Mitso VS Anna (A Cleaned up RP log)

Story by Mitsozuka on SoFurry

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This is just something to prove I'm still alive, and hey! It's even topical content!

Had a few REALLY fun RPs with and this is the end result!

So for those counting, we are 1 and 1... for now.

Six rounds. Six long and tiresome rounds is how long it had taken to put this lion guy away. He was tough, took a hell of a beating in the first two, and fought hard to try and get back into the fight, but a few good combinations had left the Dragon the only one standing. The crowd seemed fairly impressed, judging by the small cheer he got as they announced him, Mitsozuka Ayarashi, as the winner by KO. As he slipped carefully out of the ring, he sat on the steps beside it a moment, pulling at the Velcro of his gloves with his teeth and wiping the sweat out of his eyes with his newly freed hand.

A little hyena girl was in the audience. She had been watching, but kept mostly quiet and to herself. She was lean, vaguely muscular, and had a set of emerald eyes that could communicate an entire language just by themselves. A fire was lit behind them, and she wore a smirk. Not bad at all. She was rooting for this dragon from the beginning, and he didn't disappoint.

Anna was no common ring rat. She was... interested for another reason. Something slightly more involved than excitement for a good fight. He was a dragon. Anna loved dragons. He was also a fighter. Anna loved fighters. She wanted her hands on him, how would she go about getting his attention? Easy. Slip backstage, intercept him as he was returning to the lockers. She could get past security, after all, she'd fought here before.

Mitso thanked his corner guys, and pulled off his other glove, putting them and his unique mouthpiece in his gym bag, and hanging his towel over his shoulders. He hurt, in quite a few places, including a dull ache in his nuts from where golden boy had snuck in a cheap shot. He smirked a little thinking that, however, because that cheap shot had cost him a broken nose in that same round. He readjusted himself somewhat lewdly for a public venue, and shook hands (with the other hand) with the promoter and arena manager, who told him to come by the main office after he was dressed to collect his winner's purse. He had that same smile on his mug as he walked back past the backstage security, headed for the locker room in relative silence.

Anna was waiting. She was dressed in a set of jeans, and a black T shirt that showed the lower inches of her belly. He approached, and she moved in front of him, tail swishing. "Nice work, dragon. I was impressed. Took a beating, gave one out, too. You're no casual amateur, are you?"

The bigger male blinked a little, surprised at the sudden intrusion, and he sized up the femme fatale in front of him with a wary eye. She was good looking, obviously in darn good shape... but something about her wasn't easy to pin down. Still, a winning fighter's attitude isn't easily swayed, so he kept smiling as he spoke. "Yeah, he wasn't exactly Tyson out there, but he hit pretty hard. But no, I'm not a casual... just badly managed, you could say. Thanks for the compliment though, miss...?" He held out his empty right hand to shake as he waited for her to fill in the blank.

"Somerset." Anna's eyes went to his extended hand, and she crossed her arms, refusing the pleasantry with her emerald gaze moving back to his own. She was a small little yeen. 5'2", so many people towered over her despite her attitude. "Anna. I take it you're not familiar?"

The dragon looked a little puzzled, and his extended hand moved up to rub his chin thoughtfully. Somerset, Anna. The name kinda rang a bell. He couldn't place it though, except that he'd probably heard it somewhere before. "Familiar, no. But I may have heard of you somewhere. You'll have to forgive me if I can't remember for the life of me where though..."

Anna grew a smirk on her face, and stepped in a bit closer. "That's just the way I like it, too. I like speaking for myself, rather than letting a reputation do it for me." She started to slowly circle around his right. "So how about this, you hang around here until after hours, when everyone's gone, and I introduce myself a little better. I'm sure such a busy, successful fighter like yourself can work that into the schedule, can't you, Dragon?"

"The name is Mitso, Miss Somerset." The dragon said shortly, something waving a little red flag in his head, but he ignored it. He followed the shorter female with his eyes and head, all six feet and change of the super-heavyweight tensing up a little at her offer. "I think I can manage that, though. Should I even bother untaping or anything?"

"I knew your name." Anna curtly replied. "I'm glad you're getting it, though. No. Keep your tape on. You're going to need it. See you in that ring, dragon." With that, Anna spun on a heel. She was done talking to him, but her step had an excited, womanly little sway to it. Oh yes, she was eager. This could be a lot of fun...

Mitso made a quick hike to the lockers, put on his jogging suit and went and collected his purse money. He locked it securely in his locker, along with his belongings, and hung around backstage, watching the CCTV monitor showing the remaining fights, and kicking around quietly after everyone else had gone. Surprisingly, security hadn't come in to shoo him away, and after he was sure the crowd and other fighters were gone, he gloved back up, stretched his stiff muscles for a bit more, and headed back out towards the ring, looking for the hyena.

It'd been a few hours. Anna was patiently waiting, much like he was, and was off getting ready. At first, the ring was empty. Nobody in the audience, no cameras rolling, it was shutting down for the night, but he was still allowed in. Nobody even told him that he probably should go. Anna must have pulled some strings.

After a few moments, Anna showed herself, walking toward the ring in quite some interesting attire. It was, more or less, a black bikini accompanied by some black boxing gloves and a black leather, chrome studded collar at her neck. Very little was left to the imagination. Of course, she climbed onto the apron, then stepped inside the ring through between the middle and top ropes. "Oh good, you didn't run away. Hehe..."

This was shady as fuck, and he knew something was up pretty much immediately. As he walked to the ring, he looked around, all over, looking for anything. Snipers, cameras, another person, ANYTHING. As he got close to the apron, his gaze fixed on the admittedly sexy form of the hyena, but instead of smiling or admiring such a sight, he was wary. He was still wearing his Blue and White trimmed trunks from earlier in the night, the blue very close in color to his scales. He climbed up onto the apron, and sniffed a little before he spoke. "So... what's the stakes, Miss Somerset? I assume you don't just want to climb into the ring with me for no reason, right?"

"The stakes?" Anna purred, sauntering closer. "Hmm. Well, I promised an introduction, so here you go. I'm Anna. I fight. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. But, I don't care." She smirked, tapping her gloves together. "I'm here for the rush. The thrill." She purred, and swished her tail. "That's the stakes. I want to experience you."

Mitso blinked, and got into the ring, a little concerned now. "You just want to fight me? That's it? No corner men, no cameras or audience..." He tapped his gloves together heavily. "Just a fight?" He knew something was up, and being a wary sort in the ring, he decided not to take this fierce little woman lightly. Besides, for all he knew she might be the type to swing low on purpose, and boy wouldn't that just piss him right off after the fight earlier. "If that's all, then... I guess I'm ready if you are."

"No strings. Just don't fucking hold back on me..." she hissed, raising her black gloves. Anna was never one for rules. Never one for sportsmanship. She was just here to fight, the journey WAS the reward. She started a slow circle to the right, those eyes trained on him, looking for injured points on his body. Some bruises to exploit. ...Not to mention just checking his body out.

Mitso cocked his right fist up next to his jaw, and shrugged. "If you say so." He turned his body, floating his left hand out in front of his face, circling and taking aim himself. After only a few moments, a look drifted onto his face. A mixture of intense concentration and something like hunger, his silver eyes scanned up and down her lithe, muscled form, and in an instant he knew what he had to do. He closed the distance, quick as he could, and lashed out with a heavy-handed but quick 1-2 left right combo, firing that big right all the way from the back parking lot at her head.

The hyena girl was lean, but not too muscular. Athletic and toned. Probably quick, rather than a power house. She knew pretty well that he much larger opponent would bash through any guard she put up, so when he darted in... she stood her ground, slugging her right for his middle. It was a risky move, especially so early, because if he could weather that then he'd be knocking the female into a backwards stumble all the way from center ring to the ropes with a cry, holding at her face!

Her risky maneuver caught the dragon slightly off guard, and he soaked the gut shot rather well, but her quick move threw off his aim. He tagged her on the chin area with his left, but went wide with his right, leaving his right side wide open as he tried to reset and pull back to give himself some levering room to come around lower the next time. He knew as soon as he missed he was going to take at least one more punch before he could drop his elbows, but her lower vantage point made his miss that much bigger.

Anna was able to take the tag with a squeak and a small stagger, but she was still alright, still focused, and punished his whiffing right by plowing her own fist into his ribs under the arm! She'd look to repeat this, battering that same spot, and he might notice something. Anna's punches were rather hard for someone her size. Those gloves were just... heavy!

