Mountain Climbing

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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Mountain Climbing

A blond haired amazon in pink and black chain mail armor, cut to enhance her figure but in no way a bikini, strides up a dirt road through a mountain forest glade. In her hands is a forked sword-spear with serrated blades that she is currently using as a hiking stick as well as a potential defense weapons. She makes her way along the road with confidence in her stride even as her head constantly scans the road ahead and to either side for potential trouble.

Unseen eyes follow her progress and tittering laugher can occasionally be heard from somewhere in forest itself. The sun starting its descent and soon darkness will arise making further travel unsafe and unwise. Her pace becomes more hurried to find a suitable place to stop for the night when the road ends at a breathtaking waterfall feeding a colossal lake of crystal blue waters.

The only sign of habitation is from the island on the lake itself as there seems to be a wooden fortress dominating its features. A series of rafts that look they are moored in place somehow are the only way onto the island barring taking a swim. Despite how inviting the waters look the warrior woman takes a moment to survey the area when what looks like the skull of a giant surfaces that has tentacles, antennae and eye stalks in it surfaces briefly before submerging once more.

"Calm yourself, Gryzelda," the amazon tells herself, "That was just a trick of the light. Lake monsters are usually long necked paddle beasts, let's just get to the fort and see if we can room for the night."

Steeling herself against possible attacks, Gryzelda jumps from raft to raft until she reaches the ladder leading up to the entrance platform of the fortress. As she begins to climb she becomes aware that the fort is inhabited as a black furred humanoid grizzly stands at the top of the platform and aims his bow directly at her. He is armored in the black and green armor of a ranger that combines leather and chain to form good protection against most attacks.

"Not so fast, human," the ursyn ranger growls to Gryzelda, "I'm Kodyax, ranger of the region and Sheriff until they send a replacement. Just who are you and what is your business in these parts?"

"I am Gryzelda, a magenary seeking to join the Order of the Valkyrie whose main chapter house is somewhere here in the Starfall mountain range." Gryzelda explains as she gets ready to quickly cast a defensive spell. "Please let me in before the sun sets. I promise to be on my way in the morning. I saw a Kraniak surface; I'd rather have higher ground if it decides..."

"Arrow of Donar's Anger!" Kodyax shouts before firing his arrow that crackles with electricity when it leaves his bow.

Gryzelda gets up a shield spell only to find she is not the target. "Nice shot," she remarks as the ranger scores a direct hit on the monster she saw earlier. "Can I come up now?"

"Hurry," Kodyax orders, "I know by the Morrigan's tits I didn't kill the fucker."

"Thank you," Gryzelda says and scurries up the ladder to join the ursyn and takes out her partisan again. She points it at the water as the kraniak begins to surface and yells: "Lightning Lance!" At which point a bolt of lightning arcs forth to strike the monster.

"Still not dead," Kodyax remarks, "but that took some of the belligerence out him to be sure." Then he looks at her directly. "I just finished making meatballs and noodles with tomato gravy for supper; you're welcome to some if you choose."

With that he turns and walks into the fortress proper but leaves the door open for her to follow. Grateful to have a place to sleep for the night, Gryzelda follows. As it turns out, the bear man and the amazon are the only adventurer types present as a family of Halflings serve dinner in the observation tower.

Lake fish is the fare served with mountain berry wine made locally of course. The Order of the Valkyrie sends a ferry to this outpost once a month for supplies and news of any prospects Gryzelda learns but that was before the kraniak came. According to Kodyax the thing just showed up one morning and attacked a ferry and that was three months ago.

"Do you suppose the League of Xenophon sent it?" Gryzelda asks.

"A possibility," Kodyax concedes. "They've long had their feud with the Valkyries. I know I've killed more than a few malyx around here this past year."

"The League has extensive dealings with those things I know," Gryzelda says. "I shudder to think what would happen if they got more than a foothold in our world."

"It's not so much the Malyx you have to worry about," Kodyax informs, "But their dark masters. I've heard dark whispers I dare not repeat. But rest assured while there are those to oppose them those that slumber in the eternal night shall not awaken."

