Riku's Revelation: Ch2 : Making Friends...

Story by Rikuto on SoFurry

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Riku's Revelation :Ch2: Making Friends...


Vekana had announced the morning after that she wanted us to meet a few of her "friends" in the car,and that sounded like fun,until she added that they always we're horny every time they met new men...Kiro looked happy when she said that,but I was a little stretched after the night before,so that may take away my interest in a good yiffing with more people.

"Well,theres a Vixen in the group...hehe.I'd think you'd love tha-"

"Whoa,whoa,whoa...Did you say vixen,as in another Vulpine?!"

"Well,duh! What else could a vixen be?"Vekana replied sarcastically.

And thats when I changed my mind.I've always wanted the taste of another fox!She did say there were other people and two males in the group,and that one of the males were into bondage.That is one of my kinks,so that male(as long as it wasnt a horse) could shackle,tie,or chain me down whenever he wanted.So Vekana continued to tell us about the friends she was gonna introduce us to.The first one,Celira,was the vixen she told us about before.She said that she was a different fox that was only into either folfs,or just any other fox but a Fennec...So I was screwed there.She was described as a Red and Black fox!Then she went on about how she was a tight pussy and was always ready for a yiffing.

"But...Im a Fennec...I cant do anything wi-"

The car came to a screeching halt.

"I can fix that.I am good with my black magic,so I can change your species in nothing flat!Does that make it better for you?"

This is where I got confused.Kiro never told me could use magic!

"K-Kiro...why didnt you tell me she could do that?" I said,clenching my fists.

"Uh,ehehe...I just wanted to see your...reaction?"

"YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS UNTIL NOW!!!!" I yelled in anger.

"Sorry... didnt know she could do that either!" KIro responded scritching the back of his head.

We got out of the car and she grabbed a book full of random incantations for different magical actions.Sounds like she was gonna change me right then and now!

"Well,do you want some of that juicy vixen I was talking about or not?I'll change you to a Folf If you want...Thats what turns her on the most!"

I was wanting folf,since she said that.

"Change me to a folf,hotness!"

She muttered a specific incantation I could not repeat easily...and then a strange,aura filled purple smoke wafted around my body.I was about to freak out,but I knew that this was part of the process.She told me to kneel down on the ground and wait for the change to take place.

"Change!" She yelled*

The smoke was inhaled into my body and my fur began to tingle in pain for a second,but I got over it...Then my body started to change into a folf's body style.5 minutes passed And I changed completely from a fennec,to a sexy 10' tall folf!

"Whoa...I look hot!"

Kiro fell on the ground,drooling.I couldnt blame him...I was pretty sexy at the moment!After that moment,Vekana pulled me to the car...and hauled ass!

"Geeze Vekana! We're not gonna be there for a whi-"

The car screeched to a halt.

"We're here!" She said happily.

We stopped at a run-down mansion.It looked awful! Shingles missing,windows broken,floorboards smashed,holes in the wall...and more.The paint was faded a dark green and black,like some sort of a childish representation of a haunted house! But...then again,thats a kinky setting for a good yiff!Especially with a cloudy day, raining, thunder crashing and lightning flashing.I looooove a good stormy night,ooh!

"This...is it?" I asked.

"Yeah...we'll tell ya about it once you meet the crew!"Vekana responded.

We walked to the porch and I fell through a weakened floorboard,and Kiro fell on the grass laughing like crazy!That jerk,but I still loved him,even if that was funny to him.Meh,Oh well.

"A little help?!" I yelled.

Vekana pulled me up,giggling.At least she didnt laugh like crazy,which was nice.

"The floorboards do that.Its an old mansion! What do ya expect! Hehe."

"Hey guys! I got some people you want to meet!"

She opened the creaky front door,then walked us in...The inside was a little better than the out,but still shitty looking.The Paint was faded the same color on the inside,walls had holes in em',but Rock music was blaring loudly in the next room.That must've been where the others were.She walked us to another door where we could hear the music blaring and opened it. It turns out there were 6 people in the group,two males,3 females,and a herm!A perfect group...

