Tight Confines

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#29 of Commissions

My twenty-fifth commission which I did for WinterWolfy.

It's about a boy dealing with some mischievous girls, and one woman, who take advantage of him wearing a much too small speedo.

Tight Confines - Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work contains underaged/cub content. If this is not your cup of tea, then do not read. You have been warned.

Summer is a particular solstice for children. It is a time away from the confines of contempt that many kids have for school. Sometimes they are unable to fill the months of leisure but many are able to make do with whatever trivalent activities their minds can come up with. Such is the beauty of childhood. The Wolfy family lived on the outskirts of the Scottish highlands. The landscape was fairly open and lush with a landscape that would be admired by most.

The mother, Jessica, was especially proud of her garden. It was a mixture of bluebells and heather. The place smelt almost like a light perfume to any visitor who was had not frequented it before. She even had a small parcel of land where she kept onions, rhubarb, a variety of berries, and spinach. Oh, Spinach...her poor Spinach. It was often the site of much mischief from her children who despised the stuff and often vandalized it in order to prevent the stuff from being served at the table.

Despite their efforts, however, the lupine woman was a staunch supporter of corporal punishment and would often let loose on their behinds if this happened. Winter and Hailey were the woman's litter. The girl, Hailey, was a 12-year-old who often thought herself the queen of the house much to her brother's chagrin. Though the mother was partially to blame as Hailey was often treated as a princess and essentially given whatever she wanted. Winter, on the other hand, was a boy of 10 who was often left to his own devices and as such got into quite a bit of mischief as a result.

In order to keep her sanity, the mother had decided to enroll her kids in a local swim club. It was the least she could do to keep her composure. Especially since recently, her kid's freedom had led to a rather tumultuous complaint at the part of her neighbor who said that Winter was scaring the local sheep. Jessica had decided that enough was enough. The woman signed them up without a second thought and eventually, the first day rolled around. When the mother awakened to her alarm, she slumped, over but once she realized what day it was her composure changed.

The mother quickly awakened once she saw the large red highlighted circle on her calendar. Today was the day, she thought to herself. It was 8 am and the kids needed to be getting ready. So she rushed down the hallway and quickly pounded on each of the cubs doors. Hailey, of course, was still in the middle of her beauty sleep. The mother wasn't having it today and took to lightly shaking the girl from her slumber. Once Hailey gave in and realized what was going on, she took it to herself to get ready. Now only Winter was left.

The boy's room was but a short distance down the hall and Jessica decided a bit of fun was in store for the boy. She let herself in the room quietly and went into his bathroom. Inside there was a cup that she filled with water. Once it was filled, the mother was very careful as to not drop it, less her plan would be ruined. After arriving at his bedside she hovered the full cup over his head and doused it. Winter quickly awoke choking and coughing, not entirely sure what was going on. She couldn't help but giggle.

"Come on, kiddo. Get ready for swim practice." The mother beckoned to her son and soon showed herself out.

Winter was still at a loss for things. After recovering from the shock of the initial event, the boy pulled himself out of bed and followed her to the kitchen. He needed to know what it was he was getting ready for.

"So what's going on exactly, mum?" Winter asked his mother, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Get your suit on, you and your sister are going to swim camp." Jessica responded to him while tending to breakfast.

"Uh...how come? I don't want to go swimming." Winter protested a little sour about the situation.

"You don't have a choice. You will do what I will say or else." Jessica retorted sternly, still not turning to him.

That was that it seemed Winter would not have his way. He knew it was best the leave the situation be or else he would risk retaliation at the hands of his mother. The boy knew when to drop it, so he decided to go into his room and get ready. The cub thought to himself while walking. Did he even have a swimsuit that fit anymore? He wasn't entirely sure as he knew the family hadn't been clothes shopping in quite some time, let alone suit shopping.

After returning to his room, Winter didn't waste any time in going to take a shower. After all, he would need one after swimming anyways. Instead, he went to his wardrobe and quickly shuffled through the drawers. He didn't recall where he even kept his swimsuit, that's how long it had been since his last dip. However, on the top drawer, he did manage to find something. Pulling out a single small pair of brief-like speedos. It was definitely small, and to top it off it had some Pikachu on it. Even though he still liked Pokemon, he thought the pair looked rather immature for his age.

