Birds of a Feather: 03 - Liberate

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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#3 of Birds of a Feather

Alright, here you go. The final chapter of this series, although you will probably be seeing these characters show up in other stories of mine all the time. Enjoy!

Chapter 3: Liberate

"Where the hell is he?" I yelled out for the fifth time in just as many minutes. I nervously pulled out my phone to take a look at the time.

"I don't know man," Jason said as he lazily fell backwards into his chair. "I can see this happening with a free agent, but Brian of all people? The only thing weirder would be if Jake decided to show up late one day."

"I know," I said as I took a look around at the rest of my bored crew. Amber, the most beautiful hawk in the entire world, just happened to be sitting right beside me. Our eyes met for a brief period as I scanned the room, but I quickly averted my gaze before she could see my cheeks begin to turn red.

"This seems strangely familiar, although backwards" she said for at least the second or third time during the past half an hour. "I'm here on time, but my partner is late."

"It's getting close to replacement time," Jason said with an audible sigh. "You should start thinking about who you can get to fill in."

"I have been," I replied while starting to get a bit nervous. "That's the problem. No one's free. Jake and his family are at the beach today. Kurt is visiting his parents in Colorado. Eddie and his girlfriend are out fishing or boating or something. Brian's... not here. And I don't really trust a free agent to come in and know the lines perfectly without any practice."

"Well," Jason replied, "you've got to get SOMEONE, or else this day's going to be wasted."

There was a long pause as everyone continued to stare at me and wait for an answer. I thought about it for a long time, but in the end I finally muscled up the courage to say, "I guess I'll have to do it."

The entire crew just continued to stare at me for another long moment as an eerie silence fell over the room. Then, as they one by one began to figure out my plan, a smirk crossed their faces before they slowly went back to minding their own business.

"It's not like I haven't done this kind of stuff before," I said in order to bolster some support for myself, "and I know every line in the script because, well, I wrote it."

My attention then quickly turned back to Amber, and I noticed that she had a very strange expression on her face. It was one that I couldn't quite attach an emotion to, and I wasn't exactly sure how to proceed.

"Um..." I said in a somewhat weak voice as I felt a huge knot begin to form in my throat, "if it's alright with you, that is." I had a good reason to feel nervous too. Everything from the shoot to our relationship was riding on Amber's response. If she said no, then... I would have to come clean and call in Brian to do the scene. Who knows what she'd think of me then. She'd probably want nothing more to do with me ever again, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle that. Around this point in time, I realized just how stupid a plan I had constructed while I was drunk, horny, and lying dazed on my couch. And, going by the alien look on her face, I honestly didn't know what to expect out of her either.

Those were a few of the tensest moments in my life as Amber sat there and contemplated my question. I literally felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest as a huge wave of nervousness overtook me. But, eventually, Amber's expression softened and she calmly said, "Sure, it sounds fine to me."

It took every muscle in my body to stop myself from jumping up and down in jubilation when I heard those words. Instead, I somehow managed to calmly say, "Great! Linda will give me a quick check-up to see that I look decent, and then we'll begin the shoot. If Brian manages to show up in the next few minutes then let me know. Otherwise, start getting ready to film the scene." After giving my little speech to the crew, I began walking to Linda's room with an excited spring in my step.

I actually made it into the room before Linda did (she was chilling out with the rest of the crew while waiting for Brian), so after flipping on the lights I quickly began to get undressed. I heard the door open just as I was removing the last of my clothing, and I watched Linda slowly step around me to get to her stash of chemicals and brushes.

"So," she replied with a hint of mischief in her voice, "how long have you had this planned?"

"Wha... what do you mean?" I managed to get out in a startled voice as her eyes began to drill deeply into mine..

"You never told Brian about the shoot, did you?" she said as she looked up at me with a confident grin. "I'll even wager that you have no idea what the other guys are doing today either."

I took a moment to think about what to say before I finally came out with, "Was it that obvious?"

Linda just nodded her head a few times as she broke eye contact and began to dig around in her bag for a special feather comb.

"Does Amber...?" I said before letting my sentence trail off.

"I couldn't tell," Linda said in a kind of flat tone, "but she'd be a fool if she didn't suspect something was up."

At this point, I began to feel like I had made a huge mistake again. "How... how do you think she'll take it?" I replied very nervously.

"I'm not sure," Linda said as she found the comb she was searching for, "but it could go both ways I guess."

"What do you mean?" I said after I had a moment to think it over for myself.

"Well," Linda said as she slowly made her way over and began to preen my feathers, "on the one hand, she could feel somewhat hurt and abused since you took advantage of her just so you could have sex with her."

Those words made me feel even worse than I had felt just moments ago as they found their way to my brain.

"Or," Linda replied, "she could be impressed that you went through all this trouble just so you could be close with her. She might even find it kind of sweet on your part."

That hope quickly began to calm my nervous mood a bit. As a follow up question, I decided to ask, "How would you feel about it if it happened to you?"

Linda stopped preening for a minute as she looked up at me. "Well," she began in a sort of lustful tone, "if I was in her place, I wouldn't mind shooting a scene with you no matter what you told me."

I let out a small sigh as I realized I walked straight into that one. But, it did help me feel a bit better about the whole situation, even if it was a perpetually horny goose's opinion.

Linda eventually went back to picking out any loose feathers and pushing others into place, but before long she said, "I see you've already taken care of all this stuff before you got here. I should've figured as much now that I see what you were up to. Anyway, you're free to go."

I quickly put my clothes back on and made my way back out to the set. I was as eager as ever to get this scene started. I had been waiting weeks for this moment, and now it was actually here. Amber and I... together... just like I really wanted it to be. And, to make it even better, we were going to be filming the last scene of the movie first: the fall in love scene. It wasn't exactly an accident that I decided to film this scene first...

Out of all the scenes I had dreamt up for this movie, this was supposed to be the most heartfelt one. We were both supposed to fall deeply in love during the middle of it. So, after the scene was over, it would be easy to explain to Amber that I hadn't been acting the entire time; I really meant everything I said. At least, I hoped it would be easy...

