Swimming Pool Shenanigans

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Swimming Pool Shenanigans


This story contains cub, Nudity (not in yiff) Watersports, and Messing!!! So if you do not like any of these I suggest a different story.


Hello readers! I'm back with a story and I must say that this one is very different from what I usually write. This story as stated above will contain messing in it and I've always wanted to write a story with it. So please again as stated above, no hateful comments. I do hope though whoever will read this that they will enjoy it as much as I had writing it. I'd also like to that my good friend for some suggestions and editing as well so without further delay, I give you Swimming Pool Shenanigans.


In the deserts of Arizona, built into a cliff face of a tall mesa, sat a lavish estate. On the balcony was a female canine of the Saluki breed. It was rather early in the morning, but that did not stop her from watching the sun rise over the vast Arizona landscape. To the east was a small town which she could see in the distance and to the east was more beautiful cliffs. She took in a deep breath, enjoying the coolness of the morning air.

"Ah..." she said as the light of the sun shone true over the eastern horizon, "Another beautiful morning." This was the usual morning routine for the Saluki since she enjoyed waking up before everyone else; not only because she enjoyed watching the sunrise, but because she also liked to do morning stretches in a peaceful atmosphere. After doing said stretches, she was ready to start her day; and the first order of business was to start breakfast. After some time in the kitchen, the lingering smell of fresh bacon and sausage filled the home. Stirring from his slumber, a male canine (also a Saluki) sat up and yawned.

"Masika my dear..." he said before licking his lips, "How you get up so early is beyond me." he smirked as he referenced his wife's rather early start. After a quick stretch, he got up and put on his robe and his favorite pair of slippers before walking into the kitchen. Feeling rather mischievous, he walked silently on his padded footwear until he was standing directly behind his wife. At the right moment, he gave her a hug from behind. "Good morning, my dear." he said.

"EEEP!" Masika jumped from the sudden embrace. "Confound you, Cornell!" she said in a mock angry tone, "I hate when you do that."

"I know," said Cornell, "But you're so cute when you're jumpy." He smiled and sat down at the table before continuing, "I'm sorry that I fell asleep so early when I got home. My last flight out of Ohio was a complete mess. The runway was shut down for a few hours because another plane blew a hydraulic line in the middle of the taxiway. The cleanup took two whole hours, so you can imagine how tired I was when I got home." He said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Oh... that's quite alright, Nell" Masika replied as she called him by his abbreviated name, "I got home around eleven pm last night and I saw you sprawled out on the bed; so I figured you had a rough shift." She sat down across from him and also poured herself a cup of coffee before groaning and saying, "I had a difficult last flight as well. I was supposed to leave Mississippi around seven; but the VIP I was supposed to fly was flat-out drunk and I had to wait for an extra two hours before his staff could drag him into the plane." She sighed and said, "You would think us being such experienced pilots that there would be less delays; but I guess Murphy's Law still holds true." Yes, it was true; Cornell and Masika were both pilots which earned them a nice living. Cornell flew commercial airliners from coast to coast, and Masika flew private planes for VIPs and celebrities whenever and wherever they paid her to. They loved their jobs very much and since the combined income was so great, they could even afford to have a set schedule where they would work for one week and have one week off.

"True," said Cornell, "All too true..." After sipping his coffee again, he remembered something. "Sika...?" He asked his wife, "Why don't you wake the girls up while I finish cooking."

"Sure thing, Love." said Masika. Cornell smiled and went over to finish preparing the meal, while Masika walked up a flight of stairs and down the hall to a door that was decorated in baby blue and deep green. She gently pushed open the door and looked into the room. The room was large and cozy, and it featured everything that their girls could need or want; which included dressers, closets, and a nice sized TV. On either side of the room was a bed, and in each bed, slept a young Saluki girl. The girls in question were twelve-year-old twins; one being only a few minutes older than the other. The twins were non identical as they both had different colored fur and one was only slightly taller that the other. "Aziza.... Cleo..." Masika said in a gentle motherly tone, "Its time for breakfast." Aziza was the first to speak up.

"M-Mom..." she groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, "We can sleep late; it's summer break..."

"Yeah..." added Cleo, "Can't we sleep a bit longer?"

"I know it's early, Girls;" said Masika with a laugh, "But you two need your breakfast; it is, after all, the most important meal of the day. Now why don't you two get dressed and join me and your father at the table." she said before leaving the girls. Looking at each other the twins both shrugged and got up. Since they lived in the desert and it was prone to being rather hot in their rooms, both of them slept in the nude.

