Between Two Foxes

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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This project was a collaborative effort between myself and Valyri

I can't say enough good things about him, working with him on this project was such a privilege, and I urge everyone to go check out his page. Watch, fave, comment on his stuff, his stories are some of the best on this site. Valyri

Do it now! (Or after you read the story)

Miles and Quinn belong to me

Julian and Jamie belong to

Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage, If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


Between Two Foxes


Miles glanced down at the vibrating smartphone next to his sink. A message notification from Quinn, headed by the...suggestive photo he'd insisted on having as his caller ID. Maybe not the one the arctic fox would have chosen himself, but, well. He didn't exactly mind the pride he felt every time he saw it.

I've been down here for like 5 minutes man, what's tak...

The message trailed off as it exceeded its box.

The comb unexpectedly caught on a particularly determined knot in his neckfur. Miles yelped. "OW! Fuck!"

A voice wafted up the stairs. He could almost hear the smirk on his father's muzzle. "You good up there? I'm sending your tiger up to check."

Even his vulpine ears could barely register the footsteps on the stairs and in his hallway, Quinn was so small. But sure enough, he could see in the mirror the moment that striped muzzle came peeking around the doorframe, grinning, eyes shamelessly roaming over the white fox's shirtless form.

"Hmmm, not bad...needs less pants, though."

Miles smiled in the mirror at him, shaking his head good-naturedly as he continued prodding at his neckfur with the comb. The feline was nothing if not consistent, ever since the night that photo was taken. "Hey, Quinn."

Long, slender tail swishing behind him, the tiger stepped into the doorway and stood there, arms crossed. "You almost done? It's kind of a drive, so we're running a little late, unfortunately..."

"Even with you behind the wheel? You drive like you're insane."

Quinn's face in the mirror adopted a playful glare. "Get a license, and a car...then you can whine about my driving, fuzzy..."

It was just past 7 PM, and the two had planned to get there around 7:30. According to Quinn, getting there too long after that would make it difficult even to find a place to park.

"We're only a couple minutes behind, your brother's little gathering can't possibly be as big as you're making it out to be."

Quinn rolled his eyes. "You've never been to a party thrown by 'The Great Sharp Dawson.' Honestly I'll be surprised if the police haven't already been called by the time we get there."

The tiger cocked his head a little, noticing Miles still struggling with his comb in the same spot. "You okay over there...?"

"Yeah it's just - ow - there's a fucking knot in my fur--"

Quinn's eyes lit up with the delight of a middle schooler just about to drop his best that's what she said. "Yeah, don't I know it."

Miles let the silence hang there for a moment to suck up any shred of dignity the tiger had remaining as the brush's adversary finally yielded to its continuous efforts. He carefully smoothed out the surrounding patch, briefly admiring the lustrous sheen the shower had left on his snowy fur, before dropping the grooming implement loudly onto the vanity, turning, and fixing Quinn with a baleful gaze.

"You know, I never thought it would even be possible to turn sex into a dad joke. But you pulled it off. Slow clap."

Quinn's eyes were clearly locked on the fox's shorts, seeking a sign of the beast within, but his grin spread even wider. "...I'll pull it off whenever you want, big boy."

Miles gave an exaggerated wince. "Ugh, I can't win..."

An idea struck him, and his muzzle slowly curled into a smile as he took a step closer to the tiger. "Unless..."

Another step, then another. He stopped there, aggressively close, three inches taller than Quinn, whose grin had vanished. They locked eyes a moment before the arctic fox leaned down to growl in the older boy's ear. "Unless I find some way to keep your mouth occupied?"

He brought his paws up to the tiger's shoulders, massaging them gently, then firmly, threatening to push them down. "How 'bout it...think you can talk with your mouth full...?"

Quinn shivered under the touch of those paws, tongue quickly lashing across his lips as he glanced down at the thick white chest fur mingling with his own. The cat whimpered with barely contained desire. "M-Miles...we're late..."

The fox thrust forward against his partner's abdomen, grinding the fabric of his shorts against it, letting the kitty feel the thick shaft within. He leaned down to nip gently at the short fur on Quinn's neck, earning a quiet moan. "Fuck...Miles..."

Miles shoved the tiger roughly to his knees before grabbing his head, forcing his muzzle against that bulging crotch, smirking down at the wide-eyed college freshman and enjoying the warmth of his breath. "You want this, don't you? You want a taste...?"

Quinn was trembling against his paw. "Fuck...oh, fuck...y-yeah, I want it..."

And at that, the fox laughed and let go, striding casually past him into the bedroom. He grabbed the gray polo from his bed and threw it on quickly before heading to his dresser to grab his wallet. "Well, maybe later! I don't wanna be too late to your big bro's party!"

The tiger groaned and slowly stood back up, the look of disappointment on his face equal parts heartbreaking and hilarious. "God...I'm supposed to be the tease, you know that?"

Miles chuckled, drawing up alongside Quinn as they headed for the hallway. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. Would it help if I changed 'maybe later' to 'definitely later?'"

The feline's ears perked up as his striped muzzle adopted its flirty grin once more. "Yeah. That would help a lot."


It was a good 30 minute drive to Quinn's brother's place, and finding a place to park even remotely close took nearly as long as that. The streets were packed, bumper-to-bumper for at least three blocks. It seemed the party was a pretty big deal...

"Are, uh...your brother's events always this crowded?"

Even with the huge party raging on, Quinn was acting just as nonchalant as he usually did.

"Eh, more or less...Sharp was a super popular jock in high school, and he's still a super popular jock now, a year away from graduating college. Blowouts like this are par for the course."

Blowout seemed an apt word - the fox swore he could see windows vibrating with each rhythmic pulse of the music.

It was an actual house, not far from the college, but off campus, assumably being shared by Sharp and probably a couple other students. It made sense, to get away with throwing an event as big as this, without running the risk of getting punished by the school for anything that might go wrong.

Miles looked around as he approached the house, and even from the outside he could see that the place was absolutely stuffed. Talking, dancing, making out, and general drunken stupidity could all be clearly identified before the two even reached the door.


Just before they got to the door, it swung open, and a tall bear, carrying a gazelle girl in a cheerleader's uniform on his shoulders, came charging out through the entrance. Miles shot a glance over to Quinn as the pair zipped by.

"So, it's gonna be that kind of party...?"

"Don't worry, there's at least a few people here I know you'll like."

Miles didn't know too much about Quinn's brother. Just that he was a big-time college athlete, maybe the biggest star at the school. That could reasonably explain why the party had such a ridiculous turnout.

The first impression as he stepped through the door wasn't promising. "Doesn't look like there's a lot of high-schoolers here, you sure it's alright?"

With a wave of his hand, the tiger didn't even look back towards his friend to respond. "Of course it's fine, high school kids show up at these things all the time. Plus, it's not as if you look like a little kid...most would probably say that you even look older than me."

"Heh, well, that's more because you look like a 5th grader..."

The white fox didn't even try to hide his self-satisfied smirk as the older boy turned to cast him a long look of mock annoyance.

The feline couldn't quite keep a straight face, though. "Which isn't too young for your tastes, it would seem..."

The smirk vanished quickly enough to prompt a chuckle from Quinn.

Miles scanned the room, hoping maybe he'd spot someone else from school that he knew - not that he actually expected to see anyone. This was a party being thrown by a rather high profile college student, and Sharp's house wasn't very close to their district, so if Quinn hadn't brought them, well...honestly, he was pretty sure that if other high-schoolers were to show up, they wouldn't be let in anyway.

He took a step back, hoping that a wider view might reveal someone he hadn't spotted yet. Unfortunately, while he was temporarily distracted, he felt his tail strike something.

"Ack! Shit, my drink!"

Miles quickly turned upon realizing he had collided with someone, coming face to face with a russet-furred muzzle and a pair of bright green eyes, blinking in surprise. Another fox, and by the looks of it, possibly another high-school student too - he was clearly slightly younger than most of the other partygoers, even with that face illuminated only by the blinking LED display behind the DJ.

Thankfully, he didn't look angry after the collision knocked his drink onto the floor. Maybe slightly annoyed - but that too faded, as the same thought seemed to cross both their minds simultaneously.

Someone else my age is here!

The white fox opened his mouth to apologize and greet the unfamiliar boy, but just as quickly...

"Oh! Come on, over here!"

An orange and black-furred paw gripped Miles' wrist and began pulling him forward with a strength that a tiger as small as Quinn shouldn't possess. Miles was ushered further into the mosh pit of the party, and out of sight of the other fox.

"Jamie! Over here!"

Reacting to Quinn's call was a rather athletic leopard boy - Miles guessed around the same height as himself, maybe an inch or so taller. With a grin, he turned.

"Hey, Quinn! Is this the other guy you said you were bringing?"

With a quick nod of his head, and one final tug, Quinn presented Miles to the leopard as if he were up for inspection.

"Miles, this is Jamie. We have a few classes together."

Standard for a leopard, Jamie was covered in soft golden fur, with a dark brown spot pattern over most of his body.

Taking a final step forward, Miles returned the leopard's smile. "Oh hey, Quinn's told me a bit about you. Starting catcher, big up-and-coming star on the baseball team, right?"

With a shrug, the leopard replied, "Ah, heh...I don't know about being a 'star'...I'm a decent catcher I guess."

"Don't let him fool you, he's a great pitcher too..."

Drawing a facepalm from Miles and a dejected grunt from Jamie, Quinn smirked, clearly enjoying his own comment more than his companions did.

"Wow, just can't turn that off, can you?"

"I could, but with guys like you two around, I'd get turned right back on."

With that comment, it seemed that both taller boys came to the same decision, and resolved not to give their friend another opportunity at an insufferable quip. Each turned their gaze toward the other and continued the conversation, not even reacting to the joke this time.

"So...Jamie, Quinn tells me you're trying to decide between majoring in robotics or engineering?"

"Yeah, I mean...if this baseball thing works out, I can hopefully get some multi-million dollar contract or something, but I'm getting my degree either way..."

Noticing that his two friends were going out of their way to not pay attention to him, Quinn scoffed, feigning insult. "Tch...what terrible friends you two are, ignoring your favorite tiger for no good reason."

With a flick of his ears, Quinn turned his head, looking off to the left, somehow spotting somebody, even though the only light shining in that direction was a flashing yellow strobe.

"...Fortunately for me, there's others here that I with. If you'll excuse me."

With a quick turn, the tiger strode off into the crowd, garnering a glance from Miles as he did so. The fox never did pass up a chance to get a view at Quinn from behind.

"So, are you and Quinn actually together?"

On hearing the question, Miles quickly whipped his head back over to the leopard boy. Jamie obviously had waited until Quinn was out of earshot before asking.

"Not really. I mean, we have fun, but..."

With a smile, the leopard brought up a paw, not even needing to hear the full answer to know exactly what Miles meant. "Heh, yeah, I get it. That sounds like Quinn..."

"How about you? Are you interested in anyone?"

Jamie brought up a paw and scratched behind his ear, clearly not quite sure how to respond to the question. ""


The profanity rang out across the room. Even through the roar of music playing and the myriad of voices conversing, the sound of the shout was very clear, resulting in most of the party attendees turning their attention toward its source. There was a momentary hush, but the music didn't stop, so it didn't really matter.

Standing near the kitchen, clearly visible next to the lit up room, was a tiger. He was pretty tall, and very muscular, with a very aggravated expression on his face. His lips looked to be moving, but he was too far away for Miles to hear anything past that first expletive.

"That's Quinn's brother, right? Wonder what that's about..."

With a nod, Jamie confirmed the fox's assumption. "Yeah, that's Sharp. I don't know all the details, but the word is that he and his girlfriend have been having issues, and that he's been...pent up for a while, if you get my drift..."

As the scene on the other side of the room unfolded, a rabbit in a letterman's jacket seemed to approach Sharp, presumably another team member trying to calm him down. Almost immediately, the tiger angrily shoved his way past him, stomping out of sight.

"He seems a bit..."

Miles began the sentence only to have it continued by the leopard.

"...irritated? Definitely. He's been a pain in the ass at practices for the last week or so. All of the rest of us on the team were really hoping that this party might put him in a better mood."

With Sharp having stormed out of the room, the party more or less returned to normal, conversations and drunken antics resumed. Jamie turned back to continue his talk with Miles, but a familiar voice caught his attention.

"Hey Jaaaaamie! Who's your new friend?"

Miles turned to see the approaching figure, rather difficult to make out in the dimly lit room, but he recognized the russet-furred muzzle and less-than-ordinary pattern around bright green eyes. Not exactly a familiar face to the white fox, but one that had recently left an impression on him.

"Hey, Jules!"

When greeting the other fox, the leopard's voice was just a tad higher than it was a moment ago, and carried a slight bit more enthusiasm. Miles couldn't help but notice, and figured that he might have just gotten an answer to his question about Jamie being interested in anyone...

The red fox extended a paw in greeting. "I'm Julian, Jamie here is a friend."

"And I...owe you a drink. Sorry about before." Miles joked as he shook the other fox's hand.

"Heh, don't worry about it, this place is packed. I've gotten five drinks tonight, and haven't been able to finish any of them."

"The name's Miles. Are you Jamie's...classmate?"

The arctic fox posed the question, hoping to confirm his earlier suspicion that there actually was at least one other high-school student present at the party. When Julian shook his head, Miles couldn't help but let out a small sigh of exhilaration.

"Nah, I'm still in high school. I just know Jamie from...somewhere else."

