Gift Story by Inqu!

Story by ComradeSch on SoFurry

, , , , , , to get to the original artist!

This was done by my longtime friend Inqu, thanks so much Squish~

I sigh as I look at the full body mirror in my room, running my paws over my naked form. I close my eyes and grope at my flat chest. Why wasn't I born a girl... I think to myself and whimper before opening my eyes again to once again lay my eyes upon my white fur and pink paws. I walk over and sit in my computer chair and lean back, before I lean forward and begin to write in my journal. "My name is Inqu, I'm a male mouse standing at 152cm or 1.52 meters tall with black splotches of fur dotted around my body. And if you haven't guessed I'm a transgender."

"I hate my body I was lucky enough to be born with a more feminine body then some of the others, enough to cross dress on the regular and not have anyone second guess if I'm a male or female. My hair is dyed grey with pink highlights and runs down to my waist, I wear it in a ponytail most of the time to keep it from getting in my face. I've dyed my tail tip to match my hair to keep things symmetrical and even. I also like symmetry, it runs most of my life things need to be even and well-kept though you wouldn't guess that from the way I keep my room."

"It's a mess, all the time, it's the one place I can keep out of symmetry and not get a headache or get angry for no reason. I live in a small two-bedroom apartment with my roommate His name is Kane, he's a werewolf who stands at 178cm tall and is an artistic performer, he usually has to help me pay the bills...or well he does pay the bills because I'm in college and my part time job isn't much help for paying college fees and the apartment fees. I hate being so dependent on others it makes me feel like a burden and a leach."

"He constantly tells me not to worry about the bills but I can't help it! I constantly worry about things I shouldn't, but it's not as simple as not thinking about it as outside of school and work I can't do much else but think. With-out Kane I would pretty much be homeless and probably dead, he's helped me through so much emotional pain and grief." I take a breath and lean back rubbing my chest as I let out a groan and cough. I lean back to begin typing again. "It hurts me how much I need to hang onto him with-out a way to pay him back properly. I want to cuddle up to him and tell him just how much I'm grateful for his help."

"But one of my other problems is, he's straight, he'll let me lean against him while we relax and watch TV but not much else, and I don't want to interrupt his relaxation time with my need to thank him. At first when we met I didn't actually like him all that much, he was smarter than me and would constantly prove it time and time again with our arguments."

But over time he's really grown on me and has helped me so much with his superior intellect and I've actually fallen for him quite hard, but like I mentioned earlier he's straight and me telling him I love him more than air would just make things awkward...I guess I should get back to reality before I make myself sad with the troubles of real life." I sigh and close my journal with-out saving it. Why do I even bother I never save any of this stupid shit... I think to myself before looking over at the mirror again. You're disgusting I sneer at the reflection. "Well that's what you get for being such a freak." My ears perk as the reflection talks back putting a paw on his hip and waves his other in the air dismissively.

"T-take that back!" I squeak and stand clenching my fists. "Why should I have to take back the truth, you know it and so do I. Your filthy body is why Kane will never love you!" He scoffs and points his finger at me. "Shut up!" I growl taking my wireless keyboard into my paws throwing it at the mirror shattering it and knocking a few keys off of it. I pant as tears fill my eyes, my paws clenching tightly enough to draw blood from the pads. "I-I'll prove you wrong!" I yell at the shattered mirror. "I-Inqu?" There is a knock on the door with a very familiar voice behind it.

I gasp and turn to the door looking at it in horror and a bit of fear. "Did you break another mirror? Those things aren't cheap you know." Kane says through the door. "You need to stop listening to that voice in your head, he'll make me go broke~" He chuckles. "I-Im sorry Kane." I sniffle and fall to my knees gripping the carpet. "May I come in?" He asks sounding concerned. "N-no im not decent." I sniffle as the carpet begins to burn the small cuts in my paw pads. "You know I don't care." The door knob begins to turn. "B-but I do!" I sniffle at yell at the door. "...Alright, well if I come back to a dead mouse boy in that room later you know I'll be pissed and bring you back to just kill you again~" He chuckles, I sniffle and smile a bit. "D-don't worry its not that bad this time." I say beginning to calm down a bit.

