That Mean Gryphon Girl

Story by chingchang21 on SoFurry

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So yeah, turns out I want to put it in that bird chick from MLP. Who knew? Should be pretty obvious to viewers of the show, this doesn't really follow cannon that closely, as far as I know, I've only ever really seen to the end of season 2. Everything I got about Griffinstone was from the wiki, so it may or may not be accurate. Also, having no real OC of my own, I went ahead and borrowed one from a friend from Discord. I'm sure he won't mind. I don't think he even has an account here, or is really a furry. Either way, I liked his character and decided to use him, changing some details in order to protect the innocent. Yeah, so...17,000 words. If the writing seems inconsistent, it's because I've been writing this off and on for a couple months now as I've been getting settled into my new place. I wanted to do a pretentious new-age classy thing, and I think it ends up being lazy at times.

Off topic, but I really don't know how to describe the "flavor" of a butt. This being because a clean butt really doesn't taste like anything except skin. However in keeping with the musky and pissy fetish bait, I did my best to make it...something. Alrighty, enjoy.

The life of the wanderer is cold and dry in both literal and figurative definition. For one as odd as him, this is no acception. A hybrid resembling a gryphon from a distance, up close, however, a different story is told. Muscular, yet lean. Pitch black as the night, his lower half is that of a wolf, or large dog. Covered in long fur, his hind boasts a fluffy protrusion at the rear, a tail which waves to and fro as he walks. At the front, stands his avian qualities, dark grey abound, brown spots at the base of each breast feather. Atop his head, more feathers, expressive in nature are known to stand erect in times of high stress or emotional expression, and dog-like ears which behave similarly. A black beak sits at the front of his face, behind it, possibly the most notable feature, two rose pink eyes, fluorescent and clear. From his back, two separate appendages, those which grant him access to the worlds that float above him; his wings, black, the both of them.

Besides a confident appearance, this creature presents himself bashful, and otherwise uninteresting. Born straight to adoption, he now strays far from home, searching for something soon to be discovered. A commotion from a local building leads to him spot a female gryphon, a rare happening for him, as she takes off into the air. Interested in making acquaintance, he follows her for quite some time, before finally landing in Griffinstone. A fascinating town indeed, more than half of the buildings have been left to ruin, no building serves a particular purpose other than to be a roof, and none of the residents are particularly friendly. The girl he'd followed had been staying in a run down structure on the edge of town, a larger building, possibly a place of recreation previously.

On this day, he has spent his time following her, intent on making a connection. However, a shy individual, the wanderer, or Ari as he is called, cannot find the courage to approach this attractive creature. Though no building has a mark or indication as to its use, most are open-doored, and offer food or drink for a price much greater than that of any town he'd ever visited. Only four inhabit the building, him and her being two such people. He has taken his place, reclined on his side on a small pile of warm hay. No less than four meters away, the intriguing girl lounges on a similar, if not slightly thicker pile of hay, which she'd commandeered from a younger gryphon. Ari took notice of the squabble, allegedly the young gryphon was waiting for her mate, and tried to convince the girl that the pile on which she sat was much better suited for pair seating. However, the girl of whom he'd taken much interest insisted the spot was her favorite, going as far as to insult the other on her appearance, and even accused her of lying about having a mate.

Ari felt great disdain towards the interaction, and was quite disappointed in the behavior of the girl he'd put in so much effort to meet. Though his eye did not fall on her tainted personality, but rather her exceptional endowment, especially in her posterior. Now a full view of her, he was able to see why each feature had lead to his attraction to her. Snow white, purple based feathers, and golden brown fur, gorgeous rich brown wings, a well polished yellow beak, and two cold, stern-looking amber eyes. Quite a sight to behold, in fact, from his position he had a full view of her bottom, which intices him to stare endlessly upon it. What a curvature it had, indeed, quite the specimen. A perfect balance of muscle and fat, creating a heart shaped, squished however due to the position she lay. Unblinking, he soon began to hear a prying voice directed towards him.

"Hey! Enjoying the view?" a shrill, grainy voice shouted towards him.

Hot with embarrassment, Ari looked up to find the girl glaring down on him, a smirk had formed on her face as she noticed his realization.

"I uh..."

"What? Like something you see, weirdo?" she took no issue with addressing him directly.

Ari cleared his throat, "Sorry, I just...couldn't help but-"

"Stare at my butt? This town already has enough creepy pervs, dude."

Ari was taken back by her assertiveness, and found he wished to remedy the crumbling situation. So he stood, and began to walk over.

"Oh what, you got something you wanna say?" she challenged, sitting up to face him.

Ari stopped, and sat where he was on the cold cobblestone floor, trying not to seem threatening.

"Just that...well, I'm sort of new in town-"

"Yeah, kinda obvious. No one around here has the ass of a dog, in case you didn't notice." she snapped.

Lew lowered his brow and turned his head, "Anyway, I've seen you around town a lot, and I was thinking I would just like to make your acquaintance."

The girl rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Is that right?"

Ari returns a half shrug, and a slight nod. She scans him up and down, and gives a quizzical look.

"I'm Ari." he begins.

"Didn't ask." she replies.

"I thought you looked like sort of a cool person, and I wanted to try to get to know you."

"Oh yeah? No one else catches your eye like I do? I'm just too damn beautiful to look away from?" she takes a sip from a coconut which had previously belonged to the younger gryphon.

Ari figured it was time to turn the tables, he grins and holds up his hand, placing the other on his chest.

"You have the personality of a dragon, and the majesty of an alicorn" Ari acts as though he's reciting a poem, "Your eyes are like fire in the deepest volcano in the heart of the dragon lands. Your feathers, white as the cold blanket of snow which covers the hills gazing over Equestria. Your fur dances like embers when the light of the sun shines upon your great, round protrusion." Ari chuckles, clearly amused by his overacting.

"You gotta be kidding." she places a hand to her forehead and groans.

"Even though I haven't been here long, I can already tell you're different. Honestly, you're a hell of a lot more interesting than the others."

She looks back, intrigued. "Really." she says, implicitly encouraging him to continue.

"You're cocky and rude, but you're also direct and honest. You don't care who you offend or what you have to do to get your way. In a way, it's sort of admirable."

She adjusts her head, as if to indicate thought.

"I mean sure, you've got the attitude of a bull, but it really does help to set you apart from the rest of the people here. Most of them are all bark, no bite, they'll talk a big game, but you actually act on it." He notices her changed expression, "Not to mention, you are kinda pretty."

She snaps her head back towards him, and stands up. She looks as though she wants to say something, before looking to the side, and withdrawing. Turning her head, she begins to make her way towards the door.

"W-wait! I didn't catch your name."

"Didn't throw it." she walks by him, eyes closed, head held high.

Before long, she suddenly stops, and sighs. "Gilda." she says aloud.

Ari turns towards her, ears lit up. She continues to walk out the door, before saying over her shoulder, "You have pretty eyes, you know, for a creepy weirdo." before promptly leaving.

Ari stands still, smiling in the direction of the door. He turns to see the other two gryphons staring towards him, he now realizes they had most likely been watching the exchange for a while.

"You can do better, man." the older female gryphon behind the counter suggests, shaking her head.

Ari chuckles to himself, before following Gilda out the door.

He decides to spend his night on the side of a large hill. Soft on his fur, he lies in a warm patch of silky grass which sways in the gentle autumn breeze. Though tired, he finds more pressing matters to attend to, contrary to sleep. His mind flooded with the images of her, the girl he'd followed all the way here for no other reason than curiosity. Now that he's made a connection, he realizes the journey was entirely worth it. On his back, he has a tight grip on himself, stroking away with the images of her rump in his head. Though her tail managed to conceal a view of her genitalia, he still had a detailed view. In a short time he begins to gasp and bite his beak, as he reached his orgasm, spraying his own belly. He lifts his dripping wet hand up to his slightly opened eyes, and smiles. He thinks of her as he begins to suck his hand clean of the semen. He found out soon after adjusting his diet to include mostly citrus fruit that his own produce had a thick and salty, yet slightly sweet taste, definitely far from unpleasant. After rubbing himself clean with a nearby leaf, feeling heavy eyelids, he yawns, rolls over and falls asleep.

Awaking the following day, Ari finds a stirring in his stomach, and another in his bladder. With his business promptly taken care of, he decides to go looking for a gryphon willing to trade for food. He finds reluctant courtesy in an older male who trades him three oranges and a pineapple for a pearl. After finishing his breakfast, finding one orange left, he decides to return to the building where he'd first interacted with Gilda, with high hopes of seeing her again. Entering the building, he was met with a gentle murmur from two sets of individuals. One the left side of the room, he recognized the young female from yesterday, now accompanied by a male, the two sharing a drink from a coconut. On the right, in her favorite spot, lay Gilda, chatting with the older female alleged owner of the building. Upon noticing him, Gilda dismissed the older gryphon, and motioned for Ari to come closer. A smile forming on his face, he approached her slowly.

"So, you really are stalking me, huh." She teased.

Ari made his way to a spot of hay next to her, and took a seat. "Miss me?" he returned.

"Like a thorn in my foot. 'Cept I only just stepped on you yesterday." She grabbed her drink from the floor and took a sip. "So. Am I gonna have you stuck to me like some lost puppy for the rest of my life? Or do you have some sort of end game here?"

"End game?" Ari chuckled.

Mid sip, Gilda swallowed harshly to respond, "Lock me up forever? Skin me, make me into a rug? Some other creepy shit like that?"

Ari shrugged and shook his head, "I'd just like to get to know you."

"Uh huh...because I'm sooo interesting, right? Way more than all those other girl gryphons you talk to." Gilda said, shooting Ari a side-eye.

"Think of it like taming an aggressive animal." Ari suggests, she frowns, "I mean, you can't be this irate all the time. There's got to be a soft spot on you somewhere, I just have to find it."

Gilda takes a longer sip, and then pauses, " all this effort gonna be...worth something? What do you expect to get out of this."

Ari thinks for a moment, and responds, "If I play my cards right, an acquaintance. If I draw several good hands, a friend. If I get really lucky, I could roll in a jackpot. Maybe get something...a little more...serious." Ari stares with suggestive eyes.

"Pfft, as if! What have you done for me lately? Other than stalk me all around town for two days?"

Ari reached into his satchel and removed the orange he'd saved, and held it out to her. She reluctantly reached out, and took it, staring at it quizzically.

