Carnal Combat, Part V - A Game of Lust

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#5 of Carnal Combat

Carnal Combat

Episode V: A Game of Lust


First Draft 9/6/06

Disclaimer: This series is a tribute to three of my favorite forms of entertainment - kick-ass martial arts, Mortal Kombat, and hot anthro smut. All characters are created by and owned by me (in whatever form you can own imaginary furry folk), unless stated otherwise. Special Thanks to Setta Flamowitz for suggesting Carnal Combat and Carnalities over my slightly cheesier idea of Immoral Combat and Sexualities.

Ra' Chi paced back and forth in front of his throne, furious. His rage was contained, but barely; the dragon looked like a volcano ready to erupt at any moment, showering all around him with a blistering, all encompassing rage.

The guards knew it, and they stayed carefully in the shadows. Kaine knew it, and he kept a respectful distance from the dragon. Khan Lei knew it, and he was nowhere to be found.

Most of all, Selena knew it. She knelt on the ground at the bottom of the small steps that led up to the throne. She was still naked, barely an hour having passed since the guards found her in the Garden, trapped by the plant and being fucked in every hole, every way that a lizard lass could be fucked. They'd left her, first going to Ra' Chi before they returned and cut her out, dragging her to the baths for a quick cleaning on the way to the throne room.

There she was deposited in front of Ra' Chi and forced to tell of how she found the skunk Spectre spying on Kaine and Khan Lei, and then how she herself was not only discovered, but defeated in Combat. Each word of her story became harder to get past her lips as she watched Ra' Chi grow darker and darker with anger.

Now, it was unleashed on her.

"What you mean to tell me," the dragon fumed, smoke billowing from his nostrils, "Is that not only do the other fighters know that I made a deal with a fighter from another house, but they also know of one of my greatest advantages - YOU."

He snarled, his eyes burning a hole through Selena as he stared at her. "Your incompetence could not have come at a worst time, slave. All I ask of you is obedience and efficiency, and in return I have rewarded you above almost all other servants in my House. Now, I will punish you as the lowliest slave is punished."

As Ra' Chi motioned to the lingering guards, Selena begged for mercy. "No, my lord," she gasped. "I have only served you well for these years! Do not put your rage on me for this one failure! I will repair the damage I have done, I promise!"

Ra' Chi smirked. "I am not in the habit of trusting such important tasks to failures," he spit, waving a paw at the lizard. "Take her to the Dungeon and throw her to the Beast. She'll keep him occupied until his fight tomorrow."

Selena's eye went wide, and she fell to all fours, trying to crawl to Ra' Chi and beg his forgiveness. The dragon had already forgotten her though, and as he turned to face Kaine he was barely aware of the girls screams as she was dragged off into the shadows.

"I will not tolerate failure or error, not at this stage of the game," he said to the stallion sternly. "Now two of my pieces are forced off the board. It is not a terrible loss, but it narrows the margin of error that we are allowed."

Kaine nodded his head. "What am I to do, Master?" He asked.

"Wait," the dragon replied. "Be ready when it is your time to fight. If one of the other House's fighters makes it that far, I want you to crush them. No Carnalities, mind you. I want you to finish them."

Kaine nodded again. "And now that they know of the deception?"

Ra' Chi stroked his chin, thinking for a moment. "We use it to our advantage. We build the suspicion between them, isolate them. Here is what you do, my friend..."

* * *

The Beast was always hungry, and yet he never knew want.

He always craved food and drink, but there were always stacks of red meat to consume and barrels of water - sometimes even wine - for him to drink from.

He always craved pleasure, but there was always a whimpering body before him to take that pleasure from.

His thoughts were of the basest, most simple nature; he was aware enough to be called sentient, but primal enough to be called an animal. What he wanted, he would get. He never knew want; yet he was always hungry. Always.

He had filled himself on meat and drink, feeling it slide down his gullet, sating him for at least a little while. He had barely sucked the last bit of cold water from a barrel when he heard a familiar sound behind him, one that made him turn and wipe the loose food away from his grinning mouth.

There were three wooden hatches in his "room". One was big enough for him to enter and exit by, but it was always locked. The second was big enough for his plates of food and barrels of drink to be pushed through. The third, his favorite hatch, was just big enough to force a toy to crawl through.

Sure enough, that hatch was opening, and he watched as a luscious female was shoved through, cursing as the hatch was closed behind her. This one was a reptile, something he had not seen much of. That made this one particularly enticing to the Beast.

