Trade: Brought Down

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A dragon spends his time doing whatever he damn well pleases really. One of the things that this copper dragon enjoys doing is tormenting the people around him to remind them of how amazing he is. Nothing could ever stop him, so why even bother with concern? He even welcomes champions and assassins to make their attempts, if only his pride weren't so big perhaps he would have seen what was going to happen today.

At the base of a mountain in a cave carved out of earth and stone, a copper dragon made its home. All dragons of any scale were given proper fear and respect by the people who lived near them. Sometimes, people of various species both human and otherwise would benefit from the watchful eye of a dragon, and at times they would suffer under the watchful gaze of a beast bent on ruining their lives if they deemed it fit. Regardless of what the people experienced or what they thought of them, most dragons thought of themselves as creatures of a superior make that should act as such, and the copper dragon living at the base of the mountain was no different in that fact. Among the settlements in the region near the mountain, the copper dragon had earned himself ire, especially of those who lived closest to him. Despite that disdain and hatred, the copper dragon had himself a nice lair with plenty of servants waiting on him claw and talon, but of course, those servants were also his playthings. Today, the dragon woke from his slumber, raking his claws against the cut stone floor of his lair while stretching, a playful mischief glinting in his eyes as he prepared to greet the day.

Lothrak had awoken feeling wonderful. His scales were a perfect sheen of copper with hues of soft blue and brown that reflected the torchlight around him and his eyes were of a similar color and just as precious. There was a swell of pride in every little step he took toward the exit of his lair. He could wait for the servants to offer him something to eat, or perhaps something to drink, but the only thing he felt hunger for was to greet the subjects he had gathered around the mountain. There were settlements of humans, of kobolds and more, and he knew all of them had to appreciate him in one way or another. They were lesser beings so despite whatever complaints they might have had, Lothrak knew that they absolutely would be in awe of his presence.

Often, the copper dragon would visit a settlement or two by flying overhead and watching them scurry, taking his time in deciding whether or not he would water their crops and homes with a bit of acid rain. Sometimes, he even transformed into a lesser creature to grace them with a surprise appearance and my how they screamed when they saw his true form, that is, all except the kobolds. The kobolds feared him, yes, but they seemed to bow their heads and their eyes sparkled when they looked upon him. Lothrak liked them the best because they not only looked at him as a dragon but as a god.

Just outside of his lair, Lothrak stepped out into the woods taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air. Things were a bit chilly, but it felt nice against his scales. His tail lashed as he looked up to the sky, he had a few choices in settlements and places to irritate and grace with his presence, but it all just depended on how he was feeling. The gnolls nearest to him often sent champions to try and challenge him and that was always a laugh, but they hadn't done it in a while so perhaps he should give them a quick visit just to remind them he still existed.

With a quick leap, he was up in the air with his wings spread wide with the sun beating down on his naked scales. It was such a beautiful morning and it would be even better for those at the gnoll village with him there gracing them. With that in mind, he flew toward the gnoll village.

It didn't take too long before he arrived and already he could hear shouts telling people to hide. Of course, there were a few archers that fired their arrows, but those always proved to be useless. Despite that fact, he moved and swerved around their arrows and whatever else they threw at him in a graceful manner befitting his station and when he was close enough to the archer's encamped on the village's walls, he blew a puff of smoke and poison gas at them that caused them to yell and scatter. A little mayhem made everything better!

When he had his fill of fleeing creatures of lesser make, he turned around and flicked his tail before setting off back to his home. It was always nice to get some morning exercise, but breakfast was also important. They would surely hire someone to come challenge him again, someone who would either use guile or stupidly come to him face to face. It would be something fun to do and since he was so sure about that happening, he would wait in his cave patiently.

Arriving back at his cave he took what the servant's had to offer in terms of food and drink before hissing and posturing as if he were going to strike them to watch them scamper and scurry away. He went back to his chambers where the stone had been carved and cut just for him like a temple and he curled up near the center where two braziers settled at both of his sides. There he laid waiting for the champion of the gnolls. Little did he know, a champion had already been called and paid for.

At the entrance of the cave that led to the copper dragon's lair, a gnoll garbed in a long cloak holding a chest against his body greeted the servants at the entrance with a deep bow. None of the servants had seen such a gnoll at the nearby village a look at his face showed that he was spotted brown instead of striped like the rest nearby. The gnoll offered a gift to the great copper dragon and the servant's obliged by letting him in not knowing that he held a trap for the dragon to finally free the land of his nuisance.

