Good Boy: (9) Abused

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#10 of Good Boy

With Skylar's unsuccessful attempt to escape his predicament, he soon finds out what happens to bad dogs that make a mess in the house.

Part 9: Abused

Skylar awoke with a start as someone stomped through the house below. At first he couldn't recall how he'd gotten inside the house, but as soon as he looked around the room everything came back to him. And soon the panic began to set in. If whoever was downstairs found him as he was and discovered the things he'd done he knew he would be in trouble. He tried getting up, however, this proved to be a much more difficult task than usual. His entire body ached from the abuse that he'd put it through over the many hours of humping, and nearly each step caused him to pause as the large canine dildo still lodged in his tail hole would rub against his prostate, nearly making him moan out each time.

As Skylar frantically looked around for a way to escape, he soon heard someone ascending the steps. Whoever this person was, they seemed to be very angry and the sound of their curses only seemed to get louder. The trapped canine immediately decided that he needed to hide, but there was only one place to do it, and that was to go underneath the bed. Unfortunately the fit was quite tight and his lack of manual dexterity made it difficult for him to squeeze under. Eventually he began to make progress, but he was only halfway under when the door to the room flung open, and before Skylar even knew what was going on he felt a pair of large hands wrap around his tail, eliciting a yelp as he was yanked out from underneath his hiding place.

Before he had time to even think about getting away he was soon throw nearly half way across the room as the assaulter screamed, "Damn mutt!" Skylar had no clue who was attacking him as he soon felt a foot connect with his ribs and another soon connecting with his stomach, causing him to wheeze as the air was forcefully expelled from his lungs. At some point he couldn't even understand what the attacker was saying, as pain overrode all of Skylar's senses. Although the ordeal only lasted for about a minute or two, to Skylar it felt like an eternity. However, the kicking eventually did stop, but the ordeal did not seem to be over as attacker grabbed ahold of him by the collar and dragged him over to the large stain of pre on the carpet that had formed underneath the canine earlier. As he was dragged, he finally caught a glimpse of his attacker. It was a large, male tiger, and it didn't take the terrified canine very long to figure out that it was probably the father of the household.

As soon as they reached the damp stain, Skylar felt a rush of vertigo as his nose was jammed into the carpet. "Bad boy!" the large tiger shouted as he rubbed the naughty dog's face in his own mess. At the same time, Skylar could only whimper and whine pitifully as he was forced to smell his scent that had been absorbed by the carpet. Out of the corner of his vision Skylar saw that the tiger was preparing to strike him once more, apparently not satisfied with his punishment. But Skylar was at his limits, and instinct took over as he quickly broke free of the tiger's grip, and sank his teeth deep into the big cat's leg. Kyle's father immediately let out a pained roar as he tried to forcefully remove the dog's teeth from his leg, eventually managing to pry Skylar's jaw open. He then threw the struggling canine into the corner of the room, who landed with a loud thump as his head struck the wall. Kyle's father then watched to see what Skylar would do for a few moments, but finding that the now dazed pup was struggling to even stand up, he soon turned around and began to sift through the box of sex toys. After a few moments the tiger pulled something from the box, smirking to himself as he walked over to Skylar, grabbing him by the collar, who could only let out a strangled yelp as he soon felt a muzzle being crammed over his face. Although it was apparent that it was more than just a simple muzzle as Skylar soon learned that he couldn't close his maw, a hard, metal ring was now wedged between his teeth. The canine immediately tried to get free of the tiger's grasp, but he didn't have much wiggle room, and the muzzle was soon locked tightly and securely around Skylar's head.

The tiger laughed loudly to himself as he let the now muzzled dog go, finding the desperate struggles of the dog to remove the newest piece of gear to be quite amusing. However, it wasn't long until Kyle's father soon thought of a better idea as he once more grabbed ahold of the desperate pup and began to drag him out of the room and into his bedroom. Upon entering the master bedroom Skylar was thrown onto the king sized bed, and he soon heard the sound of the door slamming shut and the lock being latched. From the bed Skylar watched the large tiger wearily as he walked over to the television set in front of the bed and turned it on. After a few moments of fiddling with the remote, lewd noises began to fill the room as the channel was set to some random porno. As soon as the tiger turned around, Skylar's ears drooped heavily as he was beginning to like the situation less and less by the second as Kyle's father soon shoved the poor canine off the bed, eliciting a pained yelp from his injuries that was cut off thanks to the bark collar, and began to unbuckle his pants.

