Job Commitment

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#19 of Draccy RPs

Since I've been lazy about posting these, I figured I'd include a few more for you all to enjoy.

This one includes my beautiful blue Alira trying her best to get a well paying position in a prestigious company. Unfortunately she has to prove she's got the commitment to the big boss himself and the big feral wyvern isn't easily impressed.

Still; I think she's got the tools to handle it!

Do it. You know you want to.VOTE if you read itCOMMENT if you liked itPAW if you loved it!

D: be me, A: be pretty blu

Since I've been lazy about posting these, I figured I'd include a few more for you all to enjoy.

This one includes my beautiful blue Aliratrying her best to get a well paying position in a prestigious company. Unfortunately she has to prove she's got the commitment to the big boss himself and the big feral wyvern isn't easily impressed.

Still; I think she's got the tools to handle it!

Do it. You know you want to.

VOTE if you read it COMMENT if you liked it PAW if you loved it!

D: be me, A: be pretty blu

Job commitment


The violet drake sat on his haunches looking out the glass window on the 15th floor of their office building, muddy yellow eyes scanning the horizon. It was a fairly pleasant day all things considered, just one last applicant to interview before finishing up for the day. He turned, the wyvern walking back the few steps toward his desk on wing paws. He was dubious about this... Alira, her credentials weren't all that alluring but it was always good to investigate all your options.

A buzz from his com and the voice on the other line told him she was here. Punctual at least. The feral male brushed his business attire down into form and sat behind the desk, browsing through her application paperwork one last time while waiting for her to enter.


This was it! This was the big day, after being turned down by two other companies this was her third try, and this one seemed the most promising. The applicant sounded very promising about giving her a position but it had seemed that the big boss himself was the one who did the interviews in person. She was far too anxious to sleep for all eight hours, waking up bright and early to get to her destination.

There she sat though in the elevator and being sent up to the big boss's office. The blue female swallowed heavily as she thought of everything she might need to say, and as the elevator chime rung that blue form covered in her fanciest work attire walked out of the elevator and down the hall, only to knock on the door and wait for her reply.


The great drake pressed the button on his side panel and twin doors swung open wide. To a dragon they weren't all too large but he'd had several little anthros feel rather intimidated by their size- and his of course, the young lady entering his domain nearly half his size. He sat regally with authority, the young dragoness seeming to wait at the gate to his office for admission. Gareth was already starting to like this applicant. His eyes scrutinized her from a distance for several moments before opening his maw.

"Good morning Mrs. Alira. Please, come in and take a seat." His voice portrayed his position of power, bold and firm, not unyielding but certainly very serious and businesslike. He lifted a wingpaw and motioned to the area before his desk. There was a circle of soft comfortable fabric there for creatures of their design.


Alira was certainly impressed, let alone slightly startled, as soon as the doors of the drake's office swung open and revealed to him the small dragoness that waited on the other side of the frame. She smiled softly, not too big to show that she was all too comfortable, but rather just keeping it friendly for the time being, somewhat trying to impress the drake.

Nodding her head at his command the female dragon walked into the room, those icy, blue eyes surveying the room that accommodated the two ferals. It was well decorated, furnishings that were well above her price limits... walking over towards the front of his desk she gladly took a seat with a soft 'thump' as her tail lowered onto the floor. "Good morning Mr. Gareth!" She winced a little, probably a bit too exuberant to start it off.


Easy on the eyes at least- he thought, watching her walk and take a seat, her well groomed appearance and comfortable attire appealing certainly. Was a good tick in her favor.

"I hope the day has seen you well my dear. But, shall we get down to business?" It was a rhetorical question of course, the feral male picking up the first page of her application between pinched wing claws and laid it down with surprising delicacy for a beast of his size. His long broad snout lifted up to look directly at her and began explaining the job, its requirements and what he was looking for in a potential new hire. There was little out of the ordinary of course, most of it had been defined on the ad itself. The conversation continued for several minutes.

"However." He paused, sliding through the pages to her work history. "I don't see much on your past experiences that relate to secretarial work. I am curious what made you feel this job is for you." He rumbled, his deep confident voice chewing on her ego by its very presence.


The female dragoness sat comfortably in her seat... well as comfortable as she could be, with those golden eyes on her and watching every single move she made, those ears listening to everything she was about to say. Even with that question that was not meant to be answered the feral only nodded her head as the wyvern explained himself, his business and what the purpose of the job she applied for was.