"You like citrus fruit, don't you? You're drinking grapefruit juice after all."

First looking at the orange in her hand, she turns her head, a suspicious look deployed, "What is this, huh? I eat this, and I go to sleep? Then you can do...whatever to me?"

Ari rolls his eyes, "It's just an orange. Consider it a catalyst, a bridge towards development."

Obviously confused, Gilda glances at the orange once more, half rotating it in her hand, she groans audibly. She then sits up, and turns to face Ari head on.

"Fine. Not like I have anything better to do today." She stares him down, intent on shutting down anything he had to say.

Ari relaxes his shoulders a bit, feeling suddenly more comfortable.

"Alright then. Well, since I know pretty much nothing about you, why don't we start simple. What's your favorite color?"

Gilda laughs once, glances downward, then back to him, "Orange." she admits.

"Mine too. Just such a warm, comforting color. Like a sunset."

She looks down, "Never thought about it, really. Just always sorta liked it."

Visibly impressed with himself, Ari thinks for another moment, "Favorite season?"

"Winter. Best one." She answers instantly.

"Obviously. Cold is always better than hot." Ari agrees.

"Right on." Gilda makes a small gesture with the peeled orange slice in her hand, before stuffing it into her mouth.

Pondering a final comparison, Ari lands on, "You love to fly."

Peering at him as though she'd caught him bluffing, "Of course. Every gryphon loves to fly, what does that prove-"

"You don't just love it." Ari interrupts, "You're addicted to it...You need it...Nothing in the world means more to you than when you're flying."

She falls silent, and stares at him, almost entranced.

"When you're down here, the world is cold, simple, easy to grasp...But up's infinite. You can see the sky as it stretches on forever, caressing the horizon as the two meet at the furthest point of your vision. You have the power to go anywhere you want, to see anything. The tallest mountain is nothing more than a small effort away. Your ability to fly defines who you's what makes you happy, truly happy. How could you love anything more than that?"

Gilda pauses, and looks to the side, blinking several times, she clears her throat, and says, "So, you're a poet."

Ari smiles, "Doesn't exactly pay the bills...but it really doesn't have to. Expressing feelings through words...something always satisfying about that."

Gilda tilts her head and stares into his rose-tinted eyes, "You know...I think I might have a new favorite color..." She speaks much more softly.

Ari tilts his head, "Oh yeah? What is it now?"

Continuing to gaze into his eyes, she responds, "Pink."

Ari swallows, feathers stood up, he blushes. Suddenly, Gilda seems as though she's snapped out of a trance, she shakes her head, looks all around, stands, and runs from the building. Surprised by the sudden rise, Ari follows her out the door. She takes off incredibly fast, flying North toward a nearby forest. Looking around for a moment, Ari soon launches upward himself, and begins to trail Gilda. Thinking to himself she may be in an emotionally compromised state, he should fly further behind her to avoid detection. Concerned with what she may be doing, he presses onward, eventually seeing her land in the middle of a small grove.

Landing not too far behind her, he made his way through the trees, keeping her shape within sight. The grove was dark, and hosted a small creek which he could hear flowing nearby. He grew curious when she stopped by a large oak, and simply stood still. He stealthily climbed a nearby tree in order to get a better look at her, though she just stood there. He leaned in, just out of sight, and kept quiet. He watched as she turned in place, glanced over both of her shoulders, and stood still once more. She was breathing heavily, as though in distress, more likely just tired from her fast escape. Calming herself down, she leans against the tree.

Now breathing normally, she looks around her once more, checking every conceivable angle. Ari held still to avoid detection. After apparently realising she was clear, she stepped slowly over to a spot near the tree, closed her eyes, lowered her head and sighed. The splattery stream of a light yellow liquid began to spray from her vulva. His eyes grew wider as his penis began to expand. She'd raised her tail slightly, giving him an unobstructed view of her privates. Pausing for a brief moment, she soon leant down and laid on her left forearm, keeping her back legs straight, and butt pointed up. She reached back with her right hand, and began to prod herself with her finger, while continuing to urinate. Her pee splashes around her fingers as she blushes and moans with pleasure.

He could not believe his eyes, his cock throbbed against the tree branch on which he sat. He gawked, open mouthed as she let the piss drip through her fingers, and down her arm, pleasuring herself all the while. She was heavily blushing, the pleasure so intense, she had tears in her eyes. The pressure of her urine stream was continually altered as she picked up the pace, rubbing herself much harder and faster. Ari was laying down, grasping the branch with incredible might, his extremely hard cock pressed between the branch and his belly. She had nearly finished peeing when she suddenly cried out, arching her back upward. She ceased all movement in her fingers, her anus puckered as she moaned once more. Sighing heavily, she gently rubbed herself a bit more, closing her eyes, and biting her lower beak. Her orgasm turned her legs to jelly, they were shaking with a great intensity. Ari's luminescent eyes half closed, he was completely taken over by what he'd just witnessed.

After finally coming down from her incredible orgasm, she planted her right arm into the ground, and hoisted herself back up onto all fours. Ari lay his head on its side, continuing to watch her, his dick now poking out from the side of the branch. Gilda closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled deeply. Wiping the tears from her eye with her left hand, she glanced back at her rump. Noticing the mess she'd made on her hind legs, she soon turned her head, and began to walk towards the sound of the running water. Ari raised his head, and took care descending the tree. Dick still pulsating between his thighs, he prowls behind Gilda, still intent on seeing more of her. He comes to a small opening, where he can see her once again through a small berry bush. He gazes upon her, as she bathes in the clear, cool waters, a gentle runoff from the nearby mountain. He envisions himself joining her in the pool, his penis jutting against his elbow. After several minutes of watching her silently bathe, Ari decides it is time to return to town, and take care of his prodding erection. He leaves unnoticed, arriving at his spot on the hill just after dark. He masturbates gently, reliving the scene in his head over and over. An incredibly bountiful produce of semen erupts onto his chest and belly. He falls asleep comfortably, subtly envisioning his and Gilda's next encounter.

A deep sleep interrupted by the crash of thunder. Ari's eyes snap open, looking upward to see an overcast sky, the light of late morning subdued by the clouds. As rain begins to fall, he grabs his satchel and makes his way towards the nearest building for shelter. Finding all closest doors shut and barred, he settled on the remains of a small building, there were so many holes in the walls, it seemed more like a tent or gazebo, little more than a roof on stilts. He sat underneath and watched as the rain grew more fierce. He inhaled and removed his satchel from his left wing, placing it on the ground beside him. The hay beneath him was old, yet still dry and warm. The patter of drops on the thatch roof, the low grey glow that gently illuminated the dark room, the absolute infinity of drops falling from the sky in a thick haze; all was calm and comfortable.

Inspiration apparently struck, Ari reaches into his satchel, and remove a small black leather notebook, and cedar wood pencil. Turning over several pages, many fraught with scratches, redactions, and eraser residue. Arriving on a clean page, he begins to mark it with his instrument. Neat, tidy handwriting, all characters identical in nature, the sign of extreme discipline in the craft. The black grain from the pencil contrasting the sharp white paper, from what he saw, it was as though the world was in monochrome. His ears stood high at attention, the tranquil sound filling them completely, shivering his spine as it did.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" a voice unexpectedly emerged from beside him.

Gasping loudly through his nares, he falls over to his left, jumping nearly out of his skin, landing on his back on the ground beneath. Sitting beside him, for who knows how long, was Gilda. Her profile backlit by the dampened sunlight, her feathered hair sticking out to front, the curvature of her beak, all surrounded by the soft aura.

"Jeez, didn't mean to scare you that bad...hehe." she held out a hand to him, pulling him back up to a sit.

"It's fine, aren't even wet...were you already in here?"

"Yeah, kinda got caught up looking for-uh..." Gilda clears her throat, "Breakfast."

Ari replies with an "Oh."

Finally calmed down, Ari turns to face straight towards the rain once more. The two sit in silence for a few moments. Ari twiddles the pencil around in his fingers, secretly trying not to seem anxious.

"You really like me, don't you?" Gilda broke the silence.

Ari turned to her, then back to the ground. "Well, yeah."

"What did I do? Like, you could've gone for any pretty girl you wanted. That little blue chick at the diner, those twins down the road, hell, with that whole hopeless romantic poet act you could even land yourself an alicorn princess if you wanted. What made you pick me? Out of everyone?"

Ari sighs, continuing to stare into the weather. "Because you're a lot like me." he started, "When I first saw you, you'd gotten into a fight with some ponies out in Ponyville."

Gilda's eyes parted a bit wider, "You followed me all the way from Ponyville?" she chuckled, "You really are a creep."

"I didn't hear the whole thing." he continued, "I didn't really get any context. But, the way you took off...I saw something familiar in you. I never really got along well with anyone either. There were a few friends here and there, but...they never me."

Gilda looks down at her folded hands, as though pondering in deep thought.

"I was very shy, and super obsessed with my school work. Where everyone else wanted to go outside and play, I wanted to sit by candlelight and read till I couldn't stay awake. They tried everything to get me to come out of my shell. They just wanted another one of them, someone with energy, and drive for interaction. It all gave me terrible anxiety. Finally one day, I went off on them, shouting my head off so the whole town could hear. I ran home crying, and didn't leave, until very recently that is."

"What made you change your mind?" Gilda inquired.

Ari thought for a moment, continuing to stare at the ground, "I realised in all my fear for interaction, my hiding from the world, locking myself in my room all day and night with my wasn't really a life. My books took me to amazing places, stretched my imagination like crazy, brought me on all kinds of adventures. After a while, all that went away. The books just became words on paper, they didn't mean anything to me. I knew I had to leave home, all the comforts it held, and see the world; the real world. So in that sense...they really did a lot for me."

"So what you're saying is...even though they humiliated me with their lame little party tricks...they really were trying me?" Gilda guessed.

"In a way, yeah. I think your friends wanted to make you feel like you were one of them." Ari affirmed.

"They aren't my friends." Gilda corrected.

"I'm sure at least one of them has to be. You wouldn't have reacted like you did otherwise."

Gilda said nothing for a moment. "Yeah. She was. I don't think so anymore..." she said, blinking away a tear.

"I'm sure she still is. You just gotta give it time."

"Hmm..." Gilda grunts.

The rain grows softer by this point, no one says anything for a while, enjoying the atmosphere provided by the weather.