He grunted. This made the female stiffen, turning slowly to face him. With a lick of his chops, he started taking heavy steps towards her, his cock sliding out of his sheath in eager anticipation. He was eager to taste her, to feel her.

The female stared, wide-eyed, into his own eyes. Prey always did that. Once they looked into his eyes directly, they were his. He didn't know why, and he didn't care. It got him what he wanted.

Selena made only the slightest of sounds when he grabbed her throat, picking her up easily. She whimpered, kicking her legs as she found herself suspended, holding on to his wrist with her clawed fingers.

The beast sat down with a mighty grunt, leaning back against a wall while he held onto the reptilian female. He settled in and grabbed one of her wrists, dangling her by it until his other paw left her throat and grabbed her other wrist, pulling both of her arms over her head. He turned her around to face away from him, looking over her shapely rear first, and then the rest of her body. Deciding what he wanted, the Beast lowered her down until his cock pushed up under her tail, spreading her cheeks.

She cried out and arched her back, clearly feeling his thick, throbbing cock start to push into her ass. He let gravity do most of his work, and little by little the gasping girl slid down his erection until she in his lap, writhing and clenching on his cock in humiliated ecstasy. He let her wrists go and, as her arms dropped limply against her sides, he decided to take more from her.

The prehensile phalluses unsheathed from his wrists, snaking out under his control. Selena could only watch in lust-consumed horror as the twin shafts curled in front of her, gliding down between her spread legs. First, only one pushed against her pussy. It made her moan, made her twitch, as her smooth-scaled cunt parted, letting the shaft in. It wriggled deep inside her, filling her like no real cock could.

Then, she felt the second one push against her sex with its partner. She cried out and arched her body again, trembling as a second phallus forced itself into her cunt as well, filling her body to a limit that she didn't know she had, nor had she wanted to find. She twitched, starting to pant and moan as she was triple-penetrated, and only between two holes.

The Beast clamped his paws over her hips, and then he simply started to fuck her. Her breasts bounced wildly on her chest and her head rolled to the side, her long tongue hanging out as she was fucked in her ass. There was no foreplay, no exploration of her body, just pure penetration. The double cocks in her pussy took turns sliding in and out, stuffing her so thoroughly that she thought she might burst. Yet despite the pressure in her body from the three cocks rubbing against her thin walls, the pleasure it all brought was overwhelming. If her stiff nipples and throbbing clit didn't give her lust away, her cursing moans surely did.

The pounding was relentless. Each cock thrust into her body, leaking precum, slickening her lower half with fluids. She climaxed hard, writhing and screaming out in delight on the Beast's cock; she would orgasm twice more before the insatiable creature bellowed out its triumph, and came inside her. The flood of cum that poured out of the three cocks amazed her, and as it pumped into her bowels and womb, she felt her walls stretch to contain it all. She wondered, strangely, if she was bulging.

When he finished, the Beast pulled Selena off of his cock, while his wrist-phalluses retreated. She fell to her belly on the ground, feeling the cum pour out of both of her holes, pooling around her. She panted and moaned, surprised that her ordeal was over so already.

Selena felt a paw close around her ankle, and she whimpered. As the Beast dragged her back, pulling her legs open as he mounted her again, she shook her head in defeat. She was vaguely aware of his cock sliding into her stretched pussy and his prehensile phalluses wrapping around her bouncing breasts and then into her mouth, but then the lust consumed her, and her world faded to pleasure and stars.

* * *

Stardust had staggered back to her quarters after her loss to Daichi. Hitomi was waiting there, and the mouse tried to console the heartbroken mare. It was a futile effort though, and eventually the wished each other a good night before Hitomi left, and Stardust went to sleep.

When she awoke the next morning she turned down an offer to join Hitomi for breakfast, and instead stayed in her room, thinking. She went over the match in her head again and again, picking it apart as she analyzed where she made the mistake that cost her the fight.

It wasn't until late in the morning that the mare noticed a small square of cloth slipped under her door. She picked it up and unfolded it, finding a note scrawled on the inside.


Meet me in the Dungeon in one hour's time. I think I've found the secret to bringing the House of Shadow down. Tell no one, and destroy this note!


Stardust frowned. Something seemed terribly odd about the note. Why would Hitomi just leave this cryptic message? Why not just tell her to meet her? On top of that, why in the Dungeon? Everything about it seemed off.