"OOH! Is that a-"A vixen yipped out.

"Yes,Cel...Its a folf.Have your "OMG" moment..." Vekana groaned.

"Oh god hes a sexy one...look at that sexy body,that hot tail,those amazing eyes..."

I blushed bright red through my fur,my tail darting quickly back and forth.

"Kiro,Riku,This is Celira..."

"Hellooooooooo Celira!" I spoke.

Celira scritched my neck,licking her lips.

"Im gonna have some reeeeeeeal good fun with you Riku...hmhmhm."She giggled.

"Cant wait for that."

A Husky walked up to us and she had a completely different fur pattern than normal.A Red and blue husky pattern,but she was a cutie.

"So,these are the guys you were talking about?"She asked.

"Yeah,they are.Guys,this is Rinati,Our goth Husky."

She definitely had the goth look down.She was wearing purple eyeliner,dog collar,boots,trenchcoat that kinda reminded me of something Sephiroth wore in Final Fantasy,but then again,thats just me sounding uber nerdcore! I noticed she had a nice bit of cleavage,C-cup.I like that,no oversized breasts.

"Well...he's a good lookin one.I'll have fun with him as well.Celira can have him first."She giggled.

Then the Herm walked up to us.She was also a husky,wearing the same thing Rinati was.She looked at me with a mischevious look.Hehe...she was a sexy one as well as Rinati was...must've been close friends...

"Ooh...Im gonna have some good fun with him too."

"This is Sira,our sexy herm husky...she just looooooves folf as much as Celira does. You'll like her!"Vekana laughed.

A wolf walked up to Kiro,scritching his neck. This one was quite a woman. Same fur pattern as him, must be the same breed as he was, even though he never told me.

"Who's the hot wolfie?"She asked.

"This is Kiro.Kiro this is Gina, our own wolf...seems like she's taken a liking to you!"

He blushed happily,knowing that she was the same breed as him.

"Murr,Looks like she's my breed.Im gonna have fun with that!"

"Lets hope you do Kiro..."Gina laughed.

Two males then walked to Kiro,One was a Snow Leopard,and the other was a Lynx.Looks like Kiro was gonna have some good fun with the two Kitties.

"These are our two sexy cats,Firo and Jora.Jora is the Lynx,Firo is the Snow Leopard."

"Ooh...I'm gonna have some good fun now!" Kiro laughed.

"Hmhm...you will."Firo said quietly.

"Oh yeeeah..."Jora said quietly as well...

Well,It seemed like we were gonna have some good fun that night.I had 2 females and a herm,and Kiro had two males and a female.This was gonna be a very gooooooooood night for me and him...We then discussed after introductions on how they got such a crappy mansion over a well cooked dinner made by Celira.Dumplings,sugar rolls,egg drop soup and freshly picked scallions from the ironically nice garden in their back yard.Who wouldve thought the climate where we were would allow such things to grow!

"So...how'd ya get the mansion?!" Kiro asked in a perky tone.

Celira started to explain.

"Well...we kinda needed a pad to chill at since we just won the lottery..."


"Well,If we saved money,we could get more necessities and stuff to repair the mansion,and we're looking for stuff to do that,but at least we have 4 beds,a shitload of video game systems,new and old,a shitload of video games for them,four 60 inch LCD tvs,and alot of food!Thats good,right?"

"Yes...it is.But another question,how do you grow such delicious vegetables in this climate?" I asked as I chewed on an carrot.

"I guess it was Vekana and her little bit of black magic!"She giggled.

"That makes sense..."

I tried a bit of their egg drop soup and felt a symphony of flavor dance around my mouth!

"Wow!Celira,you're an amazing cook!The egg drop soup is just as delicious as the dumplings!"

She blushed red through her fur...


15 minutes later,we finished the scruptious meal.Kiro suggested we wait an hour before we yiffed so we did...playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl with the girls and guys.It was pretty fun,but until Celira and Sira snuck up behind me and took me to another room...Rinati soon followed.

"Well...We have a folf on our hands girls...lets enjoy the time we have with him.And I mean...ENJOY IT!" Celira said with a devious grin on her face.