As I walked up to the set, I yelled out, "I take it Brian hasn't shown up yet?" A dull silence gave me the answer that I wanted to hear. "Alright then," I said with a bit of nervousness in my voice, "places everyone. Let's actually start filming something."

As I made my way past Amber on the way to my entrance point into the scene, I tried to give her a solid and reassuring smile. But, when she looked up at me with those big, dark, and almost intimidating eyes, I couldn't help but blush a little bit as my solid smile faded into a dopey, love-struck one. In a few moments she'll know how I truly feel, I said to myself as I walked to my entrance point, and then maybe I'll stop turning into such an idiot around her.

Once I was behind the door however, my attention quickly focused on preparing for the scene. It had been a little while since I'd done one myself, so I could only assume that I was a little bit rusty. Last night I had tried to go over everything I would need to know, and I've been preparing myself for the physical strain all week, but everything seemed different a moment before the scene started. I suddenly began to get real nervous. What if I wasn't any good with Amber? What if I didn't last long enough to finish the scene? What if I flubbed my lines, or I forgot what was supposed to come next? I had done stuff like this exclusively for almost five years of my life, but I never had to do it with someone I truly loved. It made it so much harder to focus when I realized that my most intense fantasy over the past few weeks was about to come true. I was about to have sex with Amber, the most beautiful hawk in the world, and I was becoming a nervous wreck.

"You ready back there?" one of the camera guys called out.

It knocked me out of my nervous state enough to shakily reply, "Um... yeah. Start the scene if everyone's ready." As I heard the sound tech do the countdown, I forced myself to take a few deep breaths. Eventually, I found myself calming down somewhat, but that was only until I heard someone yell the words, "Alright, you can go ahead and knock Kyle." I took one last big breath and swallowed hard before I curled my wingtips up and knocked on the door a few times.

Within a few seconds, I heard the door handle being turned. I tried to straighten myself up and look professional as the door opened, but once I caught site of the person behind it I basically lost all of my composure. Standing there in the doorway was the sexiest hawk I'd ever seen, wearing only the sexiest dark red lingerie I'd ever seen, and standing in the most seductive pose I'd ever seen. Any man in the vicinity would've had to have the self-control of a monk not to get a raging erection at the site of that beauty... and I was no monk. When I first saw her come out of the dressing room looking like that, I nearly had a heart attack as all my blood rushed to my groin. I managed to calm down a little during the waiting period, but whenever I managed to sneak a peak or two at Amber I quickly returned to my original state. Now, the same hawk was staring directly at me, and I was staring directly at her. I couldn't help but be completely awe-struck by her.

I mean, I was supposed to look awe-struck by Amber when she opened the door, it was in the script, but there was no reason for me to have to act the part. In fact, I had to act to make myself look less awe-struck than I really was just to make my expression look natural. I don't even think that I did a very good job at that! And it only got worse when Amber began to speak.

"Hey Alex," Amber said in a voice which very nearly made me cream my pants right there and then.

"H...h...hey Amy..." I managed to stutter out while not even trying to stutter. It's just how my voice decided to naturally come out. "You... you look beautiful." Ha, I thought to myself, beautiful is the understatement of the century. There is no word to define that level of beauty.

She just gave me a sexy looking smile as she seductively said, "Thanks, I thought you'd like it." Then, as her smile turned into a devilish grin, she added, "Why don't you come on inside and I'll give you a closer look."

Just as she finished her line, she made a slow and sexy turn right there in the door way. After making sure that I got a very good look at her tail feathers and her rear end in general, she slowly began to walk back into the room while seductively swaying her hips back and forth as she walked. The display was enough to make me forget what I was supposed to do next, but luckily for me Amber had my back. "Don't keep me waiting, hun," Amber called out from the next 'room', "it's awful lonely in here all by myself."

That was enough to get me back on track as I slowly walked into the room and closed the door behind me. "Over here," Amber called out through the only other doorway in this scene. I slowly made my way over to the bedroom doorway, and as I peeked in I noticed Amber standing seductively at the very end of the bed. She lifted up one of her wings, underside up, and slowly curled one of her wingtips inward in a very inviting sort of manor. Almost as if she had total control over me (to be honest, she really did), I slowly found myself gliding on over to her.

Once I was no more than two feet away from her, she stopped me by holding out her wing with the beautiful underside of all her wingtips glaring right at me. Then, she slowly twisted her wrist and broke her wing's pose as her wingtips began to slowly and gently dance over my face and chest. "You ready for a good time?" she said as she slowly began to rotate around me. I carefully nodded my head as I just stood there and enjoyed her treatment (and I do mean enjoyed. Her soft and delicate wingtips tracing over my head and chest so sensually felt absolutely amazing). Eventually, she somehow ended up circling around me until I was between her and the bed.

"Well then," she said as she firmly placed her wing against my chest, "buckle up." With a soft push, she sent me stumbling backwards. When the back of my knees hit the edge of the bed, they buckled and my butt came crashing down onto the mattress with a slight squeak.

Amber was quick to follow me on down as well. Before I knew it she was on her knees in front of me, and both of her wings were slowly and gently making their way up my legs. Once they reached the beginning of my shorts, she applied a little bit of pressure to my inner thighs which caused my legs to slowly spread themselves out. As her wings continued to slowly advance further up my thighs, I quickly began to grow painfully hard. Now, I had been hard almost the entire scene, but at this point, with my crotch so close to getting physically stimulated, I wanted it so bad that it actually hurt.

Amber was not oblivious to the fact that I had a raging erection. In fact, I doubt anyone in the room could've missed the gigantic tent in my pants. She managed to give it a light squeeze as her wings slowly made their way up to their target (which almost made me jump off the end of the bed in surprise), but she remained focused on her main objective: to get my pants off.

As her wingtips finally reached he button securing my pants, she gave me a naughty grin before popping it through the other side in one quick motion. She then seductively grabbed a hold of both loose flaps on my khaki shorts, and slowly began to rip open the zipper.

I let out a small groan as a little bit of the pressure on my throbbing cock was released. It was still being held roughly in place by my underwear, but that didn't stop it from quickly popping up to a decent height once my zipper fell to Amber's advances. She let off a small but sweet chuckle at the sight before giving my almost free member a few gentle squeezes with her wingtips. I let out a small moan at each squeeze, but I was disappointed to learn that Amber was only teasing me for the time being. After another sweet chuckle escaped her beak, she slowly brought both of her wings back down to the end of my shorts and gave them a few small tugs.

