The Carmine Berserker

Story by Apachy on SoFurry

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#8 of The Age of Ash

WARNING: Although not very long or well detailed, there is a decent of non-sexual blood related combat and extremely minor vore (one sentence) within this story. If that is unsettling or you'd simply wish to skip past such content, use the find command below and type everything within these quotations: "Rise, and"

On that note, the tagging term vore will not be used as it is entirely minor and unimportant enough that the warning above should be enough, although blood will as it is very common for the first section of the story. With that out of the way, do feel free to comment on strong areas, or weak ones that you think could be improved. Even if you can't offer a revise of said section, simply telling me will be immensely helpful feedback, so don't be shy!


This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story.


Blood. The life currency of all that walked the mortal plane. Dragons, like any other being, bled just the same. Beneath their impregnable armor of scales and muscle was the same crimson rivers that flowed in every being.

As it would turn out, being once revered as the mortal gods of existence bred a bloodlust that went unrivaled by any other mortal beings. Unlike his brother Helsin, who placed himself at the heart of safety forging armor, Rorsenth reveled in the glories of war.

Even now, with the crisp winter winds beneath his wings, Rorsenth felt at home as he swooped low to the ground, surveying the carnage of the battlefield with the eye of an artist. Bands of mortals marched on, arrows rising to plink off Rorsenth's impenetrable hide. Dipping his head down, the dragon scooped up a handful of unlucky soldiers into his maw, shaking them apart as he ascended back into the clouds.

His mind was abuzz with other voices, of his family all around him. Rorsenth wasn't keen on the details as to what had sparked the revolution against them, but he sure as hell was enjoying it. Blood pooled in his mouth as the soldiers clenched in his jaw finally succumbed to his thrashing, leaving him to make full use of their... 'offering'.

Lifting his neck upwards, Rorsenth swallowed the metal-clad mortals whole, a noticeable bulge distending down his throat as they slid into the depths of his chest. A rush of heat washed through the dragon's body, the plate of armor that covered his chest slowly warming to a dull red until it cooled back down, a soft sizzling coming with it. Another dragon appeared from the clouds, the marginally more useful of Rorsenth's brothers Ivinth, and another of his brother's who hated the carnage below.

"Glad to see you're having fun, brother." Ivinth remarked sarcastically, his eyes aglow with neon green light as he began to undo the damage done to Rorsenth's wings.

"Only you could find something so grand to be so tragic, Ivinth." Rorsenth shouted back, feeling the leather of his wings stitching itself back together. Ivinth gave a sigh that was lost with the wind before turning and disappearing into the cloud banks. His chest bursted with newfound strength, a fire in his belly signalling he was more than ready to make the revolutionaries pay.

Rorsenth tested his recovered powers by swooping down below the clouds once more, his blood-stained jaws opened wide as he came crashing to the ground with a column of crimson flames. Claws and fangs flashed at once, burying themselves in the paper thin metal that surrounded the dragon. He swung a massive paw through a line of Serulian soldiers, raking his sword-wide claws through their flesh with the greatest of ease.

A spear stabbed at his side, the tip shattering against his perfectly formed metal plating. A hail of arrows tore through his wings, but the dragon barely noticed, his vision overtaken by the feeling of his maroon flames that spilled free from his mouth. It was a sight he seldom saw, one even now he knew would only be fleeting were he to retreat.

But that thought was barely a whisper in his head as he etched a bloody line through anything and everything that dared to stand near him. His wings were tatters, cut and torn by sword and arrow, but he cared not for his power of flight, only the destruction he laid out before himself

Voices were in his head, other's he knew were of his ilk, but their words couldn't be heard beneath the wrenching of metal and the screams around Rorsenth. His vision was losing focus as blood pooled all around him. He didn't need to see the fear in the enemies eyes, nor would he need to see to feel their flesh between his paws.

