Bringing Back the Species part 1

Story by chillpenguin2j5 on SoFurry

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Several men get the chance to help rare extinct species come back to getting their numbers back up.

"What do you mean you're raising the rent?!" Cried a yellow leopard who was wearing a white tank top and blue jeans to a large female rhinoceros in a large purple dress.

"I mean I'm raising the rent to try and deal with the repair work. This place isn't the way it use to be and needs all the spots fixed before it starts falling to pieces."

"But you can't just do that, I can barely make rent as it is!" He protested as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but if I don't do this now it'll only be a matter of time before someone gets hurt. Those old roof tiles are gonna fall on someone if they don't get repaired." She said before sighing. "If I don't get it fixed the city will just condemn the building and you'll still end up kicked out, my hands are tied."

"Well...maybe I could do the repair work on my own, free of charge. That way the rent stays as it is and this place can be back to city code in no time."

"I'd appreciate that, but I also need to fix some of the pipes and the wiring, and I know you aren't a plumber or electrician." She said with a sigh. "Look, I can give you a week to get the money, but that's it."

The leopard watched the rhino turn and walk away before he let out an annoyed sigh and went into his apartment to grab his black hoodie before heading out and went down the stairs. 'I need to clear my head with a walk before I punch a hole in the wall, again.' He thought as he began to walk. 'I guess that would just make the rent go up again, huh?'

He exited the building and began to walk down the street in annoyance. 'What am I going to do, my job only pays every two weeks and I just got paid, I won't be able to pay the rent unless I get another job quick.'

He walked past other animals going about their day before he rounded the corner and suddenly got a flying piece of paper hitting him in the face. "Gah! What the hell?" He groaned as he grabbed the paper and looked at it. "A stupid old paper? Some dumbasses just can't get it that you throw this in the trash, not out on the street." He muttered before reading what was on it and stopped. "Quick work at research center.... Cash paid immediately... no questions asked?"

He reread it over and raised an eyebrow. "Ok, either my luck just changed, or this is the biggest damn coincidence to happen? Sounds like a scam."

A short version of him dressed as an angel appeared on his left shoulder. "Perhaps this is a sign? You needed some help, and look what happened? It couldn't hurt to check out before deciding."

Another version appeared of him dressed like a devil on his right shoulder. "Come on, this is way too sketchy, you know if you go there's a 50/50 chance you're gonna get your kidneys stolen."

"Or it's something to help him with rent."

"Eh rent schment. I say you should take the obvious way and jack some guy on the street. If you do that then you know for sure you're gonna get something out of it. For all you know this is like one of those internet scam artists who are gonna kick your ass and take your wallet. Do that to someone else and go stop by the strip club for a little fun."

"No, you know that this is possibly the only way to get the money, you know what the job market is like right now."

"Aw come on, would you rather watch a naked woman or do a sketchy job?"

The leopard looked at them and then the paper before letting out a sigh. "Oh what the hell, not like I've got much to lose anyway. Might as well check it out."


"So...this is the place, huh?" He said as he stared at a large building that had bars on the windows and doors with armed guards at the entrances. "Am I in the right place?"

"See? Told you it was shady." Remarked his devil half.

"Oh calm down, it can't hurt to ask, just show them the flier." Said the angel as he crossed his arms.

The leopard walked up to one of the guards and cleared his throat. "Um, excuse me."

"State your business sir." Said one as he tightened his grip on the rifle.

"Um...I'm here for the job?" He said as he held up the flier.

The guard looked at it and nodded to the other one before he opened the door up using a keycard. "Proceed inside, but go directly to the door with a red arrow on it, nowhere else."

"Ok..." He said as he walked inside.

"Oh, and welcome to the institute of species preservation."

"Thanks?" He responded before the door closed and he turned to see a long narrow hallway leading to a door with a red arrow on it and no other hallways. 'Not like I could go anywhere else BUT the door.' He thought as he walked down towards it.

"Well, say hello to becoming a science experiment." The Devil one said with a grin.

"Now don't jump to conclusions, maybe the job is him helping them with rare and exotic species." Spoke the angel half.

"Suuure, that's what they tell the officers, but the only species taken care of is a bunch of random people they kidnap to sell in slave trafficking rings."

"Do you really have to be so cynical, it might be a really good cause." The angel said as the leopard began to open the arrow door to see what looked like a waiting room with various guys in it.

"Um, Hello?" he spoke making some of them turn to him as he entered. "I take it you all came here because of the flier too?"

"Yep." Said an orangutan in a black sabbath shirt and shorts. "So far they've just sent us here."

"Well how long have you all been waiting?"

"The first one got here an hour or so ago, what the hell are we waiting for?" Asked a crocodile who was wearing a flannel shirt and sweatpants.

"Who cares? If it means easy money I'll wait all day." Spoke a brown ferret while in a camouflage shirt with leather pants and a gold chain. "Been a month since I had some cash to spare, I could use this."

"Whatever, all I know is that I'm getting tired of waiting around like this, if something doesn't happen soon I'm bailing." Said a short racoon in a hoodie and running shorts. "If they had this room for people to wait, the least they could do is set out some tv or magazines."

"Yeah, did they intend to make us wait this long or did something go wrong?" Asked a large panda who was wearing a star wars shirt and a pair of cargo pants.

The leopard walked over and sat down next to the ferret while looking at the ceiling. 'I hope this doesn't take too long.'

After a few minutes the door opened and a female koala bear walked out in a lab coat and white blouse and jeans as she looked at a clipboard.

"Well hello nurse." Spoke the ferret with a grin as she looked up at the group.

"Is this everyone who is here because you heard about this place from the fliers?" She asked as she ignored the comment.

"Yeah, I think so." Said the orangutan. "So what exactly are we signing up to do?"

"Just follow me and you'll see."

"Follow you? Where? There's only one door here and it's how we got here." Spoke the crocodile as she walked over and left the room with the others slowly following, only to see her take a right down a hallway that appeared in the side of the wall making them blink.

