Hunters Game-Chapter One

Story by StrayLittlePup on SoFurry

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My first story up here on SoFurry, and I've got to say it's adequate. My friends helped me write this-or at least gave me the idea for it. Sorry for spelling erors, some are intentional-just to screw with you gramar nazi's-but some are just the result of a cruddy keyboard. Enjoy you naughty furs - .^

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The Hunters Game

Chapter 1

New Game?

Ralph, Mall Security

"Oooooooooh...what's the matter, scared of a nice, fat bear cock? Put some heart into it, we don't want daddy finding out about this, do we?" the security guard said, a frightened gasp coming from the bunny who had been sucking him off. A cute little thing, maybe sixteen or seventeen, who got caught shoplifting some make-up from one of the boutiques in the mall. She didn't want her dad to find out, and as for Ralph, the security guard, lets just say that being divorced had its pros and cons. She'd been desperate, and Ralph was only all too willing. One of the hottest bodies he'd laid eyes on, ample D's, nice rump and a size -2 waist, sure-fire Hunter fodder if one of them ever took a peek in her direction. With the way she was going down on him, he though he just might have been the luckiest man to ever work in that guard booth.

She hadn't wasted any time when they'd gotten back to the booth, as soon as the guard sat down she was unbuckling his pants. His cock was a max of five inches, but he didn't give a damn with this little sexbomb. She'd hesitated a bit at first, but Ralph had put his hand behind her head and gave it a shove, the bunny gagging on it, then adjusting. Her tongue swirled around his cock tip, moving with it in time. "You like that big boy?" she said pulling her mouth off his cock, replacing it with her hands, rubing up and down-nearly driving Ralph wild. He was just seconds away, and he knew the girl knew it. "Yep, what do you say we get on to the good part? Been a while since I fucked a bunny-rabbit." That stuck a nerve, causing the girl to stop. She opened her mouth to protests, but Ralph could see the epiphany in her eyes. He was holding all the cards, and she was going to play this gam by his rules. She stood up, lifting her skirt slightly, adjusted her panties to the side, then bent over the counter, her face a few inches away from the tinted window. "Come on big boy, don't leave me wait-ING!!!" she said, shouting the last bit as the security guard slammed his cock into her waiting slit. He was in heaven. Tight as a vice, but he knew she was a little slut, a nice tribal tattoo riding her waistline-might as well have been a bull's-eye for all Ralph cared. "Oh fuck...y'like that, huh?" he said, slowing pulling out to the very tip, only to slam balls deep back into her again. A slight gasp escaped each time he plowed into her.

She had to grip the edge of the counter to stop her face from being pressed up against the glass. Tinted or not, she didn't want anyone to see her like this, especially with the mall packed like it was today. The bunny wondered how many times the bear had done this, 'saving' shoplifters from angry parents. Despite being in a booth, she felt like ll eyes were on her. The entire booth was in the middle of the mall walkway, and there was a window on every wall, even the door had a tinted window. "Ugh, so fuckin' tight...gonna get a present, ya little slut, heh!"

A flash of light pierced through the window of the booth, then a massive slam sent the booth onto its side, the windows staying in tact, but the door flying open, Ralph lying halfway out of th booth. "Ahhhh...'kay, future spinnin'-shopping carts cant be steered like gondolas. Everyone okay?" came a male voice, mixed with dull techno music from the far side of the booth-now the bottom. About two or three moans and groans followed the question, and a figure stood up. 'What is that?' Ralph thought. It looked like a fur, who got the insane notion to shave off all its fur-with the exception of a blonde patch on the top of its head, revealing tan skin, but if it was a fur, what kind? Didn't look like any he'd ever seen, and yet another appeared. A female, brown hair, and one hell of a figure. "Owwww, you owe me big-time for this one Stray. Dante, are yo- Lessie!" she shouted, ducking down again. "She's out cold Stray, might be a concussion. We should get her home, now." A deeper voice this time, and a more intimidating form. A large muscular male, with black skin, a large gold chain around his neck, head shaved bald like the rest of their skin. "Stray, her mom's gonna beat you bloody!" came the female's voice again, a slightly smaller female on her back, piggyback style. Judging by size, they had to be in their teens, late teens at the oldest. The mall goers hadn't been spared this display, and had been whispering among themselves, signs of panic, wonder and curiosity acros the crowds face.

Ralph got to his feet, and cautiously began to approach the things. "Excuse me!" he said, catchng their attention, a look f panic and fear on their faces. "You kids're-" Ralph began, before a sharp pain hit his left side. The blonde on had drawn a telescopic baton, and what's worse, was still swinging! A hit to the opisite side, then his right knee. It was too much, the security guard had been trained to deal with shoplifters, not these things! To top it ll ff, the crowd had began to flip out, screaming and yelling in terror. "DOORS NORTH! HAUL ASS GUYS!" he had shouted, sprinting past, the other creatures following close behind as furs dived out of their way. The mall security had been notified, and were heading to the mob in atempts to calm them down, and when Ralph saw his boss heading the group of security, he realized his pants were still down, and the bunny girl was gone.


Matt, Fleshie

"No way! Humans d00d! O_O! Channel 9, now!" a fur typed into his computer, his eyes not leaving his TV for a heartbeat. Matt couldn't believe it, humans didn't exist, but there they were, fleeing down Centennial, then hanging a right on 45th! "gr8 Gawd! Dibs on teh big 1!" his friend, Alex replied. They were both fleshies, no shame in it at all, but the weasel couldn't believe it! Real, live humans!!! The news said it had been fifteen minutes since they had charged out of the Kingsley Mall in the Shopping District, the two males attacking whoever stood in their way. All of it was being broadcasted live from the News station Helicopter. Messages began to pop-up like there was no tomorrow on his screen, everybody on Matt's Fleshie Friends friendlist getting across the same message, but one-Hue_Mahn4Evah's-catching his eye. "OMGWTF?! They keep hurting people, cops'll be called!!!" More messages shot up, some about what the cops might do, and even more about trying to go help the humans. As soon as those messages were posted, nearly thirty messages about users signing off came up. Matt couldn't help but feel this wasn't going to end well.

The TV changed back to the news anchor, the video still being fed in a square ovr his left shoulder. "-This just in. SWAT teams have been dispatched to subdue the creatures with minimal force so-" This caught Matt's attention. There were numerous ways this could turn out, and call him paranoid, but Matt believed that there was a strong chance the Mayor would try and have this coverd up. He'd already been caught with his hands in more than a few political pies, and with elections coming up in the next few months, his career couldn't survive this. "Hey, guys!! Get evryone yu kow to turn t news chanel!1!" he typed hastily, hoping that if more people saw, it would be impossible to cover it up.

The TV adjusted to live feed again, and the group of humans were surrounded by SWAT, a wall of kevlar, riot shields and tranq guns on all sides. The two males were getting ready to charge, but two SWATs broke from the group and grabbed the unconscious girl off the others back, one dragging her off while the other used the shield to protect himself from the large one. The guns fired, some darts missing completely while others hit home. The girl was the first to fall, followed closely by the largest one. The last male was stagering, trying to stay on his feet, even keep himself awake. He charged at one of the walls, liftng his baton high, then hitting the ground before he was even within striking range. The feed ended with the team moving in to collect the unconscious humans....

to be continued...

Hunter's Game-Chapter Two

_Ugh, sorry 'bout the wait. Keyboard still blows, so pardon misspelling. Yeah. That's actually how we act._ Hunters Game Chapter 2 Insert name ~Michael Stone, Journalist~ Two weeks had passed since the 'incident' and the Kingsley Mall in...

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