"Well... we might as well get dressed." said Aziza.

"Yeah..." said Cleo as she rummaged through her drawers for something to wear, "Why can't lunch be the most important meal of the day? That way we can sleep in longer." Now, being naked in front of each other never bothered Aziza or Cleo as they were always together; If you saw one, there was always the other; and that meant that they were completely comfortable with each other. In fact, they even preferred to sleep in the same room even though they each could have easily had their own.

"Well, Sis..." said Aziza, "Before I went to bed, I thought of plan for us today." She found what she was looking for and put a pair of green lacy panties and bra on. "I was thinking that it had been a while since we took a hike up to the waterfall..."

"OH! I love that place!" said Cleo, "You suggesting we hike there today?"

"Yup!" said Aziza as she finished dressing, "We can pack a lunch and head over there and swim for a bit and then head back before dinner."

"Awesome," said Cleo, "You always have the best plans, Sis."

"That's because im older... duh!" Aziza laughed.

"Yeah by like... ten minutes!" Cleo replied just as her stomach growled. "I guess breakfast is the most important meal." she said as she started to walk for the door.

"Ahem... Uh, Sis?" Aziza stopped her sister by lightly holding her tail.

"Hey... What's the matter?" Cleo asked.

"Look in the mirror, you ditz." Aziza chuckled. Cocking her head, Cleo walked over to the full sized mirror on the wall to realize that she was still in nothing but her fur.

"Oh... uh... thanks..." She blushed in embarrassment and quickly threw on some black bikini panties with a matching bra along with shorts and a top. Aziza playfully shook her head; she and her sister were both pretty smart had good marks in school, but Cleo could sometimes be on the ditsy side. Finally, Cleo was dressed, and both girls headed downstairs into the dining room where their parents waited.

"Good morning, Pumpkins." said Cornell, "How was your week with Grandma and Grandpa?"

"It was good for the most part." Aziza spoke up first.

"Oh...? What do you mean?" Masika questioned. Cleo just laughed and said,

"Well, most of the time they were just napping or reading books. Is that what it's like to be old?" This brought a good chuckle from the table, but Cornell soon adopted a more serious tone.

"Now, Cleo;" he said, "Grandma and Grandpa are up in their years so they do get tired quickly. But just because they're old doesn't mean that they're past it. You and your sister can learn a lot from them."

"I know..." said Cleo, "After all, Grandpa always tells lots of cool stories from when he was in the six day war."

"Maybe we could be fighter pilots like him someday;" said Aziza.

"Perhaps so;" said Masika, "Then you'll tell your stories to the new hip and young crowd who will think of you as old farts!" Everyone laughed. When the laughter subsided, Masika said, "Anyway, since this is the start of our week off, your father and I are going into town for some groceries and such. You two think you'll be ok by yourselves?"

"Sure;" said Aziza, "Cleo and I were thinking of going for a hike to the waterfall."

"Oh that's lovely;" said Masika, "Just remember to be really careful and pack your gear with all the necessities; Okay?"

"Don't worry, Mom;" said Cleo, "We'll be home before dinner and we'll keep our radios handy so we can contact you guys if need be."

"That's a good girl;" said Cornell "Well, let's finish up so we can start our day then, shall we?"


As soon as breakfast was over, the girls were upstairs packing up their bags for the trip.

"Radios... spare clothes... swimsuits... first aid... and lunch... all checked!" Aziza said out loud

"Yep, yep, and yep! We have everything!" said Cleo, "Well, mostly; we need to get the water canteens filled before we leave."

"Good thinking, Sis." said Aziza as they walked out of their bedroom. They grabbed the water and said their goodbyes to their parents before traveling down to ground level and starting the hike. Since they lived so far out of the town, it was easy to do some exploring; and it happened to be just what the twins needed to entertain themselves in the backwater town in which they lived. When the girls first discovered the hidden waterfall on one of their many hikes and told their parents, they were shocked to find out that it was technically on their own land. So now, the family would often pay the location a visit whenever they felt like getting back to nature or an overnight camping trip. The hike itself didn't take too long since they knew the terrain quite well; it only took them about an hour to reach the point.

"Wow!!" said Aziza as she set her pack down, "It's like this place gets more majestic every time we visit."

