Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 4 Part 1

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#24 of Digimon Defenders

A few weeks after the Virus Saga, Gato has a problem. Not a world-ending problem, but a large one nonetheless. She has woken up as usual, and everything seems... off. She's not feeling well, and feeling exceedingly aroused... and everyone around her seems to be more sex-crazed than usual. Gato... has gone into heat!

This chapter is turning out to be the longest one yet! I didn't realize it, but I was 33 pages in, and I had barely reached the halfway point!!! As such, I'm gonna cut it into shorter pieces like the last one. Hope you'll enjoy the Gato-molesting!

Gato awoke late this morning and she knew immediately that something was off. She never woke up late. Even on her days off, she woke up at the crack of dawn. She groaned and rolled over onto her back, feeling her morning erection slap against her stomach. Her sheets were drenched with sweat, precum, and her juices. She had to literally peel the sheets away from her body as she crawled out of bed.

She glanced over at Sala, who slumbered peacefully in her bed nearby. The girl's little snores echoed through the room. The puppy's sheets were tented at her groin as she slept, the large bulge twitching. Gato found herself staring at it, fascinated. Fantasies and daydreams of the child's cock suddenly rushed through her head unbidden, until she forcibly jolted herself out of her reverie. With a mild shock, she glanced at the clock to realize she had been staring for almost fifteen minutes.

Gato shook her head rapidly in an attempt to clear the cobwebs, her blue-tasseled ears flopping back and forth. She felt strangely feverish and light-headed, almost as if she had caught a bad cold. However, she was not stuffed up or achy in any manner. Gato tossed her sheets into a hamper, then hopped in the shower, resolving to visit Hawk's clinic as soon as she could.


The morning was more awkward and unusual than Gato could have imagined. Her erection would not go down. It stayed rock-hard, dribbling a steady flow of precum from its tip, leaving a trail wherever she went. In fact, it was only growing even harder as time went on. Her thighs were drenched with arousal, and Gato had to walk slightly bow-legged to keep the wet fur from sticking together. When she woke up Sala, the child was unusually clingy, trying to get at Gato's penis every chance she could. Gato had to sincerely resist the temptation to rail the child in every way imaginable with every ounce of her willpower, as Sala was already late for her lessons.

Having a large, throbbing erection in public was unusual, but not even slightly unheard of. When most Digimon wore no clothes other than what they were programmed with, it was bound to happen on occasion. The polite standard behavior was to ignore it and let the Digimon retain some sense of dignity.

As Gato dropped Sala off with the other young trainees, she couldn't help but feel that this standard of decorum had been violated quite thoroughly by nearly everyone she passed. Everyone stared at her with a very strange, hungry and aroused expression; their eyes roaming up and down her body. Several had tried to catch a grope of her erection or her rear end. Gato made them regret this violation of her personal space; no one touched her without her permission even when she wasn't feeling very strangely sick and utterly horny.

Making her way as fast as her little legs could carry her to the base infirmary, she checked in with the nurse (while having to work hard to resist accepting the offer of a blowjob. She wasn't sure that it'd be exactly sanitary for whomever the nurse was treating after her to blast her with cum). She waited on an examination table, trying hard to resist the urge to masturbate. It was bad enough that she was soaking the paper on the table with her nectar and precum, but she doubted that Hawk would appreciate her coating the exam room with her spunk too.

"Hello, Gato. Surprised to see you here for an illness! I can't count the number of times I've treated you for injuries, but actual sickness... I can count them on one wing!" Hawk said in his clipped English accent, reading a clipboard as he walked in. The brown-feathered bird looked up at Gato and blinked, seeing her for the first time. His eyes flicked from her face, to the erect nipples poking through her chest-fur, down to her dribbling penis and the sopping wet cleft between her inner legs. His cheeks turned red and he coughed.

"And... um... what seems to be the matter, today?" he asked, clearly struggling to maintain a sense of professionalism.

"Well... I woke up this morning and..." Gato began to explain. She rattled off her symptoms as Hawk took her temperature with an ear thermometer and checked her pulse. He listened to her breathing, frowning as he used a stethoscope. Gato was so enveloped in explaining the situation that she didn't notice the strange look growing on Hawk's face, nor his pink penis swelling out of his sheath and expanding upward.

"...Hrm... You are running a bit of a temperature. About two degrees above normal... But your airways are clear, and your pulse is normal," Hawk said, "...I think I need to perform a bit of a deeper examination. Lay back, if you would, please?"

Gato shrugged and did as she was told, laying back on the exam table. Hawk licked his beak, his cock throbbing as he sidled up to her. He slowly probed and prodded her, palpitating her stomach muscles, working his way down. Gato let him work, staring at the ceiling as she waited, wincing every so often as he pressed hard into her.

"Mmmm..." Hawk muttered, his feather-fingers wrapped around his penis as he slowly pumped it just out of Gato's view.

"Why do doctors always do that? Make "mmm" noises?" Gato asked sardonically.

"Mostly to annoy our patients, honestly. Now spread your legs dear; I want to check a little lower," Hawk said lightly. Gato sighed and did what she was told, spreading her legs wide.

To her immense surprise, Hawk did not continue to palpitate her pelvic region. Instead, he took a deep breath... and buried his face into her muff. She yowled in surprise and shock as she felt his beak inside her, his tongue lapping at her inner walls. Gato's hips bucked upward violently as she moaned in surprise, her eyes rolling up in her head. Hawk moaned happily, pumping his cock as he slurped loudly at the feline's vulva.

Gato grunted and shoved Hawk back, knocking him back against the cabinets behind him. She panted heavily, glaring at him.

"WHAT IN THE NINE DIGITAL HELLS WAS THAT?!" she snarled, her cheeks turning bright red.

"Oh, my dear!!! I am so sorry, Gato! I was overcome!" Hawk squawked, wiping her nectar off his beak as his penis twitched angrily.

"Overcome by WHAT?!" Gato demanded, blushing as she crossed her legs and covered her own penis with both gloved paws to prevent the medic from getting at her again.

"One moment..." Hawk muttered, pulling what appeared to be a surgical mask out of a drawer and slipping it over his beak. He took a deep breath through the padded green fabric and sighed, "Ah. Much better."

"...Am I contagious?!" squeaked Gato, her eyes wide in fear, "It's not the sex-zombie virus! I don't wanna be a hive drone again!"

"No, no! You're becoming a young lady! You're going into heat, Gato!" explained Hawk, chuckling, "The mask is to protect me from your pheromones."

"Heat? Faro-what?" Gato asked uncomprehending.

"Females of many Digimon species enter into a mating season about twice a year. During this time, their sexual arousal protocols are permanently set on high. In addition, they emanate 'pheromones,' or a kind of chemical scent that elicits a specific behavior in others," Hawk explained gently.

"And that behavior is...?" Gato asked, suspecting she already knew the answer.

"Rampant sexual arousal and lowered inhibitions. I was affected by them so strongly that I just couldn't help but bury my beak into your..." Hawk trailed off, his eyes trailing down to Gato's groin. He fell silent, staring at her for a moment, his penis throbbing harder and harder with every second.

"Hawk? Hawk. HAWKMON!" Gato shouted. Hawk gave a start, shaking his head dazedly.

"Oof. Sorry, dear," he said, his cheeks flushing.

"Okay, so... how do we cure it?" Gato asked.

"Gato, you can't 'cure' it. It's a natural part of your biology. You're entering puberty! Every six months for the rest of your life, you'll enter into heat for a period of roughly a week," Hawk explained.

"I will?!" Gato exclaimed, looking outraged. Hawk chuckled, reminded of the feline's youth as her eyes went wide. She acted so much more mature than her age.

"Yes, Gato. Some male Digimon go through something similar called a 'rut,' just for reference," Hawk said lightly.

"So I've gotta spend the next week constantly horny and having everyone I pass trying to molest me?!" Gato growled, crossing her arms over her chest (and inadvertently revealing her drooling cock). Hawk did not respond, staring at the feline's phallus hungrily, until she noticed and covered herself again.

Hawk coughed as he came back to his senses and replied, "Well.... Yes, but how is that any different to any other day?"

Hawk had to use a steel medical tray to protect himself from Gato as she tried to punch him repeatedly, yelping, "It was a joke, Gato! I was kidding!"