"Hold back the night?" Gryzelda asks. "You're a Keeper of the Shadow Gates?"

Kodyax merely shrugs his shoulders.

"Is there a Gate to the Eternal Night here?" Gryzelda asks in all seriousness. "I hear the Falling Stars are attempts by aspects of the sleepers to rouse themselves."

"I've heard the rumor as well," Kodyax admits. "Looks like we're in for a star shower tonight."

Shooting stars start to fall as the sky darkens to early evening. A meteor looks like it will hit the fort but a field of crackling blue energy forms a mystical shield on which the flaming boulder just bounces off. The kraniak is not as lucky as a meteor crashes down on its skull portion to crack it open.

. A nightmare rises from the remains of the kraniak that starts out as something serpentine and gets worse as the scales mix with what looks like insect like exoskeleton. A shirt of chain mail made from the bones of other creatures hangs from could almost be considered a humanoid torso sporting a quartet of tentacle arms the terminus of each looks like it could be capable of some form of articulation. Its head is the most jarring being a natural helmet of sorts made of chitin with a trio of conical spikes on top of its head and either side plus mandibles from some bug and a single huge compound eye dominating its face.

Kodyax grabs his bow and takes a quick but careful aim at the malyx as it rises from the kraniak. One shot is all it takes to put the thing down as the bear utters a dire curse against all things unnatural. The victory is short lived as another takes its place.

Sickly green runes of an alien language dance around its head before small crosses of the same nauseating hue as the runes launch forth and rip into Kodyax. Hurt but not critically, Kody hits this one with an arrow as well that drops it just as swift and sure as its companion. Grizelda takes out a flask of alchemist's fire, adds some sulfur and brimstone to its contents, draws a mystical rune on the glass and shakes it up before tossing it at the kraniak yelling: "Fire Bomb!"

When the flask lands inside the kraniak it causes an explosion that ignites its contents. The kraniak sinks beneath the waves never to surface again. Kodyax looks over at her, smiles and gives her an appreciative nod.

"Nice spell use," Kodyax says as he nods to her.

"Thanks," Gryzelda says with a smile, "Do you think that stunt will help garner a place among the Valkyries?"

"It just might," Kodyax says. "I suppose if I wrote a report the right way."

"They value your opinion?" Gryzelda asks with some skepticism. "I had an invitation from Lady Yagra but that was before she fell..."

"Her recommendation might have been passed on," Kodyax says to give her some hope; "I'm a ranger of the Greenery. The Valkyries respect Donar as a storm god but not so much the Morrigan. So my opinion hold limited weight. Plus there is a gender and species issue."

"They don't discriminate against the beast folk," Gryzelda states emphatically, "I know there is at least one lop and a kaenyd among them."

"True, but it's harder for my kind even if they are among the correct gender," Kodyax says. "But I do have some experience so that helps them take me seriously when I report on deeds such as yours."

"I can make it worth your while," Gryzelda promises as she caresses his cheek.

"Are you not concerned for your reputation?" Kodyax asks point blank.

"I'm a magenary, I already have a reputation," Gryzelda counters. "And it's been awhile since I had a good night of fun."

Kodyax writes a letter of recommendation for Gryzelda as she gets ready for bed as his armor was already half off when he got hit by the spell of the malyx. When he finishes he ties the message to a ravenhawk, a large hawk whose plumages is predominately black with red highlights, and sends it to Valkyrie Keep further up the mountain range. Finally he strips the rest of his armor and lays it out for tomorrow and walks into his bedchamber to find Gryzelda lying on his bed with a nervous smile on her face.

Despite the fact she has done this hundreds of times in the past to secure contracts and other things she wanted, Gryzelda is still nervous about this decision. She's never actually slept with any beast folk, let alone an ursyn. The fact that she respects and admires the mundane animal his specific species is based on only complicates matters.