"You got that right, Sis;" said Cleo as she set her things down as well, "And just look at that water! It's so clear and so untouched." The waterfall was beautiful; it was part of a river that snaked through the terrain and was always plenty deep despite the intense heat of the Arizona desert. With a smirk, Aziza started to undress. "Can't wait to swim huh?" Cleo giggled and followed suit.

"Yep..." said Aziza as she threw her clothes to the side and pulled her swimsuit (a baby blue bikini) out of her backpack, "Plus, I'm super-hot and sweaty, so a dip sounds amazing right now." Cleo only nodded in agreement and pulled out her own swimsuit. It was a deep green one-piece swimsuit, and once she had it out, Cleo started to undress so she could put it on. Now... I know what all of you are thinking, but let me assure you, the waterfall was so out of the way, the girls were quite safe that no one could be around to look in on them. Cleo was the first to finish putting her suit on; after adjusting the fit and the straps, she turned to her sister.

"How do I look?" Cleo asked while striking a cute pose.

"You look like a model, Sis!" Aziza complimented, "How about me?" She asked as she leaned against a boulder.

"OOH-LA-LA!" Cleo giggled which made her sister laugh as well. Being Salukis, both girls were slender; but they also had developed strong muscles from all the time they spent hiking through the desert. "Come on!" said Cleo, "Let's go swim already!" Taking great care, Cleo walked into the water where it was shallow. She and her sister had swam in the river hundreds of times so they knew what parts of the water were safe to swim in and what parts were dangerous. "Ahh..." Cleo sighed, "The water feels like a bath; so warm and comfy." She relaxed into a back-float and began to drift around.

"Don't have too much fun without me now!" said Aziza as she entered the water. "Oh yeah..." she sighed, "Man, this never gets old." She relaxed on her back as well, enjoying the nature and sounds of the water cascading into the pool beneath it. After two hours of floating, diving, and some playful splashing, the twins swam back to the shallow end and sat in waist deep water.

"Hey, Sis?" asked Cleo.

"Yeah, Sis?" said Aziza.

"Do you ever wish that Mom and Dad could always be home?" asked Cleo.

"That's an out of the blue question;" said Aziza, "But... yeah; I do wish that sometimes." She stared of into the distance.

"I mean... I know they work hard to give us the best;" said Cleo, "And I know they love us and wish they were with us as well."

"Yeah, I know..." said Aziza, "But think of it this way... Even when they are gone, we have a great time; and when they are here at home, they make the week amazing."

"True... true..." said Cleo, "And, Aziza...?"

"Yeah, Cleo?" Aziza turned to look at her sister who was staring back at her.

"Thank you for being my best friend and the greatest sister ever." Cleo said as she gave her sister a big hug.

"Aww, Cleo... Thanks;" said Aziza, "You are my best friend and the greatest sister ever too." She hugged her sister back. It was a tender and meaningful moment between sisters; and it all came to an abrupt end with a growl from Aziza's stomach.

"Lunch time?" Cleo smiled.

"Lunch time!" Aziza laughed. The two of them quickly dried themselves off, when Aziza had another brainwave. "Before we eat;" she said, "Let's put our swimsuits on this boulder so the sun can dry them quicker. I'd rather we do it now instead of carrying them wet in our bags since last time it took a week to get the mildew smell out."

"Right..." said Cleo as she wrinkled her nose, "I remember..." She peeled her suit off and set it nicely on the boulder to dry while her sister did the same. Cleo then reached into her bag to retrieve her panties and bra to slip them on before she grabbed lunch.

"You having an anti-clothes day?" Aziza laughed.

"No..." said Cleo, "I figured, why not enjoy the sun and heat to help dry us better? I mean... I'm in my undies at least." Thinking for a moment, Aziza shrugged.

"Good point" She said and slipped her green panties and bra on and got her lunch too.


Lunch itself was pretty uneventful, and afterwards the girls spent the remaining time sightseeing and watching the beautiful waterfall. As the sun was shifting in the sky, it signaled that they had just enough time to get home before dark. Getting dressed and packing up, they made one final check before setting off. Even though the sun was going down, the temperature wasn't; not by much anyway. Halfway down the trail, Aziza started to feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Uhhh... this heat..." she moaned, "It feels like it just got hotter."

"Yeah... I'm sweating bad now..." Cleo said in between pants. "Let me check the weather band radio." She clicked her portable radio on, and the slightly garbled voice came out of the speaker.