She considered finding Hitomi and asking her about it, but if this was real, then she might risk ruining whatever the mouse had planned. It occurred to her that this would be a chance for her to prove herself, to some degree, as an asset to her House. Just as Spectre had proven to be of great use to his friends even after his defeat, she could perhaps find some sense of accomplishment after all.

Stardust held the note over a burning candle, letting the flame lick at the cloth until nothing was left. She then readied herself, and when an hour had passed she made the trip down into the Dungeon area.

She slipped down the stairs that led from an unassuming corridor in the Hall of Combat down to the entryway to the Dungeons. Along the way she passed many cells, each containing a single slave. Most ignored her passing, though a few tried to show themselves off, no doubt looking for amusement to pass the time. Stardust shivered, knowing that many of these poor souls were likely a fighter at one time.

She entered the main area of the Dungeon. Here there were many implements of sexual punishment and deviancy, from standard fare such as bondage racks to more exotic devices, such as a wicked looking rig of toys strapped to a bamboo armature. Things were quiet though, save for the sounds of a couple enjoying themselves down one of the private hallways.

She was about to leave when she heard a voice behind her.

"Thanks for showing up, love," the male voice cackled, and then everything went dark.

* * *

Khan Lei smirked, circling the mare. She had been terribly easy to capture. The tiger had no trouble sneaking up behind her, and a single blow had rendered her unconscious. He had a little difficulty dragging her into a private room on his own, but he had managed, and then he'd laid her limp body on a wooden bench that had been set up in the room.

The bench was wide and long, built sturdy and padded on top. There were iron rings and leather straps all over it, making for a versatile bondage device. He kept things simple though, laying the mare on the bench on her back while strapping her legs open and to the sides of the bench's frame. Her wrists were bound together and then bound over her head, bent back at the elbows to secure to the top of the bench frame.

The final touch was the leather mask he slipped over her head. It effectively blinded her, plugged her ears, and held her muzzle open with a ring gag. When she started to come to, finding herself in these bindings, the mare started to squirm and struggle. Khan Lei smiled and undressed. It was time to get to work.

He had brought with him a small vial of blue-ish liquid that had been given to him. Popping a stopper out of the top, he poured the contents of the glass container into the open maw of the bound mare. She gagged, swallowing most of it in surprise and the rest out of necessity, as the ring gag hindered her tongue.

The tiger waited a few moments, letting the liquid do its job. Within a minute Stardust started to writhe on the bench, moaning hard as her nipples grew stiff. The vial contained the most potent aphrodisiac concoction that the tiger had ever seen. He was certainly impressed.

With his prize now quite ready and randy, the tiger stepped around to her head and dropped his pants. He straddled her face, reaching behind himself and between his thighs to grab her hair, forcing her muzzle up under his balls. She smelled the distinctly male musk and groaned, blushing hard as she found that she couldn't help but lick and nuzzle at the furry sac. Her tongue washed across the dangling orbs, treating them to a warm glazing.

Khan moaned softly, feeling his cock start to stiffen. His free paw came down to fondle one of her breasts, squeezing the orb and pinching the nipple. It drew a gasp and a sharp arch from the mare's body, and the grinning tiger lifted the girl's orb, watching it bounce back into place.

Once she had him hard and throbbing, the tiger took a half step back. His cock bobbed over her nose, and he reached down to tilt her head back. Without delay he slid his erection in through the ring between her lips, feeling her warm, wet mouth reluctantly take his shaft. With her head upside down between his legs, her tongue was forced to bathe over the top of his shaft, a unique feeling indeed. With a pleasured growl the tiger started to fuck her face, rolling his hips off her muzzle.

All the mare could do was moan and whimper around his musky erection, sucking and licking it in a lust-filled fog. Khan now used both of his paws to fondle her chest, squeezing her breasts and flicking her nipples roughly. He was enjoying her immensely, and between groans of delight the tiger thought that the only was this could have been better was if it was the mouse on the bench.

All in good time, he had been told. He suddenly felt his balls seize up, and with a loud roar he came in Stardust's mouth, spurting his thick cum across her throat. The tiger pulled out quickly, letting her gulp his seed down while the rest shot over her throat and chest, staining her soft coat with sticky white cream.

He panted, taking a moment to calm down while his cock dripped onto the moaning mare's chin. As he watched her breasts heave, he got an idea that made him grin. He still had plenty of time to use the girl, and so he went to a chest in the room, opening it to reveal a carefully organized array of sexual tools and toys.