He stumbled as several weapons landed their marks between his hide, the blades and spears jutting from his as he slew their wielders without mercy. Even when his eyes lost all sight, Rorsenth hardly wavered as he chomped down on more flesh, releasing a tidal wave of fire to scorch the meat his teeth dug into.

To the dragon's that stayed well clear of their blood-crazed brother, it was nothing short of horrifying as the red-scaled beast went on a rampage, one only he was capable of in his state. Even when the battle had ended, Rorsenth still swung his claws and tail at anything he felt or thought move, mutilating earth and corpses alike in his unbridled rage.

Something massive landed near the crazed dragon, his claws a blur as they swung to cleave the new enemy before him. His paw stopped mid-swing, a magic locking it in place as his other paw meeting the same fate as he swung with it. Blinded and wild, Rorsenth bellowed as he fired a line of flames at whatever it was in front of him. Instead, only embers escaped his mouth, his chest heaving with sudden pain as his senses returned to him.

His paws were released from their restraints, leaving Rorsenth to topple to the ground weakly. A low, gravelly voice filled his mind as he tried to stand and fight.

"Stay" It said, the sheer strength of the voice alone making Rorsenth quiver with fear. He knew that voice, as all dragons did: It was one of The Twelve. Chloroblood, Rorsenth's very own father, loomed above his son's beaten body. A second dragon landed beside the titanic dragon, another of the acid-green scaled dragon's sons: Ivinth.

"Forgive me, father. I was unable to pull him back in time." Ivinth apologized, bowing before his father. The lime-green flames that burned on the dragon emperor's horns glowed brightly, shadowing his face in a neon green light, even in the bright daylight.

"Rise, and see to his wounds immediately. I shall not have one of my own's blood spill any longer." Chloroblood said, the blood-matted grass shaking with his voice. Ivinth bowed his head once more, his eyes aglow with green light as he began undoing the damage to Rorsenth's body.

Once the dragon's eyesight had returned, along with his wings, Rorsenth and Ivinth took flight to their encampment. Rorsenth's flesh felt tender and weak, but he made no notion of slowing as they reached where their army had set camp.

Countless dragon's patrolled the wooded areas and skies surrounding the clearing, a few giving the two a telepathic welcome "home" that Rorsenth ignored entirely. He split off from Ivinth, barely looking at him as he flew in the direction of the hot springs nearby to clean himself of the gore that stained his scales.

Despite the ongoing war, most dragons still found ways to bring their luxuries and comforts with them, most often with the assistance with magic: and the hot springs were no exception. Rorsenth landed at the edge of the series of pools and ponds of steaming water, noticing a few other dragons lazily floating or resting inside the foggy water.

Several Serulians and Kobolds were also in the waters, brushing and scraping at the dirty scales of their masters. Dipping his paw into the hot water, Rorsenth hissed as the water touched his freshly knitted wounds.

Enduring the pain, Rorsenth waded into the depths of the water until all but his neck stuck up from the surface. The water around him growed orange as the blood caked into his scales slowly flaked away. The stinging faded away as he got used to the hot water, until something pressed against his hind scales. Still on edge from his rampage and the battle entirely, Rorsenth jerked upwards in surprise, splashing a tidal wave of water over the kobold assistant that had waded in after him.

The kobold sputtered as it sank beneath the wave, his hands splashing to try and keep himself afloat above the surface. Rorsenth coiled his tail around the panicked servant and lifted him up, anger stitched across his face.

"Do not dare to creep up upon me again, whelpling" Rorsenth growled, baring his fangs at him. The yellow-scaled kobold tucked his tail between his legs, his hands rubbing together with the sponge still gripped between his paws.

"I-I apologize, master. B-but I simply cannot let one's scales as beautiful as y-yours be... ruined by lowly blood." The kobold stammered, wiggling futily in the dragon's grasp. The dragon hissed with anger and tossed the kobold towards the edge of the springs, watching him skip across the water like a stone.

