Hunter's Game Chapter 4

Uhhhgh! Dammit dammit dammit! I hate my damn computer. four chapters written, four DAMNED chapters eaten! After working frantically, I was able to re-write chapter four. More chapters to come, with five being uploaded in the very near future! Smut's...

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Hunter's Game-Chapter 3

Hunter's Game Chapter 3 Tutorial-Part 1 In his entire sexual career, the raccoon had never had a fuck like this-and with a human too!! All in all, that was as exotic as it got! For the past two hours, that furless creature had ridden him,...

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Hunter's Game-Chapter Two

_Ugh, sorry 'bout the wait. Keyboard still blows, so pardon misspelling. Yeah. That's actually how we act._ Hunters Game Chapter 2 Insert name ~Michael Stone, Journalist~ Two weeks had passed since the 'incident' and the Kingsley Mall in...

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Hunters Game-Chapter One

My first story up here on SoFurry, and I've got to say it's adequate. My friends helped me write this-or at least gave me the idea for it. Sorry for spelling erors, some are intentional-just to screw with you gramar nazi's-but some are just the result...

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