Renegades 2: Into the Wolves Den

Story by Amrod on SoFurry

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#1 of Renegades

Renegades 2: Into the Wolves Den

A fire crackled in the cool night air, the dancing flames illuminated the dense forest around the small camp. A large figure sat by the fire alone, occasionally glancing out into the dark trees, ears perking for any sign of his companion. Taking a stick Rigel poked the fire, the embers blazing up as burnt wood collapsed. They had been walking for almost a week since they left the city and had finally set up camp an hour ago when Jacob told him to wait and disappeared into the forest. Standing to remove the heavy breast plate Rigel stretched and felt a cold breeze flow around his exposed fur.

"Something is following us." Came a voice from behind him, startling the war horse.

"By the gods don't do that." Rigel panted setting down the armor and gripping his chest as he took a deep breath, "I am already on edge with the thought of those slavers possibly following us?" Jacob had finally explained how he had earned enough money for the armor.

. . .

Back in the city a messenger boy passed a group of guards standing watch outside the arena and headed for the office where Elizabeth sat reading over some documents.

"Letter for you ma'am." The boy said handing her the sealed envelope. "It's the bill from the armor master for the two sets of personalized plate you ordered for your war horse and trainer."

Elizabeth's eye twitched as her grip on the letter tightened.

. . .

"Don't get so worked up that's why I had us leave early, besides let them come." Jacob unsheathed his sword and cut through the air laughing as he thought about the look on Elizabeth's face. Rigel only rolled his eyes and sat back down.

"And what did you mean by something is following us?"

"As a thief you learn more than just how to read people and what to say to manipulate the weak minded, you also learn how to cover your tracks and see who is behind you."

With a sigh Rigel relaxed a little, if Jacob wasn't too worried why should he be. Something hit him in the back of the head and he quickly tossed the blanket off of himself.

"Easy just your horsy blanket." Jacob said sticking his tongue out at Rigel who shot a rather irritate look back. Getting to his feet Rigel piled his armor neatly next to a tree, stretching his aching muscles in the cool air. A whistle from behind him perked his ears as he shook his head at Jacob, who had done this every time he stripped for bed. He stretched once more and rested himself down, leaning back against the hard rough trunk and pulling the blanket over his bare body. The fire died as Jacob kicked dirt over the flames and rested down across from Rigel, both falling asleep quickly from a long night of walking.

High above them in the trees two figures watched from their hiding places the two figures below resting down for a nights rest. One pulled out bows and notched an arrow but a sound from the other halted the deadly strike. For a moment there was no movement, until one began to creep down the tree, landing on the cool forest floor with barely a whisper of air moving. Another whisp of air and the second figure landed next to the first, both staring at the smoking wood between the two travelers, their eyes glowing yellow in the moonlight. Whispers broke out between the two followed by a growl and a scuffed ear, one drawing a knife and walking through the trees towards the human. Kneeling down over the sleeping human the wolf held her dagger high for a quick killing blow. A flash of metal in the moonlight and the clang of metal on metal as Jacob's own dagger moved up to meet hers. Growling the other wolf charged, bow drawn as he took aim.

"Zeta duck." He called capturing the attention of the human, and waking the war horse.

"Zeta?" Jacob said as the wolf forced him to the ground. Her brother's aim quickly went to the standing war horse as Rigel grabbed his axe and charged. The male wolf barely leaped out of the way when the axe swung passed him with enough force to cleave a tree, letting out a yelp as he tumbled to the ground. Drawing his own blade the wolf turned to face the nude war horse, poised ready to attack when the sound of laughter and giggling caught their attention.

Zeta was straddling Jacob, her dagger in the dirt next to him, paws running over his armor as she kissed him. She turned and flashed her brother a smile, tail wagging as Jacob waved.

"Luka its Jacob, that war horse must be the new recruit." Luka stood staring blankly at his sister then back at Rigel, lowering his dagger. Rigel was not so quick to lower his weapon and glared over to Jacob.

"It's okay Rigel; these two would be our tracker and hunter, Zeta and Luka. Twins that I met soon after leaving my home. We... well, had an interesting first meeting." He said poking Zeta in the belly to get her off of him. The wolf giggled and stood, swishing her tail over his face.

"He saved me from a drake." Zeta said leaping onto Jacobs back as he stood.

"Biggest mistake I ever made." Luka and Jacob laughed as Zeta scuffed him upside the head.