"_ The national weather service of Arizona will cycle its current index... " the radio spoke in a robotic voice, " Be advised; a heat wave has been reported tonight and the next few days as temperature fluctuations are blown from the south. Temperatures tonight are expected to be around one hundred and one degrees, so do yourselves a favor and stay cool! _"

"Oh for the love of... Well at least it explains how hot it's been." Cleo grumbled.

"But at least we're almost home." said Aziza, "The air conditioning sounds quite nice right now."

"Not to mention taking a shower." Cleo added. After a few more minutes of walking, they spotted the driveway and took the stairs up to the living quarters.

"Mom! Dad! We're home!" Aziza announced. There was no reply for some reason. It was then that Cleo noticed something.

"Hey, Sis..." she said, "All the windows are open and..." Before she could finish, their dad walked in wearing only shorts and a sleeveless shirt.

"Hey darlings..." he said, panting himself, "I hope you had fun; but I have some bad news... the air conditioning went down, and to boot there is a..."

"A heat advisory..." The twins said at the same time as their ears drooped.

"Yep..." said Cornell, "And the repair man won't be here until tomorrow which means... battery powered fans and windows open. I already put the fans in your room too." At this time, their mother walked in, wearing a tank top and shorts.

"But at least we will be having your favorite food for dinner!" she said with a smile.

"SUSHI!!" Aziza and Cleo cheered. Masika and Cornell laughed.

"Yep;" said Masika, "There was no way we were going to cook in this heat, so we are making Sushi. You two go ahead and get yourselves cleaned up while we prepare dinner."

"The showers still work?" asked Cleo.

"Thankfully yes;" said Cornell, "Thank you, solar panels!"

"Totally;" said Aziza, "Otherwise we'll all stink up the house by the end of the week." With that, she and Cleo went up to their room and soon started to unpack; throwing their dirty clothes in the hamper as well as their swimsuits.

"Want to take a shower with me?" Cleo asked as she took her panties off.

"Sure, Sis'" said Aziza, getting nude herself, "I'd love to; nothing as important as conserving water in the desert during a heatwave." Connected to the twins' room was a deluxe sized bathroom, complete with a walk-in shower and a tub which could easily fit three people each; so taking showers together was easy and quite a common thing for them. Aziza started the water and adjusted the temperature and got in. "WHEW!" she said, "I needed this!"

"Me too..." said Cleo as she stepped in with her sister, "This heat and sweat can get annoying sometimes." After letting the water soak in, she started wringing the water and sweat out of her thicker fur. "Living here isn't bad and I wouldn't trade it for anything;" she said, "But, I wonder what it would be like to live in a cooler place; like... Wyoming or something."

"I hear you, Sis..." Aziza agreed, "Maybe even Yellowknife, Canada, eh?" She was about to get the shampoo to start washing her fur until she felt a twinge in her bladder. "Oop... one moment, Sis." Aziza said as she took a squatting position over one of the drain. "Ahhhh..." Aziza sighed as she relaxed her bladder, and spilled her urine on the shower floor and into the drain.

"Jeez... looks like you've been holding that in all day." Cleo giggled, "But now that I mention it, I need to pee as well." But instead of squatting, she turned and faced the shower wall; and with one hand, she spreads her lower lips and released her golden jet as it splattered against the wall. "OOOHHH... goodness that's nice." She said as she wagged her tail with pleasure. Aziza laughed as she watched her sister do her own business.

"Couldn't just squat could you?" She asked as she began to lather shampoo on herself.

"Now where's the fun in that." Cleo asked as she finished peeing and began the shampoo process herself.

"I guess you have a point... you goof." Aziza chuckled; and they both helped each other wash their backs; scrubbing soft and deep so that all the grime from the desert was washed out of their fur. After a few more minutes they were out and drying off and then getting dressed. Since it was still rather hot, they both settled on wearing short pajama shorts and a simple top. "Man I'm starving..." said Aziza.

"Me too;" said Cleo, "Let's eat!" And they both headed down into the dining room.

Dinner was pretty much normal, aside from the fact that the heat in the house was noticeable. Despite that, it was still enjoyable, and since sushi was one of the girls most favorite dish, they had a feast. The family talked for a good while and also made plans for the rest of the week.

"So, Mom," Cleo asked. "Who will you be flying around next week? Any celebrities this time?" Masika chuckled, knowing what her daughter was implying; Occasionally when she flew celebrities she would ask for their autographs so that Cleo could collect them.