Of course, most of it was already mentioned in the ad, and there was nothing too difficult in being a secretary, or at least she thought. It was just writing down notes, scheduling appointments, following up on everything that her boss wasn't able to do, wasn't it?

If she were to be completely truthful, she just needed the job for the money, and this job would certainly pay her well. She wouldn't be able to survive off a minimum wage job and the best thing she knew how to do was follow orders, such things attracted her towards this business and its position. "W-Well you see, Mr. Gareth, I had just moved into the city and was looking for a job. I have previous work in the business field," mainly being an intern at a small business, she had thought, scolding herself "and I feel as if I would be able to... um, fit the needs of what a secretary would need to do."


He scrutinized her response; not exactly prime rib as far as he was concerned. He let her speak her peace, the rebuttled.

"I'm afraid wanting a job is not enough. You realize being a secretary to the president and CEO of a multi billion dollar company will require more than just screening calls and scheduling meetings correct?" He put the question to her stiffly, not at all afraid to talk down to someone who just 'needed a job'. "If I wanted some pretty face with half a brain I would not offer this kind of money." He sat back, folding his wing paws before him like a sort of leathery vest.

"The kinds of things you would be required to do take passion and commitment to a cause you will not often understand or agree with." His eyes narrowed on her. "This kind of commitment I see lacking in you so far." He shifted forward, sifting through the pages of her application. "You've not remained at a job for much more than a year. Anything you need to do here can be taught but why would I waste my time and money training one with a history of such... lax work ethic?" He glowered slightly with a distasteful huff.


He was definitely correct in his case, with being the boss of a multi-billion dollar company what more could she offer than any other pretty faced female with more than half a brain, according to him at least. With a heavy swallow she mewled under her breath and became rather nervous, trying to think of something to say, all of that practicing in her apartment and all of that reviewing in the elevator did her no good now as she was left in the dark.

"I-I um... well I... um..." She was talked down on, sentence after sentence as those cold eyes glared down at her, talking down to her, telling her that she was more than under qualified for the job. "I-I can prove it here!" She spoke a bit loudly, trying to stand her ground, what little she had if none at all at this point. The huff made her pin those frills against the side of her head, her snout and cheeks heated with embarrassment and nervousness.

"This job would mean more to me, and I'd put my heart and soul into it. This workplace would become my home and... and this job, day in and day out, would be my life that I would devote myself to until I would no longer be able to do so." She shut her maw at that point, sitting there nervously, eyes half looking at him and half somewhat around him, trying her best to hold onto her professionalism, it was rather hard while a female was in heat after all, her perfume doing its best to mask the scent.


He looked dubious but, internally, he was impressed by her little speech. He expected this little hen to have bowed out and excused herself with her tail between her legs. Which would have been a waste of that fine tail honestly. Actually... hmmm...

He leaned back again, watching her, letting the silence eat at her for a few moments before lifting himself off the spot and turned without a word, back toward the glass wall. Again there was not a word as he considered his options. He could almost imagine her heart beating in her chest right now. His eyes rolled back some, looking in her direction without moving his snout, then back out over the vast urban landscape.

"I like you Alira-" It was a good start but there was a but coming; "-you intrigue me and its possible you might even be a fine asset to the company. But-" There it was... "-I cant hire you on these credentials alone." He spoke matter-of-factly to the point, shifting back around to face her, that thick tail dragging on the ground as he motioned toward her resume with a wing. "I'd be willing to give you a chance to prove you are worth my time. Right here, right now; in this world of business, when opportunity comes you have one opportunity to pounce upon it. You wont like what I'm going to make you do but its your one chance to seize this opportunity."

His eyes starred down at her, making sure she understood the gravity of her next words and to choose them carefully.


The drake stared down at her with such intimidation, that is making her more intimidated by the second as he just leaned back and watched her, letting silence envelope the room and only the cool breeze of the air conditioner was the only movement in the room. All until he lifted himself out of his seat at that massive desk of his and just walked towards his window viewing, staring out at it, then back to her, and then back to the urban landscape set out before them.

Her frills perked out as he spoke of liking her, hope beginning to rise in her chest, a smile beginning to form once more before he said that 'but'. Her heart dropped as he spoke of not being able to hire her simply because of her credential, already beginning to grit her teeth and regretting on coming her, thinking that it was going to be the end. It wasn't, though, that little flicker of hope still there as he spoke about seizing the moment.

