Fey-Roll | Part 1: Great Lengths

Story by lurker16 on SoFurry

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#1 of Fey-Roll

While hosting a party for some college friends, Joe decides to play a board game he's never seen before: "Fey-Roll." The drinks have been easy and conversation hard, but he still holds out hope for a special connection with Curtis or Jess. It's hard to tell how the night will go, although one thing is certain: the party is about to get very interesting.

This is the first part of what I intend to be a multi-part series, which will be one continuous story covering the span of the game (and its aftermath.)


Part 1: Great Lengths

Joe sifted through the boxes in the closet, his phone illuminating the title of each board game just enough to read. "Connect Four?"

"Too easy," said Jess.

"Monopoly?" he tried.

"Too long," complained Curtis.

"...Twister?" He shoved the others to the back of the compartment.

"Too gay!" shouted Will, slapping both Joe and Curtis on the shoulder.

Joe sighed, reaching his arm between some 80's vintage games. "You're all so hard to please," he grumbled over the music, before yanking out a box even he did not recognise. "What about this one?" He held it to the light, sweeping away the crust of god knows how many years of age.

"Woah, watch my drink," Will said, pulling his arms away.

"Shut_up_," Jess started, nudging him out the way to see. "Looks alright. What's it called?"

He squinted at the box. It was a faded green, but he could make out enough of the fairy tale writing that wrapped around its casing to hazard his best guess. "Fey-Roll?"

"I think I ate some of those earlier," joked Will. Curtis snickered.

"Fey-Roll it is," declared Jess.

Content to finally settle on a game, Joe pulled off its lid, placing the contents of the box in the middle of the floor.

"No table?" said Curtis.

"Not unless you want drinks spilled on it or people to move your pieces when aren't looking."

"Good point."

Joe and Curtis hunched down, tucking their legs in on top of the room's Mansura rug. Jess flopped down in a vacant spot. They looked at Will.

"You playing?" asked Joe.

"Uhh..." he looked at the three of them huddled over the board, before looking out the door to see if there was anything more interesting going on. Aside from a few other party-goers chatting and drinking, there was not. "Sure."

"Excellent. So, it looks like this is played with four people anyway, so sorry if anyone else was interested," he looked around the room at the others: two deer were laying on the bed making out, and a skunk was smoking a cigarette by an open window. They were decidedly not interested. "Sweet. So, I'm just gonna take a minute to read over the rules if you wanna help set it up."

They made an unlikely set of players. Leaning against the bed, trying his best to ignore the two deer playing tonsil tennis behind him, was Will: a muscular stallion with an ego as big as his mouth. His fur was matte black, wrestling in the middle of his head and neck to form white diamonds. At the best of times, he was unreliable, and at the worst, Joe thought him rude. Still, he was popular amongst his peers for some reason, and it seemed like he could stand to learn something from him - plus it would not be fair to exclude him after inviting him to the party.

Next along clockwise sat Curtis. He was always a small otter, especially since high-school, where he and Joe would share classes and study together. His height used to be a sore spot for bullies to take advantage of. Two years had passed since they started at the same college, which, to the surprise of Joe, presented an opportunity for Curtis to grow - mentally, at least. There was a quiet confidence behind the square frame of his glasses. Ever since Curtis discreetly "came out" to his close friends, Joe found his sights lingering a little too long on the grooves of his body, imagining what his chestnut fur looked like when naked in a shower or pool. A tightness formed under his waistband at the thought.

Will grabbed a D6 from the box, claiming player one status. That made Joe player three. He tried his best to keep calm, but his tail fluffed up and he wiggled on the spot. It could have been the alcohol, but he had a good feeling about this game. He grinned to himself. A flush glowed on his cheeks.

Completing the group was Jess, a German shepherd Joe only knew for a year after she switched from being a psychology major to a politics one. She was tall, with a charcoal coat that permeated the golden-brown around it. In seminars, every word she spoke was a threat, every threat a promise. Her opinions made her an especially potent student. Few people maintained a friendship with her, either out of inconvenience or choice, but there was a directness and honesty in her mannerisms that Joe respected the hell out of.