He selected a set of small metal weights, and a set of iron rings. As he approached the mare, he chuckled. "Consider y'self luck, love," he smirked, laying the toys on her bare belly. "If it was my call, I'd pierce those pretty tits of yours. Kaine said no permanent damage though, so this'll do."

He took the iron rings, and tugged them open. Each ring had a small break in them where the metal ended in a small round nub. He pulled each nub apart just enough that her stiff nipples fit between them, and then he let them press into either side of the flesh, pinching it and hanging on tight. She cried out loudly and arched her back again, prompting the tiger to squeeze the breast and cackle.

Once the other nipple was adorned with a similar ring, he took the metal weights and attached them to the rings. The heavy weights fell to the side of her breasts, in turn tugging the fleshy orbs down and to the side of her body. She squirmed hard, feeling her nipples tugged hard.

The tiger went back to the chest, and returned yet again with another device. This time, it was a long, thin metal rod that sported a turning wheel at the end. The wheel was thin, and the edge was shaped into sharp little points all around.

As he ran the wheel down the mare's belly she gasped, feeling it prick her skin. Her breathing quickened as it approached her clit, and as the sharp points nipped right over the sensitive nub, she bucked her hips and whinnied.

Khan Lei chuckled. For the next two hours, the mare was his.

* * *

Two hours later, Hitomi returned from her meditation in the Gardens, just as she had done every day since arriving at the Hall of Combat. On her way back she decided to stop in and see Stardust, just to check and see how her friend was fairing.

She felt bad for the girl. Stardust had trained hard and wanted the win. She had more than enough potential to overcome the fox. However, in the end it seemed that the fox had more discipline than her friend; Hitomi also felt that it might have been a case of competitive jitters on Stardust's behalf.

Either way, from what Hitomi had heard, the match was very close, and one of the most competitive of the Tournament so far. Stardust had reason to be proud of her performance.

When the mouse arrived at Stardust's quarters, she found the door slightly ajar. She peeked her head in cautiously and called the mare's name, and finding the room empty she entered. She could tell immediately that something was amiss. The open door was one hint, but there was a feeling in the room of concern that flowed over her. Though she could not see in the same manner as everyone else, she possessed other senses that more than made up for it; those senses were giving her a clear warning now.

She immediately left and started to search for Stardust. She asked all she encountered, but no one had seen the other girl. Eventually she found Dusk, who informed her that he had seen the mare heading down a particular hallway. With that as her only lead, she went to the area Dusk had indicated.

As she walked down the hall, she passed a door that gave her a sense of direction. The moment she realized where the door went, she knew this was where she would find Stardust. It was the entrance to the Dungeons.

She slipped quickly down into the lower areas of the Hall, pushing past the crowd that had started to gather, looking to take advantage of the Hall's selection of pleasures. The mouse searched each room, forcing her way into each one much to the irritation of several couples (and in one case, an all-out orgy) that occupied the rooms.

As she ran out of rooms to search, she grunted in frustration. It was then that she noticed a door that was hidden, set back in an alcove and partially covered with a curtain of beads. She found it as she dragged her paw along the walls, letting her senses reach out and guide her, her ears and nose and fingers telling her what her eyes could not. She tried the door, but it was locked; as she turned to find some way in she felt a single key hanging on a hook near the doorframe. She grabbed it and unlocked the door, stepping inside.

Stardust was there, bound on her back to a bench with legs spread and paws over her head. A leather mask covered her face, and iron rings had been clamped on her nipples. A thin chain ran from each ring to a securing point on the ceiling, stretching the girl's nipples roughly. A similar ring, though smaller, pressed into the side of her clit, and a weight hung from it.

Her face, breasts, pussy, thighs, and belly were matted with cum. Her chest heaved, and she moaned hard. Hitomi stood there in shock for a moment, and then hurried to her friend's side, gently removing each toy and restraint binding her body.

When the mare was finally free, Hitomi helped her off the bench and onto her knees. Stardust groaned and leaned against the mouse, holding her aching sex with one hand and one of her breasts in the other.

Hitomi asked her what was happening, and the mare related the events of the morning to her, from the note she found up until she woke up bound and blind, and the things that had been done to her body afterwards.

By the time she finished her story, Hitomi was seething. She had a skunk to find.

* * *

Rhane had gone out of her way all day to avoid anyone and everyone. She knew that Daichi had been searching her out, but she wasn't in the mood to listen to his reassurance or his awkward flirting. Normally she found it absolutely adorable, if not a little attractive, but today she had more important things to focus on.