Another tail caught the kobold before he flew over the pond's rocky lip, its shovel-like tip cushioning the sudden stop as best it could. The kobold breathed a sigh of relief, patting the tip of the tail.

"Thank you my lady" He said, slipping back into the water up to his neck. The tail slinked back under the water, the shadowy figure of its owner slowly coming into view of the angry dragon. From the water, the tips of two sets of horns poked up like shark fins, followed short by the tops of their owners heads.

Rorsenth glared at the two heads that glided up from the murky depths menacingly, watching the corner of their lips curve into a toothy smile. Serula and Wipon.

"It was our pleasure, Gren." Serula said, her thin tongue flicking out to taste the air. The two-headed dragon was a mix of purple and teal scales, an array of colors Rorsenth had remarked time and time again as a paint mishap during birth that stuck. By the divine he despised the dragon sisters more than the mortals he mowed down nearly every day.

They knew just how to poke at him, in every way imaginable. Rorsenth turned away from the grinning two, sinking himself further into the water to try and muffle what his lifelong annoyances were bound to say. Leaving just the tip of his snout above the water, Rorsenth drowned out the inevitable chatter with his own thoughts, of the battle and trying to control his rage for the next to come.

"Aw, he's ignoring us this time." Wipon said in a mockingly fussy tone. Gren, the kobold that Rorsenth had sent skipping across the water, swam towards his sponge, which floated away from him in the slowing waves. The tail that had caught him lifted himself up once more, letting him walk along the dragon's sparkling scales towards his prized possession, which he clutched tightly.

"If I may ask, why is Lord Rorsenth so upset, Lady Wipon and Serula?" Gren asked, scrubbing the side of their tail from where he had walked, despite having not left even a spot of dirt. The dragon's response was to curl her tail around the kobold's waist, lifting him closer to the two's heads as they spoke in a hushed tone.

"Just call him Rorsenth, even he hates those titles or when a 'lesser being', as he calls them, say his name aloud." Wipon whispered, mimicking air quotes with the tip of their tail.

"To answer your question: He's always hot-blooded. Has been since he gained his powers, might even be a bit jealous that we have two. Don't tell anyone of that though." Serula said, glancing at the dragon's crimson snout poking up from the water. He hadn't been so hostile when they were drakelings, quite the opposite.

But anyone who saw him with his armor could see the angry red source of his rage, it was plain as day in battle, when his chest plate grew hot with his fiery anger. Rorsenth's nostrils flared as his raised his head enough to glance over at them, his eyes flashing angrily as he sank back down into the water.

Gren shuddered as the red-scaled dragon looked their way, holding tightly to the tail coiled around his waist for protection. He knew of the anger the dragon held against any and all he saw as inferior to him, but even Gren's duty bubbled up as he looked at the still blood-coated muzzle that poked up from the steaming surface.

No, he had a job to do, even if it meant being used as a skipping stone. Wiggling out from the two dragon sisters' grasp, Gren swam closer to the dirty snout, his sponge in hand and poised to succeed no matter the cost.

Rorsenth, still deep in thought, jumped worse than before when something brushed against his nose, his instinct to smack at the dragon tail of the sisters with his snout came at an instant. His head exploded from the surface as whatever touched him held on tight.

Rorsenth nearly killed the kobold as he saw that it was the culprit once again, his claws ready to cleave the mortal in three when something wrapped around it. Seething with fury, Rorsenth turned to look at the dragon sisters, who were surprisingly serious as their tail gripped his forepaw tightly.

Throwing his head back, Rorsenth tossed Gren from his head, hissing as the kobold seemed to stop halfway in his arch. His unhindered paw swung at the tail holding his other in place under the water, narrowly missing the appendage as it released its grip to avoid the blow. The water had been somewhat peaceful a moment before, but now it was wild with tidal waves that splashed over the lip of the pond. A few of the other dragons had migrated to another pool to avoid any carnage that could disturb their relaxation, with some watching the standoff between the two dragons.