Bestiality is not something she ever considered as a fetish to pursue. Gryzelda has slept with both men and women of numerous species and creeds, sometimes for her gender it was the only way to get ahead. Kodyax in the buff both puts her at ease and makes her even nervous as he looks like he actually knows what to do when it came to a female like her.

Gryzelda's mixed feelings puts out a kind of heat pheromone that mixes with Kodyax's own magically enhanced pheromones to make things even more intense. Of course a human's nose is less sensitive than a beast folk's but even she is affected by the spell the ranger cast on himself as he finished getting undressed. The fact that Gryzelda is fully on and receptive to him sexually is a foregone conclusion as Kody starts off by fondling her breasts.

In spite of her, Gryzelda moans in pleasure, especially when he licks and suckles at her tits. Lesbians who got into her panties were more prone to attending her breasts than men and even most men would just give a few licks and a second of suckling before moving on. Even as he rubs the tip of his cock against her clitoris Kodyax still loves her rack with his muzzle which makes her want to suck him off as she reaches for his member.

She strokes his phallus carefully, affectionately, enjoying the feel of it in her hands as he continues to attend her bosom. His invasion of her labia is slow and deliberate and while he tries to continue to attend her breasts they bob and weave too much as he enters her to do much more than lick them occasionally. Gryzelda wraps her legs around Kodyax's waist to help him drive his member deeper within her.

A smile plays on Gryzleda's face as she thinks on the old tale she heard about a girl called Goldilocks and how she encountered some bears and mentally giggles as in a way she is playing out that same story but with only one bear and the outcome will be one that is satisfactory to both sides or so she hopes. She knows she is having fun and judging from the smile on his muzzle he is too. For him that fact is that he has a beautiful woman wrapping her legs around his waist while he is pounding her pussy with his prick at her insistence is evidence enough that he is having a good time.

Kodyax manages to get up a second load to deposit in the human before they both pass out from sexual exhaustion. Both bear and human slumber with smiles on their faces as the sun sets and the moon rises. After answering the call of nature, Kodyax looks out his window with a dreamy look on his face.

However, when the moon "blinks" and then looks down at him like a huge eyeball in the sky he shakes his head in wild wonderment. A second look at the moon proves less jarring as the longer glance at the white orb in the sky proves fruitless in experience a repeat performance of blinking. Kodyax shakes his head and tell himself he was still dreaming and that the encounter with the malyx earlier is still on his mind apparently.

On a table near the window sits his journal that he decides to record this event in. He knows damn well his druid superiors periodically read them and for this instance he hopes it's sooner rather than later. Before returning to Gryzelda he looks out again and sees three ferret folk with crossbows on patrol and nods to them as he knows they are a trio of rogues assigned to him as aides and spies, both for his benefit and those of his superiors, Kody has no doubts about that but they are mildly useful to him so he tolerates their presence; knowing that what they report will hopefully be the truth as he does his best to be on the up and up.

The Stooge brothers smile and wave to their boss, and to them he is their superior. The moon briefly turning into an eyeball was weird and they agree to discuss it with him in the morning as well put it on their nightly report. They know Kody dealt with the malyx earlier so for right now, they are extra vigilant since they know those things are trouble.

"Yo boss!" Moe Stooge the eldest of the three with his dark hair in a bowl cut calls to Kodyax. "Did you see that weird moon last night?"

"What do you mean, Moe?" Kody asks guardedly. "I saw what I thought was a hallucination last night."

"You saw the moon blink and turn into an eyeball right?" Shemp the middle brother who parts his hair down the middle asks.

"All three of you saw it too?" Kodyax asks and gets a set of nodding in triplicate. "Maybe that wasn't a waking dream after all."

"Do you think it might have something to do with the malyx attack yesterday?" Larry, the youngest whose hair is in wings on either side of his head, inquires.

"More than likely," Kodyax confirms. "The very presence of the malyx poisons reality itself around them for days after death when they aren't working to permanently alter the locality into something out of a wizard's drug induced nightmare."

"Are the malyx really that powerful?" Gryzelda asks as she joins Kody and his deputies at the breakfast table.