Winter continued to search for a few minutes before finally giving up. It seemed he didn't have an alternative pair. The boy sighed dejectedly as he took the small suit and went over to his bed to change into them. The blue and white wolf was still in his two-piece pajama set. Removing them was simple enough especially since they were rather baggy on him. After stripping himself of his pajamas he quickly tried to make work of his tighty whities. These took a little more effort but at last, he was naked.

Winter stared down at his own humanoid genitals for a moment contemplating if to touch himself or not. But after a second of doing so his mother yelled that the food was ready. It seemed there was no time for dilly-dallying. So instead he went about putting on the speedo. Taking it down to his feet and pulling it up was simple enough. However the closer to his groin he got, the tighter it became. It was blatantly obvious that it wasn't quite his size.

Another sharp yell from his mother made Winter rush even more. He quickly tried to force the suit on and after a few tugs, the cub managed to force it on. Now that it was on, the boy was all but ready. A quick look in a mirror on the back of his door. His reflection showed back to him. He looked quite ridiculous in his suit. The yellow nylon did nothing to contrast against his blue and white fur which puffed against the hem of the suit. But he had no other choice and quickly made his way to the kitchen before his mother yelled a third unprecedented time.

When the youngest of the three arrived, it seemed that Hailey had already come. Unlike her brother she was usually pretty punctual and on par with whatever her mother commanded. Many considered her a "Momma's girl." Upon arrival, the pair couldn't help but stare at the boy.

"What's with the kiddy suit?" Hailey asked trying to hold back a giggle.

"I uh...had nothing else to wear except this one." Winter bashfully answered trying to hold back a blush before it broke out on his face.

"You look like your five in that thing." The sister could no longer hold back and laughed heartily.

"Nuh-uh, I don't look five!" The brother tried to cover himself the best he could.

"Enough, now sit down and eat with your sister." The mother was fighting back the urge to laugh as well however she was more interested in her own freedom.

Winter thought the ordeal was over but couldn't help but continue to feel a bit self-conscious about it all. Eventually, he joined his sister at the table and at least felt semi-covered by the table top. It at least eased his own tension.

Eventually, the mother passed out the meal she had prepared. It was nothing special just some pop tarts, orange juice, and some fruit. Each child was served and Jessica joined them as well in eating. Not much was said between the family as they were all quite famished from their long slumber. It didn't take long for them to eat their food. Once they were done, the kids were left with cleanup as the mother turned to collecting their things for the rest of the day. She still needed to pack them snacks for swim camp.

Meanwhile, the kids were instructed to get themselves some towels and prepare goggles, sandals, and whatever else they needed. Winter retired to his room and fetched a towel. In the closet where he kept some things were a few options. They were just as colorful as his speedo and the boy resigned the fact that his family must have been playing some tricks on him. The brother decided inquiry would be required later. For the time being though, he decided on a matching Pokemon themed beach towel.

Maybe the other kids would just mistake him for some Pokemon obsessed kid, he hoped. At least his sandals weren't as immature he thought. They were rather simple but were pretty big on him. He decided they would have to do and certainly wasn't going to complain considering the rest of his outfit. Now that the blue wolf was ready, it was time to go. Sure enough a quick yell from his mother confirmed that it was indeed finally time to make way for the camp.

Now that Winter had a towel, he used it to cover his scantily clad speedo and made his way out the door. As usual, Hailey was already ready. The taller girl coaxed her brother over as he joined her at the door. Now that they were together they walked in tandem. Outside it was a warm day and the sun overlooked the property with a vigorous aura that made the surroundings rather warm and humid. Once they were completely outdoors, Winter couldn't help but feel hot.

Jessica remained at the door and wished them farewell. It seemed she would finally get some alone time as she neither had to drop them off nor pick them up. A white bus had come to pick them up. On the side of the bus, colorful letters spelling "Stroke Camp" were easily visible with some faux water sweat to imitate dripping water over the top of them. It was a rather poor attempt at seeming kid-friendly, or at least Winter thought.