"You may want to check your eyes, try not to lag behind."

"What the hell is going on, this is some charlie and the chocolate factory type bullshit going on." The Panda said in amazement as they followed her. They went down another bleak and narrow hallway, but this one had several windows in the sides giving them a look in what seemed like a lab with various anthros going around in lab coats and working on various experiments.

"It may seem like that, but it's rather simple. The CEO of this institute who helped make it wanted special design specs to keep any intruders out. Tell me, how many of you know the details of just what this place was made for?"

"Um... I got no idea, I only heard the guards say something about preserving species or something?" Said the leopard in confusion.

"Precisely. You see in this world there are rare species that are nearly going to fade away in time, so this was made to fix that."

"Wait, so it's just some animal reserve? Does this mean we're gonna be like those guys at the zoo and clean up the animals?" Frowned the ferret.

"Of course not."

"Ok...then what are we here for, this seems like the kind of place you would want to hire somebody with some experience with this, not some random guys who found a flyer." Said the crocodile.

"Because you coming here will play a extremely important role, but the CEO can explain everything much better than me, I'm just a nurse."

"A fine looking one too." Remarked the ferret staring at her butt.

"Please keep your comments to yourself sir, the CEO is right in here, please take a seat." She said as she opened a room to show a large conference room with a projector on the ceiling.

"But we've BEEN sitting." Remarked the raccoon sharply.

"Then please, do it for a bit more." Said a tall lion in a business suit. "I have a lot to go over before you start your job."

The men reluctantly did so while the lion cleared his throat.

"So, as you now know I made this institute to keep rare species from disappearing from the planet, but I don't think you understand which species I am talking about."

"Dude, you just said what kind, we're not dumb." Frowned the panda. "What other kind are there?"

"The sub-anthro variety." He said as the projector began to hum to life.

"Huh?" They replied confused.

"I thought you might be unfamiliar so I will explain. In the beginning animals began to evolve, gaining sentience and becoming more and more advanced as they began to interact with others, but this was not the case with some, some simply stayed the way they were millions of years ago or only evolved part way, leading to small pockets of semi-sentient anthro creatures."

"Hey wait, I think I heard of those. They're like those weird looking guys you see stick out of a crowd. I knew some horse guy with weird legs that looked like they were bent back a little and still kept on walking, it was freaky as hell." spoke the ferret.

"Close, but not quite, if one of these creatures were in a crowd there would most likely be mayhem, confusion, and panic." Replied the lion before the projector showed a chart of a regular looking anthro wolf. "You see this wolf? This is what most canines have adapted to in modern time, this is what they were like before." He then showed a pick of a wolf on all fours without a humanoid body.

"Whoa, what the hell happened to him?!" Shouted the Leopard in shock.

"That is what we all used to look like before evolution so to speak."

"So wait, are you saying this place watches these things?" Asked the racoon in confusion.

"That's not all that bad, I've been to zoo and they have them there." Spoke the panda.

"True, but this is what a semi-anthro wolf would be like." The next clip showed a humanoid looking wolf on the top, but a feral looking lower half with it walking in the jungle on a rock, but still crouched over. "Notice the difference?"

"Yeah, he looks like he would kill anything he comes across, what the hell happened to him?"

"Well, we speculate that during the evolution process several groups of species were separated from the outside world through various means, like being stranded on an island due to rising ocean levels, frozen in ice or stuck in a valley by large mountains or living in a large mountain, the point is that around the world there are small pockets of creatures who are not quite like us, yet not completely animals."

"So half and half? Good god that's messed up." Shuddered the orangutan.

"To you perhaps, but to us? It's fascinating and when one comes across one, it's a find of the century. Some people have claims of finding groups of them, but barely any specimens are brought back alive or in one piece without incident. That is why I founded this organization, to keep as many of them alive and around as best as possible."

"Wait, so you've got something like THAT in this place?" Asked the leopard.

"Of course, quite a few actually." He said with a smile. "In fact this is where you gentlemen come in, because they are so rare it's not uncommon that entire groups die off, so to prevent that we've started a breeding program, but we've hit a snag, almost all of our test subjects are...picky when it comes to mates."

"Hold up, back it up." Spoke the ferret with a raised eyebrow. "Just what are you getting at? Are you saying you want us to rock the bed with one of THOSE?"

"Well in essence, yes." He nodded. "Now I get that's sudden-"

"Gee, ya think?" Remarked the leopard standing up. "I came here because I needed some quick cash to pay the rent, not bone some wild animal. How does this work out for us?"

"Besides the fucking?" Piped up the panda getting odd looks from the others. "Hey, don't judge me, everyone's got their kinks."

"As I was saying, I know that this is strange, that's why we are going to be paying you a thousand dollars today for participating, and fifty thousand if you are chosen, including a steady pay if you stay on with us since I doubt the subjects will react well to their mates leaving suddenly forever. And just to be clear this is all optional, if you don't want to do it we'll give you a hundred dollars and show you the door in exchange for you not telling anyone."

All the guys there were caught off guard with the ferret standing up next.

"Wait,'re willing to pay some strangers, who for all you know could be drug dealers, gang bangers, or even rapists, just to bone some animals who are half there? If you're on something let me know where you got it."

"Please sir, do you really think it was coincidence you all got the fliers today when you all needed money? We've been watching you all through a random selection process and kept you here as we did background checks to make sure none of you were criminals." The lion said as he waved his hand. "We wouldn't dare risk any of our subjects with strangers we didn't look into, that's why we chose single males who had no history of past crimes or drug problems."

"You've been spying on us?!" spoke the raccoon with wide eyes before slamming his hands on the table. "What the hell?!"

"I get that it's invading your privacy, but answer me this. Would you rather we take the chance and expose the animals to someone who may have numerous sexual diseases that might endanger them? That would be careless and lazy on our part if we didn't try to keep from endangering them anymore then they are now." He said as he shook his head. "All we ask is that we present you to several of our subjects, if none of them choose you we'll give you your money and you'll be free to go, no strings attached."