Once he managed to calm the feline down (though her tail tip continued to flick from side to side angrily, her blue eyes narrowed to slits), Hawk pulled a syringe out of one of his drawers. Before Gato could say a word, he had pricked her arm and depressed the plunger. Gato felt her program being amended in some undefinable way. The heat in her loins turned from an inferno to a glowing ember. The feverishness quickly ebbed away, and the lightheaded sensation and dizziness cleared somewhat.

"That should suppress the worst of the symptoms for the duration of your heat," Hawk explained, "but not all of them. It also doesn't help that this is your first heat, and that Gatomon are known for having exceedingly intense heats. You're going to still have pretty strong symptoms, even with the suppressor, but manageable."

"...Thanks," Gato said, still looking slightly disgruntled.

"Look at it this way, dear Gato! It's your first step towards becoming the lovely young woman we all knew you'd become someday!" Hawk said pompously, taking her paw and squeezing it affectionately.

"...I'm not having sex with you today, Hawk. Heat or no," Gato said bluntly, "Not after that smartass remark earlier."

Hawk dropped her hand and looked equally disgruntled as he sighed, "Very well. I'll get you a prescription for more heat suppressant.... and a prescription for me for some lubricant for the next two hours of masturbation it'll take to get this out of my system."


Leaving Hawk's clinic, Gato prepared for the crowd of zombie-like Digimon to surround her, dripping cocks pointing in at her muff as they moaned in need of her.

But to her surprise, the Defenders and support staff ignored her for the most part, other than the usual salutes or friendly greeting. No one stared (more than usual) or tried to get a grope of her fuzzy booty or erection.... Gato actually felt a twinge of mild disappointment, which she immediately squashed into the back of her psyche in embarrassment.

The heat suppressant seemed to have thinned out the cloud of pheromones radiating from her somewhat. While none of the Digimon she passed went crazed with lust like Sala or Hawk, she did notice some sniff the air and go a little glassy-eyed as she passed.

As Gato was feeling more normal, despite the fact that she was still in a state of seemingly permanent arousal, she decided to disregard Hawk's advice that she take the week off and use some of her vacation time to get out of File City until she recovered. She had way too much work to do to even consider a week of vacation.

Already, Gato was going down the list on her head: she had to assign case files to squad three. She had to do paperwork for the arrest of a ring of slavers from last week. She had to arrange for the disposal of a case of illegal fake Digivices (that exploded when the user turned them on). She had to help Guil through his crime scene investigation training. She had to oversee a group of trainees for target practice. She had to deal with BlackGato and keep her up to date with the Arkadimon investigation. She had to watch Sala and care for the girl and help her train too. She had to find Agu and Gabu and get them to drench her from head to toe in their spunk and...

Gato tripped over her own feet and sprawled on the ground. She groaned for a moment, glaring daggers at anyone who lingered too long to look at her. It was as if her train of thought had completely derailed itself; lewd imagery interrupting her intent to gather her schedule. She blushed as she felt her cock pulse, precum dripping down into the dirt under her.

The thought that maybe Hawk was right and she should consider a vacation until her head cleared a bit came back to her. Gato snarled to herself. That would be surrender! It was just a matter of willpower overcoming biology, she was sure of it. She just had to ignore her body's urges, and she'd be fine!



Gato's determination to ignore what she considered an infirmity was certainly impressive (if completely misguided). Gato set out, her chin held high as she used her Defenders Brand to unlock the door to one of the private training grounds. She smiled as she saw Guil was already inside, practicing against robotic training dummies.

The red-scaled dinosaur grinned as he kicked out, using the formidable claws on his feet to tear open one of the dummies, scattering scrap metal and wires and circuitry on the floor. As two of the drones approached from either side, their stun batons sparking with electricity, he dove forward. He tucked and rolled, using his tail to spin him in mid-somersault so that he came up onto his feet facing back towards the robots. Their weapons clashed the ground where he had been.

He yelped and cartwheeled to the side as a searing beam of energy fired past him. A drone held a rifle to its shoulder, the aperture smoking with the discharge.

"Pyro Sphere!!!" shouted Guil, rearing back and spitting a large crimson sphere of fire. It struck the rifle drone dead on, melting a hole clean through it. Its remains crashed to the ground. Guil turned his attention back to the two melee drones, just as they slashed their weapons at him.

His claws met the first at the elbow, cleaving through and quite literally disarming it. Then, spinning on the ball of his foot, he whirled towards the second, his claws flashing.

Gato felt a distinct sense of flattery. The move was one of hers.

Unfortunately, Guil's timing was off. The stun baton snapped loudly against the top of his skull. He yelped and fell to the floor in electricity-induced muscle spasms, completely incapacitated. Gato winced and hit a button on the wall to shut down the drones.

"Almost had it. But that move you pulled is best used as a counter, after blocking a hit," Gato said lightly, walking onto the bamboo mats that formed the floor.

"Ggg-ggk! G-Gato!" Guil stammered, his facial muscles twitching uncontrollably, "I thought... GGK! ...that you were sick or something. Agu said- Hrg! -that Sala said..."

"I'm fine," Gato grunted, scowling, "I'm in heat, or something."

Guil's eyes went wide as his eyes flicked from Gato's face down to her erection and her muff below. He coughed, apparently trying to figure out how to respond politely.

"Um, well... we can... do training later when you're not under the weather..." Guil suggested timidly, blushing deeply as he felt his sheath plump out.

"Ohhh, no you don't! Just because I've got something weird going on doesn't mean that you're off the hook for training!" Gato growled, apparently taking it as an insult.

"But..." Guil began to protest. He yelped as Gato's fist flew at his face in a blur of yellow and red. Reacting on instinct, he swayed to the side and grabbed her wrist, just as Gato had taught him to do. Moving without thinking, he wrenched her arm back, trying to force her to the ground. Gato thwarted this by using his momentum, rolling with it and forcing him to roll with her. She landed on top of him, straddling his waist as her fist flashed. She arrested the punch at the last moment, instead flicking Guil's snout with her claw tip playfully.

"Not bad. But instead of trying to force me onto my back, you should have tried to throw me. When your opponent is more agile than you..." Gato trailed off in mid-sentence, frowning. Guil clearly wasn't listening to a word she was saying. Instead, his eyes were slightly crossed, focused on the feline's swollen penis which bobbed before his eyes. Gato realized that she felt a heavy, solid weight against her back. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Guil's full, very large erection twitching angrily.

The crimson length pulsed, almost fourteen inches long. The head was strangely large, bulbous under the foreskin, and slightly wider than his shaft. His shaft was wider near the sheath than it was under the strangely fat head. A series of stiff diamond-shaped scales lined the sides of the shaft, sticking out slightly. His balls had emerged into the open, contained within their large, leathery sack.

"Guil, now's time for training. Focus," chided Gato, even as she herself had to resist drifting off into daydreams about the red lizard's swollen length.

"Oh, I am focused. And I think I have a move or two that you haven't seen yet..." Guil purred, his voice strangely calm and husky. There was none of the nervous youthful energy that he normally displayed in his training sessions. Instead, Gato perceived a strange hunger in his expression...

Gato yelped, caught off guard as Guil snarled and rolled with her again. This time, she wound up under him as he used his body weight to pin her down. Under normal circumstances, Gato would have flipped him off of her with ease; he might have weighed well over twice what she did, but she was capable of shot putting small boulders.

But as his heavy, drooling cock brushed her vulva, all the strength went out of her limbs. She moaned involuntarily as Guil panted like a dog over her, rocking his hips. His cock felt unnaturally hot as he ground the large round head against Gato's vulva, coating the fur with precum.

"Guil, what're you.... you gotta.... you.... O-Ohhhhh~~" Gato squealed, before trailing off into a long, low moan as Guil drove himself against her, sliding his shaft up her body. His fat cock ground against her vulva, then slid up against her shaft. He growled deep in his throat, shivering as a snail's trail of precum was left in Gato's fur, dragging his penis up her stomach and into her chest, then back down.

Guil felt odd. He knew something was off, but he could not say what exactly. Then again, he was having trouble concentrating on anything other than how painfully hard his cock was, how full and heavy his balls were, and the fact that Gato was the sexiest, most arousing thing he had ever encountered. Just touching his penis to her felt like an orgasm in itself, as he panted heavily. He did not just want Gato, he needed her.