He must have taken a hell of a shot he didn't remember, because those two rib hits HURT. That was surprising as hell, and as he reeled quickly back several steps, he curled up in on himself, his guard tight around his body, and huffed a few heavy breaths. She wanted to play body shots, did she? He could go to the body well enough! He drew his hands lower, his right cocked by his waist as he moved in... before sticking his left in at her chest/sternum area hard and fast as a surprise move!

Anna smiled broadly at his reaction, lifting her gloves to a neutral position. This hyena didn't seem very well trained, she had a nice hole open in her guard, his glove slipped right between them, slamming her in the chest, making her reel backwards with an "Uuugh!" and then a sneer! She'd try to come bounding back, a heavy fist swinging high for his cheek!

With Anna's poor form, her casual at best boxing skill, and lack of substantial muscle, it was an easy pin on why those gloves of hers hurt so much. This little bitch had them loaded with something!

Mitso had left his guard low on purpose, and braced himself for what was going to be a painful shot in the cheek. However, her high swing had left HER midsection plenty enough open too. So, in trade for her landing one up high, Mitso dug a shovel hook right hand into her belly, even throwing his hips around to really drive the point home. When he got hit, his vision went a little white, and he tasted blood immediately, and found himself falling to his left, winding up against the ropes and trying like hell to get his vision back straight. He knew her gloves were loaded then, the cut in his mouth told him as much... but he didn't care. He was gonna fight her as fair as he could. He wouldn't sink to her level unless he absolutely had to.

Anna loved the feeling of her fist just devastating him, but something she loved more? The powerful hit to her stomach. It drove the air right out of her, folding her forward and causing her left arm to cross over her middle. She winced, and huffed, but stayed standing. Taking that shot taught her one very important thing, and got the best answer possible to the only question that mattered; this dragon was willing to take her seriously. He was willing to hit her like any opponent. She loved that. Nothing sucked more than facing someone who played in love taps. No, this was going to be exhilarating.

Anna stalked forward, sneering. "Come on. Off the fucking ropes. Are you a pussy? Fight!" she barked, stepping in, but staying passive for the time being. She wanted him to act first. An opportunity was looming in the future to get him up against the nearby corner...

Mitso shook his head, and shot the hyena a glare that could kill a lesser man. He stood straight again, shuffling his wings and tail, turned his head and spat a mouthful of blood out of the ring. "First blood to you, it seems Anna." He spat her name at her like an insult, and raised his gloves to his chest level. His new goal was not to test her mettle... no, now, his goal was to knock this bitch out, straight up. He knew she'd hit him in the balls eventually, and then she'd be proper fucked, but until then, he'd stick to his guns. To start off again, he fired a big left hook at her head, as fast as his glove could move around toward her.

Anna saw that gleam in his eyes. That hateful little glare, as if he'd realize just who he was dealing with. The hyena showed teeth in a grin, she was waiting for this. Meet Anna, you son of a bitch. Infamous little whore. Fought dirty, fought ruthlessly, was more or less straight up sadistic. Suddenly, it made sense why she arranged their match the way she did. This privacy would let her do whatever she wanted to her opponent soon-to-be victim.

Now that she was getting into his head, pissing him off, she knew a punch was coming. She saw that twitch in his left shoulder, his eyes trained on her own. A head shot, easy. Her short height let her slip under that hook, and she plowed herself toward him, wanting to crush him in the abs with a right and bully him toward the corner vaguely behind him! Once there, he'd have a window to punish Anna while she straightened herself, preparing to start pummeling the hell out of him!

Mitso grunted at the right to his midsection, but he could take it. He knew she was going for the corner... so letting his training do the walking, he did something unexpected: He grabbed her. He grabbed her and held on tight, right around bicep level for her. Once clinched, he let her momentum carry them toward the corner, before trying like hell to pivot on his right heel, and spin her with her own momentum and throw *her* into the corner instead. It was a stretch, but if it worked, he'd put her on the defensive for once, or so he thought.

Anna had her eye on the prize. Or rather, her future prize. She'd have to... pacify him first, of course. But then, a snag happened in her little plan. He grabbed her. She didn't account for this, trained boxers usually avoided that like the plague, and being so small, Anna wasn't about to just power her arms free! With a gasp and light tug of her arms, her balance was robbed from her, whirled around and slammed spine first into the corner, huffing out and groaning, both arms laying on the top rope!

Mitso blinked. It had worked! Now was his chance! Having spun to the right, his left hand was already cocked low, so he fired an uppercut up at her. It missed her head, but socked her pretty harshly directly in her right tit instead. Having her helpless even for the moment was enough to let Mitso get bold, and his flurry instinct took over, starting with a right cross aimed for her head, and followed as quickly as he could move his hands by a low left hook aimed for her gut. He sensed a victory could be achieved here... even if in the back of his head, he felt a little bad for her. Just a little, not enough to be merciful though, since she had cheated after all.

Anna glared, and then yelped as her breast was hit by that uppercut! It sent her flesh up, and back down, jiggling within the skimpy bikini top hiding it. It was a wonder it didn't just pop right out! Regardless, next, he punched her in the head. "Ahh!" A THUDDING hook to the gut. "Uuuhh...!" But... there was one more detail to Anna Mitso probably wouldn't know until now, she was genuinely tough. Anna was the type of fighter that just. wouldn't. quit. You could beat her for hours, and so long as you didn't put her out like a light or otherwise break her, she'd keep coming back for more, time after time, bruise after bruise. Her left would be snapping for his cheek, but it lacked power. It was a distraction for a dirty, rising knee between his legs, right to the middle of those trunks!

A roar left the dragon as that knee came up, his balls totally pinned to his body by the cheap shot, and his guts lit on fire by the pain shooting up into them. However, if Anna was paying attention during his fight, she would have known that was a bad idea. A new look was glued to Mitso's face after the knee: one of PURE rage. He was legit pissed off now, and his whole body pulsed with his anger. "Cheating Bitch!" That was all he said, voice cracking a little from both the anger and the fact she'd kneed him in the balls. He was apparently a tough motherfucker himself, and he went absolutely apeshit as soon as the words left him. Lefts and rights aimed at her face, neck and shoulders came rapidly raining down, as fast as Mitso could swing them and with all the power he could muster.

Anna was completely unafraid. She feared nobody. She let nobody intimidate her. This dragon was no different. After he barked at her, her right would batter into his ribs, right where the last two had worn him down, but she didn't think he'd be THIS savage! She slowed him down at best, and before she could do much else, she was slammed in the cheek. And again. And again. A punch to the neck. Two to the shoulders. Anna was tough, but he had her in a daze, what started as yelps and cries of pain, were blending into a long, sustained moan. Her eyes were starting to roll into the back of her head, her stance slumping against the corner while her fists desperately tried to pound at him, losing strength by the second. The hyena girl was being punched senseless in the corner!

Mitso threw another uppercut, this one right handed, that caught her bikini top on the way to meeting her chin at about 70 miles an hour, tugging it up and exposing her breasts. Somehow, this seemed to piss the dragon off more, and his barrage moved from her head to her body. He cocked his fists back and started swinging them like pendulum hammers, hooks to the hyena's chest, sides, stomach, and even a few that dug too low and hit her in the vulva. Mist was spouting from the ice dragon's nostrils as he huffed his breaths, his furious flurry draining him... but possibly not fast enough to avoid her being injured by his fervor.

Anna's woozy head took its last hit in the form of that devastating uppercut. Offering only a gag, body bending back and going rigid, Anna barely clung to consciousness. Her ears rang. Her vision was dark. Mind a blank. Blood trailed from her lip, visible after her gloves left her chin to lay passively on the top rope, and she didn't even notice her breasts springing free.

Anna's modest C's were firm and well shaped, each capped with a pink, barbell studded nipple. Those hooks to her chest got them bouncing and jiggling hypnotically, but they always sprung to their original form. With no real bone to protect his targets, he was pounding Anna deep. Making her moan. Testing her durability as her body began to bruise. First her sides, then a nice spot on her sensitive, cream furred belly. Each tag to her bikini bottoms made her squeak and bite her lip a little, but as he wore her down, low blows sucked less and less compared to the fists beating into her discoloring flesh.

Amazingly, Anna was hanging on. She wasn't doing a good job of fighting back, no, but she was conscious, and DEFINITELY wasn't begging for mercy...

Mitso was wearing down as it were too. His gloves were getting heavy, his shoulders and biceps burned like his gut did, and his lungs were curious just what the fuck he thought he was doing, but he remained focused. She had asked for this, after all, literally. He placed his left hand on the rope next to her head, while his right continued the brutal assault on her body, albeit slower, but with more gas on each single hit. The first of which was a hammering blow to her left breast that would have left bruises for sure. This was followed by a trio of hooks to the lower midsection that hit her roughly in the belly button. He heaved a big breath inward, and growled as he slammed one fierce uppercut into her pussy straight on, and the next one into her chin.