This was my cue to lift myself up a little so Amber could slide off my pants. Even though my arms felt pretty weak at this point, I still somehow managed to lift myself up enough for her to eventually slide them off fairly quickly. Once they were gone (ending up on the other side of the room), Amber slowly focused back in on my rather large bulge. She shot me up another naughty grin as she gave my bulge a few more gentle squeezes for good measure, but just as I thought I was going to pass out from all the torture I was going through, Amber finally hooked her wingtips around the waistband of my underwear. In a tantalizingly slow motion, she started to wiggle the waistband down and around my ass and tail feathers while I struggled to get myself high enough off the bed to let her do so. Just about the time my tail feathers finally popped free of my underwear, my cock finally broke free from its tormenting prison as well. Amber let out a little gasp of surprise as my manhood finally bobbed free in front of her beak. However, her surprised look quickly turned into a devilish grin as she finally realized what she was going to be dealing with for the rest of the scene.

It wasn't the biggest cock on the planet, but... let's just say that my good looks didn't get me into porn by themselves. My tapered cock stood out at an impressive eight inches in length while it was nearly two and a half inches thick near the base. Amber could do nothing but stare in awe at it for a few moments before she finally regained her own composure. Moving quickly, she pulled my underwear the rest of the way down and off my legs before focusing her attention back on the throbbing pillar of meat in front of her.

After inspecting it closely for a few more moments, she slowly and carefully wrapped her wingtips around the base of my shaft, which set a jolt of electricity shooting across my entire body. Her wingtips were so soft and gentle, yet her grip was firm and tight. It felt perfect! I let out a long and slow moan as she gave me a few gentle squeezes once again, but this time without any sensation-dulling fabric in the way. But, that was nothing compared to when she slowly began to slide her clenched wingtips against my shaft.

My own wingtips curled up around the edge of the bed as her own wingtips glided up and down near the base of my shaft. After seeing how much I enjoyed something as simple as that, she made me release a long string of moans as she began to explore the entire length of my shaft with her wing. And, once she had found my most sensitive areas, my breathing began to get quick and heavy as she began to tickle them with only the tippy-tips of her wingtips. It had been such a long time since I was with another avian, and I had forgotten how nice and special a wingjob could actually feel if I wasn't doing it myself. Heck, it had been such a long time since I'd been with ANYONE really. Running the studio kept me so busy that I had almost no time for myself anymore, never mind someone else in my life. But now, all that pent up sexual desire inside of me was finally being released by the most beautiful person in the world. I couldn't even imagine that anything else could feel better than what I was feeling at that moment! That is, until Amber decided to move on to the next part of the scene.

I would've been more than happy just receiving a wingjob from Amber. If I would've came right there and then, as I wanted to oh so badly, then I would've considered myself lucky for being able to feel that level of pleasure, even if it only lasted a short time. But, Amber had other ideas. Just as she seemed to really be getting use to working my cock with her wing, she gave me another mischievous grin. She gave the edge of her beak a few passes with her tongue to get everything moist, and then, all of a sudden, she grabbed the base of my cock, took aim, and forced around half of it down into her beak.

As the tip of my cock was enveloped into that warm and moist tunnel, I couldn't help but let out a long moan as my entire body tensed up. It had been so long... too long since I'd felt anything like this. And, to top it all off, the most gorgeous and most orally talented hawk in the world was the one who was doing it to me. I'd seen how Jake had acted when he'd been in my place, but I simply wasn't prepared for the feeling to be that intense myself. Like any rational male, I had been a bit nervous about having my most sensitive organ so close to a sharp and pointed appendage like that. But, the moment I actually felt her mouth wrap itself around my throbbing meat, all of my worries flew out the door. It felt amazing. Absolutely amazing.

But what was really amazing about the whole thing was when Amber started to use her tongue. The moment I felt that thin but somewhat long muscle begin to wrap its way around my cock, I knew that I was in for the ride of my life. And, as Amber slowly began to bob her head up and down the length of my shaft, I could do nothing but let out a few squeals of delight as my whole body twitched uncontrollably in pleasure with nearly every pass she made.

Since Amber's beak made it hard for her to lock her non-existent lips around the end of my shaft, she needed something to replace that tightness at the beginning of her mouth. And boy, did her tongue ever make up for that! With it wrapped around the lower portion of my cock, and her mouth and throat wrapped fully around my tip, I really couldn't tell that I was getting a blowjob from an avian. Actually, I kind of could. It was far better than any blowjob I had ever gotten before! And, it only got better when Amber adjusted her positioning slightly and slid the entire length of my cock into her mouth and down her throat. She had a little bit of trouble opening wide enough to get the base of my cock inside without scraping it against her beak, but after a few cautious attempts I could feel her tongue finally brushing up against my downy pubic feathers.

My talons curled up tightly, almost tearing up the carpeting on the set. My wingtips strained as they gripped around the edge of the bed tighter than they'd ever gripped anything before. My beak was clenched together so tight that my moans and groans of pleasure were nothing but muffled cries. And, to top it all off, all of the muscles in my midsection and groin tensed up in order to try and get as much of my cock as possible into Amber's mouth and down her throat. I didn't care that her beak was already pressed up firmly against my pelvic feathers at that point. The feeling of my throbbing cock being gripped tightly by its warm and moist confines was so intense that I couldn't help but try and press myself farther inside her no matter what I had to do. I even let go of the bed with one of my wings just so I could place it on the back of her head and push her down further as much as possible.

Most people would've panicked if placed into Amber's current situation, regardless if they were seasoned porn actors or not. I mean, having something that massive being jammed down your throat by a lust-filled male with only his own pleasure in mind is a pretty scary proposition. But, Amber simply remained calm despite her beak being stretched incredibly wide by my member. In fact, she did more than just remain calm and allow me to enjoy the feeling. As I sat there, trying to press myself ever deeper into her windpipe, I felt her throat muscles contract and try to do just that: pull me down into her stomach.