"Good, now I'm going to go make dinner you rest up now." He smiles or at least I think he does as I hear him walk off. I smile and wipe my face before looking down at the carpet and notice I bled into it again. "D-damnit..." I say quietly and begin to grab the cleaner I had to special order. I hate to admit how often I've bled into this carpet...I mean I had to buy a special cleaner for fuck sake... I think to myself and begin to clean it up.

I begin to wrap up my paws before I get dressed in my usual wear. Which usually included panties, a mini skirt, a crop top, with arm and leg warmers to match. I move over to my desk and turn on my face cam to do my makeup now that my mirror is broken, again. It takes me about ten minutes to do my makeup not wanting to over-due it. I take a deep breath in and let it out through my nose before smiling at my 'reflection' on the screen. Much better~ I think to myself and stretches. Guess I better clean up that bitch mirror in the corner. I think to myself and grab a bin labeled 'glass' it didn't have a bag in it as the larger shards would just rip it anyway.

I begin to put the larger pieces into the bin which doesn't take too long before I grab the vacuum in my closet and begin to vacuum my room and make sure I get all of my room just in case there was a stray shard that somehow got to the other side for some unexplained reason. As I finish up there is a knock on my door. "Dinner is ready Squish~" Kane chuckles. I blush. "Y-you know I hate it when you call me that!" My ears actually turn red I blush so hard. "No you don't, you love it and you know it~" He laughs. "G-Gah!" I cover my face. I don't like to admit it but I really do love it when he calls me 'squish'

"O-okay wuff I'll be out in a moment." I blush and cross my arms as I try to calm myself down a bit to keep from making a noticeable tent in my panties and skirt. "Alright I'll be at the table~" He smiles and walks away. I let out a sigh. Why do you have such a name nickname for me when you're straight? I think to myself wondering. I shake my head, the arousal in my body low enough not to cause trouble. I exit my room and am immediately hit with the smell of chopped fruit and seasoned meats.

"You can always make the place smell like a 5 star restaurant~" I giggle and smile sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Well you know I try my best~" He smiles and his tail wags. I smile and look down at my fruit plate and my tail flicks about happily. He knows exactly what I like and how to cheer me up~ I smile to myself and begin to eat. "So how was school today~?" He asks through his chewing. "Oh it was super great the diesel course is really interesting and im really glad I took it, though it did add a few months onto my completion time..." My ears splay.

"Eh don't worry about it squish~" He smiles. "well, if it helps I will get paid more when I finally do get a mechanic job~" I smile. "I said don't worry about it~" He chuckles. "I-I do worry!" I blush. "I know you do~" He huffs a laugh.

"S-so how was your work day?" I ask eating a small bite of cantaloupe. "Not bad editing through countless hours of video is a real pain in the ass but oh well its part of the job." He shrugs. "Yeah, I can imagine~" I smile. "So, what are your plans tomorrow?" I ask eating some grapes. "Probably the same thing unless I find some dolt that really fucked up and we need to reshoot something." He nods. "That sounds like real fun wuff~" I tease. "Like sitting under a leaking vehicle and getting grease in your eyes is so much better~?" He smiles. "Safety goggles~" I wink. "So anything you need safety goggles is suddenly fun~?" He chuckles. "Hell yeah it is~!" I giggle and smile.

"You're strange squish~" He smiles and gets back to eating. "You know it better than anyone~" I smile and my tail flicks about happily. Why do you treat me like this? Isnt this how mates treat each other? Am I just out of the dating loop that much? Is it strange that I feel like you treat me to nice? I think to myself as I eat. "I know that look stop thinking about it." He comments. "A-about what?" I blush. Oh, fuck does he know?! "You always get this super intense look on your face when you think about something serious, its funny but it puts you in a down mood usually so I want you to stop m'kay?" He smiles at me as he finishes his food. "O-okay~" I smile and blush.