Gren felt himself lurch forward through the air, floating his way towards Wipon and Serula and well out of the way in case Rorsenth made a move.

"You've been spears in my hide for too long, Serula and Wipon!" Rorsenth growled, his claws digging into the rocky bottom of the pond. How he wanted to crush their necks beneath his paws. He hated their smiles they always shared when they looked at him.

And they did just that, Wipon and Serula simply smiled at their angry friend. That set Rorsenth off, his claws raking the ground as he bounded towards the two-headed dragon through the steaming water in a rage. Had he been able to conjure his flame, Rorsenth would have baked them and their pet kobold with one breath, the thought itself fueling his rage more and more as he approached them. The berserk-state he had felt time and time again take hold of him was creeping into his mind, but he was in control, he was strong. He'd stomp out this annoyance once and for all, under his control.

Wipon and Serula were as calm as can be, still smiling away as the raging dragon tore through the water towards them. Gren and the other dragons did not share their same calm-mindedness, with the former scrambling through the air wildly to try and escape, and the latter running towards them to stop what they feared most: Another rampage.

The two-headed dragon's calm demeanor was well earned as thick, glowing purple chains of magick sprung from the ground, coiling around Rorsenth's stocky neck and stopping him with a quick yank backwards. Rorsenth choked as the chain tightened around his throat, Swinging a clawed paw at the magical metal.

The swipe only served to tighten his restraint, the two-headed dragon mere steps in front of him. He didn't give up there, his toothy maw opening wide to spew flames from his lips. Instead, only a gout of molten sludge sprung from his lips, cooling into hardened metal as it arched into the water, a rush of vaporized water shooting up between the two dragons.

"We were hoping you would calm down by now, but a few more minutes wouldn't hurt you too much." Serula chimed, turning the dragon's attention to the smug heads that glared back at him. The other dragons around them had slowed in their sprint. Rorsenth was humiliated, but his anger hadn't subsided in the least. Even with his neck restrained and choked, Rorsenth craned it downwards towards his foreleg, which he lifted enough for him to reach.

Serula and Wipon looked in realisation as Rorsenth opened his jaw to try and latch onto his own leg, the two knowing just what he had planned. The glowing chains yanked back, tearing Rorsenth from his goal hard enough that he tumbled backwards into the pond. With a potential crisis averted, Wipon coiled four more sets of chains around the dragon's limbs, tying him down with all her strength she could afford.

The other dragons breathed a collective sigh of relief as they returned to lounging around, trusting in the sisters to keep the wild dragon from unleashing chaos amidst their relaxation time.

Rorsenth struggled against his binds, pulling and biting at the purple metal wildly. His vision was dimming with his throat closed, wearing down his strength as he gasped for breath. Finally defeated and on the cusp of falling unconscious, the red-scaled dragon ceased his resistance, feeling his airway open up enough for him to wheeze a few breaths. Even with their combined effort, Wipon and Serula were struggling to keep the rage-induced dragon down, so any sign he was finished was an intense relief to the two, having to expend a great deal of power to keep their chains tight against the ground, easily noticed as the air around them seemed charged with energy, faint sparks shooting around their necks.

The pond had lost nearly half of its water, letting Rorsenth lay on its rocky bed without drowning after spilling most of its contents out of the pond. Serula turned around to look for the kobold servant, and noticed the trembling tail that belonged to him poking free from behind a bush. Gren was huddled behind one of the few pieces of cover he could find, his eyes fixated on the crimson dragon through the thin brush.

A familiar weightlessness took hold of him, the kobold's hiding place suddenly lurching away as he floated up into the air towards Wipon and Serula. Even as he hovered towards his previous savior, Gren's eyes never left their watch on Rorsenth, fear lacing him stock-still.

"Stay here whilst we 'convince' dear Rorsenth to stay calm. For once." Wipon soothed, a sudden sense of calm forcing its way through Gren's mind. He nodded weakly as he slowly descended into the water, which barely came up to his neck now as he stood on the ground.