"Hehehe...Me like..." I murred out.

Rinata Ripped of her clothing,revealing a tight leather outfit only consisting of a bra,boots,and panties.The others ripped theirs off as well.I couldnt resist gawking at the three,leather clad women and herm. just imagining what they were going to do to me was giving me arousal!I staggered trying to think of what to say.


Sira put her claw on my lips...licking her own.

"Dont worry...this will be a good night for you.Just Relaaaaax..."


"Shush...dont worry.If you want to be yiffed as well,I can do that."

"That makes it better...But...I need a husky and a vixen to yiff...but where can I find them?Oh! They're right here!"

"Dont be a tease Riku, honey. We dont like that at all...it makes us...too horny.Hehehe..." Rinati giggled

"Yeah,and if you thought you liked my cooking...wait until you get a load of my sex!"Celira laughed.

I couldn't wait...I wanted that pussy now.And when I want my her sex so bad it wasnt even funny!It felt as if my cock was going to tear a hole right through my pants just looking at her!DAMN!

Sira walked pulled me to a bed and slammed me onto it.She was slid her leather lingerie off...revealing a succulent pussy,and a scrumptious member to suck on...but I knew I wouldnt be sucking it...I'd be getting fucked by it...It was at least 10 inches of pure herm goodness...murr.

"Lets get started...shall we?Girls, give him the works..." She commanded.

Sira slid under me,rubbing her thick,juicy member against my tight folf hole.While Celira crawled ontop of me...rubbing her crotch.She slid her claw into my jeans,slicing them off slowly...

"Mmh...you got such a hole Riku...I cant wait to get inside..." Sira moaned out,still rubbing her member against it.

Celira succeeded at slicing my jeans off...along with my boxers. Apparently she was eager to get a hold of my member...I couldnt deny her that request.

"Oh..such a big cock...Take me Riku...take me now..."Celira murred out as she slid her leather lingerie off.

She spread her sex open wide in a welcoming position for me...her tail flicking slowly back and forth.Then Rinati sat upon my chest...licking her lips.

"Want a taste?Hmhmhm..."She sliced off the leather lingerie off without a hitch! It was like her claw was a razor blade!

I honestly could see how this was gonna play out. Sira was gonna take me while I took Celira,while I ate out Rinati.Thats pretty hot In my book.And If getting taken by a herm Isnt in yours...you can get the fuck out! Regardless...I was already ready to taste some of Rinati's sweet sex...murr.Just couldnt wait...Gaahhhh...

"Get ready Riku..."Sira giggled.

"For wha-AAAAAAT! OH!" I yelped in pleasure as she shoved her member deep into my hole,thrusting slowly,slamming against my prostate with force.I've never felt such pleasures with Kiro,so this was much better!

"Oh gawd Riku! You're so tight! I love it!" Sira moaned out.

Focusing on more than one thing,I shoved my member deep inside Celira's sex, beginning to thrusts slowly and softly to get things moving.As I was,I began to lap gently at Rinati's Sex...enjoying the subtle taste.

"RIKU!" Celira yipped in pleasure,then began bouncing on my member,grabbing hold of her bra strap,slowly slicing at the support with but a single claw.

"Mmn...you have quite a tongue Riku...OH!"She yelped as I sucked on her clit,darting my tongue back and forth...

Right now,the moment was eternal bliss for me...so I really couldnt want anything else at the time.And thats when Sira slammed her member deep into my prostate,licking my neck,then whispering in my ear,

"You're my sexy folf...arent you...?"

I moaned out as I was eating out Rinati,

"Mmn...yes hotness..."

Celira started to bounce more quick and powerful than she was before,thinking she could get me to cum quick,but Im pretty sure It would be at least 15 minutes before that happened.That's all I wanted Rinati to do,so I stopped sucking on her clit,and shoved my tongue deep into her sex,lapping fiercely.

"Dont stop RIKU! DONT STOOOOOP!!" Rinati screamed.