Having pulled back his hips, the lizard snarled at her, baring his sharp teeth. He drove forward sharply, suddenly, burying his penis deep into her vulva in one powerful stroke. Gato YOWLED at the sudden intrusion into her most treasured of places. His bulbous head spread her open, before her inner walls clamped down upon the thinner part behind it. Then, as his shaft drove in, it grew steadily thicker and thicker, spreading her wider and wider until his hips met hers. Her tightness had peeled back his foreskin as he had pushed in, his exposed tip pulsing and drooling deep inside the small girl. He groaned in pleasure, wiggling and twisting his hips against her, causing his cock to swirl around and stir inside her.

Then, Guil began to draw back with tortuous slowness, causing the diamond scales on the sides of his cock to trail against her inner walls, tickling the sensitive nerves. Gato clenched around him involuntarily, her muscles spasming on their own. She yowled as her cock throbbed, splashing Guil's front with a burst of precum. Her tail thrashed around violently, the ring chiming loudly as he pulled back. He pulled back until only the large, round head of his penis was left inside, huffing through his nose loudly.

"Oooh... Gato, you... I hafta... I can't... I HAFTA..." Guil babbled, huffing like an animal. He growled loudly and drove his hips forward, digging his claws into the floor as he slammed all fourteen inches into Gato's depths. The little feline yowled again, unable to help herself as Guil quickly began to thrust.

Most Digimon, when they had sex, found a rhythm that they could maintain and slowly sped up or slowed down depending on their own pleasure and their partner (much like humans). Guil had always had a feral side to him, and this particularly came out during sex. Guil did not have a rhythm. Instead, he jackhammered in a wild and frenzied manner, slamming his hips forward rapidly in a staccato and jagged manner. Sometimes, he drew his cock all the way out, splattering Gato's muff with precum in the process, before driving all the way in. Other times, he only thrust an inch back and forth, grinding incessantly at Gato's clit. His balls slapped her rear over and over, hard enough to sting.

Despite the roughness of it, Gato was in ecstasy. She was significantly tougher than she looked, capable of taking a lot of punishment. While anyone else might have begged Guil to slow down or be more gentle, Gato endured it easily.

Instinct took over where her stunned, numbed mind failed her, and her paw wrapped around her penis, beginning to pump it rapidly. Messy globs and strands of precum slopped about as she panted and mewled helplessly. Her body shook with the force of Guil's thrusts, his hips hitting hers hard.

That aching, empty feeling she had suffered all morning was now full, as Guil's rigid shaft filled the gap. Her inner walls clenched him as he pummeled her with as much speed and force as he could muster. A puddle of precum and her juices was forming under her, wetting down the bamboo floor. She stroked her shaft furiously, delighting as her gloved paws teased the swollen length. Already, she could feel her muscles tensing. Her thighs quivered. Her toes curled.

With a yowl of purest delight, she crushed her hips to Guil's, clamping down on him. She felt a burning ache rush up her cock, followed by the first blast of pearly semen flying high into the air. She moaned as her orgasm raged, the first ejaculation nearly striking the hanging lights above. The bioluminescent fluid landed with a wet splat over herself and Guil, instantly soaking her fur and his scales.

The feel of the hot semen striking him just spurred Guil on even harder. He snarled, giving over entirely to his feral side. Drool ran down the corners of his muzzle as he pressed down hard on Gato, trying to shove his cock even deeper into her. His hips were blurring as he jackhammered into her, pounding with immense force. Gato's voice jumped every time his hips slapped hers, shaking her little frame. The little feline could do little more than ride it out as one orgasm blended into a second, her spunk splashing herself as much as Guil. Her cock surged again and again, sending thick ropes of glowing kitty-cream into the air.

Guil's balls hit her rear repeatedly, and Gato could swear she could feel them getting larger with every thrust. The lizard was literally beginning to foam at the mouth, smoke streaming from his nostrils. His muscles strained as his thrusts grew ragged and rough. His toe-claws dug into the floor, sending shards and curls of torn bamboo into the air. His tail thrashed, battering the broken training-bots behind him, smashing them further into scrap.

With a roar, Guil buried himself into Gato one last time. A plume of fire burst from his mouth, searing the paint on the ceiling and leaving a nasty char-mark. Gato yelped as she felt an incredible flood of rich, hot liquid spray deep into her little womb. She moaned in delight as Guil ground against her, his cock pulsing powerfully as it sprayed jet after jet of cum into her. Within moments, she overflowed, and a river of thick crimson goo poured back out of her. The milky red liquid splashed onto the bamboo mats, pooling.

Gato responded to the torrent of searing hot spunk the only way she could; she came again. Her body seized as her orgasm raged, her hips jumping off the ground repeatedly to meet Guil's. Her inner walls clenched and milked him, trying to squeeze the cum out of him. He groaned in delight as her powerful muscles clamped down upon his fat cock. His feet scrabbled at the floor, actually pushing her backwards with his hips as he spurted hard.

His body pressed down on hers. Her cock splashed his stomach, obscuring the black Digital Hazard marks on his scales with her cum. Her feline yowls of joy echoed with his snarls and growls, echoing off the stone walls. Gato's stomach began to swell outward, the sheer amount of spunk sloshing around within her. It poured back out, coating Guil's balls and his thighs, painting them with creamy red goo.

"Hrgg... grawr!!!" snarled Guil, yanking his cock back out of Gato with a loud, wet slurping noise. The strangely bulbous tip of his cock dragged along Gato's walls as he pulled back, the diamond-shaped scales tickling and pulling. A flood of crimson fluid splashed the floor as Guil reared back.

He roared again, thrusting his hips forward. His still-stiff shaft throbbed powerfully, thick jets of red cum firing against Gato's pristine white fur, staining her a messy shade of pink. Gato moaned happily, loving the feel of the hot seed splashing her body, spilling onto her flat chest and pooling in her navel. She bucked her hips upward, still fountaining her own glowing fluid into the air, mixing with his in messy swirls all over herself.

Guil grunted as he wrapped his paws around his cock, pumping his foreskin up and down repeatedly as his orgasm slowly began to wane. He dropped to his knees, panting as his penis lurched powerfully, sending several more ropes of crimson goo over Gato's face, chest, and groin. He sagged back soon after, sighing happily as he squeezed the last spurts onto his own stomach.

Gato came down from her own high a minute or so later, her mind completely enveloped in a post-orgasmic fog. She felt wonderful. She was still unbelievably aroused, her cock still rock-hard, but for a brief moment, she felt relief from the ache and need in her loins. She lay on her back, limbs splayed out, her entire body trembling uncontrollably as the tension flowed from her body.

"Ohhhhh, NOOOOOO!!!" Guil gasped suddenly, his expression turning from pleasured drowsiness to sudden existential horror.

"Huh? What?" Gato asked, slurring drunkenly, blinking as she slowly came back to her senses from the monster orgasm.

"I was saving up for Rena!!! We were gonna have our first time having sex tonight!!! I've been saving up my spunk for three weeks!!!" he squeaked.

"...You still haven't managed to get into Rena's metaphorical panties?" Gato asked, unable to decide which emotion to feel: embarrassment for what she just did, confusion at how it happened, annoyance at letting her "illness" get in the way, or exasperation at the fact that her apprentice had still yet to have had a chance to have his way with his paramour.

"She's gonna KILL me!!! She said if I wasted another load on anything but her that she was gonna beat the stuffing out of me!!!" Guil whimpered, completely back to his normal self, "What am I gonna do?!"

"Uh.... I'll.... talk to her. If she's gonna be angry, it might as well be at me.... seeing as it's... my fault," Gato mumbled weakly, hating herself for admitting fault in the situation.

"Yeah, it IS! It IS your fault that this happened! So.... how are you gonna make it up to me?!" Guil asked, his voice sounding a little strange. Gato blinked and looked over at him, and her cheeks turned bright red. Guil's penis was rock hard again, and his eyes had that strange desire glazing them over once more. A toothy grin stretched his muzzle, as apparently all thought of Rena's wrath had left his head.

"Uh.... G-Guil?" Gato asked weakly. Guil pounced, cutting off anything more she might have said by shoving his cock into her mouth. She didn't manage another word for several hours, as Guil kept her too busy sucking and licking and gulping, or else moaning and crying, to say much else.