Satisfied their plan wouldn't get interrupted anytime soon, Wipon and Serula trudged through the water towards Rorsenth, who was glaring at them as best he could in his bound position.

"Now that you won't be trying to dig those wonderfully sharp claws of yours into our hide, Rorsenth, me and my sister would like to... settle the issues of your rage." Wipon said as they stood over him, craning her neck down close to his face. Rorsenth growled and snapped at her, giving a gag as she tightened her chains around his neck for a moment.

"Yes, still quite the charming male you are, Rorry." Serula chirped, nudging his bound hind leg with her snout, inciting a growl from him.

"Do not use a nickname with me! We are not 'friends', no matter how delusional you make yourselves!" He exclaimed, gritting his teeth. Some of the words stuck in his head, the faintest memory of their young friendship bubbling up in the miasma of rage that seethed within. The air behind the two-headed dragon seemed to shimmer with light, like polished glass.

Serula kept a careful eye on the chains that bound him tight as she erected her own unique magick: an impregnable mirage. To anyone that looked from beyond her dome, she and her sister would be seated beside their angry prisoner, calmly chatting to him.

"What are you plotting, you cannot keep me bound forever." Rorsenth demanded, asking the perfect question they had been waiting for. The two retracted their necks together, looking at him with half-closed eyes, making him squint with suspicion at the two.

"That's simple" Serula replied, as if the answer had been blatantly obvious.

"We're gonna fuck the anger out of you." They said in unison, as if it were something a same person would say, let alone do. Rorsenth didn't show any sign he had heard what they said, the sentence itself dumbfounding him enough to make him forget about his anger. He mouthed the word "what" in bewilderment, inciting a snort of laughter from Wipon.

"You said we weren't friends, which was obvious for the last one hundred years Rorsenth." Serula spoke, her other half having a fit of barely contained laughter. "But... we'd be more interested in something more than that. And what better people than your once closest friends?"

She continued, ignoring her sister as the dam of laughter she was still holding broke.

Rorsenth's mind was still not processing what the two, well, one was saying. Serula huffed in frustration, she really wasn't getting a single word through, was she? If words wouldn't get his mind working, maybe actions would serve to hit home her point.


Serula craned her neck around the dragon's bound hind legs, the dragon's eyes following her as she gently licked where his slit was. He gave a slow nod as everything finally clicked together in his head, making him feel like a complete moron for not understanding sooner.

Wipon was still giggling to herself, although she was contained enough to join her sister in persuading their friends 'weapon' out from hiding. Rorsenth himself wasn't fighting the attention they were giving him, not that he could do much, a quick test showing he still could hardly budge against his binds.

He huffed as the tip of his cock poked up from his slit, becoming the center of the dragons' attention. The two twined their forked tongues around the blunt tip of his rod, each covering any spot the other missed as they coaxed more of him free. The huffing of his breath was blatantly obvious to them, the ever so subtle movements of his rear legs trying to join in their effort pleasing them immensely.

Rorsenth was ready to protest, or snarl at them once more when a final set of magical chains tied his mouth shut, a stern, yet lustful gaze spearing into him from Wipon as she stared at his bound snout. The head of his member poked free from its fleshy prison, revealing two more frilled tips for the two to suck and lap at, tasting what they had only the faintest chance of enjoying over so many years.

And they were enjoying it very much. Wipon and Serula's own minds were strongly linked, far stronger than the mental one that most of their kind could share with the use of magic. But for them, more than just thoughts were connected between them, taste, touch, smell, everything felt by one was the same for the other, letting them diverge their attentions to better experience their task at hand, which they had plenty of time to practice with for this very moment.

Wipon snaked her slick muscle around each of his frills, soaking her taste buds in his essence, eager for more moat to taste and share. Serula kept her focus on his ever emerging shaft, her tongue coiling around the rod as she probed her tongue into his slit, peaking into what was in store for them. Each of them felt the other's contributions, practically mapping by tongue alone every detail of Rorsenth's growing erection.