Anna's eyes, hazy and slightly glossy, opened to look at Mitso as he leaned subtly closer, gripping the rope next to her head. They looked at him, still with that little fire burning inside, before hiding behind her lids again as he crushed her breast with a punch. It bore a blueish mark by now, that would darken over the next several seconds. Next, three pounds into her soft stomach, drawing out a moan each time, she was subtly marked there too. Lastly, a huge uppercut to her cunt that would make Anna gasp out an "Oooooh...!" before her knees finally gave, if she wasn't held up somehow she'd drop to them. Interestingly, that glove would come back slightly wet. Anna was... enjoying herself?

Mitso knew better than to hang around someone with loaded gloves on their hands and knees, so he backed up several steps. He had heard the light, wet slap his glove had made on her crotch, and after looking to confirm it wasn't blood... he gave it a testing lick. He heaved a few much needed breaths, speaking in between. "You know... I thought you... were crazy... but now...I'm sure of it, Anna..." It was now that the pain in his balls caught up to him, and he groaned a little, rubbing them gingerly with his left hand, while still keeping his eyes glued to the downed hyena bitch. "Had enough yet?"

Anna panted, and heaved, spitting some blood to the canvas and slowly standing. She was crazy? Well... Maybe. He ought to hear what other sorts of things she got up to. Well, not that they were THAT insane, Just insane for such a little hyena to be involved with. Body bruised, strength sapped, and still unable to move without skewing her expression in a wince, she fought to her feet, folding her left arm protectively around her body. "Do I... fucking look... done to you?" she asked with a brave little growl, and righted herself, gloves up. Stubborn little bitch, but how would she come back from that...?

"I've met masochistic women, but you? You will be awarded a fuckin' Cake, Anna." The dragon chuckled, tugged his trunks up a little, and got his gloves up as well, back into his stance, still huffing a little from his earlier rampage. "I'll put you down if you make me, yknow. I don't want to brain you, but if you don't know when to quit, be that on your head, not mine..."

Anna snerked. So she was masochistic, what of it? Yeah she was aroused, but Anna typically fought better with that sexual energy coursing through her. "Then try, fucker!" With a cry, she charged in, trying to nail him in the nose with a straight right, her left looking to follow into his ribs with a hook! After the fucking pounding Anna just took, they weren't that powerful of strikes, but her underhanded, dirty little 'enhancements' to her gloves would make them still a threat to contend with!

That was unexpected, to say the least. Mitso's reflexes let him block the straight, but again, that damn left dug into his right side and made him bark in pain. She was possibly the most persistent fighter he'd ever climbed into the right with, and that was saying a lot. She looked like hell, but she was still coming for him, and he admired that. Admired it as far as he could anyway, knowing that she was swinging loaded gloves around. A quick left aimed at her jaw was Mitso's response, followed by him stepping away, starting the circling motion again, trying to regain some of his expended gas by buying time and distance between him and this crazy, sexy woman warrior.

Anna's offense was halted by the punch to her face, and she staggered back. She was tiring, it was clear that she was definitely feeling the effects of that corner beating, but still, she circled him. Her tail wagged. She loved this. Dragons were her favorite kind of people, and to be locked into a rough fight like this with one of them? It was like her birthday came early. She'd jab at his guard, trying to provoke and pick at him, if he didn't retaliate after three she'd try to slam her loaded fist for his side again. She was working on destroying that area, and of course the brutish hyena's own defense was lacking now especially too, given only one arm was tucked in next to her chest to offer cover.

After another fist wound up hitting him in the side, Mitso growled and stepped literally into her, cutting off her movement to her left, and stepped into a left into her stomach to rival the right hand she'd taken much earlier. He didn't stop there though, coming up and throwing quick, stinging jabs at her face and breasts, keeping his right hand cocked by his face, ready to snap it out hard if a real good hole in her defense popped up. He was bleeding from the cut in his mouth still, and the blood dripping from his mouth gave him something of a feral look, and those blazing silver eyes almost never blinked as they stared holes through her.

Anna gasped, her emerald eyes widening, body lurching forward over the fist burying in her abs! "Ffffuck...!" she whispered, her cute expression fading as he started to to jab at her muzzle and bruised up breasts. His punches agitated her bloody mouth, getting a secondary stream down next to the the first, and now her gloves were covering her quivering breasts while she backed up. Her stomach now bore a pretty wide bruise, and given her lack guard anywhere other than her breasts, Anna's nose took a hard bash from his right, sending her head ripping back, nose pointed up at the ceiling lights.

If not for the ropes behind her, Anna would have gone straight to her back, but those three, taut cords caught her, holding her up while they bent backwards under her weight. Anna's toned body heaved with air, she looked pretty bad... but maybe that was subjective. "Oooh... Ohhh god..." Anna moaned, trying to stabilize herself, holding her nose and glaring over those black gloves... Shit. He was tougher than he seemed. She was sure she'd be able to break him, but...

On the ropes. Exactly where he wanted her. He had warned her, and now he was gonna go in for the coup de grace. He stalked forward, looking rather menacing as he seemed to tower over her, those red gloves at chest height... until the right one cocked back, looking to be aimed high... until he fired it off, aimed directly at her bruised stomach. No bones to break there, just a lot of pain to inflict on an area that he'd nailed already with at least two other power shots. She'd done some serious damage to his ribs, so he felt it was fair play that he dig into her taut, bruised belly with his big, meaty maulers in return.

With her body wide open and attention on favoring her now bloody nose, his glove plowed into her open, damaged middle with a resounding THUD. Anna immediately lurched forward, screaming out at just how hard the sexy, scaly male beat into her, one glove went over his shoulder, the other gripped loosely at his bicep. Anna was having difficulties breathing, let alone moving, and in her wide eyes Mitso could see the competitive little flame starting to die. He was taking her to a limit!

Mitso grabbed the one hand that went to his shoulder, holding it by the wrist, and he glared menacingly down at her as his eyes flashed with devilish purpose, and he spoke one single word. "Give." He punctuated this word by swinging that big, heavy fist back and up again, this one hitting her in the puss again. "Give." Once more he ordered her, and once more he swung his hand, again into her bruised middle, pausing for a brief moment after the gut shot to see if she would actually give up now.

Anna's muzzle curled into a snarl at his demand. "Uuuuhh...!" She moaned, losing that tough face once more as his glove battered her sex, her soaked, swollen sex. He demanded again. This time, Anna didn't react at all, only shuddering and sobbing out a dry whimper as he pounded into her devastated and ruined abdomen. Her legs buckled, but she stayed standing, turning her muzzle up to him again and looking away. She looked like she was JUST on the verge of submitting, but in one last display of bravery... "Fuck you, dragon..." she rasped, but her attitude could only take her so far. She was finished, and that was the last of her tolerance. That submissive turn of her head, refusing to look into his eyes anymore, was a big sign he'd already won, he just needed to finish the bitch.

"Fuck me, you say? Only if you ask real nice, you crazy bitch." He actually smirked as he said this, but he was allllmost finished with her. He figured she didn't have enough left in her withstand what he had planned. With a swift move, the dragon drove his knee up, just the once, right into her battered pussy, and while she was reeling from that hit, his right hand dug into her stomach again hard enough to lift her off her feet, and he stepped aside, letting her loose enough to fall to the floor and looking over the utter mess he'd made of her sexy body with a satisfied grin.

Anna hissed at his quip. Was it a hiss? Maybe it was just her bringing breath into her body. Whatever the case, she mewled at the knee to her now-somewhat bruised sex, not that it was visible, which locked her up for that fist of his to beat into her stomach again, hard enough to lift her off her feet and send her falling face first to the mat, both arms clutching her deep purple middle. She wasn't getting up. Her spotted back heaved, each breath out laced with a moan of agony. She was finished, face down, incapacitated, thoroughly puddled bikini bottoms shown with how her legs were parted. "I.... ...give..."

Mitso was a little torn... until the smell of her nectar soaked through her bikini bottoms hit his nose, and he remembered the sweet taste of her earlier from his glove. He wanted more... no, he Needed more. Stripping off his gloves eagerly, he was already grinning and half-hard in his trunks... but he'd meant what he said. He wasn't gonna fuck her until she asked nicely. Instead, he left her where she was, and used one claw to easily demolish the soaked bottoms. He then picked her up and set her on her knees, and gave her whole snatch a hard, hot, forceful lick from top to bottom (since she was face down) and groaned at the taste of her abused, slightly bruised, but incredibly hot pussy. ~

Anna was too beaten to react more than a moan. She, of course, was really, really fucking aroused. She got off all the time on rough fights, this was why she participated in them. But this? This was heavenly. The broken hyena let out a hungry "Ooooohhh..." at his tongue tracing her now exposed and battered cunt, the bottoms that used to hide her simply in a heap below her hips. She was defeated, and there was something... intense about being beaten to her limit, and then used. Enjoyed as if a trophy...