By the time the boy had ejaculated into unconsciousness, the sun was setting over the base, and Gato barely had the strength to peel herself off the ground (leaving a silhouette of herself in red cum). She quite literally crawled out of the training facility, and barely made it home (having been molested by passers-by several times). She used the last of her strength to shower the glaze of cum out of her fur, then sag into bed fast asleep.



Gato groaned as she awoke in mid-orgasm, having had more than one wet dream overnight, judging by the amount of semen she had coated herself with. She had arranged for Sala to stay overnight with BlackGato, since she was not sure she could provide for Sala while she was "sick."

At least, that was the excuse she told herself to maintain some pride; deep down, the REAL reason was that she was certain that she would have sexed Sala into severe dehydration (or vice versa) if the little puppy were around her for too long.

For the same reasons, she hadn't let Vee, Pata, and Gazi come around. Even under normal circumstances, she did not sleep with her boys every night; her room was far too small for comfort, and often she and they were too tired from the day's exertions. She was worried that with the boys around, not only would she put them in Hawk's infirmary with her abnormally hyperactive sex drive, but that by the time she came to her senses, she'd never have been able to clean up all the cum. To say nothing of the sheer embarrassment she was feeling about her condition to begin with...

As it was, cleaning up from her own mess alone was no easy task. Her cock pulsed constantly, firing messy spurts of glowing spunk onto her stomach as she lay on her back, humping the air. She groaned, reaching down to grip her penis, milking it with her fingertips as she savored every spurt, every thick strand that coated her face and chest. After she finished after several minutes, it took the feline almost an hour to clean up her room, not counting the half-hour shower.

Gato's second day was worse. Not only had she awoken extra early this day, but her symptoms had intensified. Even under the influence of the heat suppressant, her loins ached with need. Her penis had begun to dribble not just precum, but full semen near constantly. The milky fluid flowed from her glans, spilling over her foreskin and onto the ground, leaving a glowing trail wherever she went.

Gato had tried masturbation to solve her issues, at least to relieve her pressure so that she could function. It did not exactly work; she certainly filled several condoms until they were almost as large as her torso (her orgasms had almost tripled in size to her pleasure and consternation), but she was just as horny as she was before.

Despite this, Gato refused to stay at home again. She set out into the Defenders' compound, determined to have a normal day. She had far too many responsibilities to handle to stay in her room. She just had to be more careful around other people this time, and really concentrate on not letting her arousal get away with her.

Needless to say, she was being exceedingly optimistic to begin with, but unbeknownst to the little feline, even as her heat intensified, so did the amount of pheromones she was emitting. The heat suppressor blocked the bulk of them, but even what she was letting off was enough to create a cloud of artificial sexual arousal that surrounded her for a surprisingly large radius.

Gato decided that instead of being inside, maybe she would attempt to work outside in the fresh air, where maybe no one would pick up on the scent. She decided that she would help supervise the training of the rookie Defenders.

The Defenders training field was a sprawling combination of a firing range, a track and field plot, an exercise yard, and a martial arts dojo. Defenders-in-training were running laps on the track, lifting weights to build strength, firing weapons or ranged attacks at targets (and blowing up everything around them as much as actually hitting; Gato had long lost count of the number of times the northwest guard tower had been demolished), or sparring in various dirt rings.

Agu was in one of the rings, facing off with a Commandramon twice his size. The camouflage-patterned cyborg dragon looked smug as it circled Agu, brushing off its combat fatigues and adjusting the strap on its helmet. Agu, by contrast, merely looked bored.

"...Any day now, bud," Agu sighed. The Commandramon took the invitation, charging at Agu shoulder first. Agu sidestepped neatly, lifting his knee and slamming it into the cyborg lizard's stomach. The Commandramon coughed and staggered back.

"...Was that it? C'mon, you're supposed to be trying to impress me, here," Agu said, brushing one of his claws against his orange scales.

"Urgh. If you ask for it, sir," the Commandramon growled, lumbering forward, bringing up his fists. He threw a series of jabs at Agu's face. The orange dinosaur leaned out of the way of each, letting them pass by his nose by millimeters.

"Classic boxing stance, but modified a little. Looks like you've done time in the military?" Agu asked lightly, using the back of his hand to swat aside a kick.

"Yes... Hrf! ...sir! Served with... hyah!!! ...the Directory Continent Special Forces for 20 cycles. Did a stint with the File Island Police too for 20 more, sir," the camo-scaled lizard said politely, even as Agu effortlessly parried his follow-up attacks.

"Not a bad resume," Agu agreed, smirking, "But I've seen better."

"I guarantee you haven't, sir," the Commandramon growled, sweeping his foot around in a roundhouse kick at Agu's head. The dinosaur ducked the kick, then blinked as he noticed the Commandramon's heavy, steel tail swinging right at his face. Agu intercepted it with both hands, rolling to force the Commandramon to the floor.

"Get up. I'm ready to finish this demonstration," Agu taunted. The Commandramon snarled and climbed to his feet, charging at Agu. He drew back his fist and threw it forward, putting his entire body behind it.

Agu grabbed his fist and yanked him forward with his entire body-weight, dragging the Commandramon off-balance. As the trainee stumbled forward, Agu spun on the ball of his foot, lifting the other high. Using the momentum of the pull, he brought his leg down hard, cracking his heel against the back of the Commandramon's head, forcing him down to faceplant against the ground. The impact cracked the Commandramon's helmet and left him utterly unmoving.

Agu brushed his palms off calmly, not even breathing hard, as he walked away.

"...Okay, guys. Three lessons from that. Why did I win, outside of me being all kinds of awesome?" Agu asked the gathered trainees.

"You only counterattacked, never attacked. You used his own weight and power against him. And he was overconfident," Gato called, walking forward. Agu's eyes went wide with surprise at the sight of the feline, particularly her swollen, dribbling erection, but he nodded.

"Uh... Yeah! That's about the long and stiff- Er, short! Long and SHORT of it!" Agu agreed, blushing, "He assumed that because he'd had military and police combat training that that would be enough to cruise by as a Defender."

"Defenders, to a man (or womon), are martial arts masters. Gato there has been training since she was five cycles old, and she could kill all of you in about twenty seconds with nothing but her tail, if she was so moved," Gabu added, stepping forward as he adjusted his fur, "If you came here with previous training, awesome, but don't think you're better than any of your fellow trainees. Defenders are in a different league."

"...Twenty seconds? This bunch, I could do in ten," Gato said with a smirk, "And Gabu's right. The Defenders are the best of the best. We're who you call in when there's no one else left."

"Okay, guys, while the medics dig this guy's head out of the ground, you can all run laps," Agu called, clapping his hands. The trainees did as they were told... but not without a large amount of rubbernecking in front of Gato and staring at her body. The feline brandishing her very long, very sharp claws was all it took to send them off, however.

"Uh... What're... you doin' here, Gato?" Gabu asked, blushing as Gato walked toward them. He could already feel his sheath plumping just at the sight of the milky fluid leaking from her swollen tip.

"My job? I've gotta oversee what the newbies are up to, and make sure they're not destroying everything," Gato said, frowning.

"Not what Gabu meant. I mean... You're clearly... um... 'under the weather,'" Agu said, pointing at her penis.

"Our baby girl is growing up and getting bigger, Agu!" Gabu sniffled, wiping a fake tear from his eye as she grinned.

"I know. Next thing you know, she'll be putting on lipstick and..." Agu agreed, chuckling.

"I'm not your baby girl, and I most certainly am NOT under the weather. I've got too much work to do to take time off," Gato growled, "and some stupid 'heat' isn't gonna stop me."

"...Gato, ever since you've known me, I get sick once a year for about a week like clockwork," Gabu said, narrowing his eyes.

"Yeah, Agu said it was allergies or something. DigiHayfever," Gato said, shrugging.

"......" Agu and Gabu stared at Gato expectantly, waiting for her to put two and two together. They could practically see the proverbial hamster wheel in her head spinning.

"...Wait... WAIT... you... YOU?" Gato exclaimed, blinking in surprise.

"And there she gets it," Gabu sighed.

"No one ever accused her of being quick on the draw," Agu agreed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Hawk probably mentioned it, but I don't go into heat, but something similar called a 'rut.' And Gato, it lays me out for an entire week. My first one was so strong that I couldn't do anything other than sleep, eat, and jerk off for over 168 hours," Gabu explained.