The leopard turned slightly away, breaking eye contact with either of the fox boys as he did his best to retain his composure. Whatever thought was triggered by his friend's words was presumably embarrassing, at least to some small degree.

Miles was tempted to ask either of his new acquaintances to elaborate on the possibly interesting subject matter, but before he had a chance, as if from out of nowhere, a pair of small orange-and-black-furred paws grabbed Jamie by the chest roughly.

"Jamie! The hot panther over there! He's on the baseball team, and you're introducing me, NOW!"

With that same strength that Quinn seemed to possess earlier, he dragged Jamie away into the dark abyss of the party before the leopard even had a chance to protest, leaving the two fox boys alone.

Miles cast a bemused stare after them, his eyes once again lingering a moment on Quinn's rear. "That tiger just never gets enough, I guess."

Not that he was complaining.

The silence stretched a little longer than expected, and he turned to Julian - those green eyes were fixed on him with an expression Miles had seen before. Interest mixed with shyness. The red fox wanted to talk, but was mulling over how to go about it, a bit less confident without his leopard chaperone around.

Miles was about to say something, ease into conversation, but Julian spoke up first, a friendly smile spreading across his muzzle. "You know, I was worried I'd be the only high school student here. Thought big man angry tiger might kick me out..."

Miles grinned. "Same. What are you, anyway? 16? 17? 16 for me. Just started senior year."

The red fox nodded eagerly, tail swishing briefly behind him. "Same to both. Sooooo, how did you get into the party?"

"Quinn gave me a ride."

"...Come on, you know what I mean."

Miles scratched his head for a moment. "Uh...I gave Quinn a ride."

Had he really just made a Quinn joke to someone in the first five minutes of meeting them?

Julian just smirked, though. "Then I'm sure you fit in just fine here."

Miles couldn't hold in a giggle at that one. "You've known that tiger for all of thirty seconds and you can already tell. How about you? Where'd you really meet Jamie?"

The red fox's muzzle opened, then closed, eyes flicking briefly to the side as he toyed with his bushy tail. "Well...he was a senior at my high school last year."

"Uh huh. So, does he have a crush on your advanced math skills, or...?"

Julian's eyes widened a moment and Miles knew he was blushing under the dim light. When he spoke, though, his voice was calm, if hesitant. "You're asking if we fucked, right? Uh...yeah."

Miles grinned and poked the shorter boy in the shoulder briefly. "They say fox ass is the best ass, you know. Looks like he wants more."

The red fox smiled mysteriously, the white tip of his tail giving a sharp flick behind him. "Sure...something like that."

At this point, Miles was intrigued, and he had to admit he was feeling a little envious of Jamie. He hadn't gotten the greatest look at the red fox, but it was plenty clear the kit was attractive. "For the record, I'm not Quinn, I was just curious. I can talk about other things. Want to go find a place with a bit less sound and a bit more light? I'll show you."

Julian nodded and glanced around the house, emerald eyes scanning for a more sparsely populated area. After spotting a suitable location, he took a hold of his new friend, and the white fox felt himself being dragged by the wrist off through the crowd.

Privacy was certainly at a premium, but the venue that Julian had chosen seemed to be more than acceptable. They had settled in a brightly lit hallway, blocked from the speaker system by a wall and populated only by a German Shepherd couple being...affectionate towards each other.

Now with a clear view of the other boy, Miles looked him up and down, further confirming his assumption that Julian was indeed rather handsome. He wore a white tee with some logo stamped on the front of it, along with a pair of black cargo shorts. A simple outfit, but it accentuated the shiny russet fur quite well, a detail that Miles did not miss.

It took him a moment to refocus and ask a question - true, he wasn't Quinn, but the good look at Julian wasn't exactly helping him forget their last topic. "So, I'm guessing you go to a lot of parties like this?"

"Heh, not at all," the red fox replied flatly as he leaned against the wall. "Jamie begged me to come to this thing, I'm much more comfortable at home with a controller and a about you?"

"Well, I'm no stranger to gaming, but I guess I'm more open about parties, personally..." Miles paused for a moment to glance around the corner back into the unruly event going on a short distance away. "I can't say that I've ever been to something like this though..."

Julian chuckled. "Yeah, this shit's ridiculous..."

Without quite knowing how it had happened, Miles found himself openly staring at the other boy again, particularly his face, tracking the black lines trailing off from his eyebrows. The arctic fox hadn't been nearly this fascinated the night he met Quinn, and he knew how that had ended up...

Thankfully, Julian had chosen that moment to glance at his cell phone, so Miles' captivation seemed to go unnoticed. Following suit, Miles pulled his phone out of his pocket as well.


Before he was even able to turn on the screen, his text alert went off. A familiar feeling to the fox, of course, but at a moment he was not expecting.


The unexpected vibration caused the device to slip from Miles' paw, hitting the ground just in front of Julian, who immediately bent down to pick it up.

"Oh..." After catching a glimpse of the screen for a split second, the red fox immediately looked away from it, and extended an arm, handing the phone over to Miles. "You got a text...from, uh, Quinn, it looks like."

Accepting his phone back, the arctic fox was greeted with a text from Quinn, just as Julian had said

Getting to know panther boy, be back in 1 hour

A short message, but not a message that was particularly uncommon from Quinn, and of course the text was accompanied by that damn photoagain. The arctic fox blushed a bit at realizing what his new friend had just seen.

Namely, the subby tiger, so utterly plastered with fox semen that his contact name was the only way to identify him. And, of course, the...impressive penis that had done the deed.

Which, of course, belonged to Miles. And normally he would have felt proud showing it off. So why did he feel so anxious now?

Well, all there was to do was move as quickly past the awkward moment as possible. He slipped the smartphone quickly back into his pocket. " Sorry about that. play any sports?"

"I swim."

Miles turned nervously back to the red fox, noting jade eyes fixed intently on his own. The russet-furred muzzle displayed no emotion of any kind. Julian was leaning against the wall, tail down toward the floor, flicking sharply back and forth. Was that...anger? Discomfort?

"Hey, that's cool, man. My best friend Vale used to--"

"Was that your dick?"

Shit. He glanced briefly down at the floor before forcing himself to raise his head proudly, though he couldn't quite meet Julian's eyes.

"Uh...yeah...yeah, it was." Get it together, man. You're Miles Huntson. You're always cool. Fuck, you LOVE when conversations go here...

"That's a big dick."

Julian's muzzle still showed no hint as to his reaction, but Miles couldn't help feeling a tiny flare of pride in his chest, making him blush visibly. " that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Assuming that's actually's most definitely a good thing."

That had some of his usual confidence returning, and he smiled, glancing mischievously off to the side. "Well, I never get outright belief, but usually people just say foxes don't have big dicks. And they keep saying that..."

He tilted his muzzle down, just a little, voice quieting to a flirty whisper as he locked his eyes directly on Julian's. "Right up until I'm naked."

His vulpine ears flicked as they picked up a soft intake of breath, and the red fox grinned. Julian stayed silent for a moment, glancing back and forth from one eye to the other, his tail's excited motions continuing to accelerate as he giggled and kept up the game. "Most of the time they're right, though..."

The arctic fox's tail coiled around his leg as he grinned, easing his crotch forward slightly. His tongue flicked quickly over his lips. "I'm not saying you should slip a paw into my shorts to learn whether this is one of those times...I'm just saying they're within reach."

Despite just having met the other boy, he was only half joking.

Julian took a step forward off the wall to give his tail a bit more room, and the breath caught for a moment in Miles' throat as one black-furred paw reached towards the hem of his shorts. But then the shorter boy's muzzle split into a smirk as he instead reached into the nearby pocket and nabbed his new friend's phone. "I'm gonna borrow this."

Miles felt a bit of disappointment, but only for a moment. He wants to look at that picture again. I'm totally in.

A moment later the red fox was, sure enough, scrolling down to the 'Q's on the device's contact list. There was Quinn's name...and there was the magical photo that had already proven to be a sex magnet for Miles. He didn't even really feel any surprise at how fast things were escalating.

There was a pause as Julian giggled and appeared to enjoy the image before his black digit passed right over the photo and up to the "New Contact" button. Yes!

As he typed in Julian Ardoir and a number, he spoke in possibly the most teasing tone the arctic fox had ever heard from anyone but Quinn. "I have a rule not to let anyone new see me nude within the first week. Giving you my number just to make sure we break it...if we don't right now. Also...maybe I should give myself some material just in case..."

He proceeded to open a messaging window and send himself the image of the sperm-soaked tiger kneeling happily before the white fox's breathtaking member.

Miles could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he did away with teasing entirely, struggling to keep some semblance of calm under the weight of a tension that had risen with almost no warning. "I think 'right now' sounds like the better option, don't you?"

The red fox's intent was clear as day as he took another step forward to hand Miles' phone back, the occasional whip of his bushy tail now little more than a blur. Gaze piercing straight into the ice-blue eyes of the other fox, he let his touch linger on that snow-furred paw as he prepared to answer the question.


The words could only be described as a roar, loud enough to completely break the concentration of all the inhabitants of the hallway and sudden enough to catch them off guard.


Julian and Miles stood frozen in place as the shouting continued. It was definitely Sharp's voice, identical to his earlier bellowing. Except this time, the sounds had a much more local point of origin, clearly coming from behind one of the doors in the hallway. From the sound of things, he was still on the phone with his girlfriend, and things werestill not going particularly well.


The foxes waited a moment, not quite sure if the conversation was finished. After a few moments of silence, both boys' muzzles lapsed back into the lustful expressions they'd held previously.

Finally breaking his contact with Julian's paw, Miles stuffed his phone back into his pocket. "At least this time he had the sense to take his conversation into a private room."

Julian took another small step forward, close enough to feel the warm breath of the other fox on his face. "Maybe we should take our conversation into a private room..."

** BAM **

The white fox didn't even have a chance to respond. As if triggered by the dramatic escalation in the mood, one of the doors in the hallway swung open with a crash. Striding through the door was a large muscled figure, covered in black-striped orange fur. Quinn's brother, the one and only Sharp Dawson.

The angry looking tiger shot a fierce glare towards the canine couple on the other side of the hall. The couple didn't wait around for Sharp to speak - the intimidating expression on his face was all they needed to suddenly recall a different place where they desperately needed to be.

The tiger then turned his head, fixing his gaze on the two fox boys, who stared back at him, neither of them really expressing the fear he had just seen on the faces of the German Shepherd couple. He took a step towards them, possibly realizing that they were high school students as he looked them over.

"You two, in here, NOW!"

After uttering those five words, clearly meant to be a frightening command, he turned and went right back into the room that he just emerged from, leaving the door open behind him, evidently expecting the vulpines to follow.

Both foxes stood still for a moment, glancing at each other, each wondering how the other was going to react.

Miles shrugged and slumped back. "Well, that killed the mood..." He turned back to the other fox, who had also retreated a couple feet. "What do you think?"

Julian tucked his paws behind his head casually, and started towards the open door, his tail flicking from side to side with each step. "I think the sooner we take care of whatever big man angry tiger wants - and I have a pretty good guess - the sooner we can get down to what we should really be doing."

With a quick smile and a nod, Miles followed him into the room.


It had to be the biggest bedroom in the house, and even seemed to have an attached bathroom. Sports equipment could be seen in various places, and a shelf on the far end of the room housed at least 20 trophies, most of which had a tiny golden baseball player on the top.

Sharp stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed, with that same angry expression on his face. He was staring intently at the two foxes, a hint of confusion in his eyes. The boys were clearly not showing the degree of nervousness that Sharp was used to causing.

"So, what made two little fox kits think they could crash Sharp Dawson's party?"

Miles blinked a few times as though trying to determine whether he had actually heard the tiger right, quickly shooting a glance at Julian. Did he really just refer to himself in third person? Do people actually do that?

Julian, not as perplexed by the tiger's choice of words, was the first to respond, ready to offer an actual explanation.

"Well, we didn't crash...we--"

"I don't give a shit!"

Apparently uninterested in the answers to his own question, he strode past the foxes, closing the door behind them, and latching the lock.

"I should just throw you two out of here! I don't need little high-school shits like you taking up space at my party!"

The foxes glanced at each other again as they considered Sharp's threat. Miles just shrugged as Julian turned back to the tiger. "Err, if you want to throw us out, then why did you just lock the d--"

"SHUT IT! Little fox sluts only talk after Sharp Dawson is done talking!"


A small giggle escaped from Miles, fortunately unnoticed by the jock as he walked back past the foxes and moved to sit down on his bed.

"I might be willing to let you stay though...IF you two are willing to be good little foxes..."

"'Good little foxes?'" Julian's tone shifted ever so slightly, and his glare traveled up and down the tiger, almost as if he were sizing him up. "Which entails what...?"

Sharp's face curled into an overconfident smirk. He leaned back onto his elbows and spread his legs open a little bit.

"Not much...just doing the only thing you tiny-dicked fox sluts are good for...getting pierced by the Sharp edge."

Miles literally had to turn away to hide the laughter he was stifling, because it was clearly visible on his muzzle. He reached over and gripped Julian's shoulder, as if to pull him in for further cover.

"Pfffft...haha...I just can't...the third person shit is bad enough, but that pun! He can't be serious!" The arctic fox was doing his best to remain hushed. "Is he seriously expecting us to get him off? This dude is comedy gold!"

Julian nodded, a sly grin appearing on his face - not the same playful smirk that Miles had enjoyed seeing earlier, but more of a mischievous one, as though he had some scheme at the forefront of his mind.