His mass of meat had risen halfway from his shaft, giving more and more ground for the two skilled dragons to cover and savor. Rorsenth growled his pleasure without hesitation, feeling his own secret beginning to rear its own head.

Serula's probing of his slit slowed as she felt something solid within the depths of his soft flesh, her tongue gradually poking and prodding at the oddity. It was slowly pushing its way out from his sheath, forcing Serula's tongue with it as it finally poked from his pink depths. The head was almost identical to his crimson dong, a near identical copy that began to emerge beside his first.

For once the two were taken by surprise, by one they thought they had known inside and out of all people. Rorsenth was sporting a hemipenis, and the two hadn't known at all.

"Hah! Finally wiped those smug looks off your snouts." Rorsenth remarked, most of his words slurred together or barely discernible with his snout locked shut. He readied for his wardens to retaliate by tightening his chains once again, but thankfully it never came. Instead, he felt Serula's tongue leave his first well-slicked pillar of meat to latch onto the other, releasing a groan from him as both of his shafts were given attention.

A warmth snaked through his legs up to his chest as the two licked over him eagerly, sending with it droves of stimulation he hadn't felt for what felt like an eternity. Every inch of him felt sensitive, not the least of which was the rod Serula was coiling her tongue around. The two stroked him carefully, pumping up and down his lengths as best they could with their tongues to help bring out the last of his length from his depths, their pseudo tongue jobs feeling wonderfully fresh from what he had resorted to in his lonesome.

The two took in each noise their once defiant captive made, unmistakable satisfaction pursing their lips as they pulled back. Rorsenth gave an audible whine, a noise he quickly regretted as they smiled with satisfaction. His momentary surprise had turned against him, leaving his body aching for more.

"As fun as it may be to tease you." Serula said, angling her head to look at her sister.

"We have something better in mind for you, Rorry." Wipon finished, blowing a kiss with their tail, every the mocking type. Rorsenth made no comment to the nickname they persisted on using, only a smug smile crossing his face as he glanced beneath their belly. They were dripping wet with lust, the juices spilling from their slit mixing into the water.

Splashing closer to him, the two sisters licked at his twin shafts before wading overtop him until their drenched vent hovered above. Waves of heat poured from the cunt above Rorsenth's members, so tantalisingly close. Nudging themselves down just enough, the sisters poked the very tip of his member into their pussy, giving him a taste of what would follow.

Even Rorsenth had to admit the two offered a stunning prize for his compliance, their wiggling along the tip of his one member so close. He tried to thrust his hips, only for the chains binding him down to crush him further into the rocky pond bed. It hardly hurt, but it cemented once more how little control he had.

"Sounds like someone's desperate sister, shall we give our dear captive a chance?" Serula cooed, the same wicked smile on her face stretching across Wipon's as they glanced at Rorsenth. At once the chains holding his snout shut snapped, letting his jaw open And speak.

"Now, will you behave, or do we have to make you behave, Rorry?" They asked in unison, emphasizing their point by wiggling a hair down on his rod. Rorsenth swallowed his pride long enough to give a sharp "Yes".

"Good choice. We'll take great care of you." Wipon remarked, chaining his mouth shut before he could ruin the moment. Silenced once more, Rorsenth kept his gaze fixated on his own crimson spears and the source of his submission, watching and waiting for him to be rewarded. Still straddling the tip of his one cock, Wipon and Serula swayed their hips, inching his massive member deeper within, yet it was still not enough.

Rorsenth whined again, this time having buried any ounce of shame he could to convince the two he would do as they wanted. Satisfied, Wipon and Serula dropped themselves onto his rod, burying it to the hilt and releasing their own symphony of joyful squeals. His size hadn't disappointed in the least, stretching their walls beyond what other males could offer them as it bore a path into them. Rorsenth tensed himself, his cock sheathed in the twin dragon's intense warmth as their walls squeezed and caressed against him, testing his very limits in the span of a few seconds. No, that would be a sign of weakness , he had to endure them until victory was his. It was just another battle, only he was battling himself just as much as he was the two mounted atop his pole.

