Strength in Numbers 2 - Casey

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A young mouse wakes to a whole life full of troubles.

Part 2 of the long-dormant Strength in Numbers Series!

Strength in Numbers: Number 2 - Casey "Squeaker" Squire

Flying, soaring over everything, this was where he felt most alive. This was where he felt free! A young pure white mouse, not even five foot tall, was flying high and free, naked as a Jaybird, his relatively small, uncut shaft, and hefty, nearly comically large testicles flapping and flopping in the wind. Casey flew with no direction, no purpose, and he was in no hurry to land. The skies were clear, the ground was far away, and... wait, something was amiss. Suddenly Casey felt cold, alone, and lost. Just as suddenly, something cold and vicious wrapped itself around the base of Casey's balls, and when he looked down to see what it was, all he could see was a huge, shimmering mass of pure darkness, with a jagged red smile and evil red eyes, with a tendril wrapped around his nuts.

"Oh god! Not my balls!" Casey cried out, but his voice seemed distant and very small, almost like he'd said nothing at all.


'I've got to get away!' Casey thought, flying as hard as he could away from the black mass, but the harder he fought, the tighter the tendril's grip around his balls got.


He fought and struggled, his heart thumping rapidly in his chest.


There! The silvery mountain tops! If he could only reach them...


He was so close, the terror was real, but he'd reach paradise if it killed him!




...oh hell.

Casey's eyes shot wide open, and his mouth tried to do the same. But, as usual, his mouth was bound shut by a pair of panties. His arms and legs tried to curl in to protect him, but as usual, they too were bound, held in place by the bodies of his multitudinous sisters. Of course, the piece de resistance, his poor, helpless boy bits were on display, center stage, as his balls were tied nice and tightly to the foot of his bed by a length of shoestring. Now, his sisters were all wound up, and the ticklings commenced.

Oh god, the tickles. How he hated them.

His sides, armpits, the backs of his knees, the soles of his feet, and even his neck and the place where his legs met his crotch, all of them were helpless, unable to be defended, and being tickled mercilessly. Amid his laughter, he tried to squeal, to scream for help, to do anything but gasp desperately through his nose... but that's all he could do. His hands clawed at whatever they could reach, and his toes curled and uncurled like crazy, and his tail whipped around beneath him like it was possessed, but it was all for naught. Casey's mind reeled as the tickling continued, his eyes rolling here and there as he struggled for air, but amid the chaos of his sisters tormenting him, he did feel something else familiar; a soft, gentle hand wrapping itself around the base of his willy, and beginning to stroke it softly.

'Oh no...' Casey thought. 'Cassia is home!'

Cassia was the oldest child in the family, of some 23 years of age, and she loved nothing more in the world than when she got to help torment her little brother. Especially...


...his balls.

"NNNNGHPHHH!" Casey flailed a little and squirmed as hard as he could, because his oldest sister had just socked him in his defenseless nuts. Worse still, the tickles didn't stop, and pain or not, he was ticklish as hell and couldn't help laughing and giggling still even though his nuts were throbbing. He was dying of embarrassment too, because despite everything, his willy was starting to get hard. Cassia's expert hand was stroking and tugging at his pubescent rod like a pro, and he couldn't help thinking over all the tickling that she was proceeding quite persistently, not showing any signs of stopping.

Of course, his train of thought derailed when she squeezed his balls hard.

He squeaked and squealed, bouncing himself off the bed over and over, in hell from both ticklish 'pleasure' and horrid testicular pain. She only squeezed for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity to Casey. Even worse still, she let go... and then slammed her fist mercilessly into his aching nads again. Tears of anguish were rolling down Casey's cheeks, but even through the torture he was enduring, his little pecker stayed stiff as a post. In fact...

"GNNN... GNNUH CMMMMM!" He hollered as best he could through the laughter and gagged moans.

"Did you girls hear that? He's gonna blow!" Cassia led the chorus of giggles... and then the girls doubled down on the tickling again. Cassia also doubled down, on her stroking of his dick, making his moans and cries and laughter all that much louder.

It was close... then it fell away... then it got closer again... and then it subsided a bit again. Casey was losing his mind, clenching and thrusting his hips as best he could toward Cassia's hand. Finally, after what felt like forever, Cassia sped up, and went for broke. The other girls even backed off on the tickling, entranced as always watching their little brother being jerked off. Casey huffed and puffed, breathing heavily through both his mouth and nose, his belly rising and falling nearly as fast as Cassia's hand. At last, Casey's young body gave up the ghost, and Casey fell back as he came, and came hard, his big, aching testicles spurting a long, hard shot up and over, landing across his chest, then a few more fair sized shots landed on his bellyfur. The rest simply dribbled down over Cassia's fingers and onto his groin. Being the huge pervert she was, Cassia just licked her fingers clean, and calmly untied Casey's nuts, letting them flop down between his thighs.