"Uh huh, sure." Remarked the leopard with a raised eyebrow. "How can we be so sure? All it'd take is one of us telling the cops and you'd be hit with the biggest lawsuit in the city. I'm not saying I'd do it because a hundred bucks is at least something, but how do we know not even someone you hired will keep it a secret?"

"Because if you don't we will counter sue, we are a multinational organization that is supported by almost all of the world powers, we're trying to save endangered species, is that really so bad?"

"No, but that raises another question. If you've got tons of money to keep them safe, then how is it barely anyone knows about them?"

"Connections with several governments help cover it up. There are numerous factions who would do anything for a rare breed to sell on the blackmarket, or even worse, try to hunt them like they were trophies."

"Well here's a real good question, why the heck don't you have them fuck each other?" asked the ferret.

"Because that would lead to cross contamination, we're lucky that every case we've come across the subject's genes are always dominate so no matter who they do the offspring will always be the rare breed, but if they start breeding with other half evolved creatures it would destroy the preexisting one and possibly lead to a new species."

"And it wouldn't really grow mentally, would it?" Guessed the panda. "I mean if both aren't all there, the kids wouldn't either."

"Yes, if we can have the genes of an anthro who is more...normal you could say, it can help add several genetic benefits for the offspring to help them as they grow. With enough help they could end up being integrated in the modern world and slowly expand on the small amount of knowledge we have at the moment. If all goes well you'd see them going about the streets acting like everyday people, like they were never on the brink of extinction to begin with."

"Alright... do you have any pictures of these so called subjects, I'd like to know what the hell I'm getting into before I agree to anything." The Ferret said as some of the others nodded their heads.

"So you're all agreeing?"

"I'm not saying yeah, but I'm not saying I'm gonna leave until I see what I'm working with." spoke the crocodile.

"Alright, I understand, it is completely natural to want to know who you will be meeting, luckily I have some pictures prepared just for this occasion." He said as he hit a button as the projector began to show a new image.

The image showed what looked like a red fox crouching in the middle of a savannah with white tips and muzzle, but with a curved body and noticeably sharp claws with breasts on clear display.

"This is one of our older subjects, she was found on the savanna hunting several wildebeest when a safari group came across her." The Koala cut in. "We believe her and her small tribe lived in several caves in a nearby mountain, coming down to find food and water."

"Damn, now that's a foxy mama." Grinned the ferret making the orangutan facepalm.

"I can't believe you just said that."

"Yes, well this 'foxy mama' attacked the group and attempted to eat the guide before he shot her with a tranquilizer gun, the authorities were notified and a few days later she arrived here."

"She doesn't look that tough." Remarked the croc.

"Try telling that to the guide, apparently she nearly tore through his vest, and it was made to handle a barrage of bullets. She was halfway through it in a matter of seconds, meaning her claws are about as sharp as serrated steel."

"Wait, and you want us to try and screw her?! Are you insane, she'll kill us!"

"Relax, given what we've seen she tends to grow calm and happy when given the juice from some of the cacti that were found in the area."

"So essentially you're drugging her?"

"No, we're just giving her what she wants, moving on." He said as the slide changed to what looked like a small brown eel.

"Um... ok, what's with the worm?" Asked the ferret with a frown.

"This is no worm, this is a eel." The Koala said with a sigh. "I know it doesn't look impressive, but we found this is a riverbed in japan, according to witnesses this used to be a very well endowed scaly female before it changed back into this form. Ever since we brought it back it hasn't changed, leading us to hypothesize that it changes when it wants to breed."

"Wait, that thing use to have boobs?" Asked the panda.

"Yes." Replied the lion before changing the slide. "This one we got a few days ago and it came with it's own name, the big boobied smoocher bird. And no, we did not come up with the name."

This one made the guys drop their jaws since it looked like an anthro black feathered bird standing on a branch with blue talons with the feathers around the legs having a pattern that made it look like it wore a pair of see through stockings with a black crest going over one side of the face covering an eye, and with what looked like a large chest under the black feathers with the yellow beak having what seemed like blue lipstick on the end of it.

"...Wow, it really does stay true to the name, huh?" Chuckled the orangutan.

"Holy shit." Muttered the leopard trying to keep from drooling. "I mean...uh....yeah holy shit."

"Indeed, this one was spotted by bird catchers before she attacked them and began kissing them, and since they discovered her they got to name her...though it seems they were a bit spiteful when choosing it."

"Damn!" Spoke the ferret before letting out a whistle. "She's got a bigger rack than this one cow chick I dated a month back."

"Now then, these three are the ones you will hopefully interact with, we will put you in their enclosures in plain view so they can come and inspect you."

"Woah there, back up." Frowned the raccoon. "You mean we gotta get in the same room with them? Can't you just put us up in front of them on the other side of the glass and make it easier? Last thing I need is getting my neck cut open by some wild broad."

"Don't worry, we will have guards hidden in the room to insure you aren't harm, but we tried that with previous subjects and it didn't work, so we have to do this now."

"Any chance we can get our own guns?" Asked the panda.

"We also considered that, but when the female fox spotted it she immediately became hostile and nearly made a crack in the glass." The lion said as he shook his head. "You will be going in there unarmed and only in a pair of underwear, we don't want them accidentally choking you with your own shirts."

"But what if we can't handle them if we get that far? I don't wanna lose my nuts over this much money on the line." Spoke the ferret.

"If at any point you want out, just yell the code word 'Rescue' and we will quickly tranquilize the subject and get you out safely." Spoke the lion as the projector slid back up into the ceiling. "So, are you all still interested?"

"I'm in." Said the leopard. "Worse case scenario I still get paid."

"Well I did take a long trip to get here, so I guess it won't be a complete waste." Spoke the orangutan.

"I'm in, show me the ladies!" Called the ferret with a grin.

