Red Wolves Ep. 1

Story by ComradeSch on SoFurry

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"Or...You know forget about this I have a better idea.

Remember when you talked about your squad of four? Well you can now describe their duel with Cleo. It could be about facility in Iraq where terrorist invent biological weapon. Cleo and your team got a command from rival groups (maybe USA and Russia?) to get the samples. Your team found that big lioness already started to clean this place from terrorists - knowing that she is here they started preparations to fight - but suddenly they were attacked by her. It is clear that in one on one fight none of them wouldnt be able to beat her - so they must work in group. In the meantime sample was destroyed by terrorist who had enough time by their fight - but as a resoult of this he unleashed mutated monster (something like from the thing or Prototype) who can change bodies into zombies. Seeing new threat Cleo and group decided to wotk together and fight monstrosity. They managed to do that - and when they ask lioness to join their group she answered that she works alone and walks away."


This is a short story involving anthropomorphic characters, zombies, blood, violence, and language. If you read past this disclaimer, you agree not to complain that there are furries in it, coarse language, as well as combat situations. You have been warned.

Let's start off Red Wolves: For The Republic.


[21:34 HRS, August 30, 2021, Canada. Rural area in the Rocky Mountains.]

Kane sat in the back of Jess' AV-22 Osprey, finishing off a cigarette. It was standard for him to do so before a raid, and no-one really wanted to call him out on it. He usually said it helped him reduce stress before serious combat; In actuality, it was to cause his heart rate to increase, and to help the tiny sanguinite crystals in his body to bond into pseudo-platelets, and help boost healing, in case he was seriously wounded, and release adrenaline into his body, causing a feedback loop.

"You might want to put that out. We're landing soon." Kane extinguished the cigarette on his black tunic- They usually fought at night, so his force, the Circle of the Red Wolves Militia, usually wore black, and often looked like military policemen, with their red berets. "Horst, Ezlen, you take point. I'll cover you." "You got it." Kane grabbed the Lee-Enfield his grandfather left him- It was a very special rifle, with a pattern in the stock made of sanguinite, and a rechambering in the cheaper 7.62x54mm Rimmed round the Mosin-Nagant used. He was so practiced with it, he could, like his grandfather before him, hit the magazine of a rifle at quite the distance. Hopefully this accuracy wouldn't fail him at such an altitude.

The back door of the AV-22 opened wide, and let them off on the plateau. Horst immediately drew his Golden Desert Eagle as Ezlen's fur sparked slightly, readying his M249 SAW. Kane looked at his watch for their location- They appeared to be in the Kootenays, more specifically, near Invermere and Radium Hot Springs. "All right, everyone on me." Horst and Ezlen came up to him, and Horst took a drink from his flask as he walked over.

"We're here, at 33448 78469. Our target is a kilometer to the West. It's a bunker held by the Renegades, probably the Tiberian Division. We'll go to the top of the mountain and scout the area out. Stay within 400 yards- That way, if you need me to fight close-up, I can reasonably expect to be able to respond. Any questions?" Neither Ezlen nor Horst so much as moved a muscle. "Right then, ruck up and let's get into action."

Kane grabbed his rucksack, took out some magazines for his Lee-Enfield, and also put on his pistol belt, with a USP .45 and a leg holster for his AK Draco SBR- The holster kind of required that he have the stock folded, and his magazines had to be carried in mag pouches with his pistol magazines, and he carried only his Lee-Enfield ammunition on his chest. Horst carried his Golden Desert Eagle, as well as an AKS-74u with a 75-round RPK drum, and had a drastically shortened PPSh-41 , plus two drums, as a backup primary. Ezlen, by comparison, was lightly armed- He only had a 200-round belt for his M249 SAW, and depended on his claws and the excess energy he produced to deliver severe electric shocks to his enemies. However, including backup gear, like flashlights, gas masks, tents, and extra batteries, plus their radios, they each carried about thirty kilos of gear.

They saw sudden flashes in the sky as Jess suddenly fired on what appeared to be a hostile gunship- She had everything from the rocket pods to the belly-mounted M134 on it, and it eventually went aflame, flying away, scared, before crash-landing near the summit of the mountain. Little did they know who it actually was...