Sad and alone, his other member bobbed with the dragons riding his brother as they rose and fell atop the juice-drenched cock. Rorsenth jumped in surprise as something coiled around his other shaft, the warmth of their scaly tail wrapping around his spare tool making it all the harder to endure. It took all the concentration they had to keep themselves steady through the intense pleasure that washed over their scaly form.

And that was the perfect moment for him to strike. With sudden and swift resistance, Rorsenth shattered the chains around his hind legs just as the sisters rose to the tip of his cock. With his legs free, Rorsenth kicked at the ground, launching his hips upward and sheathing his soaked member as far as he could within them. Wipon and Serula gave a howl of joy as he pressed against where they were most sensitive, loosening their strength again. In that moment, Rorsenth broke the final chains binding him to the pond bed, his paws kicking himself across the ground out from under the two, wrenching his cock free with a spray of their juices.

Wipon and Serula were stunned, their gaping twat dripping from their sudden orgasm. Serula was the first to recover, her head whipping around in surprise as their once prisoner reared over them. Planting his forelegs onto either side of the dragon's shoulders, Rorsenth brought the two's heads against the ground, his hind taking a wide stance as he drilled his cock back into their cun, mounting them proper.

In all but a few seconds Rorsenth had turned the tables on the two-headed dragon, his angry thrusts into their slit rocking the sisters as they howled with delight.

"You dare bind me?!" Rorsenth growled, thrusting into their inner walls without mercy. Even in his newfound dominant position, Rorsenth was still as close to his own orgasm as he had been, only now he was in control. He'd make them scream, not from fear or pain, but from lust and pleasure.

"You wanted this? Then it's all yours!" He growled, his forepaw leaving the shoulder of Serula to angle his second dick towards their packed orifice. Another thrust plunged his second member into their folds, bringing about a new height of howls and screams of delight from the two, their rear hiking up further to offer unrestricted freedom to their holes.

He growled again, latching his jaws over base of the two's necks, a cumbersome feat in-and-of itself. For a brief moment, the sisters want stock still as Rorsenth's sword-like teeth pressed against the scales along their necks, until another thrust melted their fear away as they submitted once more. Rorsenth hammered into them, his twin cocks stretching through their velvety walls.

A force crashed into the depths of Serula and Wipon's mind, a sudden throbbing pulsating in time with the male's thrusts. It felt familiar, thrumming with strength and power, but terribly splintered and hard to discern. Rorsenth growled with lust, and the force seemed to come to life. Careful to not disturb what they thought it was, Serula and Wipon sparked a magical connection to it. The spark worked, forming a weak mental bond that the two took the shortest peaks into, their curiosity overtaking their lustful desires.

For the first time in their lives, Serula and Wipon had forged a link with their angry mate, an almost suffocating air of rage emanating from his mind. Before they could react to the sudden intrusion they had enacted upon, Rorsenth had picked up the pace to his very limit, his steaming breath washing over their necks as his endurance began to falter.

Ignoring the newfound connection with him, Serula and Wipon gave a final cry as his cocks reached their innermost sanctum, a tidal wave of his essence pouring in with the ground-shaking roar he released into the air, his jaw releasing the vise grip on them.

Still pounding into their cunt with all the energy he had, Rorsenth shivered in ecstasy as his climax roared throughout his body, creamy white cum spewing from his cocks like a geyser and marking their soft fleshy walls as his own. Jizz poured from the sister's overpacked snatch, a constant stream of the dragon's precious seed tinting the water a glossy white.