The bumping of House music from downstairs filled the silence enough that things were not uncomfortable. He could not be sure, but the song sounded familiar - then again, he thought all songs sounded the same. Jess set out the board and tokens, orienting it so that each player sat at one of its corners.

To be honest, playing board games was the last thing Joe expected to be doing tonight. Ever since his Aunt asked him if he wanted to host a party, he had visions of the boozed-up ass-hats from his college spilling drinks over her sofa or ruining her décor. Every while or so he would check on the guests downstairs, ensuring everything of value was still intact, but upstairs things had become pretty tame. Everyone _seemed_to be having a good time, but he was never the best judge of these things. He nursed a beer to ease his doubts.

"How old is your Auntie?" asked Curtis, surprised, much like Joe, to find a high-production board game he could not recognise.

"Umm... You know, I'm not actually sure. She used to always tell me her age in dog years, so it got hard to remember."

"That's weird. Is she a dog?"

"Actually, no." He giggled a little too loudly into his drink, before realizing he was getting looks off of Jess, "She's a Snow Leopard like me!" He wiggled his fingers and showed off his arms, as if the black specks on their white fur had been some deep secret he was harbouring the whole time.

"And how much have you had to drink?" she asked, sipping one of her own.

That was actually a very good question. Perhaps in part because of the number of drinks he had, he could not quite remember. He had been a nervous wreck all day, especially since Jess and Curtis were coming. He considered himself bisexual, while Jess was straight and Curtis gay, and he had never had - well, not properly - a relationship in the past. He thought that maybe, if the atmosphere was good and the drinks sat right, a friendship could blossom into something more.

He hid his face behind the instruction manual, blushing at his own thoughts. He wondered if his Aunt was thinking the same thing: offering a familiar setting for him to try and become more socially diverse. At first, he was sceptical. After all, holding a get-together at a random family member's home did not exactly scream "social butterfly." He was pleasantly surprised though: she had provided snacks and booze before leaving, and the two-bedroom, two-storey house had an antiquated charm to it that became all the more intriguing when substances were imbibed.

"What does it say?" asked Jess.

Joe scrambled through the instructions, realizing that in all the time he had been looking at the sheet of paper in front of him, he failed to actually read the words on it.

"You alright, mate?" Curtis said, adjusting his glasses.

"Yeah! Yeah, no - don't worry. It's just I've never seen this game before and it's a bit odd is all."

"What does it say?" repeated Jess.


She grabbed the manual from him, shaking her head. "Honestly, sometimes you're actually useless." He tried to think of a cool excuse. He took another swig instead.

Jess continued, reading the text half-rushed, half in performance, "To play this game, oh vagrant heart / Those engaged must ne'er depart / Nor break the rules, of which there's three: / Fortune, Fame and Mystery."

"I didn't realize we were playing fucking Jumanji," snorted Will. Curtis burst out in laughter. Jess raised her brows.

"Fortune / For those few charmed by Fortune's Grace / Glee imparts through permanence / A wicked winner wishing well / Receiveth no comeuppance."

"Sick," said Will.

"You know, I'm not even sure 'Receiveth' is a word," said Curtis.

"Shh," she said, "Fame / As two-side coined with Infamy / Like left-right disparity / One watchful eye will multiply / Until curse fulfils itself."

"You should be a rapper," came Will again.

"You should wrap it," warned Jess. "Mystery / The murk beneath the tides you tread / Solidify a path. Led / Onwards by touch gentle or firm / A swimmer walks on all fours."

Joe waited for the next line, entranced.

"And that's it."

He tilted his head, "No more rules or anything?"

"Nope. The board looks pretty standard anyway, as well as the pieces: there's a flower, a horse, a dog and a knife."