"You really are pretty cool though." Ari broke the silence. "I like your style, your spunk, even your prickly personality. I think we can learn a lot from each other."

Touched by his kind words, Gilda closes her eyes and gulps back a sob. "I'm really not too good at keeping friends I found out..." she glances down to the side, "But I...I guess I could give it a try."

Ari then steadily scootches towards her, and places an arm around her. She flinches, obviously not used to this kind of affection. Her usual initial reaction would be to pull away and snap sarcastically, however now she does not. She sits still for a moment, before leaning into him, a slight strain in her eyes, caused not by sadness or frustration, but now rather something new to her - joy. She knows little about this man, this strange creature who resembles her kind, who followed her so far just to get to know her. She is sure of her feelings, despite any apparent doubts, and continues to accept his embrace. They sit there, arm in arm, watching as the rain rolls over the sleepy town in waves, fluttering the leaves in their trees, flooding the ground with its great volume. They both find comfort in this otherwise inconvenient weather, a truly different pair, they found comfort in each other.

A fire was lit from some discarded and imperfect pages of poetry, and otherwise useless scraps of dry wood from the structure of the building in which they sat. Gilda showed Ari which common stones to strike to create a spark. They talked with each other for many hours, about their interests and disinterests. Their favorites and repugnants. Finding many things in common, and many more not. Each time they'd disagree, each argued for why their choice was better, and after much sass and jest, they'd compromise mutually, and agreed to remain indifferent. Gilda's voice was different when she spoke to him. Rather than being harsh, and gravely, she spoke a quite soft, agreeable tone. At this point it was dark, the rain hadn't let up the slightest bit. Lounged on the old dry hay, they both stayed on the same side of the fire, and stared into it. Eventually, both fell silent, and as the fire began to dim to embers, both fell asleep.

Mid-morning, cloudy, but dry. The scent of moist soil perfumed the air. Ari woke up first, finding Gilda still asleep, he decides to sit and wait for her to get up, before the two go for breakfast. Finding the fruit vendor from the day previous, Ari, now buying for two, and after much haggling from his new joint party, trades him a ruby. The two find a spot on a nearby hill and eat under a tree, and enjoy their picnic of peaches and cherries. Ari observes as Gilda eats a peach with both hands, cheeks bulged, much like a child.

"Now that is adorable." He flirts.

"Shllbbh...." Gilda attempts to speak with her mouth full, "Shhl-uht...uhp..." giggling through chunks of fruit.

They stare out at the forest, a great mountain in the distance, all blanketed by the aurora of grey sky. Each leans against the trunk of the young tree, and enjoys the mild breeze. Ari, after a long silence suggests the two of them go flying together, to which Gilda adds that there is a location that she is particularly fond of at the mountain in the distance. With little delay, Gilda arose, stretched, and lifted herself with an air-treading flap of her wings. Floating just a few feet from the ground, she turns to see Ari stand, and soon join her in the air.

"Keep up, if you can." She taunts, before launching herself up several hundred feet.

Ari, slow to react, attempts to follow, at an admittedly lower velocity. He found he had a low of trouble keeping up with her, doing his best to keep her figure within his line of sight. As they climb higher and higher, maintaining their intense speeds, he soon finds it more difficult to keep his eyes open, as the air grows colder. As his wings strain and begin to suffer from fatigue, he finds her silhouette has disappeared into the grey clouds. Suddenly becoming aware of how high they were, he swallows nervously, and proceeds upward.

His vision is instantly distorted by the thick perspiration, which dampens his feathers and fur. His eye water even more while he continues, hoping that the top would arrive soon, and that he would see Gilda once he got there. Soon finding his eyes relieved, and able to see further, he notices he has made his way into an opening. He stops ascending, and hovers for a moment, realising he has lost track of Gilda. He turns in every direction, scanning along the surface of the constantly shifting clouds above and beneath him.

"Gilda!" He calls out, receiving no immediate response.

Exhaling deeply, he looks over his shoulder, and upon turning back, is startled as Gilda speeds past him, tapping his head along the way.

"This way, pink eyes!" She shouts as she fades through the clouds.

Rubbing his head, annoyed, he follows, assuming she will be continuing in a straight line. Finding he has assumed correctly, he has flown into another opening, now able to see the mountain in question. Following a couple dozen yards back, he watches as she comes to a landing on an open, flat cliff. Fluttering his wings above Gilda, he comes to a stop and lands nearby. She shoots him a cheeky grin, and he returns a dismissive glare. She motions her head upward, inviting him to follow her. As he walks behind her, he notices her natural hip sway, trying to sneak a glance at her nethers while her tail swishes in front of them. Their claws and talons scrape and click against the solid stone surface beneath, as they continue forward, Ari takes notice of a temperature shift as they approach a stone archway formation.

As they get closer to the archway, Ari notices a subtle hint of steam drifting out along the ground. He glances to the right of the path and becomes suddenly aware of how high they actually are, grey clouds and fog which grows darker closer to the ground.

"Hey." Gilda announces.

Ari looks towards her.

"Can you swim?" She asks, looking over her shoulder.

"Of course." Ari confirms.

Gilda turns her head forward, and maintains her steady pace. "Good."

The archway provides a few feet of shade, before a low light pours in from the other side. Ari observed a subtle plume of steam floating through, and noted the air began to grow thick and humid. As they proceeded through the archway, it suddenly became clear to Ari why Gilda had led them here. Before him were several layers of hot water pools stacked upward in a stair-like fashion. Each of the smaller pools overflowed with the warm, steamy water, and poured its excess into the one below it, all eventually encompassing a much larger pool. At the very top emerged a small cave which appeared to be the source of the water flow. He suddenly found his eyes drawn to the movement beside him, Gilda had already started towards the largest of the many pools.

"Well? Come on. Water's not getting any warmer."

He followed close, joining her sat at the edge of the water. He stared into the bubbling, somewhat saturated water. He began to wonder if the water had traces of healthy minerals when he suddenly found he'd lost his balance, his right arm having been shoved forward. With a pitiful yelp, Ari found himself submerged completely into the almost scalding hot water. The sudden rush of heat came as an incredible shock, and after righting himself upwards and planting his feet on the smooth stone ground, he pushed himself up with his legs, breaching the surface with a powerful gasp. While eventually managing to calm himself and gain control over the low pain from the heat, he looked towards where he'd once sat to find his companion rolling through tears of laughter.

"What was that for?" He gidds, joining in her sudden joy.

Slowly stuttering down her chuckles, she lays on her side, "Oh...just saw an irresistible opportunity. You dreamy types love to have your breath taken away." She continues laughing, sliding her way into the water.

"It really is pretty. But, man, how hot is this water?" Ari grasps his arm, rubbing away the slight searing pain.

"That cave up there leads to a lava shaft, the water's heated by it. Only gryphons and dragons have skin thick enough to tolerate it." She states in a mockingly astute tone.

"Hmm. Guess I misjudged you for the 'too cool for school type'." Ari was genuinely impressed.

"I wasn't really down to do all the homework, but sometimes I managed to learn something."

As Ari drifts over to the slanted edge to lean against it, Gilda sidles over close and joins him. He respectfully looks up to avoid catching a glance of her privates through the slightly murky water. Though, she doesn't seem to be that uncomfortable.

"So. Your little poetry thing, you use that on all the ladies? Have them swooning at your feet?" She starts.

"Uhh, actually no. You're kinda...the only girl...I'" Ari stammers, unquestionably embarrassed.

"You're kidding." she scoffs, "A good looking guy like you has trouble with the ladies?"

"Who said I was good looking?" Ari digs.

"I did. Just now." Gilda confirms.

"Well, someone's certainly not shy anymore."

"Ha. Looks who's talking! It isn't hard to see you're enjoying more than just the hot water over there." Gilda acknowledges.

Ari looks down to see his penis had begun to emerge from its sheath and was clearly visible from above water. Cheeks red as apples, he covers himself with both arms.

"No one was asking you to look!" He shouts, voice cracking.

"Jeez, you really haven't been with a girl before."

"You've got me at a disadvantage here, I can't control how my body reacts to stuff like this! And with guys it's so...visible. All this water around I wouldn't even be able to tell if you were excited." Ari explains.

Gilda looks to the side, seemingly embarrassed. "Well, I'd be lying if I said this...didn't do anything for me..."

Ari stares over at her, unsure what to say.

"Look, it's fine...we can just let our bodies do their thing, and try to enjoy the hot water." Gilda suggests, closing her eyes, and laning back.

Ari recalls it had been quite some time since he'd last had a proper bath, so he, likewise decides to lean back and enjoy it, trying to forget his anything-but-bashful member. He leans back, lets the water soak clear through to his skin, and closes his eyes. Feeling the soothing water run through his fur, he starts thinking of what Gilda had said earlier. Had she felt aroused by his presence as he did with her? Or was it just an involuntary reaction from the hot water? Or was it both? Despite the hot water concealing any evidence, he wondered if she'd really gotten excited enough to get wet. He'd now begun to envision her small pink slit of a vulva, dripping sticky wet with desire; desire for him. He saw her in the woods once more, fingering herself to completion, after only minutes prior speaking to him. Was she thinking of him as she masturbated? As all these images bombarded his head, Ari did not realise that the water had caused his lower half to rise to the surface.

"Uhh..." Gilda said, a concerned tone in her voice.

Ari's eyes shot open, in front of him, as plain as day, was his fully erect, beet red penis, standing tall above the water for all the world to see. He looked over at Gilda, keeping his head completely still.

"Well..." she clears her throat, "You're definitely anything but modest."

Ari dips back into the water, "I'm so sorry! I didn't realise it was..."

The two look away from each other in silence for a short while.

"So what are you thinking about?" Gilda broke the silence.

"What?" Ari was hot with shame and embarrassment.

"I mean, yeah, the water feels good, but not...THAT good, you know? Something had to get the little guy up and at em." Gilda pries.

"I dunno...just..." Ari turns his back towards her. "Got lost in my imagination..."

Gilda turns her herself to face him. "Were you thinking about me?" She says, in a hushed tone.

Ari flinches, emitting a dull splash, taken back by what she'd said. He looks over his shoulder, she stares at him plainly, expecting an answer, though to a loaded question, Ari feels trapped.

"I know you like me." Gilda assists. "Not like, just as a friend like you said."

Ari lowers his arms down to his sides and sighs. "Guess I've been a little less-than-subtle about it..."