Mitso respected this crazy hyena for standing up to him like she did, and he kinda did feel a little bad for fucking her up like he did, but he wasn't gonna tell her that for fear of being perceived as weak or something. Instead, he let his strong, smooth tongue lap voraciously at her messy cunt, almost like he was trying to lick her clean. He even paid special attention to her clit, pausing to suckle and lick circles around it every few moments, before returning to lapping at her pulsing entrance. ~<3

To Anna, there was little better than this, with the possible exception of the positions being reversed. Anna was a bit... kinky like that. Mitso would discover something. While Anna moaned and mewled at his tonguing of her sex, she gasped and went rigid when it came time to tease her clit. Not only was Anna... reasonably close to orgasm, but she was one of those clitoral girls, the ones who responded best to external pleasure on that little nub rather than internal pleasure. Anna's lust leaked through her slit in beads, drooling down to his tongue, her breathing was quickening, though she never let go of her stomach. "Ohhh fuck... Fuck... Dragon..."

Oh this was a joyous development indeed. Mitso ~Loved~ girls that responded well to having their clits played with, and just to test it and make sure, first he gave her slit a fierce licking, drinking down her warm nectar as fast as she could give it, and kept that up for a few moments. Then, by contrast, one of his hands came down and used its thumb to pull the hood of her clit back out of the way, then brought his lips and tongue back down to lick and suck hard and slow on her tender nub. He worked her poor clit like some girls would work a cock, his lips and tongue spreading their efforts all over the tender nub and surrounding tender flesh, pausing to flick across the tip firmly for a few seconds every so often.

Anna purred sweetly as he licked up her cooch, cleaning it of its own mess, and finally her hands went to the ring canvas, on all fours. His little test gave nice enough results, the moment his smooth lips and tongue touched her clitoris, she MOANED, spine arching from the intense little jolts of pleasure shooting through her body! She lost the match, but how could a loser be treated to such a wonderful reward? She muttered more curses, shivering, and let out the girliest little whimper yet. The spotted hellion hyena was being rushed to climax with this treatment, in combination with the match and dull throb of her bruised body. She couldn't stand it. Mitso was delivering exactly what she wanted...!

The dragon didn't know this was what she wanted, but he could tell she was loving every second of it, which was exactly what *he* wanted. He felt she'd earned a taste of his sensitive side, having gotten quite the rude example of his most brutal side earlier...and besides, she tasted amazing. Slightly sweet, with a unique flavor that he had never tasted anything like before, that he could only describe now as tasting like Anna's Puss. He'd also never been with a hyena before, so he was savoring the experience, just as much as he was savoring her taste. His tongue ran hard, slow circles around her clit, while his lips kept changing how hard he was suckling at it every few seconds, and his thumb rubbed and stroked at the base of the bundle of nerves through her slightly bruised vulva.

Anna moaned, and took a deep breath in, just to moan it out yet again. The hyena was trying her best to hold on, and thumped one of her loaded gloves into the ring. Seconds later, she tensed, breath going still, and then with a shaky whimper expelled her lust for the dragon, thick hyena she-cum drizzling from her folds. She was beaten to submission, and now brought to climax by her sexy dragon opponent, and with no energy left, she collapsed. Or at least, let her muscles loosen while she panted. Her hips were still being held. "Oh my god... Ohh..." Anna moaned in the afterglow. She was sore. She was exhausted. She was content.

Mitso only let the poor hyena have a few moments to breathe and enjoy her orgasm and afterglow... because right in the middle of it, he started up again, first licking up the mess she'd just made, then moving back to working her clit like some sort of obsessed sex machine. The dragon seemed insatiable, and indeed, his licking and suckling of her tender clit was borderline torture in and of itself... but in truth, he just wanted her to cum on his face again before he let her get anywhere else. ~<3

Anna's panting stifled again, he was starting back up? How rare, most people didn't realize females had practically no refractory period, and her swollen, spent clit was again under attack! She whimpered, but it wasn't too much. If there was a word besides "bitch" that described this hyena, it had to be stamina. She was persistent, and could take amazing amounts of punishment, this included. The buildup to this one was not nearly as long, within about a minute she was already gasping and whispering, for the first time, Mitso's name. He had her. Tonight, in this ring, the dragon owned this fiery spotted devil. She was his to finish, for the second, technically third time...

Now that Mitso had her moaning his name, there was no way in hell he was letting her go. He sped up his efforts, his thumb rubbing firm circles at the base of her clit, his tongue swirling and curling around the swollen button, and his lips sucking firmly and steadily at the whole peak of her sex. However, unlike the first time, once she came again, this time he didn't let up even for a second, fully intent on driving her as completely insane with lust as her scent that he was drowning in was driving him. He was hard as a rock in his trunks, but his hands were busy, so he left well enough alone, and focused entirely on Anna... and Anna's sexy, hot little clitty. ~<3

Anna bit her lip so hard, she nearly drew blood. This was so hard to take, but at last, the beautiful feeling of climax, again... She moaned softly, more of her liquid lust pushing through her sex, but... oh god... She was so sensitive, and he wasn't stopping. Not even for a moment. She could barely breathe, her entire lower half felt like it was just radiating pleasure, she was starting to feel the beginnings of sensory overload. "Shit...! Shit, Mitso...!" she squeaked, the same guy she watched punch out a lion earlier was now putting her through some of the most intense sexual torture she'd ever experienced. This was rare, for her. She rarely came multiple times in a row, and...

"Ohh... oh fffuck...!" Anna whined, cumming a third time, much weaker with a much smaller payout of cum, but that was undeniably a third peak less than a minute after her second! Anna's body was starting to squirm now, desperate for a break, to be released... but she was HIS toy now!

Mitso wasn't heartless, and he knew that overstimulation was hellish unless done correctly, so after another few looong moments (for her anyway) after her third straight climax, finally, at last again, did Mitso give her a break. His left hand stayed on her hip, holding her steady with her ass in the air, while his other hand rubbed his lips and face clean, and he panted a little from both arousal and the exertion. "Breathe, relax for a moment, Anna. I'm not done with you yet... but I want you to last a while longer, so for now, I'll give you a break." In truth, he needed a break himself, to let his jaw stretch, but he wasn't gonna tell her that. He gave her dripping slit a few quick, firm licks to clean her off, but that was it.~

Anna groaned, and tried to roll over, exposing her bruised up abdomen, those busted up breasts, her entire front was covered in purple spots. She needed to relax, and on her back was the best way to do it. Those half lidded, drained emerald eyes of her's stared at the dragon, over his muscular form, and she smirked. "Heh... Holy shit, when's the rematch? I... Wow..." she panted, letting a venting little huff escape her throat. Her body was starting to calm, but Anna seemed like she was more likely to just fall asleep where she lay than get up anytime soon. Whatever Mitso had planned for her next, she was both dreading and looking forward to. Tonight was turning out to be incredible. "You're the best dragon I've ever picked on..."

Mitso grinned widely at the compliment, looking over the mess he'd made of her. Between the bruises and the dripping wetness between her legs, she was something of a wreck, but still very sexy. "Thanks Anna... you're actually the first Hyena I've ever beaten the hell out of... along with anything else. I also have to say, you taste pretty damn good..." He licked his lips, one hand moving to rest on her knee. "What do you say you lose the gloves, I lose the trunks, and we make round 2 a little more interesting than just me making you cum over and over?"

Anna, for all her small stature and loud mouth got her, was a tough little thing. All this abuse, and still smiling. Still ticking. Still licking her lips as if anticipating even more. "The first, huh? Well, glad to introduce you to the master race... Of course, I'm still the best hyena there ever was." She giggled, and feeling his hand on her knee, she subtly spread them. "Oh? Mmmn... Sure. Although, can't say making me cum over and over sounds like a BAD plan." she purred, and started to undo her gloves with her teeth. They thudded to the mat one at a time, and now Anna was fully naked except for that studded collar of her's.

The dragon liked the collar. It was fitting. He did the same thing, sliding his trunks down his hips and off over his taped up bare feet. His feet were too big for boots, so he just went with tape. He was a respectable size, just a hair shy of seven inches with a good thickness to it, and his heavy, scaled orbs looked full and maybe a little swollen from earlier. His shaft was a vibrant red, in contrast to his blue scales, and with a little push from his legs and tail, his crotch was roughly eye-level shortly. "I think you're right... I do want to make you cum a few more times, it sounds like fun..." He said this and leaned over to lick her swollen clit again, teasingly.

