Bi-Curious Cat

Story by Madarao12 on SoFurry

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Noel spends another weekend at his friend's house, but things don't go quite as he planned. Heart to heart talks with your best pals can sometimes lead to interesting places~

Noel's weekends were often spent at his friend's house. It helped that they lived close to one another and it seemed every weekend he considered going to his house at least once. The mouse wasn't very social and very reserved, so he was ever grateful that he'd bumped into Chance in the hallway that one fateful day. The cat was chubby, a little too loud, and very obsessive when it came to his hobbies. He got along with Noel instantly, always trying to get him to branch out more and offered a differing outlook on a lot of the situations he'd find himself in. The smoky grey furred cat thought a lot more positively than Noel did, those amber eyes and infectious smile made it hard not to be positive.

The weekend started like many others. Noel rode home with Chase on his bus. The town he lived in was very poor, most of the people lived in low-income households and the two of them were no exception. Nonetheless, the house Noel grew to see as a second home was as welcoming as ever. Baby blue paint on the siding, chipping from neglect, a new welcome mat before the door, and the rich scent of tropical scented candles once they were inside. The inside was more welcoming than the outside. The tropical scent mixed well with the dolphin figurines and beach decorations throughout. Things like seashell shaped candle holders and tropical pencil holders, his mom was always nuts about the beach.

The den was where they spent most of their time. Two couches faced an HDTV, a computer desk was pressed against the wall nearest to the doorway, and the end tables were decorated with similarly tropical decorations as the rest of the house. Chance flung his bookbag next to his couch and eagerly started up his Xbox, eager to get his weekend of gaming underway. Noel chose to play with him for a while, chatting about school, cracking dumb jokes only high schoolers would laugh at. The hours seemed to fly by when they hung out, alternating between the computer or the Xbox and eventually choosing to just watch Netflix when it got later in the night.

The conversation that changed the entire weekend started while they watched an episode of South Park on Netflix.

"I just don't get it, why don't you ever get your hair cut? It's getting down to your back now!" Chance said, his eyes still mostly focused on the TV.

"I told you, I'm horrified of scissors. I uhm... Let's just say the last person to cut my hair didn't have a steady hand," Noel replied, blowing his long, black bangs out of his face.

Chance snickered. "I mean, from the back of your head you totally look like a chick. You have better hair than some of the girls in our classes."

"I-I do not look like a girl!" Noel protested, his cheeks starting to burn up.

"Yea, whatever."

Their attention returned to the episode of South Park before eventually Chance asked another question.

"So, who do you have a crush on? Anyone catching your eye?" He asked.

The question was innocent enough, but Noel immediately tensed up. "U-Uhm... No, not really."

"Whaat? There has to be someone. You don't think any of the girls are cute? ~" Chance pressed on.

"No, not really. Not my type I guess?" Noel's cheeks were growing redder by the second.

"Not even Nicole? She's even a mouse like you, I thought for sure you'd be crushing on her at least." Chance seemed genuinely surprised, maybe he didn't know his friend as well as he thought. He started just listing names, trying to get some sort of leverage for this late-night musing session.


"Not really."



"Danielle, Sarah, Josie, Haley?"

"No, no, no, she's dating some upperclassman."

Chance was impressed, flopping back into the couch cushions some.

"Well jeeze, what are you, gay?" He joked, already chuckling some before he saw the downcast expression on his friend's face.

"I... Oh my god, I didn't know," Chance said, scooting closer to the shaking mouse. He wrapped an arm around his shoulders, guilt quickly washing over him.

"I'm not gonna make fun of you or anything, so you know." The cat said as he rubbed Noel's shoulders, trying to calm the now quietly sobbing mouse.

"I was just s-so afraid..." Noel stammered out, taking a deep breath as he relished the warmth his friend's embrace gave him.

"You don't gotta be, bud."

They sat there together for a moment, Chance's paw slowly rubbing Noel's shoulder as the TV continued to fill the room with noise. After a few minutes, Chance spoke again, sounding a lot less confident than he usually did. "So... You ever done anything with another guy before?"

The question caught Noel so off guard he took a minute to process what he'd just heard, finally looking towards his friend to see if he was just joking. The cat met his eyes, his cheeks sporting a pink flush as he waited for his answer.

"Well... No. No one knows about me." Noel answered, the direction he felt everything going was terrifying, yet exciting. He felt his pulse starting to pick up, his face felt hot, and yet, he was silently hoping his friend was about to ask him what he thought he was.