"Sorry, Sweetie, but no celebrities this week," she said, "Only boring business folk."

"Aww darn..." said Cleo, "I'm still waiting for you to fly the punk rock band, OtterRocker."

"You really love that band don't you, Sis?" said Aziza, "Though I can't imagine why. Heck I can barely understand what they say half the time since they sing so fast." Masika and Cornell chuckled at Aziza's comment, but soon they began to yawn.

"I think your mother and I will retire early tonight." Cornell said as he got up to do the dishes.

"Yeah;" said Cleo, "That hike took a lot out of us too; so we might as well go to bed now." The twins got up and cleaned up their parts of the table.

"Goodnight, my little ones;" said Masika, "Have sweet dreams." She gave each of them a hug and a kiss.

"Goodnight, Mom and Dad;" said the twins, "Thanks for the awesome dinner." They gave their father a hug and went off to prepare for bed. After brushing their teeth, they went into their bedroom; only to discover that it was rather warm in there.

"Ugh... it feels so much hotter now." Cleo grumbled as she turned the fans on high and opened the windows to let in the night air.

"Well in that case..." Aziza said as she stripped her pajamas off, "Better but not by much." She plopped herself on her bed.

"Well it's better than nothing, I guess." Cleo remarked as she stripped to the fur as well and shut the lights off. "Goodnight, Aziza..." Cleo said as she lay down in her bed, letting sleep take over.

"Night" was all Aziza could say before she passed out.


As the night went on, the temperature peaked just like the weather band stated and soon it was even more uncomfortable in the bedroom. Aziza woke up to a slight tickle on her forehead, and wasn't too surprised that she had been woken up by her own beads of sweat. At that moment, she looked over at Cleo's bed, where her sister was making some odd groaning noises.

"Oh my..." Aziza thought to herself, "She must be having a wild dream." When Cleo's groaning intensified, Aziza feared her sister could be having a nightmare, so she got out of bed, walked over to her, and shook her. "Cleo..." she said, "Cleo! Wake up!"

"NNNNGH...!" Cleo mumbled as she opened her eyes, "Huh...? Who...? What...? Oh, Aziza.... It's you. Sorry, I was..." She stopped as she felt her sheets; they were wet. "NO!" Cleo panicked and shot out of bed.

"Cleo! Calm down..." said Aziza, "It was a dream." She patted her sister's shoulder to reassure her.

"I... I know that... but my sheets are wet..." Cleo said, almost freaking out, "I think I wet the bed!" It was then that Aziza started to giggle.

"That's not pee, Sis..." she said, "That's straight up sweat! I can smell it too and don't worry, my bed is just as damp." Cleo calmed down now from hearing this.

"Grrr..." she growled as she sat on her damp bed. "Can't we just get a break from this darn heat? The windows are open and the fans are on! What else can we...? OHHH!.... I just answered my own question!" This peaked her sister's interest.

"I'm listening;" said Aziza.

"Get this..." said Cleo, "We get our suits from the laundry room and go to the pool in the basement for a swim." Cleo then looked at her clock which said 2:00 am. "There is no way that Mom and Dad will ever know; and they sure as heck can't hear us from all the way down there. And since there's a shower in the pool area, they won't even smell the chlorine on us." This brought a huge smile to Aziza's face.

"Oh sweet!" she said, "Let's so do this

"I knew you would like it!" Cleo said. She was about to open the door, when she felt her sister's light grip on her tail. Instinctivly, she turned around and said, "What?"

"We need to keep in mind that Mom and Dad don't have to operate on a lot of sleep;" said Aziza, "And like me, they're light sleepers; so we have to be super quite when we walk pass their door." Cleo nodded and then opened their door to the hallway. Wearing nothing but their fur, the twins quietly tiptoed their way past their parents' room. Once they had passed it, they felt their way down the stairs and crept over to the door to the basement staircase. At the bottom of that staircase, they went into the laundry room to retrieve their swimsuits that they had worn that day, as well as their towels. With these in hand, they arrived at the pool door and opened it to reveal a beautiful in-ground indoor pool as well as a hot tub in a large open room with a large window on the far wall.

"HOME FREE!" whispered to her sister as she dropped her towel and began putting her one-piece on.

"Awesome!" was all Aziza could say before slipping her baby blue bikini on, "Ready to do this, Sis?"

