The Last of his Kind, Chapter 2

Story by Munkus69 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Last of his Kind

This is the second chapter of the story "The Last Of His Kind" after the first encounter with the other sex.

For more stories from me please feel free to check out my patreon account

The last of his Kind

Chapter 2

Dizzy after the surprising first sexual encounter, Zeus had to be carried back into his own territory by his handler Steve. He was groaning under the weight of his little protege, not quite believing how heavy the cub had gotten over the last few months. Especially so since he was now limp as a rag doll.

"Poor kitty", he mumbled as he walked down the corridors, scratching the dark head with the silver stripes. "Poor, tired kitty." Other people walked by and congratulated him on the successful mating and Steve couldn't help but smile, feeling proud with Zeus. Alas at the same time, he was worried. The drug had helped him mature faster but he was still incredibly young. It had never been tested before on a specimen that was still almost a cub. It worked well with adults, but cubs and youngsters were completely unknown territory. Fearing negative side-effects, he carried Zeus to the infirmary of the Wildcats Foundation, gently placing him on the metal bench there.

Zeus mewled slightly and his claws poked out of their sheaths as he flexed his paws. His pink tongue slid out of his mouth, licked over his nose and then retreated. A small noise, somewhere between a purr and a growl sounded from him but apart from that he was lying rather still.

"Dammit, should never have tried", Steve mumbled as he reached for the stethoscope and searched for the cub's pulse. "Should have told them. Should have let nature take its course. Everything will come in its own time." The steady, strong thumping noise of Zeus' heart let him exhale slowly. In rapid succession he checked the cub's pulse, breathing and pupils. The last got the biggest reaction.

Zeus winced when the bright light hit his fully dilated pupils and he growled. His paws that still seemed way too big for his body started fending off the intruder. Then Zeus blinked a few times, noticed Steve and started licking his hands with swift, gentle strokes. Almost as if he wanted to say that he was all right. As if he wanted to calm Steve down by treating him with his wet, bristly tongue.

Feeling relief wash over him, Steve hastily wiped his eyes. Alas, a few tears rolled down his cheeks and dropped on the black and silver fur below him. Jerking his head round in surprise, Zeus looked up. His emerald green eyes blinked in confusion over the sudden drops that came out of nowhere. His black nose twitched as he sniffed the wet spot on his fur and licked it away. Seemingly disgusted with the salty content, he stuck out his tongue again and looked reproachfully up at Steve.

"Hah", Steve felt himself chuckle, "Sorry pal. Not gonna drip on you again." He was about to wipe the tears of relief away when Zeus rolled over, placed his hands on his shoulders and started licking him away. Washing his face with his wet, scratchy tongue. "Ah, hey, hey! Mercy!" Steve laughed and tried to playfully fend off the cub but in vain. Within seconds a wrestle had broken out between the two, Zeus eagerly slamming his paws around Steve's arms and using his teeth. "Ah, gentle, ow, ow, ow, you won, you won." Laughing, he examined his scratched fingers and found that they were battle scars that you simply had as a cat owner. Almost like badges of honor. Grinning, he hugged Zeus, ruffled his fur and started another playful wrestle with the now eager cub.


A little later, they walked out of the strange smelly place. Mommy had allowed Zeus to jump off the shiny thing that he had found himself on and together they walked down one of the many paths of his home. Mommy was leading Zeus by the leash like usual. Mostly, he suspected, so she would not lose him like his real Mommy had. And losing him would be quite easy because of the many, many two-leggeds that were sharing the same path they did. Many of those two-leggeds had strange rocks in their hands, like Mommy. But they did not have crackly noises. Instead they emitted strange flashes of light.

Zeus was interested and wanted to explore those strange rocks, but Mommy gently tugged him along so onward they went. Through the strange path of hard gray earth that was surrounded on all sides by hard air. Mommy took her own rock out, spoke into it and received an answer only a little later. Everything was normal, as far as Zeus was concerned.

Well... maybe not everything. He had noticed it a few steps away from the smelly room and had not paid it any mind. But the strange itchy feeling between his legs seemed to grow with every step that he took. Whenever he flicked his tail or his legs brushed lightly against them, they tickled. As if thousands and thousands of ants were walking over and inside of them. Urging him to scratch it and mocking him for not being able to.

His dick poked out of his sheath as well. The barbed tip tickling every time it brushed against the fur of his crotch. It got worse and worse, no matter what he tried. When one of the slightly longer strains of hair from his belly brushed against it and gave it a little tug, Zeus sat down like a flash, stuck his leg in the air and started licking himself like mad, trying in vain to stifle the strange urge.

A rather loud shrieking noise caught his attention and stopped him from his ministrations. Startled he looked up, a small part of his tongue still sticking out of his muzzle. There was a strange, tall two-legged with long hair who made a grab for a small one. Within a heartbeat her paw was over her cub's eyes and she was yelling at Mommy.

Feeling confused, Zeus looked up at Mommy, then over at the shrieking two-legged again. Suddenly curious, he moved over to the cub. Was there something wrong with it? His nose twitching, he leaned a little into the collar to come closer, but the shrieking two-legged dragged her cub away from him. As if she was disgusted by his interest. What a fool this two-legged was. He would never hurt a cub!