After I finish I take my plate to the sink and wash it before putting it in the drying rack. "I think I'll head to bed early, I'm kinda tired after that fight." I admit. "Alright sleep well squish~" He smiles and sits down on the couch. "I will~" I smile and head back into my room wiping my makeup off and undressing, throwing my cloths against my dresser and flopping onto my bed. I nuzzle my pillow and sniff. The thought of you in my bed, the ability to cuddle up to you and sniff your chest... I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. S-stop thinking about it, you won't sleep otherwise... I shake my head and roll onto my back before pulling the covers over myself. He always keeps it so damn cold in here! I shiver a bit curling up under my blanket to get warmer.

I wake up to my alarm going off and I stretch. God damn that was a strange dream... I think as I get up and pull my phone out from under my pillow before heading to the bathroom. Once there I sit down on the toilet and begin to read through the news articles on my phone. My ears perk as one catches my attention. Antique store closing, everything MUST go! Thoughts begin to run through my head. I need to go there today... I get up and begin and stretch again.

I begin to brush my teeth and comb my hair before putting it in a ponytail again. I stretch yet again and groan. Fuck getting up is getting harder and harder to do... I sigh and head back to my room to start getting ready for the trip down town to the store. Once ready I grab my keys and head to the front door. "I'm heading out Kane I'll be back later~!" I state even if he's not here, I don't know why but I always feel a little better if I think he's not worrying about me. I head down the stairs and unlock my car. I always smile as I look at the blue and black mustang Mach 1.

I sit down in the driver's seat and groan a bit. Fuck this shit's cold! I squeak and blush closing the door. I start the car and a smile appears on my face as the air intake shakes in the middle of the hood. Goddess I love this car~ my tail tip flicks happily as I wait for it to warm up so I can turn the heater on. Once its warmed up I quickly turn the heater on full and put my seatbelt on. I push the clutch in and put it in gear.

I smile as I begin the drive, it's not a long drive being a small town and about 10 am so rush hour traffic is mostly if not entirely gone. I smile as I pull into the parking lot of the small store, its clearly been around for some time. I turn the car off and pull the E-brake before getting out. Not surprisingly I've made the mistake of hopping out of my car with-out pulling the parking brake and almost having it roll away. I've a rather clumsy person in all reality and can be a bit forgetful as well. I shake my head to stop thinking about all the times I've fucked up.

I walk up to the door and head inside, upon entering I take a sniff of the air and smile. There is always that same smell with old places and items. It always makes me a little sad yet happy to be in a place like this, it reminds me we're all going to die one day and be forgotten but there is always a chance we won't be and the things we do might actually have an effect on people in the future. I shake my head again and smile before I begin to walk through the store and look at all the old things and items to show just what the world was like back 20, 30, 50 or even 100 years ago. "It's such a shame youngsters like you don't take more interest in things like this..." an old wolfess sighs as she sits back.

My ears perk and I smile over at her. "Well, unfortunately our time is mostly taken up with school or jobs, in fact I should actually be in school now, but I heard this place was closing and my gut told me to check it out~" My tail swishes about so it doesn't hit anything. "Always in a rush to get into work or to do my day things were different!" She huffs.

"Were they actually different? Or do you just think they were because things just have a different look to them~?" I giggle. "...That's the first time someone has stumped me on that one." She smiles. "Well I try to have an open mind, I definitely don't know everything and I love the creative ways things used to get done~" I smile. She nods and smiles back. "I'll let you continue to look around sunny boy." She giggles. I smile and laugh a bit before I continue to look around. When it comes to antique shops you really got to move things around and look behind objects to find the 'good' stuff.