"Individually they're not all that powerful," Kodyax ascertains. "But as a collective they can be pretty potent." He looks over at the ferrets. "That reminds me, I want you three and everyone else on high alert. I get the sneaking suspicion there's a cult of them around here somewheres."

"But I though we destroyed them with that...boat?" Gryzelda reasons somewhat for her own piece of mind.

"The kraniak was just their attempt to take some overt control of the region," Kodyax counters, "The question becomes where are they lairing? If they are getting that bold they must have numbers."

"What are you basing that off of?" Gryzelda asks.

"I've faced an invasion of them before," Kodyx explains, "I also took some time to study them at Castle Libram a ways back."

"They let you into Castle Libram?" Gryzelda inquires incredulously. "I've been trying to take a tour of the place for months!"

"One of the perks of working for the Druid Council," Kodays says with a smirk, "Plus I submitted my own treatise on aberrations including the malyx. I have a set of monster hunter books in there."

"A ranger has written a series of monster hunter books," Gryzelda says with a smirk. "Why am I not surprised? Anything specifically on the malyx themselves?"

"Not yet, but I am sort of working on that off and on." Kodyax states, "I have more to do here than just track down leads on where they might be nesting."

"Say, boss," Moe suggests, "you think the caverns under the falls where the ferry emerges might be worth poking around in?"

"Moses, I think you may have something there," Kodyax says in speculation. "I'll need to send in a notification that I'll be down there so I don't have the Valkyries treating me like an invader but it's an avenue worth pursuing."

A silvery scaled small scale dragon flies into the breakfast area before morphing into a silver haired magic knight of advanced age but no less beautiful than she was in her younger years.

"Well, this will save me some ink," Kodyax says with a smirk as he nods to the Matron of the Order of the Valkyrie. "What do I owe the honor Lady Rebecca?"

"I came after I read and fully comprehended your missive, Kody," Lady Rebecca says with a smile. "We've had to expend more resources these past few months than I care to think about. All on account of the malyx of which you are something of an expert."

"I have been accused of knowing a bit about them yes," Kodyax returns flippantly.

"Don't joke, Sheriff," Rebecca warns. "I've checked with the Council about how much you know about the things."

"Things is putting it mildly, milady, but I know what you are getting at." Kodyax says in all seriousness. "My deputy made an interesting point that there could be a nest in the very mountain your order takes roost. I need to gather some supplies but in a day or so I'll be doing some exploring. All I ask is that you tell your women to expect me so I don't get shot at."

"Understood," Rebecca says. "I will let the Order know we are expected a male on our mountain. As a representative of the Druid Council, an inspection is your right. But since I know you're looking for something we might have missed, I'll feel better and tell my ladies not to molest you. At least not in an unpleasant manner." She then turns to Gryzelda. "You are the magenery that wishes to join us?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Gryzelda answers honestly.

"Short and to the point," Rebecca says with a smile. "I look forward to seeing you try out. It's been a while since any applicant qualified. A ferry should arrive tomorrow. I will let Lorelei know that she will be taking both of you with her back to StarfallMountain."

With that utterance proclaimed, Lady Rebecca turns back into a dragon and flies home. Once she lands and transforms back into her normal form at Valhalla Castle Rebecca finds Lorelei waiting for her. The gray furred rabbit woman bows to her superior.

"Welcome home, Mother Superior," Lorelei says and nods her head to her superior. "I take it your meeting with the ranger went well?"

"Quite well, Lore," Rebecca says with a smile. "We have a new applicant to test. Is the ferry ready to sail?"

"I can go tonight if you wish," Lorelei says as she looks up at her superior, which she is accustomed to doing as her head comes to the a human male's groin naturally, "I know Kody will glad to see me."

"Not as happy as you might hope, my dear," Rebecca coos. "I think the magenery may have had a rest stop in his chambers."

"The bear can't have two?" Lorelei challenges mockingly. "What species will I be expecting?"

"A blond human female, Lore," Rebecca states, "but I can very much believe her to be a magenery, she looks positively and sensually amazon."

