Wisper's Private Business

Story by Wisper on SoFurry

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#2 of Wisper's Moments

Let's take a behind the scenes look at more of my personal moments. Here at Wisper's business I strive to give my customers and audience something they love. Well, for anyone enjoying forced, under the desk blowjobs by the top kitty Khan, this might be just the thing for you!

So yes, I have magic. One of the benefits, being able to control or manipulate less than voluntary furs to do things for me.

In the business world, you are an amalgamation of the people whom you spend the most time with. I partner with a successful business cat, I become a successful business cat.

And now, enjoy!

Kitty Kat Wisper belongs to me

Shere Khan Tailspin Version belongs to Disney

Wisper's Private Business

Shere Khan, still tied up under the desk, fell asleep after his new 'boss' left on business matters. His wrists and ankles were tied together via an enchanted rope and an invisible wall kept him from escaping. He slightly snored and a little drool ran down the side of his maw while pressed against the wood.

The elevator door sounded off, opening to allow Khan's boss to enter. "Another day in the good life, wouldn't you agree Mr. Khan?" Wisper called, the feline rubbing the back of his neck.

Shere Khan's ear flicked and he woke from his nap. He groaned from his uncomfortable position. "Oh no... Not him again..." Khan said to himself in a quiet yet annoyed tone. The sound of Wisper's voice made him growl darkly and roll his eyes, unamused.

Wisper walks to his desk slowly, undoing his suit jacket, button up shirt, tie, and tossed them to the ground. He raises a hand up, making it glow orange to activate his magic over Khan.

Khan's ropes turned into bracelets for his ankles and wrist. The tiger looks at his wrists and rawrs as his arms stretch and stick to the sides of the desk. His legs spread out, making him sit up straight with a slight hunch, facing the chair in front of him.

Wisper unbuckles his belt, button, and zipper, letting his pants fall to the ground. He steps out and kicks it to the side, stretching in the near nude with his long fluffy tail swaying.

"I've been looking forward to this moment in the day. It's honestly my favorite type of meeting," Wisper said with a smile.

Khan bared his claws and pulled his arms down from the desk. Like a magnet, the wrist bands yanked him back into position. "You will not keep me here again," Khan stated with a snort.

Wisper spins the head of his chair around to face him after coming around the desk. He murred in anticipation and stood in front of Khan.

Khan glares at the waist down of Wisper's legs. His face contorted in disgust as Wisper took off his underpants, exposing his package with his cock slightly poking out his sheath. Wipser curled his toes on the fabric and kicked it to the side then sat down.

Khan, growling darkly, was face to face with Wisper's cock just a few inches away. Wisper leans back in his chair to get a glance of Khan's emerald eyes piercing into his very soul. Wisper cooed and shivered in delight from that, only helping to draw out his aroused cock.

"Let's have some fun Mr. Khan." Wisper's hangs glowed again. The bracelets around Khan's ankles moved his lower body back, putting him on his knees. Khan bared his teeth but the magic from the restraints traveled through his system, keeping his true desires to kill Wisper dormant.

While Khan kept his mouth shut, Wisper's magic forced his maw open. In complete shock, Khan thrashed around under the table, hardly making a move away from Wisper's cock.

Wisper stretched his legs, curled his toes on the carpet, pulled forward fast and slammed his cock into Khan's mouth hard.

"GRMMPHMP!" Khan growled, thrashing around more.

Wisper moaned in bliss, closing his eyes as he felt Khan move his cock around in his mouth. Khan's tongue accidentally brushed against his balls, making the tiger shudder down his back.

Wisper scooted back to let the cock fall out of Khan's mouth. He spat on the ground panting. Wisper's rod came out his sheath, slowly throbbing.

Khan looked up at Wisper. "I'll kill y-"

Wisper rammed his rod into Khan's mouth again without warning. Khan's cheeks puffed up a little and his lips pressed tightly against the base of the rod. He immediately leaned his head back to take the penis out, but with a motion of Wisper's finger, his head pressed back down, forcibly lathering his length like lube.

"Ohh Mr. Khan, how warm your mouth is," Wisper whispers loudly, his back arcing a little with a red blush on his face.

"Grgrgmmph, grrgrmmph, mmffmmp!" Khan growled and pulled his head back again harder but hit it against the desk. He immediately went back down, brushing his tongue under length of Wisper's cock.

Wisper moaned, gripping the armrest as his penis leaked salty liquid onto the feline's tongue.

Khan's entire body shudder from the foul taste, refusing to let it travel down his throat. Khan leaned on his right arm, moving it to try and claw at Wisper's side. The magic bracelet glowed brightly, shoving his arm back into position.

Wisper purred like a kitty and wrapped his legs around Khan's back. Khan whinned loudly when Wisper pulled his body closer to his cock.

Khan's eyes watered and closed as the length pushed it's way to the back of his throat. Wisper's thighs pressed against Khan's cheeks, forcing his lips to pucker over the balls.

Wisper reached under the table, grabbed the back of Khan's head, and slowly pulled it back.

Khan rawred muffled and opened his eyes. His tail dropped, seeing a knot come out to his face.

"So... amazing..." Wisper said with his eyes closed, facing the ceiling.

Khan's growling was so deep it vibrated the entire package in his mouth. Again he tried to force his arms and legs to move, kicking against the desk behind him for leverage, but ultimately yanking back to the position by the force of his boss' magic.

"Let's... get... this.... in..." Wisper said. With each word he pushed and pulled Khan's head, yanking it back and forth to milk his cock.

"Rmmgh, Glk, grmmph, rmmuh," Khan muffled, kissing the knot with his lips each time his head bobbed back down.

The quantity of semen filled Khan's maw up. Wisper spread his legs out, Khan trying to spit it out but the magic held it in against his will.

Wisper moaned loudly, rubbing his back to his chair. His cocked throbbed, begging for release while the kitty panted.

Wisper leaned forward and roughly humped Khan's face hard, forcing a little cum to seep from his mouth. Khan's eyes burned as the cum slid down his throat. He gagged and swallowed it down, his nose snorting in displeasure.

The more Wisper humped, the more cum he shoved down Khan's throat, forcing the tiger to flex and curls his toes with each digest.

Khan's face turned red, exhausted from the treatment and whinned loudly, his mind getting dizzy.

Wisper gripped the back of his head tightly, triggering Khan to 'yelp' loud enough to extend his mouth and take in the knot longing to get sheathed in his maw.

The tiger's cheeks puffed completely and with a final cry from Wisper, his throbbing cock shot ropes of seed into the tiger's belly. Khan gagged harder, chugging it all down with his tail beating against the desk.

Khan's throat bulge with each swallow and the muscles tightened around the rod, helping to milk his new boss of everything he had.

Wisper let out a deep sigh and leaned forward on his desk, panting with a blissful smile on his face. Khan, exhausted, swallowed reluctantly to stop the burning in his throat.

Wisper leans back in his chair and licks his lips. "You're a natural... Khanny," he teased.

With the knot still locked between his jaws, Khan stared up at his new boss, groaning and growling darkly again while Wisper closed his eyes to enjoy the after-bliss of his favorite job.

Wisper's Business TOur

Greetings all and thanks for making it to this post. This is a brief story just to introduce myself, my situation, and where I stand. Don't worry, future stories will be shorter, sweeter, and sexier, this first one is just me getting my paws wet...

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