Then she punched them again, and Casey damn near screamed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It took Casey about 40 minutes to crawl out of bed, get to the bathroom and shower himself clean... it was made especially difficult by his sisters insisting on watching his every movement, and a few of them tagging his balls again every so often. Cassia left him alone though, for the most part, for which he was thankful.

But no sooner had he gotten his underwear on, than he heard his mother's bellowing voice calling his name.

He hated to admit it, but he **hated** his mother.

She motioned him over, and with a coarse brush, brushed his headfur down and examined him, then nodded as she spoke, her voice roughened by years of smoking horrid cigarettes. "Bend over the knee, tail up. You know what's coming. No squealing or you get more."

Casey did indeed know what was coming. His poor nuts were about to take another legendary whooping. He bent over her knee, positioning his balls in his undies just so, so that they were resting visibly on his mother's knee. As soon as his tail was up, before he'd even bent over all the way, the back of the brush came crashing down on his balls. He gasped loudly and gave a little 'AH' cry before biting his lip, and digging his fingers into the bedclothes on the other side of his mother's lap.

The beating continued, and his mother must have been pissed off at something, because she was going harder than usual, and faster too. He squirmed hard, tears streaming out of his clenched eyes, herculean effort going into making no noise at all. His poor balls were made of fire and lightning running up his spine and right into his brain. 10, 20, 50, however many swats came down he didn't know, all he knew was it lasted FAR too long, and by the time his mother was done with him, his knees were made of jelly, and his poor pecker was hard as a rock again somehow.

"You disgust me, boy." His mother said harshly. "That dirty thing is hard again. I bet your sisters even watched you spew your sin all over yourself again, didn't they?"

"Yes'm..." Casey sobbed a little.

"Why couldn't you have been another beautiful girl, instead of a pathetic, weak, sinful little brat? Maybe I should MAKE you a girl, would you like that? Just take my cleaver and scissors and fix your problem that way!"

"P-please no, momma!" Casey pleaded. "I... I can't help it! I can't control my stupid pecker! I'm sorry I'm a dirty sinner, but please don't cut my balls off!" He never knew if she was serious, but boy howdy he wasn't about to risk it.

"Psh, you're not worth the effort, boy. Go get dressed and eat something, and don't miss the goddamn bus again or I swear to the lord above I'll tan your ass until you can't move." She coughed and spit into a kleenex, and shooed Casey away.

Casey wobbled a little as he walked away, but he moved like the devil was on his heels. As he walked into his room, though, Cassia was there, alone, naked on his bed, fingering herself and playing with one of her breasts with her free hand. Casey sighed, and locked the door behind him. He took his underwear off again, set them on his dresser, and went and laid down next to Cassia. No sooner was he on his back, then his sister's hand was on his cock again, and soon her other hand was on his aching testicles. He groaned loudly, but her touch was soothing enough and very ginger, and before long, she lowered her mouth over his pecker and started licking and suckling on it in earnest. Casey moaned in high pitch, and bucked his hips slowly. He knew his sister wasn't going to let up on him until he came again, so he tried his best to push himself to climax fast.

Thankfully, he had very little staying power when it came to his libido.

All it took was a few long moments of Cassia circling her tongue around the crown of his cute little uncut dick, and he whined in a mixture of pleasure and pain, and spurted a few long shots and a couple of little dribbles into his sister's waiting maw, which she drank down with fervor. She pulled away from his pecker after licking it clean, and gave his sore testicles each a small kiss.

"Cmon kiddo, I'll help you get dressed." She smiled at him.

"Okay..." Casey panted a little, knowing better than to argue with his twisted older sister.

Eight minutes and a pair of pop tarts later, Casey stood at his front door waiting for the bus... with Cassia. As the bus turned the corner and started slowly working its way toward their house, Cassia turned and hugged her little brother... and kissed him, tongue and all, softly groping his bulge as well, kneading her fingers into his sore balls for several seconds, leaving him with yet another erection poking the inside of his jeans, and him moaning a little. She let him go as the bus grew nearer, patted him on the butt, and sent him to the bus with a wave and a 'have a good day'.

Casey prayed his day would be uneventful until he got home again, walking a little funny as he got on the bus, looking for an empty seat.

Gods above, his balls ached.


Strength in Numbers: Number 1 – Russel

_ **Strength in Numbers: Number 1 - Russel** _ _(Contains: M/M, F/M, Oral, Handjobs, forced nudity, Bondage, Semi-NC... and of course, BALLBUSTING.)_ "C'mon Zach, give them back!" Russ said, the chubby panda boy sulking in the stream and frowned up...

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_ **Sinner** _ _A fem-dom, sadism and fetish smorgasbord. Avert your virgin gaze!_ "_ **Sinner.** _" The word rasped like sandpaper over the tongue of the silk-clad serpent; a tall, lean figure cutting visibly through the fabric of the faux Nun's...

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Mitso VS Anna (A Cleaned up RP log)

Six rounds. Six long and tiresome rounds is how long it had taken to put this lion guy away. He was tough, took a hell of a beating in the first two, and fought hard to try and get back into the fight, but a few good combinations had left the Dragon...

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