Snorting with indignation, Zeus stood up again with an almost royal grace and, feeling generous, allowed Mommy to tug him away. Once more, he overheard Mommy talk with the stone, but he did not look up this time. Instead he walked on, his long strides powerful, majestic and invincible. Yes, he was Zeus, the invincible. Zeus the generous, who let the foolish two-legged and her cub alone because he _chose_to. Yes. Not because Mommy was walking away and taking the feeling of safety with her. No, he did it, because he _just happened_to feel like walking the same moment, Mommy did. Yes.

Together they walked back to the territory of the female with the enticing smell. It hung in the air like the heavy scent of flowers even before they went through the hard air. Once more it almost blew him over when they walked into her territory where it seemed to cling to every single plant.

Feeling the tingling in his loins retreat with even greater force, Zeus marched forward. There she was again, flattening her ears when she saw him approach. She was in the small cage again. Barely enough to cover for her size. She growled lightly, apparently not very pleased with the appearance of Zeus. But when he came closer, she stopped and raised her head. Her nose twitched as she drew in her scent that wafted off his body. Her eyes wandered to Zeus' backside and when she smelled herself on his dick, she seemed to reconsider. Her nose wandered closer to his balls and her long, wet tongue appeared. With slow, almost gentle strokes she started licking over his balls and his sheath. Zeus jerked and rocked his hips forward when her tongue brushed over the tip of his dick as it poked out of its sheath. Once more she paused, sniffed and finally turned to lie down in front of him.

Seeing how she looked over her shoulder, how her tail flicked back and forth, Zeus felt his dick grow hard. He snaked around the cage and lowered his head, reaching through the bars with his muzzle and started licking her backside. Immediately she stretched it out, exposing that glistening spot. Zeus shifted and started licking the drops away, causing her to mewl and stretch herself toward him.

Another crackling sound on the stone, Mommy spoke. A few heartbeats of silence in which only the soft mewling noises of the gray tiger was audible. As well as the noises that Zeus' tongue made when it brushed over that wet spot.

Mommy reached down and got rid of the leash around Zeus' neck but he barely paid her any attention. The scent was too enticing. Mommy vanished and a few heartbeats later, the cage door slid upward.

In a flash the female spun round and darted out, only to stop dead after a few steps. There she crouched, pressing her long gray body close to the ground. Her hind legs were spread, the glistening snatch fully exposed. Zeus followed, drawn closer to the enticing smell. Once more he bent down to lick her backside. She growled and his balls itched. Feeling the need to calm that itch, he stepped closer, over the hind legs of the female. His tongue darted out to lick her fur again, then he crouched behind her.

Instinct took over and he started rocking his hips back and forth, searching for her warm, wet entrance. He felt her wiggling under him, stretching herself toward him. He crouched, feeling her fur brush over the tip of his dick and exciting him. Warmth started to radiate from somewhere close by. Wetness guided him, eased his path as he found his target. His hips rocking forward almost of their own accord, he sheathed himself inside her. Instantly he was struck by pleasure as the warmth and wetness of her cunt enveloped him. His head darted down, his teeth wrapped themselves around her fur, pinching it between his teeth. A low growl sounded from somewhere below, the vibration wandering through her hot body and up his cock. Zeus thrusted a few times back and forth, his balls jiggling lightly. His body tensed, he let go of her fur and roared out her pleasure, shooting his load inside her.

When he slid out, she roared in fury, turned and whacked him powerfully around the head. The world shook. He reeled back, licked his nose and tasted blood. Another cracking noise sounded. Almost instantly, she became drowsy. There was a hissing noise as the hard air slid open and Mommy rushed in. Zeus snorted. Blood sprayed away. Like a warrior in a battle he walked back toward the female. His balls were still tingling and before he even knew what he was doing, he crouched behind her again.

Mommy's steps came to a halt close by but Zeus paid him no heed. With the female lying groggily on the ground he slid inside her, relishing her depths, the warmth and the wetness. His jaws closed themselves around a fold of her fur, instinctively holding on to her. His hips sawed in an out in small jerks, the barbs on his dick scraping hard along the insides of her cunt, vibrating along his dick. Zeus roared, his balls tightened and another long stream of seed burst inside her depths.

Huffing, he retreated quickly, fearing another blow. When Mommy came to wipe the blood away from his face, he grunted, turned and went back to the female to mate her again. Again and again Zeus climbed on top of her, crouched behind her and slid into her hot depths. Over and over his barbs raked the inside of her vagina, vibrating with an intensity that felt like several soft bristles brushing against and over his dick until he blew his seed inside her, mating her thoroughly.

No matter what Mommy tried over the next few days, it seemed like he could not get Zeus away from the heavenly feeling until finally the strength of the scent lessened and stopped assaulting his senses so much.

Only then did Zeus allow himself to be dragged off the still slightly drowsy female and led back into his own territory, toppling over and doing nothing but eat and sleep for two whole days.


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