DC Profile: Deluge

Story by Stinkdog on SoFurry

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#7 of Defense Council Profiles

The first female hero in my roster finally makes her appearance! I might have too many favorites in this setting to be perfectly honest. =p Hopefully, folks enjoy Deluge as much as my other heroes!

This amazing artwork was drawn by BadCoyote this time around!

Defense Council Personnel Profile

The following information has been designated level six classification. Any Destructive Incidents involving this Defender should be reported immediately to Defense Council administration using the DI form (89B).

Name: Malana Akamu

Alias: Deluge

Species: Tiger Shark

Age: 36

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 261 lbs.

Eyes: brown

Hair: none

Fur/skin: grey/brown

Gender: female

Class: B

Known Abilities: Hydrokinesis, Molecular Manipulation (water), Cellular Regeneration, martial arts expertise.

Known History: Malana Akamu was born in Haleiwa, Hawaii to Kai (mother) and Maleko (father). Her father was crowned City Surfing Champion for seven years in a row and taught Malana how to surf. Maleko was later accused of fraternizing with a criminal cartel in order to win his championship titles, and the family was forced to leave Hawaii because of mounting suspicion. They moved to United City when Malana was fourteen and there she resumed her education. Her youth was otherwise normal for a young girl.

However, in the years leading up to her eighteenth birthday, her father became increasingly distant and often left the family for weeks at a time on what he called business trips. Though he always sent back enough money to support his wife and daughter, Maleko's deteriorating health after each one of these trips only caused Malana's suspicion to grow. In spite of (or perhaps because of) her mother showing increased disdain for Maleko in private, Malana made several attempts to stop her father from leaving and bring the family back together. However, nothing that she said changed her father's behavior and eventually, Malana took it upon herself to follow him to Warehouse 29 in the United City Port District, on one fateful occasion.

She managed to sneak into Warehouse 29 through the ventilation ducts, and watched from above while her father was stripped naked at gunpoint by People's Militia soldiers (See "DC Criminal Profile: Ironsight" for further information) and submerged in a vat of radioactive chemicals. She remembers that it was raining on that night and the sound of her father's pained screams filled her ears as it echoed through the ducts. An errant bolt of lightning struck the building's damaged lightning rod and caused a portion of the ceiling to collapse. This stroke of fate broke the duct and sent Malana, the broken ceiling, a part of the duct, and the rainwater from outside into the same vat of chemicals that her father was submerged in.

The agony must have been excruciating for her. Malana states that she briefly lost consciousness from the overwhelming pain and shock of the experience, but when she regained her senses, all of the People's Militia guards were dead and she was alone in a puddle of diluted chemicals from the broken vat.

Over the next few days, Malana's abilities became apparent when she realized that she could bend and elongate the stream of a water fountain at her school just by willing it to do so. She also discovered her regenerative abilities by accidentally cutting herself on a piece of broken glass near her home. Since her father never returned, she took it upon herself to help her mother around the house while taking martial arts classes and strength training in her spare time. She says that stories about Wendigo's heroics made her decide to hone her abilities to become a Defender, though she admits that the prospect of earning money to support her mother through the Defense Council was also a factor.

She was granted Defender status at age twenty-four and has served in the Defense Council for twelve years.

Ability Details: Malana has the ability to telekinetically control and move water. This ability can be maintained up to a radius of fifty feet from her body and only affects water in its liquid state. She can also combine molecules from the air around her to, in effect, "create" water when none is present. In a controlled environment, Malana was able to create enough water from the air inside a fifty-foot radius to fill six one-gallon jugs. It should be known that this left just enough breathable air in the environment for Malana to survive. This ability is extremely taxing for her because it requires intense concentration and mental exertion. It is unlikely that she would be able to perform a similar feat during a field operation without significant preparation and backup from other Defenders.

Malana is also able to heal herself from a simple cut in several seconds. She has told the testing team that she once regrew a foot that had been accidentally severed while fighting crime before joining the Defense Council, though she says that the pain was excruciating and that the regeneration process took nearly a week before she could use the appendage normally again.

She has exceptional martial arts skill and above average strength for her height and weight due to her constant martial training.

The psychologist on staff reports that Malana appears to harbor no bad blood toward her father, though she can't deny that a part of her wonders what became of him. She otherwise has an outgoing personality and revels in the thrill of catching criminals. In her spare time, she has started a series of meditative and wellness exercises with the other Defenders and her interactions with them are good natured and friendly.

For the above reasons, Malana Akamu, AKA: "Deluge," has been given Class B designation.