"So you'll forgive us for being skeptical," Agu added, "Because somehow I doubt that you're entirely 'okay.' Especially not from what Guil told us happened yesterday."

Gato blushed deeply, her penis betraying her by twitching and firing a jet of cum at their feet. She shook her head and growled, "That was... That was just a fluke. I won't let that happen again, even if you've got such... wonderfully juicy... big... throbbing..."

"...Gato," Gabu sighed, glancing down to see that sure enough, both he and Agu were starting to grow to full arousal.

"Uh... I mean... ANYWAY! I'm not gonna let this get the better of me! Now, be right back! I gotta go yell at those morons on the target range!" Gato growled, storming past them both. Agu and Gabu got a full whiff of the delightfully attractive scent wafting from her body as she did.

The pheromones hit their systems full force, driving their arousal protocols to maximum. Their penises surged to full hardness, their testicles dropping from their hiding places into their swollen sacks. They both grunted and groaned helplessly, shuddering as the muscles in their groins tensed, causing their penises to bob up and down.

With each breath, they felt strangely drowsy and happy. At first, they both knew what was happening, knew that Gato's scent was the cause of this and that they weren't in their right minds... but it seemed to matter less and less as they watched the feline wander around the field upwind from them.

Agu and Gabu vaguely remembered that they were supposed to be training the newbies, but... it just did not seem as important any more. Gato's intoxicating scent was wiping any thought of their duties out of their heads, replacing it with a warm, slightly drunken fog. The only things they could really form any coherent, cogent thoughts about were Gato and their erections; both of which were fully engorged and dribbling on the ground.

Agu glanced at Gabu with a silly grin as he watched Gato yell at a rookie for sending a fireball at the northwest guard tower and nearly detonating it again, pointing at her clearly visible vulva. They both groaned and arched their hips, shivering as they watched a trickle of the feline's nectar travel down her inner thigh. Gabu nodded and grinned, reaching over to wrap a hand around Agu's hot shaft, rolling his foreskin back. The dinosaur's length twitched, precum leaking from the slit and oozing down the underside of the head.

"Good gawd, the newbies are KILLING me," Gato complained, walking back towards Agu and Gabu, "I know it's probably impossible, but can't we hold them to some sorta higher standard of discipline?"

"Well... We have some ideas for it. Maybe some teamwork exercises?" Agu suggested, a dopey grin on his muzzle as he approached the girl.

"Absolutely. I think we can demonstrate quite a few techniques that might show 'em how it's done," Gabu agreed, his penis swaying pendulously as he walked towards Gato from the other side.

"...Guys? Uh... What're you talking about?" Gato asked cautiously, narrowing her blue eyes in suspicion.

"Here, lemme show you," Agu purred, deftly sliding his claws between her legs and sliding one of his thick fingers inside her.

"Mreow!!!" Gato yelped in surprise, gasping as Gabu wrapped one of his strong, wide hands around her penis, slowly pumping the swollen, dripping shaft.

"Ah! G-Guys! C-Cut it out! We're out in the open here!" Gato moaned, shivering as Agu began to pump his finger into her tunnel, rubbing her clitoris with his thumb. He pressed up against her, his cock sliding against her damp thigh, rubbing through the wet fur.

"Mmm... You smell amazing," Gabu purred, rubbing up against Gato from behind, his cold cock slipping up between her buttocks. Gato's fur stood on end and she gave an involuntary screech that echoed across the training field; the sensation was roughly akin to having an ice-cube dragged between her cheeks up to the small of her back. It wasn't necessarily unpleasant so much as shocking when unexpected.

"Guys, uh... I think it's my pheromone-thingies making you act this way," Gato said, blushing as Agu continued to finger her, sliding his fingers around her fuzzy vulva, tracing it and tickling it. She squirmed and shuddered, her tail curling. Despite herself, she was loving the attention, which was soothing the ache she felt in her loins.

"Let's show Gato more of our teamwork, whaddya say?" Agu sighed, humping against her thigh as pre leaked from his tip, spilling onto her. The steaming fluid made Gato yelp again as it dripped down her fur, splashing over her muff.

"Sounds good to me..." Gabu growled, his voice husky with arousal.

Within moments, the two boys had manhandled Gato, flipping her around so quick that her head was spinning. Agu knelt in the grass, his penis sticking up like a spire between his legs, his foreskin tugged back to expose the pink head of his shaft. He was panting eagerly as he gripped Gato's hips, helping to lower her onto his length. Gato's protests and complaints were pretty much silenced at the very moment the tip of his penis touched her vulva. Her raging hormones and arousal protocols overrode her common sense and her inhibitions. She moaned happily as she felt the male's hot shaft penetrate her.

His head forced its way inside, spreading her walls wide as she sank into his lap, inch after inch following. Gato moaned as Gabu pumped her erection, rolling her foreskin up and down over the tip of her penis. She wiggled her hips, huffing and panting as she tried to help Agu get inside her.

"How is it possible... that you just get tighter and tighter?" Agu panted as he rocked his hips against Gato, filling her with his hard, steaming shaft. He pulled back and forth, sliding a little deeper with every thrust, forcing his rock-hard cock forward.

Finally, after a few minutes of work, all of Agu's thirteen inches were buried deep in Gato's muff, his hips pressed against her rear end. He grinned and slid his tongue up the edge of one of her large, triangular ears, flicking the tassels with the tip of his tongue.

"Gyah! Don't do that! It tickles!" Gato giggled, shivering, her inner walls squeezing around him.

"That's why I did it," Agu panted lustfully, his cock throbbing powerfully within her. He glanced over her shoulder at Gabu, winking.

Gabu grinned and got down on all fours, lifting his tail high for Gato. His large rear end swayed tantalizingly, and Gato in her inebriated state found it absolutely fascinating. Her penis throbbed its approval of the sight, spouting a thick rope of glowing cum that splashed onto Gabu's right cheek.

"Gah! Gato, you're getting ahead of yourself," Gabu chided, shivering happily as he felt the fluid run down his rump.

"C-Can't help it! I'm just all... dribbly," Gato panted dazedly, "Now I know how Pal feels."

"Mmm..." Gabu sighed as he rocked back and forth against her shaft, her cum spilling liberally onto his back, matting down his fur. Gato gasped and threw her head back as Agu gripped her hips to hold her still. Gabu grinned and leaned back, slowly pressing himself to her, letting the head of her length prod his entrance. With a sudden, firm push, he rocked back, forcing her inside him.

Both Gato and Gabu gasped in pleasure, moaning as her erection slowly sank into him, inch after inch. Agu guided her hips with his hands, pulling her back and forth as he knelt under her. His own cock pulsed powerfully inside her as she pulled off of him inch by inch, entering Gabu. Agu resisted the urge to thrust, not wanting to distract Gato while she was still entering the other male.

Finally, Gato's hips met his rear end, her shaft buried deep within. She let out a sigh of relief and sagged forward against Gabu, in the process gyrating her hips against Agu's cock.

"How's she feel, hon?" asked Agu playfully, his thighs trembling as he continued to resist the urge to thrust until Gato was ready.

"Ahh, wh-when I was sayin' you were getting big and growin' up... this wasn't quite what I was thinking, but... oh, man... So biiig..." Gabu drooled as Gato gripped his rear, sinking her fingers into his chubby cheeks. He sighed happily, stroking his own penis as frosty pre slopped the dirt.

Gato slowly began to rock back and forth, shivering as she pulled out of Gabu and back onto Agu's cock. His heated shaft was pulsing insistently inside her, and she could feel a steady flow of pre steam against her inner walls. She took her time, working herself back and forth between the dinosaur and the wolf. Her inner walls rippled around Agu and milked him for his seed, even as her penis pulsed and gushed inside Gabu, splashing her own thick spunk inside him.

She picked up the pace quickly, panting as Agu finally let himself loose. His hips pistoned against hers, effortlessly matching her rhythm. He pulled back as she pushed into Gabu, then slammed upwards into her as she pulled out. Gato moaned happily, feeling his cock grind against her clitoris, sending bolts of pleasure up and down her spine. She gyrated her hips, pleasuring both Gabu and Agu at the same time with every move she made.