Once they neared the vehicle the door opened with a hiss. Atop the stairs was an elderly crone of a woman. It seemed to be an old crocodile even if the color didn't seem the to match the usual scheme of things. She didn't pay the siblings much mind as they ascended the bus. In fact, she seemed too old from Winter's perspective and even seemed to be hunched over in the driver's chair. Hailey pushed him along to stop him from staring.

The boy needed to find a chair where he could be away from his sister. He didn't want to be made fun of so decided beforehand that girls would be the better option. Near the back of the transport, a spot was open between two girls, one feline, and one canine. They stared at him as he approached them.

"Can I sit here?" The lupine asked as the Papillon girl got up for a moment to allow him to scoot in between them.

Once both of the siblings were sitting down, the vehicle began its venture towards camp. It was only a few more stops before they arrived at their destination.

"Hi my name is Winter, What's yours?" The boy took the initiative in introducing himself.

"My names Eva." responded the brown and white Papillon girl whose tail wagged casually into the chair behind Winter.

"My name is Catriona, but you can call me Cat." The feline girl to the right of Winter responded with a coat of pitch gray fur.

To Winter it seemed like the cat was a Fold, very typical in the highlands where the Wolfy family resides. The boy found it strange that neither girl had much of their fur shaved, especially for this time of year. He assumed they must have been very hot. Even more bothersome was the fact that both of them were larger than he was. Though he was used to being the smaller one, it certainly didn't help his confidence when he was surrounded by larger furs.

"That's a really cute towel you have. Do you think I could see it?" Eva asked as she took it from his waste without a second thought.

With that action, Winter felt incredibly naked and bare and quickly a bright red fuse came to his face.

"Hey! Give that back," Winter said as the girl quickly whisked it away.

"Look at cute his little speedo is!" Catriona decided to key in once she got a clear look at its caricature.

Eventually, the puppy girl saw it fit to dispose of the towel under the chair, hoping the boy didn't see it.

"Yeah! Look at his little thingy!" Eva spun around and soon caught a glimpse of just what her friend was talking about.

Winter tried to get up but was quickly scolded by the driver. It seemed he had no place to go.

The feline soon took it upon herself to rub the boy's upper leg, almost brushing against Winter's leg hem. Gradually the puppy soon joined in, Winter tried to back away, forgetting all about the fact that he was all but caged in by the seat and the girls on both sides of him.

Once Catriona began rubbing at the boy's fur, Eva joined in tandem. Winter's embarrassment and modesty were getting the better of him. His heartbeat was racing a kilometer a minute and his face was blood red by this point. It didn't take long before his humanoid member began to take a life of its own. The boy couldn't take it anymore, he needed to do something. In a quick gut reaction, he raised his hands in order to swat the wandering girl's touch. But once he did that, they quickly retaliated by each taking one of his paws and sitting on it.

Now the Wolf could do nothing but watch and squirm. Now that his defense was broken the girls continued the assault. Catriona continued to lead the way, using her forefinger to lightly rub against the lining of the boy's shaft. It expanded and grew continuing to fill the already tight piece of fabric on his waist. The cub began to worry that it might poke out if they didn't cease their actions.

"Stop it, please!?' Winter whined between a half-muttered grunt.

"Awh, does the wittle boy want us to stop?" Eva piped in with her own hands being used to keep him from moving too much in the chair.

Of course, the girls would have no such thing. He was stuck and they were both older and bigger than he was. It seemed that he could do nothing.

"Let me have a chance, Cat. Don't spoil all the fun." Eva added, tired of simply being a restraining device for her friends actions.

While Catriona was having fun, she wasn't about to hog it all herself. So she lifted her aggressive touch which finally gave the puppy a little room to breathe. She and Eva switched places with the cat now acting as the holder and the dog as the perpetrator of deeds. The dog's hands were much more deft and once Eva touched him on his genitals, his member quickly exacerbated as it's tip came dangerously close to showing itself from the hem of his speedo. Instead of using just one finger, she used two assaulting each side of the throbbing shaft.

It didn't take long before his little member finally revealed itself and once it did, Eva took her ministrations to the next level. The Papillon began to peel back the boys tight speedo, revealing more and more of the wolf's flesh to the cool air. This resulted in even more squirming from the boy who was by this point hot and flustered from all the attention he was receiving. A few moments later and the nylon was pinned down underneath the cat's hands. Though it certainly didn't need to be controlled since the fabric easily was form fitting, especially as small as it was on him.