I smile as I climb up an old book shelf to look at the books at the top that are scatters about by time and other people looking through it and not taking the time to put things back. My ears perk and my maw opens a bit in awe as I spot an old yet very well-kept book. It almost looks like something out of a fairy tale or video game, a very tome like look. I gently pick it up and oof as its weight. G-goodness this is a heavy book! I blush and slowly begin to climb down the weight of the book almost too heavy for my lithe frame.

I sigh and pant lightly as I get to the floor. Dear goddess if I had fallen and this book landed on me I'm sure I would have been crushed! I giggle to myself and look down at it. It's so pretty~ I think as I run a paw over its cover to remove the years if not decades worth of dust. I blow on it to get into the crevasses and cracks on the cover quickly coughing and waving my paw near my maw and nose to clear the air. Why did I do that? That's always a stupid idea, you always get a face full of dust Inqu jeez you're stupid... I shake my head. Anyway back to the book! I smile and gently turn the cover.

'Arceus's tome of the mystic arts' Arceus? Isn't that a pokemon or something? I think as I turn the page and am quickly met with drawings of movements and words to speak clearly demonstrating casting some sort of spell. I can see why this was never bought its clearly just some sort of gag bo- my thought is quickly interrupted as I see a 'gender swap' spell. that's stupid Inqu you're a moron. I think and close the book before sliding it back against the shelf. I couldn't put it back even if I tried... I think to myself and begin to walk away before I get a very intense feeling from my gut to go back.

Its has to be, there is no way that would actually work... I try to justify me walking away but soon stop the feeling getting more and more intense as I move away from it. I'd just look stupid to try it, b-but mom always said to follow your gut Inqu listen to your mother!

Alright fine! I growl to myself and huff heading back to the book. I'm going to throw my fucking back out trying to carry this damn thing anyway so it's not like it's going to matter! I huff and crouch down and put my paws onto the book. I take a deep breath and do my best to lift it back up to my surprise the book is suddenly lighter than it was before. W-what the hell? I look down at it, and move it so I can balance it on one paw to open it up again. I move back to the 'gender swap' spell to see if I need anything special and if the antique store might have such things.

My ears perk as I ready through it and its warning. 'Sexual relations may cause spell to be permanent.' W-who the fuck found that out the hard way? I giggle to myself and notice it needs a mirror for a person to cast it on themselves. Well I guess I better get a small mirror to try and make a fool of myself. I sigh and look around and to my surprise I quickly find a cheap mirror to buy. Wow that worked out~ I smile and pick up the regular sized mirror and head back to the wolfess.

"Done looking around sunny?" She smiles. "Yep~" I smile and put the book and mirror on the counter. "How much~?" I ask my tail swishing around happily. "Hmm." She thinks as she looks at the items. "Well no-ones ever even thought about buying this super fancy gag book so how does $2 sound?" She smiles at me. "Wow that sounds great!" I squeak happily. She lets out a chuckle. "That was cute~" She smiles. "And for the mirror how does $10 sound?" "sounds like a good deal~!" I smile and pull out my wallet to pay for the items. Once I've paid for the items I pick them up. "Have a blessed day young one~" The wolfess smiles and waves.

"I will, and same to you, I hope things improve for you~" I smile back and leave. Once outside of the building a cold gust of wind hits my fur. "F-fuck me its cold..." I shiver and reach into my pocket to click the unlock button on my keys so that I can open my car. Once unlocked I open the driver side door and place my book and mirror in the passenger seat. Welp time to head home~ I smile and start my car, the trip home being a bit longer then the trip out to the store being that its now lunch time and people are out getting food.

Once home I turn the car off and pull the parking brake and grab my items before opening the door and heading up the stairs. It doesn't take me long to get to the front door though once I do I fumble around to get my house keys before realizing I left them in the car and bang my head into the door. Moron! I growl to myself.