"I-I'll seize it right here, right now." She spoke, standing up instead of sitting down on those haunches, gritting her teeth a bit more before smiling wide and speaking firmly. "Whatever it is I need to do I'll do it, no complaints whatsoever."


She might have expected a smile out of him, or at least some sort of expression, but is snout remained unreadable, his crest remaining unmoved as she enthusiastically gave her all for this position. Again he rolled her response around on his tongue, judging its sincerity. Then, at last, gave a single nod, lifting a wing paw up, motioning at the large solid desk before her.

"Then prove your commitment to my company. Drape yourself over my desk." When she didn't respond immediately to his demeanor darkened somewhat. "I will not ask twice." If his words weren't enough to convince her, certainly his mannerism would be enough to reinforce it. It was no jest or ruse, she was to lay herself upon his furniture post haste.


It worried her, the way he reacted. That was just it though, there was no reaction out of him, there was nothing at all, he did not say that he would accept her, he did not speak a word nor move a muscle. Did she make the wrong move? After a few seconds of what felt like minutes he finally nodded his head and Alira had almost let out a sigh of relief. She held it in though, standing proudly all before it took a second or two to process what the CEO had said.

"P-Par--" She would have asked on what he said, if what he said was correct, but as he spoke of himself not repeating those words once more she made quick work of herself as the female draped that pretty blue form covered in a business skirt, a white button up for a feral and that pouch of a purse that hung from her neck and shoulder. "I-Is this fine, Mr. Gareth?"


His high form looked down at her, then up along her backside, taking in that lovely form. Perhaps she would be worth the time after all. Even if she didn't make the cut, it was worth investigating all his options. Again, he didn't respond right away, letting the silence linger as a wing paw reached up and stroked the side of her head, following the contours of her feminine form along the side of her snout and up to fondle her ear some, enjoying the lovely texture of her hide. With that his jaws came down around the back of her neck.

The sensation was shocking to say the least but not painful, the big male dragging her further up onto his desk until her neck was fully off the, chest to the edge. "Yes, I think that will due for now." He rumbled and took a few steps forward, sitting with his body half covering hers in the dome of his wings. "You've caused a problem for me." He spoke casually, bringing his clothed crotch up to her nose. "What with you spending the last ten minutes sitting in my office reeking like a bitch in heat. I want you to take care of that problem." He told her plainly while his eyes lingered on her hind end still dangling off the other end of his desk like that.


Her eyes were the only part that moved around, blinking a few times and just watching him as he made his way to his desk once more. He began to stroke along her form with those eyes of his, going along the entirety of it, then looking up and down her back all before his head came down, jaws pried themselves open all before they slammed down around her neck, giving out a small gasp as he forcefully dragged her form across his desk. She swallowed heavily, mewling as her snout was pressed flush against his clothed crotch, one eye closed as she stared at nothing but his clothing now, whimpering as she let him speak whatever needed to be said.

Those frills of hers pinned themselves once more, beginning to whimper a bit more as he spoke down on her once more, calling her a bitch in heat, her hind end dangling off the front of his desk like and her forepaws holding onto the edge of where he was at. "H-How would you like me to do that, M-Mister Gareth?" She asked softly, her tail giving a soft flick.


Once his eyes were finished with her, it was his wing paws that were next to sample her hide, broad paw glazing across her backside, feeling her up with interest. "With your tongue preferably Mrs. Alira." He responded flatly. Well... at least things were starting to look up...?

She wouldn't have noticed the scent before, but now, with her nose in his crotch, it wouldn't be hard to guess what the 'problem' he spoke of before was. The slit in his pants was easily accessible, wyvern paws not made to deal with fussy buttons or zippers but she'd have to dig her snout into his pants to find her objective. However, once there, she'd be rewarded with the peeking warm pink girth of the great drake's soft but fully exposed shaft. Its shape was as intense as the male that carried it, its curved tapered tip perfectly angled to pry into snug holes with layered ribs along the underside and a fleck of soft rubbery ridges along the top. It would give her tongue much ground to cover.

Meanwhile, his talons dragged her top up some, exposing her midriff and the lovely feral lingerie beneath. He couldn't help but smirk a little at this fine catch, sliding a talon beneath the straps to caress her body sensually. He'd warned her she wouldn't like what he was going to ask of her, now it was time to see how committed she was to earning this position.