Her fight that night would be the most important one of her life, and for two very specific reasons.

First, she had been lucky to draw the much-desired fifth bracket of the first rounds. It was an important match in the Tournament under both the original rules and the House of Shadow's rules.

Originally, the fifth bracket would always contain the current Combat Champion. The idea, at its simplest, was that the Champion should be a fighting Champion and should qualify just as all the other fighters would. If he won, he would go on to his rightful place in the Championship Match. If he didn't, well, then perhaps his time as Champion had long passed by him.

The second fighter in the bracket was chosen arbitrarily. It was simply a matter of luck. The only rule was that during the first rounds no fighter could face a member of his or her own house. If the fighter selected for the fifth bracket defeated the Champion, then they would go to the Championship Match instead. It helped keep the Tournament unpredictable.

When the House of Shadow took control of the Tournament, they followed the traditional rules for the first few years. As they lingered in power they grew bold, and it was announced that the fifth bracket structure would change. Now, a fighter from the Champion's House would compete there, but not the Champion himself. The winner of the fifth bracket would get a pass to the semi-final round; the winner of that round would then fight the Champion.

This meant that the House of Shadow always had three fighters in the Tournament. It had served them well; the first year the rule was in effect saw the Shadow fighter in the fifth bracket proceed to the semi-final round, and then to the Championship Match itself. He was defeated easily (some would say TOO easily) by Kaine, and the House secured another year of rule.

Now, Rhane found herself in the infamous fifth bracket. Round One, Match Five. Her opponent was a monstrosity that had everyone talking. Some of the talk was of what the Beast was, where he came from. Other talk, she knew, was of how fast the poor vixen would fall to the terrible creature.

She smirked. They would all be surprised by how much fight she had in her, that she promised. Should it come down to the choice, Death or Slavery, she would choose death. She would not serve as a slave to Ra' Chi or Kaine, nor would she be a toy for the Beast.

So, when the time appointed for her match arrived, she found herself standing in the designated arena. On her instructions it had called the arena the Chamber of Marvels, and the vixen had to agree with the name. It certainly was a marvelous place.

Like most of the arenas, the fighting area was circular, with the Combat Seal engraved on the floor. The boundary line was well marked, distinguished by a red rope that went around the edge of the arena.

Beyond the rope was a dazzling display of mortal ingenuity. Bamboo shafts, iron rods, and rope and chain were carefully arranged around the entire arena. The ceiling consisted of a frame in which four large panels seemed rigged to open and close, depending on the weather. They were open at the moment, letting the moonlight flood the arena.

The bamboo-and-iron rigs along the walls were the most interesting part. They formed racks and armatures, cages and restraints. Most were dormant, sitting there ominously, but on the side of the arena opposite the entrance there was one that was practically alive.

It was the largest, the most intimidating of the devices. There were dozens of the bamboo armatures, each hinged and reinforced with steel and each sporting a phallus of one size or another. The seemed to ride back and forth along iron rails, awaiting a victim while other arms grabbed out at the vixen when she got too close. The sound of running water was loud in the room, as if a dozen tiny waterfalls were present somewhere.

"Incredible, no? That one is called the Deviant." Said a voice. Rhane turned, finding Kaine standing at the entrance. Next to him was the Beast and two guards. The guards nudged the Beast in and then backed out. Kaine stayed a moment longer.

"These devices were designed by many brilliant minds over the years, each one by a different ruling House," the stallion said, smiling. "The catch is that if you design one, you must bind yourself to it. They are all powered by simple running water, but they are controlled by the very souls of those who created them. I've always found it somewhat poetic."

The stallion turned, closing the doors behind him. "Enjoy your match."

Rhane took a deep breath and stared the Beast down. He stared right back, and immediately Rhane could tell that there was something different about him. This wasn't the same Beast she saw ravage the rabbit on their first night, nor was it the one that was occasionally hear roaring in pleasure deep in the Dungeon. Clearly being in an arena, amidst the energies, affected him. He was ready for a fight. She was ready to give him one.

The Beast took one lumbering step forward, and then another. He approached slowly, as if daring the vixen to try and stop him. She called up all the resolve she had and took him up on the unspoken offer, leaping up into a flying straight kick.

Her aim was perfect. Her hindpaw connected squarely with his chest. She expected him to absorb some of it due to his bulk. What she did NOT expect was for him to stay perfectly still, barely budging. The moment she landed on her feet, she knew she was in trouble.