Cleo simply crawled out of the wreckage, unharmed- But that was more than could be said about the Hind's pilot. They certainly hadn't expected to see a Republican Osprey in Canadian territory- Sure, the Canadian People's Republic was very peaceful to others, but it had civil conflict with a domestic terrorist force called the Renegades. Russia, on the other hand, was a right-wing corporate-Mafia mess, and they wanted the secrets of the Renegades- Even if it meant destroying them first- In order to gain the advantage over the Republic's popular militias and far-left policies.

She scanned over the area and looked at her map. The map seemed to indicate that she was very, very close to the target- About 300 meters from the underground base. A C-7 rifle, standard for Canadian professional soldiers, was deadly accurate to that range, to say nothing of the rotary cannon on the vehicle. Being eight feet tall and incredibly strong, she simply pulled it off and rewired the trigger, grabbing the ammunition and making ready to move. She heard an odd sort of howling, and heard sporadic gunfire from down the slope. Whoever was shooting seemed to have horrifying aim- And now that she looked, she saw why.

They were Renegades, sure, but they weren't intact upstairs. Renegades, though armed at best with an MP-5 or an M-870 shotgun, usually were decent marksmen, because they had to make the most of every shot, be it a twelve-gauge shell, or a 9mm round. They rarely used full-auto, and never fired from the hip. Here, though, they held their weapons in one hand, not stabilizing their weapons, spraying and praying at her from at least intermediate ranges, with close-quarter weapons. She, on the other hand, had 10,000 rounds, each of which was far more powerful and accurate.

Cleo turned on the power source and spun the barrels, firing a burst straight into the lines of advancing Renegades. Their comrades simply marched over them and kept shooting erratically and with no technique at all, acting as if their wounded were rocks rather than risks. She ended up mowing down most of them, and then gunfire came from the Southeast- But these weren't slouches. These guys were damn good shots, and they handled a few stragglers. She headed down the mountain to get to the bunker first- These guys were probably an elite platoon from a popular militia.


Kane looked through his scope at the burning wreckage, after seeing the tracers from the minigun and hearing the loud buzzing report for a straight minute. "That's a Russian MI-24. Hind gunship. No gun on it-Just rockets. Those appear to have been used up or broken." "Should I check it out?" "Hurry, Ezlen. Give me a status report when you get there." Ezlen ran towards the helicopter while sporadic gunfire went towards them. "Fuck! Head down, Horst!" They instantly hit the deck and set up to hold their ground, seeing, at about 300 yards, a group of Renegades- But their technique and tactics were too sloppy to be normal Renegades." Look around their mouths. They look like Mr. Die Cis Scum." "You mean "Black Nails And Black Lipstick Mean I'm Not A Woman"?" "Yeah, definitely like Xir." Horst and Kane chuckled at the somewhat scathing transgender jokes as Kane looked at their faces. "Yeah, they look like stereotypical undead." "You know what to do, then, hotshot." Kane nodded and looked into his scope, and keyed the radio.

"Ezlen, down-slope to the Northwest. Can you describe the enemy?" "They're closer than I want them... They're definitely very undead-looking." "Give one a headshot." A five-round burst was heard in the distance. "Yeah, the blood and brains are all clotted and dead-looking." Kane lined up a headshot and fired- Instantly killing one as he operated the bolt with stunning efficiency. After a short firefight, they ended up killing all the stragglers from the earlier fight with whoever took the Hind's gun. He wouldn't want to deal with the user of that gun directly- It'd be suicide. He reloaded as Ezlen radioed in a status report.

"All clear. I'm at the Hind. Pilot very dead. Can of ammunition taken, as well as the autocannon, and a PKM machine gun. I can see extra belts for the PKM laying around. Give Jess my regards for the excellent shooting." Horst responded. "Oh, I will, when I'm cuddling with her in the Radium hot springs..." Kane allowed the Circle to form relationships. Jess and Horst were a couple, and Kane's wife Kuro, though not part of the Circle, certainly helped with battle wounds and the like. He thought it'd promote less suicidal maneuvers and let them fight harder.


Cleo had just set the minigun down as she wrenched hard on the broken door, managing to rip it for good off its hinges. She picked up her weapon as she turned around to see three men around her crashed Hind, at 300 yards- And she turned to fire on them. They immediately hit the deck and started firing back. Five-round bursts struck near her head, from a pretty damn accurate machine gun, but she took cover as she continued firing.

These guys were no joke, though- They were excellent shooters, and they conserved their ammo a lot. She saw that two of them were providing most of the firepower- One wasn't as accurate as the other, with their carbine, but the third guy seemed to be striking near the barrels of her weapon, yet they got swatted in odd directions, or didn't do much, until one struck at the right location.