"It's cool. Let me handle this...just keep your camera ready."

With a nod from Miles, Julian turned back to the overly aggressive jock, bushy red tail flicking slowly and ominously from side to side as he stepped towards the tiger.

The tiger seemed to notice the not-so-intimidated demeanor of the two foxes. Despite his best efforts, he wasn't achieving the results he was expecting. He narrowed his eyes as Julian approached, and growled. "Got something to say, you little shit?"

"Please, I'm just a little shocked...didn't think I'd end up face-to-face with such a big star."

Placing the emphasis near the end of the sentence, Julian made sure to angle his gaze down towards Sharp's jeans as he spoke.

The jock seemed appeased at the implication. "Hah. Big fan huh? Can't say I blame you. You must want to see me happy then." A cocky smile curled on his face.

"Well, it's more that I want to see you...satisfied."

Julian's expression was comically lustful, his words absolutely brimming with deception, yet inexplicably, the tiger did not seem to pick up on it. Sharp just continued looking his new "fan" up and down.

Another few steps towards the jock. "Maybe I can get my paws on that impressive thing between your legs..."

The tiger let out a low rumble, just enjoying the adoration he was receiving from the younger boy. The red fox took one step further and he was close enough to pick up the scent of alcohol on the tiger's breath. With a seductive lick of his lips, Julian slowly knelt in front of the athlete, softly running black-furred fingers over his thighs.

"The fuck you waiting for?"

The red fox turned his gaze upward toward Sharp's face. "Well, I am a boy, and I'm only 16...Are you sure that--"

"Like I give a fuck about that! Compared to my cock, you sluts might as well be girls anyway!"

Growing more and more restless with each moment, Sharp's paw started to drift towards the fly of his jeans. Moving swiftly, Julian's paws reached the clothed erection of the jock first. One of his paws softly gripping the tiger's own, while the other one pressed softly against the fabric, as if to explore the still concealed organ.

That brought the smile back to the tiger's face.

" you're ready to taste the Sharp Sting."


Miles felt his eyes start to water. He didn't really get how Julian was keeping a straight face and simultaneously putting on an act of his own.

He can't possibly be serious with all this!

Sharp was getting antsy, more than eager for the red fox to actually begin. The only thing more clear than how pent up his girlfriend had left him was, well, the reason she wasn't super into getting him off - the tiger was about as acquainted with humility as he was with the fox between his legs. Julian didn't waste the opportunity. On confirming that the organ was nearly rock hard behind its denim barrier, he slipped his other paw into his pocket, gripping his phone, and prepared for Sharp's next request.

"'re about to find out what big means. Take it out already..."

"If you say so."

The red fox quickly pulled his paw out of his pocket, holding his phone. Popping open his most recent text, he presented the image to Sharp.

He was expecting some kind of comical rage or frustration, but to his surprise, the tall tiger just stared at the picture for a few seconds, jaw slowly dropping, and his cock actually twitched in his pants under Julian's touch. The red fox grinned. Oh, he knew where to take things now. He started rubbing gently back and forth over that bulge. "Hot, isn't it?"

The tipsy feline hesitated for a moment, still staring, gasping under the kit's careful massage, before he nodded and gave an affirmative grunt. "I don't know where Quinn finds these guys..."

Both foxes were actually somewhat surprised he could even identify the cum-drenched figure, but that didn't stop Miles' grin from spreading even wider watching the athlete's reaction to his dick.

"Yeah..." Julian's paw sped up a little bit on the clothed shaft. "Bet that's the biggest cock you've ever seen, huh?"

Sharp grunted and unconsciously humped up against Julian's paw. "You kidding? By a long shot..."

Pride flared in the arctic fox. Damn right it is...

Julian grinned. "Look at all that cum..."

Having his equipment praised by the fox he was so eager to fuck didn't really help Miles stay soft in his shorts, but he managed to resist the urge to speak or stiffen up, his proud, tight-lipped smile the only evidence as to the identity of Quinn's partner in the photo.

Sharp let out a whimper of arousal, his barbed shaft leaking under the denim. "You know how much fun I'd have if I could shoot like that? you wish you could too, little fox..."

Julian, who'd kept a perfectly consistent character the entire time, suddenly turned his muzzle to the side, trying to hide a smirk that flashed for just one moment. Just long enough for Miles to notice with interest.

"Yeah...I can hardly imagine..."

Something in his tone wasn't quite right, but Miles couldn't place it, and Sharp's alcohol-addled social senses didn't catch it at all. The tiger was so mesmerized by the image that he didn't notice how quickly he was climbing the wave of pleasure under Julian's insistent strokes. "Yeah...this tiger can definitely imagine it better than you, though...rrrf..."

Even when he wasn't talking in third person, he was sort of talking in third person. All the same, the red fox grinned. He glanced at Miles and winked. "Yeah? Bet you could just look at that big, fat cock all day..."

Sharp growled, panting, abdomen tensing as warmth spread from his groin through the rest of his body. "Heh...why not? Big recognize big, man...this must be how you little - ahh - fox sluts feel, getting to play with a real dick like mine..."

"Mmm...guess what?" Julian shut off the phone and slipped it into his pocket. He shifted his weight, obstructing Miles' view a little, and leaned in close to the panting tiger's ear.

"You're gonna suck that big, fat cock."

As he said it, he pressed his paw firmly up the jock's full covered length.

The effect was immediate. Sharp's eyes widened for an instant before they shut tight and he threw his head back. "You - unnngh!!!"

Julian giggled and leaned to the side, making sure to give his friend a good view as he felt the thick tube pulse hard, a damp warmth spreading against the black fur of his palm. He twisted his head to make eye contact with Miles, flashing a thumbs up and giving up the straight face act.

Miles, to his disappointment, couldn't hear what the red fox had whispered, but he had a clear look at the large wet spot rapidly forming partway down the left leg of the arrogant athlete's pants. He couldn't hide a confident smirk back at Julian, and a chuckle at how quickly The Great Sharp Dawson had soiled himself simply over seeing the white fox's superior cock. He gave a moment to let his feline friend's big brother come down from the orgasmic high, but then -

"Man, the internet's going to love this."

It seemed that those were the magic words to snap Sharp back to reality. He whipped his head around towards Miles, spotting the white fox holding up his phone, camera aimed straight at him, clearly having recorded the scene that just occurred.

There was a moment of time, not even a second, where the tiger's face was just blank. Utterly expressionless, like he couldn't even comprehend what was going on, but that quickly changed. His maw curled into a rather intense scowl, with his fists balled tightly, pure anger radiating from him, and he stood up with his eyes staring daggers into the foxes.


With the main event already recorded, Miles stuffed the device safely back into his pocket. "First off, Big Tiger Man...that wet spot on your crotch is making it very hard to take you seriously. Secondly, it auto-uploads to the cloud. Giving you my phone won't do anything."

Julian piped up as he walked back over towards his friend, adding insult to injury. "It's really a shame though. I mean, putting the embarrassingly quick finish's video evidence that you were trying to solicit sex from two underage boys. I can't imagine that will go over well with...well, anyone..."

The tiger looked over the two boys, keeping a surprising amount of composure, despite the anger still overflowing from him. He was well aware that he was outwitted by the two foxes, and presumably didn't want to risk the situation getting worse.

"Y-you little shits planned this! I'm gonna...g-gonna..."

"Well...? Don't keep us in suspense..."

The threat was less than empty, it wasn't even an actual threat. Sharp obviously had nothing, made even more apparent when he couldn't even muster an intimidating bluff.

"Fine! Like I give a shit! The only thing fox sluts like you ever want is a taste of cock!"

Miles and Julian glanced at each other, sharing a giggle at the tiger's choice of words. Miles casually moved a paw down to his shorts and gave an exaggerated sigh of pleasure as he rubbed it over his clothed package, snowy tail swishing happily behind him. "Funny you should mention 'tasting cock...'"

The tiger's eyes dropped to the arctic fox's point of focus and he hesitated a moment before shaking his head vigorously as Miles began slowly, gently opening his button-fly. "! Sharp doesn't suck! Especially not some tiny little fox dick like yours!"

White-furred fingertips briefly spread the fly open as the younger boy gave Sharp a glimpse of pink - entirely too much pink - and then closed it again. Miles walked over purposefully and stood barely a foot in front of the seated tiger. "Well, unfortunately for you, that changes tonight. Either that, or your baseball career..."

Delighted at the prospect of finally making the grand unveiling, he beckoned Julian over with a grin. "Come get a nice, up-close look."

Julian bit his lower lip again and an excited smile spread over his muzzle. His tail flicked, and he rushed over to sit next to Sharp. "You better not be a liar, snowboy..."

"Me? A liar?" The white fox slowly pulled off his polo shirt, enjoying the moment as he finally got the chance to show off the pristine fur he'd groomed so carefully before the party. He tossed it onto the floor as he slid sideways to stand more between the two of them -

And then abruptly dropped those shorts, standing fully naked before the seated furs. "See for yourself!"

Sharp's jaw dropped and his eyes about bugged out of his head. The vulpine shaft dangling before him was completely flaccid and it matched his own best effort, perhaps even with a bit of extra girth. His confidence was shattered in one single instant. This fox was swinging meat he could never dream of so much as coming close to.

And all he could do was hope the boys didn't see how much that turned him on.

"Dude...y-you''re the guy in that picture..." He tried to tear his gaze away and look up. Really, he did. But he barely had time to catch the cocky smirk on the muzzle of the white fox staring him right in the eye before motion dragged his attention back to where it belonged. Miles had his paws on his hips, his tail playfully coiled around him and tickling the tiger's lower leg, and he was swaying gently from side to side, letting his hefty member swing proudly before the eyes of its audience.

"That's right. The biggest dick you've ever seen. So don't you dare start pretending it's not hot, now, hmm? 'Big recognize big' and what not. Well...I guess 'big' is kind of a generous word for you..."

Miles thrust his hips once toward the tiger, letting that meaty cock swing almost - almost - far enough to strike him in the nose. The action made the jock flinch and gasp in surprise, that pink tube seeming to hang there for a moment in suspended animation as its lone eye stared him down.

The arctic fox certainly enjoyed flaunting his equipment, but he tended to reserve humiliation for those, like Sharp, who truly deserved it - and watching the arrogant feline's ego deflate before his eyes was certainly sending a few tingling signals into his groin. He sighed as he felt the warmth of arousal spreading into his cock, and smiled softly as it started to twitch and throb before the other two, beginning to lengthen and rise towards its full glory.

" weren't kidding..."

The voice was barely more than a whisper, but it came from the one Miles really wanted to impress.

Julian stared at his friend's cock in absolute adoration, so entranced that even his tail was behaving a bit erratically. Every pulse of the swelling shaft seemed magnified by its sheer size and its closeness, and he could almost hear the blood pumping into it, deepening its pink hue, to say nothing of the way the white fox's scent was assailing his sensitive nostrils. It was certainly the biggest cock he'd ever seen, too, but he was more...used to extremely large equipment - so he wasn't frozen in place to quite the same degree as the tiger. He slowly lifted a paw...

The look Miles received, then, from the red fox, was unquestionably one of the hottest things he had ever experienced. Julian was grinning lustily up at him, emerald eyes fixing him with a gaze simply oozing invitation, and he found himself wishing they were alone. Still, the sight tacked another inch onto his growing length, breaking him into double digits -

And then he felt the first caress of gentle, black-furred fingertips along his most sensitive flesh.

He knew whose paw it was, and his cock surged, swelling almost immediately to its full size, earning a soft coo of delight from Julian and a grunt of humiliated discomfort from Sharp as Miles, with a giggle, felt his tip reach the tiger's face, pressing insistently against one cheek. The jock recoiled, only to return to staring open-mouthed at the thick pink cannon reaching towards him from the handsome white-furred groin in the distance.

Julian's paw wrapped around the arctic fox's shaft - at least as much as it could - and aimed it squarely towards the tiger, squeezing and stroking gently. Miles smirked. "Can't blame you for that reaction, kitty, but you're gonna have to open up that muzzle a lot wider..."

The evident expectation that he get to work seemed to snap Sharp out of his trance, but it certainly didn't repair his confidence. He stumbled on his words. "W-what? No...hell...hell no man! The tiger always tops!"

Miles shook his head matter-of-factly. "I know my cock can sort of shut your brain off a bit, but did you already forget about that photo? Well...I guess I can see why you'd want to..."

The arctic fox reached down and gave another exaggerated moan as he toyed with his snow-furred balls - just as obscenely large as the cock above them, of course. The size of clementines, at least, hanging proudly in a sack that overflowed Miles' paw. An evil smile spread across his muzzle as his ice-blue eyes locked on the tiger's. "'Cause I haven't gotten off in a week. So if you think I painted your brother'd better start preparing yourself."

As if to punctuate his words, his member twitched in Julian's gentle paw and spat its first heavy jet of hot precum into Sharp's face. The clear juice struck the tiger in the cheek, splattering messily across his striped fur and even his ear, leaving one half of his head glistening. The jock groaned in fear and embarrassment. Apparently, to Miles' delight, the reality of the fox eventually ejaculating was one he was particularly unprepared to deal with.

"No way, man...I'm hosting a party! My guests can't see me looking like Quinn...c-come on..."

