The Beginning With No End (Chap.10)

Story by chrisclick on SoFurry

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#10 of The Beginning With No End

Chapter 10

"Luke, wake up" Narei said whilst nudging my arm slightly "Luke, please wake up".

I rolled over to face him, with one eye open looked up at him and said "What?" trying not to sound too pissed off about being woken up.

"Luke, It's 3pm" Narei said with a small giggle hidden in his voice.

"3pm?! Why have I been asleep so long?" I asked, slightly concerned

"Last night was a busy night, and you need your sleep babes" Narei said, not specifically answereing my question.

"Did you have anything planned for us today?" I asked, hoping I didn't ruin anything.

"Well, I didn't really plan anything... It's not to late to plan something for this evening though." Narei answered with a small smile.

"Well... What did you have in mind?" I said with a slightly aroused tone, followed with a cheeky wink.

"I think you already know." Narei said whilst rubbing me with his paw.

"You want to save that for later Narei" I said, pushing his paw off me and sitting up on the bed.

"awwwww" He whined, tiling his head and lowering his ears down to be flat with his head.

"You know looking cute doesn't work.... well.... with me" I said giggling at the little lie I just said.

"Well, as far as I remember, It seemed to work quite well" he said, returning his paw and rubbing me

"Nar....." I trying to speak, but was interupted by the sheer amount of exitement that pulsed through my body.

"Yes?" Narei said, with a cheeky tone.

"I... I... Lo... Ve you" I stuttered inbetween the stroked he gave my emerging cock.

"That's all you get until later" he said whilst stopped, and kissed me on the cheek.

I sat there, completely gobsmacked.

"You can't do that!" I exclaimed

"Ermm... I just did" Narei answered with a quick wink then exiting my room

"Get back here!" I shouted, bellowing down the hallway

"What do you want?" Narei came back and said, acting like nothing happened

"I think you owe me something?" I said, cheekily

"Yeah... for later!" Narei said, playfully.

"Fine, I suppose I can wait" I said, huffing and puffing between words.

"Good, now stop moaning or it wont happen tonight" Narei said, this time more firmly.

We both walked down sairs, my parents had gone out to town to get some groceries. Narei had been up for hours before and they told him what they were doing. I walked towards the fridge, opened the door and grabbed the carton of milk... shook it too see if there was any in there. It was empty. I sighed and looked up at Narei who had watched me for the entire time.

"You're cute..." Narei said, giggling softly.

I walked over to him, put my hand on this muzzle and pulled down

"and you mister, are annoying" I said with a playful tone

He grabbed me as I tried to walk away, pulled me back and kissed me, our tounges entwined in each others mouthes. I pulled away, slowly closing my maw. We stood there, facing each other and looking deeply into each others eyes. "I love you" We both said simutainiously, we both laughed at what we just did and hugged each other. The strength of his arms made me quiver and my knees buckle. I love being in Narei's arms. It makes me feel wanted and safe, to know that no matter what happens I will always have Narei there to help me and support me. We pulled away from the hug as we heard the door open, my parents walked into the kitchen, smiled and greeted us, we returned the greeting.

"Hi mom, dad" I said, with a small smile.

"Hey, we didn't see you last night! You have a good week?" my dad asked, curiously seeking an answer

"Yeah... I suppose" I said, looking down at the floor and twidling with my fur

"I heard about Kyle... Its ok, he will be fine" mom said, trying to cheer me up

"We haven't been introduced to this fella" my dad hinting me to say something

"Oh, yeah, this is Narei" I said with a sullen tone.

"Hello sir, ma'am!" Narei said, rather enthusiastically

"So, you two lovers?" my mom said, giggling and doing air quotes.

"MOM!" I exclaimed, stopping the urge to laugh also.

"haha, I take that as a yes?" dad said grinning, "Go on you two, clear off!".

Me and Narei quickly ran up to my room, I pushed Narei over onto the bed and pounced ontop of him... I licked his nose and rested my muzzle on his. I slowly slumped off by his side with my head resting on his chest, as he breathed in and out my head rose and fell softly.

"Its 6pm now babes, have you thought of anything to do this evening?" Narei asked

"I'd like to stay here to be honest, just cuddle up with you and watch a film" I said.

"Ok, its up to you babes" Narei said, whilst rustling the furr on my head

I started playing around with Narei, teasing him... moving my paw further and further down then stopped and then coming back up his chest. I jumped ontop of his torso, stopping him from moving anywhere, I tugged at his t-shirt, signalling him I wanted it off, otherwise I'd tear it off. Even though it was my own t-t-shirt. He took it off, revealing his well toned chest and stomach area. I sat there, tilted my head an awe and admired him for a few seconds before leaning into a kiss. I began to thrust my hips on his noticable developing bulge I continuned kissing Narei passionately, our tongues collieded against each other as we swapped saliva. I began getting hard, Narei noticed and began to massage my also developing bulge. I quivvered at the sensation of his paw against me. Narei pulled me nearer to him, I could feel his warm and rapid breaths brush past my snout, and began to pull on my shirt and lifted it over my head. I laid ontop of him so our bodies could meet, we both shivvered in exitement. We tossed and turned trying to gain dominacy between us. I ended up below him, unbottoned his pants and began to slide them down past his hips, I stopped pulling as I got to his knees and ran my paws back up his inner thigh then continuing to massage his bulge, his cock was pointing out the top of his boxers, I leant over and licked the tip of his dick, she shivered as the anticipation ran through out his body, I began to tug on his boxers, he thrusted up so I could get the boxers off, I pulled them down past his knees and then also took his pants down to his ankles. I sat in between his legs, my paws keeping me balanced as I leant forwards. I nuzzled his balls and he let out a groan through his closed maw. I ran my tounge from the bottom of his balls to the top of his dick, and flicked with my tounge as he twitched and became more a more sensitive. I opened my maw, and took him whole, he gasped and placed his paw on the back of my head, only resting whilst I went up and down upon his member. He let out a few moans as my tounge went to the bottom of his dick whilst I was sucking him off. I looked up, and he looked at me. He mouthed the words "I Love You" and I began to raise and lower my head quicker, as if to say that I loved him too. I used my paw to fondle with his balls whilst I sucked him off, my other paw rested on his chest, I pulled my paw down his chest, scratched into his skin as I went. He thrusted deep into my throat and I became extreamly exited, I unbottoned my pants, and slipped my paw into my boxers, Narei tapped me on the back of the head, I looked up and he said "Who said you were allowed to mister?" I whined and stopped pawing myself as I continued to suck him off. His groans became louder and his balls tensed up in my paw. I felt his was close, I stopped and sat there as he moaned. He looked at me and forced me back down, as soon as he was in my maw, he came. The first three shots hit the back of my throat, making my gag in supprise and the rest shot into my mouth, I sucked to make sure there was no more.

I slumpled down inbetween his legs, curled up into a ball, as tight as I could curl. Narei fell asleep asking in the after glow of his orgasm, whilst I lay there, panting, trying to snatch my breath back. I slowly calmed down, after catching my breath and then fell asleep between his legs. Enjoying the scent that lingered in the air around us, sweat and sex. The best odour of all!

Sorry for yet another short post, but I have tonnes of music coursework to catch up on! SORRY!

The Beginning With No End (chapter 9)

**Chapter Nine** I woke up, sitting in a really uncomfortable chair that sat in a hospital ICU room... I...

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The Beginning With No End (Chapter 8)

I laid on the bed, slowly waking up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. As I slowly open my eyes to look around I see Narei, laying there sleeping peacefully... I leant...

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