One solid uppercut from the Beast sent her into the air, landing on her back with a jaw-rattling intensity. Before she knew what was happening, the Beast had grabbed one of her ankles and lifted her up, letting her dangle like a rag doll as he swiped one huge claw across her body. She winced, feeling the claws rake through her fur, but not against her skin. He'd done this before, she thought.

Unfortunately, the claws had to cut through her tunic to get to her fur. When they did, they left the remains of it tattered, and her supple breasts fell out. Her fire-orange fur and soft white mid-stripe caught the Beast's eye, and he reached out to fondle one orb. Rhane groaned just a bit, but the little jolt of pleasure was just what she needed to regain her focus. With one leg still free, she brought her heel hard into the side of the Beast's head. He howled in pain and dropped her, staggering back a step.

Rhane landed on her feet with grace. She stripped the tattered remains of her top off, scowling as she felt her breasts bob. She was hoping for an unblemished victory, but that was out of the question now. Any victory would suffice.

She didn't expect to get a lot of opportunities to get free shots on the Beast, so she exploited her chance to do so while he was stunned. She rushed him landing a series of blows that clearly hurt him, but didn't seem to truly affect him.

Rhane knew she only had one chance at victory, and that was to work the Beast out of bounds. Trying to work him up and get him excited enough to pull of a Carnality would be far too risky. If it was her only option, she would try it, but she lucked out in getting an arena with boundaries, and she was going to take advantage of it.

Finally, she landed the strike that turned the Beast's grunting annoyance into growling anger. Rhane saw him raise his arm, and she saw the strike coming, and she dodged it easily, or so she thought. His paw swung over her head as she ducked, but she found that the Beast was far more cunning than his simple nature gave away.

While she saw his fist pass over her, she also saw that he had unsheathed one of his wrist-phalluses. The vixen cursed as the shaft wrapped around her body, pinning her arms to her sides. All she could do was yell and struggle as it lifted her off her hindpaws, her legs kicking in the air and her paws balling into fists.

The Beast licked its chops, watching the half-naked vixen squirm. It reached out with its free paw and grabbed her pants, tearing them off her body easily. Her soft, delicate folds glistened with a slight glaze of dew.

Rhane scowled, trying to work her arms free. She looked down, gasping as the Beast's cock thickened quickly, growing hard and long in moments. She knew she was running out of time.

The vixen looked up, and suddenly his eyes caught hers. She blinked, feeling herself get dizzy, woozy. Her struggles started to slow, and the vixen almost went limp. Quickly, she closed her eyes and shook her head, remembering the look on Suki's face when the rabbit was offered to the Beast. Rhane had wondered why the bunny gave her body over so quickly, and now she knew.

As if his size and prehensile phalluses weren't enough, the Beast also apparently had some sort of hypnotic control through his eyes. Oddly, Rhane found the thought amusing and encouraging.

In her mind, this meant one thing: Ra' Chi was so afraid of losing this Tournament, that he sought out a creature like the Beast to fight for him. In her mind, that meant he was afraid of her. She liked that.

Her thoughts were cut off as she felt something slide up into her pussy. The vixen moaned and rolled her hips, opening her eyes. She could still see the Beast's cock throbbing and dripping in front of her, so she knew that it had forced it's other prehensile phallus up into her juicy snatch.

Now she knew that the Beast had done this before. He wasn't going to risk raising his pleasure by fucking her directly; he would use the phalluses, drive her to the edge, and then...Carnality? Maybe, but not tonight.

Rhane fought through the increasing feeling of pleasure burning between her thighs as the phallus started to fuck her. Soft grunts emanated from her chest while her mind raced, seeking a way out. There had to be a way, and...

...It was staring her right in the face! The vixen grinned wickedly, pushing the pounding that her sex was getting right out of her head. Her legs were still free, and so she closed her legs tightly, trapping the phallus between them. Then, with a growl, she swung her legs forward as hard as she could, and her hindpaws caught the Beast right in the balls.

Predictably, he let her go, crumpling to his knees and howling in clear agony. Rhane hit the floor on her butt, but quickly righted herself. The phallus was out of her sex, and she had the advantage again. It was time to do or die, literally.

To the vixen's dismay, she found that they had ended up in the dead center of the arena, far from the boundaries. Trying to work the Beast in any direction would be difficult. Looking at the main contraption, the Deviant, at the back of the arena that she had been studying earlier, she formed a plan. It wasn't a plan she liked, because it wasn't really fighting, and it wasn't really smart.

