Dark Desire Chapter 2

Story by Duncan213 on SoFurry

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Dark Desires Chapter 2

October 27, 2040

Mars Base gym's locker room 1:24pm

Sam after waking up from a short "nap" with Jane in his cabin heads to base's gym. Knowing he will meet one of Dr. Stone's co-workers but more in the medical department. Sam then finds this time at the locker room he is greeted by a young female black and white vampire Western free tailed bat in a navy blue shorts and a green and black patterned workout vest.

"Hello Sam, I'm Dr. Lisa Sparks. I'm the Mars base's medical officer. I was transfigured from star base 214 a while back."

"Are all of the top officers here female?"

Dr. Sparks giggles "We have a bit of a nickname here. They call the Mars base as 'The female base' or 'the breeding base'. Well, it's not all of the base's top officers female but it makes up most of us."

Sam asks "where is Jane?"

"She is at the department store. Looking for a job there."

Sam nods "She dose like to shop, like in our ancient past."

Lisa's red eyes gleamed with lust knowing she has a contract to do with him. To have sex with the new comer, record everything and report her findings to Dr. Stone. She is starting to really like her assignment. She is starting to really like her assignment. She also knows she can and probably will get pregnent from this assignment.

Sam starts to grin as he watches Dr. Sparks unzips her workout vest. Showing of a glimpse of her D-cup sized breasts slowly showing him that she has no bra on. Then, slowly unzips her vest the rest of the way with her right hand showing him her wedding ring. A plane gold ring with a small single demand.

At the same time after she polls open her vest, Dr. Sparks polls down her shorts showing him her bare pussy. Some of the male wolf's tentacles starts to grope over her now naked body as she tosses her cloths aside and picks up a clipboard from her locker. Sam then polls his shorts down showing his large throbbing cock to her.

"It seems that visual stimulant is effective. Let's see if I can get a sperm sample from you."

Dr. Sparks grins as she grabs hold of his large cock. He moans as she jerks him off as she kneels onto the hard steel floor. A female snow leperd opens the bag to pull out a plastic cup with a lid over it.

"This is Emily Morgan, my part time lab partner. She is also the head manager of the Sunset Bar at the Mars Grand Resort Hotel Resort." Dr. Sparks told Sam.

"Call me Anubis from now on ladies." Anubis said with a grin.

They both nod. Dr. Sparks says "Let's head to Mis. Morgan's club for this experiment."

Sexual Experiment report from Dr. Lisa Sparks

Mars Science Division

Report dated: October 27, 2040

On the afternoon of Saturday, October 27th 2040 on 1455hrs.

For this experiment we moved subject Anubis will be paired with Miss. Morgan in her Sunset Mar's privet VIP area.

The Sunset Bar's VIP area has escorts and privet rooms. Most of the club's dancers/escorts are around in their mid-20s. Miss. Margan is one of the oldest at age 33, she almost daily cheats on her husband (An expected and excepted part of life on Mars). Ironically to rebel on Earth's Western relationship and religious dogma a majority of Mars frowns on staying with only one sexual partner.

Another rebel from Earth's West was to place Japan's age of consent of age 13. And the youngest escort is now age 14 as extra credit for her high school (Grace von Browning).

After being on Earth for most of my life got boring that is why I joined the Mars Science Division or the MSD for short. Growing up in a small resort town in Arizona is nice, quiet and also as I said before boring as hell!

The teenager escort, Grace reminded me of myself at that age. Smart (tested with a 150IQ), tough and ambitious. That ambition drove her to take her escort job for her school's economics class.

Miss. Morgan is a royal, a princess from one of those high-tech trible planets that looks simulator to those from Star Trek. She is also trying to brake away from an arranged marriage for a trade agreement. She dose almost monthly trips to her world then back to Mars in time for her shift at work.

I also have worked there at times as well. I will be a DJ to the Halloween event. I may have to finish this report as Anubis large cock releases his sperm into my cunt for the day. Then I will throw out my pills after the Halloween Event.

End of first attachment of MSD report.