The female gave a soft gasp as his wing paws began to slide across her flank, blushing heavily and swallowing, swishing the end of her tail from side to side, mewling quietly as she waited for his next instructions, if there were any to come that is. His scent was overwhelming, so intoxicating, she was definitely in need. The hen was slightly worried as she leaned in and began to dig her snout into the little slit that was there in his pants, and without a doubt there was his massive girth. Her eyes took it in, the bulk of his shaft was as big as she expected and far more, it looked like it was far more than she could handle!

There was a bit of hesitation, blinking just a few times before leaning in, giving it a small nudge before the tip of her tongue slipped out of her maw and licked the tip of his shaft. It was salty indeed, blushing and giving a soft 'blech' expression, glaring at it a few more moments before continuing her licks, this was all simply to get the job anyways... right? She was assured the position, without a doubt, right?

She would take this action as a yes, this was to assure her spot in the company and a spot next to him, if not under him. Her maw slowly opened up as she began to warm up to the thought of getting the secretary spot before gasping and a shiver running down her spine as he ran his wingpaws beneath her lingerie. "hhrf..."


He kept his appreciation of her attention to detail to himself, instead just enjoying the moment as her pretty little muzzle was put to good use tending a drake of greater size and stature. The more she touched him like that, the more he grew to her ministrations. It was amusing the similarities prying a hen's maw open was to the other end- he thought, taking a step forward and wedging a good half his cock into her muzzle. When he wasn't scraped by her teeth and delicately tended like the situation demanded, he took another step forward and buried the whole thing inside her, her position not giving her much choice but to let him wedge that thick slime-covered cock down her throat.

From there he took a moment to just sit there and enjoy her attempts to swallow and lick at his genital slit, half her head buried in his pants. He leaned over her, his wing paws reaching up behind that cute little skirt of hers to caress her tailbase and the frilly panties beneath. His broad snout shoved itself up under that tail, rubbing along her neither areas, feeding his interest in her by taking deep draughts of her alluring scent. His cock jumped in her maw, she could feel the bulge in her throat shift some made worse as his tongue slid across the fabric of her undergarment, toying with her.


That pretty ness that was splayed across his desk did everything that he was making her do without much resistance, and it wasn't because she didn't choose to resist rather she couldn't resist at all in the position she were in, both with the job as well as bent over that hardwood furniture. A soft gasp came from the female as he suddenly came forward, lurching over her form just a tad bit more before suddenly pressing in even more, those eyes of the blue's tearing up as she struggled to take the entire cock without biting down on it. Those teeth were a pain to try and pull away from that length, whimpering and whining, tears beginning to flow down her face.

It was even more difficult to take the cock down her throat as he began to play and toy with her body, moving that skirt and tail out of the way, bending his head underneath her skirt and beginning to tease her. Her poor body could do nothing to resist the horny, hungry animal that was above her, whining softly under him. "Mmmmf!"


At least this part of the interview was going much smoother; at least from his perspective. This wouldn't be the hardest thing she'd have to deal with at this job though... he rolled his hips forward a few times, cramming her nose into his crotch once or twice... it was pretty close to the hardest. He enjoyed her that way for several more moments before standing up, a bit of her moisture glinting off the tip of his snout. He stood back up and looked down his front, the poor hen's eyes closed, maw open wide, letting the big feral male use her like that. It was a sight he approved of. If she didn't have the qualifications he was looking for, at least she had the resolve to learn.

He let her stew like that for a few more moments before working himself backward, letting that glossy drool-covered cock _slurrrrp_free of her throat and leaving a thick trail of heavy precum along her tongue in the process. The reprieve was short lived as he gripped the side of her head and pulled her forward. Not hard enough to drag her but certainly hard enough to make her stumble and fumble over the top of his desk. She didn't have enough time to think and barely enough time to react as he leaned down and bit onto one of her horns, dragging her up onto her hind legs and forced her forward right up against the single glass wall behind them.

Dragons might not be afraid of heights but there was certainly that moment of mental distress of not knowing what was happening when it felt like he was about to throw her through the window. But he did nothing of the sort. Instead he plastered her hot body against the cold transparent wall and moved in behind her, his full feral bulk pinning her there. "Reveal yourself and lift your tail." He spoke with the same short no-nonsense tone he'd shown to her throughout the interview. She already knew he wasn't going to ask twice...


The feral female saw nothing but the beginning of his cock, that big bulky knot, and the business pants of the professional drake that was professionally maw fucking her. The poor hen did nothing but take what was given to her, and there was nothing she could do about it, or there was but then she was out of the chance at getting a job.