"'Come on' Don't worry, I'm going to. Like I said...start preparing yourself." Miles slapped himself mentally for making a Quinn joke, but it didn't wipe the smirk from his face, nor did it dull the arousal he felt imagining the load he was going to unleash on the unfortunate tiger. Sharp whimpered with dread, only prompting Miles to grin even wider, his cock excitedly jumping at the jock's anxiety. Another bolt of pre-seminal fluid splashed across the feline's muzzle, some entering his mouth, and he made a reflexive attempt to spit it out before wisely deciding that would be a losing battle.

The red fox spoke up as he continued stroking his friend's mammoth penis. "I think we've given you long enough, kitty. Open up that big mouth of yours. Nice and wide..."

Sharp gave one last groan, but he knew there was no other way - so he leaned in close and let his tongue meet the fat, oozing tip at the end of the shaft throbbing in front of him. He winced again at the strength of the flavor Miles was leaking across his tastebuds, but it wasn't all that terrible, he had to admit.

Miles, unfortunately for the tiger, was not in the mood for games. He took a half-step forward, forcing the entirety of his massive cockhead into that warm, wet mouth, immediately filling it with the taste of his spurting precum as he let out a sigh of satisfaction. Sharp made a panicked squeaking noise as his jaw was split impossibly wide, but the white fox ignored it, eager to give the athlete the same treatment he'd have given them. He brought his paw up from his own heavy balls to place it gently atop the one Julian had wrapped around his thick, throbbing rod, interlocking his snow-white fingers with the smaller kit's jet-black ones. Making eye contact with his friend, he reached over and slid his other paw up under the red fox's t-shirt, massaging his back just above the base of that bushy, beautiful tail.

Even as Sharp started gulping down the fluid flooding from the lengthy dick, trying to reclaim some control, Miles was already pressing his hips forward despite his attention towards Julian, giggling and glancing over as the tiger gagged with a full eight inches left to go. Julian's paw moved with his, stroking more excitedly along the lower half of his member, squeezing gently at the bulge of his knot, occasionally slipping off to caress the packed orbs underneath.

"'re gonna need practice," muttered the white fox with a grin as he began humping slowly, sliding five, then six inches in and out, watching intently as Sharp gagged gradually less and less, then sliding deeper, until -

The tiger burst out coughing, precum spewing from his stretched lips, and Miles pulled back with annoyance, unwilling to actually cause any serious harm. He let his cock rest atop the jock's nose, continuously oozing and spurting more and more fluid, as he demanded the source of the problem.

Sharp took a couple of deep breaths before answering. "I'm - hck - sorry, you're just...too b-big for - hck - that angle..."

Miles was rather unimpressed, but a smile spread across his face as an idea came to him. He turned his head to wink at the shorter fox and got a grin in return. "Not sure how your little brother manages it with his smaller mouth then, but sure. You can't take me? Fine. Time for you to suck Julian."

There was a momentary silence until the red fox spoke up, addressing his words to Miles and reluctantly removing his paw from the cannon it was holding. "Well...sounds like I'm about to break my rule, snowboy."

He casually peeled off his white t-shirt and tossed it unceremoniously into the pile of Miles' clothes as the arctic fox's eyes roamed over his handsome body with delight. Russet fur beautifully framed a chest and abdomen as brightly white as what the taller vulpine had on offer.

A casual glance sideways, though, changed things. The tiger's eyes were fixed on the smaller fox, his mouth hanging slightly open, an expression of horror across his muzzle. Miles raised his eyebrows and looked back and forth between them. "Uh...Sharp...?"


The red fox scratched behind an ear. "Yeah?"

"...Julian? The guy...Jamie always talks about?"

That had Miles' interest. His friend hadn't been particularly eager to elaborate on that relationship earlier. His eyes flicked back and forth between them before settling on Julian's with a playful suspicion. "Have to admit, I'm curious what Jamie says about you."

There was a moment of silence, Julian's tail slowly flicking again, but no expression on his face.

Sharp spoke up again. "You''re a fox...?"

Julian turned his gaze to Sharp when he answered, voice dripping with amusement towards the athlete. "I understand the confusion."

And then a very particular smirk crossed his muzzle, and suddenly everything fell into place. Suddenly every intriguing, mysterious quirk made sense. Miles had unconsciously applied the same stereotype to Julian that the tiger had applied to both of them.

But that smirk was the one Miles wore so often. And he knew exactly what it meant.

Julian and Jamie were fucking, but Julian wasn't the bottom. And it certainly wasn't his ass that Jamie was so infatuated with.

The white fox's eyes widened with understanding and an excited smile curled its way onto his muzzle. "'re not a typical fox either, are you?"

Julian glanced at Miles, then down at his own shorts, then back to Miles, and he let his tongue run around his lips before baring his fangs in a cocky grin that could compete with any attitude the other fox could manage. "Well...I'm not saying you should slip a paw into my shorts and find out...I'm just saying they're within reach."

Miles inhaled sharply as his own words were bounced back to him.

Julian took a step forward, closer to his friend, arms tucked behind his back, his innocent pose completely belied by the sly grin he wore on his face.

Miles licked his lips as he knelt before the boy, more than a little eager to see his new friend naked. Paws nearly trembling with anticipation, he gripped the red fox's waistband and prepared to tug the garment out of the way.

"You...may not want to lean in so close."

At hearing Julian's comment, Miles smirked up at his friend, and pulled his head back a bit before continuing. It was one swift movement, but it felt as though time had slowed for the white fox.

Get ahold of yourself's just another guy's dick. So what if this guy happens to be hotter than the sun? You've seen plenty of dicks, it can't be anything new, right?

In the next instant, he was proven wrong.

The pink flesh sprung forward. Clearly extended from a sheath, but decidedly humanoid in shape. Definitely not a common combination.

Somehow Julian had managed to stay completely soft throughout everything that had happened so far, and Miles was floored at the size. Thick and heavy, the shaft nearly matched his own flaccid length, easily outmatching any cock the boy had ever seen that wasn't attached to his own body.

"I'm not sure whether to guess 'half-human' or 'half-big-ass-fuckin'-horse.'"

The red fox's tail flicked with pride. He was no stranger to other furs being amazed by his size, but the feeling never got old.

"Heh, well...I may be a bit below your standard, but I tend to impress."

Impressive was certainly one word for the penis Miles was staring at. Between the size and the exotic shape, the white fur was practically drooling. He, oddly enough, felt slightly envious that the tiger sitting on the bed actually was going to get a taste.

Raising a paw, he ran white-furred fingers under the bottom of the shaft, generating a twitch of the organ as he hefted it slightly, and once again found himself in shock, this time at seeing the size of the magnificent testicles that hung heavily between Julian's thighs. He couldn't help but place a paw underneath the sac, finding out that either one of the sizable orbs more or less filled his entire palm.

"I might have you beat in that area, snowboy."

"'Might!?' Fuck, these things are massive! It's like you're carrying two cannonballs around!"

The combination of Miles' praise and gentle touch drew another twitch of the russet fur's dick, as it began expanding, gradually approaching its full length.

Miles slid his paw back to the shaft. While wrapping his fingers around it the best he could, he couldn't help but be fascinated by the unfamiliar anatomy. He slid his thumb over the tip of it, toying with the rim of that foreskin. It wasn't long before the arctic fox noticed very gentle hip thrusts and he let out a light chuckle.

"I guess I'm doing a good job? Can't say I'm familiar with this extra skin."

Julian bit his lip slightly just before responding, hoping to contain some of the pleasure he was experiencing. "Mmm...maybe too good. Aren't we supposed to be teaching Baseball Boy here a lesson?"

"We are, but we can't let Tiny the Tiger have all of the fun, can we?"

Miles knew that Julian was right though. The red fox was already diamond hard, definitely appearing to be into double digits in length, and the girth of the shaft had noticeably increased as well. He didn't know exactly how big it was going to get, but the fur all over his palm that was steadily growing matted with a frankly obscene amount of pre was possibly an indicator.

Hesitantly withdrawing his paw from the pulsing length, he stood. Fixing a lusty gaze directly into those green gems on Julian's face, he brought that paw, nearly dripping with the red fox's musk, up to his muzzle, and took a very slow, very impassioned lick, getting a sufficient taste of the sweet substance.

If Julian wasn't fully hard before that, he was now.

Julian could only watch with his maw slightly agape as his friend just casually finished the motion, and then turned to the jock. "Alright Tiny, you're up."

Focus shifted to the tiger, and a pang of terror struck the jock, as he was once again faced with the task of trying to endure a cock that dwarfed his own by unimaginable margins.

"W-what!? Fuck that! I-I already--"

"You already what? Choked for three minutes, and then whined like a little bitch about it? Did you really think you were done?"

With a sneer on his face, he glanced back and forth between the two fox boys.

"N-no...I'm not--"

** PLAP **

The tiger's continued attempts at defiance were interrupted by a firm strike against his cheek, and suddenly he found a good bit of his vision obscured by the pink mass that had just assaulted him. As the organ's owner smirked down at him, curious as to the reaction he'd receive, the jock just remained silent, stunned at the fact he'd been cock-slapped by a 16 year old fox.

"Sorry, but that sound is a lot more pleasant than your excuses."

Miles moved behind the red fox, white fur flush against the russet of the slightly shorter boy, his enormous shaft squeezed between their left legs. He leaned in to see over Julian's shoulder as he brought his paw back around the kit's front, this time taking hold at the base of the hybrid penis. Just as Sharp started to move inward to reluctantly perform his task, Miles angled the shaft slightly away.

"Actually, start with his balls." After issuing the command to the jock, Miles turned his head slightly to whisper to the other fox. "Tiger tongue, you'll love it."

Julian nodded as Sharp leaned in, but a bit lower this time, extending his tongue, and pressing it gently against Julian's white-furred pouch.

"Oh...shit...that is good..."

One lap from the tiger, and it was clear that Miles knew what he was talking about. That rough tongue against him offered a warm caressing sensation accompanied by an intense tingling. He knew right away that if he was going to last as long as he wanted to, then he wasn't going to be able to take much of it - his precum output had already evolved from a slow trickle to a heavy stream.

Sharp, in hopes of finishing this nightmarish situation as quick as he could, lashed his tongue over every molecule of the sac's vast surface area, even trying to take the orbs into his mouth in order to suck on them; that immediately proved futile, as even a single one of the fox boy's balls proved to be too large for the jock's mouth.

The tiger's ministrations came to a pause upon feeling a firm grip on his head ease him back, until he found himself eye-to-eye with Julian's beast, and as if on command, a particularly large splash of pre surged forth and soaked the remaining dry half of Sharp's face.

Sharp tried his best to wipe the slick juice from his eyes, but the lengthy penis just twitched and spat again. Upon realizing that he couldn't keep up with Julian's barrage, he resorted to simply voicing his disgust. "Uuugh! You fuckin' little--MMMPH!!!!"

Julian was ready this time, and took the opportunity at the tiger's open maw.

"I told you before, I don't like the sound of your complaining. Maybe I'll just have to keep your mouth occupied until you learn."

It did not take the red fox long to fully get into it, but his strokes were met with almost immediate resistance, as the humanoid girth proved to be a formidable obstacle.

"Oh, come on...I'm like two inches in, you're not about to tell me it's too thick already, are you!?"

The red fox groused at the tiger, as if he were able to respond. Bringing up a second paw to the back of the tiger's head, he pulled back only a slight bit, and then jammed forward roughly, forcing another inch into that narrow maw. He followed again with another quick but powerful thrust, and then another, beginning a series of short staccato jabs.

After getting around six inches in, the red fox finally hit a rhythm, roughly shoving in and reaching the back of the tiger's throat, panting in pleasure.

Miles was still pressed tightly against the red fox's back, arm around his side, and paw gently caressing the base of Julian's organ. He was almost in a state of disbelief as he felt the resonation of each pulse, seemingly coinciding with each visible contraction of the tiger's throat. It was almost as if each individual pump of pre was enough to require the tiger to swallow. He must be pretty pent up, even I've only ever produced like this a couple times...

A moment later, Julian released the tiger's head and the feline desperately pulled back, a torrent of clear fluid spilling from his mouth, and a couple more heavy spurts connecting with his face, straight from the tap.


"Y-you freak! You trying to drown me or something?"

Julian held up his paws in acquiescence. "Jeez, I'm not even as long as Miles here, and you still couldn't even take half of it. What use are you?"

Sharp stood up growling angrily. "Look, I tried alright! Y-you can't blame me just because you two are fucking huge! Just...just get rid of that video, and get the fuck out!"

Miles and Julian looked at each other in contemplation for a moment, before they both chuckled a bit. Julian turned his gaze towards the jock and spoke first. "Doesn't work like that, kitty...We got you off, so you're gonna do the same for us."

As if they had rehearsed the scene, Miles stepped out from behind the red fox and continued the thought. "So, if you can't do it, we're just gonna have to use your throat...manually."

He stepped forward, tail swishing from side to side slowly as he let that last word drag, scanning the striped muzzle for a reaction to indicate that his meaning was understood. The two foxes watched the tiger's expression just drop and his eyes expand to about three times their size.

He apparently did understand.

"What!? N-not a cha--ACK!"

He tried to recoil, apparently forgetting his position in the room as the back of his legs collided with the bed, resulting in the tiger tumbling backwards, and ungracefully landing on his back on the bed.

Before the tiger could regain any type of balance, Miles was back over him, having moved to the other side of the bed, leaning forward against it, right near Sharp's head.

"Hm. Good, but you'll have to hang your head over the edge a bit. I guarantee you're taking the whole thing this time."