"Eh, why not? I'm getting something out of it either way." Spoke the crocodile.

"I'll do it as long as they don't try to eat me." Said the raccoon with a frown.

"I'll join in, but if I get injured you guys are gonna get it." Warned the panda.

"Excellent, now just follow the doctor and she will take you to a place you can put your clothes then we'll bring you to the girls."

"Wait, she's a doctor? I thought she was a nurse."

"Sorry, my bad." He said with a chuckle. "Just follow her anyway, and try not to touch anything in the lab."

"This way gentlemen, and ferret." She spoke as another door slid open and she walked down it.

"Heh, I don't think she likes you." Said the crocodile with a grin.

"Whatever, she doesn't know what she's missing." The ferret said as he rolled his eyes.

The group went down a clear hallway before entering a glass hall showing more of the vast lab with several paths stretching out around leading to what looked like rectangular boxes that took up a huge amount of space.

"Is that where the half evolved girls are?" Asked the orangutan curiously.


" that's where we're all going to go?"

"Yes." She stopped at an intersection and turned to them. "We'll start with the fox, then eel, and finally the bird. Just remember to stay calm and don't do anything to provoke them." She said before stopping. "Oh, I forgot, please strip first."

"Go ahead and feel free to touch." Smirked the ferret before they began taking their clothes off.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to stop the comments or I will file for sexual harassment." She said blankly as a worker came by and began to collect their clothes.

"I would before you end up in there." Whispered the panda. "She might 'accidentally' lock the door if things go south for you in there."

"Aw come on, she ain't gonna do anything to me." He said as the koala narrowed her eyes.

'We'll see about that tough guy.' She thought as they all finished stripping to their underwear. "Alright, follow me, and a word of warning, no sudden movements, she can get a bit violent when startled."

"We heard." Spoke the leopard before she lead them down the left hallway.

"Good, then follow me." She said as she led them through a corridor that ended at one of the large boxes. She hit a few numbers on a keypad as the door began to hiss open. All of them felt the humidity seep out instantly. "Go on in, she's probably already heard the doors open up."

"Um... any chance we can get a weapon?" The Racoon asked nervously as they began to enter.

"No." She replied before closing the door behind them. "I wonder who she'll choose?"

They looked inside to see what looked like a large grassland with several trees and even a man made river in the middle with a large cave in one of the corners.

"So, where do you think she is?" Asked the panda.

"Probably in that cave." Spoke the orangutan while the leopard looked around.

"I don't see anything running towards us, maybe she's taking a nap."

"Or maybe she's watching us from the grass...I say we send someone to the cave to make sure she's not in there." Said the ferret.

"So you wanna send someone in by themselves when they could be walking right into a trap? Real smart." Remarked the crocodile dryly.

"What? She said the fox should be hopped up on that cactus juice, I just think we should make sure she's not knocked out, I say we send the racoon." He said with a shrug as said raccoons eyes widened.

"Why the hell would you send me?!"

"Because out of all of us you're the shortest."


"So she might not see you, and better you than us, right?"

"Fuck you, I'm not going into the cave!"

"Why not you? You sure seem to be the most horny out of everyone here." Spoke the panda.

"Yeah, you were ogling the picture of her in the conference room, I bet you'd love to get with her." Said the crocodile.

"Yeah but if she doesn't like me she'll cut my balls off."

"And what do you think she would have done with me, I'm probably small enough to be an appetizer for her!"

"Uh, guys?" Spoke the leopard.

"Not now, we're arguing over who's going into the cave." Snapped the ferret.

"I don't think that's necessary."


"Because I can see her stalking us." He said as he saw the red fox crawling through the grass towards them.

The boys turned with wide eyes and feeling nervous as the fox narrowed her eyes seeing the unknown males in her territory.

"Um....hi?" The racoon said nervously as she let out a growl.

"We come in peace?" Spoke the orangutan before she let out a loud roar making them pale. "Guys?"



"Didn't she say not to move?!" Screamed the raccoon as they began to run away.

"Yeah, but you can stay if you wanna die!"

"Screw that!" He screamed as the fox growled and began chasing them.

"Every ferret for himself!"

"Don't let her get me, I taste delicious!"

"We're all gonna die!"

"I knew this would happen." Sighed the koala shaking her head. "You tell them not to make any sudden moves or startle her, they do the opposite."

"What did you expect a bunch of men we got off the street to do when a wild feral fox jumps out at them?" Asked the lion as he watched a monitor that showed everything happening.

"We gotta hide!" Screamed the crocodile.

"Can't you swim, go hide under water!" Cried the orangutan as he began to climb one of the trees.

"I say we feed the ferret to her!"

"No way, give her the racoon!" He cried as he tried to trip the masked animal as he ran.

"Hey! You're dead!" He growled before lunging out and grabbed the ferret's tail, making him fall back while the others ran ahead.

"Shit!" He cried as he scrambled to get up as the fox got closer. "I'm too young to die!"

"And a backstabbing son of a bitch!" Growled the raccoon as he turned and saw the fox's bared fangs. "Aaaaah!" He cried as he kept running before realizing the fox was after him. "Leave me alone!"

She let out another roar before lunging out and tackled him down a sand dune. She bared her fangs as he screamed in terror and tried to get away as her claws pressed into his skin.

"Should I order the guards to tranquilizer her now?"

"No, give her a moment to check out him first."

"If you say so..." She said as she fox snarled as she looked the racoon over.

Said anthro gulped seeing her so close and stayed still. 'Oh man, I fucked up big time! I can already see what's going on in her head. She probably wants to know if I'll be better to eat whole or in pieces!'

The fox kept sniffing him and getting closer to him as her snarling began to slowly stop. She kept sniffing as she moved his head side to side with her paws as he shivered nervously.

'My only regret is not taking that damn ferret down with me!' He thought as the fox nodded her head before she began to drag him towards the cave. "Huh? Hey, what's going on?"