"You got it!" said Cleo, "Betcha I can make a graceful dive like at the Olympics!"

"You're on!" said Aziza, "You wanna go first?"

"Nah..." said Cleo, "Age before beauty!"

"Why you...!" Aziza said in pretend anger, "Just for that, I'll do a dive that will double your score!" She walked over to the diving board, got up onto it, and said, "For my dive, I will be preforming a swan dive with a letter perfect entry!" She ran to the end of the board, jumped on it, and sprang into a graceful arc as she touched her toes and straightened out just before impacting the water.

"Not bad, Sis..." said Cleo, "I give you a nine-point-three for that one."

"Thanks!" said Aziza, "Your turn!" Cleo got up on the board and said,

"I will be preforming a full somersault!" She ran to the end of the board, and launched herself into the air. Unfortunately, she started her spin too late, and hit the water in a splash-inducing cannonball. Once she had surfaced, she said, "Uh... how did I do...?"

"Well..." said Aziza, "I have to be honest, that's only an eight-point-seven; tops." She smiled and said, "I guess it really is age before beauty this time, huh?"

"Yeah..." said Cleo with a shrug, "Oh man... the water's so nice and cool."

"Sure is;" said Aziza, "But we shouldn't stay here too long; let's have some fun!" For a little while they swam around enjoying the cool water before playing a few games like tag and catch. After that, they did some more nice dives from the diving board, and some water ballet. Eventually, they got a little tired, so they swam to the shallow end and sat in the waist deep water. "We should do this more often!" said Aziza as they relaxed.

"Totally!" said Cleo, "I don't know why we didn't think of this before."

"By the way, Sis..." said Aziza, "What were you dreaming about before I woke you up? It looked like you were having a nightmare."

"Nah... Not a nightmare;" said Cleo, "I was having a dream that we were on the rollercoaster at Mountain Park. You remember the last time we were there, don't you?"

"I sure do;" said Aziza, "That was a great vacation; maybe Mom and Dad will take us back there this summer."

"If they have the week off, I don't see why not;" said Cleo, "I mean... Oh wait... Hold up a second." Cleo paused "NNGH!" She grunted, and soon a few medium sized bubbles emerged to the water surface. "Ahh..." she sighed, "Much better."

"EWWW!!! HAHAHA!!" Aziza laughed

"What..." asked Cleo, "Everyone farts."

"True, true..." said Aziza, "In fact... HHNNNG!" Aziza grunted and her own bubbles erupted to the surface. "Whew!"

"Nice one, Sis!" Cleo smiled and then strained again; letting more farts loose until she felt a familiar urge in her bowels. Cleo blushed and bit realizing what it meant and sighed. "Well, I'll be right back, Aziza; I have to drop the dogs off at the other pool if you know what I mean." Cleo said as she got up to go to the ladder.

"Aww man, I was having fun relaxing with you..." Aziza pouted.

"I know but... I have to poo..." said Cleo as she continued to the ladder. Aziza frowned until the same urge to use the restroom hit her as well. "Awww man... now I have to go too;" she announced and began to swim to the ladder as well. Cleo laughed.

"Food caught up with you too, eh?" She said while still swimming to the ladder. As Aziza swam, she grumbled to herself.

'I was having so much fun too... Heck, we pee in the pool all the time and it filters out just fine... I don't see why we couldn't just... Wait a minute!' Aziza stopped swimming as a spark of realization hit her. "Hey, Cleo, wait a second." She said to her sister who stopped right before the ladder.

"What is it, Aziza?" Cleo asked, curiously.

"Here me out, Sis," said Aziza as she swam closer to her sister, "Since we are having so much fun, why burden ourselves to get out of the pool to use the bathroom? Why don't we just poo in our swimsuits?" Cleo was shocked to hear this. Like her sister, she also peed in the pool quite frequently, but never thought of doing the other deed while swimming.

"Uh, Sis..." she said, her voice dripping with uncertainty, "I don't mind peeing in the pool, but... messing? That's different."

"Sure, it's way different than peeing and a little messier, but so what...?" asked Aziza, "Wouldn't it be nice to just relax and let go and continue to have fun? Our suits will hold most of it in anyway." Cleo thought for a moment and shrugged.

"Yeah that does sound nice and convenient." Cleo said as she swam to her sister, "But what about the cleanup?" she asked.

"You bring up a good point, Sis;" said Aziza, "But just look at that sign behind you and read it." She pointed to the board on the wall. Cleo looked over and began to read the sign out loud.