"Lucky bear," Lore says.

"Oh, and while you're bringing Gryzelda over for testing, Kodyax will be coming with," Rebecca states.

"Did you tell him we've been spotting malyx lately?" Lorelei asks.

"No, the outpost had an attack as well," Rebecca explains. "He's going hunting in the catacombs."

"I see," Lorelei sees with a nod. "I will wish him good hunting then. Some of our sisters are positively traumatized by what they've seen."

"I know that full well," Rebecca states. "There is no shame in bringing in outside experts who know what they are doing. And Kodyax knows what he is doing in spades. I have seen the records the Druid Council keeps of him."

"Begging your pardon, my lady, "Lorelei says as she follows her Mistress into her bedchambers. "But your have just records, I have seen him in action."

"Yes, you have how absent minded of me,"Rebecca says, "attend me and tell me what you know."

"Gladly, my lady," Lorelei replies as she helps Rebecca out of her armor, "I must ask, how much do you know of the malyx?"

"I know they are strange monsters with strange powers," Rebecca admits. "I have never encountered one outside of some of the scouting reports and the ramblings of our sisters undergoing a rebuilding of their minds."

"The fact that our sisters had their minds raped as well as their bodies must be emphasized here, milady," Lorelei states. "I escorted Kodyax as he took a look at the Citadel of Stone in the lake near OutpostIsland. Several of our sisters were missing and we had assumed the worst if you will recall."

"Yes," Rebecca manages to say through her shuddering.

"It was never fully finished before the Citadel itself was abandoned but there was a general temple within the Citadel that had yet to be consecrated, at least not to any deity we consider wholesome." Lorelei explains as she gropes the human's groin after removing the armor that protects that region. "We found the surviving sisters there, being molested while awaiting their turn at the altar. Somehow they had remade the altar into some fiendish contraption to conduct human sacrifice to entities I had never seen before. Tapestries of madness hung from those walls as a kind of chanting rang throughout the chamber." Lorelei has to stop and compose herself before continuing. "I have no idea what elder gods were being entreated that day but the sense of dread was truly oppressive. Before we had the opportunity to intervene, it slaughtered on sister, impaling her naked body with what looked like a hundred stone tentacles that were arrayed around the altar like the petals of some alien spider flower. The corpse was then flung into a corner like so much refuse and they marched another sister to the altar to join her sister in death."

"We burned those tapestries after the incident," Rebecca growls.

"Yes, my lady," Lorelei says as she strokes the human matron to soothe her. "But you should have seen how methodical Kodyax was in killing them. I helped the survivors escape but I had to leave the fighting to him. He fought like a male possessed. Even when he invoked that symbol of nature's fury before charging in with his forked sword spear the gleam in his eye was one I usually only see in raging barbarians."

"He has that much rancor in his heart for them?" Rebecca asks.

"Aye, Mother Superior," Lorelei admits. "I knew I could concentrate on rescuing my sisters, as the monsters would be too busy dealing with the bear to deal with me."

"He is also a priest of Donar and the Morrigan is he not?" Rebecca asks.

"Those deities do not accept priests, milady," Lorelei responds. "Only Druids, Rangers and Witches may call upon them and expect an answer to their prayers. But I get your meaning and yes, as a Ranger he serves that model of marriage in deific forms."

"How did the malyx react to his invoking of their sacred seal?" Rebecca inquires.

"The malyx did something I had yet to hear of them doing before and I have yet to witness it since," Lorelei says plainly, "I have witnessed clerics whose sacred power was palatable to a insensitive fighter like me, and the malyx just laughed at them as they held forth their holy symbols and shouted their phrases of righteous wrath. But before Kodyax and the power of Nature's Emblem drawn and sustained in the very air by his faith, the malyx cowered. It hung in the air as he fought and weakened them somehow. It was a thing of terrible beauty but I felt no danger to myself from it. As if I could tell that the wrath of nature itself was directed against the monsters around me but not at me."