Anna stared, blatantly checking this dragon out. He was perfect, too large and it was no fun, too small and it was just sad. She spread her legs a bit further, and moaned at the lick. "Ooohh... Hehe... Can't wait to get my hands on that... So what are you going to do to me? I'd get up and fight to take that thing for myself but... Sore..." Anna murred, and flicked her tail. "...or maybe, that's the perfect reason TO start fighting again~"

Mitso chuckled a little, flexing his inner muscles to make his shaft throb a little in front of her. "No need to fight me anymore, honestly. If you want to skip to the main event, we can... but I was thinking a little mutual oral satisfaction would be a good warm-up shall we say." He grinned and reached over, grabbing her ass with one hand, just to emphasize. "Basically, your pussy tastes too good to leave alone just like that, and I want to play with your clit some more, so I figured maybe we could just 69 right here." He punctuated this by leaning in and giving her whole slit a lick from clit to base and back.~

Anna blinked, unconvinced, until that LICK. She moaned, and shuddered as his tongue went from one end, to the other, and right back down to the start point. "Mmmph... ...Fine. I love fighting, but... Mmn. Just gimme that. Let's just go..." she hornily growled, waiting for that cock to be presented to her. Anna was a savage fighter and masochist, yes, but she was also pretty plainly a slut. She'd been around. She knew how to treat a man, despite her lesbian relationship.

Mitso easily scooted up that little bit more, rolling up onto his side to present himself to her, and letting his eyes lid a little as he began going back to work. His tongue lapped up her nectar, again causing him to moan lightly into her snatch. He first let his lips get back to work, slowly and firmly sucking up and down against her swollen nub, tongue flicking across the tip every so often. To keep her leaking and dripping for him, his other hand not on her ass came up and slowly slid two of his strong, scaled fingers into her puss, stroking them in and curling them, looking for her most sensitive spots to tease.~

Anna moaned out. Her clit was the place to go for, and his tongue and mouth already proved MORE than capable. She was exhausted still, having just come down from three orgasms in a row, but she was tough. She could take a punch, she could take this. The fingers deep in her slick, musky cunt also had her purring, it was a nice addition to his work as it was, and Anna couldn't help but open her muzzle up and drag his hips closer, sloooowly sliding that red length into her warm maw. She started to slurp down, slowly bobbing her head, and apologetically used her free hand to massage his semi swollen balls... No. Not apologetically. Those fingers were starting to get rougher, tightening down...

The dragon moaned a little, lightly, already enjoying her mouth and tongue against his hot, slowly throbbing shaft. He even moaned a 'Mmmph' around her snatch as she started massaging his nuts... and then she started to squeeze. He dug his fingers into the flesh of her ass cheek, bracing for the worst as her grip tightened slowly. Surprisingly, this did not deter his maw on her cunt, and his lips and tongue even sped up just a little, as if encouraged. He'd pause from licking and sucking her clit every so often to lick and suck instead at her swollen inner and outer lips instead, pushing his tongue into her folds to pleasure even the tender parts hidden beneath the surface.

Anna's little gasps of pleasure were, for the most part, muffled by the near seven inches of dragon in her mouth. She let her tongue coil around his length, slurping gently, almost as if hypnotized by him... At least, that's how it seemed when only accounting for her skilled, loving tongue. She let her fingers slip off Mitso's balls, their clench naturally forming a fist, and she brought it gently to those orbs, threatening them with her knuckles. She was trying to establish dominance in the only remaining way she could, she already knew he was very protective of them...

Mitso sighed in relief as she let go, but felt her knuckles tapping his balls. In response, Mitso did the only thing he could think of as a response. He reached his hand down from her ass, over her back area, over her waist, and rubbed softly at her bruised belly, even letting his thumb rub her belly button. He kept going at her lips with his tongue, then moved back up to suck at her clit, again more slowly and focused, putting all he can into the sucking. His shaft also throbbed happily in her mouth, blissfully unaware of the peril his balls might be in...

Anna groaned on his cock, vibrating it as he responded to her threat with one of his own. Her abdominal muscles, or what was left of them, tensed as he rubbed her beaten stomach and thumbed her navel. It felt great, but Anna wasn't going to let him scare her like that. Suckling down particularly hard and lapping the tip of her tongue at the base, she pulled her fist back and let it thud into his nuts. Not the hardest punch, but still nothing any normal guy would be able to take quietly. It was a warning!

The punch drew a groan from the dragon, and probably an unexpected reaction from him: His cock dribbled a little bit of salty precum onto the base of her tongue. His hand on her stomach paused for a moment, but instead of retaliating, he just kept rubbing, lightly massaging over her sore belly with his fingers and thumb. His other hand curled its fingers up against her g-spot while his lips pressed down tightly and gave her swollen clit a firm tug. He was obviously enjoying this all, as his body was seeming to pulse in time with his heavy heartbeats. "Ngh, ffffuck, Anna..."

Anna was slightly surprised, but it was nothing that outright shocked her. His touch to her stomach was starting to make her hips roll, grinding her clit harder at his face, and deeper in her cunt, he'd know he found her spot by a little shiver that went down her body. Clearly, she was loving it too. She already could see her fourth climax hitting in the near future...

Speaking of hitting, she was discovering things about this dragon. She pulled back, and delivered another light punch like last one, then a slightly harder one, after which she'd tenderly rub his balls and looking for how he reacted. Each hit was accompanied by a hungry slurp off his cock, as if milking that pre...

"Mmmgh! Owr!" Mitso grunted a little, and then louder with the second impact. His legs spread and quivered, his hips tightening up their muscles from the pain, as did his abs and arms. Basically, he tensed up from the pain, then slowly came back down. His hands and mouth never stopped though, he was nothing if not tenacious, and he was becoming rapidly addicted to the taste and feel of her pussy on his muzzle. His shaft started throbbing a bit harder, leaking slowly but steadily with his heightened arousal. "Gettin'... gettin' closer...mmmf..."

Anna pulled off his cock with a giggle, giving it a looong lick from base to tip, and then another, but she ended that one with another firm uppercut-like punch to his sack! "Mmmn... You fucking LOVE that, don't you dragon...?" she purred, and slipped him back into her mouth, really giving him her all now! She was also getting close, she wanted to make him cum before the opposite happened, if for no other reason than to have SOME form of competition on her mind. Anna's skilled tongue went right to work, and she was even practically humping his face now, grinding her clitoris and outer lips all over his face, moaning while he finger fucked her. No more punches though. Not yet...

"MRRRRGH!" The dragon obviously was in agony, but without hesitation or pause, he went back to fingering and licking and sucking at her delicious puss. She managed to pound a small spurt of clear precum out of him that landed across her face, right before she managed to slip him back into her mouth. His legs had closed some, but she still had full reign of his body, for some reason. He panted heavily, and his stomach muscles quivered badly from the exertion of not curling up around his aching balls. He even gave her tender clit a testing nibble, hoping to tease her over the edge before he came. "Fuck... gonna... gonna cum..."

Anna was getting pretty heated. There was this odd double standard where pleasing this dragon, also pleased her. Just hearing he was close, excited Anna sexually enough to also make her feel close. But, she was winning this. She'd make sure of it. More or less fucking his nose and teeth full force now, Anna moaned like a bitch in heat on his cock, shoving it as deep as she could in her maw and SWALLOWING to envelope it in warmth and pressure. Then, her 'finisher.' That black-furred fist, pounding his balls hard, again, and again, and again, with cruel uppercuts, looking to beat his climax right out of him!

The dragon had a bad feeling he was about to take a beating once Anna started swallowing around his cock, and he was 100% right. The first hit sent him over the edge, and a thick, ropey strand of cum shot forth from his tip and into her maw. The next several, however, were nothing short of agonizing, and his braced foot below started kicking the floor, almost like he was trying to tap out. He reached his hand around to grab her ass again, his other hand digging it's fingers into her g-spot, and his mouth sucking and devouring her pussy with all the panache his aching body could muster. His orgasm ended right before another punch hit.

He yelped loudly as his swollen nuts were flattened against his body, his hand shooting from her ass, around her muzzle, trying to protect his swollen, bruising orbs.

Anna was purring at his agony, his climax she hoped he wouldn't be forgetting any time soon. She at least had the mercy to stop when he grabbed her muzzle, and she dragged it away from his cock, moaning and coughing out while cum drooled from her lips. She wasn't long herself, and those wild, curling fingers and that mouth that seemed DESPERATE to please this crazy bitch finally pushed her to her fourth orgasm. She squeaked, going rigid, but wasn't able to produce a terrible amount of cum. Just... a little squirt! After that, Anna collapsed, trying to roll to her back and just breathe, unless he held her in place!

