Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zombie Aopc-Fur-Lypse

(A reader-driven character-based story for So Furry)

What would you do if the world as you know it started to change? We're not talking subtle changes... we're talking the apocalypse... a zombie apocalypse! This isn't just an average, run of the mill zombie apocalypse... oh no... this is a FURRY ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. This is a horror movie done book-style with a good amount of action, some sex (m/f, m/m/ f/f... who's to say?), a whole lot of horror-movie humor, and a lot-- I mean a LOT of zombies.

This isn't just any story... oh no... in THIS story, the readers are the characters-- or, at least, a character they create is. And this isn't just a single story-- this is actually going to be a complilation of SIX stories going simultaneously, all with different characters, a different plot, and different actions taken; the one thing that is consistent though, is that it's a FURRY ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!-- or Apoc-Fur-lypse for short.

So what does this mean for all of you? This is your chance to get into a story and kick some furry zombie butt! Over the course of the next few weeks I will be accepting "character applications". This is your chance to add a character to one of the three storylines available to So Furry (I said six, yes, but that's because there are also three storylines that will be happening simultaneously over at Fur Affinity!). Just remember: this IS an apoc-fur-lypse, so there is no guarantee your character will survive-- don't submit for entry if you have a problem with that.

Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty so every interested party can understand how this story/game works. Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse follows the stories of six different bands of people who are not zombies, but are surrounded by zombies. Yea, it's a little overdone plot device and yes, I know it's a little light on description, but why give away the whole plot in just the 'advertisement'? These six groups will be trying to stay alive in their distinct locations using anything and everything at their disposal. Hopefully you'll be in a group with some folks who know how to survive... or at least someone packing a huge frickin' gun!

Each character submitted to the story/game is submitted by you folks. I won't accept all characters, and it's a lengthy and complicated elimination effort on my part to select ones that'll work "just right" in a storyline. There are some things that can really boost your chances to be included and some things that'll decrease your chances; I'm the final say-so, but there's nothing wrong with gathering your own cheering section. Posting a pic (or a commission) of your character with this story in line can increase your chances, and/or posting a short story about your character's background and where s/he was on the day it all went down can also give you a step in the right direction.

In a few days I will post a 'character sheet' outline along with 6 completed characters; one non-player character for each group. The already completed characters will give you an idea of what to expect and how a character sheet will look. Since this is an apoc-fur-lypse and not D&D, and because this is a player-character-driven-storyline and not a roleplaying game, character sheets will be devoid of the mundane and overdone statistics of things like Strength" and "Intelligence". Instead, the IMPORTANT attributes/skills will be the pivotal focus... things like "Urban Survival", "Combat", "Will to Live", "Know-How", and "Athletics". These are broad-scope descriptors for characters and can help our intrepid bands of still-living protagonists from becoming living-again footnotes.

So start thinking up your character concepts. I'll have the guidelines for character submission up soon along with the sample characters you'll be 'meeting' in the story. Don't submit anything TOO soon, or you'll lose some important information when I unveil the character creation policy and show you how to add some major flavor to the meyhem that will soon begin.

Your objective is to create a character that'll get applauds from the other readers whether you survive two days or right through the end... and no, I can make no guarantees or promises that you will survive; if you have a problem with that, then don't submit a character. You can earn 'plot points' in ways that will be discussed in future postings. The 'plot points' can earn you a more central role, a longer survival rate (or a more spectacular death), and bragging rights. I look forward to filling up the groups with some eager reader-players! Until then, stay safe, keep supplied, and aim for the heads.

If you have questions, I'll be happy to take them. Please post here in comments so everyone can see what questions have been asked/answered. You may reply with an intent to join, but I won't be taking submissions for characters yet-- that'll be the next post.

There will be zombies. There will be violence. There will be death. There will be slaughter. There will be destruction. There might be sex. Also check in for the possibility of Mountain Dew and horror movie humor.


(edit:) You can now go to http://sofurry.com/page/131851 and see the character submission guidelines!

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