Lothrak didn't have to wait long before he was told someone had come to see him bearing a gift. A gift! How foolish did the gnolls think he was? Certainly, he could see those being beneath him showering him with gifts, but his mind was sharp and he had just harassed the very gnolls that were now supposedly sending this mysterious emissary to deliver a tribute. He would entertain this new guest and would see the look on their face when he revealed that he knew the trap was there, of course, if there wasn't a trap it would be nice to receive a gift.

The gnoll stepped into his chambers and he was pleasantly surprised to see that the gnoll they had sent wasn't obviously garbed for battle, brandishing armors and decked out in plate mail. Instead, this gnoll wore a cloak over his body with the hood drawn up and he walked with his head held at an incline with the offering at his chest. The gnoll stopped just after a few steps and knelt down. Such a proper entrance was far more than he expected out of a lesser race, still, his suspicions weren't eased. Perhaps, if he were a lesser dragon he would have been fooled immediately.

With a smile, he tilted his head up and spoke clearly so that the words rang through the chamber, "You may rise and state your business gnoll."

The gnoll rose and inclined his head again before he began to speak with the normal rumbling tone of one of his kind, "I am Grendiir, a traveler, and maker of draughts and tinctures. I stopped in a village nearby and they tell me of a dragon, a copper dragon at that. Benevolent and blessed creatures are the metallic dragons, so I have come to give tribute with a concoction for your grace."

With a tilted head the dragon chuckled, "And what would I need a concoction made from a being such as yourself?"

The gnoll smiled beneath the hood, "It is a potion that will make you stronger than what you already are, a draught that will turn your heart and scales silver."

That ended the joy of this moment quickly enough. Everyone knew and understood that among metallic dragons the coppers were considered the least. To suggest that he could be turned silver was not only an insult, but it was an impossibility. How he seethed to think that any being could be more powerful than he could be, and how he hated to think that his abilities could not match up to another dragon and here in his own home a gnoll came to remind him of what few inadequacies he had.

With smoke and gas puffing from his nostrils rose and began to step forward, "Do you really think that I would believe that? A copper dragon I might be, but I am still a dragon and my mind is as sharp as my claws and magic. No mere tincture can make me more than what I am and certainly not one of my supposed higher kin."

Again, more insolence as the gnoll simply smiled and opened the chest to reveal a flask full of glowing green liquid, "I mean no insult, only that perhaps you would wish for more splendor and power among your own people."

Lothrak cleared the space between them with a mighty lunge and hissed, "I am no lesser. My splendor, my power is supreme. I would rake the eyes from a silver and give them to you before melting you down myself to slag!"

Grendiir again simply poked and pressed his buttons. The gnoll did not flee, did not scurry and cower, but instead simply remained with that same stupid smile that caused his heart to burn with anger and rage. He seethed and hissed tail lashing, but the gnoll remained with that stupid box open. Irritation growing, he spat acid at the gnoll which struck the stupid gift along with its contents. The gnoll lets go of the chest with a gasp and backed away, finally showing some fear and respect as the dragon continued forward.

Lothrak hissed, "I do not need a reminder of my supposed station among my kind, but it appears that you need a reminder where you belong on the hierarchy of life. You are nothing but an insignificant speck compared to me. How dare you presume to believe that I would require anything to make me better when you yourself are nothing! Now kneel!"

His words roared through the chamber and his servants all backed away as the gnoll slowly got to his knees, his cloak hiding most of his body as he bent his head down to mutter and stammer, "Dragon...I beg you, I did not mean to insult, I only wished to serve."

The copper dragon stepped forward again and circled the gnoll before stopping at his front. Lothrak could let the gnoll live now that he was properly made meek and fearful, but such an insult would not stand. If he let the gnoll live then he would have to contend with the dissent among his ranks that it would bring, or perhaps, perhaps they would see him as benevolent and he would earn the love of his subjects rather than the usual fear. He could not have it one way or the other, he needed both, and so he needed to think and think hard about what he was going to do. It was while he was thinking, that the champion of the village made his move.

A cask of glass and metal flew through the air thrown by the gnoll. It struck the dragon out of his thoughts and on the scales soundly enough to ring through his body. A smog filled the air and the dragon huffed as he caught wind of the sweet scent. Most poisons were weak against dragons with some few exceptions and he felt nothing when he huffed deeply of the smog except a swelling pride that he was right. Such guile should be rewarded with a proper response, especially after drawing him in so close for the supposed kill. Looking down at the gnoll who was cowering again now that his plan did not work, Lothrak clawed the stone beneath him and prepared to pounce to end this little game.