Agu grunted as he drove his hips upward into Gato's muff, panting. His balls bounced heavily with each thrust, slapping back between his thighs and the back of Gato's legs. Gato moaned happily, leaning against Gabu's back, even as she reached around him and wrapped her paws around his penis. Not for the first time, Gato was glad she wore gloves, as she could feel the coldness of his penis even through the fabric. It pulsed eagerly in her paws, throbbing with his heartbeat. She giggled and peeled back his foreskin, exposing the red-purple glans of his penis, gasping as his cold pre soaked into her gloves.

"Unng... Hrrff... Gettin' close..." panted Gato, already feeling the telltale signs of orgasm building within her. Her inner walls clenched tighter and tighter around Agu, making it harder and harder to thrust. Her nectar soaked his scales, her hips slapping wetly against his. Meanwhile, her spunk leaked out of Gabu, pouring down the back of his balls as she was gushing with almost every thrust now. Her cock pulsed and jumped within him, and Gabu could swear he could feel the cum rushing up her cock. Her paws pumped him firmly, sliding up and down his shaft delicately. His frosty pre dribbled over her fingers, splashing the grass in sticky, syrupy bursts.

"Hrnng... Almost... there..." Agu agreed, grunting as his penis throbbed powerfully within the little feline. His cock felt like a heated iron rod to Gato, unyielding and steaming-hot inside her. His heavy, swollen sack tightened against his shaft, churning powerfully. He hunched over the feline, his muscled body tensing as he drove himself into her a few more times. The dinosaur panted hard as he gripped the base of Gato's tail, using it like a handle to pull her hips to him.

"Gonna cum!!!" Gabu yelped, then howled. His large rear clenched tight around Gato's penis, as every muscle in his body locked up. His thick shaft swelled even further, the head expanding under his thick foreskin. It jerked violently in Gato's paws and frost crackled on her gloves as the shaft turned even colder. She could feel a bulge travel up the fat underside of his length from base to tip. A thick rope of icy blue fluid fired from the wolf's length, splattering the grass under him. He howled in ecstasy, groaning as he splattered his own stomach with his frosty semen.

Gato echoed his howl with a feline yowl of her own, driving herself to the hilt inside Gabu. Her inner walls clamped down upon Agu's cock, squeezing his penis tightly. Her shaft pulsed and throbbed, firing the first jet of kitten-spunk into the older male with immense force. In one spurt, she overflowed Gabu, her semen dribbling down the back of his swollen balls onto the ground. Gabu groaned happily, feeling her hot spurts of fluid fill him, warming him to his core. Gato's muscles locked up as she wrapped her arms around Gabu from behind. One arm embraced him affectionately, pulling him back against her as she shook in orgasmic delight. The other continued to pump his swollen, jerking cock and squeeze every drop of ice cold semen out of him.

Agu didn't so much roar or howl or yowl, but instead gave a single, quiet grunt. He drove himself into Gato with enough force to lift her feet off the ground. His penis gave a wild lurch inside Gato, before heating up even more. Then came the flood of molten fluid, filling Gato's womb to the brim in a single gush. The feline yowled in ecstasy as the steaming hot fluid spilled out of her, running down her thighs in a river of lava-orange. Agu ground himself against her rear, his penis jumping and flexing inside of her with each ejaculation. His eyes were half lidded, his tongue hanging out of his muzzle as he gripped the feline's muscled rear, spilling every drop his balls could produce inside her.

Gato's stomach swelled outwards with Agu's spunk, even as Gabu's did much the same. With every little movement, Gato could feel Agu's steaming hot fluids slosh around inside her. Her own cock was surging again and again, sending rushes of purest pleasure through her entire body. Her toes curled as she moaned happily, feeling every clench and quiver of her inner walls around Agu's thick cock. Gabu's rear clenched and squeezed around her cock deliciously, milking her for every drop she could produce. The constant ache and need in her loins receded somewhat.

Agu grunted and pulled himself out of Gato with a loud, wet slurp. He gripped his penis with both hands, pumping it in time with his gushes. He began to paint Gato's rear with his semen, coating it in a steaming-hot orange glaze. The cat yelped in surprise as she felt the nearly-scalding goo strike her, beginning to splash and pool in the small of her back.

Gato suddenly felt Gabu pull away from her. She lost her balance, gasping as she tumbled forward without Gabu's large, chubby rear to lean against. She spluttered as her penis pulled free of the wolf, jerking upwards and striking her chin with a messy splatter that ricocheted up her little black nose. She tumbled onto the ground, rolling onto her back, looking around in mild confusion.

Gabu was standing beside Agu, stroking his penis even as Agu returned the favor. They aimed their shafts at Gato, sending thick, long streamers of blue and orange against Gato's fur, drenching her face and chest. She spluttered and giggled, puffing out her flat chest to present a bigger target for the boys to hit. She smeared their cum into her fur in swirls of messy ice-blue and lava-orange, savoring the strange sensations of steaming hot and nearly-frozen goo mixing in her fur.

Gato reached up, swatting their paws away from their lengths, taking them both into her gloved hands. She panted, her erection still jumping and jerking as she continued to climax hard, splattering the grass with her own glowing cum. The bioluminescent fluid splashed against Agu and Gabu's shins, her hips thrusting back and forth in time with her spurts. Agu and Gabu moaned as she pumped their lengths, her gloved fingers deftly tugging their foreskins up and down over the swollen heads. She opened her mouth wide, sticking out her tongue, letting their spurts fill her mouth with sweet, salty cream.

"Ahh... We've taught you well, Gato..." Gabu sighed, moaning as she leaned in to suckle and slurp loudly at the head of his penis, drinking straight from him.

"Oooh... Yesss... I'm sure that... m-more training never hurt though," Agu grunted, shuddering as a particularly large blast of semen caused Gato's cheeks to bulge and sent her into a minor coughing fit.

"Ack... Ugh! S-Sorry, guys... Yeah, I-I could use some more... practice..." Gato agreed, trailing off. The fog of lust that had engulfed her thoughts had seemed to part, allowing her clarity once more. The clarity was something she immediately regretted as she glanced around at her surroundings.

Gato blinked in horror as she looked around, realizing that all of the rookies had been watching (and masturbating over her) the entire time. The training field was soaked with semen, some of it glowing, some of it causing the grass to steam, and some causing the dirt to crackle with frost, and much more with a variety of colors or effects. Agu blinked drunkenly, apparently coming back to his senses.

"...Um... what... did we just do?" Agu asked dazedly, grunting as his cock twitched and fired another burst of molten orange spunk into the air.

"...I... um... weird. I know I was annoyed with Gato... and I was chiding her for coming out here while in heat... but then..." Gabu trailed off, apparently trying to backtrack along his train of thought, even as he splattered his own front with his own icy cum.

"Wait... Gato is in heat... And she..." Agu said, his confusion turning to consternation as he narrowed his eyes. He glanced over to where Gato had been sitting a moment before.

The feline was gone, leaving nothing but a silhouette of cum in the grass where she had been, and a glowing trail of semen leading away where she ran.

"...Pussied out," Gabu finished Agu's sentence, then winced as the dinosaur cuffed his head for the bad pun.

"...Seriously, we're gonna have to have a talk with that girl. She's got some issues," Agu sighed... Then frowned as he looked around, noting that many of the recruits were still lost in lust, still masturbating feverishly. He growled, then yelled loudly, "YO! IDIOTS! Did I ASK you to sit and beat your meat?! NO! I TOLD you to run laps! GET TO IT!"

The trainees blinked and returned to running... many tripping over their full, swollen arousal along the way.



Two and a half hours, Gato thought, as her body shook with pleasure. She had managed two and a half hours of actual work this day before things went horribly wrong.

She had resigned herself to staying locked in one of the offices in the main command center, doing paperwork all day. By sneaking in through the air ducts, she had avoided encountering anyone who might have had sex with her... or who she might have had sex with; an equal danger in her current state of arousal and impaired judgement.

Speaking of impaired judgement, by crawling through the air ducts, (unbeknownst to Gato) she had disseminated a large dose of her pheromones throughout the building's ventilation system. Those Defenders and support staff unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on one's point of view) enough to be in an enclosed space in the building were catching whiffs of the mind-altering, libido-supercharging scent as the air circulated. Gato would find out later that her exceedingly ill-advised course of action had caused multiple small orgies, and dozens of incidents of masturbation and dereliction of duty, much to her eternal embarrassment. The letter from Leomon about this alone would leave her mortified for cycles, if not decades later.