Will lifted up a triangular figurine. He held it between two fingers before weighing it on his palm. "No way, there's actually a knife? I better have this one so I can slit my wrists after we get sucked into the Jumanji world." He placed it on what Joe assumed was the starting square. It was made of bronze, and by the looks of how it did not vibrate with the music, it was probably heavy.

"I'll have the horse, then," said Curtis, following suit.

Joe shuffled closer to the board, patting his shins excitedly. He lifted the remaining two pieces and offered them to Jess. "Which one would you like?"

"The dead flower," she said, before placing it beside the others.

"It's not dead!"

"It's not exactly alive," said Curtis.

He was right: it looked a little too crooked to be a healthy flower. Maybe it was just having a bad day, or was thirsty, Joe thought. He liked that idea. With all other pieces claimed, he sat the equally sad-looking dog - or maybe it was a big cat - in the starting zone.

"Six!" said Will, as he rolled a two. "Or not." He slid the knife along two spots. There was an image of a basic-looking rectangle with the text "Draw a Card" beneath it. In fact, most of the spaces looked to have the same format. "Okay, we're playing Uno now. Where's the cards?"

"There aren't any," said Jess.

"Are they missing?" said Curtis.

Joe looked over the box again, checking each compartment for anything that resembled a card. In the centremost section lay a stack of long cards with tarot-style designs on the back. "There they are," he chirped. He steadied himself with an arm as he lifted them, placing them in the middle of the board.

Jess scowled. "Where were you hiding those?"


She looked him over, searching for signs of deception. His breath caught in his throat. A clumsy gaze at her breasts made him throb, pre eking into his underwear to form an uncomfortable wet patch. He definitely had too much to drink.

"I have to pee," he blurted.

The three of them looked at him with varying degrees of fury.

"We've only just started," said Will.

"Plus it's against the rules," added Curtis.

Was it? He could not remember the rules. He was too carried away by the rhyme. He adjusted his jeans until the patch of pre-cum moved to one side. It was a mild improvement.

"What does the card say?" he asked, desperate for them to look elsewhere before they noticed the bulge.

Will flicked the top card towards himself. He nodded as he read it, before shrugging and smirking. "Natural 20: Gain an equal amount of size from the penis of all other players until your cock is twenty inches in length. If already larger than twenty, lose size."

Joe gawked at him. He had no idea his Aunt's taste in board games was so... Esoteric. Curtis laughed nervously, adjusting his spectacles for no reason.

"Okay, but what does it really say?" said Jess.

"Dude, I'm not joking. I couldn't make this shit up." Will tossed her the card. Joe looked to Curtis. Curtis looked to Will. Will awaited Jess's verdict, arms raised in the air. "See?"

She read it over back and front, before holding it in front of Joe and Curtis. "He's actually right," she chuckled, shaking her head, "I wonder what happens now."

They looked to Will, who took a moment before responding, "Your dicks are mine, bitches!"

He shifted forwards, spreading his legs until the heft of his length became apparent on his sweatpants. Joe stared; he knew horses were big, but he did not realize they were _this_big. There was never that same element of attraction he held for Curtis or Jess, with Will, but seeing such a girthy cock made his ass twitch.

"Cough up, sluts. I'm about sixteen inches - flaccid, that is - so unless Jess has a dick I expect a generous offering of at least two inches each." He tapped the back of his wrist, "Time's-a-ticking, ladies."

Curtis seemed equally bewitched, unable to remove his eyes from the spectacle before him. His legs were crossed in a similar manner to Joe's own. Sure enough, the meat beneath Will's trousers extended - slowly, at first, before widening to be twice as thick as Curtis' arm. The horse cast his head back, moaning under his breath, as his cock engorged to what could easily pass as twenty inches, straining the fabric above it.

"Fuck me," he panted, patting down his crotch to find additional equipment.

"Fuck me," repeated Curtis, oblivious to the fact his sentiments had already been expressed.

Joe's mind boggled. How? How was this even possible? His own cock hardened at the sight, pulsing between his legs. If Will's cock really _did_get bigger, then...