When the dragon pounced, the gnoll's smile returned and he raised a palm at the dragon. The sound of thunder cracked through the air as Grendiir's voice boomed out an incantation. Lothrak's eyes suddenly flashed with bright light and his pounce fell short. He felt a bright burning in his mind unlike any other and the sudden appearance of a presence within him.

The copper dragon shook his head and hissed until he felt a strange calm pour over him, the gnoll's voice whispering in the air and in his mind, "Your resistance to spells has been weakened, now hear my voice and heed my call dragon, you are mine."

Lothrak's hissing and seething rage stopped all at once and his eyes grew wide as he felt the tendrils of the gnoll's influence grabbing onto his mind and spirit. It was strange. Just a few seconds ago he had been thinking of tearing apart this gnoll limb from limb for being so insolent, but now, now he couldn't really think of anything at all. His mind felt blank and all the tension seemed to pour from his body. What was even more odd, was a ringing in his mind, an inclination that told him to stay still and wait for orders from his master, but who would ever be able to champion a dragon? He heard the whispers of the gnoll's voice again in his mind and he shuddered as he knew just what type of powerful being could control him, the gnoll standing before him.

Grendiir's voice came out loud this time full of command and seeping with power, "You are mine now dragon, and in this, you have proven how weak you are. For this, your new station is life is a servant of servants, a weak creature on the lowest rung meant to be used for their body. Bring your head down."

The copper dragon moved to obey while the gnoll removed his cloak. Beneath the cloak, the gnoll had been mostly nude except for the belt around his waist holding various flasks along with a loincloth. Even as a maker and seller of potions the gnoll had plenty of muscle that could be seen even beneath the heavy coat of fur. Already the loincloth was moved to the side by a thick red shaft with a slight bulge at the base. Once the dragon was in place, the gnoll set his cock against the beast's snout.

Without a word, without needing to command him, Lothrak opened his mouth to let his tongue slide out and against the thick shaft presented before him. The copper dragon's eyes were half-lidded and stuck in a dream as he dragged and wrapped his tongue around that thick thing before moving it all the way down the underside to the balls. He kissed and nuzzled each orb before coiling his tongue around them, purring like a meek kitten.

A gentle touch at one of his horns let him know to bring his mouth up to the tip where he opened his maw wide with his tongue pressed against the underside of that thick shaft. Normally, a servant would be pleasuring him or some random passerby he found, but now he was weak and bound forced to do as his master pleased, and at the moment he couldn't be happier. With his mind still under the gnoll's spell, he watched with that dreamy gaze as the gnoll slowly pressed his cock down on the dragon's tongue to slowly slide into that inviting maw.

Grendiir took his sweet time despite the fact that the dragon was more than just a little eager to serve. Lothrak wanted to dip down to take every single inch of his master's cock, but instead, he obeyed the will of his master coursing through his mind and allowed the gnoll to slowly bring that thick member inch by inch into his maw. It was easy enough to take every little bit of that cock in his mouth due to the differences in size, but it still made him shiver, still made his own cock harden between his hind legs as he felt his snout pressing against the gnoll's crotch. The copper dragon could still feel the command in his mind to remain where he was and he obeyed, waiting for the gnoll's next action.

Slowly, the dragon's master began to bring his hips back and forth, that firm shaft grinding against his tongue. It wasn't long before the gnoll was fucking the dragon's maw, both powerful paws holding onto his horns. Perhaps, during some other time Lothrak would have been inflamed to be treated in such a manner, but at this moment he could only feel a dull pleasure pulsing through his body as he let his mouth be bred. He actively wanted his master's cum to drench his tongue and throat and purred loudly as he felt a few drops of pre touch his tongue. A few grunts and moans from Grendiir let him know he was doing a good job and only seemed to fuel his own arousal.

A few more thrusts with those heavy balls pressing against his muzzle and that thick knot began to swell and kiss his mouth with every single thrust. He suddenly felt a gush of hot cum pour out into his mouth. The initial burst reached his throat before the rest of the gnoll's orgasm spilled out onto his tongue in thick ropes produced every twitch. When it was finally over, the gnoll pulled out and yet his cock was still firm as ever.