"I'll say. Guessed you were in for more-than-friends after I noticed you following me everywhere."

Ari chuckles, Gilda looks to the side, and another long silence soon follows. Ari, flexing every muscle to stay perfectly still, looks down at the issue between his legs. He hopes desperately he has not compromised his relationship with Gilda, when once again, she breaks the silence.

"I've uh...never seen one that big before." She says, half-blushing.

Ari turns his head back, ears perked. "Well uh....thanks..." Another short pause follows, as the two turn away from each other once more.

"It is...really big, though..." Gilda repeats.

"Yep..." Ari states, thinking for a moment, and turning to look over his shoulder, "Did you...want a closer look?"

Another gentle splash is heard as Gilda flinches at the sudden proposition. She glances over her shoulder at Ari, eyes darting back and forth between him and the space directly in front of her. She gulps, clears her throat, and replies, "Sure."

Ari reluctantly turns himself to face Gilda, and she soon does the same. Avoiding eye contact, she adjusts her glance from the sky down to Ari's submerged penis. She tilts her head, and squints her eyes, but her view is distorted by the wake of the murky water.

"Would you mind...uhh..." She suggests, gesturing her hand upward.

"Oh, uh...sure." Ari reaches back, and lifts himself up onto the edge of the water.

Once again, his outstanding erection is fully visible. Involuntarily, he twitches, feeling the frigid breeze glance across the warm, fleshy surface of his penis. Gilda, now totally intrigued, stands on her hind legs, water at her waist, and wades directly in front of him. Ari, holding his knees together, hands grasping at the ledge. Looking to the side, trying to hide his flared-red cheeks. Gilda, also slightly blushing, peaks over his knees at the little bit she can see. It is obvious, she is still dissatisfied with her view.

"Ya know, for someone so well-off, you sure are shy." She grasps his knees and stiffly spreads them apart.

Finally, the view she was after. His was a large phallus, canine in nature, sports a shapely knot at it's base, the sheath folded beneath. The length and width are both on their own, impressive, but together, a winning combination. Fond of fruit, Gilda compares the length close to that of a ripened butternut squash, and the width of a zucchini. The tip, pointed like a fountain pen, a truly artistic structure. Beneath it, hangs two fuzzy testicles, large all the same, but not so much as to impede movement. She was noticeably blushing at this point. With curious intent, she reaches her hand out and grabs hold of his penis, just so that the bottom of her hand is resting upon his knot. Ari inhales profoundly, trying his best not to react in a way that might embarrass him further.

His width fit perfectly in her hand, her fingers and thumb just barely touching. She felt his warmth in the touch of her skin as he throbbed in her palm. Looking lower now, she gently grasps his balls with her left hand, rubbing them within her fingers, lifting them up and down.

"Heavy...jeez, you walk around with these dangling all day?" She finally speaks, effectively breaking the discomfort of the situation.

"And everyday..." Ari strains to get his words out.

"So if I wanted to..." Gilda gently strokes her left hand up his shaft towards the head, keeping a firm grip upon it. Ari's cock twitches, " that's how guys do it then..."

Without breaking rhythm, she continues to stroke his penis, keeping her off-hand upon his balls. Ari holds still, lifting his head up to the sky, he lets out a deep "Hooh..." as he closes his eyes. Before long, Gilda notices a gooey substance is being produced from the head of his quivering member. With a final upward stroke, she scoops some of his pre-ejaculate onto her fingers. She slides it between them, pulling them apart to reveal the stringy substance. Like a child with a sweet candy, she slips her fingers into her mouth and sucks them clean of his precum. As she swallows, she seems to have a strange look on her face, as though expecting something different. So, with that, she adjusts herself so that her head is situated just between his knees, and now she stares up at Ari.

"So does it feel? Good, right?" Her amber eyes appear to be longing for approval.

"Really good...are you gonna...keep going?" Ari grins.

Gilda looks back down at his penis, which now pointing directly at her face. Admittedly, Gilda hadn't a complete idea of what she was doing, however she knew the orgasm of a male was supposedly much more climactic than a little dribble of clear substance, so onward she pressed.

"Do you think I could...put it in my mouth?" Her beak now butted against the tip.

"I-I think...if you wanted could do that." Ari tries to compose himself, this experience all being new to him.

Gilda stares down the barrel of his loaded member. Unsure entirely how to approach it, she opens her mouth, and sticks out her tongue. Grabbing hold at the base once more, she places her tongue against it, and slides it up to the head. This sensational feeling; oh so wonderful, he'd never before felt anything like it. As she reaches the tip, she begins licking at the opening of his urethra, before opening her mouth, resting his cock on her tongue, and then smoothly closes. Startled by the hard feeling of her beak poking on his tender flesh, he soon finds relief on the inside of her mouth. The surface of her beak, on the inside, felt smooth and slick, similar to the inside of a clam. Her tongue, rough, but slimy, massaged him from below. Recovering from the overwhelming pleasure he was feeling, he opens his eyes to see that she, cute and longing, is staring right back at him. Gilda, experiencing sensations of her own, keeps a hand submerged, where it fondles at the folds of her vulva. She has some trouble keeping down his entire length, feeling it bump against the back of her throat, she adjusts her neck positioning so as to accept more of him down her esophagus. Stifling low moans, Ari feels his orgasm swiftly approaching.

"Gillie, I--"

Erupting in her mouth suddenly, his cock throbs over and over, expelling copious amounts of semen. Ari shudders from the absolute all-encompassing pleasure as he leans forward, holding Gilda's head between his hands. Before long, Gilda finds her mouth full, and unable to swallow down the great volume, she pulls his penis from her mouth, where it continues to spew its produce onto her face, forcing her to close her eye. A few more spurts deposit the last of his cum onto the side of her cheek. Gilda holds her tongue out, letting out an audible, "Bleh." Now getting the chance to fully absorb the taste of his seed, she finds she is pleasantly surprised, closing her mouth and swallowing the rest.

"Heh...that was fun. A little warning next time, maybe?" Gilda prods, wiping the semen from her eyelid.

"I'm's never happened that fast before." Ari scoots back slightly, "It felt incredible, you must do this a lo-"

"Did you call me, 'Gillie'?" She chuckles, flicking the semen on her hands away.


"When you were about to finish, you said, 'Gillie'." Gilda repeats.

"Oh. I guess I did." Ari rubs his neck, "Guess we're not quite at nicknames yet, huh?"

"Eh, it's fine. Definitely been called worse names." Gilda secretly likes the nickname, believing it to be cute.

Ari watches as Gilda hoists herself out of the water, and sits beside him, where she begins fondling him once again. Though, she stops when she notices Ari wincing.

"What?" She asks.

"It's...just a little sensitive, that's all."

"Huh. So boys get that too?" Gilda thinks for a moment before withdrawing her hand.

A Short pause then follows, after which Ari suggests, "Umm...I'm pretty sure I the same thing for you, if you wanted..."

Gilda appears red faced, excited at the proposition. "Yeah, let's do it." She states, lifting her legs from the water, and lying down, facing the other way. After getting into position, she arches her back, and lifts her rump upward, so that her butt is pointed towards him. She starts gently shaking her hips back and forth, a teasing, yet enticing motion. "Well...whatcha waiting for?"

Ari lifts his legs from the water, and sidles closer to her. Now up close and personal with her, what he'd been waiting for since he'd first laid eyes upon her. He places a hand upon her right buttock, which confirms itself to be quite squishy. With the other hand, swishes her tail up, thus providing a beautiful view of what she had to offer. A young set, both alike in color, a pretty rosey pink color between them. Her vulva, barely protrudes beyond the muscles around them, creating a perfect little fleshy slit. At the very end, a tiny clitoris pokes its head from its hood, quivering at the sensation of the cold air. Closer to the base of her tail, was another unexplored vessel, her anus, a gorgeous wrinkled star which would offer those particularly adventurous a snug hold. Though he'd never found himself in a place like this before, he felt he instinctively knew what to do.

Starting below, he lets his tongue emerge from between his beak, where he places it on her lower groin. Slowly, he drags his tongue over her little fleshy protrusions. Gilda lets out a gasp when he makes contact with her clit, and can't help but bite her bill when he continues across her vulva. Up he goes, reaching her perineum, though unbeknownst to her, he doesn't plan on stopping there. Making his way up to her anus, he now slurps at the tiny opening enthusiastically. Her eyes go wide as she is taken by surprise by the strange sensation. Still, he continues exploring the exterior of her nubile hole, inhaling through his nares, breathing in the dense scent, all the while indulging on the rich, complex flavor. His ears perk as he hears Gilda attempt to say something, however her words soon turn to cries of intense pleasure as he plunges the tip of his tongue into her vagina. Gilda felt an incredible tingling in her nethers, one that built to an immense roar as she found her climax. Ari felt his tongue suddenly constricted by the walls of her tight entrance, upon it he tasted a sweet, thick liquid as it oozed from inside her. Pulling back, he sits back and watches the hot juices of desire run down her legs and drip onto the floor in a clear, viscous puddle. As Gilda continues her low gasps and moans, Ari notices her little butthole flexing, as her pussy pumps out more of her syrupy produce.

"So that's how girls get theirs. Nice." Ari lays back, folding his hands behind his head.

Gilda gasps and moans, rear-end still poised up, "Did you...have butt?"

Ari glances over, "What, I thought girls liked that." He watches as another string of goo drips from her aching vulva, "You certainly seemed to enjoy yourself."

Legs shaking, Gilda collapses, and rolls onto her side. "It was--" Realising she sounded a bit overzealous, she retracts and starts again, "It was pretty good..." She says cooly, laying her head down atop her folded hands.

"I knew it." Ari seems confident, "You weren't half-bad yourself."

"Shut up, I was awesome and you know it." Gilda snarks.

"Yeah, yeah..."

"You know I'm gonna get you back for that butthole thing." Gilda remarks,

causing Ari to chuckle.

After using this moment to catch their breath, Ari feels an aching in his bladder, and starts to get up to excuse himself.

"Where're ya going?" Gilda states, propped up onto one arm.

"Nowhere, I just need to pee." Ari starts to turn to find a place to go.

Gilda rolls over, remaining in her prone position, she shifts to look over at him. Ari takes a few steps away before stopping. He recalls that night in the woods once again, how Gilda wet herself with such content, she must have a sexual interest in urine. Admittedly, Ari had never put much thought into such exploratory concepts, though he was interested in the advent of providing his lover with a good show. So as Gilda stares towards him, inquisitive as to why he'd stopped, he turns around to face her, and takes a few steps back towards the water.