Sharp flopped awkwardly around a bit, trying to escape from his vulnerable position on the bed, his panicked and partially-inebriated state making the simple task a bit more arduous than expected. It wasn't until he felt a firm grip on the hem of his jeans that he held still for a second, and turned his gaze to see the red fox glaring at him with an evil smile curled onto his lips.

"What happened to 'big recognize big', huh? Didn't you also say something about us finding out what big means? I'd say it's about time for the unveiling..."


Sharp only had a split second to protest, not enough time. In an instant, Julian gave the waistband a strong tug, and both jeans and boxers came off in one fluid motion, leaving Sharp's still damp crotch completely exposed.

"Fuck! G-give those back!"

Julian tossed the garments off the edge of the bed. The tiger scrambled to cover himself up with his paws as best he could, but the damage was done. White-furred fingers gripped his shoulder, and pulled him back towards his horizontal position on the bed.

"Not quite the showstopper you were making it out to be..."

Even with the tiger doing his best to hide his shame, both foxes had gotten a clear eyeful of the shaft in question, and it was about what they expected, maybe even a little less. It couldn't have been longer than maybe six and a half inches in length; more surprising was the fact that the barbed dick was fully erect.

"Yeah, you made a whole lot of noise about a whole lot of nothing. I'm pretty sure Miles here is literally twice your size..."

Sharp's eyes darted back and forth between the foxes as he continued to try and shield his privates from view.

"I-I look I just-I've never seen foxes that were-I mean...I was pretty sure I'd be bigger than you two..."

Miles leaned in close, continuing to pull the tiger into position on the bed, and spoke fairly softly. "That doesn't explain why you're rock hard though, does it...?"

He paused for a moment, just long enough to meet the gaze of the red fox staring at him from the other side of the bed. "Can't say I blame you though, those emerald eyes are probably the fucking sexiest thing I've ever seen..."


You'd think he'd have learned by now not to open his mouth so wide...

With his head hanging over the side of the bed, Miles took the opportunity, gripped the sides of the tiger's muzzle and speared directly in through the open mouth, swiftly reaching further than he was previously able to.

The cock's tip immediately breached Sharp's throat, close to seven inches in before withdrawing nearly entirely, and then just as quickly driving back in, getting just a little further with each thrust.

"Wow, shit...that's hot..." Julian smiled a bit as he watched the outline of the arctic fox's cock begin to appear through the tiger's neck. "He can breathe, right...?"

Miles nodded. "Yeah, my balls are close enough to his nose, I can feel him breathing."

Miles continued picking up the pace with his thrusts, quickly getting eight, ten, twelve inches in, to the point where those heavy testicles were slapping against the tiger's nose. He couldn't help but snicker at the plap, plap sound, every time he slammed in, knowing the helpless jock was getting an overwhelming dose of his particularly virile scent. He sighed in contentment, tail swishing happily behind him as that warm passage contracted frantically around his driving shaft, tilting his head back and enjoying the feeling of the muscles massaging his abundant length.

The boy was so engrossed in fucking Sharp's throat that he didn't even notice his friend had climbed across the front of the tiger - until he looked down again and discovered he was face to face with that handsome, grinning muzzle.

"So, you think these emerald eyes are sexy?"

The arctic fox slowed his thrusts a little, admiring Julian's face as it quickly closed in on his own.

"Yeah, but to be fair, there's not a part of your body I couldn't stare at for hours."

"Good, because it's gonna spend many, many hours with you, sno-ooohhh..."

Miles cut him off by wrapping his slender fingers around that hybrid shaft, and giving it a firm stroke. It wasn't as though Julian was a virgin, but he felt like one with Miles - every touch the white fox gave him was simply electrifying. Even by the time the tingling sensation of that paw on his length had raced up his spine, his body had already decided to give in to the impulse it generated. Without thinking, without a moment more of hesitation, he let his eyes drift closed, one paw moving up to take a gentle grip on the back of the other boy's neck - and their lips met for the first time.

Miles' hips slowed to a halt as the russet fur kissed him. In an instant, he quite literally forgot that his cock was currently sheathed within that tight feline throat, and he let go of his friend's throbbing shaft to rest both paws against the red fox's muzzle. Even just for a moment, there was nothing else except the two boys, their tongues dancing against each other. Fur intermingled around their noses - warm breath washed over their cheeks.

Though it felt for them like time had stopped, the kiss only lasted a few short moments before the vulpines heard a strangled choke from the tiger jock attempting to swallow an entirely ridiculous amount of penis. Julian reluctantly pulled away from Miles. "Like I said before...that paw of yours is too good..."

Miles smirked. "Guess you probably don't feel many paws that know how to treat a massive dick. But I've had a lot of practice..."

That earned a giggle from Julian.

Miles withdrew his cock to the tip, letting the throat serving it gasp for air, and glanced down at the overly thick member that reached out so incredibly far from the red fox's groin, pouring precum over Sharp's already-soaked chin and neck.

"Let me finish you, I'll just--"

"No, no...we promised kitty here that he could get us off. So, I'll just have to use the next available hole..."


Sharp's protests went largely unheard, as a foot of obscenely thick foxcock was quickly reintroduced to his throat, but it seemed a clear indication that he was at least still listening.

Agile as a fox, Julian swiftly moved from his position over the tiger's torso, hefting the jock's muscular legs around his waist as he slid himself into position.

"I hope our cock sock doesn't mind the lack of prep, I'm already too close to popping."

Once in place right up against that tight tunnel under Sharp's tail, the red fox gave himself a few strokes, and dropped his heavy organ onto the orange-furred ass. The copiously leaking member was producing so much precum that it actually landed with a soft splat, much to the red fox's amusement.

He nudged his tip against the sphincter, feeling the jock's muscles straining to keep the tunnel as constricted as possible. "Oh...shit yeah...keep clenching like that, it means I can get rougher..."

Taking a strong grip on the athlete's thighs, Julian shoved in hard, spreading that ring tight around his fat head, coating the inside of the tiger's passage with a generous layer of slick fluid and preparing it for the expansion it was about to endure. Sharp's full body went ramrod-stiff and his eyes squeezed shut, a broken whimper issuing from his stretched lips.

As only the head had breached the cavern, Julian didn't even have to pull back. With one strong motion, the fox boy slammed his hips forward, instantly burying nearly eight inches of his thick flesh inside the feline. Without even taking the time to enjoy the intensity of the jock's insides, he pulled back out, all the way to the head, and slammed forward again, repeating the action over and over. Each of the red fox's thrusts carried enough force to make the entire bed shake.

The color had completely drained from Sharp's face as he was violated to the highest degree, stuffed with almost two combined feet of foxcock. He couldn't speak with Miles' steel-hard organ occupying the entirety of his mouth, but both foxes relished the high-pitched squeals that squeaked out from his throat.

Despite Sharp's best efforts, he couldn't slow or stop the monster buried under his tail. His passage, which had previously never accepted anything as much as a finger, was now somehow accepting a cock as thick as his wrist.

Shivers shot through the tiger's core with each long saw of that giant invader. The intensity of the burning, stretching, probing he was experiencing was so severe, it was actually distorting into a degree of pleasure. The feeling hit him so fast, he didn't even realize it until he was in the throes of his second climax of the night.

At seeing the tiger produce a few squirts of cum, Julian couldn't help but smile and offer a snide comment. "Glad you're enjoying your new position as cock warmer, kitty." The red fox punctuated his words with a particularly strong jab, eliciting another stifled yelp from the feline.

"Shit,'re gonna snap this guy in half."

Without even slowing his movements, the red fox glanced up at Miles with a lusty smirk. "Get to know me better snowboy, you'll learn exactly how rough I can get."

Miles gulped. Julian's thrusts were about as powerful as he could imagine. The red fox was hilting in the tiger with each stroke, those bulky plum-sized balls pulsing as they swung between his legs. He was approaching the point of no return.

"Miles, I don't know about you, but I'm...about to give kitty here a fill up..."

The white fox smiled. "Heh, go for it. I'm not too far behind you."

Sharp groaned in worry. The sound vibrated pleasantly down the length stuffing his throat. Miles grinned and gave a particularly hard thrust, letting the tiger feel the weight of the balls slapping his muzzle. "What's wrong, kitty? Did you forget how this was going to end? I'm gonna pump your belly full to bursting...and then I'm gonna paint you white..."

The helpless jock groaned even more loudly.

Miles, while not as close to orgasm, was sheathed entirely inside the throat of the tiger. As he thrust in, trying to match the rhythm of the boy on the other end, he gently ran his fingers over Sharp's neck, his cock filling the space so completely that the fox was able to feel his own heartbeat on the outside of the tiger's throat.

"It must run in the family huh? An imminent load of fox cum really gets Quinn going too. Though, he handles it a lot better than you..."

As Miles continued violating Sharp's throat, his gaze gravitated towards the mammoth penis of his friend. From his position, he had a very clear view of its length constantly disappearing into the jock. His focus was specifically on the base of the dick which was gradually swelling larger, already around the size of a baseball, and he knew that it wouldn't be long before it would become too large to remove from the feline. The knot slapped audibly against the athlete's furred ass.

"You hear that pussy cat? You're about to get stuffed full, and tied by a knot the size of your ego."

"Actually, knotting him would be a bad idea."

The russet fur's somewhat unexpected decision caught Miles' attention. As rough as the fox was being, it just seemed natural that he wouldn't hesitate to lock that knot into place and force the tiger to accept every drop of his output. "Oh? Worried about getting the pussy cat pregnant?"

"Mmm...really feels like...I should pull out for most of it..."

The red fox's orgasm was quickly approaching, his flow of pre finally halting, and his knot, now fully engorged, was too big to conceivably fit into the jock.

"Heh, want to see how you compare? I see how big those nuts of yours are. You think you can match the mess I made on Quinn?"

The shorter boy didn't respond, he couldn't respond. Squeezing his eyes shut and flicking his ears forward, he felt the familiar rush of adrenaline, and he let out a ragged exhalation as his orgasm arrived.

"Oh...fffffuuuuck yeah..."

The words came out as a sigh of satisfaction. He grit his teeth and tilted his head back as intense pleasure surged through his body, and even though Miles couldn't feel the other boy's orgasm, he very soon after became well aware of what his friend was capable of. Ice-blue eyes widened, just at seeing how steadily the tiger's belly was expanding - he had only been going for maybe ten seconds, and there was already a noticeable swell.

Even without the knot in place, the sheer girth of the vulpine tool was enough to keep Sharp's entrance thoroughly sealed, only scant squirts escaping around the edges.

Miles' hips slowed to a halt once again as he just watched the tiger's belly grow. It was as if he were watching a time-lapse video of a woman going through nine months of pregnancy. It was getting to the point that the tiger didn't look like he could endure much more...

And then...Julian pulled out, subsequently unleashing a flood of semen from its tight confinement inside the tiger's passage. The fluid splashed over the red fox's legs as his cock spat heavily over Sharp's front, twitching wildly without a guiding paw.

"Yeah, I - ahhh - do think I can match you..."

Miles turned up to see green eyes glaring daggers at him. The most predatory look the white fox had ever seen was piercing straight through him.

"But, let's see for sure!"

Now free of the tiger's passage, Julian crawled across the bed, moving towards Miles at a rather brisk pace. His still erupting member drenched Sharp and the sheets as he traveled over them. Instinctively, Miles took a step back as the russet fur approached, failing to notice the jock's discarded pants underfoot and stumbling backwards onto the floor, his cock pulling quickly from the feline's throat.

Julian was over him in an instant.

It all happened so fast. The russet fur straddled the chest of his friend, effectively pinning him to the ground, and Miles found himself in a position that he very rarely experienced. The white fox was always in control of situations like this, yet here he was, staring down the barrel of a cannon that nearly matched his own in size.


Tongue lolling from his panting muzzle, Julian aimed his weapon, and the monstrous orgasm continued.

Miles shut his eyes and his maw, whipping his head sideways reflexively, and immediately felt a warm splattering on his cheek. A geyser of white fluid buffeted the fox's face, immediately reducing the handsome snow-furred countenance to a gooey mess of fox cum.

With Julian directly over his midsection, those gargantuan snow-furred testicles rested right below his chest. Miles could actually feel the plum-sized orbs pulsing against him, churning powerfully as the orgasm continued on - over a minute in, but still sustaining the same intensity as when it first began. The ropes of cum were thick and heavy, carrying so much force that each blast left a tingling sensation as the arctic fox was struck again and again and again.


Miles risked a peek. Even at the height of ecstasy, the red fox still managed to twist his muzzle into a smirk, though it was repeatedly broken by moans, gasps and closed eyes as he continued to unload all over as much white-furred muzzle as he could before eventually progressing onward, even adjusting his position slightly in order to coat the rest of the pinned fox's torso.

He's been going for close to two minutes...he's got to be about done...

Julian's tail was little more than an orange and white blur as he continued riding the wave of his climax, his output not seeming to taper off in the slightest. Thick volleys of seed absolutely plastered the already-white fur, eventually reaching the point where the substance began to ooze and overflow onto the floor.

It was another full minute before the legendary event began to slow. The adjacent wall looked as if it had been battered with semen-filled water balloons, and the puddle of cum on the floor had extended across the majority of the room, thankfully abating just before reaching the foxes' removed attire, which Julian had apparently moved to the far end of the room at some point.

It's as if he was actually expecting this to happen...