"Guys this is Rigel, found him in the slave pens by chance and talked him into coming with us if we can get him home after." Zeta hopped off Jacobs back and moved to tackle Rigel in a big hug, having to jump to wrap her arms around the equines neck.

"Nice to meet you Rigel." The wolf sang, kissing his cheek.

"She is a bit touchy feely." The female wolf gave a mild squeak of surprise and Rigel jumped when clawed paws gripped and pulled his exposed cock.

"By the gods look at this thing, its huge!"

"Careful with that Zeta last time the notion of mounting a female was brought up he almost took out eight guards." The equine cock fell from her paws and slapped against Rigel's leg as the equine took a step back.

"Luka gets to have all the fun." Zeta pouted as Luka stared down at the equine member and licked his lips.

"Wait what? Stop telling people I'm gay!" Rigel said pointing at Jacob. "You're the one who is always playing with it."

"Oh come on Rigel you enjoy it, besides Luka here has a better tongue then I do, he'll get you begging for release." Luka came over and pawed the equines belly playfully.

"I'm a good dog, I place nice with my bones." He said running a claw along the equines cock. Rigel shivered and folded his ears back.

"Alright enough, Rigel put some pants on before Luka here gets hard and starts humping your leg. If you two are here that means that we did make it to the boarders." Luka nodded and pointed out into the forest.

"Yes we have a camp set up in a cave about a mile from here." Nodding Jacob went to gather his gear.

. . .

The cave was small and nestled into a cliff face which was parted by a long stream. Once serving as a meeting place for tribes now extinct by humans, the area was overgrown and had resorted back to its primeval, untouched look. Illuminated in the flickering light from the fire as Luka settled a few more small pieces of timber to keep it going.

"So we have a good fighter what is the plan now boss?" Zeta asked taking a swig from a small water pouch.

"I'm going to get Sapphire to join." Zeta spit the water all over the fire and Luka who barked and jumped out of the way, both wolves staring at him with blank fearful looks.

"Sapphire are you mad?" They both chimed out in unison. "She almost burnt my tail off last time and just about gutted you."

"She is the only one who can break the seal and she is the best mage I can think off."

Rigel looked back and forth between the three figures curiously, "Who is Sapphire?"

"A very powerful mage, who will be joining us and if we are lucky, turning us into smoking corpses after she kills us quickly." The two wolves groaned.

"Stop worrying I have a trump card this time that will get her to come." Staring at each other for a moment across the fire Zeta walked around and sat next to Jacob, resting her head on his shoulder while Luka moved to Jacob's other side.

"Glad to see you two trust me." Jacob began to hug them when they both moved away.

"Trust you? We don't trust you at all; we just wanted to hug you one last time before she turns you into a smoking chew toy." Scattering the wolves moved to their individual sleeping bags and lay down for the night.

"Joke all you want, we can get to Nirova Tower tomorrow and we'll see who has the last laugh."

The fire slowly died to crackling embers, Rigel watching the stars outside as the three slept, or at least supposedly. Movement from Zeta made him close his eyes, peeking just enough to make it appear he was asleep. Stretching in the moonlight, the female grey wolf moved a paw over her belly and petted her fur down, reaching behind her to remove her top, the war horse feeling a twitch in his loins as her perky pink nipples caught the starlight. She cupped her breasts and giggled to herself as her tail swished, slipping out of her lower garments and the thin panties under them to stand nude in the cool night air. She glanced at Luka and then to Rigel, who closed his eyes tightly as those glowing wolf orbs moved to where he slept. The sound of padded footpaws on stone moving away from him caused his eyes to open again in time to see her straddle Jacob. The human woke with a smile as she took his hands in her own and guided them to her breasts, the wolf murring happily as he squeezed and teased them gently. One of her paws disappeared between her legs, Rigel opening his eyes more to see her take a finger now glistening with what had to be her nether juices and press it to Jacobs's nose before sliding the wet pad down over his lips. Hoping off of him she turned, tail raised high, presenting herself before dashing out of the cave into the moonlit forest. Jacob stood up and removed his armor, standing in only his pants before hurrying out of the cave after her. Waiting a few moments Rigel stood up and quietly trotted to the edge of the cave to glance out, his long equine cock had slipped free from his sheath after watching the excitement and now dangled between his legs, slapping against his thigh as he walked.