"Huh, it seems she's chosen the raccoon, interesting choice." The Koala said as she wrote it down on a clipboard.

"Out of all the males she went with the shortest one. Possibly a sign of her wanting to dominate her partner." Remarked the lion.

"It would make sense, she is a predator so she might want to feel powerful over her mate." She said as the raccoon coughed nervously.

"Um...can you let me go?" He said as he tried to squirm out of her grip only to get an angry growl from her. "Then again, keep doing what you're doing."

She huffed as she kept dragging him to the cave as the others saw what was happening.

"Did...did she choose him?" Asked the leopard as he poked his head out from behind a rock.

"I think so." Spoke the panda while the ferret let out a chuckle.

"Heh, better him than me, now let's get outta here and get to that big chested bird."

"Wow, showing a lot of carefree attitude considering you practically tossed him to her." remarked the orangutan.

"What, she chose him, not me, and don't kid yourselves, you're just as happy as me none of you were chosen by the rabid fox."

"I just didn't wanna get sliced up." Spoke the leopard with a grimace. "In hindsight, we did panic pretty quickly."

"Yeah, and she did say not to run or she would get violent."

"Oh come on, who wouldn't run if they were in our shoes? Let's just get out of here." Said the crocodile as the fox dragged the racoon into the cave.

"Provided we can find it, I wasn't paying attention which way we went." Said the leopard before they heard an intercom turn on before they heard the koala's voice.

"Start walking towards the left corner behind you, knock on the door and I'll open it for you."

"Thanks beautiful!" Called out the ferret making the woman sigh in annoyance.

"Sir, are you sure we should give him the chance to mate with the subjects? He sounds like he's been around the block, twice."

"I know it's not desirable, but he's already here, there's not much we can do, chances are if we deny him now he will cause many problems down the road." The lion said with a sigh. "If you have any ideas on what to do feel free to say them."

"Well...I do have one thing to try." She smirked. "A minor experiment you could call it."

"Alright, what is it and will it kill him, even we can't condone anything like that." He said curiously.

"Of course not....but it may make things rather rough."

"Well, we have a bit before they get to the door, lay it on me."

"Remember that new experimental batch of pheromones we've been working on?"

"Yes, the ones we got from that male eel right before it died, why?"

"I propose we let it out when they reached the next room and see just how quick it works."

"You want to dose them all in the chemical? Won't that make it harder to present them to the bird if they smell like an eel?"

"Not quite. You see on the side I whipped up a concoction to help negate any outside chemical smells that may cause danger or irritate the subjects."

"Alright... so you want to do this to the ferret and pair him with the next subject?"

"If it happens to end up that way, I wouldn't complain."

"Alright...why not, in the end the subject is still choosing one of them." He said before there was a knock on the door.

"Hey! You still there?" called out the crocodile.

"Yeah, open up before that fox comes back for desert!" Shouted the ferret.

"Calm down." Spoke the koala hitting the buttons before the doors opened up. "So, congratulations on making it through the first subject, are you ready for the next one?"

"As long as we don't sweat our balls off first." Spoke the panda wiping his forehead. "It was getting real muggy in there."

"Don't worry, the next one lives in an aquatic environment so the next area is mostly a small pond, you will probably get wet though."

"Sounds good to me, I could go for a swim." Spoke the crocodile.

"Yes, though I think I should warn you, the next subject also shares some DNA with leeches, so she might bite you, but don't worry."

"Gee, thanks for the heads up." Spoke the leopard sarcastically. "Next thing you'll tell us is we have to wear onions to keep our arms from getting chewed off."

"No, that would be silly, though we are going to spray you down before you go in."


"Because....we're trying to kill any bacteria that's on your body."

"Wouldn't that be something that happens before we go in any of these places?" asked the orangutan.

"No.... Aha! We're doing this because you'll be wading in the water a lot and infecting her entire habitat, so we're just taking some extra precautions." Smiled the lion making the guys glance at each other.

"Ok... ignoring how sketchy this sounds where are you spraying us?"

"Everywhere and right here." She said as several scientists holding several canisters appeared and began to spray the half naked males.

"Woah! Hey! A quicker warning would be nice!" Yelled the ferret closing his eyes.

"Quickly close your eyes." Whispered the koala with a smirk.

"What did yo s- Ah! My eyes!" He cried as he held his eyes.

"I warned you."

"I'm blind!" He cried as the doctors began to lead him and the others down another corridor towards another box.

"Not to worry, the substance can be cleaned out in no time if you wash it thoroughly." She said as she began to open the door before shoving them in. "Go wade around in the water until she picks one of you, and don't step on her!"

"Hey wait!" Called out the leopard before the door closed shut. "Oh come on, you just pull us out then dump us in here, you can't just do that!"

"Yes we can!" She called form the other side of the door.

"Forget her." Spoke the panda looking around and saw they were in what looked like a rainforest with a huge river. "I guess we have to get in the water then?"

"Alright, cannonball!" Called the alligator as he ran to the river. He jumped up before splashing down in it with the others running over to dive into it.

Unknown to them the pheremones they had been doused in were spreading through the water, reaching a creature who was stirred awake as it sensed the chemicals. It raised its head up and sniff around before swimming out of the small burrow it had at the bottom of the river.

"So, who do you think is gonna get offed next?" Asked the panda as he floated on the water.

"My monies on the croc." Spoke the orangutan swimming a little.

"Nah, I bet it'll be the leopard." He said as he swimmed pass the ferret who was staying close to shore.

"Why me? You're the one who can stand the water all day."

"I dunno, maybe she wants some fur? I'm not gonna try to understand these things."

"I say it'll be the panda. More to love." Smirked the ferret making the bear glare at him.

"Hey, I'm not big, just poofy, and I bet it's you, maybe the whole thing about girls liking assholes will come true here."

"I'm no asshole, I'm just not scared to be who I am. I mean look at you all, you probably 'stick to the rules' and 'do what's right' all day all the time. Me? I do what I want, when I want, to who I want."