Wave after wave of muscle contractions sent wave after wave of pleasure surging through my cock and into the rest of my body. I couldn't help but let out a series of excruciatingly thrilling cries as her throat milked my cock better than anyone ever had before. But not only did it feel amazing, it also looked really good for the cameras. As Amber's distended throat produced contraction after contraction, all of which were plainly seen through the thin cover of her neck feathers, it gave the viewer a glimpse at just how much pleasure Amber was really able to give. And, with the addition of her marvelous tongue work at the base of my shaft, which was also clearly visible to the cameras, it would've made any male viewer extremely envious of my position.

But, I knew this moment couldn't last forever. Amber was a hawk, not a seal or a whale. I knew that she couldn't hold her breath forever. But, she had a very nice way of letting me know. Instead of quickly pulling away and gasping for air like some less experienced actors do, she simply started to rock back and forth as she reached her limit. It wasn't much by itself, but once she stopped swallowing at the same time she stopping working her skilled tongue across my base, I eventually got the message. I released my wing's grip on her head, and, in a fairly slow motion, she slowly slid my cock completely out of her throat and mouth.

It nearly felt as good coming out as it had going in, and I let out a loud moan as my cock finally popped out of her beak. Amber couldn't help but take in a huge gasp of air after that ordeal, and her following breaths continued to be short but deep as my large glistening cock stood fully at attention right in front of her beak. Not wanting to stop the action, she quickly wrapped a wing full of wingtips around the mountain of meat in front of her, and slowly began to work them up and down as she caught her breath. But, it didn't take her long at all before she aimed my spit-covered cock back towards her beak. She quickly slid it back in about half way while keeping her wingtips busy caressing the base of my shaft, and then the real fun started.

She really kept me on my toes (metaphorically) as she began to work her way up and down my shaft with her amazing mouth and tongue. There were times when she deepthroated me fully once again, albeit a bit more briefly than the first time, and there were times when only her tongue was busy running over the very tip of my member. Of course, there was a lot of time spent in between as well, with her throat, mouth, tongue and even wing all working together to drain every ounce of pleasure away from the lewd act she was performing.

She made it look so effortless... so easy... so incredibly sexy. Her throat slid over my member as if it was nothing. The fluidity of her motions, along with her continuously varying repertoire of tricks and moves, and her perpetual naughty grin made her look like she was enjoying giving the treatment almost as much as I was enjoying receiving it. The act radiated out of her with a divine passion, as if she was a goddess... a cock sucking goddess. Out of all the available and better suited creatures out there, the goddess of cock sucking just happened to be a hawk! Who would've thought?!?

As she continued to work over every single inch of my cock, I could feel it beginning to take its toll on my body. My breathing quickly began to get short and sharp as I felt the perspiration beginning to bead off of my feathers. But, the worst part was that I could already begin to feel my orgasm quickly approaching. I'd been successful in holding it off since Amber had walked onto the set dressed in only her sexy lingerie, but now I was struggling to control it. I mean, I was no newbie to this whole porn thing, but Amber's mouth was so overpowering that I feared I would lose all of my self control. Luckily, just before I really began to struggle, I felt Amber pop herself off of my throbbing erection one last time and slowly pull herself away - leaving only a few messy strands of spit to link us together for the time being.

She gently smiled at me as she reached up and wiped away the drool that was clinging to her beak with the main part of her wing. As her smile slowly turned into another grin, she seductively said, "Did you enjoy that?"

"Hell yeah!" I said out of sincere impulse - completely forgetting what the actual lines in the script were, "you're amazing!"

"Thanks hun," she said as a pleasant smile broke across her beak once again. "Now, you ready to feel something even better?"

My brain was too busy simply trying to comprehend how anything could possibly be better than her blowjob to make any real display of confirmation. Luckily for me, she interpreted my dazed silence as a resounding 'YES!' As she slowly started to stand up, wearing a naughty looking grin on her beak the entire time, she gently placed one of her wings against my chest and, once again, pushed me backwards. This time I simply landed back on my elbows before looking up submissively at the large and incredibly sexy hawk looming over me. "Would you mind scooting into the middle of the bed for me hun?" she said in a gentle, yet dominant voice. "It'll make things a bit easier."

I wasted no time in sliding my feathered body backwards across the bedsheets, using push after push from my elbows to get the job done. Once my talons were comfortably residing on the end of the bed, I head Amber quickly say, "That's perfect, hun," before my gaze quickly turned back to her. She was still wearing the same naughty grin that she put on when she started to stand up, but now her wings were slowly beginning to dance all over her own body as she seductively began to gyrate her hips and stomach. I didn't remember putting a strip tease in the script anywhere, but, then again, I wasn't one to complain...

During her alluring music-less dance, she slowly managed to turn herself around and bend over slightly, making sure to give me an amazing view of her beautiful tail feathers and her deep red panties as they ran up and between her heavenly ass cheeks. My glistening cock had been standing strong at attention ever since I stopped moving, but, thanks to the show Amber was putting on, its break time was officially over. When I first laid eyes upon Amber's backside, I could being to feel fresh and powerful pulses of blood begin to flow into my engorged member once again, causing it to bob up and down in time with the pulse of my rapidly beating heart. And, as Amber hooked her wings around the straps holding her panties up, my cock felt like it was about to burst from all of the pressure inside of it.

Amber let out an incredibly cute series of giggles as she began to slither her way out of her panties - agonizingly slowly I might add. As the straps gently lost their tension around Amber's hips, the panties still struggled to maintain a hold on Amber's privates due to all the moisture in that area. She really had been enjoying the blowjob, and that's not something I could say for most of the actors I've worked with. But, after giving her panties one last small tug, they finally broke free of their moistened resistance and quickly fell down to the ground. The cameras and I all got a really good look at the damp section of feathers between Amber's legs before she slowly stood back up and turned around to face me; panties being kicked off of her talons in the process.

"You ready for me big boy?" Amber said in the sexiest tone imaginable as she stared directly at the throbbing piece of meat jutting out from my groin, "cause I'm ready for you."

I don't remember if I nodded or not in response, but I do remember taking a deep breath and an excited gulp as Amber's panty-less body assaulted me with its unbelievable level of pure sexiness.