I squeak in surprise as I hear a yelp inside. "Who's there?!" I hear a very angry growl. "j-j-just me Kane!" I squeak in a bit of fear and guilt. The lock is quickly turned and the door is flung open. "You scared the shit out of me squish!" He says in a mock tone of anger. "I-I-I didn't know you'd be home I'm sorry..." I whimper my ears splaying as I look down. "H-hey don't take it to hard everyone needs a good scare every now and then~" he smiles and pets me. "S-still I should think before I act." I say blushing and looking up at him shivering a bit as a gust of wind sweeps through the outside hall way. "Oh sorry you must be freezing!" He quickly pulls me inside.

I squeak in surprise as I'm pulled inside with little effort on Kane's part. "So what'cha got there squish~?" He smiles and asks. "Oh, just an old book and a mirror, so I don't have to use my webcam to do my makeup~" I giggle. "Well just be sure to keep this one longer than 5 seconds~" He teases. "I'll try~" I smile and my tail flicks about happily as I head to my room and he closes the door and locks it.

I put the small mirror against the wall once I'm in my room and open up the book again, quickly turning to the 'gender swap' spells page. I begin to read through it again to make sure I didn't miss anything. My ears perk as I notice a small arrow indicating I should turn the page. Once I turn the page I see another warning. 'Please do in front of someone you trust as ill effects may appear.' Okay no-way is this not a gag it's just going ot make me look like a fool...B-but...what If it actually works and there is some ill effect? You should ask Kane to watch just in case, besides he's you're closest friend you won't make fun of you. I nod to myself.

"K-Kane? Could you come in here please?" I call out. "Yeah, sure just one second." He replies before a minute or two later he walks in. "What's up?" "O-oh nothing just something I want to try in this book and it says to do it in front of a friend." I blush not telling him the whole truth. "Alright well give it a whorl~" He smiles and sits down on my bed. I look down at the book in my paws and study what I'm supposed to do a few more times. "O-okay I think I'm ready." I nod and put the book down on my desk. "Well I'm waiting squish~" He smiles.

"Q-quiet you!" I blush and look over at the book again before I stare at the mirror. If this works you might get the body you want and Kane's love. The thought runs through mind.

That's good enough for me just to attempt this! I blush heavily and begin to do the motions and speak the incantation. Once done I focus the pads of my paws on the mirror in front of me and hold the pose of a few seconds before I stand back up and look at maw paws. "That. Was adorable~" Kane chuckles. I blush heavily. "H-hey I had a small- AH!" I fall to my knees and clench my stomach. "W-What's wrong?!" Kane quickly gets up and rushes to my side. "M-My stomach, I-It hurts so bad!" I whimper and squeak in pain. My voice becoming more feminine.

"H-hold on let me call an ambulance!" Kane begins to rush off just before I grab his arm. "W-wait I think this is supposed to happen..." I whimper before letting go and laying on my back wiggling. "...A-alright I'll trust you." He stays with me and holds my paw. I wiggle more as I soon begin to feel a sudden weight on my chest that slowly begins to increase. My shirt begins to get tighter and brush across my nipples. I gasp and blush at how sensitive they suddenly are.

My panties begin to loosen a bit but my skirt gets tighter around my waist. I pull my paw away from Kane's before I begin to grope my now very sensitive chest my ears perking and I gasp as I feel decent sized breasts in my paws and a large amount of pleasure shoots up my spine as I grope myself. I moan and blush as I begin to wiggle in pleasure as I begin to shrink slightly as my fur grows and begins to turn shades of blue, red and cream. My tail shortening and growing long fur along and around the length of it. I pant and yelp a bit as my shirt begins to squeeze against my chest painfully tight.