"Ok, so you're an obnoxious rude douche?" Said the alligator with a chuckle.

"You can call me that, but at least I don't have an ugly mug like yours. Ever heard of lotion?"

"I have scales asshole, I'm supposed to look like this, what's your excuse?" He retorted while the tiny eel spotted the males and smelt the scent getting stronger.

"Screw you ya dinosaur reject!" He snapped before the leopard felt something move near his tail.

"Hey, who touched my tail?" He asked before seeing a dark shape in the water. He leaned down and saw it moving around making him jump. "Guys! The eels here!"

"Crap, do we run away like last time?" Asked the panda nervously.

"No way. This one's tiny, and the last thing I need is her getting riled up too or else we might squash her. Let's all just remain calm and see what happens." Spoke the orangutan.

"Fine, but I am not staying till if it tries to swim up my dick like those things in the amazon." Said the ferret with a frown.

"I'm sure if that was a problem we'd be warned about it....right?" Asked the crocodile glancing at the water.

"Like how we were all told we were being hired for this job?"

"Fair point." He said as the eel swam back and forth, confused by all the pheremones in the water.

It looked between all the males and moved near the panda before sniffing around his feet before reeling back and shook her head. She swam over to the crocodile and rubbed against his scales before shaking her head and lightly hitting his leg with her tail.

"Something tells me she might not be into me." Remarked the croc.

"Lucky." Muttered the ferret as she swam up to him and began to sniff around him and lightly rub against his leg. "Ok now she's rubbing against me. Is that good for eels or bad?"

"Um...good?" Said the leopard as the eel began to wrap herself around one of his legs. "If she's into you that means you won't have to do much."

"Yeah, that lady said she grows if she's mating, but come on, how big can she get? She's as long as my finger." Spoke the orangutan. "Which means even if she does grow it's not like you'll be buried under her, you could just fuck her once and you still get paid. Sounds pretty lucky to me, although she might still feel slimy."

"Yeah, I guess I lucked out." He chuckled before she tightened herself on his leg and clamped her teeth into him. "Ow! She just bit me!"

"Relax, she's just gonna suck some blood." Spoke the leopard. "It's natural for leeches to do that if they're hungry."

"Yeah well it still stings." He frowned before he started to feel her suck his blood out. "Damn it, she's sucking my blood, make her stop!"

"Dude, she's part Leech, you can't stop her." Said the leopard as he shook his head. "Just let her suck some blood, what's the worst that could happen?

"Yeah, she'll probably drink up a little bit and then unlatch. She'll probably leave a hickey too." snickered the panda.

"Ugh, fine, so how exactly am I supposed to do her, the only hole I'm seeing is the mouth."

"Maybe it'll change when she grows." Spoke the leopard. "I mean you heard the koala, she'll end up stacked when she takes in nutrients, so maybe she'll stop when she's had her fill and move on to eat smaller bugs and get big on her own."

"Aw what? How long is that going to take, I don't get paid unless I bang her, I don't wanna wait that long!"

"Aw, the big tough smooth ferret is getting impatient." Teased the crocodile before bursting out laughing while the small eel sucked up as much blood as she could take with her body beginning to grow.

"Oh shut up, you're just jealous none of the girls have chosen you yet!" He snapped back as he began to feel a bit light headed.

"That's cause we've only met TWO." Reminded the orangutan while the ferret rubbed his head and seemed to wobble. "Hey, are you doing ok, you're turning a bit pale."

"Yeah, I uh...I just feel really tired right now." He replied with the eel getting big enough to look like a small fish in the water which the others began to notice.

" it me or is the eel getting bigger?" Asked the leopard as he began to slowly move towards the shore.

"Woah, that was fast." Remarked the panda with the ferret groaning and falling on his back in the water. "Woah, now I know that's not a good sign."

'Ugh...why's the sky spinning?"

"I think that eel might be drinking too much of your blood." Said the crocodile as the eel kept getting bigger and began to slowly grow limbs.

"Uh, hey! Isn't that dangerous!" The leopard called out to the koala and lion. "I mean, if she keeps drinking from him won't he end up dying!"

The intercom crackled to life before the koala's voice came on. "No, we did some research and the eel grows larger by sucking the nutrients from her partner and then the surrounding area, and since she claimed him she won't kill him, but he won't be able to move until she is done growing, though theoretically if she kept taking in nutrients she might never stop growing."

"Just how big HAVE you seen her get?"

"She was 10 meters long when we first captured her before she shrunk down."

That made them turn and saw the eel slowly rising from the water with arms and fingers along with a swelled up chest, but the tail stayed in place as she held onto the ferret's leg before letting go and licked her lips with said male groaning and looking close to passing out.

"Um...I'm getting out of here before she starts looking for more 'nutrients'!" Said the leopard as he bolted out of the water.

"Right behind you!" Called the panda before the other guys rushed to follow.

"Well, it seems the eel has found her mate, that just leaves our large lipped avian." Said the lion as he heard them start to pound on the door.

The koala hit the button and watched the guys rush out of the exhibit while tracking water in. "You know the floor is tile right? It was just waxed."

"Well sorry, but it's not like there were towels in there, also what the hell happened to that guy, did she just eat him?!" Shouted the crocodile in shock.

"Wow, you don't listen well." She remarked bluntly. "She's not going to eat the male she just marked. How did you manage to graduate high school?"

"Ha! Jokes on you, some of us haven't." Smirked the panda before letting that sink in. "Wait..."

"That's what I thought, now close your eyes." She said as several more scientists in hazmat suits began to spray them down. "We're getting rid of the old pheromones so hold still."

"Bleck! I think I got some in my mouth!" Coughed the leopard rubbing his tongue.

"Don't worry, we're pretty sure that stuff is non-cancerous." She said as the scientists moved away. "Alright, follow me to the last subject, anyone remaining who hasn't been chosen by a subject will be paid and sent home."

"Fine, but if I end up getting a fever and wind up sick, I'm gonna be having bird stew."