Without another word, Amber placed both of her wings on either side of my talons and slowly began to glide over my body as she advanced towards her target: the huge glistening pole in front of her. Her form slowly began to cover my body as she advanced with the unrivaled grace of a lioness stalking its prey. So smooth and fluid were her actions that I couldn't help but think of her as a slowly creeping layer of dense fog as it rolled in over my body. Her gaze never shifted from her target: like a cold blooded killer getting ready to pounce on their next victim. The only difference was that when she did pounce on her target, it was going to be the best moment of my life.

Her beak was the first part of her body to eventually reach it, but she wasn't interesting in revisiting the previous scene. Instead, her beak continued to maintain the same distance from my erection as she let the rest of her body slowly catch up to her head's position; which was continuously raising itself higher and higher as more and more of her body reached the same spot. She eventually ended up straddling my thighs right in front of my bulging cock: the length of her talons were placed flat on the bed as the angle of her thighs compensated for the thickness of my own which she was busy straddling.

There she was: her downy crotch and belly feathers just inches away from my throbbing member. The image of her astonishingly sexy figure, bathed in a halo of light from behind, straddling my thighs while slowly bringing her wings down around my throbbing member will forever be ingrained into my memory as the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. And, it only got better when her wingtips wrapped themselves tightly around my shaft once again.

But, for the first time in the scene, she didn't just have my pleasure in mind (I guess that's debatable after seeing how wet she was after her blowjob...). She grabbed on to my slick and pulsating cock, sure, but instead of sliding her wings up and down once again, she began to slide her angelically soft crotch feathers up and down the length of my shaft. A flurry of moans escaped both of our mouths as her soft feathers, and very damp feathers, began to slide along a decent portion of my cock. It took her a little adjusting to get the angles right, but when she finally got the right positioning everyone in the room knew it. She actually jerked slightly before letting out a very long moan as her incredibly sensitive clit began to rub itself up against my throbbing member.

From then on it was her show, and she did wonderfully. She quickly began thrusting her hips along my bent back cock as she emitted moan after moan; her free wing curling up at her side as wave after wave of her own pleasure assaulted her. And, it wasn't fake pleasure either. It was the real deal. I could just tell from her body language and the sound of her moans that they were absolutely authentic. When you're in this business as long as I've been, you can easily pick out the fakes. Her whole body tensed up as she made every pass, and her moans were no where near over the top like most actresses. She was really in the moment, and she struggled letting go of it when it came time for her to move on in the scene. With a few deep breaths, and a few last small rubs up against my shaft, she finally withdrew her clit from its external partner. But, our separation didn't last very long at all.

"You ready for this?" She said through her labored breathing as she lifted herself onto her talons once again, simply squatting over me now instead of straddling me.

All I could do was simply nod a few times.

"Good," she replied, deviating a bit from the script, "because I sure as hell am!"

With those words, she lifted her upper body up until it was just about at the height of my erect cock before grabbing a hold of said object firmly in one of her wings. She gave it a few quick strokes, which resulted in a pleasurable groan from me, and she even managed to rub my tapered tip against her clit a few times, which resulted in a pleasurable moan from both of us, before I felt her line up my tip with the soaking wet entrance to her body. Almost all the cameras converged in on that one spot as Amber gave me a grin, and then both of our beaks flew open in a soundless moan as Amber let gravity do the work from this point on.

It felt absolutely amazing as Amber began to sink down onto my pulsating member. I could feel her pussy begin to stretch, slowly beginning to allow my cock entrance into the inner depths of her body. And, as it did, it wrapped me up tightly in its velvety soft embrace as more and more of it was forced inside. I had never expected Amber to be so tight. Especially not after being in the porn business for as long as she'd been. But, once again, I had to thank the gods for sending me down such a wonderful creature. There was no other explanation for her incredibly beauty and amazing talents - some of which I was in the process of still learning about.

After Amber had slid down about the first third of my shaft, she let out a strange combination of a moan and a scream as her pussy finally had all it could handle for the time being. As her slow decent came to a stop, my beak finally became able to make noise once again as well. I let out a long, but broken up moan as I fully began to enjoy the feeling of the tip of my large cock being caressed so completely by the talented avian perched on top of me.

She remained stationary in her low squatting position for a moment as she adjusted to the size of the intruder, but eventually she gently began to raise herself up slowly before coming back down just as slowly across the first third of my member. Even though the rest of my cock was begging to be cradled just as lovingly as my tip was, I still could help but moan loudly as her pussy milked my tip for all that I was worth. It was so warm... so wet... so inviting. It made me feel like my cock was made for the sole purpose of residing in that warm tunnel. It was perfect. Simply perfect. The only thing that could've made the moment better was if she could stuff more of my cock in there, and Amber was already busy working on that.

With each downward pass she made, she managed to engulf a little bit more of my shaft. Millimeter by painstaking millimeter I was slowly being swallowed up, and I enjoyed absolutely every second of it. The tightness of her vaginal muscles around my cock seemed perpetual as she was continuously stretching them just a little bit at a time. And, what she had already filtered through her vaginal opening was receiving no lack of treatment either. As her outer muscles worked to accommodate my girth, her inner muscles were busy giving my cock a full on massage, tending to ever little crack and crevice along it with the utmost care. It felt so amazing that I couldn't help my moans of pleasure from turning into somewhat restrained shouts of pleasure before too long.

I could tell that Amber was enjoying it as well. Not only were the juices literally leaking out of her vagina a good indication, but her moans... her heartfelt moans... were letting themselves out in droves. The only thing that broke up her sweet vocal symphony was the slight cringes and sharp gasps when she went down a little too fast and a little too hard. But, she was about to inherit a lot more control over her actions as she decided to adjust her position slightly.

After getting about half of my cock inside her, she slowly began to sink down under gravity once again until her vagina was straining to take my massive girth. At this point, she raised herself up and almost completely off of my cock before sliding one of her talons backward and laying it flat on the bed once again. As soon as she steadied her balance by placing both of her wings firmly on my chest, she lowered the other one down as well. The end result: Her weight was now, once again, supported by her thighs. Only, at this point, she had a good four to five inches of hawk cock imbedded inside her belly as well, with more to come, waiting eagerly to be stuffed inside that dripping female entrance.