"Do you wanna watch?"

Gilda seemed shocked by the proposal, almost offended even. Her eyes went wide, however, and the flash of crimson across her cheeks was a dead giveaway. "N-no! That's-that's gross!"

"'Gross', huh? Then why are you blushing."

"I'm not!" Gilda hides her face beneath her hand.

"Hey, I don't mind. You seem like the open-minded adventurous type."

"I'm-" Gilda attempts to save face, but is stopped in her tracks at the sight of Ari, propped up with one arm against a nearby boulder. His form was what attracted her to him, amongst other things. He was a formidable specimen for sure, even with the thick black fur and feathers, his muscle structure was still quite visible, and truly something to behold. Gilda, though she'd never admit it, had a certain affinity for male posteriors, and Ari was indeed endowed in that regard as well. She had a lump in her throat at the sight of his exceptional figure, and came to realise his intentions as he grasped his cock with his right hand.

"Better decide quick, I'll be running on empty before you know it." With a cheeky tone, and a wide grin, Ari begins urinating. The stream, starting quite weak, piddles onto the solid rocky ground, splashing onto his feet, before steadily growing stronger. As he relieves his bladder into the murky hot water, he sighs, closing his eyes, enjoying not only the tremendous alleviating feeling, but also a great sense of excitement from the idea of being watched. His penis was still almost fully erect, which allowed the stream to arc upward and splash into the water with voluminous force.

Gilda stares, fascinated by the golden stream pouring forth into the hot water. Upon landing on the surface, it dissipates into a thick, yellow cloud which mixes with the murky mineral-rich water. The sound of the two liquids colliding sends chills down her spine, and more still titillating her nethers. She can't help but imagine the properties of such a liquid; how warm it must feel upon the skin, as it runs through her feathers, how strongly does it smell, rich with salt and other scents few alike, how bitter and acrid it must taste, all the more exotic and arousing it is as such. All flowing forth from a gorgeous set of genitals, just begging to be indulged by one willing to accept its extraordinary source.

Gilda can't help but crawl closer, the stream showing no signs of slowing, she hopes to get a closer look. Ari's eyes remain closed as he limply grasps his penis, allowing his muscles all to relax and enjoy the relieving sensation. As his ear picks up the scraping of Gilda's claws on the ground, he opens his eyes.

"I knew you'd come around..."

Gilda responds by shooting Ari a cross look for a second, whilst continuing closer. As Ari continues, Gilda finds an apparently comfortable spot, where she now lays on her belly, and props her head up with her hands, elbows planted on the ground. Ari finds himself bashful once more, now fully aware he is being watched as he lets the little remaining urine spill out into the hot springs. After almost a solid minute of urination, Ari shakes loose the last few drops of pee onto the rocky ground beneath him. He then leans his back against the stone behind him and crosses his arms, maintaining his smug look. Gilda looks down to the side, embarrassed.

"Alright. Fine. You got me." She finally breaks her silence. "I'm a freak who gets turned on by pee. There, are you happy?"

"Very." Ari steps forward, and falls onto his front feet as he advances, "But for what it's worth, I don't think you're a freak."

Gilda looks up at him, disbelieving, when suddenly both are startled by the loud crash of thunder from beyond the rocky archway. They now each notice the clouds have grown in size, and activity. Though they are not threatened by rain at this altitude, high winds and static-charged clouds pose a real problem to them if they linger. Ari suggests the two seek shelter, as they will certainly be unable to fly down in this weather. Gilda gestures to the cave at the source of the waterfall, and so the two float to it, intent on spending the night as they wait for the storm to die down once again.

The cave; roomy, quiet save for the constant flow of hot water running down a channel in the middle of the floor. The source of the hotsprings is down at the end of a naturally formed corridor. The air is humid, the walls and floor grow hotter to the touch the deeper they go. Before long they can see the source of the springs, a faded red glow behind a thick haze of steam. A volcanic tube, lying dormant, the magma heats the water, the water cools the magma. Ari, fascinated by the concept, didn't notice Gilda's gesture to follow her through a nearby doorway, though he catches her rear end at the last moment, and follows her all the same.

Through a solid wooden door, nary a crack in it, though covered in algae and moss it may have been, exists a cozy den. Lit by luminescent crystals, every color in the spectrum, producing a soft glow bright enough to eliminate all darkness which would have otherwise persisted. The den is decorated only with a large knitted rug in the center, white in color. The walls were textured with the coarse grains of the mountain stone, nothing of interest beside the rug and the crystals.

"What is this place?" Ari asks, seeing no purpose to the den at all.

"Used to be someone's house best I figure. Packed up and left along with the others probably." Gilda refers back to the near-abandoned Griffinstone. "I come up here from time to time, it's a nice place to be alone, but it's a hassle to get to."

"I'll say." Ari takes a seat on the rug.

Ari watches Gilda as she joins him, seated beside him. No focal point in front, the two lie on their backs and gaze upward towards the glowing crystals.

"You followed me..." Gilda begins.


"That night I ran off into the woods. You followed me. You watched me..."

Ari keeps his eyes on the ceiling. "Yeah..."

Gilda inhales through her nostrils, "That's how you knew. You watched me...Ugh, I knew you were a creep..."

"Well, I thought you were leading me on. I mean, you did kinda go into a weird trance looking at my eyes." Ari fires back.

"Don't get so uppity. Maybe I wanted you to follow me." Gilda retorts.

"What did you expect me to do? Join in?" Ari looks over at her.

Gilda slightly nods her head and smirks at him, "Kinda."

"I dunno if you haven't noticed, but I'm not exactly who you would call Mr. Confidence." Ari assures.

"I just figured if you were one of those weird stalker guys, you wouldn't mind roughing me up if I tried to get away."

"I would never do that!"

Gilda twiddles her thumbs, folded hands rested on her belly, "I..kinda like that though."

Ari finds the addition fascinating, yet somehow not surprising.

"The idea of a guy holding me down, taking what he wants, treating me Something about that's super hot." Gilda explains.

"Because usually you're the one on that end, huh?" Ari ponders, receiving a subtle shrug from Gilda in return.

"So what do I have to do?"

"You know, threaten me, throw me around a bit, talk like you're some kinda tough guy." Gilda explains.

Ari sits up, and thinks on the idea for a moment, arms folded across his chest, "I don't even know if I'll be able to do it. Like, without laughing."

"Come on, just give it a try." Gilda leans closer, looking up at him.

Ari looks to the side, once more pondering the idea.

"Alright, I'm game." Ari confirms his interest.

Gilda gasps, excited. Ari stands, and paces around the floor, barely acknowledging her. Glida follows his steps with her eyes, turning her head as he makes his way behind her. She stretches her neck out to follow his movements still, pretending to feel uneasy as he makes his way to her front again. As he now becomes poised to where she can see him in front of her outstretched legs, the expression on his face has changed from content, to a devilish scowl.

"So you like it rough, huh?" Ari begins, "Dangerous thing to admit around someone like me."

"Rougher than most girls I guess. What does 'rough' mean to you?" Gilda responds.

Ari takes a step closer, "A far cry from what you think it means, sweetheart."

Gilda starts to breath heavy as Ari makes his move, a few quick steps and he's upon her. Gilda keeps her legs tightly pressed together as Ari grabs firmly on the underside of her thigh. He smiles, beak mear inches from her's. With his left hand, he holds the side of her head, keeping it in place.

"I'll try not to make it too painful."

Gilda breaks free, and attempts to crawl away, but stops at the sudden discomfort behind her shoulder blades, she turns to see Ari has grabbed her wings, clinging on tight.

Gilda squirms and wiggles, trying to get free, "H-hey! Let go! Get your damn hands off me, you bastard!"

Ari places a foot upon her lower back and slightly twists his wrist, causing Gilda to twitch from the light pain. "Do you want me to break them?" He tightens his grip, and twists a little more. Gilda winces, moaning with her mouth closed, she shakes her head. "Then be a good girl, and hold still!"

Ari throws her wings to the side, causing her to roll onto her back. She scoots backward, bumping into the wall behind her. As Ari approaches her again, she can see his stunning erection has returned, and she soon feels heavily aroused. Ari gets right on top of her, slapping a palm against the wall near her head, he leans in really close to her.

"How's this?" he whispers.

"Really good...I..."

Ari shushes her, now turning his spiteful aggression act, into a deviously comforting one. "It's gonna be alright. Don't fight back. Just lay there, and try to enjoy yourself."

Gilda winces as Ari lightly flutters his fingers around her vulva. Gilda keeps her palms firmly planted into the cold ground. Gilda feels his hot breath against her face, as he leans in and forcefully sticks his tongue into her mouth. He begins rubbing her pussy from top to bottom, feeling the soft petals between her legs quiver with delight. They stare into each other's eyes as they continue their vigorous kiss. As Ari pulls away, a string of saliva keeps the two connected. He moves his fingers away from her vulva, which twitches as is pumps small amounts of juice. Gilda fears things are going too quickly as Ari advances, erect penis pointed towards her. Ari grasps his penis, her prods her vulva, sliding the tip up and down between the little pink flaps. Finding the hole he was looking for, he pauses for a moment, and looks her in the eyes.

"Ready?" He asks, remaining in character.

"Wait, there's something--"

Before she can finish, however, Ari presses himself into her, over enthusiastic. Gilda cries out in pain as Ari attempts to push himself deeper, finding much resistance from her tight, contracting walls. Tears begin to drip down Gilda's face, however Ari is far too concentrated to notice. He grabs a hold of her waist as he pushes his penis deeper inside her. Now halfway up his length, he feels something, another lighter resistance being breached, followed by an ooze of warmth. Ari, finally noticing Gilda's discomfort, gasps, and begins to slowly pull out. Gilda opens her mouth and lets out a low, pained groan. After he is free, upon his cock can he now see, it is slicked bright red with a viscous liquid. As he looks over the scene, running through everything in his head, the pieces suddenly come together all at once.

"Oh my're...I'm so sorry! I--" Ari's eyes widen as he backs away.

Gilda hugs her knees against her chest, "I tried to tell you..."

"The-the way you talked, I thought for sure you..." Ari once again realizes, running back over the things she'd said under her breath, every implicit sentence and action.