Gato managed to find her office, dropping out of the vent into her chair lightly, sending it spinning for a moment before she stopped it. Gato's office was really hers in name only, as they were generally for use for any Defender that needed to fill out paperwork, but this was the one she tended to use most often.

Gato sighed and rested her head on the desk for a moment, shivering as a wave of arousal washed over her. Her cock jerked and splashed the underside of the desk with a jet of semen, even as she felt the leather seat grow damp with her nectar.

Taking a deep breath, she pressed a button to turn the windows opaque, hiding her from view of everyone else in the command center.

"No. I am here to WORK. You can wait," Gato growled at her penis as it throbbed eagerly. Pulling her seat into the desk so she could not get at herself, she activated the computer console and grabbed a stack of datapads and set to work.

For two and a half hours, she delved into the mountains of paperwork that the Defenders organization had to deal with. The Defenders, being a worldwide peacekeeping organization, had truly unbelievable amounts of bureaucracy necessary to support their daily operations. Requisitions for supplies, weapons, ammunition, support staff; reports on missions; files on investigations; criminal profiles; and hundreds of other forms needed to be filed on a daily, if not hourly basis. Gato hated it with a passion, but also made it her personal purpose in life to attempt to do as much of it as she could to try to whittle down the mountains. Much of it could not be done without Leomon's signature, which Gato took a slightly savage pleasure in setting aside for him the next time he visited File Island HQ. The thought of forcing him to sit down and take responsibility for the work he left behind at the Headquarters for once was enough to make Gato's cock even more rigid than before.

Gato sighed as she typed away on the keyboard, signing off on several requisitions forms, and denying several more. Somehow, she did not think that the new "DigiReal Sex Doll with Hyper-Realistic Cum Function" was vital equipment for base security, despite what Armadillo may have claimed.

Gato barely noticed how much time had passed, until she finally put down a datapad, having officially closed out the Succubimon investigation (several months late). She sighed, cracking her knuckles loudly as she stretched her shoulders. She blinked, suddenly realizing that her penis was aching with raw need, her seat soaked with cum and her feminine juices.

"Okay, okay, I ignored you for a while... Let's fix that..." Gato sighed, scooting back a little. Her cock popped up from under the desk, slapping her chest wetly and splashing the underside of her chin with semen. The girl moaned softly, wiping it off as she shuddered.

This wasn't even close to the first time she had masturbated in one of the offices. Frankly, it was a well-known secret among the Defenders that if one needed to relieve pressure while on monitor duty or working on paperwork that the offices would be a place to do that. The only provision was that they clean up thoroughly after themselves and leave no trace of it.

Gato pulled a condom out from under the lining of her glove, sighing. She tore open the wrapper quickly (one benefit to having claws like hers was that there was no packaging in any world that could hold her back) and began to unfurl the rubber down her swollen length. Within moments, the reservoir tip was already beginning to balloon out with glowing fluid, sending a blue shimmer around the room.

"Okay. One round, then I'm gonna take a whack at the Devidramon case files. No arguments," she grumbled to herself, sighing as she leaned back in her chair, making sure the base of the condom was snug against her sheath. Her cock throbbed in approval as she began to slide her gloved paws up and down the encased length. She squeezed her shaft, shuddering as it pulsed and fired a fresh jet of glowing cum into the tip, which was already drooping down like a water balloon.

"This sucks," she grumbled to no one in particular, "Even though I spurt twice or three times what I usually do, I don't feel any better afterward. And I've gotta go through this twice a year for the rest of my life?"

She huffed as she began to pump her cock with one gloved paw, slipping the fingers of the other inside herself. She moaned happily as she felt the damp wet fur of her vulva, and the slippery tightness of her tunnel. The chair squeaked as she began to rock her hips, grunting as her arousal began to build.

She was not particularly surprised that she was growing so close to orgasm, even though she had barely started. Ignoring her arousal for two and a half hours was almost a record for her since her heat had begun. After the incident with Guil, she had tried denying herself and managed slightly over three hours, before the urges became too strong to ignore. As soon as she even so much as laid a finger upon her shaft, she had spent the next ten minutes climaxing uncontrollably.

"Nnnnnngh!!!" Gato groaned as her orgasm hit. Her toes curled and her thighs shook as a loud sloshing noise filled the room. The balloon drooping from the head of her penis began to swell out dramatically as spurt after spurt of thick cum flooded it. The milky goo gushed hard enough to shake the entire condom, even as Gato's penis jumped and lurched in her grip.

"Ahhh, yesss... That's good... More..." Gato sighed happily, savoring the pleasurable burning ache of ejaculation, the rhythmic spasms that sent bolts of lightning up and down her spine. She watched eagerly as the reservoir tip at the end of the condom expanded, swelling and stretching to contain her gushes. Already it was well past the size of the average party balloon, and she had to spread her legs around it.

Not wanting it to slip off her penis due to its weight (and worse, splatter cum absolutely EVERYWHERE, something she'd had happen more than once this week already) she cupped her paws under the sloshing mass and lifted it to rest on the desk. She laid her paws flat on the steel desk, closing her eyes and panting as she began to hump forward. She delighted in the sound of her semen sloshing and glushing about in its latex prison, her cock adding more to it with every passing moment. Her tail swished from side to side as she purred loudly.

She groaned softly, pumping into the condom as it continued to expand and swell, growing larger and larger with each spurt. The warm, thick cream swirled around her member every time she thrust into the balloon. The fluid within glowed a faint blue, the bioluminescence casting a shimmer onto every surface nearby.

Gato was just getting ready to begin masturbating, to tickle her clitoris as she milked her shaft, to work up to a second climax, when she heard something.

"Um... oops," a voice squeaked. Gato's eyes shot open in horror as she saw the door to the office was wide open. Flora stood with a keycard in her petal-fingers, her eyes wide under her petal-helmet. Tento stood behind her, looking more mildly surprised.

"CLOSE. THE. DOOR," Gato hissed, blushing as her penis chose that moment to erupt again, causing an extra cup of fluid to flood into the condom, making it jostle and slosh visibly.

Flora and Tento scrambled into the room, shutting the door behind them.

"I meant with you two on the OTHER side of the door!" Gato growled, her face turning bright red.

"We needed to talk to you, and Tento saw that you were logged in! We need permission to begin work on some new projects," Flora said, blushing as she watched Gato's cock twitch inside the condom.

"NOT. Now," Gato panted, shaking her head, "I'm not even supposed to BE here today. I'm just trying to get some stupid paperwork done."

"Yeah. That looks like a lot of big, throbbing, gushing paperwork," Flora said, licking her lips eagerly.

"Here, the proposal," Tento said bluntly, handing Gato a datapad, not seeming to notice or care about Gato's state.

"...Tento, I'm not... I can't... I..." Gato panted, sighing as she hung her head, trying to figure out a way to explain the situation to him. Tento had never shown any sign of understanding any sort of social graces, and he wasn't likely to understand or care about this particular delicate situation either.

"With your signature, we can begin upgrading the defenses immediately," Tento said, blinking his large green compound eyes.

"....Just... gimme a minute, okay?" Gato sighed, rubbing behind her left ear. She glanced at Flora, who merely shrugged helplessly.

Gato grunted and pulled the condom off of her penis, careful to pinch it to prevent her spunk from splashing anywhere. She deftly tied a knot into it and pushed the sloshing, glowing water balloon to the side. Easily twice the size of the average party balloon, it rocked back and forth with the motion of the fluid within. The feline wiped the sweat from her forehead, grabbed a cloth from one of the drawers and used it to mop up as much cum as she could from her dripping, spunk-coated length. Her member betrayed her, firing off a shot against the desk at the stimulation.

Flora watched the glowing spray of fluid splatter against the polished black surface of the desk. The flower-girl salivated at the sight.

"Flora... Flora? FLORAMON!" Gato snapped, jolting Flora out of her daydream, "...What do you want from me?"

"Oh! Right!!!" yelped Flora, forcibly dragging her eyes away from Gato's cum, trying to keep her focus on the feline's face and nothing else. She pulled out a small device from her workbelt and held it up. Gato stared blankly.

"And... this is...?" Gato asked, frowning as she tilted one of her large ears curiously.