I begin to try and wiggle out of it only to have a spike begin to grow out from between my breasts and tear a hole into my shirt. As the hole forms and my attempt to get the shirt off happens I end up tearing my shirt but I don't seem to care as my muzzle increases in length and my small flat rodent teeth begin to length and grow pointy. My shoes quickly grow tight just before two spikes appear on each foot paw and poke holes into the tops of them. I whimper as a heat begins to grow in my crouch and my body begins to feel like it's 30C in the room.

"Oh, goddess it's so hot in here~!" I moan and grope my chest and pant. "U-Umm...I-Inqu??" I here Kane's voice from above me. I pant and open my eyes to look up at him, the first thing I notice is the rather large tent in his pants before I look up a bit further at the concerned look on his face. "Y-yes Kane?" I slowly sit up. "Umm, look in the mirror." He points to it.

I slowly look over to it and gasp. "W-what the??" I crawl over to it blushing as my thighs rub against the sides of my slit making me moan and my limbs shake in weakness. As I get to the mirror I can now see my new body. I've clearly turned into a female mega Lucario. "W-wow~" I blush and rub my cheeks before gently slapping myself to see if I'm dreaming. Thankfully I'm not as I don't wake up. "I-It worked!" I almost howl in happiness and my tail wags in a blur before a wave of heat and pleasure rush over my body bringing me back to reality. I moan and fall onto my side before rolling onto my back.

I quickly begin to wiggle my hips to help me get out of my skirt and panties. Once out of them I quickly spread my legs into a diamond shape and reach a paw down to my slit that's rather wet. I slowly begin to press my fingers against it before I remember Kane is in the room. I yelp in surprise and embarrassment as I look up and over to Kane's blushing face and his very tented shorts. I bite my lip upon focusing on his crouch. I quickly get onto my paws and knees and crawl over to him, which is surprisingly difficult with breasts.

Once at Kane's legs I nuzzle his inner thigh and whimper. "P-please help me Kane, I feel so hot and I need you to help me relive my heat~" I moan up at him getting a good lung full of his arouse scent, my improved K-9 nose not doing me any favors in the arousal department. "I-I don't know Inqu we've been friends for so long an-" "Please Kane I need you so badly~!" I whimper and beg him as I press my chest against his crouch. My breasts flattening against my chest a bit but giving him a great view.

"W-well if it will help I'm sure it won't do any harm~" He smiles and begins to stand. "Oh thank you~!" I moan and blush hugging his leg. "Help me out of these pants now, or you don't get your treat~" He growls dominantly yet still playful enough to not scare me. "Y-Yes sir~!" I quickly unzip his pants, as well as unbutton them before gently pulling the pants down as not to tug on his length in a painful way. He groans in pleasure as I pull his underwear down to expose is 25.4 cm length.

I gasp in surprise and pleasure. "Y-you're so big~!" I blush. "All the more to pleasure you with my dear~" He smirks and places his paws underneath my armpits and picks me up. I yelp gently in surprise as I'm picked up. "Brace yourself~" He murrs. "H-huh? Eek!" I yelp in surprise as im tossed onto my bed. "O-oof!" I blush and gasp as I hit the mattress and bounce a bit before im suddenly pinned. "H-hey what was th-!?" Im quickly interrupted.

He begins to make out with me very passionately. I moan into his maw and pant through my nose as I do my best to match his passion. I wiggle underneath him as he grinds the bottom of his length against my now soaking wet slit. He breaks the kiss. "You're very needy aren't you my little bitch~?" He smirks. "O-Oh yes sir i-I need your cock so bad~!" I blush and moan as he licks my neck and down to my chest spike. Once his lips and tongue wrap around my chest spike a blinding amount of pleasure shoots through my body. "Oh Arceus~!" I scream as my back arcs and I wiggle.

He chuckles and pokes my slit with the tip of his cock. "You ready you little slut~?" He licks his lips. "I-I'm so ready sir~!" I moan and wiggle my hips. He quickly pushes his full length into my slit making me yelp and scream in both pain and pleasure. His ears perk and he doesn't move. "A-are you alright??" He sounds concerned. "Y-yes j-just give me a f-few seconds." I whimper and wiggle a bit around his length. "O-okay~" I smile up at him after a minute or two.