As she tugged away, she met no resistance from the dragon, who rolled himself as well, sitting up and hissing his breaths as he cradled his swollen, aching package. "Ngh, fuck... aw, ffffuck..." He huffed, his voice slightly cracking from the pain, but neither of them could deny that she'd just coaxed a VERY big orgasm out of him, as she could likely attest. He sat there holding himself, grumbling and moaning, occasionally stealing glances over at Anna. A couple minutes were spent in tired silence like this before Mitso finally spoke up. "So Anna... you wanna go grab a shower, maybe fuck before we call it an evening?" Whatever else could be learned about him tonight, one thing was sure: This dragon was persistent, even in the face of massive testicular trauma.

Anna smiled, and slowly sat up. "Yeah. Shower sounds nice. Mmmn, god. A fuck though? Do you... ever quit?" She giggled, and stayed in place. She was bruised to all hell, she wanted help standing! "I've cum four times. That's... not often, for me...~"

Mitso, somehow, had very little trouble standing, even if his knees were a bit shaky. With his left hand on his balls (still), he reached over and offered her his right. The two of them were a sight, covered in each others combined love juices, but Mitso still couldn't help thinking this crazy bitch looked sexy. "Well, this has been something of a night to remember, for both of us I'd wager, and I wanted to make sure you'd never forget me either way." He paused for a moment, then added. "I'm sure as hell never going to forget YOU now, that's a fuckin' fact..."

Anna grinned at that. Of course he wasn't going to, Anna thought she was certainly something. A cut above the other bimbos who 'fought' and moaned in the ring. She was a REAL woman. She took his hand, and with a groan, pulled to her feet. Her left arm covered her middle with a groan. "Hehe... Yeah. Me neither. You're something, Dragon... Lead the way. I smell like sex and sweat."

Mitso did something else unexpected: he kissed her hand then. The same hand that had only minutes before been slamming itself into his balls. He picked up his trunks with the tip of his tail, and walked over to the apron, getting out of the ring, and offering his hand to her by the steps to help her down. For a guy who'd beaten the living fuck out of her, he was trying to be a gentleman now. She was right though, they both reeked of fucking and exertion, so he did actually make a beeline for the lockers, unconsciously heading to the Male lockers since his stuff was there.

Anna followed along, taking the easy way down and to the floor. Off to the lockers, down the hallway. She didn't mind that they were going to the Men's side, they were the only two here, and besides, she wasn't particularly picky. On the way, she purred, and smirked. "So... I guess that fit of anger earlier was just you getting really fucking aroused, because holy shit you're kinky~"

Mitso laughed, and actually blushed a bit at her pointing it out and saying it out loud. "Hah, well, yeah I guess I am..." He scratched the back of his head, smiling over at her as they entered the men's lockers. "You're one to talk though, Anna. I've never met anyone horny enough to cum 4 times after taking a beating like that, especially your stomach. Low blows aside, you took a better beating than my previous 3 opponents combined, I'd say..." He sat down on a bench near his locker, and started untaping his hands and feet, since getting it wetter would make the tape impossible to remove easily.

Anna was already nude, she stood to the side and laughed! "Yeah? It's because I'm the best. Tougher than anyone, better than anyone." She gloated, and wagged her tail. "And like... Yeah. I get it. I love being beat up. My stomach especially. That pain just... oh my god. Gets me going so hard." She then lifted a hand, waving it in front of her torso. Over her marked up breasts, one bearing a purple mark the size of a boxing glove somewhat above and to the right of her nipple. Her stomach, almost entirely covered in painful looking bruises. Her swollen and somewhat blue cunt. "So don't be sorry for this. I fucking loved every, single, punch."

As she motioned over her battered and bruised form, Mitso was finishing untaping and watching her, checking her out again. Goddamn, even though she was a wreck... or maybe BECAUSE she was a wreck, she was so fucking sexy when she talked like that. Even though it had only been a few minutes, he felt a stirring in his loins, getting aroused again just looking at her. He shredded off the last of the tape, and stood up, flexing and stretching a little. Two fights in one night, he was going to be stiff for days at this rate. "No apologies, in that case. Shall we then?" He led the way to the showers, scale soap in hand.

Anna nodded, and followed in. The air in here was still moist, some water still on the floor of the stalls. They were still alone, but something about this room felt even more private. Like she could fuck him and do the naughtiest, most shameful things and nobody would ever have a clue. The battered hyena waited for the water to turn on, then made her move, suddenly grabbing Mitso by the biceps and spinning him to face her, shoving his back to the wall! Her eyes were narrowed predatorily, hyena grin as strong as it ever had been, and her knee lifted to very gently grind on his balls while water started to hit and trail down her body.

"Mmmn. Dragon...?" she began, and ran her fingers from his left arm, to his pecs, and down his stomach. "Tell me. Did our fight turn you on? When did you start getting hard?" She purred, and that wandering hand reach his cock, taking it in her grasp softly, stroking up and down. "Because... the only thing in the way of you being perfect, is enjoying the struggle. Enjoying busting your opponent to bruises, like you did me..."

Mitso was caught very much off guard by the sudden forwardness, barely having had time to put the soap on the tray on the wall before he was spun and otherwise manhandled by the Hyena. He had to admit, it was a major turn-on even before she grabbed his re-hardening erection and started stroking him. The warm water felt good running down his sore body, but her knee felt even better in a way. "Ngh, fuck Anna...If you want the truth, I started getting hard as soon as I hit you in the pussy the first time. When you didn't fold up or bitch about me playing rough, I knew you were into it on a whole different level... and you dragged me to that same level, you crazy, sexy Hyena bitch..." ~<3

He paused a moment, before adding as an aside. "Of course, I've never gotten a chance to beat anyone black and blue like you... and seeing how much you love those bruises... it's a really big fucking turn-on by itself..."

Anna giggled, and flicked her tail. "Yeah? I can take a punch. More than most, even..." she purred, stroking him softly up and down. The water matting down her fur, exposed those bruises all the more. "So, when you punched my pussy, huh? You like giving low blows and taking them, too? Mmmn... ...I don't mind that. My whole body is a willing target. And also, not many beat me black and blue, when I find someone who does? Oh god..." Anna leaned forward, and whispered into his ear. "Welcome to the list, dragon..."

"Ungh, god... It... it was the smell." He huffs a little, his dick in her hand throbbing appreciatively at her smooth, soft strokes. "The smell of your delicious pussy on my glove... fucking turned me all the way on..." His hands reached up now, one of them stroking the bruise on her breast, and the other running his fingers and thumb over her belly again. That hand didn't stay long though, sliding down and letting two of his fingers rub down to either side of her clit, then back up to rub at it directly, teasing it and its hood softly and slowly in return for your hand on his shaft. "I knew then... I knew I had to win. I had to beat you... just so I could get a taste... and maybe more." ~<3

Anna smiled, and nodded softly. "Mmmn... I was pretty turned on. If I must be honest, if I had my way?" She tightened her grip on his shaft, and leaned in, nose to nose while he rubbed her injured body. "I was going to beat you bloody and bruised, and take this cock of yours. Maybe make you cum on yourself and knock you out to let somebody find..." Pause, she licked his nose, and leaned back again, flat to her feet. "Good thing you won then, hm?"

Mitso couldn't help a dry chuckle at that, nodding lightly. "I think I like being on the list better, Anna..." He moved quickly again, like he had in the corner earlier, and spun her around, putting her back to the wall this time. He moved his muzzle in close to hers this time, and smirked. "Much better, in fact." At which point, he moved in to kiss her, pressing his muzzle to hers and turning it sideways just right to make it a good, deep, firm kiss. His hands moved to her sides, rubbing there for just a moment, before moving to her ass and gripping it nice and tight. He broke away for a moment, smiling as he half-whispered to her. "Yknow, this cock of mine is yours for the asking Anna... or by demand, if you don't want to ask nicely." ~

Anna squeaked as he spun her around again, pressing her to the wall, eyes wide in some surprise. That shock dissipated when he moved to kiss her however. She was tense, but gradually, warmed up to the gesture of affection, groaning as he rubbed her sides, then her ass. Her eyes blinked when the kiss broke, and she giggled. "Mmmn. Then fucking get it in me, Dragon. Stop fucking around and waiting..."