Gilda was a virgin, and all at once, he had deflowered her. A hot rush of shame came over him. For their relationship, he feared the worst.

"I thought it would be fine..." Gilda sniffles, "...but it just hurt so much...I didn't think it would..."

"Gilda, I...I'm sorry. I didn't know." Ari lowers his head, apologetic.

"I know..." Gilda wipes the tears from her eyes with her hands, and the snot from her nose with her forearm.

She remains pressed against the wall, but now looks over at Ari, who refuses to make eye contact. The two take a moment to breathe. Gilda peaks over at the hunched lump that Ari had become. She can't help but chuckled at his pitiful appearance. Her chuckling soon turns to laughter, the strange outburst causing Ari to stare, puzzled by her sudden change in mood.

Through her laughter she speaks, "God, you look like a kid who knows he's about to be punished." Followed by another fit of laughter.

Ari, knowing he'd taken things too far, now wonders what happens next, "'re not mad?"

Gilda's laughter comes to a gradual stop, "I mean, it was gonna happen sooner or later...but, maybe that was a little too rough for a first-timer." Gilda admits, rubbing the back of her neck.

Ari agrees, this being a first for him as well, he figures his actions to be a result of over enthusiasm. Shuffling on his knees, he moves forward a bit, "So, can we try again? I can start a little slower this time."

Gilda inhales suddenly, and exhales slowly before silently nodding. Ari stands on his hind legs, kneels down, and takes Gilda into his arms, causing a low squeak to come from her beak. Feeling his strong arms cradling her body so lovingly, the warmth from his chest, the beating of his heart, Gilda was convinced once more that she was in good hands. Gently, Ari carries her to the center of the rug, and lies her down on her back. He pauses to look in her eyes, and allow her to look into his. Him still wearing an apologetic look, she returns a look of comfort and forgiveness. The undeniable magic between them returns with an impassioned kiss.

Together, the lovers graze at one another's' tongues, sensing the passion and purpose behind the other's smooth beak. Breaking the kiss, Ari begins his decent toward Gilda's labia. The slight tinge of blood in its scent, the subtle streaks of red that remained, Ari had no objections to cleansing her. Though the taste of copper was overwhelming, he still pressed on. Gilda leans her head back, the mixed feelings of slight, stinging pain and tingling ecstacy taking over. Ari's tongue stroked up and down between her folds, exploring deeper on each pass. Before long, he desired to return to the strange and specific flavor he'd earlier had the chance to sample. Starting at the base of her tail, which folded slightly over her lower opening, he stroked his tongue upward, making contact with her anus. Gilda winced as she had before, the slimy, coarse texture of his slug-like tongue perusing the star-shaped wrinkles of her hole. The rich, almost nutty flavor took hold again, Ari was in heaven.

"'re licking my b-butt again..." Gilda stammered.

Ari pauses for a moment, and looks up at her, "Do you want me to stop?"

Gilda, having mostly enjoyed the tickling sensation upon her unorthodox orifice, finds herself won over by the experience, and replies with a meek, but clear, "No..."

As prompted, Ari continues, holding a hand to his stone-hard erection, precum oozing out onto the rug below. Gilda closes her eyes and moans as Ari slides back up to her vulva. At the peak of her genitals, Ari finds his tongue rolling around her clitoris, the sensation causing her legs to shake. The taste of copper fades, yet the her lips remain moist, as now her vagina secretes its own fluids. Ari swallows the thick juices intently, dragging his tongue through the folds of her pussy, massaging with both the top and bottom of his tongue. Gilda's breathing grows quicker, she plants her feet into the ground and braces for her orgasm. Back arched, muscles flexed, pelvis lifted upward, she cums, this orgasm far more fulfilling than her last. After a spasm of pleasure leaves her legs soft as butter, she relaxes and lies back down.

"Better?" Ari asks, wiping his mouth.

"Oh yeah..." Gilda assures.

Ari, on his knees, sits down onto his heels. Gilda, rolling over onto her side, notices his full-masted cock poking out from between his thighs. Her mouth began to water as Ari's tip drips with strings of precum, leaving wet spots in the rug. She crawls over on her belly, and grabs hold of the base of his penis. He squeezes his buttocks as she slides her tongue up his entire length, pausing at the tip where she begins tasting the thin, sticky clear liquid it had been producing. She pulls back for a moment to breathe, before diving mouth first onto him. The hot, wet feeling around his throbbing cock was enough to make him gasp in awe. Determined to fit the entire organ in her mouth, she pushes herself forward with her feet, and stops only when her beak bumps against his groin.

She gags and gasps, feeling the head of his cock being constricted by her throat as she swallows. Ari, aware of her discomfort, attempts to rock his hips backwards, so as to relieve the tension in Gilda's esophagus. Though, as he shifts back a few inches, Gilda follows, looking him in the eyes as she stretches her neck out to better accept his impressive phallus. Her eyes water, and her cheeks bulge. Her tongue is planted in place, able to to little more than flex each time she gulps down a mouthful of saliva. The musky, almost fishy flavor of his dick encompases her taste buds, as the pheromone-heavy scent floods her nostrils as she inhales what little air she can. Feeling the first, faint tilting sign of his orgasm, he strokes her cheek, and gently pushes her head back. A popping sound is emitted from Gilda's mouth as the end of Ari's length is removed, finally giving her a chance to refill her lungs.

Ari finds his legs have fallen asleep, so he shifts himself to now be sat, leaning on his hip. Gilda adjusts, sitting with her knees up against her chest, all the while, wiping the tears from her eyes. Ari lets his heart rate slow, needing a moment to catch his breath as well. Gilda looks towards him, curious, anxious to continue.

"Are you ready to try...putting it in again?" Ari asks.

"I dunno..." Gilda shrugs, and thinks for a moment.

She takes a second to look over at Ari, specifically the form of his rump as seen lying on its side. She recalls Ari's fondness to explore the hole below her tail, and wonders what the appeal may be. Intent on keeping true to a promise she'd made earlier, she opens with her suggestion, "Turn around."

Ari's ears perk up. After chuckling and rolling his eyes, he does as he is told, first arising onto all fours, and then reorienting himself to give Gilda a full view of his rear. " go lean against the wall." Gilda instructs. Ari takes a moment to sigh, before making his way over to the wall he is facing. All the while, he decides to give Gilda a little show, swaying his hips seductively as he walks; Gilda, following close behind, likes what she sees. Now at the wall, Ari finds a small bump in the rockface, now to become a ledge as he rises up and leans against it, crossing his arms.

"Alright, now what?" Ari turns to look over his shoulder.

He blushes as he notices she is mere inches from his butt, able to feel the breath from her nose on his left buttock. Ari feels quite vulnerable from the compromising position, so much so, he has tucked his tail far between his legs, otherwise obscuring a view of anything beneath.

"Now, you don't do anything." Gilda starts, grasping Ari's tail at the base, causing him to flinch, "Just sit there, and enjoy it." With a swift flick, she swishes his tail upward, revealing his tight, tannish-pink hole, "Or at least try to." she says, devilishly sticking out her tongue.

Gilda starts low, the bottom of his plump balls, licking along the curvature of the two round, dangling eggs. She moves upward now, sliding her rough, velvety tongue up the seam between his his testicles and along the length of his taint. Finally, she's upon it now, the entrance in his back-end, never before had it seen any activity beyond necessity, now Gilda's personal device form sexual exploration. Ari grunts, and his eyes go wide as an invasive, slimy sensation begins tickling at his rear. She wiggles her tongue around in a circle around his butthole, the rubbery, wrinkled texture was oddly satisfying. The flavor, so abnormal, a tinge of salty sweat, and a strange robustly thick musk to accompany, though obviously clean.

Ari kept a straight face, mostly conflicted by the uncomfortable invasive feeling, and the tingly pleasurable sensation. Despite everything, Ari found his cock hard and pulsating, even more so than before. Ultimately, he had to admit he was enjoying it, as weird as he found it. Gilda inhales deeply through her nose, catching a whiff of his musky pheromones once again. All the while, she diddles herself with her middle finger, a small puddle of juice forming below her. One hand on his left buttcheek, she turns her head, and pushes her tongue into him. Ari grunts from the sudden pressure, his claws scraping on the wall as he clenches his fists. Surprised by how easily she was able to slide into him, she momentarily stops masturbating in order to grasp his other cheek and spread them both wide apart, plunging her tongue as deep inside him as she could go.

Ari now blushed, letting his mouth hang open. He had been unsure about the whole situation until he began to feel the same rising feeling he would as if he were close to orgasm, and without any contact to his penis at all. Gilda had her tongue angled upward, and was pressing directly against the underside of his prostate, releasing an incredible feeling Ari had never known possible to reach. Gilda closed her eyes and focused entirely on him, kissing his anus with gusto. Before she'd thought it to be proper revenge for him doing the same to her, but now it seems her intentions had changed entirely. So caught up in the blissful idea of forcing her lover into overwhelming satisfaction, she needed not touch her genitals either, she was plentifully wet just from the thought of how it must have felt to be him.

And how great did it feel, having her tongue wriggling around in his butt. He'd previously understood the concept of male homosexuality, but struggled in imagining how both could enjoy making love; evidently, he was no longer confused. The massaging of his resting g-spot released the same sensation he would get from riding the edge of an orgasm. However, now feeling his muscles contract and his dick begin to twitch, he found himself over that edge. Abruptly, he came, painting the grey wall at his waist with his off-white produce. His knees buckled, and his legs shook. Still deep inside him, Gilda feels his balls pulsating under her chin, and his sphincter contracting around the base of her tongue, which incites her to open her eyes. With a slurping pop, she slid her tongue free from his rectum. The sound of the splattery impact ahead of her grabs her attention, and she shifts herself to the side, leaning her face against his left leg as she witnesses the hilt of his copious ejaculation.

Leaning closer against the cold wall, his forearm above his head, Ari continues spurting rope after rope of warm semen, dripping down to the floor in a great volume. He had never produced such an amount before in his life. Gilda hugs his thigh and grins, admiring the success of her efforts. As the convulsions in his groin grow progressively weaker, Ari lets out a low sigh, letting the last of his cum drip out onto the floor. Gilda, fascinated with the impressive volume, lets go of Ari's leg, and sits back, letting her aching legs rest. Ari presses his back to the wall, and slides down it until he reaches the floor. He needs a moment to catch his breath, whilst Gilda breathes steady, holding a look of pure content.