As soon as he was finished with her muzzle though he pulled back without hesitation and letting her cough loudly as she tried to regain her breath, her face both a mixture of purple, blue and red. She mewled and whined, looking about as she tried to figure out where she was and what was happening, mewling and whimpering as she just stared at the floor for a few seconds, vision slightly hazy because of her tears from giving a massive drake a blowjob by force.

Realization suddenly hit her though as he forced her off of the desk by the horn, literally grabbing her by the horn and holding her onto the floor, growling down to her as he casually pulled her upwards not a second later and pushed her against the glass. It only took a few seconds to register the feeling and the actualization that she was being pushed against glass, a transparent wall that could break on any time. Of course there wouldn't be a problem with him throwing her out, she could catch air but the sudden act of it would scare her out of her mind. There was little time to think about that now though as he pressed his body up against hers and growled to the female, demanding many things of her, whimpering softly and beginning to strip her panties down off of her form with those forepaws, swallowing. "I-Is... cough that good?" It was a rather awkward position she were in, incredibly difficult taking it off being pressed against the glass.


His nostrils flared so close she could feel his breath on her neck. It wasn't an easy task for her, it wasn't supposed to be, everything he was doing to test and see if she would break with things where hard. But despite the fact that he'd basically just forced himself on her to tears, dragged her across the floor and shoved her up against a wall, she was still willing to do what he told her with nothing more than a 'yes sir, how high?' This pleased him greatly.

He was already convinced, she would get the job. But there was no reason to stop here, might as well finish the interview in its entirety. He growled aggressively, dominantly, ferally as she got her undergarments halfway down those lovely feminine thighs of hers. She didn't have time to remove them entirely as before he was on her, his great bulk shoving up against her rear end, her lifted, flagged tail shoved far up out of the way and her panty-bound thighs kept unfortunately together. His wings gripped her side as his wet, drooling cock slid up along the inner cusp of her now naked rump.

It followed the contours of her body and it guided that thick slab of male meat into her dangerously unprotected sex, the tip wedging between her pussy lips and digging in hard. There was no love in this act, no time to ease into having her young cunt violated so aggressively by a male nearly twice her size, just the unrelenting carnal act of being ravaged. If the sensation of being lifted nearly to the tips of her hind toes while being _impaled_wasn't enough, the vicious beast bit into her neck too, his teeth holding her pinned to the glass wall in an embarrassing posture as he thrust up inside her, digging ever deeper into her frighteningly fertile sex.


For the girl, she was still waiting on her judgment and hearing if she would get the position or not, unaware if she had to keep up the gig of wanting his cock. The fertile hen had fallen for him though at this point, wanting it even more but all too afraid to handle it herself. As she was aggressively pushed up against the glass of his office, observing the entirety of the suburbs below she couldn't help but let out another gasp as he forcibly slid himself up against her back. With crotch jamming up against her rear end and her front end being smushed against a transparent wall there was nothing she could do at this point other than take what he would give, and she had no doubt in mind that he was going to give her all of it.

A shuddering whimper came out of the poor hen's maw as he began to align himself with ease, the crevice of her legs and that cute butt made it perfect for him to just trail up along it and jab at her rear until the head of that girthy cock found its mark, spearing the soon-to-be secretary of the CEO. Her grip was incredibly tight, that mouth of hers dropping of how much he had spread her already with just the tip! A loud moan was let out of those lips as she closed her eyes, that embarrassing position being shown to all who could look up and see the CEO fucking her silly as he shoved himself into her even further! Nnnf!

She stood on her toes as the boss had his way with the girl, lolling her tongue out now in pleasureful pain of how much she was spread. "A-Ahhh! Mnnnff!" She cried out as he bit into her neck and forcibly pinned the girl against the wall, those toes curling in bliss.


From so high up, few on the ground would be able to see what was really going on up here, just some cute little skirt enjoying the view probably.

Probably not... The feral wyvern's body rolled hungrily against hers as he dug in deep, wing paws on her shoulders to hold her down. Those soft pristine pink walls of hers felt the full weight of her new responsibilities, the big best thrusting aggressively up within her. She could feel it moving inside her, several hot heavy pounds of wyvern cock grinding and scraping pleasurably between her snug child-bearing hips as he held her there. Oh she was a glorious catch, so young and full of life... well... she was going to be full of life anyway. The thick scent of her season was heavy on the air, churned up by having a vicious virile male torturing her senses like this.