With seemingly a minimal amount of effort, Mitso had Anna lifted up against the wall, leaving her looking him right in the eyes, and him smiling widely. With a little step forward, he was grinding his hot, hard shaft against her sore and swollen nethers, and after a few testing gyrations of his hips, he found purchase, and pushing himself into her a ways, before letting gravity take her a couple inches lower. He then leaned in to kiss her again, his hands under her ass groping and rubbing it firmly, and started slowly grinding himself back and forth, quickly getting into a smooth, easy rhythm of thrusting. He even growled a little in the kiss, enjoying himself again very obviously...


The dragon hadn't expected the phone call, nor had he expected it to be Anna, of all people, demanding another chance to get in the squared circle with him. He had agreed, even enthusiastic about another chance to trade blows with this hot, psycho hyena. He had arrived, about half an hour after the arena was supposed to be closed, and found the locker room door propped open just slightly, so he went in and sat down on a bench in the mens lockers. He thought about calling Anna back, but he decided to wait for her to make the next move.

Anna was kind of a bitch. But she wasn't so much of one to just set something like this up and then leave it hanging. Mitso was alone, but only for a while, Anna walked into the locker room with him, sauntering her hips, showing that she was completely naked except for her chrome studded collar. "Well well, look who it is... Some dragon who thinks he is hot shit..."

Mitso was NOT expecting the first sight he'd see to be Anna in the nude again. The mere sight sent a 'thump' of pleasure running from his nethers all the way back to his brain. He sat up and took notice, cracking a half-smile in her general direction as he replied. "Well well, if it isn't a hyena who IS hot shit tonight. Why the full Monty, Anna? We gonna go for dessert first to get it out of our systems before we fight?" He said hopefully.

Anna shook her head, and smiled widely. "Nope. I'm ready for the fight. You should get ready, too. Take it all off, now. Wait for your cue." She winked, and once close, grabbed his wrists to pull him up with a seductive press of her body to his own. "Tonight, you're mine, Dragon, and it's going to be one hell of a show..." she continued to purr, gently lifting a knee to his groin, grinding it in before backing off and starting to leave. She wasn't answering shit!

"RAGH!" The dragon barked as she kneed him in the nuts unexpectedly and before he could so much as ask why, she was gone. "Oooh... it is ON now, bitch..." He practically tore his clothes off, and taped up his ankles and wrists quickly, leaving him bare-assed and bare-knuckled. He was going to pound some more respect into her tonight, and he wasn't gonna fuck around either. If they were fighting mostly nude, he'd be hunting for the most hurting she'd ever had put on her by far. He waited, impatiently now, for whatever his 'cue' was supposed to be.

That was the other interesting thing. Multiple minutes passed, and suddenly, the door to the locker room opened. Some fox was waving Mitso out, and as he followed toward the ring, he'd hear voices. Sure enough, Anna was standing in the ring, well illuminated by spotlights, as naked as she was moments ago. Surrounding the ring were people. Not too many, but several dozen spectators, whistling and cheering at the dragon making his entrance! Anna just dared him to enter the ring with her. She'd been thinking this through

An audience. He should have guessed she'd have some sort of trick up her sleeve... the one she wasn't wearing. His face blossomed a little purple blush, but his eyes narrowed and locked on Anna... and her body. His member stirred a little, but stayed down, thankfully. He punched both of his hands into the others palm, and sauntered as casually as he could up to the ring, and rolled in under the bottom rope, fully expecting her to rush him and start kicking him while he was down.

His expectation was almost prophetic, as she charged him instantly and started to stomp at his body, even grabbing the top rope for leverage while her bare heel pummeled down at him over and over! Nobody booed Anna either, no, they cheered! They were all on Anna's side, no matter how much of a fucking cheat she was! "Stupid, fucking, dragon! Ohh, I'm going to fuck you UP! You thought last time was soooo fun, did ya? Did ya!?"

Even as the torrent of painful stomps came down on his back and sides, Mitso was thinking on his feet. Well, hands and knees in this case. He tried to bring an arm up to defend himself, but the leverage she had just pushed it out of the way. Thinking as fast as he could, he remembered a trick from some self-defense class somewhere. His hand shot out, grabbed her by the knee of her planted leg, and yanked up and toward himself with everything he had in him, hoping to drop her directly on her shapely ass.

It worked, Anna was not a trained fighter, but rather a wild scrapper. She fell to her rear with a squeak, and tried to scoot backward, kicking at Mitso somewhat in the process so that she could try to stand. The dragon had his moment to get on his feet as well, Anna watched him with a sneer...

The dragon slapped the mat with both hands and kicked his feet up under him, turning to face the scrabbling hyena as he stood, with a cruel sneer of anger on his face. He cracked his knuckles quickly and took a closed stance, trying to present as small a target as he could to his smaller, and apparently quicker, foe. His eyes couldn't help darting between her legs though...

Anna's body was tense, and she approached. She was looking over his guard, he kept himself pretty well guarded. But not well guarded enough. She approached, spreading her arms, revealing plainly to him her studded nipples and hard, athletic body, wanting his eyes to stay high on her while she worked to punting a fucking field goal kick between his thighs!

As soon as she flashed her chest at him, he cocked a fist back, wanting to punch her tits right through her chest... until the studs glinted in the light just right to gave him pause. He sat there for just a brief moment, his eyes fixated on the glint, and his package dangling there invitingly, his guard spread and his weight off balance. It was now or never if she was gonna kick for distance.

Anna took what she could, his hesitation was his own problem. She kicked him for all he was worth, and apparently, he was worth getting worked up over, because that punt was HARD! The audience would gasp on its landing, it would make more than a few of them cringe~

"AWRGH!" Mitso flopped, almost comically, backwards from the kick, landing awkwardly on his side, both hands clutching his aching gonads. She'd nailed them both, but her toes had dug into the right one which was currently screaming at him to ask what the fuck he thought he was doing. He heaved a breath, slightly panicked, reeling back away from Anna to get to his feet in the corner, still hunched over with his left hand cradling his nuts. "F-fuckin... bitch..." He huffed quietly under his breath.

Anna giggled like a bitch, watching him writhe in pain. She stalked around him, watching him fight to a stand in the corner, where Anna would lower her shoulder and charge, checking her body into his abs! She'd try to repeat this again, and again. His chance, if he was well enough to take it, was in this period, as after the third slam into his body she'd be lifting her knee for his balls again!

The gut check came unexpectedly, and he lost his balance a bit, by the time he got it back, she'd slammed into him twice more. He was not only impressed by the ferocity she was fighting with, but also a little overwhelmed at the moment it seemed. Getting angry at this fact, he swung his left hand toward her face. At the same time he swung, her knee came up into balls, and he roared in anguish, his swinging punch suddenly becoming a hard, fast slap across her cheek and jaw. After that, he doubled up again, tail and hands both curling inward to try to protect his sore, aching testicles. He basically sat against the turnbuckle, head right at waist height to her, huffing and groaning. He hadn't seen either of the low blows coming, and she was absolutely *Wrecking* his freaking balls!

Anna sneered. Mitso fell before her, and Anna felt smug. Horny, even. Kicking his ass, or rather, his balls, made her feel great. Tingles ran through her spine, and she desired more. Putting her left paw under his chin, she stood him again, eyes narrowed. "Uncover your crotch, Dragon. Now." She growled, her right starting to find entertainment in beating the hell out of his body. Particularly his side, hitting his ribs, and a bit into the outer reaches of his belly. The air was starting to smell of her lust, hyena bitch was getting wet!

With the kind of speed you can only see from a cornered and probably desperate animal, the dragon's hands flew up from his crotch, and literally dug their claws into the flesh of Anna's tits, not hard enough to pierce skin, but it probably hurt like hell. At the same time, HIS knee came up, less accurate then hers had been, and drove itself into the soft flesh between her belly button and her groin, almost right on her bladder. At the same time, he roared in her face, close enough that his mouth full of daggers could have chomped down on her whole muzzle had he chosen to. He had done as ordered, though unwittingly, and his aching manhood was hanging free between his thighs again.

Anna yowled, widening her eyes. Anna's tits were firm and rubbery, but not used to taking abuse at all, so she was frozen in pain long enough for his knee to smash into that little sweet-spot above her pussy! Anna moaned, her sex leaking a bit of lust, and in a rage Anna curled a fist and went to punish his hanging jewels again with an uppercut, unintimidated by the scaly boxer! She growled fiercely, in warning!

He howled a little, her punch a little less effective than perhaps another kick would have been. However, her hand would make an important discovery; she'd enraged him again by arousing him finally! His member stood, proudly pointing directly at her, as he stood up to his full height. His movements were as fast as he could make them, his knees weakened by the punishment so far, and as he stood, he let go of her left breast with his right hand, which curled up into a fist and raised up into the air, readying to come crashing down on her in a moment. She could probably guess he'd be aiming for her head, and with her right tit in his claws, she wasn't getting away from this unless she made him let go before he could swing.