Lothrak looked up to see that his master was staring down at him with such hunger in those powerful eyes, and he knew that there was more in store. Swallowing what was in his mouth, he lowered himself to the ground before rolling himself onto his back with his firm cock and balls presented along with his tail hole ready to be used by his master's whim and desire.

The gnoll brought his mouth down to grace the dragon's balls with a kiss. Lothrak gasped as he felt his master's heavy tongue dip down and underneath and then lower still until that wet tongue was pressing against his tail hole. He shuddered as he felt digits probing his virgin pucker, two of them working to stretch him apart and let warm spittle drip inside. Grendiir didn't spend too long prepping the dragon's hole and was soon bringing himself up to sit on the dragon's tail. Carefully, the gnoll edged his cock closer and closer to the dragon's hole, and Lothrak could feel nothing but excitement plaguing his body.

Once the tip was pressed against his rear, he heard his master muttering, "Look at you, brought down so low. Once you were so proud, and now you can do nothing but watch with those eyes of yours begging for your master's cock. I bet even one of your own servant's could use you like this, and you wouldn't even care would you?"

A part of the dragon that still existed within his own mind tried to regain control for that single moment, but instead, he opened his mouth and sighed, "I am nothing now but a servant to all who would use me."

A shudder rolled through the dragon as those words left his maw and the gnoll only grinned wildly. To reward the dragon's words and acceptance of the situation, Grendiir edged his cock inside, the tip spreading Lothrak's rear open slowly. Another shudder ran through the dragon as he let out a meek moan in response to being spread for the first time. A small bit of pain accompanied the shock of pleasure he felt as the gnoll wasted no time pressing inside of those warm insides. The dragon's rear gripped onto his master's cock firmly and he gasped as the gnoll shoved deep inside. Even in his hypnotized state, he had expected his master to take things just a bit slower, but instead, the gnoll was using his rear like a wild hound breeding a bitch.

Every thrust was another few extra inches shoved into his rear until the knot was kissing his entrance, begging to get inside along with the rest of the gnoll's cock. The dragon's toes curled and his eyes rolled back as he tried to process the massive flood of sensation pouring inside of him. Certainly, the gnoll was smaller than any dragon, but he had not felt such a thing before. Normally, Lothrak was the one taking charge, he had never taken a cock inside of his rear and certainly had never been bred so thoroughly. There was a pressure building inside of his gut, a rolling fire that traveled the length of his body that pressed back down and around to his cock that caused it to bounce and twitch with every thrust of that thick knotted cock in his rear. The gnoll was snarling at this point, with both paws gripping the dragon's ankles to keep them far apart as he pounded deep inside of that tight hole.

Strangely enough, even through the hypnosis, he felt his pride being splintered and broken. He could feel his ego being pushed and prodded until he was left meek and subdued. Even with that, he moaned like a bitch in heat and took every thrust without complaint. At some point, he begged for his master's seed, begged to be bred like the bitch he was, and worst of all, some part deep inside of him loved the sensations even without the hypnosis. It was with that thought that he yelped as he suddenly felt the gnoll's knot pop inside of his rear. Hot cum soon followed the sensation of being filled by that knot. Rope after rope of the stuff poured out against his inner walls and the dragon cried out in a roar as his own orgasm poured out onto his own stomach.

When every drop of the gnoll's seed had been left inside of him, the gnoll yanked and pulled back until the knot broke free of his rear, causing the dragon to gasp aloud. With his rear dripping warm seed he was let lying and panting while the gnoll went to collect his things. His eyes blinked and he could feel the fog clearing from his mind as he slowly rolled onto his stomach and got up on shaky limbs. It was slowly coming to him, the realization that he had been used like a toy and made a fool of in front of all of his servants. The pleasure from the fucking still throbbed through him and fueled the growing rage within him. He slowly turned to his so-called master with narrowed eyes and a renewed desire to kill.

Opening his maw while the gnoll had his back turned, he readied the acid in his body to melt the fool, but before he could even draw back his breath the gnoll turned around and threw a flask at his open maw. The dragon blinked and breathed back just as the flask fell on his tongue. He swallowed back whatever was in there and shook his head. Never had anyone done such an insolent thing! Lothrak would absolutely have revenge for that little insult and so he opened his maw to prepare the breath attack again, but something was happening. His body grew smaller and his wings disappeared. Before he knew it, he was looking up at the gnoll and standing on two with his maw still open. There was a moment where he didn't recognize what had happened and he in his fury he believed himself still powerful. He went to spit his acidic breath and all that came out was a puff of air and a cough from his throat. Lothrak blinked and tried again but only coughed.