All that was to say nothing of the state of the white fox who was literally laying in a pool of his friend's warm discharge. With the (somewhat) exception of the side of his face that he had managed to angle away in time, everything from Miles' chest up was completely saturated with a liberal layer of dense ejaculate. Even his backside was utterly soaked with the fluid. His tail, usually full and bushy, had been reduced to a soggy stub.

Miles knew the extent of his own orgasms, but what he had just witnessed seemed unreal. Combined with the amount that was currently inside Sharp, there had to be at least three or four gallons of cum. The white fox didn't often find his own abilities surpassed when it came to this subject matter.

No longer being bombarded with potent rockets of sperm, Miles took the chance and turned forward, immediately meeting the green-eyed stare and toothy grin on the russet fur's handsome face.

"Okay, I guess I can admit...that was impressive."

Julian's standard smirk had returned to his muzzle as he remained on his knees above the arctic fox. "Wish my phone wasn't over there in my pants. You and Quinn would have very similar contact photos."

"Heh, looks like someone flipped his dominant switch all of a sudden."

"Consider yourself lucky, snowboy. The first time I was with Jamie, he choked on my dick for two minutes and ended up looking like he swallowed a whole watermelon. You didn't even get a sample of Julian cream..."

Miles turned his eyes downward a bit, spotting the still-massive flesh spire just inches from his muzzle. Though the monumental orgasm had finally come to its close, a lingering dollop of the fox's semen hung on the tip. On impulse, Miles leaned forward slightly and extended his tongue, letting it flick the tip of the hybrid organ ever so slightly as it scooped up that stubborn drop.

Bringing his gaze back up to meet the russet fur's, Miles gave him a sly grin. "Not generally my preferred choice, but I might be willing to try something new..."

He proceeded to immediately undermine his own attempt to appear unconvinced by failing to resist the urge to lean up and give a much longer, slower, and more purposeful lick to the massive cockhead dangling over him. And then another lick after.

"Ahhh, yeah...clean it..."

Julian let his eyes drift shut as his friend lapped dutifully against his tip for a few moments, a smile on his face as he relaxed in the afterglow, tail swishing softly. Even his confident words didn't fully express the scale of his satisfaction with what his body had just unleashed, or more specifically, with the somehow-now-even-more-white fox's reaction to it. He'd never felt envy until he saw what was swinging between Miles' legs - and it aroused him, even enough to slow his softening, that Miles was now feeling it too.

Eventually, though, he opened his eyes again and levelled an affectionate gaze at the vulpine pinned beneath him. When he spoke, his voice was softer. "You'll have plenty of chances to do this, Miles...but there's only one cock in here that hasn't finished yet."

The words sent a shiver of anticipation down the arctic fox's spine.

Julian reached out his arms and stretched, arching his back, not-so-accidentally pressing several inches of his thick pole against the side of his friend's muzzle and smearing the sticky cream there around a little. Finally, he stood up, softening cock twitching over the other boy, heavy balls swinging innocently, the only sign of their recent bombardment the film of cream that had coated their fur while they rested on Miles' chest.

Miles followed suit, clambering with difficulty back to an upright position as the scent of Julian permeating the entire room left him a little light-headed. Each step he took prompted a loud and embarrassing splat in the puddle of fox sperm surrounding him, and it didn't take long for thick rivers of semen to start pouring from his fur into it, either.

He looked around in awe, taking in the damage from an overhead perspective, eventually letting his eyes move back to Julian's. "I have never seen, or imagined, this much cum."

Julian just giggled, gaze dropping conspicuously to Miles' mostly-soft cock.

"Hey, Tiny, I need to use your shower. Cool?"

Only a groan came from the bed. Taking it as an affirmative, Miles stepped over to the bathroom door. Julian followed eagerly, and a moment later, they were out of sight, the door closing and latching behind them, leaving only Sharp.

The tiger felt bloated, drenched, and exhausted - but the latter was the only reason he wasn't hard. He silently thanked his stars that no one could see how much he'd enjoyed least for a few moments.


"Sharp! ...Sharp! ...Leslie!...Open the door!"

The voice was that of Quinn, though it would have to be, as no one else at the party knew his real first name. With the jock still too much of a mess to even respond, the boy just outside the door continued on.

"I'm looking for my friend, and some dog couple said they saw a white fox by your door. I'm using my key to come in."

Quinn gave ample warning, though it didn't matter much, Sharp was still more or less incapacitated. About 30 seconds later, the door swung open, and there was his little brother, a grin on his face at first - but it quickly vanished as he surveyed the state of his brother and the room itself.

"Oh my god, did you try to top Miles?" His expression almost flickered into amusement, but his shock at the volume was overwhelming. He must have been SERIOUSLY pent up...

The leopard boy next to him, though, didn't appear even remotely surprised.

Jamie scanned the room, took in the obvious signs of what had happened, and just grinned openly. He shook his head with a chuckle.

"I...don't think this was Miles."

Quinn's head snapped over and he even momentarily forgot about the streak of panther semen winding its way down his cheek. That had his attention.


The moment Miles got the door closed, time seemed to stop. The foxes were finally alone. His paw trembled as he reached up to lock it, his breathing a bit quicker than normal as he slowly turned to face his smiling friend.

The tension in the room weighed on the boys like a heavy blanket, seeming almost to block out all the sounds except their breathing. Miles let his eyes roam over Julian's beautiful form, taking in the sleek coloration of orange over those swimmer's shoulders, the pristine white fur over the balls that had just erupted all over him, the handsome hybrid penis hanging mostly soft before his eyes...and, of course, that bushy tail, swishing slowly behind the shorter boy.

Julian wasn't the only one that felt like a virgin with his partner.

A chill ran down Miles' spine - was it the excitement? The air currents against his cum-drenched fur? Both? He couldn't tell - as he steeled himself to properly make his intentions clear.

"Julian...I...I wanna..." His voice shook, and Julian's grin widened. Pull yourself together Miles, fuck! Do NOT blow this!

He needn't have worried. Because as he struggled to act, Julian was experiencing quite the opposite challenge.

And Julian broke first.

With no warning but a final sharp flick of his tail, the red fox crossed the distance in two strides and practically hurled himself against Miles. Utterly fearless of his own mess, he pressed his entire body against the arctic fox, forcing Miles back against the door with a loud bang. Thick sperm mingled between them as Julian's paws came up to the sides of Miles' muzzle and pulled it down for a proper kiss.

At the sizzling touch of lips, the tension in the room snapped like a taut string.

Miles threw his arms around the beautiful red fox, pulling him into a tight embrace and thrusting his hips against the shorter boy. The tip of his tail thrashed behind him, the rest stuck against the door.

Breath came short and fast for the foxes, warm air washing over each other's muzzles; tongues danced along their lips and chins; warm, half-hard lengths rubbed against each other, starting to twitch and grow. Julian lapped his cum off Miles' muzzle, giggling and swallowing it down, as the rest of his body became sticky and coated with his prior mess.

Miles smiled, panting, and snaked his tongue out against the other boy's - they duelled there for a moment before he leaned forward and brought them into his maw. Both foxes closed their eyes, lips and noses meeting once again, nuzzling against each other and breathing heavily as they fought for dominance of Miles' mouth. The arctic fox's nerves burned with the most powerful lust of his young life as he lunged away from the door, freeing his tail and shoving the other fox backwards towards the vanity, pinning him down over the corner.

Julian's arms flailed momentarily in surprise, knocking a brush off the countertop to clatter loudly onto the floor. The boys laughed breathlessly, but not long enough to interrupt their passion for more than a second before they were kissing even more fiercely. The red fox wrapped his arms around Miles and hung onto him for support, tail coiling around his legs to play with the bushy one swinging beneath the taller teen.

Cum oozed from white fur, some onto the countertop, some into the sink - Miles glanced up into the mirror for a moment and giggled into Julian's muzzle. The last time he'd looked into a mirror he'd carefully combed his thick neckfur - this time it was matted and unkempt, soaked with semen.

Julian broke the kiss only to nuzzle deeply into that neckfur, nibbling softly and taking in his partner's scent. His voice was a ragged whisper. "Miles...f-fuck, I want you..."

The moment those words fell on his ears, Miles knew they'd be burned into his memory for a long time to come. "Julian...I'm--"

The other boy apparently got the picture. He silenced Miles with his muzzle again and rolled sideways, flipping their positions and bending the white fox back over the sink. His hips humped eagerly against Miles, fully hard, massive cock pressed against an even larger one, heavy nuts draped over a pair of smaller ones. The blazing hot shafts only warmed each other even more, the electric sensation of the friction between their sensitive undersides racing through their bodies. It squeezed a moan out of Miles as Julian pulled back from the kiss, running short of breath, letting his tongue loll as he panted, smiling over the other fox.

Miles shoved the smaller boy off him, grinning, rising to step towards him and leaning forward to lay his paws on those shoulders. Taking advantage of his height, to Julian's playful groan, he pushed, guiding them both towards the shower, nose twitching excitedly at the powerful scent of youthful sex permeating the smaller room.

It was a large shower, with plenty of room, even for both of them, and their cocks. A random thought at the luxury of Sharp's living arrangement whizzed through Miles' brain as he glanced briefly around, until Julian shoved him back against the wall opposite the showerhead and nuzzled into his chestfur.

He let things lull for a brief moment as they embraced each other, his heart still pounding happily at his private moment with the red fox. But the moment he disengaged to turn on the hot water, Julian just yanked him back.

"I think..."

The red fox was panting, his hot, pleasant breath tickling Miles' neckfur. "I think there's more mess coming."

Miles grinned evilly and glanced down at his own heavy balls for a moment before looking Julian in the eye. "You know, I didn't say it just to scare Sharp, I really haven't shot off in a week."

The red fox bit his lip. "Well then, hopefully he won't mind you repainting the wall of his shower."

Miles let his tail copy one of those predatory flicks and growled playfully. "You know the wall's not gonna be the only thing in here I paint white..."

Julian licked his lips, glancing down at his friend's twitching pole. "I wouldn't have it any other way..."

The white fox grinned. "We'll see if you're saying that when the moment arrives."

"You know, you really - ahhh..." Julian arched his back and pressed his shaft against the other boy's, one paw on Miles' shoulder, the other wrapping around their cocks, or at least making a decent attempt at managing that. "You really are dangerously hot..."

Pride surged in the arctic fox's chest at the compliment, no less intense by virtue of who'd made it. He couldn't resist glancing down at their dicks, bringing his own paw down to help, and then fixing his ice-blue eyes on Julian with a shit-eating grin. "I'm also a bit...bigger."

Julian blushed. "I mean...not by that much..."

The red fox looked down and pressed their cocks together at the same angle, both pointing right up towards their faces. There was no question Miles was slightly thicker at the base, despite Julian's girth exceeding him near the tip due to the humanoid shape - and Miles' tip extended two clear inches past that hooded cockhead, its hole staring Julian right in the face, seeming to laugh at him. When he looked back up, the grin on Miles' face had somehow become even more boyish.

"I think somebody's jealous."

Julian offered no response but a slight narrowing of his eyes.

"Hey, why you looking at me like it's my fault? You were born lucky, but you were eventually gonna run into someone bigger..."

Julian just smirked, though, already understanding their dynamic far too well to be so easily fooled. "Of course I'm jealous. Feels new honestly, I love it. But I think somebody wants a lot more up-close-and-personal time with my cock."

It was Miles' turn to blush. "I mean...yeah. I hope you want some with mine too."

Julian giggled. "Miles...right now I'm deciding whether I want us to fuck every week or every day."

Miles gulped.

"I never mind a bit of showing off about the spots you beat me in, either. Just remember I'm liable to respond with a bit of showing off of my own...and, well..."

He gave an aggressive thrust of his shaft in both their paws, undersides rubbing particularly hard against each other, squeezing a surprised gasp out of Miles.

"My showing off is liable to be a bit more messy for you."

The white fox's eyes widened a bit, but he already knew he was going to push that envelope. And probably end up as drenched as he was now, more than a few times. Not an unpleasant thought...

"While I'm on the topic, you should know my load is like glue. It'll be a bitch if it dries in your fur. And I'm not gonna make you deal with that...yet. So..."

The red fox disengaged this time, turning and playfully whacking Miles with his bushy tail as he stepped over and turned the hot water knob with a soft squeak of metal. He yelped when the water shot out a bit harder than expected, and hastily turned down the pressure knob, before reaching up to twist the showerhead into a softer spray pattern. He glanced behind him and beckoned Miles under the hot flow.

Miles grinned as he stepped over and let the water rain across his fur, poking his tip against the other boy's abdomen. "You know, when I cum...there's not gonna be a pressure knob for you. You're just gonna have to deal with it however my dick wants to give it to you."

He wasn't entirely sure how that was going to occur, as it seemed Julian might be even more of a top than he was, but he knew he'd find a way.

Julian turned to a notch in the wall under a high-up window looking out over the backyard, and grabbed a bottle of deep-cleaning shampoo, shaking it up a little and rolling his eyes with a grin. He grabbed his dick and gave it a quick stroke. "I do jack off, you know. You know how many times in a row I'd have to go to shoot a load like Sharp's? I've certainly never found out, that's how many. I think I'm ready for what you can do."

Miles chuckled and then sighed as his partner rubbed a handful of shampoo into his neckfur. "Dude, his loads weren't even small for anyone at this party but us. Crazy."

