Dragons Lair pt 3

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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#3 of Dragons Lair

Michael walked out last, after Myra, admiring her tail. It swayed with her hips and the scales reflected off the light making it sparkle. She turned around and said,

"Thanks for being in there with me. I needed your help." She kissed him again and forced her tongue as far down Michael's throat as she could. Michael gagged a bit but still kissed back. Myra noticed Michael was warmer than usual.

"Are you unwell?" Her voice had great concern for Michael's health.

"I'm ok, just recovering from the inquisition."

"I am truly sorry you felt like that. But you did help my understanding of you and your species greatly."

Michael looked at the ground and mumbled something. Myra looked at him, "What did you say?"

"Myra. I've only known you for a short time but I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you Myra, and I don't want to leave you."

Myra's eyes narrowed, "You do not want to mate and leave me with hatchlings?"


"Well then. I'm happy you feel about me that way."


"Because I feel the same way Michael. I love you. I have never felt for any male like this before."

Michael smiled and hugged her. Myra growled gently and looked in his eyes. "You are better than any male I have ever been with. You can last longer and you don't just want hatchlings to continue your bloodline. I love you Michael, my human from Earth."

"Thank you. I was wondering if we could...erm...If we could..."

"What is it Michael?"

"If we could do it again."

They let go of each other and Michael pecked her on the cheek. He smiled and she grabbed his arm, "Let's go to my quarters this time." She ran off with Michael trailing behind.

She opened the door to her room and Michael went inside. It was not a large room but had plenty of space for a bed, a desk and some drawers. There was a single light in the centre of the room. Michael turned and looked at Myra's legs and saw she was wet, she was aching for it badly.

"Do you ever wear clothes?" He said as he started taking off his trousers.

"Only when it is requested by other races. This is a Dragon ship so we don't need to." She said while stroking her clit. Michael finished undressing and was immediately pinned to the wall by Myra, forcing herself onto him. She got down on her knees and began to massage his fully hard cock. Michael let out a small groan and Myra smiled, she knew she was doing it exactly the way he wanted her to. After teasing Michael a bit she stood up to her full height, which was only a few inches taller than Michael, and put his throbbing cock into her cunt and moved slowly back and forth, enjoying every moment of it. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Michael took this opportunity to lick her. He started licking her neck slowly so she would enjoy it. Slowly he moved up to her mouth and kissed her again, making sure he let her explore every bit of him. Her snake like tongue flicked around his mouth while he made sure not to cut his tongue open on her teeth. Her tail wrapped around his leg and tightened. He kept his orgasm back as long as he could but the pressure was too great now. He pushed Myra off his cock and came all over her stomach. Myra looked down and saw she had come too, it was running down her legs. Michaels cock was soaked in her cum and she was breathing heavily. Michael looked at Myra and saw she was exhausted. He figured she hadn't had sleep in at least a day, but that didn't stop her from getting down on her knees and cleaning his cock completely. She kissed him and allowed him to take as much cum as he could find leftover.

She lay down on her bed with Michael lying next to her. She looked at him and thought, "He is the most stunning creature ever." Michael put his hand on her stomach and got all the cum he could on his hand. She leant forward and licked it all off. Michael now saw her true beauty. It must have been very easy for her to get a boyfriend when she was young. She had well features and perfectly formed breasts. Her body was sleek and streamlined and her eyes were a beautiful green.

Michael got up and Myra leant up.

"Where are you going Michael?" she started

"I saw a window earlier. I want to see Earth, I haven't seen it from space before."

"Oh yes. Space travel isn't commercially available for you yet. I will join you."

"No. You look tired Myra, so get some sleep."

"But -"

"But nothing. I'll be back in half an hour tops. I promise." As soon as Michael finished his sentence he kissed Myra and walked out of the room. Myra laid on her bed and realised Michael hadn't put his clothes back on, but she was too tired to catch him up and tell him.

Michael walked down the corridor to a large Earth facing window. He leant against it and though of everything he left behind. He didn't need to go back nor did he want to, the Dragon he loved was here. A clawed hand touched his shoulder and a deep voice started speaking, "Miss home?"

Michael turned and saw a green Dragon resting its hand on his shoulder. "Not really. I like it more up here, with you guys." He turned back and continued staring at Earth. The Dragon leant on a handrail next to Michael,

"How so?"

"When I was down there I was always detached from everyone. I had not many friends and my parents were too busy arguing to take notice of me. I always felt I didn't belong there. Up here, I feel like I've returned home after a long holiday, glad that I'm back."

"Humans are...confusing."

"Watch it scales, you're talking to one."

"My name is actually Saiu, and where is your clothing?"

"In Myra's room and it's nice to meet you Saiu. My name's Michael."

"How is Myra? Is she well?"

"She's fine, just asleep at the moment."

"Good. I feel she's been working too hard recently."

"Me too. I'm exhausted from all those tests." Michael smiled, knowing Saiu would never know what happened.

"Why are you not back on Earth? You should be asleep in your bed by now."

"One of the scientists woke me up and Myra came in the room and talked to me about things."

"Oh." The Dragon shorted, "I must confess, I never liked your race that much."

"Me neither." Michael responded. Both he and Saiu had a small chuckle. Saiu stopped and spoke again, "Why? Do you not like yourself?"

"No, I like me. I just don't like my life, and what my government does."

"Are you not satisfied with your life?"

"I never got much attention. Luck has always seemed against me. I...I always wanted to be a Dragon. I loved them and wanted to meet them and be with them. Now that I have, I don't want to go back. I have everything I want here. Myra is so kind and caring and I don't want to hurt her by leaving. She is fascinated by me but I don't know why. I'm nothing special and I'm not super intelligent." Michael replied, intentionally leaving out the fact that she loved him.

"She is fascinated by you because you're a Human. She was always interested in learning about other cultures and life forms."

"Well she chose well. I hated my life and wanted to be a Dragon. She wanted to learn about me and see how I react to her. I think we were made for each other, or I just got repaid for everything that went wrong in my life."

Saiu pondered what Michael said for a few moments, "Well I'm sure she is very happy to have you. I suggest you don't go wandering around the ship too much or you might be held as a prisoner. I just realised something."


"How can you understand what I am saying?"

"It's this armband." Michael said, pointing to the device in question. "I am fluent in Dragon completely, but I haven't learnt it."

Saiu put his clawed hand on Michael back, and rubbed it for a bit.

"What are you doing?"

"I have never felt a Human before. It is the strangest sensation I have experienced. You are so smooth, how small are your scales?"

"I don't have any."

"I should have known, but I only joined Myra's team a week ago. I have to catch up on all her work."

"You think you have problems. I have to learn a completely alien language so I can see properly again."

"I'm not following."

"I can see everything, but with a red tint."

"As I stated earlier, Humans are confusing. You have such a complex society and I can't begin to understand your governments."

"I don't get it either. I don't really care. I have to go now. I promised Myra I would be back soon."

"Give her my regards, Michael"

Michael started down the corridor to Myra's room and Saiu went the other way. Michael crept as silently as he could into Myra's bed. He got in and got as close to her as possible. Myra rolled over so she was facing him but didn't wake. Michael put his arm around her and fell asleep too.