He didn't mind using her womb too, getting the young girl pregnant was just another way to confirm her long term commitment to the position. The lump of dragon dick slid back and forth between her legs, the soft bulge of his cock visible on her belly, disappearing regularly under the hem of that cute little feral skirt she was wearing. His tongue curled around her throat, cradling her as he fucked her raw, the strain of having him nipping at her womb eased slightly by the copious amounts of precum he was soaking her pussy with.


That cute girl in a skirt was getting the breeding of her life as she was fucked against the glass, feeling that length roll deep into her fertile fuck fields, crying out delightfully as he moved deeper and deeper inside of her, feeling the massive dragon move up against her and move up inside of her as well, whining and closing her eyes delightfully as he pressed up against her cervix. Gods he was MASSIVE, those ridges beginning to make their presence as he pulled outwards and scraped against her nerve-bundled channel and casually rubbed up against her clit.

Inwards he went once more, giving her a job and a brood that belonged to him, filling up the poor girl's pussy as he bred the poor bitch in heat. Her head lay against the glass as he pinned her there still, not giving her an inch of moving space as he had his greedy way with her, holding her possessively and making new life. What an interview this turned out to be!

The poor hen could feel his cock sliding in and out of her, feel it press against the edges of her channel, the entrance of her womb and even bulge her belly some just from taking the monster! She stood on the toes of her hindpaws, gritting her teeth as each thrust upwards into her cunt loosened the entrance of that womb more and more, demanding access to the most forbidden party of her body. Not that he cared that it was forbidden, the feral wyvern doing everything he could to make sure she would bend over for him and fuck a clutch into her womb whether she would have wanted to or not.


Her muzzle had been good and her vent had been better but it was definitely the sensation of goring her womb on his cockflesh that felt best of all. His pointed tip had aggressively beat her defenses into exhaustion and, with nothing left, he was able to soak in the heady sexual satisfaction of violating her deepest and most privates of places. The ring of her cervix yawned deliciously wide around him, his jaws having to bite into the pretty hide of hers to hold her down. Just a couple nicks but it would leave obvious dimple marks in her hide for several days while they recovered.

Not that she was thinking about that aspect of her interview when she was currently feeling the last few inches of thick wyvern prick shoving her tail up a good 90-degrees out of the way to get inside her. The sensation was shuddering for him so he could only imagine what it felt like for her, her flesh yielding and molding around his bare cock like that... Not to mention the webs of seedy fluid caking her insides now. He was no less aggressive with her now that he had her womb in the cusp of his wingpaw, only now with the jarring motions of his deep, probing thrusts jabbing at her eggmakers too...

And it was deliberate as well, the feral drake intentionally trying to keep her ovulating while he worked himself up, the curve of his cockflesh rubbing and scraping across her inner walls, jostling those ovaries to help shake a perverse number of eggs free for him to fertilize. Rrrft... he was getting close; the thought of knocking this attractive young hen up hard such a wickedly enticing thing to look forward to.


Alira was pounded into the window, whining and closing her eyes tightly, unable to even open them at the feeling of him nearly battering her cunt into rawness. A whine came out from her lips as she felt him getting close to prying her open, a few more thrusts and suddenly a loud roar came from the female. That tiny opening in the almost half-sized dragon was pried open forcibly and without permission. The big boss of a billion dollar company needed no such thing to his now secretary, eyes rolling to the back of her head as he took what he wanted without so much as thinking about asking her. Her claws scraped the glass, it hurt but it hurt so goooooood!.

Not that she would have argued against him anyways, that fire in her loins needed to be sated and if there were no other drakes around currently to deliver that sating then the massive boss and that massive cock would have to do. He surely delivered too! Casually just grinding himself in and out of her still, giving her no moment to rest as he thrust in and out with seconds later just as fast as he did with her in the beginning, eyes opening just barely as small tears rolled down her face. Her tongue lolled out and drool dripped onto the floor only to add with the copious amounts of sexual fluids between her legs.

Little did she know that what he was doing was getting her ovaries to produce more eggs, getting them to travel through those oviducts and deliver them straight to him like everything else was. "Mnnnfggh! I-I'm g-getting... nnff! Cl-Close M-Mister Gareth!"