"Well uh..." Chance trailed off, heaving a deep sigh of anxiousness before he finally spoke again. "You... wanna try anything with me? I mean, you are curious right?"

Noel gave a few small nods.

"And... you are my best friend. If I'm being honest, I'm a little curious too and uh... well," he smirked. "You really do look like a girl."

They both laughed; their laughter helped to ease the tension they felt between them. Both inexperienced, yet eager to feel what it was like. Noel started to look at Chance in a light that he usually tried to push away as he scooted closer to him, nervously looking to him to take the lead. Chance lifted his paws to his shirt, slowly lifting it up over his head, exposing his pudgy, soft belly. The round, soft swell of it, the way it jiggled a bit as he kicked his shorts off, the mouse was mesmerized. He felt like it might be awkward to just ask him if he could rub his belly, and a bit more embarrassed by how weird the thought probably was to his friend.

Chance was left only in a pair of baggy, grey boxers that sported a tent that the mouse focused in on as his paws pressed into the waistband. Chance shakily tugged the underwear down around his ankles where it joined his shorts, exposing himself to his friend for the first time. The cat's length wasn't extraordinarily long, but more than made up for it in thickness. Noel stared in disbelief as it throbbed against the cat's belly, its thickness intimidating and arousing the mouse as he got closer.

Noel slipped off of the couch, kneeling in front of the cat.

"So... u-uh. You like what you see?" Chance asked, smiling nervously at the mouse as he drew close to his barbed, pink shaft.

"Y-yeah, I like it a lot." Noel replied, slowly inching his head closer to the cat's cock.

The heat was enticing, as was the cat's musk as his sensitive nose pressed right up against the cat's plump, weighty balls. Self consciousness faded as he inhaled, clouding his senses with the intoxicating scent of his friend. He only stopped when he heard the cat snicker, looking down at him with a perplexed face.

"Weirdo. You don't gotta stop on my account, you look cute like that." Chance said, gently pushing the mouse's head back down when he drew away.

Noel let himself linger there for a while longer, taking his time to savor the strong, potent scent of his friend's musk. He had to shift himself around a bit as his jeans began to tighten, already feeling himself ooze pre into his underwear from the scent alone. Finally he rose his head, focusing in on Chance's cock. The barbs scared him at first, but as he got closer, he grew more curious. The thickness was still intimidating, and became even more intimidating when he rose his paw up, and found it barely fit in his paw. Chance's breath hitched as his soft hand wrapped around his shaft, which pulsed and throbbed in the mouse's grip. Noel looked up at him, his hair dropping down over his face a bit before he pressed his lips against the tip, giving it a curious lick. Salty, musky, but not off putting, Noel's tongue began to swath around the tip. He felt warmth on his tongue, a new, musky flavor spreading across his taste buds as the cat's shaft began to ooze into his mouth.

Noel pulled himself up, catching his breath as Chance looked down at him.

"You okay? You were getting really into it there~" He teased, the confidence Noel was so familiar with returning in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had to catch my breath." Noel's ears felt hot as he stammered out the next few words. "Y-you taste pretty good too..."

Chance smiled, idly stroking his erect shaft as Noel drew close to him again. "It feels amazing, and with your hair down like that and those little squeaks I keep hearing, it's like you're a girl." Chance's grin only widened. "I think you're into that, aren't ya~?"

Noel felt himself shudder, a hard throb in his pants answering that question for him. "M-maybe..."

"So... getting called a girl turns you on?" Chance said, testing the waters further.

Noel felt himself throb again, offering a squeaky "yes" in response.

"Then," Chance trailed off, his paws shoving Noel's head back down against his cock. "Be a good girl and get back to work."

Noel was shaking, barely able to hold himself up on his knees as he took his friend's cock back into his mouth. Eager to feel that familiar warmth throughout his mouth, he began to take the inches at a faster rate this time, focusing more on fitting the entire thing in his mouth first. He could hear Chance's grunts as he descended, every throb tipping him off to his enjoyment, but he made it vocal.

"Mmmhh... Damn dude, you took that like it was nothing." Chance panted out.

Noel rose his head back up, leaving only the barbed tip in his mouth before slowly descending back down. Chance seemed content to let him go at his own pace for the moment, still grunting and moaning out his enjoyment. The thickness wasn't as bad to handle as Noel initially thought, it filled his mouth well and made his entire mouth swim with his taste. He could feel every throb, every pulse of the cat's fat shaft as his lips gently bumped into his crotch each time.