Dr. Sparks closes her holographic window and keyboard coming from her left bracelet. She moans as she feels the wolf's cock slides in deeper into her pussy. She leans her back on Anubis' chest as he kisses her neck from behind. She sits spread eagle on the living room sofa with the wolf's cock deep in her cunt. Sparks' legs grips around Anubis' thighs over her living rooms sofa.

Her street cloths jeans is thrown to the floor with her panties. Her black Metallica T-shirt is lifted over her large breasts and as for her bra is ripped off from her and tossed aside. Anubis' paws grips on the females bat's legs in place as he slams his cock up into her pussy some more as he kisses her neck.

Sparks closes her red eyes and moans in bliss. Feeling him going in deeper inside her cunt and as his tentacles gropes her breasts and over her naked body makes her feel alive.

She then grabs his snout and kisses him deeply.

After four and a half hours of sex and one hour of sleep.

7:23pm MST

When Sparks wakes up she sits up on the sofa as she polls her t-shirt back on over her breasts. This is when she remembers that they have to get to the shuttle to the Sunset Bar tomorrow.

"Hey Anubis, you still around?"

Anubis comes out from Sparks apartment's kitchen with two mugs of coffee. He holds one mug in his paw and the second mug is wrapped with one of his tentacles that sprouts from is back. He has a grin and hands the mug held by the tentacle to Sparks. "I don't just fuck and leave. Especially, a lovely, sexy bat like you."

Sparks smiles at him and blushes "we have to leave to the Sunset Bar tomorrow."

"You seem to really enjoy our sex today. It like no one had sex with you for a long time."

"I was married, I am still going through a nasty divorce."

"You started to sleep around with other males when the passion left your marriage, am I getting it right?" Anubis asking her trying to comfort Sparks.

She nods slowly feeling the shame that Earth forced on her. "Yes, that is why I fled to Mars."

His tentacles retracted into his back by then "Don't worry Lisa, here you can have as much lovers as you wish. You don't have to restrain yourself anyomore, Mars as I learned quickly is about sexual freedom."

With that Lisa kisses him deeply before wrapping her winged arms around his neck.

"You up for a second round in the shower."

She traces a finger over his dick making him murr loudly. Lisa takes t-shirt off and heads to bedroom where the bathroom is connected to.

When Lisa Sparks gets to the shower. She turns on the hot water taking her ring off from her left hand's ring finger before stepping into the shower. The hot water feels good flowing over her gray and white fur, when Anubis joins her in the shower she kisses him some more. She then grabs onto hold of his still hard cock before kneeling on her hunches giving Anubis' cock a good grip and starts to slowly paws him off. Unlike before this time is only her and mysterious black wolf.

Her wings party cover there activity for a bit of modesty but the act she is about to do is anything but. Knowing Anubis' dick is now as hard as a steel rod. Lisa opens her muzzle, forcing his cock in her muzzle as she jerks still him off with her paw.

She looks up and smirks as slid more of his dick. His cock goes in halfway into her mouth. Dr. Sparks' paw holds his cock in place and starts to bob her head as she sucks his shaft hard.

"Oh fucking gods Lisa! Don't make me comes into your mouth like I did on your sofa and the floor when I polled out last time."

Dr. Sparks lets his cock go from her jaws and stands up. She grins as he pins her to the wall lefting one leg over his thigh with his paw. Making Sparks moans when she feels his hot cock slamming into her pussy. Anubis' dick is thicker and 3 inches longer then her soon to be ex-husband.

Dr. Sparks leans her back to the wall as she holds a paw on his upper arm. Watching his cock polls out and slams back into her pussy with force over and over. Soon, her glance moves to his eyes as she feels his tentacles grope and snakes over her body.

They soon move to the bed where she is bent over her bed and his cock slams back into her pussy as his knot grows as large as a baseball.

"I'm getting close. Do you still want it inside you or do I poll out?"

"Do it! Come into my pussy, I already took my pill today."

Lisa gasps and moans loudly as she feels his hot seed flow into her pussy.

End of Dark Desire Chapter 2

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