"Good I can get back to breeding my little slut~" He growls and begins to thrust into me slowly yet a bit rough. I moan and yip in pleasure with each thrust. "O-Oh goddess yes~!" I pant and wiggle my hips gently as I clench around his massive length. A bulge appearing in my lower stomach every time he reaches the end of his length. "D-Damn you're tight~!" He moans and begins to suckle on one of my breasts. "M-Maybe you're just gifted~!" I moan and wiggle and press my chest into his head given I can't hug his head because he's pinning my arms to the bed.

It's not long before the pleasure in my body begins to reach its peak. "I-I'm so close sir~!" I moan and pant. "Same my little slut~" He growls and bumps his knot against my slit. "Do you want my knot bitch~?" He growls and smirks. "Y-Yes, oh goddess yes please knot me, m-make me your bitch~!" I howl in pleasure. I gasp and half cough half choke and be wraps his muzzle around my neck and roughly knots me. My mind explodes with pleasure and the room goes completely white as I climax like never before and clench around his knot like a vice. My body locks up and I can't seem to breathe for a solid minute before he releases my neck from his maw. I quickly gasp and howl in pleasure as my vision slowly returns as well as control over my body.

I pant heavily and cough slightly as I begin to catch my breath. "O-Oh goddess th-that felt so fucking good~!" I moan as I feel my stomach fill with his impressively large load.

"Im glad you liked it squish~" He nuzzles me and licks my cheek. "Liked? F-fuck that I loved that t-thank you so much Kane~" I hug him once he legs go of my arms. "You're welcome squish. You know you kind of are squishy in some places now~" He chuckles and teases me. "I-I couldn't agree more~" I giggle and hug him purring happily. "So, how long does this last~?" He smiles and licks the top of my head. "W-well...The book says sexual relations will make it permanent." My ears splay a bit in fear and worry that's not what he wanted to hear. "Good, because I could get used to railing you~" He hugs me tightly.

I almost begin to cry in happiness as I hug him back tightly as well. "I-I love you Kane~!" I sniffle gently. "I love you too Inqu, thank you for letting me knot you~" He chuckles and nuzzles me. "A-any time anywhere stud~" I murr and look up to him. "So, I noticed I shrunk a bit, how much height do you think I lost?" I ask. "Im not sure, got a measuring tape?" He asks. I nod. "In my night stand drawer~" I try to reach over but can't. He smiles and does so for me. "Ah, here we are~" He smiles and straightens out a bit pulling my hips upwards with his length.

I gasp and moan. "C-Careful~!" I moan and blush. "H-hey looks who's talking don't clench so tightly!" He groans in pleasure. I relax and pant looking up at him. He smiles down at me and pulls the tape out to get a measurement. "Well looks like you're now, 122cm." He smiles down at me. "I-I lost 30cm?!" I eep and blush. "Yep looks like it~" He chuckles, "Its fine with me~" He smiles and leans down to give my lips a little kiss. I blush and kiss his lips back. "Well might as well take a nap to let my knot go down~" He murrs and begins to pull the covers over me. I blush heavily as he turns out the lights and rolls us both on our sides.

He pulls me a bit closer my muzzle being pressed against his chest slightly. I blush. I-Its happening~! I eee to myself in happiness and take a deep quite sniff of his chest purring my tail wagging happily as I get a lung full of his scent. His warmth slowly washes over me and I quickly fall asleep in his arms.

Getting The Body She Wanted

This is gift art! Alison (the end result of Ani's TF) belongs to CeruleanArcanine/Slybloodwolf and Erhardt belongs to me. Contains TF/TG, Romance, Paws, Micro, soft vore and plenty of yiff! Non-canon to any stories by either of us, this is just for fun...

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Red Wolves Ep. 1

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