In unison the two dragon's dropped to the ground, Rorsenth's unending tide of his essence sending more and more shivers up their spines as they laid together. Panting together, the three slumped in the warm water, stirring the water with their heavy breathing. It had felt peaceful for a brief moment before Rorsenth piped up:

"Now, what was it you 'wanted', again? I'll gladly go another round." Rorsenth muttered, watching the two's slow breathing. The faintest trickles of blood dripped down from the bases of their necks, a pang of guilt hitting him. They didn't face the red dragon, mildly irritating him as they refused to answer his question. Then he opened his ears to hear if they were whispering to one another, he could make out the faintest sobbing he had ever heard, quiet enough that he almost couldn't hear it with how close he was.

Coiling his neck around, Rorsenth saw the two's faces, where two streaks of tears dribbled down their faces to splash into the water. They looked up at him, a look of someone who had learned of something they shouldn't have: of guilt, and sorrow.

"W-We did not know, Rorsenth." Wipon stammered out, her voice choked as she tried to calm herself. The answer only made him even more confused, and even more angry.

"What are you two babbling about? If you want to apologise for this," Rorsenth said, pointing at his still-buried cocks in their snatch with his tail. "then forge-"

"That's not it!" Serula cut him off, her voice booming within his own head. When...? Rorsenth's mental barriers came up as soon as he realised, but the damage had already done. They knew all they needed to.

Wipon wiped the tears from her eyes with a paw, glancing up at the angry dragon overtop them. His nostrils flared, his eyes full of anger and rage. She shut her eyes, knowing what awaited them. She and her sister were out of power, she couldn't even conjure a single link of a chain to stop him. They had failed to save their best friend yet again, and they knew the price.

Rorsenth's jaws ground together, his anger boiling over deep within him. He bunched up his paw into a fist, raising it high above the two's heads. It hovered there for a moment, a brief feeling of regret crossing his mind as he glanced at the bite wounds on their necks. With all his might, Rorsenth plunged his fist downwards, the whistling of the wind around his scaly blow warning Serula and Wipon of their end.

His fist collided with the rocky ground just in front of them, sending a plume of cum-stained water into the air. For a brief moment, he could see the bottom of the pond, its stone floor shattered like glass until the water came crashing back, hiding his bleeding paw and the deep ravines that split the rock.

Wipon and Serula were trembling with fear, still unaware of Rorsenth's mercy. He sighed, letting the last of his anger fade with the pain of his paw. He'd have to find a better way to relieve his anger next time, having snapped one of his claws clean off from the blow. Aside from the fading pain, he needed to calm the two down enough to come to their senses, and he had a rather simple idea to do so.

Serula and Wipon, eyes still welded shut, gave a unified sudden gasp as the cocks that they had forgotten about slowly pulled out from their cum-laden slit, bringing with it another wave of cum that splashed into the water. The sensation gave them the realisation that they were still very much alive, their eyelids slowly cracking open to see Rorsenth's tired gaze looking back at them.

"W-what..?" Serula muttered out, her tearful eyes meeting his own. They had never seen him so... sad before, even in their youths. The connection the sisters had felt was back, now only the faintest glimmer of hatred glowered within him, replaced by a cold sensation of... They couldn't tell just what it was, it was just... cold.

"I..." Rorsenth began, his voice fading into silence before he could even continue. He closed his eyes and set his head down at the base of the ground, beside the two's lanky necks like a child would its mother.

Wipon craned her neck over Rorsenth's, offering a few hushed noises to sooth him. Serula nuzzled against his snout, his warm breath washing over her scales as the two did all they could for him, his eyes slowly beginning to seep as all he had suppressed for an eternity came undone in a short few moments.

The End...

A Tale of Grass & Fire Chapter 6: Route 207

* * * This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * After cleaning up the mess Grovyle and Tirtouga had made, Jake and his team was...

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The Cobalt Mage

This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * Planning. Oh so many years of planning, of searching and learning all he could of the...

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Another Day

* * * This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story. * * * With more and more kids and teenagers exploring the wild forests and...

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