"And does he invoke that sign for every hunt?" Rebecca asks as she gropes Lorelei's breasts.

"Not every hunt," Lorelei says through a moan as she allows her superior to undress her and pull her into bed with her. "I think he said there were enough of them to merit burning the spell."

Rebecca fingers Lorelei's slit as she licks her tits. Lorelei squirms with pleasure just as she knows Rebecca wants and while it feels good, there is something else she is wishing for where superior's hand is. Once she gets the opportunity, Lorelei services Rebecca in a manner that will put her to sleep as she rubs her feet on her mons with great abandon while suckling at the human female's tits.

Lorelei massages Rebecca's clitoris between the toes of her one foot while the other massages the lips of the human's labia. Rebecca moans as Lorelei attends her. Exhausted from all the activity, Rebecca nods off for a brief nap, cuddling Lorelei like a plush toy. The rabbit woman shakes her head as she has other things to do than lie in bed but extricating herself is going to prove difficult as she will need to do so without waking Rebecca.

"Comfy, Lore?" A gray furred wolf bitch in light armor asks of the rabbit.

"Yeah, but I got work to do, Olga," Lorelei says. "Help me out?"

"Sure," Olga returns and gets a large pillow to substitute for Lorelei. "What tuckered our fearless leader out?"

"She went to have a talk with Kody about his note," Lore states. "She used her dragon form to make the trip."

"That was quick," Olga says as they make the switch. "But then again, Becky is androphobic so isn't that surprising."

"She's been that way for as long as I've been with the Order," Lore says before giving Olga a kiss.

"Curb your enthusiasm, bunny, save it for the bear," Olga says as Lore gets dressed. "Unlike Fearless Leader, I prefer males."

"I do too actually," Lorelei states, "I just get roped into lullaby duty more often than not. I want to make sure the ferry is working well enough to make the trip."

"It's been awhile hasn't it?" Olga teases. "Becca likes you a lot you know."

"I know," Lorelei says with a heavy sigh. "I just do other females because I have and our order is pretty much Amazonian."

"Tell me about it," Olga gripes as they walk down the stair well. "Our leader is firmly a lesbian and begrudges any of us that manages to maintain any positive relationship with a male."

"You know it," Lorelei says in agreement, "I don't get to visit Kody as much as I'd like. And our new recruit is a magenery. She may have ridden him already."

"What is it with you and that bear anyway? My lover is a male of my own species..." Olga inquires.

"Don't knock till you've tried it, Olga," Lorelei playfully scolds. "Besides I have yet to meet a male of my species I'd actually want to knock me up."

The pair chuckle as they make their way to a ferry boat with a paddle wheel to push it through the water. They stop at a platform above it as a lone malyx is swimming around the vessel to examine it. The two women fire crossbows that kill it instantly.

Lorelei goes over the boat from stem to stern and finds all is as it should be. Now the rabbit is really glad to pick up the bear and see if he can find something the malyx did that she can't see. Olga tells Lorelei she's being paranoid but this does little to put her mind at ease.

"I know better, Olga," Lorelei states grimly. "For all I know the damn thing put a curse rune on my boat."

"The engine is ready to go apparently," Olga states as she stands over a contraption of alchemy construction. "But you know more about how this thing works. You built it, after all."

"Yeah, this is my baby," Lorelei says proudly. "I'm going to leave for OutpostIsland now. You can explain that to Becca, right?"

"Yeah, can do," Olga smirks. "Have fun bear riding!"

It takes the better part of an hour to pilot the ferry through the twist and turns of the catacombs to get to the outer cave behind the waterfall. But it only takes a half an hour to travel through the waterfall to OutpostIsland. Kodyax and Gryzelda are waiting for her on the docks.

"Hi, Lore! I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow." Kodyax states and then introduces Gryzelda: "This is Gryzelda who wants to join your order."

"Strong without being overly muscular," Lorelei quips as she assesses the human. "I can see Mother Superior is going to have fun with you."

"What kind of fun?" Gryzelda demands to know as she leans on the bear. "I prefer males to females."