"No, you won't, any harming of the subjects can result in either a minimum of 20 years in federal prison or the death sentence." Frowned the lion while several guards moved over with rifles. "Just joking about that will get you noticed very quickly for fear of endangering them."

"I-I was kidding." Said the leopard nervously as the guards backed away.

"Of course, but it doesn't hurt to show you that we're in charge, especially since you keep ignoring our rules like running from the subjects."

"Hey, the fox ran at us, it's natural." Spoke the orangutan. "As for the eel? Did you NOT just see us standing still? We didn't try to push her away, we didn't try to run, we just stayed calm and still and she made her choice."

"Right, and that's why you are all going to follow our instructions VERY carefully when you enter the next subjects area." Said the koala as she began to lead them away from the eel area. "Out of all three, her methods of finding the right mate are far more prudent."

"Out of a angry fox, a tiny eel, and a bird that could pass as a porn star, I'm pretty sure the rest of us are fine if it means we actually get a chance." Spoke the panda as they followed. "Really she's the only reason I agreed, the money was good, but I'd rather get with her than something that looked like it would bite my junk off."

"Understandable, but this creature is very unique, her selection process is very rigid and complicated, so no matter what happens just go with the flow."

"We will, but what I don't get is why the eel went with that little rat. If we all were covered in that pheromone stuff, what made him stand out?" Questioned the crocodile.

"I have a theory about that. Out of all of you, there's one thing that made him stick out." Spoke the lion. "He was the only one amongst you who was constantly flirting with Miss Newton here, thereby slowly secreting his own hormones to show he was getting excited. With that mixed with the pheromones, she must have taken it as a sign for her that she was the focus of it."

"Huh, so him being a horn dog actually bit him in the ass." Chuckled the crocodile.

'Yes, though I doubt the subject will allow him to leave to spend his new money.' Thought the lion before they reached the third area with the doors opening. "Remember, listen to what we say carefully."

"When you get in, stand in a line for her to inspect you." Said the koala as they began to walk in.

"Sounds like lining up to get a new game." Joked the leopard while seeing they were in a rainforest like jungle with vines around and tall trees.

"Have fun." the lion said as the door slammed shut behind them.

"Fun? Oh yeah, staying still is so much fun." Muttered the crocodile sarcastically.

"Well, I guess we better line we do it here or somewhere else?" Asked the panda.

"Right there is fine." Called the lion. "And go ahead to make some sounds, she may be feeding right now and may not notice your presence until later if you stay quiet."

"Ok.....hey, bird! Get out here!" Called the crocodile.

"We're over here!" Yelled the panda with the leopard and orangutan making random noises.

"So, who do you think she'll choose?" Asked the lion to the koala.

"Her attitude is rather prudent, and considering none of them are really the same, it could go to anyone, or possibly none whatsoever. In all honesty I feel we could have done better."

"True, but think of this as the testing period for the breeding program, at least in the future we'll know what to and not to do."

'I'm amazed he didn't decide this while drunk.' She thought while the orangutan grabbed a rock and tried hitting it against a larger one.

"Come on out already, this is starting to get boring!" He called in annoyance.

"I'm close to sleeping!" Called out the leopard.

"Are you sure we should keep standing here, it seems like she wants us to go find her at this rate." Said the crocodile as he threw a rock against a tree.

"Give her time, she likes to make others wait." Spoke the lion.

"Well I'm not waiting forever." Muttered the leopard with a frown. 'What, is this bird some kind of diva or something?'

That's when the panda started to hear some rustling and looked up at a tree with some leaves falling. "Um, guys?"

"What?" Asked the crocodile before the rustling got louder before a figure dropped down in front of them, startling them.

"Look!" Spoke the leopard as they saw the boobie slowly stand up with her wings covering her front before spreading them out and looked up at the sky with her eyes closed. " she...trying to pose?"

"I think she she waiting for some kind of cue?"

"Try clapping." spoke Miss Newton. "She enjoys the attention."

They looked at each other before shrugging and started clapping, making the bird open her eyes and smile.

'She is a diva!' Thought the leopard.

She took a few bows with the guys stopping while they took the chance to really get a look at her large chest.

'Wow, I guess she really lives up to her name, huh?' Though the panda with a blush. 'They just seem to be getting bigger and bigger and bi- wait, she's coming towards me!'

The bird looked him over while rubbing under her beak before kissing his left cheek making his mouth drop open while it left a lipstick mark with his face turning red. "Um...d-did I just get chosen?" He asked before she moved onto the crocodile.

She grabbed his head and turned it around before leaning over and smooched his right cheek making him grin goofily.

"Whoa, hey, why did she kiss them both?" The leopard asked as she moved onto him and grabbed his face, moving it back and forth before smiling and kissing his right cheek.

"We'll explain when she's done." Spoke the lion as she moved on to the orangutan and rubbed her beak before pecking him on the left cheek before suddenly flying into the air and landed on a branch.

"Um...what now?" Asked the panda in confusion. "She kissed all of us and then left... is she trying to make a harem?"

"No, she's made her choice." Spoke the lion. "You see her way of narrowing down males is how she kisses them. For those who got kissed on the left cheek, raise your hand."

The panda and orangutan did as instructed while looking confused.

"Good, now please head to the door, she marks those she finds interesting but not mate material with a kiss on the left cheek, you two can come out, she won't be choosing either of you."

"Aw what?" Groaned the panda while the orangutan frowned at the bird.

"Hey, now that's just a tease! What's wrong with us?"

She shook her head and made a shooing motion with one of her wings.

"Now now, don't feel bad, if you want we could call you in next time we get a new subject, I heard a rumor that there's a new species of elephant discovered." Said the lion as the two marked males headed to the door.

"Guess it's back to internet porn for me." Muttered the panda as they left the area.

"Hookers for me." Grumbled the orangutan with a huff. "Getting shot down by a bird, I feel like I hit rock bottom."