"Well, looks like someone enjoyed themselves." Gilda teases, glancing at the goopy pile of cum against the wall.

"I was...gonna say...the same...thing..." Ari, still catching his breath, notices Gilda's vulva, along with the fur around it glistens in the light of the crystals, obviously sopping wet with her juices.

"I never thought 'giving' could feel so good, especially giving something like that." Gilda wouldn't admit, but she had a certain affinity for the male rear-end, now she had a partner which would let her explore such an interest.

Ari steadies his breath, swallows, and clears his throat. Stroking his still erect, still sensitive penis, he opens his offer, "So. Did you wanna...try again?"

Gilda looks at the ground between her legs and notices it has been saturated a slightly darker grey by her very own sex fluids. Her pussy quivers gently, letting out a little more of its natural lubricant. "Yeah. Let's do it."

Positioned now on the rug once again, the two stare each other in the eye. An awkward silence is shared, before Gilda shuffles over, and lies down on her back, propping herself up with her hands, pressing her knees together. Ari sits directly in front of her on his knees, his penis angled upward, staring Gilda in the face. Hungrily awaiting him, she lets gravity pull her knees apart, exposing her curvaceous bottom, her adorable lumps, and her excited genitals. Ari leans forward, and crawls towards her. He places a hand on her left knee, and grasps his cock as he did before. He teases her entrance with the tip of his member, sliding it up and down her soggy vulva. She just about loses her mind from sexual impatience as her ears are treated to his loving tone.

"Are you ready?" He asks, gently.

Gilda nods, "Uh-huh."

Slowly, Ari tightens his shoulders and presses forward. Gilda braces herself with her hands, ready to burst from the immense build-up she'd gotten. The tip is in, smoothly making its way deeper as Ari pushes on, still concerned with hurting Gilda. Feeling a bit of resistance, Ari opens his eyes to see Gilda staring into his, she holds a look on her face which fills him with comfort, letting him in on everything he needs to continue. The two let out a low exhale as Ari slides the last few inches into Gilda, his knot bumping into her entrance. Gilda giggles and Ari chuckles. Successfully connected, Ari begins to steadily buck his hips.

The hot stinging sensation inside her left Gilda's mouth hung slightly open, a low moan emitted on every thrust from her partner. Ari felt the hug of her snug warmth holding him tight, the juices providing just enough lubricant to maintain motion through the tense resistance of her vagina. He maintains a firm grip upon her waist, driving himself forward with his lower legs, performing a rhythmic dance with his hips, holding pelvic movements akin to the flow of waves in the ocean. Though only able to enter a few meer inches into her, he felt a deeper connection to her than he ever had before. From the moment he'd first laid eyes on her, to his cathartic decision to pursue her those many miles, to ultimately confessing his feelings toward her through his actions, Ari had finally gotten his wish. The girl he loved, the one he knew for certain loved him back, had opened herself to him, a notion which was granted to no other. She welcomed him into her, and whether or not he was aware, would permit him to mate with her to full completion, effectively accepting his seed as apart of her.

Together, intertwined in a dance of novice naive adolescent fruition, a magical mutual incredible sensation envelopes the two lovers entirely. Spying her open mouth, tongue barely dangling from it, Ari moves his own into hers, joining her tongue in an impassioned kiss. Ari was startled suddenly as he felt Gilda nibble at his tongue, however assuming it to be an involuntary reaction, he continued the embrace. Unbeknownst to him, Gilda was feeling a stirring pressure built up inside her beginning to be continually proded by her soot-colored lover. As it happened, she had not had the chance to urinate since when she'd just woken up, and now her bladder persisted release, coaxed by the bulge of a certain invasive organ. The feeling was so intense, however, she could not bring herself to interrupt Ari's movements. Though the tinge of pain pushed her to her limit, knowing she could not keep her muscles flexed for much longer, she lets go.

Sweet release. The liquid, lemon yellow, sputters from her opening, splashing over her lover's groin. Ari, feeling the enveloping warmth of the sudden rush of liquid over his cock, pauses to bear witness. A hot wash of embarrassment comes over Gilda, she covers her eyes with her forearm as her lip quivers uncontrollably. The flow continues, uninterrupted, emitting a pitter as it sprays freely upon Ari's lower region. An amazing feeling, her pee washing over the base of his cock, dripping down his balls and soaking into the carpet, staining a growing yellow pool beneath them. Ari hadn't known such pleasures before today, and now discovered how outstanding experiences could result from extraordinary activity.

Gilda scrunches her face as she hears Ari chuckle, the contradicting feelings of shame and relief overwhelming her. "You are so adorable." She moves her am to see him, his gorgeous pink eyes staring into hers, wearing a content, comforting look on his face. She begins to chuckle as he presses his forehead to hers, and ignites another kiss. Her stream continues to poor fourth as Ari begins to buck his hips once more. Each time his penis goes in, the slap of their loins sprays more and more urine all over the two bodies. By the time her bladder has completely emptied, the two are soaked from belly to thigh in the warm, acrid liquid. Gilda experiences some slight discomfort, realising that at some point during the ordeal, she'd had another orgasm.

Recalling everything leading up from the last few days to this moment, Gilda has finally reached a conclusion about the man she'd chosen to couple with. She loved him. Truly, and honestly, she loved him. He treated her like no one else had before. Instead of rejecting her transgressions as anyone else would, he welcomed and embraced them with comforting gentle smiles and loving warm acceptance. He knew her better than she even knew herself, with barely even a week spent together. That which others would consider strange, worthy of condemning, he tolerated, willing to allow her expression of self through that which aroused her. As odd as she was, he was just as much so. She loved him. She had no choice but to admit it.

Ari maintains the same steady speed, however now bucks his hips further, ensuring his length up to his knot has a chance to feel her insides. Gilda flexes, her anus puckers as her vagina wraps tightly around Ari's hot phallus, which has been spitting out pre-ejaculate for quite some time. Ari feels his climax swiftly arriving, and finds himself conflicted on where to release it. She had made it perfectly clear to him she didn't mind getting a little dirty, perhaps he should pull out and let loose on her belly. No, he'd made it this far, all the effort, all that time spent fantasizing about this moment, he would let himself go inside her, effectively making a proper mate out of her. But of course he couldn't do such a thing, she would never forgive him. He feels the ultimate tingling sensation at the base of his loins growing at an intense rate. Gilda similarly felt such pleasures arising, and pondered herself where he would let go.

Ari was ready to burst, as was Gilda. Knowing any option could potentially lead to a poor reaction, he slows down his thrusts, causing Gilda to open her eyes once again.

"I'm...getting close..." Ari starts, humping even slower now, " you want it?"

Gilda laughs, covering her eyes, Ari feels awkward saying such things, chuckling as he looks off to the side. Gilda sniffles, and uncovers her eyes, "Hehe, you are so cute."

Ari has stopped completely, hiding his penis halfway inside her. She looks down at their genitals, the sheen of her fluids rests on both of their pink organs, and catches the light from the crystals above. She was so incredibly happy to be with someone who legitimately cared for her, and she knew what she wanted.

"Mate with me." Gilda answers, causing Ari to smile and blush, "Cum inside me. Please."

Ari nods, and picks right back up where he left off, thrusting forward, letting her feel the impact of his knot on her folds. He now increases both frequency and amplitude of his movements, giving her walls a thorough massage. Gilda, meanwhile has tightened all of the muscles in her lower half all the way up to her core, she was ready for her orgasm to overtake her, ready to feel his seed enter her. Ari was nearly ready himself, though he was a bit distracted by the pressure building in his bladder, a pressure which had persisted since his previous orgasm. He shut his eyes and tried to focus, he was ready to release, he just needed a few more effective seconds. The warm moist entrance of his lover, the strong musky smell of her urine, the lovely little squeaks and moans she emitted, Ari's ears became perked as all of his senses were surrounded by the lust of his lover's embrace.

Now the two feel it, their climaxes reach an absolute apex and neither can hold out any longer. Ari pushes forward as far as he can, colliding his pelvis with hers. He presses his beak to hers in one final loving kiss. The two close their eyes, holding the kiss, they finally achieve their mutual orgasm. A sound resembling that of a deploying ship's sail is heard as both sets of wings stand erect from the intense release. The head of his cock breaching her cervix, Ari releases a bounty of semen inside of her, flooding her uterus with his pearly-white ejaculate. Gilda is shaking all over, the hot, gooey feeling of his cum filling her overtaking her completely. The two let out a muffled groan as their loins pulsate in ecstasy. Her tightening walls prove no match for his immense volume, as a great amount of cum is forced out of her. It drips down the mounds of her buttocks, and tickles at her anus. It messily escapes over the top of Ari's cock, painting her yellow-stained groin white, covering her pussy, clitorus and all. The slight arch in her back allows for a load to slide down her belly, and pool up just below her chest. Knowing Gilda must be full, Ari breaks their kiss, and pulls out gently, still releasing more and more ropes of his hot cum. As he pulls out entirely, he suddenly loses his balance, falling backward onto his knees, catching himself with his arms. Arching back, Ari cries out in pleasure as his engorged cock continues to pulsate, squirting out the last remnants of his load all over Gilda's exhausted body.

She lies back, staring at the wall behind her, feeling his sticky semen rest on her fur. By the end, she is filthy with his seed, vagina filled entirely, loads of it being pushed out as her resonating climax causes her to flex. Her upper thighs were painted in the translucent white substance, as she continued to tighten her muscles, she could the sticky stuff caught between her tail and her butt hole. Upon her belly, several stripes. And her chest, as it rise and fell with the steadying of her breathing, a large load did follow. Her chin, her beak, her face, all received their fair share of jizz. She loved it. She loved every minute of it.

Gilda leans forward to see Ari, catching his breath, wiggling his hips, clearly uncomfortable. As it happened, the power and unmerciful force of his orgasm had opened the floodgates for a different form of relief. Ari looks to the corner of the room, knowing he wouldn't possibly make it outside to go, he figured he too would have to taint the floor with his pee. As he goes to remedy his irritation, Gilda grasps his arm tight, and tugs slightly.

"Wait." She states, reading his body language.

Ari winces in discomfort, "Gillie, I have to pee..."

"I know..." Gilda blushes, shivering in excitement as a light breeze catches the wet spots on her body, "You think you could...go on me?"

Ari blinks several times.

"Please, Ari...mark me." She persists, speaking softly, "Pee all over me."