Now that the Wolf was all but naked, the chilled air on his boyhood made him shiver a bit. But the absence of warmth wasn't allowed for long. Soon the girls switched again and the cat was having her way a second time, her right paw wasting no time in wrapping around his cock. As soon as she did, Winter couldn't help but let out a deep sigh of pleasure. His lust was rising and with it his limit was quickly being reached. He needed to do something and quickly or else he thought he might explode!

Without a second of thought, Winter squeaked and screamed. Even with all the other noise in the bus, it was loud enough to be heard throughout the bus. So much that it forced the crone of an old woman to pull over to investigate just what was going on. Once the vehicle was stopped, the Croc picked herself up and lurched over to where Winter and the two girls were sitting. Fortunately, by this point, the girls had stopped and the Wolf was left wanting, still erect from all the attention.

"Just what is going on here?" The old woman peered down from above and could visibly see the nudity of the boy between the girls.

"They...they!"." But Winter's explanation was cut off by Eva.

"He was trying to get us to touch his disgusting little thing!" The dog pointed at the pointed member.

"Well...I never! Get your towel, boy. Your coming with me." The woman commanded him.

"But...but!" Winter tried to cut the senior off but she wouldn't have it.

Instead, the woman didn't wait. She took it upon herself to pull him by the ears, forgetting all about his nudity. Of course, the two girls on either side finally let go of his hands, which were red from the pressure at this point. After being pulled up, Winter's form was as bare as the day he was born. There were a few gaps but the overbearing noise that would be heard that day was an outburst of laughter. The kids began making fun of him.

"Get your towel. NOW!" The woman's voice boomed as even Catriona was afraid and quickly handed her the towel.

The Crocodile took it upon herself to cover him. She continued pulling him up the way of the bus and shoved him into the chair behind her own.

"Now there will be no more shenanigans from you or else. Got it?" The crone's voice really boomed for someone her age.

"Yes, Mam..." Winter's voice was defeated but frankly, he was glad to be away from the lusty girls.

The rest of the trip to the swim camp was fairly uneventful. The Wolf re-clothed himself and tried to forget the episode in the bus. Complaining about it certainly wouldn't help especially since his ravisher's had upended him not once but twice on that particular trip. The remaining 15 or so minutes of the travel seemed like it had lasted forever but he was let out of the bus without issue. Some kids pointed and giggled at him but the wayward watch of the Crocodile seemed to prevent any real bullying from occurring.

The entrance to the camp was nothing special. It was a fairly open park with a large wooden entryway indicating the name of the place. It was in the middle of the woods so it seemed fairly isolated from the main part of the city. Perhaps the best part of it was that a large amount of foliage prevented some sunlight from piercing through, so it was cooler than it could have been otherwise. Still, the humidity of the place was overbearing and many kids were already complaining once they were off the air-conditioned bus.

Several adults approached, three to be exact. Two of them were in some sort of uniform and the other appeared to be the coach themselves. The swim coach was the most outstanding of the three. A strong woman whose otter features made her stand out from the otherwise land loving plethora of critters around her. Strangely there weren't many humans who decided to partake in this particular summer camp.

Some of the kids had signed up for the sleep away portion of the camp but Hailey and Winter were not in that group. The groups were separated by the adults. The two adults in camp uniforms took the kids who signed up for sleepaway camp to assign their bunks while the rest of the cubs were shown to the pool. Winter looked around, it seemed there were quite a few options for where they were to go. There was, of course, a lap pool, which it appeared was where they were going. However further back there seemed to be a lake.

The strong otter woman was wearing a bright red one-piece suit and nothing else except a whistle. She was quite muscular and made the other adults on site look quite feeble in comparison. After a short while, they arrived at the pool itself. It was nothing too special. It had 5 lanes with a 6th larger portion being distributed for horsing around. One lifeguard tower overlooked the entire thing, though currently it was not occupied. The woman filed them around the place where a bunch was and instructed them to leave their things there.

"First off my name is Isla but you all will call me Coach is that clear?" The Otter began her introduction."

For the next few moments, she went over some rules and regulation. It was everything one would expect from a pool. She then explained how the pool was set up.