Julian cocked his head as he gently massaged the white fox's chest, making sure their erections continued touching, keeping each other hard. "Eh...Jamie might have something to say about that, but I get your point. If he was less of a douche, I woulda just fucked him if he's not like he's ugly..."

Miles grinned. "Not sure that's what he was looking for, though. Never a bottom, huh?"

Please tell me I'm wrong.

Julian spent a quiet minute cleaning the rest of the arctic fox's torso, abdomen, and even applying a bit of soap to the fur of his crotch, the touch keeping that mighty erection nice and healthy. The shorter boy then stepped out of the way of the water and increased its pressure a bit, letting it rinse the shampoo from Miles' now-clean front.

"Not for him."

The words sent an electric surge through Miles, and his cock gave a heavy twitch as Julian turned and placed the shampoo bottle carefully on a rack under the showerhead, which he then twisted to a light, misting spray of hot water, a gentle sound to accompany the rising steam.

When he turned back, his emerald eyes were fixed on the other vulpine's as his arms rested over Miles' shoulders. They appraised each other silently under the warm rinse, but Miles needed more.

" about--"

Julian's lips silenced him. It wasn't a long kiss this time. Just enough to silence him. Enough to tell him he'd be taken care of.

If that wasn't enough, the second kiss was. It was on his chin.

The third was on his neck, and it came with a playful nibble.

"...Julian..." The arctic fox's voice was quivering and breathless, his heart pounding. He watched intently as that muzzle descended.

Julian already fully understood Miles' feelings from the way the taller boy trembled in his paws. Jamie hadn't been this excited. The red fox's veneer of confidence risked showing a crack at the flattering depth of that lust.

He took a moment to smile warmly, trying to calm Miles' nerves, and then kissed his way further down that slender abdomen, a bit of nervous excitement building even in him as he considered the likely reality that the white fox's balls were churning on serious overdrive right now.

Miles shivered despite the warm water as he watched that beautiful muzzle approach his cock, which had never been harder. Julian took his sweet time. It felt like an eternity to the taller boy; his organ screamed for the attention, but simply knowing it was coming already had a river of precum oozing.

The first touch was a paw on his shaft, and it made his breath catch in his throat.

Black-furred fingers curled around as much of his thickness as they could, but it was different this time. They weren't guiding him into a helpless jock's muzzle. They weren't feeling at his size. They were caressing him; squeezing him; exploring his length. Soft fur tickled his sensitive flesh as Julian's other paw left the hip it had been rubbing and joined in. Fingers interlocked around his meat, creating a hole for him, a hole that began to slide back and forth.

Miles watched with enjoyment, tongue lolling playfully, as his cock began twitching between Julian's paws. Precum started spurting out over the red fox's muzzle, splattering against it, drops sticking to his cheeks and chin. The volume was undeniably in excess of what Sharp had received, another harbinger of what was to come. The kneeling boy was already glistening under a coating of clear fluid, and the foxes shared a giggle.

Miles had long since progressed beyond flirtation and subtlety with his words. "God. I cannot fucking WAIT to cum all over you."

Julian looked up and grinned. "I'm ready to - ack -"

Miles smirked proudly as his overproductive penis shot into one of those emerald eyes, making the boy flinch and turn his head as though it would let him escape the steady shower of fluid.

The smirk vanished when Julian leaned in and pressed his cheek gently against that warm pole. The slick layer of precum was smeared around his face as he nuzzled lovingly against the thick shaft before him, his soft, tickling fur drawing a gasp from Miles.

The arctic fox felt a cool nose twitching against his flesh as the other boy took in his scent, and he watched raptly as that nose moved down his cock, the journey so tortuously long, until -

Without further warning, the red fox closed his eyes, opened his lips, and engulfed one massive nut in warmth.

Miles let out a broken groan of pleasure, involuntarily arching his back, pressing his crotch against that muzzle even as he brought a paw down to hold Julian against him. Hot, wet tongue bathed him, lapping against his softly furred sack, suckling, nursing, curling around the heavy orb. His cock twitched in the air above the action, raining precum down over his friend's back and tail.

He tousled Julian's headfur happily, sighing as that warm mouth moved to his other potent testicle. "Fuck, dude...I've needed this all night..."

Paws moved from Miles' shaft to his ass, squeezing and fondling, pulling him gently against the tongue working so dutifully on his balls. Julian gave a quiet coo of contentment, and for once Miles cursed his own size for obscuring as much of his friend's face as it did. He reached his free paw down and hefted the mighty organ, pulling it up against his body and taking the chance to admire that beautiful, worshipping muzzle.

Emerald eyes opened and fixated on his own, but it wasn't such an intense stare of lust this time. It was something softer, Julian simply conveying how much he was enjoying pleasing the other fox. Further gentle sounds of satisfaction sent the same message. Miles lost himself in that gaze for a few moments; there was just some hypnotizing quality to it, combined with the warmth of the steam rising around him and the mouth on his sack. The only thing that snapped him out of it was the sudden change of that mouth opening as Julian gave a long lick from those balls up onto the thick pink shaft above them.

Miles groaned in surprise and bit his lower lip, pulling Julian hard against his underside. "You''re really good at this..."

"I've had some practice on big cock."

Still Miles panted in his warm haze, enjoying every moment that tongue danced along his spire. "Never would've - p-pinned you for a switch - but I'm SO glad..."

Julian smirked up at him. "Actually, it's a pretty new thing. I'm just hung. With a swimmer's flexibility."

"O-oh...oh, fuck..."

Now THAT'S something I want to watch.

Miles let his massive member drop back to its prior position, whacking Julian rather rudely atop the head and earning another giggle from both boys. Julian didn't let it interrupt him, though. He closed his eyes again and returned his attention to the weapon before him.


The arctic fox closed his own eyes and tilted his head back, standing over his worshipping friend with an open-mouthed smile of pleasure, sighing his satisfaction. It wasn't as though he hadn't gotten oral before - hell, far from it - but with partners like Quinn, they were just hungry for cock. Julian, on the other hand, appeared to care only about what Miles felt. The red fox was taking his time, intent on giving every single inch of surface area plenty of time to get acquainted with him.

And there was certainly no shortage of surface area for that.

He licked, lapped, kissed all over the hot, throbbing organ, mapping each vein, each contour, his headfur thoroughly matted with the endless flow of clear, sticky fluid from the tip of Miles' incredible length. The deluge only grew heavier with the white fox's rising enjoyment, transparent, glistening trails draping over Julian's head, spurting over his back, his tail, his face as he approached Miles' tip.

"My god, dude...I'm already completely soaked and you're not even close to cumming. You sure I'm more productive than you are...?"

Miles took that messy headfur in his paw again and pulled the other boy roughly against his twitching cock. "Unfff...don't...don't stop..."

He panted, pumping his hips just a little, grinding his shaft against Julian's lips and tongue. He knew how far he was from orgasm, but the pressure in his balls seemed like it was already growing; his body was preparing the most memorable, monstrous ejaculation of its young life, and he knew it.

"You - ohhh - you definitely are...but I don't think you're...mmmm...really gonna feel like it tonight..."

Julian just kissed the white fox's cock even more aggressively, one paw running through Miles' tail as it swished happily back and forth. He delighted in pleasing the taller boy enough that each gasp, each throb, each moan - all of them were helping keep his own shaft twitching below him.

Something about the heat of the steamy shower and the sensations washing over Miles made him suddenly feel lightheaded, and without really knowing how it happened, he found himself stumbling backwards a bit - fortunately the wall was only a step away, and he resorted to leaning against it. Julian displayed the same agility he had while pinning the arctic fox down in the other room in swiftly crawling after the retreating boy.

Miles was glad the red fox had no intention of letting the momentary distraction slow him, but what he wasn't expecting was the open muzzle that greeted his cock.

His eyes snapped open and he looked down in surprise, reflexively gripping the other boy's head and holding it on his meat. "Oh - ohhhh - fuuuck..."

The warmth that had enveloped his balls moments earlier was suddenly surrounding his member. And this time, without any fur insulating his flesh from contact - he really felt it. It was so much hotter than the tiger's mouth had been, and so much more passionate - a degree of enthusiasm the white fox had never experienced from his partners. He gazed down, panting, watching the glistening, soaked muzzle stretch obscenely around his girth. Precum poured into his friend's muzzle at an overflowing rate - every time that mouth opened a bit wider to breathe, a flood of clear fluid forced its way out and splattered audibly against the floor.

The tongue bathing his cock was lapping much more quickly now, focusing entirely on the top few inches of his underside beyond the occasional circuit all the way around his tip. Each swipe of that slick surface along his foxhood made it harder not to thrust, harder not to force his organ into that welcoming hole. Julian's paws were all over him, seemingly unwilling to give up touching any part of his body for too long. First they were stroking his ample length outside that muzzle, then they were squeezing his balls gently; then rubbing over his ass and playing with his tail as it thrashed behind him; then massaging his legs, never in one place for more than a few seconds. Eventually one of those black-furred paws even roamed over his abdomen, running through his pristine, snowy fur.

Despite all of Julian's aggressive initiation and flirtation, that paw was like a reminder that Miles' lust was reciprocated in full. A deep blush spread across the white fox's muzzle, and he decided to take his earlier statement a bit further. "J-Julian...I need this...I need you."

The boy didn't open his eyes, and he refused to pause his worshipping, but the ensuing moan of desire that vibrated along the length of Miles' cock left no illusions of what it meant.

You have me.

Despite his best efforts, Miles involuntarily bucked his hips slightly, breaking the red fox's rhythm with a bit too much cock and earning a soft gag. It was followed by some fairly intense choking, and Miles realized guiltily that he'd launched another salvo of precum a bit deeper than his partner had been expecting.

"Sorry, I'm...I'm used to being, uh, productive, but...tonight's - mmmph - different..."

But Julian wasn't Sharp. Those green eyes fixed Miles with an almost annoyed expression, and both paws reached behind him, giving a gentle slap on his ass before rubbing it fondly as the boy grunted around his meat.

Come on. I can take it.

Letting out a moan of relief, Miles freed his body to follow its instincts. He threw his head back and held Julian's in both paws as he began driving his cock deeper into that hot, slick muzzle, pleasurable waves washing over his senses with each thrust along that inviting tongue. Precum poured into the red fox's mouth as his tonsils were battered again and again, harder and harder. He gulped and swallowed, trying to control his gagging and choking, never losing any of his pure awe at the other boy's size, since he didn't even struggle with his own.

Miles felt each of those swallows, of course, particularly as his cock began to breach that throat. He groaned loudly as its warm walls rippled and squeezed over the massive invasion, massaging his length, and he tousled the red fox's headfur appreciatively, thankful for the effort the tiger hadn't made. Julian had certainly had practice.

In fact, far from hesitating or slowing the pace, far from adjusting to the size, Julian was actually starting to dive down on that throbbing penis - forcing an extra inch beyond every one of Miles' thrusts. Miles didn't need to look down to know how obscenely his partner's neck was bulging - he'd seen it plenty of times before. But he looked anyway. Past the slight frown of discomfort and concentration on Julian's face - past the gargantuan spire stretching his lips - down to his neck. Just like watching his friend's incredible cock in Sharp's throat, he could track each pulse from the base of his shaft and sync it with a gulp from Julian. His precum production was only rising.

And so was his ecstasy.

He smiled happily, tongue lolling as he felt a rising tide of pressure building - but with it rose a combination of excitement and apprehension as he realized the normal flags of the point of no return weren't accompanying it. The heat in his balls, the energy collecting deep inside him, the tension spreading over his abdomen - they just kept increasing, and they started to overwhelm him. His thrusts grew more erratic, deeper, ten-plus inches of cock stuffing Julian's throat as those packed testicles began smacking against his chin.

He knew it was coming, and he knew Julian did too - but he felt obligated to give what had almost become his catchphrase nonetheless. He barely managed it, his voice a broken series of gasps and moans, a sharp crescendo of warning.

"'s - unngh - there's gonna - fuck - g-gonna be a lot!!!"

The red fox nodded, emerald eyes greedily taking in the signs of Miles' impending orgasm. Unable to resist any further, he brought one paw to that thick base and the other to his own, rapidly squeezing both in tandem. His excited moan reverberated along a cock sinking so deep it was probably touching his vocal cords - and that only amplified the other boy's pleasure.

Miles had never felt anything so intense. He was in uncharted waters, but he could see the wave rising before him, could feel the crest drawing near. His tail whipped back and forth in an arrhythmic frenzy, head rolling left and right against the wall as he found himself unable to stay still. His chest rose and fell with each heavy breath, and he grit his teeth, face contorting in ecstasy, cock throbbing a mile a minute as he pumped it down that welcoming throat.

The heat, the energy, the tension - they spiked sharply as his knot suddenly ballooned, and he slammed Julian's lips down against it, feeling that black paw grip tightly at his base. He gave an almost primal snarl as his body went ramrod stiff, everything from his feet to his neck tensing to a degree that would be painful over anything more than an instant - but it wasn't more than an instant. The week without finishing, the long night of teasing, flirting, edging - all of it had led to one inevitable moment, and that moment was here.

The moment of the arctic fox's release.

Miles howled. The sound was loud enough to be heard by anyone in the bedroom and probably anyone in the hallway - but he didn't care. In that moment, he didn't even remember anyone existed but the two of them. He'd lost his awareness of the wall against his back, or the floor against his pads - he was adrift in a void of bliss and lust, his consciousness dominated by the churning waves of extreme pleasure crashing through his cock.