Down by the stream Jacob stood alone, glancing around as he moved through the brush, further from the cave. Rigel looked back at Luka who was snoring loudly in his deep sleep and followed his human companion into the night. As he approached the edge of the forest where it met the stream he heard laughter and hid behind a tree. Peaking around to see Zeta running around an opening in the trees while Jacob chased her. Pivoting and dodging his attempts to grab her, she displayed her species natural ability to run with ease and grace. However she over compensated and on one turn Jacob leapt to the side and caught her by the ankle, sending both down to the earth. Snapping jaws coughed Jacob on the shoulder as he gripped her around the middle, the two rolling for a moment before Zeta emerged victorious on top. She leaned down and licked his lips, nuzzling him as his arms wrapped around her.

"You know she isn't going to let us do this anymore." Zeta whispered.

"One last night is better than no night at all, and this is your idea." She nipped his nose and nodded, moving off him and crawling on her paws and knees, "But we are going to do it my way."

Sitting up Jacob was forced back down by her paws as she looked down at him, crawling over his body and nosing her way down his belly. Her tongue slid across his naval as she worked to undo his pants, biting the edge and pulling them off with her teeth, all the while giving Jacob a better view of her wet nether region. His hands slip up her thigh and over her rump, squeezing and spreading the two muscular cheeks apart. The lips of her sex quivered as they spread apart, his tongue rolling over her exposed labia. Zeta moaned and growled at him, her tail swatting him on the head playfully.

"So eager to start, I am going to think your gonna miss our little adventures in the moonlight." Jacob kissed her nether lips and nuzzled against her inner thigh as she worked his pants down. Leaning down to kiss the oddly shaped human member that now throbbed below her. It was nothing like her brothers or any other animal she had seen but she had grown quite attached to it filling her body and delivering its warm gift into her womb. Gripping it to angle the organ up more she let the tongue trace around the tip, guiding him into her mouth as she murred around the salty shaft. With a slurp and a pop she pulled back kissing the head again.

"My favorite salt lick in the hands of the enemy. If she burns it off I may just skin her."

"Sapphire probably doesn't even remember our last little entanglement, and if she does, she choose to be a mage not stay with me. Us having her join is not a death sentence for my crotch." Zeta only shrugged and continued bobbing her head over his cock, gently letting her teeth tickle the underbelly as her long canine tongue wrapped around the shaft.

Rigel blinked as he watched the two from his tree, maybe Sapphire was an old girlfriend of Jacobs who had left him before he met Zeta and Luka. His attention moved down to his hard equine cock pulsing up and down and standing out from his hiding spot like a branch of the tree. He moved a hand down and gripped his cock, stroking himself as he went back to watching the two on the ground orally pleasing one another. Jacob's thumbs rubbed up and down Zeta's spread labia, coming together over the hood of her clit to rub the emerging pearl. Holding her open he slid his tongue into the exposed opening and making Zeta gasp around his cock, pulling it from her mouth as she panted and looked over her shoulder.

"Stop please..." She sat up and turned around straddling his waste and resting her paws on his chest, "I need you inside me now." Jacob nodded and sat up, his arms around her holding her tightly as his soft furry body rubbed against his own. Zeta growled lightly at their tight embrace, her breast pressed against his body, rubbing roughly against her sensitive nipples.

Jacob felt her warm juices leaking around his cock as she sat on top of him, the lips of her sex resting over his shaft. Lifting her up he felt her paw grip him, guide him to her opening while he began to lower her, the wolf groaning and murring louder as he began spreading her, the pink human member spearing her loins as the velvet folds of her inner walls squeezed around the invading object. With a bark he hilted inside her, laying back on the cool grass as he felt her tight inner walls close and shift around him. They rested there for a moment, simply enjoying the feeling of each other's body in and around them. Rigel's cock was now drooling long ropes of precum making a puddle on the ground below him as he stroked himself, the tip flaring with arousal as he watched Jacob's dick slowly vanish inside the wolf. The large equine was breathing heavily, his hand becoming slick with his own clear fluids.

Giggling brought him back to the action in the clearing as he slowed down his strokes to watch. Zeta was now using her powerful legs to spring herself up and down over Jacob's cock, the human holding onto her breasts to keep them from bouncing to hard as she rode him. His thumbs rolling over her perky nipples while she kept her paws on his chest to keep balance as her rump moved up and down over him. With a sudden shudder, Zeta stopped her paws quickly moving to grip his hands and hold her breast tight as her movement stopped and howled as her vaginal walls tightened and spasmed around his cock, hot canine juices leaking out and down his balls to puddle on the grass. The wolf panting loudly and finally crawling off of him having reached a quick orgasm. She only got a few feet away when a hand gripped her tail and lifted it up. Looking over her shoulder Zeta gasped and moaned as two fingers invaded her presented sex, spreading her open as he moved them apart and blew cool air against her dripping lips. Paws gripping the grass she whined pleadingly, tail giving a gentle wag in his hand as Jacob explored her slick inner walls with two fingers.