Once she was comfortable in her new position, she began to slowly sink down under gravity once again. The first little bit of my cock was easy to slide in since it had already tasted the sweet ecstasy of female hawk pussy, but with a quick moan/cry she eventually hit some formidable resistance. I let out a loud moan as well as the familiar tightness returned to my cock, and I took this opportunity to finally do something useful with my wings, which had just been laying down at my side, clenched into a pleasurable fist the entire time. I reached out and gently placed a wing along each of Amber's working thighs, beginning to softly message them as I felt the muscles clench and loosen under the dense mat of feathers. Amber put her own wings to work on me by sensually running her wingtips underneath my shirt, eventually managing to slide it off my body with a little help from me, and through my soft white chest feathers when she wasn't using her wings to balance herself. This gave the scene a touch of the romantic - a prelude to what was eventually going to happen in the scene. But, I wasn't even worried about that now. All I knew was that there was a sweaty, panting, and incredibly sexy hawk trying to shove the rest of my massive member deep into her warm depths.

As Amber began to work herself down around the base of my cock, her pained moans increased in frequency, and my moans of pleasure began to reach a fevered pitch as my entire cock was beginning to feel the warm embrace of her heavenly pussy. Despite my large size, she was determined to take me as deep into her body as physically possible, regardless of how wide she had to stretch her opening to do so. With a few pained grunts, and a few spasms throughout her body, she finally did it. We each let out a pair of long moans as we felt each other's short but slick downy crotch feathers finally make contact with one another, as we both began to feel the heat from our bodies finally transfer through someplace outside our reproductive organs. My long moan was broken up each time her vaginal muscles clenched around my cock, and hers was broken up whenever a new shot of slight pain shot through her body from each tiny motion she made. But, there was one thing we could both agree on. It was a relief that both of our bodies had finally made contact with each other.

Amber stayed as far down on my cock as possible for a moment or two as she caught her breath and allowed her abused pussy to adjust to its new dimensions. But, she was just as eager to continue on with the scene as I was, so she eventually leaned forward a little bit and lifted her tail feathers high up in the air to give the camera directly behind her a good shot of the penetration. After the camera got a few good shots of her stretched and still dripping pussy, she slowly began to slide herself back off of it; leaving the lower portion of my now damp cock with a slight chill as she pulled her amazingly warm tunnel away from it. But, once she reached as far up as her thighs could extend, she took a deep breath and began to sink back down, which got quite the pleasurable moan out of both of us. There was still a little bit of lingering pain in her voice when she finally reached the bottom of her journey, but after a few more passes the pain slowly began to wean away. What was left was a flurry of moans and groans from the two of us as we both began to truly enjoy the sensations, along with our labored breathing and the slight squeaking of the bed after each pass.

I'm not sure whether she did it to help foreshadow what was coming later, or if she just enjoyed going at that pace, but her motions was unusually slow and romantic for a pornography scene. Normally, both the female and the male would try to go as fast as possible for as long as possible. That's what the audience wanted to see, so that's what the actors and actresses strived to do. But, Amber was maintaining a much more... normal pace, and she seemed like she was truly enjoying herself. Whether it was acting or she really was enjoying the ride that much is hard to say. But, her "slow" and sensual body movements and her constantly moan-opened beak, along with the large variety of simple but pleasurable noises she was making, made it seem convincing either way.

As her wingtips continued to ruffle through my perfectly preened chest feathers, my own wings slowly found their way up on either side of her incredibly sexy and streamlined stomach as I began to "guide" her on her ride. She quickly took note of her "assistance", and, giving me a half grin half smile type look, she began to pick up her pace slightly. It still didn't reach the "normal" porn scene standard for speed or intensity, but what it lacked in that department it made up in passion. As her absolutely beautiful feathery ass began to slam down into my groin at a decent pace, we both let out moan after moan of pure pleasure as our wings continue to explore each other's bodies. It was hard to tell through my own pleasure-clenched eyes, but Amber's expression seemed to be a bit more complicated than you usually see in a porn scene. Sure, there was pleasure there, a lot of pleasure, but there was also something... more. Something... more meaningful. If her face was any indication of what she was feeling inside, then I knew for a fact that we were sharing the same feelings at that moment. Here I was, having sex with the most beautiful creature on earth. And, not only was she beautiful, but her personality fit together with mine perfectly! We had so much in common that... I loved her! I loved every part of her, and I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life! And now, we were doing the most intimate thing imaginable to each other in order to prove our love! I couldn't get any happier at that moment. Massive amounts of both physical and mental pleasure were surging through my veins, and I was struggling to keep control over my body.

In fact, I could feel my body's defenses start to break down very fast at this point, and I knew that my "explosion" was imminent. I had been fighting it off for the longest time, but now I just couldn't hold it in anymore. My years of "training" had prepared me to handle almost any physical pleasure almost indefinitely (although, Amber really knew how to push me up right against my limits). However, in all my years of being in porn and directing porn, I very rarely had to deal with love, and that's what was sending me over the edge far too soon. I had never experienced this level of love before. Not just in a movie, but anywhere really. I was left defenseless against it. And, as I watched Amber's face begin to fill with a passion that I'd only ever seen out of Jake and Jill before, I could feel my release coming. I tried everything I could to hold it in. I clenched my beak, my talons, my wingtips, everything in a vain attempt to stop that familiar feeling from building up, but it was no use. I was going to cum into Amber, right there and then, and there was nothing I could do to hold it off any further. Luckily, Amber noticed my distress.

Well, I think she noticed my distress anyway. Either that, or she decided on the perfect moment to advance the scene. Right before I was about to explode (in every sense of the word it felt like) Amber shot up as high as she could go and slowly slid herself off to one side, making my cock sloppily slide out of her dripping cunt as she rolled over onto her back next to me. As I watched my soaked cock spring back up and begin to bob in time with my racing heartbeat, a somewhat deafening silence swept over the room. The only sounds cascading through the air were Amber's quick pants mixed with my own deep breaths.