Panic fluttered in his stomach. His length was beyond full-mast now, but he could no longer feel the wet patch. Curtis mirrored the terror on his face, one arm shoved down his trousers to inspect the damage. In a cruel twist, the more horrific the situation became, the hornier it made him. Joe watched Curtis's fingers explore his nether regions, pressed firmly against his fly. He whimpered, tears welling under his eyes, while Joe witnessed them press noticeably less tightly against his front.

"No..." Joe whispered, as the fear in his gut changed into something even worse, trailing down through his pubic region to lap at his shaft. "No!" he begged, turning to Jess, to Will - to anyone - "Please don't let it - don't let it..." but as his length pulsated between his fingers, he could already feel it shrink away. Like a wrinkle on a cold day, or a boner when sitting at an acute angle, it slipped between his fingers, leaving behind a trail of pre-cum in its wake. He wished he was not, but he was sure that his previously seven inch cock had dwindled to an unremarkable five.

"Fuck me," said Jess, flatly. "Hey, skunk man," she called towards the window.

He flicked the doubt of his cigarette out of the window and turned back to the room. As he noticed the three men groping themselves, he made a face, "My name's Martin."

"Think you could get me a nice, hard drink, Martin?"

"Sure, what do you want?"

"Anything. Please."

He laughed to himself, stepping around the players to grab her empty glass.

"Thank you," she said.

As Martin left the room, Curtis wiped a wetness from his eyes, checking the time on his phone. "I really don't think we should play this game any more. I don't feel well."

Will patted him on the back, making sure to show off just how far beyond the knee his new cock travelled. "What's up, lil' guy? I thought you said we had to follow the rules."

For a split second, Joe thought Curtis was going to put his hand on Will's shaft. For a split second, so did Curtis, too. He shook his head, trembling. "I'm smaller."

"What was that?" teased Will.


Will smiled and patted his tummy as if he was a kid. "You'll be fiiine."

Curtis looked at Joe for help. Joe nodded.

"Your turn, Curtis," said Jess, setting aside the "used" card beside the pile of active ones.

He shot her a dirty look, "Are you kidding me?"

She finger-gunned him. "Nope. Pretty sure board games go clock-wise, right, Joe?"


"On you go, then."

All six people in the room listened to the scuttle of the dice over the board. For Joe, such a light sound could not have felt heavier. Curtis moved along four spaces.

They paid better attention to the board now, judging the stakes and the distances. It had forty tiles, with the vast majority of them simply being "Draw a Card." At the mid-sections between each corner were "Multiply," "Nullify," "Multiply," and "Multiply," respectively. As Joe opened another beer, he identified the implications of each: a multiply would probably increase the effects of a card, while a nullify would remove them. He expected there were probably some other tricks along the way, but if the number of multiplies to nullifies were anything to go by then the deck was stacked against them.

"I think if we get back to the start then we finish," Curtis said as he lifted a card. The tile in question did say both "Start" and "Finish" on it, so it seemed like a reasonable assumption. "Dressing Room: All players must remain unclothed for the duration of the game." He looked down at his crotch meekly. Will and Jess started removing their tops.

Joe brushed his hand over Curtis' forearm, accidentally almost holding his hand, "Hey, it's all right. Same time?"

He looked to the floor, wordless, before slowing his breathing. "Same time."

In truth, Joe was every bit as anxious as the otter. Not only would they see his shrunken cock, but he would get to see all of them - and then they would see him get hard, which would just make him harder, and then none of them would want to be friends with him any more. He considered keeping his clothes on, a feat he would usually go to great lengths to accomplish, but that would go against the promise he made with Curtis, and he could not fathom which punishments might be dealt as a consequence of breaking the rules. He started with the uppermost buttons of his shirt, fidgeting with them awkwardly until they released.

"All right," he said to no-one in particular, "Let's play."

Fey-Roll | Part 2: Boot Camp

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