"So...I guess it's just you and me, huh?" Said the leopard as he looked at the crocodile.

"Yeah, the final countdown you could say." He said before the bird landed again in front of them. "Time to clap again, huh?"


The two clapped making the booby smile and bow while flipping her crest over her head and soaked it up.

"Alright you two, next she's going to try and do a dance with you both. The one who impresses her will most likely be chosen, but if you both fail horribly, she may get offended."

"Wait, what happens if she gets offended?" Asked the crocodile before she began to saunter up to him and took his hand.

"She'll peck you, hard." Spoke Miss Newton. "Her beak may look soft and luscious, but the force when she pecks makes up for the lack of a sharp end."

"Wait, what?!" He cried as she led him away from the leopard before stopping. "Um... any chance you could tell me what dance she's going to do?"

"Well actually the other candidates who came before didn't reach this far. We only know about the dance because she tends to practice in her free time. Try to follow her lead and don't step on her talons."

"Ok..." He said before she smiled and began to dance, catching him off guard. 'Ok, I took a salsa class in high school, maybe that's her kind of style. Easy banging and high pay check here I come.'

The leopard watched as the croc began to take the boogy's hands and started to pull off a salsa dance with the bird following almost naturally. 'Damn, he's pretty good, I guess I'm gonna be out of the running once he's done, huh?'

"Wow, it seems he's quite the dancer."

"Yes, but he might not expect what's to come next."

'Alright, I am rocking this, those lessons are finally paying off!' Thought the croc as he twirled the booby and caught her, making her smile before he picked her up, but she suddenly broke the hold and turned around before falling onto the ground with her wings stretched out. "Huh? Why'd you break the hold, I thought I was doing great?"

She pushed herself back up and smiled with her wings crossed, like she was waiting for something.

"Um... thanks for the dance?" He said in confusion as her eyes began to narrow.

"Oh dear, wrong thing to say." Spoke the lion with the booby letting out a loud caw before flying up off the ground and started to move her head like a woodpecker with her beak hitting against his forehead which felt like a hammer going against him.

"Ow, hey, stop it!" he cried as he tried to back up as she kept the assault. "What did I do wrong?!" He cried as his face began to get covered in lipstick marks.

"Try running!" Yelled out the leopard.

"I'm getting out of here!" He turn and ran to the doors with the booby still pecking at him.

"Ah, it seems she wasn't happy with your performance, I think you did well until the end." Said the lion as the door began to open.

"Help!" He cried as he dove through the door, the big boobied smoocher stopped and glared at him before turning around with a huff. "What was that all about?!"

"You didn't finish the dance properly."

"What are you talking about, I didn't step on her toes, I didn't drop her, what did I do wrong?" He asked as he tried to wipe the lipstick off his face as the door closed, leaving the leopard and the big boobied smoocher in the room alone.

"It was how you finished, you didn't follow HER lead, the grand finale if you will."

"What is that supposed to mean?!" He groaned as the bird began to turn to the leopard.

"She's a diva, therefore she needs to have the final moment. By not following her and doing what she did, she took offense and took it as a sign of you trying to upstage her."

"Oh come on, that's bullshit!" He groaned as the leopard gulped nervously as she began to approach him.

"Um...nice birdy? Pretty birdy?" 'What am I saying? At the bad part she pecks me like a jackhammer, but I have a sensitive skull!' He thought as she smiled at the words before taking his hands and pulling him to her. 'Oh god here comes the dancing!'

"Remember, try to keep up and if you make it to the end, follow her lead." Spoke the lion.

"O-Ok." He said as she began to dance with him trying his best to follow her. 'Don't step on her talons, don't get too closer, just do a one two three and you should be fine.'

Soon they were reaching the end and he was beginning to panic.

'Crap, what do I do, I have to do something, what would she want me to do?!' He thought before she suddenly stopped, pulled back, and spread her wings out before flapping them and let out a loud caw to the sky. 'Um...wait, what did the lion say, do what she would do...well, it's better than nothing.' He spread his own arms out and tried making a cawing sound as best as he could.

The bird looked at him in surprise before grinning and pulled him close to her, wrapping her large wings around him.

The leopard blushed getting so close with her chest right there while feeling relieved. 'Oh thank god, I managed to pull it off.'

"Congratulations, you've been chosen after giving a cry in response to hers, now she will rub against you to imprint her scent onto you, marking you as hers before she will begin to mate." Called the lion before the smoocher pulled him close enough to rub against her chest before rubbing her beak and face against his head. "Well then, let's get you lads cleaned up, clothed and paid while we give our two new lovers some privacy... minus all the cameras."

"You're gonna record all this? And I thought I was a pervert." Muttered the panda.

"How could we not, it's our job to record everything, even mating rituals and practices of the subjects."

"If you think it's perverted than it's tamed compared to what you three must look at." remarked Miss Newton bluntly.

"Point taken." Said the panda as he looked down in shame.

"Ow, you got any painkillers around here?" Asked the crocodile rubbing his head.

"Yes, right here." She said as she pulled some out of her pocket.

He took them and unscrewed the top while inside the smoocher hugged the leopard against her chest while one of her legs moved up and rubbed against his own with his face looking bright red.

'I have never felt more lucky in my entire life.'

Two Daimyo's Cum Together

The year was 1682, in feudal Japan. The land was once ravaged by war and bloodshed. Soldiers and people would fight against each other for food, water, land, the list goes on. Thankfully, that time has passed and the land was soon brought into a time...

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Even Champs Get A Little Pent Up

We see a stadium lit up and filled with excited fans who were stacked and packed to watch the main event, this being the championship wrestling match. On the stage was fox wearing a suit, and in his hand was a microphone. Clearing his throat he spoke...

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Vanya the Snake Charmer

We find ourselves on a cruise ship, clear skies as seagulls cried as a number of anthros were enjoying themselves. Several of them were either swimming in the pool, looking at the ocean while taking pictures, mingling on the decks, or playing games...

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