Her pleasure was not of his concern, but if she got something out of it other than a job and a belly full of eggs, it wasn't against his designs at least. The lump of dragon dick rolling around inside her did its best to get her ready for the clutch he was going to give her, the glossy goo of his seminal juices gumming up the works nicely. Her cute little skirt flopped around uselessly, hardly hiding the carnal act going on beneath it, bound hinds still keeping that vent extra tight as he used it.

And he used it well. When the moment came to impregnate his new employee, Gareth didn't restrain himself in the slightest. With his cock crammed deeply under her fine young tail, the great drake's wing claws spread wide over the glass giving himself full control over the moment as his cockflesh lurched inside her.

The first hot sticky shot of cum came from deep within him and exploded deep within her with enough force that she could feel the spray of thick soupy cum being pissed across the walls of her womb. His spire jerked hungrily, pulse after pulse drained deep into her young cunt, thousands to millions to billions of hot squirmy sperm delivered right where they could do the most damage, no condom or contraceptive to stop those wriggling babymakers from savagely digging into the soft vulnerable shells of those delicious little eggs. There were dozens to find by now, a good health bitch to breed indeed.

The fattening donation of seedy juices rounded her gut out nicely, just plump enough to put some strain on the band of her little skirt and hide the lump of dragon dick still lodged inside her. With the deed done, the great beast eased off her neck, long slick strands of saliva stretching from his teeth and tongue to her bruised neck. Only the deep panting huff through flared nostrils told gave away his composure. That and perhaps continuous thin, leaking stream of pearly white cum oozing from between her legs.


She could feel him getting close too with his thrusts growing off center, lolling her tongue out and just drooling in pleasureful bliss. As soon as he spread his wings out and that powerful first shot of gooey cum splurted out of his cock the poor female was soon to follow. Those walls clamped down hard around that length, mewling and whining and moaning as she cummed around that length that stuffed her deep. The blue female was pinned against the wall still by the veroicious male, claws scratching both floor and window, eyes shut tightly as she pressed back against the wyvern to take as much as she could.

Dozens of those eggs were assaulted by those quick swimmers, loving the feeling of being stuffed deep full of dragon dick and just bred into oblivion by the male. The poor female could feel those powerful shots still going as her belly began to bulge more and more from how much cum the drake could produce, groaning loudly and just draping her head downwards as he slowly eased himself off of her neck. Those dimples remained there on her hide, panting heavily as the two came down from their climactic high, the new secretary looking down between her legs to see a puddle of cum and still dribbling from her sex!

It felt like it was an eternity for him to stop, feeling those pulsating walls clench tightly around that still pulsating cock, whimpering softly and just standing there against the now cum stained window. "Mnngghfff... h-hah..."


The freshly emptied drake gave his seed more than enough time to take root in her before his softening cock was ready to come out, the wet shlorp as his spent shaft dropped free from between her legs was sharp in her ears, along with the slippery sensation of the excess goo dribbling down her pressed thighs, painting her blue hide a creamy white. He stepped back a ways, wing paws on the floor to give him stability from such a _draining_interview and admired her stiffly arched tail and leaking cunny. If she wasn't pregnant, he'd give his salary to charity- he thought with an internal smirk.

Outwardly though, he remained rather well composed for a giant feral wyvern with a white washed cock hanging between his legs. A soft snort puffed from his nostrils. "I think that's well enough Mrs. Alira. You've impressed me and you're not even on payroll." He rumbled. "Why don't sleep on it over night and come back tomorrow if you think you can _handle_the job after seeing what's required. We can finalize the details then."

He let her sliiiide off the window and pull her panties back up into the sticky mess he'd left between her legs, the great beast wandering back to the window to rub the slight gouges she'd made in them with interest. "I hope to see you bright and early on the morrow." The finality of his statement telling her their interaction was officially done.

She just had to hope the restroom had enough paper towels today...

Mesmerizing Costume

B: The red drake took one last look in the mirror and made sure his costume was adorned correctly. The small patch of fake feathers layered over his scales, mildly covering portion of the drake's crimson, plated scales, but certainly wasn't fooling...

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Hunting Trip

The day was mild and filled with the scents of fall, the crushed leaves beneath his paws was lovely feeling as he padded along the pathway that led towards distant lake. The gryphon flicked his tail tip lazily as the buzz and sound of the city faded...

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The Spirit of Christmas

D: Christmas was Anzi's favorite time of year. Not because of the good will, the lights or family and friends but because of the presents. It was the best time of year to be a burglar and his system was flawless. Homes across the city were packed with...

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