Cleo saw a muzzle flash come out of the top as one of the barrels ruptured, causing the gun to kick hard and pieces of the barrel to fling into her shoulder with a lot of force. Somehow that sniper had caused a barrel to explode, and she switched to her PKM. She took cover to remove the chunks of metal from her now-bleeding shoulder, but she took quite a period to do so, and looked up to see two wolves in black combat gear with weapons in her face. One of them was a Kalashnikov; The other, an M249.

"Halt! Drop your fucking weapons! Make a move, and our sniper will blow your head off!" She stood slowly, smiling as if she knew something they didn't- When a loud noise came from inside the bunker. It was a cadaverous roar, one so loud, it felt like a punch in the chest. "You have anything to do with that, Ruskie?" "You're one to talk, Kiev dog. Why would they send a lone militia unit to deal with a merc's job?"

Kane came running down the hill, bayonet mounted on his rifle, and two PKM belts over his shoulder. "What's the deal with that roar?" "That's our target, Kane. We'll all need to work together to take that Hell-spawned shitstorm on." "As long as I don't have to kneecap the lioness and drag her to CFB Vernon, go ahead. Ezlen, Ruskie, take point." He handed her the PKM and the extra belts he had. "What's your name anyway?" "Cleo." "Heard of someone by that name from a Yvette Novak." "Horst, less talk. More vigilance." "Sorry..."

Kane and Horst went to their close-quarter arms as Kane removed the bayonet from his rifle- He'd catch it on the conduits and doorframes. As they advanced towards what seemed to be a cache, they heard a loud clanging, almost as if something huge had hit a grate. It echoed through the concrete building, making it hard to tell where it came from. They still pressed on.

A few rooms had bodies laying in them, mostly headless and with pistols in their hands, as if they had committed suicide. Kane, Horst and Ezlen immediately put on their masks, to protect their faces from whatever zombie plague this was. "What are you doing?" "Not taking chances. Carelessness is death." Cleo scoffed as they encountered a few zombies, with her gunning them down with sheer force of firepower. In response, another loud clang came up, and Kane turned around to find a zombie about to grab him. So he ducked and whacked the zombie over the head with his boot, sending the zombie back, and drawing his pistol, firing one shot into its head. Behind them, he then saw, was another six- And without lookoing, he fired another six shots and got six headshots. "...Not bad." "I practice shooting every chance I get... And I get a lot."


There was another door, seemingly A-Bomb proof, and before them was a twelve-foot-tall, half-dead-looking thing in a tank, with an air mask over its face, the tube poking out like a snorkel. It was very lupine in shape, almost like a giant feral wolf- And its eyes opened and stared at him. Immediately, Kane froze in place while the creature apparently triggered his ability to read his own DNA as data.

"Come, my decendant... Join me in the shared blood of the wolf... Do not resist me-" Immediately, Ezlen grabbed Kane's shoulder with a mild shock. The shock drew him back to reality as he heard a huge volume of gunfire. "Ow!" "That's an enemy you're staring emptily at!" "That creature triggered my Y-Chromosome reading..." "Interesting. You'll get your pound of flesh, then, after we KILL THIS FUCKING THING!" Horst aimed his PPSh-41 at the creature's tank and started hosing the glass down with gunfire.

Kane grabbed his AK Draco and immediately loaded it, aiming for the eyes. The lioness seemed to be putting hundreds of rounds into it, and the wounds simply healed over, almost as if this thing had sanguinite in its blood. Its eyes started glowing, like its front legs, as it swiped at Kane. He dodged the two-ton paw and grabbed onto it, climbingf up the arm as the creature tried to shake him off, to no avail. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "Keep firing!" Ezlen shouted as Kane grabbed his bayonet and mounted it on his Lee-Enfield, then leaned over to stab the whole thing into the giant creature's eyes as it kept being peppered with gunfire. A horrifying roar came out, as Kane then went back, and stabbed the creature hard in the spinal cord. With not much other resistance, the now-quadraplegic monster crashed to the ground.


"And we'll need a big, huge tank for that brain, to get it back to the laboratory." "Yeah, hold on, I'll handle it." Kane went to mop up and handle the brain, while Jess entered the room. "Hey, Cleo?" "Hm?" "Thanks for helping out my comrades. If you want to join us, I'd be quite happy to-" "No. I work alone."

And with that, Cleo took her leave.

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