Anna wasn't THAT good. Unfortunately, she wouldn't be pulling off a near perfect domination, as she looked up just in time to be blasted by his fist, dazing, trying to hold her face defensively and stumbling back in front of him. She snapped a blind kick for his middle, but a reversal of momentum was happening. The audience, several of whom may have been... enjoying this, all booed at Mitso!

That snap kick was all too accurate for Mitso's liking. She hadn't even been trying, and she'd gone and kicked him in the dick! This fresh, new pain unblurred and re-blurred the dragon's vision, and sent his knees buckling again as his hands grabbed his stiff, now aching rod and balls again. He'd blown a lot of energy on one desperate move, and probably bought himself a few moments at best. He also couldn't help lamenting the state of his jewels. "Fucking... god damn it, my fucking BALLS! Egh... gonna... gonna tear you... a new one... bitch, my goddamn NUTS!" Obviously, they were throbbing, thus the random shouting. He couldn't even get off his knees for the moment.

Anna panted, and twisted a wide smile. "Yeah? Sucks when your opponents know your little weaknesses, doesn't it...?" Anna purred, and stepped forward, looking to deliver a crushing, brutal knee right into his snout! She was trying to daze the dragon, depending on this to set up her next little form of torture...

A sickening crack and an instant spattering of blood on the canvas were her reward, as well as Mitso falling away from her and to the side. She'd not only broken his nose, but from the look of it, she'd knocked a tooth out as well. This worked all to well, as Mitso's eyes went white, and his head was spinning as he lay there nearly helpless, holding his face and just repeating 'aw fuck!' over and over.

Anna smiled, remorseless for her sexy opponent, and reached for his ankles. She bodily dragged him straight on his back, and lifted her paw, aiming for his balls and STOMPING. Again. And again! Again! Then, a leaping, crushing knee to his crotch, letting her weight bear in while she laughed, slowly releasing pressure while her right hand touched his cock. "Submit, Dragon. Submit or know what it means to be broken..."

As he was dragged onto his back, his erection wavered back and forth above him a bit, and he made some kind of confused noise, which gave way to convulsing, tormented and angry yelling. Her foot came down over and over, and he couldn't bring his hands down to try to stop her before the knee drop, which literally stole his breath. Her knee was ungodly painful, she had his testicles pinned perfectly between her bare knee and the flat surface of his tail's base, with his shaft waving and throbbing just above. For as long as she held the pressure, he could hardly breathe, but as she let up just enough and stroked the end of his stiff rod... he came. His body flopped beneath her for several seconds, and jets of his seed painted the ring around him, as well as his belly and chest, and for several seconds he was riding as high as he could be... until it all came rushing back to him, painfully. Unexpectedly, he tapped the ring's floor repeatedly, whimpering pathetically as he croaked out three pained words: "I... give up..."

Anna widened her eyes, grinning wildly at what she just triggered from this dragon! She won. The bell rang, applause exploded for Anna's quick, amazing victory. The hyena bitch purred, swishing her tail. "Ooooh... THAT was fun. But... there's one more thing you should know about, sexy..." She cooed, dismounting him, and sliding up next to his chest...

Mitso lay there, a real mess, blood running down one side of his face, a dark bag forming slowly under his left eye, and moaning quietly in post-orgasmic agony. The hand on the opposite side from Anna moved over to gingerly cup his aching balls, and he looked down at her with something akin to fear in his eyes. He swallowed a little, and quietly spoke again. "...what thing, Anna?"

"I don't actually give a shit..." She venomously purred, and swung her leg over, mounting his bloody face while placing her claws on his chest. She dug them into his smooth, sexy pecs, scratching downward harshly! "Lick. Fucking eat me out, dragon! Now!" she barked, and lifted her paws again, leaning forward, eyes set on his hopefully now uncovered and brutalized balls...

Mitso groaned loudly, but didn't actually dare protest. She'd beaten him, fair or not, and he'd already submitted one way or the other. so he had no choice but to do as she ordered in his mind. His hands moved away from his sides, which meant indeed uncovering his jewels and still semi-rigid member, and he grabbed two handfuls of her luscious ass, and dug his tongue into her dripping pussy with panache. His lips sucked loudly at hers, and his long, powerful tongue went to work right away trying to please her in whatever capacity it could manage.

Anna moaned like a bitch in heat. She was soaked, fighting was the one thing to turn her on more than anything, so a lot of his work was done for him. "Oooh, god yes...!" Anna moaned, humping his broken nose cruelly, lifting an arm to pose for the audience while she humiliated him. However, he wouldn't have it easy, not in the slightest. That raised fist, then came hammering down, right for his poor, beaten balls. "Faster, Dragon... Impress me!"

The pain in his face was nothing compared to that hammering fist to his nuts, and he audibly choked on her pussy and his own tongue at the impact. He heard her order loud and clear though, and his tongue squirmed even harder inside her for a moment, before something clicked in his head, and he shifted targets, and shifted his lips and tongue to suckling and licking as quick and hard as they would go against her hot, stiff little clit, remembering that she loved having it played with like this.

Anna's body went rigid. She moaned deeply, he made the right move. Anna was no longer focused on pounding this dragon any more, letting him work her sexual weakness until her body seemed to seize. She was close. Another seize. Very close. Time for Anna's finale. She braced on her left arm, and forced her cunt down hard onto his nose, causing him undoubted agony. Then, her right began to savagely PUNCH, HIS, SACK, over and over, with stiff, heavy fucking punches to REALLY make Mitso scream, make him never forget her! There was no mercy, not in a single bone of this wild hyena. She would pound him as hard as her athletic body allowed, until she came all over his face in one hell of an explosive climax!

Mitso worked her hard little clit as fast and hard as his sore facial muscles would allow, and was sadly unprepared for her 'finale'. The pushing onto his face made him grunt in pain a little again, but that first merciless punch really set him off. He flopped underneath her, and his voice was muffled by her body as he shouted again in agony. Then she hit him again, and again. Very quickly Mitso's feet were kicking in panicked anguish, and his hands were digging their claws into the flesh of her ass, possibly hard enough to draw blood himself. He twisted and thrashed, to no avail, until his face came loose and he wailed for mercy in an octave too high for his voice. "STOP GOD FUCK NOT MY BALLS PLEASE MY FUCKING NUTS!!!" He didn't even notice when her nectar painted his face and neck.

Anna didn't CARE about him clawing her ass up. Anna was kinky, she bled all the time, and Mitso was being actively mocked by the audience while he begged! The hyena finished off with a final strike, an elbow dropping onto his poor, battered balls, and rolled off him, standing, thighs glistening in the light. "Don't FUCK with Anna Somerset, dragon. You learn a lesson today? WHAT DID YOU LEARN?!" she snarled, lifting her paw and putting it to his chest. Well, more like his neck...

A final "AWK!" left him at the elbow, but before he could curl up into a ball and wish for death, Anna was standing on his throat, making it even more difficult to breathe as he pawed at her leg futilely, not actually trying to get her off of him, just not knowing what else to do. He croaked out his words again, almost breathlessly as well, but he endeavored to make it clear, lest he be tormented more. "J-just cause I beat you once doesn't mean I can beat you! You're the baddest bitch I will ever know! I learned...*cough* y-you don't fuck with Anna Somerset! Ever!!" He fell into coughing again, starting to pass out from lack of breath...

Anna purred, and stepped off his throat, leaving the dragon to curl up and writhe. "Very good. Hehe... See you in the rematch, Dragon..." Anna purred, and stepped over her opponent to leave the ring. She felt great. Mitso's destruction was thorough and complete. This would be popping up in her memory often for many, many steamy nights to come.

Brother's Princess

_ **Brother's little Princess** _ _A story_ _((WARNING: Contains BB/CBT, Cub stuff, Incest, Snowballing, Bondage, Other BDSM themes, and LOTS of Oral.))_ Devon had been having a bad day. The 3rd year college student was walking home from the bus...

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Pain Series: Story 2: Busted

_ **Pain Series: Story 2: Busted** _ (Warning; contains Cubs, lesbianism, F/F, incest, Ballbusting/CBT, spanking, Semi-N/C, M/F, and light bondage.) "Go outside, Trevor. Go find your sister and play." Mom was busy again, and Trevor was being bored...

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A really BAD day...

_ **A really bad day** _ _A one-shot story to sate the screaming beast in my head._ **WARNING: This story contains Cruelty, humiliation, N/C, ballbusting, and of course, Underage characters. If you can't deal with that, LEAVE NOW. And unwatch me,...

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