Ari can't hold out any longer, without time to think, his body makes his decision for him. Gilda is aroused by the sudden hot, wet warmth against her chest. She pulls him closer to her, pressing her forehead to his. Both close their eyes as Ari sprays his hot yellow piss against her. His penis held by her folds, he pees directly into her chin, staining her pretty white and purple feathers yellow. Gilda sighs and blushes, feeling the warm, stinky liquid pouring down her chest, over her belly, and pooling at her butt. The stream washes away the semen which had previously matted her coat. Ari feels so ashamed, the humiliating feeling of peeing on his friend and lover causing him to hold his eyes shut tight. Gilda leans back, and grasps his cock with her rear paws, making Ari twitch. The padding on her feet holds his member firmly, and directs the stream exactly where she wants it. Leant on her elbows, she moves his penis all around, thoroughly soaking herself in his musky urine. Now angling it upward, she opens her mouth, catching the stream in her beak. The sound of liquid filling Gilda's mouth causes Ari's ears to flutter. She gulps down mouthfuls of pee, having two of her fingers sliding over her vulva. Closing her eyes and leaning forward, she lets the warm liquid cascade over the top of her head, feeling it flow over her face and down the back of her neck. Knowing he must have been running on empty by now, Gilda stops fingering herself, and crawls forward suddenly, letting his loose, flaccid cock soak the carpet a little as she moves in to grab it.

She pushes him over onto his back, much to his surprise as he lands halfway onto the unforgiving solid stone floor. Stroking gently, she aims his dick up towards him, forcing him to pee on himself. Ari groans, trying to move his face out of the way as she aims to follow it. He tries to avoid getting any in his mouth, but to no avail as he accidentally pees into his own nostril. He gags and gasps. Seeking opportunity, Gilda points directly at his beak. Ari whines as he is forced to pee into his own mouth, the intense, acrid flavor overwhelming him. His stream finally begins to die down, unfortunately for him, after he has been soaked to the bone with pee. Gilda, high off the taste of piss on her tongue, grinds against Ari's cock, leaving streaks of his own cum which had still remained inside her, and once again, has an orgasm. Now fully satisfied, she falls forward onto him, laying down on his chest. The two, wildly wet with the salty yellow brew, lie in a puddle which has both stained the rug and formed freely over the stone floor beneath them.

Ari was unsure about everything. While he was happy to oblige Gilda's odd attraction, as he lay there, fur and feathers matted, wet and sticky, he didn't really see the appeal. However, he knew that if he was to be with this gryphon romantically, he would have to be willing to accept her new ideas and strange concepts. Starting to shiver, Ari looks down at the head resting on his chest. Her eyes are closed as she breathes silently.

"So...that was-"

"Awesome." Gilda interrupts, opening her eyes.

Ari gives her an uneasy look, despite the humiliation and disgust, he had to admit, "Yeah. I guess so."

Their final, coupled orgasm was the greatest either of them ever had, and it left the both of them physically drained. Breathing together, inhaling the fumes from each other's acrid urine, their sopping wet, matted fur and feathers clinging together like velcro. The once comfy, warm, fluffy white rug, now sat receded, cold, wet, and stained yellow. The resonating afterglow of their orgasms helped to counter the rough scent and taste of salty recycled water, and the uncomfortably moist feeling the liquid holds. After a while, the satisfaction wears off, and Ari cannot bear to lie in their mess any longer.

"Can we go get cleaned up now?" Ari asks, scrunching his neck down to look at her.

Gilda adjusts her head, and sets her chin down on his belly, peering into his eyes, she inhales and soon exhales, "Sure."

With that, she rolls off of him and onto another wet portion of the rug, a wet squishing sound is emitted as her butt presses into it. Ari sits up, and the two make their way toward the door. As Ari goes to push the door open, a loud crash from the other side startles the both of them. Fur perked up, they look at each other, realizing the thunder storm had still not yet ceased.

"Oh yeah..." Gilda states. "Guess we shouldn't."

"C-can't we just use the water in the cave?" Ari suggests.

"Not unless you want to be boiled alive." Gilda laughs.

Ari sits down, defeated, suddenly aware they would both have to remain dripping wet and cold, reeking with the strong stench of urine. Gilda takes notice as he inhales deeply, and empties his lungs in a drawn-out sigh.

Gilda rolls her eyes, "Aw, c'mere ya big baby."

Ari leans away as Gilda approaches, the same look of odd intent as when she forced him to wet himself. He shutters as she presses her beak against his fur, and inhales the scent. On exhale she leans back, and lets her mouth hang open, before promptly sticking out her tongue, and stroking the stained fur covering his ribcage. Ari gulps awkwardly as Gilda continues to groom him, keeping her eyes closed. As though he couldn't have found her any stranger, his ear twitches as she moans gently. Through the sounds of swallowing and moaning, he starts to seriously consider how she could possibly enjoy this as much as she did. As she rotates to his front, thoroughly cleaning his abs and chest, he finds he may have come to a strange, yet reasonable conclusion. The humiliation, a feeling of content in vulnerability, the exciting arousing idea of doing something considered so naughty, the enjoyment of a warm liquid produced from the genitals; he had to admit, he may have just gotten the appeal.

As he finds his reason for her abnormal interest, he notices she has made her way to cleaning the underside of his right bicep. Remembering the subtle level of excitement he'd experienced from the exchanging of each other's fluids, and taking notice of how much pleasure Gilda draws from such things, he moves his arm, and leans forward. Gilda stares at him, tongue still poking out of her mouth, as he rubs at her slightly damp left wing. Ari pulls himself closer, and begins to lean her back, attempting to lie her on her back.

"Here, let me." Ari supports her back as Gilda rolls down the ground.

Arms poised up against her chest, Gilda looks at Ari and blinks, interested to see if he had been won over by her odd advances. Her feelings are confirmed as Ari, holding her leg in his hand, begins licking at the crease in her knee, down to her ankle. Now it was Gilda's turn to shiver from excitement, his slippery tongue tickling her so. Ari breathes freely, ingesting the smell of piss-damped fur, and tasting the lovely bizarre flavors of the lovers' combined yellow liquid. He swallows down each mouthful, taking care not to miss a single spot on her fur, from the curvaceous lumps of her resting buttocks, to the fleshy pocket between her vulva and upper thigh. Ari perks up, extending Gilda's leg out completely, before moving his tongue between the pink pads on her foot. Gilda's vulva quivers with excitement as Ari explores her toes with his slick, pink muscle. Gently setting her foot down onto the ground, Ari crawls forward, up between her legs, and starts grooming her belly. Ari is overtaken by the abundance of urine still pocketed underneath her fur. The slightly yellow-stained became dark and healthy-brown as he cleaned her stomach in long, careful strokes.

Having his hands previously holding on her waist, he now moves them down lower, caressing at her bottom, lifting her pelvis up. Wide eyed, held in a position that left her almost completely immobile, the gravity leaving her tail to dangle downward, exposing her anus. Ari wastes no time, mushing his mouth around her crotch, tongue glancing around her butt hole. The old familiar strange flavors of her anus, mixed with that of the sour piss excited him beyond belief. Meanwhile, Gilda was seduced in a haze of pure bliss, arching her back, and wiggling her hips in time with Ari's dirty embracing of her nethers.

After some time, the two had ineffectively cleaned one another as much as they could, pleasuring one another once more. Their breath smelled strongly of urine, and their faces were stained a light yellow. They spent their time chatting as they waited for the storm to eventually die down, and after some time, they curled up into a corner, and fell asleep, arm-in-arm. Awaking to no other sound than the babbling from the water's source, the two made their way out of the cave, hovering down and into the pool in which they had previously bathed. They scrubbed away at themselves, being sure to rinse off every inch in the hot water. Ari even took the time to assist Gilda in scrubbing her wings, and upper back. She shakes as he massages between her shoulder blades. Now almost completely clean, the two stand in the waist-high water, and embrace, holding a wonderful, loving kiss.

"Thanks for, you know, helping me out with my kink." Gilda breaks the kiss and leans back.

"Don't mention it. I'll admit, it was kinda gross at first." Ari starts, looking towards the water, before glancing back up to her, "But now...I think I'm into it."

"Good to hear. Maybe now you'll be game to try out some of my...other interests." Gilda raises her eyebrows, suggestively.

Ari's face changes to one of nervous concern, "...Other...interests?"

"Hehe, you'll find out soon enough." Gilda leaves the embrace, and gets out of the water, shaking herself dry.

Ari soon follows, doing the same, "So, that means you want to continue this relationship?"

"Uh, yeah? What did you think I would just dump you after all that?" Gilda punches him on the shoulder. "We could probably get back into town and take over one of those abandoned buildings-I'm sure no one would care, then in it I guess."

Ari excitedly slides over and hugs Gilda at the side, smiling with his mouth closed. "I love you, Gillie."

Gilda is taken back. She was sure he had felt strongly for her, hell, probably even loved her, but she was unprepared for him to actually say it, especially this soon. However, she knew how she felt as well, and though she said it through rolling eyes, "I..." taking a moment to sigh, she admits, "I love you too, Ari."

Finally returning to Griffinstone, they decided to move into the rundown thatch-roof cottage they had initially spent their first night together in. Ari gathers materials from nearby rubbled buildings, as Gilda commissions help from a less-than-thrilled local repairman. Ari waves at Gilda as he patches the roof, and she subtly waves back. As he nails in his next layer of thatch, he can't help but recall Gilda's words during their bath together. "Other interests." What on Earth would that entail? Whatever it could be, as long as he was with the girl of his dreams, that mean gryphon girl he'd found, and would never let go of.

KB: Exploration Series Part 1

Part 1: That Guy In High School I was 13 when I first realized I liked boys. I'd gotten my first real pretend girlfriend, and was giddy as could be. That was until we finally got together and kissed for the first time. I didn't like it. A meaningless...

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Kinky Bestiality Part 3

Part 3 - Things are really heating up. Friday rolls around again, now marking one week since adopting Taido. I've enjoyed him sleeping in my bed mostly, his fur is so damn soft. Sure, the sex is awesome, but with my bed lacking another living being...

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Kinky Bestiality Part 2

Part 2 - Keeping it Semi-Vanilla Waking up, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. The world's horniest dog between my legs, my morning wood poking at his lower back. I winced as my penis twitched against him. I rubbed it up and down his...

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