"You're a-aah... so good at this. S-such a good girl~" Chance said, his paws grabbing at the mouse's head. He suddenly forced him down without warning, making the mouse squeak and choke as the inches slammed into his unprepared throat. The cat let out a drawn out groan, his toes curling as the mouse struggled to adjust.

"That's right, choke on it like the bitch you are."

Noel gave little squeaks and gags as his head was roughly slammed back down into the cat's lap, the leaking shaft was clamped down on by his throat. His saliva was starting to leak from his lips, soaking his shaft as it was stuffed into his struggling maw. Each time his lips met the cat's crotch, his musk was further imprinted onto his face, overwhelming the mouse's senses. All he could taste, smell, see, hear, and feel was the cat. He felt the throbs growing more erratic, his rhythm starting to break as he was obviously growing close. All he could smell was his musky scent, he could hear him gasping for air, grunting and groaning as he worked himself towards orgasm. Suddenly, he was face to face with his tip as he pulled himself out abruptly, his paw working furiously over his shaft until he snapped his eyes closed in preparation for what was coming to him.

"I'm a-ooh... about to paint your face, you slut!"

He felt a foreign, sticky warmth cover his face in ropes, and an even stronger scent filled the air as the cat unloaded onto his face. It dripped all over him, and the cat didn't seem to stop for the longest time until he no longer felt the thick ropes of cum covering his face. Something soft was stuffed into his paws, and he used it to wipe his face clean, finally being able to open his eyes and see the cat reclining on the couch, his spent shaft oozing a bit of seed onto his thigh. To Noel's surprise, he looked embarrassed, giving a nervous smile to him as he was finally able to open his eyes.

"D-Did uh... the name calling and stuff do it for you? You know I was just playing with that stuff right?" He stammered as Noel just started to giggle, moving his head into his lap to lap away the cum that oozed from the cat's tip. Chance's body jolted as his overly sensitive tip was cleaned, smirking down at the mouse as he got to his knees again.

"You were... too good at that. You sure you never did this before?" Noel giggled, barely managing to stand up and plop back onto the couch.

Chance looked at him, then down to the bulge in his pants, offering him a nervous look. "I-if you want me to, I can give you a hand with that real quick. I don't think I'm ready to try anything like you just did yet."

"I mean... if you're comfortable with it, sure. I bet you got soft paws, kitten." Noel said with a snicker.

Chance gave him a mock glare, whapping the mouse's bulge with his paw, eliciting a pained squeak. "Don't call me kitten, nerd."

Noel slowly unbuttoned his jeans, quickly tugging them down around his ankles along with his underwear. He sighed as his shaft was finally able to breathe, pulsing in the cool air around it. Chance cautiously pushed his paw towards it, making Noel jump once those soft, warm pads surrounded the base.

"You're bigger than I thought you'd be actually." Chance mused, giving the slick, pulsing shaft a hard, slow stroke to the tip. "Is that too hard?"

Noel shook his head, it was almost exactly the same way he gripped it when he tended to himself. He was too embarrassed to say anything, so when a few moments passed and no words came, the cat began to pump his paw along Noel's sensitive shaft. Noel's heart was racing as he watched his friend's paw, his toes curling, body shaking. He was already close from what he'd done already, so it was no surprise to feel his peak building only moments after they started. Chance could no doubt feel the harder and harder throbs, and the mouse wasn't exactly being quiet either. He kept squeaking and panting, his arms clinging to his friend's other arm.

"Close, huh?" Chance asked, grinning at the flustered, desperate look on his friend's face.

Noel only nodded a few times, gasping as pre poured from his tip.

"Then, let it out. You've earned it, my good girl~"

Noel's grip on Chance's arm tightened as he came, the first shot hitting his chest as his cock jumped and throbbed within the soft, warm grip of the feline. Chance kept stroking through his orgasm, smearing the gooey, hot seed all over his spasming cock. Every shot he bucked his hips into his paw, his legs were tightly clamped together as he tried to keep himself as quiet as possible. It was quick, but the mouse was all but limp after the intense orgasm, shaking as he leaned against his friend's shoulder.

Noel cleaned himself with a towel shortly after, and after getting dressed, Chance went to the other couch in the room to sleep while they let the TV play. Noel was drifting to sleep fast, exhausted by his orgasm and the adrenaline of the situation.

"By the way, you sound adorable~"

A Restless Sheep

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A Rough Day

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Shocking Flame

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