As I began to realize what had just happened, slowly coming to terms with the fact that I had just barely escaped an orgasm, I eventually turned my head over to meet Amber; who was busy simply staring back at me. There we lay: beak to beak, simply watching each other breathe for a moment. It couldn't have been more than a few seconds, but to me it felt like an eternity. I was staring into the face of a goddess, and I never wanted to look away. I couldn't look away.

As our eyes made contact, I could see the passion and the lust burning within hers, and I had no doubt that she could see the same in mine. That alone would've been enough encouragement to get me back to making love with her once again, but it's what she did next that really got me going. After staring deeply into her eyes for a few moments, she slowly lifted one of her wings and gently placed it on my chest before saying, "Alex, fuck me," in the neediest voice I'd ever heard. She made it seem like if I didn't do it, and she specifically implied me, that she would literally die. That's how badly she needed it. And, who was I to decline such a wonderful invitation?

Without even breaking eye contact, or putting any more distance between our beaks, I slowly rolled my body over until I was hovering over her. My outstretched wings held me up above her slightly as my pelvis slowly began to poke and prod away, trying hard to find her warm opening once again. After a few attempts, I realized that she was simply too tall for this configuration to work, so I broke away from our gaze in order to slide a little bit further down her body. There, after a few teasing passes over her clit with my cock, I finally found what we were both looking for. Once my tip began to sink into that all encompassing warmth, my hips reflexively shot forward - impaling Amber with a large portion of my cock fairly quickly.

She let out some sort of a combination of a moan, a screech, and a squeal as my cock was thrust back into her depths once again. And, before she could fully recover, I scooted my body farther up and shoved the rest of my cock inside her once again. We both let out a loud groan as our wet pubic feathers met; although this time we were in a slightly different position. Now it was my turn to show Amber what I could do when I was in control, and I was going to do everything in my power to make it as enjoyable as possible for her.

I wasted no time before beginning to pump into her. And, going by Amber's vocal noises as my cock quickly slid around inside her, I think that I was doing a fairly good job. Each one of my thrusts into her was accompanied by at least a small moan from her, if not a greater sign of pleasure entirely. Her eyes were closed tightly as her beak lay slightly open in order to let all of her pleasure filled sounds out. Her wingtips were clenched around the bed sheets at her side, trying to hold on tightly as each one of my thrusts tried to force her slowly back and off the edge of the bed. But, the most powerful sign that she was truly enjoying my treatment came when she wrapped her talons and legs around my lower back; hooking them in place and attempting to pull me deeper inside of her body with each thrust that I made.

As I continued to give as much pleasure to Amber as I could, I kept my eyes focused almost exclusively on her face. I loved watching it contort in moan after groan after screech after scream as my cock hit places that I don't think she ever knew she had. But, just as a nice film of sweat was beginning to develop on my feathers, she finally noticed my gaze upon her. I'm not sure whether it was the look in my own eyes as we made visual contact or whether it was something else, but I quickly saw her own gorgeous eyes stop radiating a large amount of lust and start to radiate passion instead. Of course, even if mine didn't show it back to her, that's how I felt as well. I mean, she was perfect! I loved her more than I had ever loved anyone else in my entire life. And, I knew that there was only one major way left of showing her that I really meant it.

Even though she was a bit taller than me, and her beak was a little farther away than I could reach, I started to move my head towards hers in hopes that she'd get the message. She did, fairly quickly I might add, and began to raise her head off the bed in order to meet mine in mid air. At the last second, just as our beaks were about to touch, we both slowly turned our heads 45 degrees in opposite directions. The end result: our semi-open beaks began to interlock as we continued to move forward, eventually ending up in the deepest kiss a pair of raptors could share.

Kissing isn't exactly something that birds of prey do very often. It's a little awkward to kiss someone else when your lips are made of keratin. But, nevertheless, we both dove headlong into it. I mean, before our beaks had even fully intertwined, Amber had brought both of her wings up and wrapped them around my neck, pulling me farther down to her while she pulled herself farther up to me. The back of our beaks finally met with a dull sounding *crack*, and from then on our tongues began to take over the kiss. Amber's tongue shot into my mouth first and began to explore, but I made sure that mine wasn't far behind. Up and down our tongues went, teasing the deepest parts of each other's beaks as well as gently doing battle in the space in between. But, all too soon, I was forced out of our kiss in order to take a few gasps of air. Amber took the opportunity to do the same, and after a few brief moments we were both ready to go again. Only this time I had a little something different in mind.

Instead of going in for another "kiss", I did something that was a lot more natural to us beaked creatures. I closed my beak up as much as I could (while still managing to get enough oxygen into my lungs), I leaned in closely, and I slowly and gently began to rub the side of my beak against hers; effectively "nuzzling" with her, if you could call it that. She wasted no time in returning the romantic action, and before long we were lost in our own little world simply nuzzling and enjoying one another's presence. The only thing that mattered to me at that point was the beautiful hawk beneath me with her legs wrapped around my torso and her wings wrapped around my neck. I really wish we could've stayed like that forever, I really did. But, my body just couldn't take it anymore. I needed a release. I had barely escaped its grasp on me before, and even after my short "break" I didn't recover all that much. Now, there was no holding it back... and I wasn't planning on trying anymore.

My breathing had gotten quick and sharp as my thrusts began to get erratic. Amber must have noticed that I was getting close, because even before I said anything she had broken off the "nuzzling" session and thrust both of our respective beaks into each other's shoulders. A flurry of grunts and groans began to emanate from me as I sloppily continued to pound away into Amber, and she was busy moaning and groaning out in her own feelings of pleasure as we both began to get really close to our respective releases. She had already me wrapped up tightly with her various body parts, and now she was making sure that each of my final sporadic thrusts hit their mark deep inside her.

Eventually, I finally felt the familiar feeling begin to break free inside me once again. My face strained as I felt it make its way up my body, but I did have enough sense left to at least shout out, "Babe, I'm cumming..." before adding in a curse or two. I could feel Amber wrap herself even tighter around me as her moans began to reach a fevered pitch at the same time. It wasn't long after that until I let out my own loud screech/scream followed quickly by a long series of quick and furious gasps as my balls tensed up and released their long stored seed into the womb of the most amazing creature on the planet. As my cock began to pump my fluids deep into her, I could feel her vaginal walls begin to contract and spasm as an orgasm ripped through her body as well; her screech/scream easily surpassing mine in intensity.