"Pool cleaning scheduled. Every first of the odd months, the pool shall be drained, scrubbed, filters replaced, and water refilled."

"And would you turn your head to the left to see the big digital clock and calendar on the wall, please?" Aziza said, confidently.

"Ok..." said Cleo, a bit confused, "The time is two-thirty AM, July... first..." At that moment, the puzzle pieces fell into place. Cleo turned around with a big grin on her face. "The pool will be completely cleaned today... so that means..."

"Exactly!" said Aziza, "We won't have to worry too much about any consequences! Plus what does happen to escape or float around will be sucked up in the filter by morning anyway so no one will ever know!" She smirked as she blasted more bubbles out.

"Aziza, you really are a genius!" said Cleo, "But just to be safe and to add to our cover up, we can use the net over there to clean up anything the filter can't handle." She pointed to the cleaning net, "And then we can use the showers and bathroom to clean our swimsuits and hide the evidence!"

"Now you're being a genius, Cleo;" said Aziza as she high-fived her sister, "I think we have all our bases covered now."

"Well then... let's get messy!" Cleo said as she let out another set of farts out causing her to be surrounded by bubbles. They both swam to the part of the pool where their feet could touch and waded up more until the water was about stomach high. They stopped at one of the two filter intakes as an extra measure of 'insurance'. "Hey, Aziza... can I go first?" asked Cleo, "I have to go pretty bad now."

"Sure, Sis," said Aziza, "Just let me step back a bit so I'm not in your way. Oh and uh... may I watch?" she asked, excitedly.

"Sure, I don't mind;" said Cleo with a smile, "I mean, we've seen each other pee and such so what's the difference?" Cleo smiled and bent her knees a bit to get into position. "Ready?" she asked.

"Go for it, Sis!" said Aziza. Still smiling, Cleo relaxed her behind and flagged her tail up to where it was partially out of the water. With a slight grunt and push, a barrage of bubbles appeared from behind her and then suddenly stopped.

"NNNHG! Ahhhh..." Cleo sighed in relief as the back of her green one-piece started to bulge outward from the first log which came to rest nicely in the seat of her swimsuit. Grunting again, a second, more softer log, coiled up in the seat of her swimsuit which caused a small but noticeable brown cloud behind her; which was quickly (and thankfully) sucked into the filter intake. And with a final fart, she was done. Shakily, she stood up straight again, and just stood there enjoying the moment. "Oh my gosh, that was amazing!" she said, remembering to keep her voice down, "That seriously was a whole new experience and it's just as fun as peeing in the pool!" Cleo gave a little excited jump, making her bulge sway just a little bit, "Plus, I can feel the warmth back there and it's kinda nice. You will totally love this!" Cleo said, happily.

"You go, Girl!" said Aziza, "I will admit that it was interesting to see. You looked so comfortable and I even saw your bulge grow." She let a few string of farts go; almost losing control. "Nnngh..." she said, "Now it's my turn; and I must say that I'm getting a bit desperate back there!"

"Well, don't let me stop you." Cleo giggled as she stepped back a bit, "I'm ready when you are!" Cleo said as she waited excitedly for her sister to let loose.

"Right..." said Aziza, "Here it... goes..." She closed her eyes to concentrate. She let out two massive farts before flagging her tail up like her sister had done. She strained a bit and without much effort, one long firm turd slid out of her and into the seat of her bikini causing no cloud, but an even bigger bulge. "Oh... Ohhhhhh... Mmmmnnn..." She moaned and stood there for a second to revel in the moment. The back of her bikini was now noticeably heavier; and now there was a noticeably darker and lumpy spot in the seat. Cleo watched in awe as she saw her sister mess herself.

"Oh man, Aziza, that was awesome!" she said as she clapped a bit, "That thing shot out of you!"

"I really... had to go! Heh..." Aziza said in a shaky tone before blowing one last fart which signaled that she was done, "That came out so fast, but wow... this feels great; the warmth and texture, not to mention it's so convenient!"

"Right!" said Cleo, "It's like we're wearing our own personal toilets! Pfft... who needs a real one when you're swimming?" She joked, "I'm so glad you talked me into this; you ready to have more fun?"

"Oh you bet!" Aziza laughed.

"One thing, though..." said Cleo, "We shouldn't be too vigorous as we swim; probably best to keep out messes to ourselves."