The copper dragon shut his maw before looking down at himself looking at his new body with fiery recognition. He yelled aloud with squeaky anger and terror, "I'm a kobold! What have you done to me!?"

Grendiir had his back turned to the livid dragon turned kobold, but still explained, "You're now truly weaker than any other. Deserving fate for someone who tortures and teases others for amusement. Now, I'll leave to the village to tell them that my job is done and leave you here to do whatever it is that you might want to do." The gnoll then turned his head with a fat grin, "Of course, if you beg I might think about turning you back."

The copper kobold gaped, eyes wide and pupils constricted as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening. There was no way he was going to be, no way he was going to make a deal with the insolent fool. He was a dragon and no stranger to transformation. With his eyes shut he called upon the power deep within him to summon the magic to transform and...Nothing happened. This new body was entirely bereft of magic or perhaps the knowledge to use magic! He could not fire his acid and he could not use his magic.

When he finally could manage a few words, they were nowhere near begging, "I'll maim you with these tiny claws if I have to before I ever kneel to you! I'll find a cure myself and hunt you down! You absolute mongrel!"

Laughter rolled from the gnolls mouth as he shook his head and started walking, "I wish you luck, in life, and with your servants."

With his servants? Lothrak had been so intent on the reactions of the gnoll in front of him, that he didn't notice the gathering of his servants now surrounding him. He hissed and crossed his arms which did very little to make him look threatening and while he did his small voice squeaked out, "And what are you all looking at? Shouldn't you be trying to avenge me, or even offering some amount of help you useless fools?"

Most of his servants were gnolls, gnolls that he had captured and gnolls who had bowed down to him out of fear along with the rest of the creatures under his service. Most all of his servants were much larger than a kobold and many of them at this moment had grins and scowls on their faces that told of a hunger for revenge.

Lothrak peered into their eyes and could see what their intent was and he felt a shiver run down his spine, "N-now...Hold, I am still your master and when I return to my form I will be your master still. You must remember that I am a dragon, not a kobold."

He began backing away as one of the gnolls stepped to him with a snarl. That noise from his perspective sounded so loud now that he was so small and he even yelped in response. Emboldened by the fear he was showing, another gnoll grabbed his shoulders. Lothrak began to flail about, but it was too late.

The kobold was brought down and onto the lap of one of his many servants. They told him to be good and maybe they would let him go, but still, he thrashed about until he felt the tip of a cock poking at his rear and saw another cock press against his cheek. Now he truly knew what they wanted and he was ready to bite and claw his way out, but he felt the strength of their grip on his body and felt the lack of his own strength pushing fear and compliance through his body. Slowly, he calmed, and he opened his mouth with a meek look on his face. If he were going to be used like a servant than so be it, he could get away if he complied with these lesser beings and then he would be able to get his revenge eventually, for now, he would just need to take the pounding.

Lothrak's hips were tugged down and he gasped as he felt that tip at his rear spread his hole wide. At the same time, a thick shaft was shoved into his mouth and so began his payment for treating his servants so terribly. His mouth was held open wide as the cock grinding against his tongue was forced deep into his maw and into his throat. Despite the struggles of penetration, the servant using his rear did not treat him kindly and instead was pounding inside of his rear just as roughly as the servant at his maw. He could do nothing but shut his eyes and bare with the pain and ignore the slight pangs of pleasure that told him that his body was betraying him. There were those that were too impatient to wait for his rear or mouth to open and so they took to pressing their filthy members against his hands as if he would actually service them. A few growls from some of his larger servant's slowly pushed him to grip those cocks and start pumping them. He could feel the heat through the palms of his hands and it mixed with the heat pulsing in his rear from the cock constantly pounding at his senses.

The kobold expected to have his mouth filled at any moment, but instead the servant at his front pulled out and coated his face with hot cum. He gasped aloud, "You idiot! How dare you--" His words were cut as another cock of a different creature was slammed into his mouth and down his throat. More hands urged him to keep sucking and soon enough he felt cum striking both of his cheeks from the cocks that he was forced to tug and squeeze. It was humiliating, but what was worse was the enjoyment he seemed to take from being stuffed and fucked so thoroughly. Hot cum poured out into his rear and he only just managed to stifle a moan as his own cock twitched and bounce to life. He thought it was over then, but more of his servants gathered. Creatures of all kinds that he had collected came with hunger in their eyes and their clothes discarded to the side.