"The lanes to the left will serve as training for you kiddos. One at a time I'm going to show you different strokes. Over time you guys will compete with each other. The person with the best times at the end of the camp near summers end will get a prize." The otter's cool and collected voice was soothing compared to that of the crone on the bus.

The mere mention of a prize brought about some chatter from her audience. Many whispered and questioned as to what it meant.

"Enough. Now get into the pool and show me what you have. I will call you each by your name, wait until then." The commanding woman settled down her charges.

Isla collected a small clipboard and began calling names 5 at a time. The Otter modeled for each and every one of them what it was they were expected to do but didn't spend too much time on any one group.

It took some time before they got to Winter and Hailey. After all their last name was pretty close to the end of the Alphabet. But truthfully the wolf boy needed some time to wind down. By the time they got to them, Winter had sufficiently settled down.

"Vanegas, Walter, Wolfy, and Zedre." The Otter sighed as she finally got gotten through the list.

The 5 cubs made their way to the side of the pool and dipped in together. Once Winter got in, he noticed it was pretty cool compared to the outside temperature.

It took a while to get used to it but the change in temperature was a welcome addition. The Coach soon dived into the far side of the pool and showed each of them the freestyle stroke, the easiest one of all the swimming styles. Once she had completed yet another lap each of the cubs did the same. However, the one who had the most trouble was, of course, the boy.

Winter managed to struggle but as the Otter watched him, he could barely finish the first lap before the woman sighed and went over to where he was. The boy coughed and choked trying to clear whatever water he had ingested. After arriving where he was the woman again showed in the manner of the stroke. The Wolf decided to try again and although the second attempt was better than the first, it was still unsatisfactory for the Coach.

By this point, the rest of the kids had gotten restless and had resigned into the play portion of the pool. So Isla took it upon herself to show the kid a more guided approach to a different stroke. Perhaps he would do better with the backstroke, she thought to herself.

"Lay on your back was going to try a different method." The woman instructed the boy.

The cub did as he was told and simply floated there waiting for further instruction. Instead, the otter took him by the backside in order to hold him up and keep him from drowning.

"Now stroke backward one at hand at a time." Isla again commanded the boy.

Slowly the boy took each of his hands and cupped them behind him. The woman moved along beneath him, tall enough to reach the bottom of the pool. Towards the middle of the pool, she got an idea. The otter guided him with her stronger hand underneath him as he wasn't very heavy anyways, especially in water. She then used her spare hand to guide on top of him, starting by tickling his stomach. Winter began to squirm and wiggle unsure of her purpose, however his form struggled underneath her touch.

"Oh come on, You can do better than that." The otter tried to encourage him.

Eventually, the woman's grasp found her way down to the boy's groin. She figured maybe if she enticed him there, perhaps he would do better. She began quickly coaxing him using the water as a lubricant to quickly make a fluid and quick rubbing action along his shaft.

"Hey...hey...what're you doing...?" Winter couldn't talk much as he was trying to maintain his concentration.

"Keep going your almost there..." The woman was determined for him to improve.

Of course, bodily mechanics didn't work that way however her efforts remained unfettered.

Positioning her forefinger and the one next to it she continued to assault him. Despite her intent, his form only continued to suffer. So onward she continued as she used her palm in order to further her actions. Of course, by this point, Winter's face was blood red and he was far from able to focus on his form, instead intent on remaining afloat at all. He looked backward, hoping he might have been close to the edge. It was so close yet so far! Her touch remained imminent, inching inside his speedo as their skin touch causing him to fidget.

Surprisingly he did get faster and was able to finish the rest of his lap in even fewer time than his freestyle stroke. Once he finished she did finally let up, allowing him to stand on his own. She smirked at him.

"Nice job, but next time you're doing it on your own kiddo." Isla looked at him from above.

"Uh...okay." Winter was a bit confused covering his erection in the water.

Eventually, the kids were allowed some playtime. Overall Winter did enjoy his day even if the practices of the staff may have been questionable. The rest of the day went by fairly normally. Hailey and Winter returned home on the same bus that had gotten them there. When asked about their day, both responded positively. It seemed that they were happy with the decision to go camping. Perhaps everything was going to be alright in the end. Only time would tell...

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