"But you have little problem sleeping with another female," Lorelei challenges to which Gryzelda shamefully nods. "I didn't anything mean by that, Zelda, it's just Rebecca is a full on lesbian."

"So I wasn't hallucinating when I thought she was checking me out," Gryzelda grumbles.

"I told you," Kody coos. "How soon can we leave? I want to check out those catacombs."

"I have a favor to ask, Kody," Lorelei inquires. "Olga and I killed a malyx that was checking out my boat, would you do a check to see if it did anything?"

"Sure, let me inspect under the boat first," Kodyax says as he dives under the waves.

"I really do want him to check out the boat but while he's busy, I want to talk to you, girl," Lorelei states. "I like fucking the bear, did you...?"

"I had never done one of your kind before I came here," Gryzelda answers honestly, "But I did sleep with Kodyax." She then gets closer to the rabbit. "The truth is, I liked it. Could we...take turns?"

"Ever cooperate with another female on a male?" Lorelei asks.

"Once or twice," Lorelei admits. "I helped an elf with a dwarf once. You want us both to do the bear?" Lore just nods. "Well...he is big enough to share..."

The pair shares a conspiratorial glance as Kodyax surfaces.

"I saw the start of something," Kody says, "But it was interrupted, probably by the thing getting killed. I'm not sure what it might have been since it was still in the beginnings of being formed. The ferry will need to be dry docked to remove the tracings but it's no risk to the buoyancy now."

"Good," Lorelei says as the sun starts to set, "It's a little late to head back, shall we have something to eat and then retire till morning?"

"You've missed me between your legs haven't you?" Kodyax asks with a smirk to which Lorelei just gives a smirk. "I know that look, Rebecca use you as a plush toy again before coming out?"

"Yeah," Lorelei sighs then looks at Zelda. "She likes to play with new recruits, Zelda, fair warning."

"Wouldn't be the first time I've done this," Zelda says with a sigh. "I just hope my spellcasting will make more valuable as a frontline or middle line warrior than someone to cuddle with after the battle is over."

"Honey, I'm an Alchemist," Lorelei states. "I make special stuff for the Order as part of how I earn my keep so to speak." She takes them both by the hand to the tavern. "I need something to eat, what's on tap?"

"I took down a megaloceras today for the special meat," Kody says, "so we should have something good."

"Well, I'm a vegetarian more often than not," Lorelei says with a lustful smirk. "I only eat meat in one form..."

"Why am I not surprised?" Gryzleda mockingly asks while giggling.

Kodyax just face palms and moves them into the dining area looking over the lake. A steel gray feathered raven flies in and up into the rafters. Only Gryzelda takes little notice of the raven but the two beast folk pretend not to notice.

While the bear and Amazon dine on venison the rabbit eats carrots and potatoes and other vegetables under the baleful glare of the raven. Tiki torches alight as the trio eats in relative silence. Once they finish they make a move to Kodyax's quarters when the raven caws angrily before flying off.

Gryzelda finds the bird's behavior but thinks nothing of it as Lorelei sighs and hangs her in shame briefly before they enter his chambers. Lorelei informs Gryzelda at her prompting that the raven was Lady Rebecca in disguise. Kodyax hugs Lorelei as he knows the rabbit is in for a tongue lashing from her superior when she gets back.

Lorelei blinks and her armor teleports off her body and into a neat pile on the floor. Gryzleda stares in disbelief as Lorelei giggles and Kodyax just rolls his eyes as this trick of Lore's has already gotten old with him. Kodyax undresses himself the old fashioned way although Lorelei insists on helping with his pants, for no other reason than so she can lick his scrotum faster.

Kodyax moans in pleasure as Lorelei starts on him with an abandon even more reckless than she usually operates as Gryzelda give her a weird look. The bunny starts suckling bear cock as soon as it gets firm with a level of detail in her attention bordering on outright worship. Gryzelda starts to giggle at the rabbit's enthusiasm and gets fingers shoved into her labia for her amusement as the bear starts licking and suckling at her tits.

