that in me, I'll die!"

Breyson snorted in amusement and reached for a large capsule that was sitting on the bed's headboard. "This will help lubricate-"

"I don't care how lubed I am. I'm too small." He ran his hands down Breyson's length, he couldn't help it. "You gotta be 15 inches long and I don't even wanna know how thick."

"Seventeen inches by your measurements actually, but you don't understand. This lubrication was designed for situations such as these; well it was originally meant for medical purposes but that doesn't matter. When applied to certain organic tissue and muscle, it causes them to become extremely mailable for a short time. They can be stretched and twisted yet will maintain their strength and integrity. Once I coat myself and your entrance I'll be able to travel alone your passage without a problem. Trust me, I've never killed anyone by breeding them."

Jaden looked skeptical but he turned and rose to all fours. "Do it before I change my mind."

Once the stallion had a liberal amount of the clear fluid on his index finger, he placed it between Jaden's cheeks and began to rub around the pucker. It was warmer than the human had expected and it made his skin tingle. Then the finger entered.

"Oh! It feels strange." He said as the digit passed inside him without resistance. He instinctively clinched his ass and although he did feel the muscles move, the familiar tightness he normally felt was absent.

"There should be no pain, but as this is your first time you will feel a some pressure. But it will lessen with after a few more breedings." The stallion then added another finger and made a scissoring motion while pulling them in and out, causing Jaden to moan.

Once he was able to easily get 4 fingers into the smaller human, the equine pulled out and began preparing his member. "You are ready. Don't forget, you'll feel a good deal of pressure when I get to the unlubed areas but it will fade, I promise."

Jaden soon felt the massive weight of the huge horse on his back and the head of an engorged cock pressed against him. He took a breath and released it just as he was penetrated. His whole body trembled as the long cock slid deep into his empty passage. As promised, there was no pain but he suddenly felt extremely full.

"It feels like your in my stomach!" Jaden groaned

"I am not." Came a labored reply. "But it is natural for it feel that way. I am nearly halfway."

'Nearly halfway'? The young man didn't know how much more he could take, he thought he'd burst soon. But then the stallion began nibbling his neck and attending to his flagging erection and the senses of fullness was forgotten until he felt stallions apple-sized nuggets wedge themselves between his buttocks.

"There. I'm inside." Breyson gave his lover a few minutes to adjust, then began thrusting lightly.

It was one of the most profound experiences of his life. He felt completely owned by the larger male; every movement and noise done by the stallion made Jaden's cock slap against his flat stomach. Each thrust stimulated his prostate, if he came twice he wouldn't be surprised. "I'm okay now. You can do it harder."

That was all the encouragement the stallion needed. With a single movement he withdrew so that just his expanding head remained inside and with a very horse-like nicker completely resheathed himself. "You...are so warm makes me want to continue this forever..." Breyson said repeating the movement over and over; speeding up each time.

Jaden wouldn't last anywhere close to forever, his own hard cock was swinging back and forth with drops of precum hitting the bed. Large hands gripped his hips and held him in place as Breyson humped his ass.

The stallion's muscular body pressed against the humans back. His tongue lapped at Jaden's bare neck while warm breath tickled his ear but the smaller male was aware of none of it. All he could focus on was the length filling his hot passage and the desire to be filled by what was certainly churning in those twin sacs that slapping against his own.

"Brey...son...I'm gonna.. !"

The last of his words were drowned out by a loud neighing and Jaden found himself pulled to his knees which pushed the cock inside of him to it's deepest point. The two lovers came together. Jaden felt the searing heat the stallion's release in the pit of his stomach, the cock's head expanded and flared, possibly locking the two of them together.

Breyson caught Jaden's release in his palms and in the throws of his own passion brought the cooling fluid to his lips and licked it up.

The young human wasn't sure how long they sat there. Had it not been for still erect cock buried in his rear, he'd have collapsed already. He felt as though he had just sprinted a hundred miles. He was vaguely aware of being gently lowered to the bed and turned on his side; the stallion's penis resting in his guts. He could hear Breyson speaking but it sounded like it was coming from far away.

"When I withdraw I will wrap you in a will prevent you from leaking

And Jaden knew no more.

Arg, sorry for not getting this update out sooner but I have good reasons. First I just moved to Asia and life's kinda busy. And second I've had most of the chapter written but wouldn't you know it? After being on a place for a bazillion hours I caught a cold and trying to write my first sex scene while having a runny nose does not work. While on the topic, what did you think? Was it too short? Not enough detail? I've never done this before so any advice is good advice. Keep making suggestions about what you want to see in the story. Kinks or characters; I've gotten a bunch so far and I added what I could.

Also a few people have asked me where I got the idea for the story and it's kind of hard to explain. It didn't come from one source. This came over a series of things I saw on TV, from artwork I saw. Oh hell here are a few.


Go watch the last few minutes of the first episode of Defying Gravity.


Check this out.


And this too





There you go.

See ya later.