Julian felt the enormous organ in his muzzle buck up along its entire length, pressing against the roof of his mouth, the back of his throat, and he could feel that first especially-hard pulse coming his way. The eruption that followed was, suffice to say, not one he was prepared for.

Heat surged deep inside his throat, liquid fire bathing its walls, flooding his stomach at an alarming rate. The force was such that he could actually feel it landing and pooling. It was a matter of about five to ten seconds before he was full, and he started pulling back against Miles' paws before realizing for the first time that they weren't there anymore - he'd been so focused on the approaching moment that he hadn't noticed the white fox releasing him, submitting entirely to his own heavenly trance.

The stream of seed was almost constant as Julian pulled off, and it was unbelievably thick - the one instant that cockhead remained in his mouth was enough to blast it full to the point of choking, cum spurting from the red fox's nose.

Miles, of course, had elected not to inform Julian that his ejaculations fell short of the other boy's in longevity, not power. And even that said little about the most intense climax of his life.

Julian knew from the first spurt against him when that cannon was freed that the promise to "paint him white" was going to be fulfilled LONG before orgasm had released its grip on Miles, because spurt seemed like such a laughably insufficient word for what came. The red fox was still choking, nose burning with the fluid, when the other boy's weapon exploded over him. The initial salvo matched Julian's power on his best day, covering his muzzle completely. Rivers of white were pouring from his chin already as he coughed, only to feel another pulse tear through his friend's knot. The next eruption knocked him back slightly into the shower, the sheer force disorienting, and he turned his head down to try and get his breathing under control.

The mask of cum on his muzzle grew heavier and heavier as rhythmic splats filled his ears. Semen began pouring down his back, supplemented by thick ropes shooting over his head and finding his tail, his ass, his calves. A puddle of fertile cream started spreading on the floor around him, expanding faster than it could flow down the shower drain. He knew the howl had trailed off to quiet gasping, but he could barely hear it over the deafening barrage of kit batter.

Miles' muscles felt like jelly as he swayed against the wall, his tail barely moving as reflexive motor functions were shoved aside to make room for ecstasy. His eyes were squeezed shut and his jaw hung open as he panted and moaned, spraying against his friend's muzzle like a garden hose. He heard the choking and sputtering, and it brought him cocky satisfaction on some level, buried under the layers of delight. He could feel Julian's soft paw fur tickling his knot, could feel each rocket of seed building deep inside him, could feel each wonderful pulse pumping through his organ. His body was awash in a symphony of pleasure, his cock its conductor.

Julian knelt in shock and overwhelming arousal, stroking himself, dimly registering each impact against his fur. Forehead. Tail. Ass. Ear. Ass. Cheek. Neck. Forehead. Nose. There was no consistent aiming pattern - the massive penis was bucking too excitedly for Julian to control, and Miles was too lost in his haze to control it himself. The red fox's back already felt completely saturated, his muzzle even more ruined, but he finally regained his breath enough to sit up straight and take his friend's incredible output head on.

Streaks of cum painted his shoulders and arms as they struck his front and splashed out over his body. It was like the white coloration of his chest was gradually encroaching into the autumn orange of his frame. The fevered motions of his paw along his own cock grew slicker as the arctic fox's sperm poured down onto it, lubricating it with warm, sticky fluid. He moaned happily under the deluge. Despite his own abilities, he was already more than impressed with those of his partner.

But Miles wasn't done.

The unloading fox boy finally managed to open his eyes, the intensity of the initial peak wearing off enough to give him a bit of control back, and he looked down, blushing. Julian was utterly drenched in his load. A thick layer of white covered the red fox's face so thoroughly that his features were invisible and he couldn't have seen anything even if his eyes were open. Rivulets of cum ran down his abdomen, new ones forming with each volcanic blast of seed Miles unleashed. A puddle of white almost an inch deep had spread across the entire floor of the large shower, the drain unable to handle the voluminous ejaculation. Streaks of white coated the far wall and the glass door.

Miles' face remained twisted in a grimace of orgasm, the cords on his neck standing out in sharp relief. One paw scrabbled against the wall behind him, regaining his balance properly, the other wrapping around his thick shaft and beginning to direct it towards the uncovered areas of Julian's body, stroking slowly. The arctic fox growled and purred with each rush of his potent fluid.

By the time the climax started to taper off nearly a minute later, there wasn't a visible strand of orange fur on his kneeling friend. There hadn't been for quite a while, really - the fading spurts were nothing more than a victory lap. The misty spray of the shower wasn't strong enough to make a dent in the sticky coating.

For a while after his explosion had faded to a steady flow, they were silent. Miles breathed heavily, his body calming, his afterglow and the heat of the shower leaving him as relaxed as he'd ever felt. His tail swished slowly behind him, its tip occasionally collecting a few drops of cum from the puddle. The only sounds breaking the white noise emanating from the showerhead were the steady drizzle of cum into the puddle, the quiet flow into the drain, and the rhythmic pumping of Julian's sperm-slicked paw on his twitching length, which the white fox observed raptly. The stench of Miles' gooey genetic blueprint completely dominated the shower.

Eventually, Julian's tongue snuck out and lapped around his muzzle, collecting, cleaning and swallowing the layer of seed on his lips. Briefly wiping off his black paws against Miles' abdomen, he cleared his eyes as well, freeing himself to look at his beautiful partner.

The red fox spoke first. " weren't kidding, snowboy. Fuck."

The normal witty boasts that Miles would respond with didn't come to mind quite as quickly as usual. He simply stood as his cock softened, lost in the emerald pools of Julian's eyes as they shone up from within a sea of white. "Dude, I'm...really glad I bumped into you."

Julian rolled his eyes jokingly. "You say that like this is a one-time thing. It better not be."

Miles finally managed a grin as his gaze dropped back to the other boy's dick. He stepped forward and leaned over Julian to turn up the water pressure, making sure his ample flaccid penis draped heavily over the red fox's muzzle.

"Well, I don't have my phone with me. And there's no way in hell I'm not getting a photo like this for your contact. Might need a few tries just to make sure I get the right shot, too...maybe five or ten...twenty...fifty..."

Julian slipped his tongue out and flicked it against the bending serpent smearing semen around his face. "Now that's what I like to hear."

The arctic fox balanced himself against the far wall and humped a little bit as the spray of hot water ran more heavily and soothingly through his fur, getting a nice teabag in on his kneeling partner. He certainly had plenty of meat and sack to offer. "Good. Now kiss my balls. It's polite to say thank you."

As though Julian needed any invitation, particularly with the rising pleasure in his groin.

Five minutes later, the foxes were leaning against each other under the hot spray, embracing from their lips to their entwined tails, Julian's cock thrusting up into Miles' paw as the first bullets of the red fox's second orgasm erupted between their bodies.


It wasn't very long afterwards that the sound of Jamie's custom ringtone through the door coaxed the fox duo to bring their escapades to a reluctant end. They managed to dry themselves off and get dressed, only stopping to make out with each other about five times, maybe six. The semen-caked tiger was dozing on his bed, the look of utter relaxation on his muzzle making both foxes grin. Julian whispered to avoid interrupting the jock's sleep.

"He enjoyed that so much more than he's ever gonna want to let on."

They met up with Quinn and Jamie not long after exiting Sharp's room, and almost immediately thereafter, had to reluctantly part ways for the night. Jamie, being the red fox's ride home, was leaving, meaning that Julian was as well.

Not that the party lasted all that much longer anyway. After Sharp had for some reason retreated to his bedroom, and locked himself in midway through the event, things started to die down. It took about another hour or so before Quinn grew skeptical regarding his chances of getting fucked again, and decided to call it a night.

Two hours later...

"Fuck...I'm re-installing this stupid app, damn thing won't update."

Miles tapped at his phone's screen while laying on his bed, not a scrap of clothing on the boy as he struggled to get his video chat app to start working.

"Feel free to use my phone, I'll be busy for at least a few minutes."

The voice came from between the fox's legs, leaning against that white-furred thigh was Quinn. The tiger was equally as nude as his friend, smiling as he lightly licked and kissed the boy's quickly hardening member.

"Not a chance Quinn. If I chat with Julian on your phone, that means you'd have his contact info, and I don't want you anywhere near him."

The feline pulled off of the foxcock, just long enough to roll his eyes and scoff. "Tch...Whatever, fuzzball...This is the thanks I get for taking you to the party."

"Think of it like I'm protecting you, Quinn. You weigh like 50 pounds, I'm pretty sure Julian would rip through you like a paper bag."

"I'm up to 100, thank-you-very-much." Quinn resumed his task at hand, feeling the arctic fox shaft plump up a bit more, very close to reaching its full size. He gave it another quick tongue lash before continuing. "Just admit it Miles, you just want your new boyfriend all to yourself."

"He's....not my boyfriend...We spent maybe two hours together!" Miles glanced off into space for a moment, considering Quinn's words. "I mean, you saw him! He's fucking hot! And his personality is perfect! And his eyes are maybe the sexiest thing I've ever seen! And his cock! My God! I've never given a blowjob in my entire life, but I was almost ready to choke on that thing!"

Stars danced in Miles' eyes as he babbled happily about his newest friend, but Quinn just glared at him blankly, largely unimpressed. "Wow, that was a mouthful..."

Miles knew what was coming next, but he said nothing to prevent it. The smirk returned to Quinn's face, as he continued on. "So, let him give ME a mouthful too! Give me his inf--OOF!"

A white-furred paw gripped the back of Quinn's head and shoved it down, forcing the shaft in far enough to completely fill the tiger's maw.

"Like I told you earlier, kitty," Miles growled. "THIS is the mouthful you're getting tonight."

He kept that paw gently between the tiger's ears to prevent any further outbursts and watched in satisfaction as Quinn closed his eyes and bobbed in silence for a couple of minutes. Occasionally that rough tongue made a rapid circuit around the arctic fox's fat tip and earned a pleasured sigh.

** DING **

Miles turned his attention back to his phone, seeing the "Download Completed" message. In an instant, the eager expression returned to his face, and he enthusiastically opened the app. Immediately, he was met with a notification.

Incoming video chat!

He didn't hesitate to tap the Accept button, and was greeted by the handsome russet-furred face he'd grown so closely acquainted with earlier in the evening.

"It's about time you got online, snowboy!" Julian's expression was just as exuberant as the other fox's. He also seemed to be clad similarly, at least as far as Miles could see; there didn't seem to be anything covering up that elegant russet fur, at least from the waist up.

"Heh, sorry for making you wait. Technical difficulties."

Julian leaned back in his seated position, grinning. He was clearly chatting from a computer, probably a laptop since he looked to be sitting on his bed. "I'd appreciate if you could hold the camera a little steadier though. Let me admire that cute muzzle of yours."

"Oh, yeah...hehe...I'd usually be on my laptop, lap is kinda occupied..."

Miles angled his phone downward, giving the other fox a clear view of of the tiger's head that was currently impaled on his dick. Quinn turned his gaze towards Miles' phone, politely smiling with his eyes at the red fox on the screen.

Julian licked his lips. "Oh! Very nice! Let me just get into a more comfortable viewing position..."

With the camera in its static position, the red fox stood up a moment, revealing that he was indeed completely nude as well. As soon as that became apparent, Quinn's eyes ballooned to nearly twice their size. Julian's plump, flaccid length hung heavily out of its sheath in the middle of the screen, already impressively long, and at least as thick as the organ currently pressed against Quinn's tongue.

Julian moved his laptop, positioning the camera to catch his full body, before flopping back down onto his bed with an expression of mirth. "Hey Miles...I think Baby Stripes here loves my dick as much as you do."

Quinn couldn't help himself as he was overtaken with desire, and it showed. Miles felt like the blowjob might not even be completed if he shared Julian's contact with the tiger. It was like the older boy was entranced as he began to pull off the arctic fox's cock. "Holy shi - MMPH!"

Miles smirked as he shoved the feline back down on his organ and turned the phone back up towards his face, which quickly developed a blush as he took in Julian's nude form.

"Actually, I think that might be the only dick he - ahhh - DOESN'T love as much as I do...let me know when you're ready, and I'll give you a show..."

Julian ran a jet-black paw over his rapidly hardening cock, precum already starting to drizzle over the fur of his stomach. "Oh, I'm definitely ready. This probably means I'll need another shower tonight."

Miles' breathing grew slightly heavier as the tiger's attentions continued, and he tapped the back camera icon, letting Julian watch Quinn work. "Based on what I'll probably need a new bed, must go through mattresses like tissues."

Julian smirked, beginning to stroke and squeeze his handsome penis, expertly rolling that sleek foreskin back and forth. "That wasn't even my biggest load, snowboy. Maybe next time we meet up, I'll hold off a week ahead of time. Then I can show you what a real finish feels like."

Miles jumped from about a six to an eight on the orgasm scale at the sight and the words. " that a promise?"

The red fox's tail slowly flicked from side to side between his legs. "Only if we ever go a week without fucking. Besides...depends what kind of a show you plan to put on for me."

Realizing that he was starting to get close to popping, Miles glanced down at Quinn, who had gotten most of the pink flesh past his lips. Panting, he looked back towards his phone. "How'd you like - mmmh - a live re-enactment of your...f-favorite contact photo?"

Quinn moaned in excitement. It ran in the family indeed.

Julian's smirk took a slightly more mischievous inflection, and he couldn't stop himself from running his tongue over his bottom lip before he replied.

"Yeah...I'd like that a lot."