It was legal, though, and if Ra' Chi was going to play on the edge of the rules, so would she. She could fight fair, fight honorably in her next match, and again when she would fight and defeat Kaine.

The vixen ran to the edge of the arena, in front of the Deviant. She ran like she was scared, as if she knew that kicking the large male in his jewels was uncalled for, and she would be punished. Forcing a whimper, she dropped down to all fours, lifting her ass in the air and presenting it to the Beast.

The Beast snarled, holding his balls as he got up. Just as Rhane had hoped, he took fast, lumbering steps towards her. Whether he was going to fuck her or beat her wasn't clear, but she didn't intend to find out. Just when it seemed he would be on her, she yelled and dropped to her side, wrapping her calves around his ankle and twisting herself onto her belly.

The Beast howled in shock, falling forward. His massive frame fell cleanly out of bounds, and was immediately seized by the Deviant. Rhane watched in shock as it actually grabbed his wrists and ankles and pulled him spread eagle, whirling devices around him as it prepared to make use of its captive's body. The idea of a soul controlling it gave her shivers, but it certainly explained how simple bamboo and iron could hold the Beast back.

"Arena disqualification," said an announcing voice. "Rhane wi-"

The voice was cut off as the Beast let out a bloodcurdling scream of fury. Rhane's eyes went wide and she started to scoot back, watching as the creature tore its way out of the Deviant. It tore off the armatures binding its limbed, sending rods of splintered bamboo and fragments of iron onto the arena floor. The Beast's eyes blazed with hate, locking on the retreating vixen.

For the first time since she'd arrived, Rhane was truly scared. She had won the match, but the fight was clearly not over. The Beast was going to kill her, period. Her win would mean nothing if she didn't escape.

"Stop this thing!" She screamed, scrambling up as she turned to run. "I won the match! Call your fightOOOOF!"

Rhane felt her side explode in pain as the Beast's fist crashed into it, sending her sprawling across the floor. She wheezed, trying to get back up, but the air was gone from her lungs and her limbs felt like weights. She was barely on her knees when another blow hit her other side, sending her through the air like a doll.

The vixen landed hard again, her world going all fuzzy as she was knocked around. It couldn't end like this, not after she won, not after she had overcome such a great challenge. She had to survive this.

Another blow sent her sliding across the arena floor like she was nothing. One more shot like that would end it. Her mind raced, looking for a solution. As she struggled to get up, she heard the Beast stomping up behind her. Her time was up. She had won the match, but lost the war.

No...there was one last chance. The Beast's last blow had landed her among the broken pieces of the Deviant. She grabbed a long piece of shattered bamboo, and just as the Beast stepped behind her, lifting his paws over his head to crush her, she spun and thrust out with the bamboo piece.

The sharp, broken and of the bamboo pierced the Beast's belly, pushing through the scales and the fur. Rhane didn't even know what she was doing at that point. She pushed and pushed, barely aware of the Beast's screams of pain. She felt something warm run down her paws, and then she leg go, staggering away as far as she could.

The vixen collapsed on the floor. If the Beast killed her now, as least it could be said that she fought. Nothing came, though. The next sound she heard would be that of the arena doors opening and dozens of the resident monks scurrying in, gasping and yelling commands at each other.

Someone picked her up, wrapping her arm around their neck as they lifted her to her feet. She looked out through a swelling eyelid, recognizing the face to be that of Daichi.

"Did...I win?" She asked in a weak voice.

Daichi nodded, helping the vixen out. He looked back over his shoulder once, watching the monks fret around the body of the Beast. The creature lay there on his side in a growing pool of blood, a length of bamboo sticking out of his back.

"Oh yeah," he said. "You couldn't have won anymore if you tried."

Rhane smiled and kissed him hard on his lips, and then passed out. She didn't think the fox would mind carrying a naked vixen for a while.

* * *

Daichi cleaned his paws off. He had just returned from bringing Rhane down to the healers, where she would spend the next night or two. Despite her win, the Beast's last assault had left her battered and swollen, possibly with broken ribs. There was already talk that she wouldn't be well enough to fight in the semi-finals.

Word of her win, and the Beast's death, was spreading quickly. On his walk back to his quarters, Daichi heard everyone whispering about it, about Kaine's reaction when he came back and found what had happened, and about Ra' Chi's reaction.