I could feel Sira slamming her shaft against my prostate,making me want to cum more,but I had to make this last.I couldnt just spew one jet of my seed yet ,so I let her do the honors when she wanted to.But she started fingering herself during the process of breeding me.She must've been wanting to do that the whole time!

"Unh!Mmmmh...Riiiiiiiiiiiku..."Celira moaned out,bouncing fiercely and quickly on my member.

I stopped eating Rinati out and sliced her bra off myself,then started to suck on her mildly lactating nipples,savoring the sweet taste of her milk.She moaned in pleasure,feelng me suck like a vacuum on her tits,so she began fingering as well.I could feel a bit of pre drip from Sira's shaft,so she must've been ready to put her knot deep inside me,since it was already fully withdrawled...

"Riku...OH!Im g-g-g-gonna breed you like theres no tomorrow!Get ready for a knot!" She moaned.

I knew it!Hah,She was a quick spewer !Thats why she wanted to knot me so early! And I was beginning to enjoy her too...hmph.Celira was already spilling a bit of her love juices.I guess I could expect that from a fox...but Rinati pushed me away from her breasts and shoved my maw to her sex...

"You are gonna love my flavor...nice and sweet..."She giggled.

"Dont tell me you're gonna cum already! We've only been yiffing for 45 minutes!"

"Well...unh...I am! So get eating!"She yipped as she pushed my maw into her sex.

I couldnt refuse such a wonderous offer,so I lapped quickly and fiercely into her sex...ready for the tsunami of love juices to spray on my face,and into my mouth.I guess I had to control my cum and spray early,after they all released...which sucked,considering I like to make things last!

"Im gonna cum, Riku!" Celira murred.

I had to make this one a big one for her so,since my knot had already been fully withdrawled,I Slammed it deep inside her sex,ready for her to spill her juices...

"She's not alone Riku!" RInati moaned out.

I thrusted fast and furious into Celira,wanting a big wave of fluid.She yelled out in pleasure and bucked her hips, bouncing slowly. Then she began spilling a large amount of her liquid onto my member...murring as she did so.She panted with her tongue hanging out and pulled me out,then sucked on my member.I was all ready to cum as well...as she sucked her liquid off of my member and slid her tongue into my shaft.That triggered my cum and made me spray jet after jet of my warm,thick folf cum into her mouth,leaving ropes and ropes for her to savor and swallow.Seeing me cum, Rinati forcefully spilled a large bounty of her juices into my mouth,and all over my muzzle.Tasting the sweet,subtle flavor of her,I swallowed the delicious liquid and clenched on Sira's member...bucking my hips.

"RIIIIIIIKUUUU!!" Sira screamed in pleasure,feeling my anal walls clench upon her thick,juicy member.

She jammed her knot deep into my anus,with her shaft pressed against my prostate,she began to cum ropes of her husky seed into my inerts.The warm,thick cum sent a multitude of sensations through my body.

"Ohhhhhhhh..."She slid her member out of my ass,leaving a small rope of cum dangling from my stretched hole.The knot came out with a satisfying,"Pop!" and I murred,enjoying the cock slide out.

Celira ended the sucking and plopped down on the bed,exhausted.We all pretty much did the same thing and landed on the bed out of exaustion,pleasure,and pain.

"Oh Riku...that was sooooooo good!' Sira panted.

"Y-yeah....i-it was..." Celira agreeing panted out.

"Mmmh...such a great tongue..." Rinati murred.

I laughed and said,"Well,I may have been stretched,but I'd say I did most of the exhaustion around here,eh?"

They all nodded and curled next to me.Then we fell asleep after a meaningful conversation about mateship and how we were all right for eachother.I thought at the last moment before I fell asleep...

"I did good...I wonder how Kiro did."

Riku's Revelation: Ch1 : A Knotty Night

# Chapter 1: A Knotty Night\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "I'm...just worried if this doesn't go as planned.What if I do it wrong...or get in an uncomfortable...

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Riku's Revelation : Prologue

Riku's Revelation A gentle light glistened on Kiro's fur.To believe the bond we had between eachother would come to this.That soft,white streaked blue fur.His beautiful body,as if it were sculpted by the gods.His eyes,which could pierce through even...

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