My vision blurred. My perception of reality faltered. And all I cared about was the immense pleasure flowing through my body as my orgasm slowly began to taper off. At some point I can vaguely remember my arms finally giving out, sending my exhausted body down onto Amber's and, consequently, pinning hers down to the mattress below us. There we lay for what seemed like forever, simply basking in our afterglows, wrapped up in each other's embrace with our beaks wedged into each other's shoulders. But, as my afterglow eventually began to steady itself, the true nature of the situation began to reveal itself in my mind, and I began to feel more and more guilty about what actually happened with each passing second. Eventually, I just couldn't take it anymore.

I slowly managed to find my arms once again, and I was somehow able to put a reasonable amount of pressure onto them as I raised myself off of Amber's gently oscillating chest. Once I was beak tip to beak tip with her once again, and staring straight into her lazy-smile ridden face, I finally began to tell her the truth.

"Amber," I said softly before taking the time to clear my raspy throat and trying again, "I have something that I need to tell you."

She just looked up at me with those big lazy eyes and that dopey smile in response.

"I..." I struggled to find the words, "I never called Brian about the shoot. He was never meant to show up. I... I had this planned all along."

I watched as her face barely registered any changes once those words left my beak. Not sure what to think, I continued on.

"I'm sorry," I said with a bit of guilt in my voice, "I never meant to take advantage of you like this. Really I didn't! It's just that... well... you're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. I've thought so from the moment that I first saw you. And once I got to know you a little better, I... I fell... I fell in love with you. During the scene I wasn't acting; everything I did and everything I said was real. I know it seems stupid, but this was the only way that I could think of to show you how I really felt. I was too shy around you to do it any other way. Like I said before, I'm sorry if you feel that you were taken advantage of, and I understand if you don't feel the same way I do, but... I love you."

Amber's post-orgasmic happy looking face had barely changed at all during my little "speech", so I wasn't even sure that she even heard anything I said until her beak slowly began to open. "You went through all the trouble of setting up this whole thing just so you could have sex with me?" she said as her smile began to grow a little bit. "I think that's really sweet actually... in a strange way I guess. I've had boyfriends who've done less for me over our entire relationship than that before."

"So..." I stammered out once I got the chance, "you're not mad at me for it?"

"Nah," she said as her smile grew into a small grin, "I actually had a lot of fun."

I could feel myself blush under my feathers a bit before Amber decided to continue. "And, I'll let you in on a little secret. I thought you were pretty cute the first time I saw you as well."

Now I could really feel my cheeks turning red as Amber's compliment really hit home. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and pulled us both into a firm hug; one which Amber quickly returned back to me. But, even though I was as happy as I'd been in a long time at this moment, there was still once question that I had to have an answer to. I slowly pulled myself away from Amber's clutches so I could stare her straight in the eyes. And, once our eyes were locked together, I finally asked her, "Amber, do you... do you want to be..."

"Girlfriend?" Amber finished for me. All I could do was slowly nod in return as my cheeks began to develop their red color once again. "Well," Amber continued with a smile quickly returning to her face, "I guess I could give it a shot. Why not? You definitely pass the bedroom test..."

Upon hearing those words, I quickly wrapped my arms around her once again and pulled her as tightly as I could into my own body. I wanted to jump up and down in joy! I wanted to laugh! I wanted to cry! I wanted to do so many things at that point in time that my brain was having trouble comprehending anything at all really. All I knew is that I was as happy as possible, and that I knew that I was going to stay that way, with Amber by my side, for a long time.

I'm not sure exactly how long we continued to hug each other like that, but eventually I could hear someone vaguely say, "Kyle... hey Kyle!"

I slowly broke our embrace to stare off into the bright lights shining down on us. "Hey Kyle," a voice repeated from somewhere off in the distance, "I hate to break up the moment here, but we're still rolling. Can we cut?"

"Yeah," I replied, not even comprehending what the disembodied voice was carrying on about, "whatever, cut." Then, after taking care of that annoying little voice, I quickly focused my attention back to Amber, my new girlfriend, lying beneath me.

*****Two Months Later*****

"How's that look?" I said out to the small crowd behind me as I slid the potted plant over a few feet to the right.

"I think it looks fine," Jake replied, "so stop messing with it!" I looked up at his almost naked frame and gave him a slightly annoyed look (he was wearing nothing but a bowtie, cufflinks, and a black thong in preparation for the next scene we were shooting. He was supposed to be a private stripper coming to entertain a lonely little lady on her birthday).

"Yeah," Amy said in response to Jake's statement (she was the lonely little lady in the scene), "no one's actually going to take notice of how the plants are arranged in the background!"

"I'll notice," I said as I slid the plant over another foot or two.

"Well then," Amy added in, "I think that you'll be looking at the wrong kind of stuff when you edit this all together." That got a small laugh from most of the crew, and it was enough for me to give up on the plant and slowly make my way back to my director's chair.

Waiting for me when I got there was none other than the world's best girlfriend, and the sexiest thing alive, Amber. With a sigh I said, "What do you think, Am? How does it look now?"

With a small smile, she replied, "I think it looks great where it is now."

With my own small smile forming on my face, I slowly walked over and sat down in my usual spot, right in Amber's lap. I turned my head around somewhat as I sank back into her soft feathered flesh and gave her beak a slight rub with my own. "Thanks," I said as my smile widened, "you always know exactly what to say,"

Her smile grew for a moment as we stared into each other's eyes, but after she looked away her face quickly began to change. "Alright," she yelled out suddenly, "places everyone. Let's get ready to shoot something here!"

"Hey," I said for probably the twentieth time in the past month, "that's my line! Just because you're the co-director now doesn't mean you get to order everyone around! That's still my job!"

"Really?" she said as another smile grew on her face. "I thought that's exactly what it means." Then before I could stop her from doing so, I heard her quickly say, "Lights, Camera, ACTION!" before wrapping her wings around my waist and pulling me in closer to her body.