Tina's Story Chapter 65- A Hard Day's Night

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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It was a rough day at the DMV. There was a huge volume of business. Lots of difficult matters, lots of challenging problems. The suspensions unit was down several people. This meant that the relatively inexperienced Felicia and Nina had to do the work of two or more experienced employees. To make matter worse, Tina was called away to an unemployment compensation hearing, not returning until the very end of the day. KC had to fill in for Tina as department supervisor. By the end of the day, everyone was ready to go home. Everyone that is, except for Tina, who stayed behind to survey the damage, and get some paperwork caught up.

"Time to clock out?" KC calls out, cheerful for the first time today.

:You go ahead; I'm going to be here a while"

"That work will be here tomorrow" she teases

"Along with 50% more" Tina adds. With a hint of a smile. "Have fun."

"Night!" KC disappears out the door.

Felicia comes by next.

"Good night Mrs Goldstein"

"Good night Felicia. And I think we're at a point where you can call me 'Tina'."

Felicia smiles

"Good night, Tina."


Nina scurries for the door.

"Good night, Nina." she calls out

"Oh, sorry, Good night Mrs Goldstein"

Nina, who had never really stopped, keeps going. With the office now empty, Tina puts on some music, and settles in for her nights work.

Nina walks from the DMV building. She heads away from downtown , about twenty blocks. Even though she is on a busline, she makes the trip on foot. After the twenty, she navigates a complicated route that she has walked many times. She arrives on a quiet side street, opposite a day car center. In the play yard, there are many children, both human and hybrid having a wonderful time. Her attention, however is focused on one in particular, a little Husky hybrid. He runs joyfully, from one end of the yard to the other. He is as perfect a little Husky hybrid as you could find, well, with one exception. His ears. The little guy has these huge, almost fennec-like ears, standing straight up. Nina watches the little guy's every move. Finally, with night about to fall, the husky is called inside. Sadly, Nina turns and heads for home, another thirty blocks away. Tomorrow, Nina will make this trip again. She has made it every day since she arrived in the city.

KC arrives at her townhouse in good time. She finds a rare on street parking place She walks up the front steps, and lets herself in. she is surprised to see the lights already on, when she looks up to see her doctor, standing there in the living room.


KC hasn't seen Jack in almost two weeks, other that to pass as one arrives and the other leaves. Overcome with excitement, KC knocks him over, dropping him straight to the floor. Her Cocker knees hold the Jack Russell's shoulders firmly to the floor.

"Glad to see me?" he asks, not needing an answer. He uses his snout to gently lift them hem of KC's short skirt. There he finds....nothing. No panties, no stockings....nothing. Nothing that is, except KC's cute little pink lips, poking out from her abundant blonde fur.

"Hmmmmm" goes the doctor, grabbing KC's 'perfect round bottom, pulling her sex closer to his eager tongue.

"Ahhhhhhh" moans KC, as the doctor's eager tongue finds it's target. "Yes, lover. Right there. Yes. Just like that...."

KC takes hold of Jack's head, and supports it just so in front of her pussy.

Jack toys with her clit, sometimes running his tongue over her lower belly. This drives her wild. KC closes her eyes, and throws her head back. She takes two digits, and spreads her pink Cocker lips.

"Fuck me with your tongue!" she orders, cramming her cunt into his waiting snout. Jack, of course, obliges. His rough terrier tongue snakes it's way deep into her spaniel cunt. KC rubs herself eagerly

"UH! UH! Uh!" KC grunts as her fingers work franticly on her little pink clit. Jack's finger finds it's way into her tail hole. He uses slow, steady pressure to introduce it into her rectum, no doubt something hre learned in med school. Between Jack's tongue, her clit rubbing, and the finger inserted into her ass , KC starts to lose it. Her face contorts, her jaw clenches, she clamps hard on her pussy muscles, and her ass, fingers rubbing hard at her clit. When she orgasms, she comes harder than she ever remembers coming before.....


They are so loud, the neighbor beats on the wall.

"Hey! Keep it down!"

"HEY! FUCK OFF! " shouts the usually demure Cocker.

"I guess I don't have to ask if you enjoyed it."

"Carry me to the bedroom" KC orders "And don't think you're getting out before morning"

Felicia takes the bus home. She arrives at her drab apartment, walks the four flights upstairs, and lets herself in. She picks up her mail, slid under the door, and throws it on the table without looking at it. Without even turning the lights on, she grabs her Ipod, and sits on a chair by the window. She watches the lights of the city come on out of the twilight. Putting her feet on the window sill, she adjusts the volume.

"There are worse things I could do

Than go with a boy or two

Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good

I suppose it could be true,

But there are worse things I could do.

I could flirt with all the guys

Smile at them and bat my eyes

Press against them when we dance

Make them think they have a chance

Then refuse to see it through

That's a thing I'd never do.

I could stay home every night,

Wait around for Mr. Right

Take cold showers every day,

And throw my life away

On a dream that won't come true.

I could hurt some one like me

Out of spite or jealousy

I don't steal, and I don't lie

But I can feel, and I can cry

A fact I'll bet you never knew.

But to cry in front of you,

That's the worst thing I could do"

The lights of the city are all on, as Felicia's eyes fill with tears. She stays seated by the window, looking out into the night, as her tears continue to fall.

It is past nine p.m. when she finally makes her way out of the office. She says good night to the cleaning crew, and she stops at the guard station to sign out. One of the guards walks Tina to her orange Scion, and she heads for home. Once home, Tina parks behind Ray's Golf, and goes in the kitchen door. The kitchen is clean and orderly. Ray has cleaned the dishes and straightened up. There is a plate from dinner, all ready to go into the microwave. Ray has even poured a glass of wine for her. The children are all snug in their beds. Tina sticks the plate in the microwave, and takes the wine. Ray is at his desk, attempting to break a personal 'Tetris' record. Tina walks up behind him Seeing what he is doing, she decides not to disturb him. Instead, she changes. After a while, Tina returns to Ray.

"Hey sweets.'

Tina kisses his ear.

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

'Still looking at the screen, he replies

"Uh, I'm sure you have."


She continues

"Can I borrow you for just a bit?"

Ray turns toward Tina. She is dressed, not in sweats, but in Ray's favorite little black bikini. It's little string bottom rode just below Tina's tail. The tiny triangle top pulled tight against her little breasts, but showed her hard pink nipples. Her bottom was tight enough that you could clearly see the folds of her sex. Tina sat on his lap.

"I need you.'

"Uh, why?"

"Don't ask why. I just do."

With that, Tina kissed him passionately. Her tongue went down his throat, and she held him in a passionate embrace. The oven timer went off, but neither Ray nor Tina seemed to care.....

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