Daichi's thoughts were interrupted when he came out of his washroom to find Spectre, Dusk, and Hitomi sitting in the main area of his quarters. None of them looked happy.

"How is Rhane?" Dusk asked. "We just heard."

"She'll live," Daichi said. "But whether or not she'll fight anytime soon is up in the air."

"We have a problem," Hitomi said sharply, cutting right to the point. "Your friend took advantage of Stardust. He dishonored her and he dishonored your House."

Daichi looked shocked, turning his gaze to Spectre. The skunk was smirking. "Spectre? What did...?"

"She says I ambushed Stardust, tied her up, and fucked her. I tried to tell her I wasn't even in the Dungeon today, but she's got her head wrapped around this idea."

"I don't throw around accusations lightly," she spit, turning her face to the skunk. "The room I found Stardust in was only usable by the fighters. The Dungeon guard said the key to it was requested and delivered to your room. And frankly, it makes sense. YOU were the only one who enjoyed taking advantage of the slaves here. YOU were the one always in the Dungeon, looking for a fuck. YOU were the one who enjoyed the domination.

"And you," she said, talking Spectre down, "YOU were the one who supposedly heard this conversation about Khan Lei, and supposedly fought this Shadow spy."

Spectre stood, getting nose-to-nose with the mouse. "Supposedly?" He said with a smirk. "Why don't you say what you're thinking, mouse?"

"I think that Khan Lei may not have been the one, or the only one, who accepted commission from Nobu Ra' Chi," she outright snarled.

"Stop," Dusk said, stepping between them. "I'm not calling Stardust a liar, as she was clearly attacked, but all we have is her word and a the word of a guard who is under orders from Ra' Chi. That's not enough to call Spectre a traitor over."

"Furthermore, that's way too convenient," Daichi added. "That sounds like a setup to me. We find out about Ra' Chi's plans, about his spy, and the very next day one of us is lured to the Dungeon and attacked?"

"Please," Hitomi sneered. "What would it do for Ra' Chi to frame Spectre."

"Uh, to discredit me and what I've found, for starters," Spectre said dryly. "Apparently this Selena, and possibly Khan, are important to his plans for winning this Tournament."

Hitomi sighed. "Maybe," she said, turning to leave. "We'll see, won't we?"

With that said, Hitomi left. The three males stood silently, until Dusk followed behind the mouse.

"What do you think?" Spectre asked the departing panther.

Dusk shrugged. "I don't think you would do something like that. You have honor. But...if you did do it, I suggest you leave before the truth comes out."

Spectre nodded to the thinly veiled threat. After Dusk had left, Spectre looked to Daichi. "And you?"

"Of course you didn't do it," the fox said with a frown. "This reeks of a conspiracy on Ra' Chi's part to discredit you and put a wedge between all of us."

"It's working, too," Spectre said. "Even if the others don't completely believe it, the seeds of doubt are planted. That's all that whoever DID do it needed to accomplish."

Spectre sighed. "I should leave," he said. "As long as I'm here, there will be a shadow of doubt over you, too."

"No," Daichi said. "I need you here. We stand as a House. If that means I have to stand by you and defend your honor, I'll do so."

Spectre laughed and shook his head. "Daichi, the noble one," he grinned. "Alright, I'll stay. I guess I should work on getting proof of my alibi, or finding the real culprit."

"What is your alibi," Daichi asked, watching Spectre leave. The skunk just winked, and looked over his shoulder.

"I was screwing a skunkette in my quarters," he said with a shrug. "The word of a slave isn't going to get me far, though."

The skunk turned and left. Daichi sighed and dropped down onto a cushion, shaking his head. He had come prepared for a fight, but this was getting out of hand.

* * *

Kaine waited in the shadows of the Courtyard. He heard the tiger approaching, and smirked.

"You're late," he said quietly. The figure behind him stopped, clearly surprised he'd been spotted. Khan Lei begrudgingly answered.

"Had to be sure I wasn't spotted," he said. "But it's good news: They were almost at each other's throats. I don't see them believing the skunk for awhile, or arranging any more little get togethers."

Kaine nodded. "Excellent. I suppose you can do some things right after all," he said dryly. "Make yourself scarce again."

The stallion started off across the Courtyard, but not before Khan asked one last question. "What now?"

"Now? Now I tell Ra' Chi that his beloved Beast is dead and defeated by a naked little vixen," he chuckled. "And I pretend that I care."

~ End ~