As soon as he is hard enough to penetrate her folds, Lorelei impales herself along his length as if she desperately wanted and needed his invasion. Gryzelda presses her own rack into Lore's back so she can knead and play with the rabbit's bosom for the bear's benefit. Lorelei smiles as she's played with and wiggles her own stubby tail to tickle the human's clitoris.

Gryzelda giggles from the stimulation as she reaches down to massage Kody's scrotum as the bear just moans and reaches for the human's leg. While Lorelei rides Kody's pole the bear licks at Zelda's vagina. Lorelei collapses with a smile on her muzzle when she milks Kody's phallus for all the semen he had and looks up at her with gratitude for what she just did and the opportunity to do it.

Lorelei crawls off Kody's cock and almost falls asleep once she does so and sighs in contentment. The rabbit knows her superior is going to verbally tear her apart later but right now she really doesn't care. Her only wish at this point is that they weren't so different in species that she could bear him cubs.

The human strokes the bear's penis after the bunny extricated herself from its fastness and is somewhat reward with some semen that did not get squirted in her womb although there isn't much left. With a smirk on her face, Gryzelda builds the mountain back up so she can climb it again much the Kodyax's amusement. Lorelei has her own tits licked by Kodyax as Gryzelda gets his phallus up to snuff for her invasion.

Kodyax is still snacking on Lorelei's bosom when Gryzelda starts stuffing his shaft in her crevasse. He likes eating a girl out as well but Lore's snatch is filled with his own cum so that action is really not an option and she knows it. While Gryzelda grinds her hips with Kodyax with more confidence than last night she finds herself enjoying the act even more this time.

As Kodyax climaxes again for Gryzelda's benefit, he begins to tire. The two females exchange a look and nuzzle his chest from either side of him as if to non-verbally suggest they drift off to dreamland as a group; a suggestion the bear at this point is thoroughly in agreement upon. While they sleep with Lorelei splayed out on his chest and Gryzelda hugging the bear and the bunny Lady Rebecca in raven form watches from the rafter; weeping a little even as she seethes with jealousy for Kodyax.

When the morning dawns, Lady Rebecca is back at ValhallaCastle gazing into a crystal ball as three figures board Lorelei's boat. One of them is too big to be anyone but Kodyax as the smallest ducks below, presumably to operate the arcane machinery that powers the boat. The bear tends the keel as the boat as it turns around in the deep lake and heads back to the mountain.

Both Kodyax and Gryzelda carry forked spear-swords, for similar reasons. Kodyax prefers a pole arm to a bow all things considered but a bow often times more practical. Gryzelda wields the short pole arm as it was something she was first taught as a focus for some of her spells and has carried that mind set forward throughout her career.

The choice in weaponry proves fortuitous soon enough as some of the stalactites start to move with apparent purpose. But once they are noticed moving the shadow mantles are recognizes for what they are by both occupants on top of the boat. A few swoop down to try and attack the pair but are sliced in twain before they reach their intended targets.

With the death of a few of their fellows the other shadow mantles decide to stay where they are rather that try to make a meal of the two invaders. At one of the turns a stalagmite animates and tries to attack the pair with stony tentacles but is easily repulsed and Gryzelda has to restrain Kodyax from going after the monster further as they move beyond its reach. Once they reach the entrance platform several Valkyries are already here talking among them; they lazily watch the arrivals noting the male especially and once Lorelei re-emerges they disembark.

A dark skinned human female among the Valkyries looks like she is going to challenge Kodyax when a look from the bear causes her to back down as he takes a spiral stone staircase into the catacombs themselves. Lorelei and Gryzelda ascend the stairs for Gryzelda's formal induction to the rolls of applicants to the order. The ladies that had gathered on the platform forms a line behind them; a sly smirk on their faces as if each one was assessing the new arrival for various modes of fun and molest each other playful with glances to Gryzelda that makes her slightly uncomfortable and she looks to where Kodyax went and a part of her wishes she was with him as she can just imagine the hazing ritual ahead of her.

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