"I didn't think of that..." said Aziza, "Thanks, Cleo; I think some of my genius us beginning to rub off on you." With that, the twins continued their swim; being sure of course to keep thing as at a slow and sedate pace. They did some laps with various strokes from one end of the pool to the other; as they did, their bulges swished and swayed but mostly stayed in their suits. With combined sensations of the pool water, the messes in their suits, and the moonlight streaming in through the large window, they were having the time of their lives.


Finally getting tired, Aziza and Cleo swam to the shallow end and sat down on the steps; though when they sat it caused their loads to squish.

"Oh my... heh-heh..." Cleo chuckled.

"I'd say it's a pretty decent cushion." Aziza smirked and relaxed.

"This was a great day..." said Cleo with a smile, "The waterfall, sushi..."

"Taking a dump in the pool with your greatest friend and sister." said Aziza, which made both of them laugh. "Honestly though," said Aziza, "I never knew being this carefree and naughty could be so much fun."

"Yeah," said Cleo with a nod, "But of course, we need to be really careful. If mom and dad ever found out about this... Oh man."

"I don't even want to think about what they would do to us." Aziza smiled and leaned back against the wall. She then felt a familiar urge again and gently raised her behind a few inches from the stair and gave a little grunt, expelling more bubbles. "Ahh..."

"Dang, Sis! You still farting?" Cleo chuckled.

"Yep!" said Aziza, "But..." She paused for a second and felt a shift in her bowels again, "I think I need to go again.... hold on." She crawled a few feet away from her sister and took a squat in the shallow water.

"That sushi must have had a bigger effect on you than me, I guess." said Cleo.

"I guess so." Aziza giggled and then flagged her tail up again and gave another push. This time it was just a small log that mushed with the rest of the waste in her bikini. "There we go!" she said, "All empty."

"Well I don't have any more like you," said Cleo, " But..." She smirked, spread her legs, and sighed. A yellow jet soon pushed its way passed the swimsuit fabric and into the water, making a warm yellow cloud in front of her. "There we go." she said with a smile. Aziza laughed and then looked at the clock.

"I think it's time we cleaned up, eh? It's already three-thirty, and knowing how mom and dad wake early, we should get going." She got up and out of the pool via the steps.

"Yeah;" Cleo agreed, "Besides, I'm a bit pooped." She chuckled as she got out as well.

"Oh ha-ha!" Aziza snickered, "Let's go to the bathroom and get rid of our mess first. We can wash ourselves and our suits in the shower like you said." Cleo then looked back into the pool.

"You know..." she said, "We can consider ourselves lucky that we didn't have any floaters to deal with. That might have increased the possibility of our parents smelling a rat; even if we did clean them out."

"Agreed" said Cleo as she and her sister both started for the bathroom; the bulges in their swimsuits jiggling and swaying as they walked. They flushed what was in their suits down the toilet and cleaned themselves in the shower. To their surprise, it was quite easy. The hard part was getting the stains out of their suits; but with some elbow work, they managed to clean them to more or less their original state. By four o' clock, the twins had reached their bedroom and shut the door. After giving each other a fist bump, they laid down in their beds.

"And Mom wonders how we sleep so late every morning...!" Aziza laughed as she settled in.

"Yeah...!" said Cleo with a chuckle, "Hey sis...?" she said.

"Yeah...?" Aziza asked as she turned to face Cleo.

"Want to do this again in September?" Cleo asked. A grin appeared on Aziza's face.

"Totally!" she replied; and they both had a laugh before turning in for the night. The next day, the maid service came and cleaned and filtered the pool as scheduled; and as far as I know, no one was the wiser!


Cindy's Life Adventure

Cindy's story, chapter 1 Contains: Cub, Slight Nudity (Not in Yiff) Slight watersports, and character development. ....................... It was early afternoon in a little suburb down in Nashville. Tammy and her friends just had woken up from...

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Sherry's Story Part 2

Here we have it! Sherry's story (working title) part 2! Enjoy -------------------------------------- Rachel was still overjoyed about what just happened. She had spent the entire night worrying that she might lose her one and only friend because of...

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Pool Pals Adventures: Sherry's Story Part 1

Hello everyone! New Chapter in the Pool Pals series. This chapter, we will focus on Sherry 'The Mighty' Phillips; our pony pool pal, and what she has going on in her personal life. This takes place after sleepover fun so Lets jump in with a splash! ...

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