Lothrak had thought that his servants would prove to be pathetic and weak, but many of them used him twice before finishing. It came to the point where he was too exhausted to do anything but lie there as they lifted his tail and took turns pounding into his rear. They spat at him, they hissed and they called him horrible things while pounding in his rear, but all he could do was take it and moan like a slut. His pride was forced to endure every single little insult in the form of their words and actions alongside the thick tainted seed filling him. He wanted nothing more than to return to his dragon form and wreak havoc on them for this, but deep inside of him there was the whisper of compliance, of a desire to feel this continue.

When it came time for the last servant to use him, his eyes were glazed over and his tongue was hanging out as he panted. He was so full, so very full of cum and he barely noticed that he was being rolled onto his back. His ankles were seized by powerful paws and his legs were spread wide, but rather than struggle, his own hands moved to grip his rear cheeks and spread them to show his abused hole. Even if he still cursed his servants and hissed every so often through the panting, his body still knew its place at the moment. He accepted the final cock in his rear with a moan and trembled as he felt it press deep inside of him. The kobold's toes curled while his rear was used for the final time, his eyes shutting as some part of him tried to focus on the anger rather than the pleasure rocking his form. Adding further insult, this servant planted his mouth over Lothrak's. His eyes grew wide as he felt a tongue pressing against his own, his body arching instead of pulling away. His own tongue meekly danced to the other's and he rocked himself back and forth to the other's motions as he felt that swollen member digging in deeper and deeper. He shuddered and moaned as he felt the last orgasm painting his rear in hot cum to mix with all of the rest. When finally it was all done, his servant pulled out and left him there on the floor of his chambers covered in seed and moaning like a little bitch in heat.

Lothrak regained himself, eventually. Slowly, he brought himself up to his feet and hissed as he touched his back. Every single servant had at least been able to use his ass once and he certainly felt like he had been fucked by an army. They would be feeling much worse when he regained his form, but the question was, how was he going to do that? With a scowl, he trotted through his lair with his rear dripping cum and his body shaking. He found the fountains in his cavern and washed off whatever filth he had been filled and painted with until he was back to his beautiful copper glow. Thankfully, the transformation hadn't robbed him of his scales, but as a kobold, he looked average rather than impressive. He frowned as he saw himself in the reflection of the water and he huffed before striking the reflection away.

The kobold remained in the water staring down at the reflection coming back and it truly struck him there that he was pathetic. He waited and waited and waited thinking that somehow the potion was just a temporary thing, but still in this new pathetic form he remained. Maybe an hour or so passed before he finally really believed that he wasn't going to be just transforming back to normal. His draconic form had been fantastic, powerful beyond reason and worthy of respect, but now he was simply a kobold without magic, without breath, without even wings to call his own. He was the lowest of the low and didn't even have the knowledge to make use of his new form. At the very least he could find some humor in the irony of being a kobold. They worshiped dragons with a fervor not seen in other races and they were the only ones who had welcomed him with open arms despite his antics, and now he was one. With a small smirk, he raised his head and a thought occurred. If kobolds worshipped dragons then there was a chance that he could convince the kobolds that he was a dragon stuck in the body of a kobold and that would mean he could gather a small army to help him reclaim his form and perhaps even gain his revenge on the gnoll. He would have to move quickly since the foolish gnoll would most likely have already left to collect his ill-gotten reward. How they would sing and roar of his defeat, but how they would cry once they saw him with an army of kobolds at his beck and call. Certainly, they were small, but they were numerous and inventive with their little traps and mechanisms. All he had to do was convince them, and really, how hard could that be? He was still a dragon in mind and spirit. There was absolutely no way that he could fail seeing as kobolds were simple fools that were inferior to dragons in almost every single way.

Feeling some amount of confidence coursing through his body he got up and out of the water, shaking and stumbling as he felt his body cry out in protest. He was still sore from the pounding he had taken, but revenge would be so much sweeter and so he scoured his lair for at the very least a loincloth that would fit his new frame and he moved to head out into the open forest. He knew where the nearest kobold settlement was and knew exactly what to say to convince them of his lineage. He would have his revenge soon enough, and if he couldn't convince them, well, he didn't really plan for that. Perhaps, someday the dragon would learn some sort of lesson, but for now, he went on confidently and full of the same ego and bluster that had been his downfall.