"You didn't think our last night for a while was going to be so quick did you?" Jacob asked as Zeta felt him move behind her, murring as the warm tip of his member teasingly rubbed against her clit, resting it between his fingers before sliding them away, the gentle folds of her labia closing slowly around the glans of his member. Jacob smiled and leaned forward to kiss the top of her head as he began to thrust his cock deep inside her. She gave a loud yelp of surprise and moaned louder as he drove his slick shaft in and out of her. He felt her inner walls grow tighter and clamp down on him as she hit another orgasm, sending him well over the edge as he came inside her, coating her cervix with hot ropes of his cum. Both collapsed onto the ground panting, Jacob resting on top of her, kissing her cheek as the wolf lay eyes closed with a very big smile on her maw. Moving suddenly, Zeta grabbed his butt and held him.

"Leave it in, just a little longer... humans don't tie.. it's just nice to feel you for a little longer." She yawned. Jacob smiled and kissed her again. "As you wish."

Rigel bit his lip as he watched the two finish, his hand squeezing the long equine member and aiming it down as he came, sending spurt after spurt of ivory cum into the dry brush with a louder then expected rustling and wet splash, capturing the attention of the two laying on the ground.

"A tree branch shaped like a horses thingy... now that's a keeper." Zeta giggled settling her chin in her paws as she smiled over to Rigel, who turned ghost white after being caught.

"Come on out Horsy, did you enjoy the show?" She called as Rigel stepped out, his cock still in his paw. "You know Luka would have loved to suck that thing dry for you." Jacob said giving Zeta a playful hump, his member softening inside her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spy I just saw you both leave and thought..."

"Oh no harm done, usually Luka plays too but he was passed out." The three looked at each other as an awkward silence fell over them.

"Time for bed?" Zeta asked breaking the silence and the two males nodded, Jacob moving to let Zeta up, the wolf stretching as a mixture of his cum and her juices dribbled onto the ground between her legs.

"Males always making a mess." She said poking Jacob, "You're cleaning that up before you go to bed I don't want to walk tomorrow with a sticky crotch...." She merfed as Jacob grabbed her from behind and lifted her over his shoulder, slapping her firmly on the rear.

"As you wish my lady." He chuckled turning to head back to the camp, Rigel following behind, feeling a little ashamed for watching.

"Oh don't look so gloomy Rigel, I don't mind being watched honest, and your part of the team now so it's okay." Rigel grunted and forced a smile as they entered the cave, Jacob setting Zeta down who snuck over to her brother and squatted over him, letting the last drips of their cum fall over his muzzle and nose. The wolf wrinkled his nose and growled in his sleep, muttering something about washing behind his ears.

"That should teach him to not use my tail to clean up his little night time accidents." She giggled and walked over to Rigel, standing on her tippy toes to kiss him goodnight, and curl up in Jacobs's arms under a blanket.

"Sleeping here are you?"

"Yes, say no and I'll bite you." The two chuckled and soon were fast asleep, leaving Rigel the only one awake, with the sudden feeling that he had made a deal with one hell of an odd human, but as Luka merfed and backed in his sleep, rolling over next to Rigel to nuzzle his cum smeared nose against the equines side, he almost felt happy. Questions still went unanswered, what exactly was this quest, why so many different species, and what did Jacob do to create such hostility between himself and this mage, he would have to find out tomorrow, for now sleep took him.

. . .

Five men stood in a line as Elizabeth walked along in front of them. They were dressed neatly in new leather gear, but the weapons and tools at their side spoke of a very dark purpose. One man in the center wore a red bandana that covered his right eye, possibly missing from a passed fight, the scar visible running from under it to his chin.

"And these are the best bounty hunters you could find?" Elizabeth asked, glancing at Gerald coldly.

"Yes ma'am, we are the best. We'll catch the boy and your little pony no problems." The one in the center spoke up, flicking a long curved knife into the air and catching it on the blade.

"I want the man alive, kill the horse." She said and turned nodding to Gerald who presented a bag of gold coins to the leader.

"Consider it done my lady." He said with a bow, turning to face his men, "Well saddle up boys, we're going hunting."