Too afraid to do anything, Skylar could only whimper pathetically as the cat's trousers and underwear dropped to the floor, revealing the tiger's large feline shaft, which was already at full mast and throbbing. Upon sitting down at the edge of the bed, the tiger grabbed ahold of Skylar's ears and pulled him in close, shoving the canine's nose into his musky sack, giving out a pleased sigh as he felt the dog's fur brush against his sensitive shaft. As the scent of the dominant male began to permeate Skylar's senses, his head began to swim, and it wasn't long until the canine's shaft was pressing against its cage. A few moments later, the tiger finally spoke up, his tone less angry, but very commanding nonetheless. "I'm going to have to clean that mess you made, mutt. So you're going to clean me up first," he said as he pulled Skylar's head back and lined his rather large cock up with the canine's mouth. "Now show me how much you appreciate your new bone," the cat said commandingly.

At this point Skylar closed his eyes in preparation for the red, barbed shaft to be shoved down his throat, however, it never came. Confused, Skylar soon opened his eyes and stared up at the tiger, who was looking at him expectantly, pushing his shaft slightly closer to the dog's muzzle. It wasn't until the tiger finally commanded, "Lick," that Skylar finally understood, causing him to whine in disapproval. Although deciding that he didn't want to be beaten again, he soon began to do as commanded, blushing deeply as he dragged his tongue across the feline's shaft, quickly eliciting a sigh of pleasure from the big cat. It didn't take very long for tiger's quiet sighs to devolve into grunts of pleasure as Skylar did his best to lick up and down the cat's girthy shaft, doing his best to cover the pillar of meat and balls in his thick saliva. And soon Skylar completely lost himself in the act as his mind clouded over with lust, his mind having quickly becoming filled with lewd ideas of being taken by the big cat. And although he tried to shake away the shameful thoughts, they only seemed to come back stronger as his lust slowly grew.

Eventually the tiger seemed to get bored of the gentled licking and soon placed his hands on the back of Skylar's head, and in one swift motion, crammed his shaft into the dog's awaiting muzzle. At first the feline used his hands to guide Skylar gently up and down his shaft, and after a few minutes of slow repetition, he eventually let go, pleased to find that the seemingly obedient dog continued at the pace as Skylar slowly bobbed his head up and down the tiger's long shaft. Within a few minutes, however, whatever composure Kyle's father had had quickly evaporated as he began to moan lowly, enjoying the sensation of the dog's warm mouth, and his toes curling when Skylar began to use his tongue more aggressively.

This continued for a few more minutes until all of a sudden the tiger once again grabbed ahold of Skylar's head and took control as he began to buck into the canine's mouth in earnest. As the cat started to violently thrust, Skylar could only gag as the tiger slid into his throat over and over. Fortunately, the tiger didn't seem to have much stamina as he quickly hilted himself entirely into the dog's mouth as he let out a roar, shooting his seed down the shepherd's throat.

Skylar prepared himself to hold his breath as he silently whimpered, but almost in an instant, the big cat yanked himself out of the dog's maw, Skylar's face quickly being splattered with the tiger's continuing orgasm, and quickly began to scramble for his pants. Skylar hadn't heard it over the tiger's climax, but apparently Kyle's father had. The kids were back. Almost in a panic the father composed himself as he redid his belt and tried to make himself presentable. Almost immediately the channel was changed, and the television was shut off. He even made an effort to clean off Skylar's face of his cum that had splashed upon the dog's face.

And then in an unceremonious fashion, the tiger unlocked the door and began to drag Skylar downstairs, each jostle of the steps causing the canine to let out a moan as the dildo shifted about. When Kyle's father reached the bottom of the steps, he threw the abused dog at the feet of the curious children and spoke up, "Your dog needs obedience training, Mike." The tiny fox cub was apparently intimidated by the adult as well as he only gave the tiger a weak nod as he hooked a leash onto Skylar's collar, and began to head outside, Skylar weakly following behind.

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