"A new prototype of a handheld scanner that Tento and I developed. When active, it can accrue hundreds of terabytes of scan data about pretty much anything you point it at. Kinda like a tricorder," explained Flora.

"...Um... Our Brands already do that, don't they?" Gato asked, leaning in to get a better look.

"Yes, but not as efficiently, quickly, and this stores the data within itself, rather than in your own program database," Flora elaborated.

"Storing large amounts external data within your program for extended periods of time can have a deleterious effect. I would not have recommended storing all of that scan data within your system during your sojourn into the Hive," Tento stated flatly, "Removing all that excess data could result in errors or glitches."

"It's not like I had much of a choice, y'know," Gato replied, annoyed.

"Regardless, we have a solution with this," Tento said, gesturing a claw towards Flora... Then blinking in mild surprise to see that the girl was no longer standing where she had been.

Flora was on the desk, slurping loudly as she ran her tongue over the polished surface. She licked at the pool of Gato's semen, cleaning it off with clear relish. Her rear end wiggled in the air, her lizardlike tail swishing as she gulped down the white fluid.

"FLORA!" exclaimed Gato, her white cheeks flushing crimson with embarassment. Her penis again betrayed her by firing off a fresh ejaculation; the hot, thick goo splashing against Flora's petal helmet.

"Mmm... Gato, has anyone told you how tasty you are?" Flora sighed dreamily, her blue eye glassy and unfocused, "I just couldn't help myself. Such a shame to let all of this perfectly good spunk go to waste..."

"Flora, um... I think you're... not thinking clearly..." Gato said warningly, holding up her paws, "I've got these... uh.. pheromones, or something... and..."

"Oooh! More of it! Yummy!" Flora giggled excitedly, not listening to a word that Gato was saying. Her eyes were locked onto the feline's erection, even as a fresh spurt of milky, glowing fluid burst from the fat tip. Before Gato could say another word, Flora had wrapped her lips around her glans, suckling loudly on the bulbous head. Gato moaned helplessly, her hips rocking upward as she shivered from head to toe.

"Flora, you... nnn... You gotta stop and.... Nng... Think! You're under the influence of... ahh! Mind-altering stuff and... Oooh, do that agaiiiiiiin!" Gato gasped as Flora's tongue swirled around her flesh, slipping under her foreskin and collecting the spunk there. The flower girl shivered, her petal-fingers delving between her inner thighs as she began to caress her vulva, her juices already running down her legs.

Gato blinked as she felt something rigid and pulsing slide up against her rear. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes went wide as she saw Tento's strangely shaped erection sliding between her firm cheeks, already dribbling sparking precum. The beetle stared back at her enigmatically.

"Tento... what are you doing?" asked Gato nervously.

"Preparing an experiment," Tento replied simply, latching his claws onto the small curves of Gato's hips. Gato's eyes went wide.

"Oh, no, Tento, you're being affected by my pheromones too! Snap out of it!" Gato squeaked, "...I didn't even THINK that was possible with you!"

Like Flora, Tento did not seem to be listening to a thing Gato said as he continued, "I am experiencing sexual arousal for the third time in the last cycle. My previous sexual experience before that was eight cycles ago. I do not possess much experience with this aspect of the biological sciences. I wish to study the process of sexual intercourse more closely... from a scientific perspective, of course."

"Is THAT how you're justifying MOLESTING me?!" Gato yelped, gasping as Tento thrust his hips forward, dragging his cock against her damp vulva.

Tento's penis was as strange as Guil's in its own way. It was exceedingly large, a couple of inches over a foot, but shorter than Guil's. It seemed completely incongruous for someone who never used it (or indeed, seemed to know he even HAD a penis) to be gifted with such a large endowment. Even stranger, the length was made up of segments of chitin ribs, giving it a strangely armored look. It didn't so much pulse as flex, given its strange rigidity. The head was uncovered, no foreskin, and equally bizarre in shape. It was slightly wider than the rest of the shaft, and ALMOST humanoid in appearance. It was bulbous and bright red, and had strange fleshy bumps along the back side of the length designed to drag along a partner's inner walls. His cock jerked, and a dribble of clear pre leaked from the tip, sending off blue and white sparks of electricity.

Gato's heart dropped into her stomach. She had been on the receiving end of that length before during one of the most harrowing and unpleasant experiences of her life. She knew what that pulsing, dripping, sparking monster could do to a Digimon.

Tento seemed to note her trepidation, for he tilted his head and remarked, "I do not intend to cause harm. I will show restraint in my experimentation."

"That's... not entirely reassuring, Tento. I mean, you're not in your right mind at the moment, or you wouldn't even WANT to do this!" Gato exclaimed, blushing as Tento began to rock his hips against her rear end, grinding his dribbling cock against her. The fur on her back stood up on end as a static charge began to build.

"OW!" Flora yelped, suddenly recoiling off of Gato's penis. She stuck out her tongue and rubbed it, wincing.

"Dammit, Tento! You shocked my tongue THROUGH her!" she complained, wincing. For a brief moment, Gato had a hope that the electrical jolt had snapped Flora out of her daze of lust. Flora looked briefly confused, her eyes suddenly coming into focus as if she was wondering what she was doing and why.

Gato's penis, as always, seemed to betray Gato at the worst time, as it ejaculated again and splashed Flora right between the eyes. The plant-girl's confusion vanished, and the glassy, slightly unfocused cast returned. She began to run her tongue up Gato's length, all the way from her sheath to her tip repeatedly. Gato sighed dejectedly, even as her body continued to mutiny against her will, her arousal growing.

"Beginning penetration," announced Tento. Before Gato could say a word in protest, he had lined up the fleshy, bulbous head of his penis with her and began to push forward.

"GAH! Other hole, other hole, Tento!!!" Gato protested, her eyes wide with shock as she felt his cock begin to push into her rear. Tento paused and tilted his head, looking down at her. He gripped his penis and adjusted his aim, pressing it against her vulva. Gato sighed in relief; given his huge, ridged chitin length, she was not about to take him in her rear without a bucket of lubrication to smooth the entry. She wasn't enthusiastic, but she could handle him in her vagina.

"You REALLY haven't done this very often if you can't tell the difference between the holes," Gato remarked, her head already getting fuzzy with arousal. Flora's slurping tongue was revving her engines, sending pleasure through her. She knew she was not thinking clearly, that she should stop Tento and Flora... but she couldn't muster the will to do it. She needed it. She was dripping wet; her thighs drenched, her penis spurting into Flora's eager mouth.

"Sexual activities are unfamiliar to me," admitted Tento flatly, without a hint of embarrassment.

With no further preamble, he thrust his hips forward. Gato yelped as the head of his penis shoved between her fuzzy lips, plunging into her hole and stretching her wide. Gato's blue eyes went wide, then rolled up in her head. Her pink tongue lolled out of her mouth. She whimpered, shuddering as the strangely-shaped head pushed and prodded, working into her. His penis sparked as it worked around, grinding against her clitoris. Her inner walls spasmed uncontrollably, squeezing and clamping down around the fleshy head.

"Gatomon, you must loosen up. I cannot penetrate while you are spasming like this," Tento buzzed flatly, staring at her blankly with his compound eyes.

"I'm not sure she can control... Ack! PBBT! ...that, Tento..." Flora interjected, spluttering as Gato's penis jerked and splattered her face with a sticky, glowing spray of semen.

"Hrmph," Tento grunted, turning his attention back to the feline's body. His claws gripped her hips, and he shoved his pelvis forward. Gatomon yowled in pleasure as his head pushed deeper inside her, followed by inches of his ridged member. The ribbed chitin plates of his cock dragged along Gato's inner walls, sparking and crackling with electricity. Every spark sent Gato's inner walls into spasms, squeezing and trembling around him tightly.

"Ah! C-Careful! Nng!!!" Gato yelped, feeling her fur stand on end as the electrically charged penis spread her wide. She winced, feeling the hard ribs scraping along her, stimulating every nerve ending inside her as it pushed deeper and deeper. Her cock pulsed repeatedly, bouncing off of Flora's tongue. The plant girl bobbed her head, her lips wrapped tightly around the feline's swollen shaft.

Gato moaned, feeling her body surge again and again. She wasn't in climax, but every bit of stimulation felt like an orgasm into itself. Her cock throbbed, sending thick, milky spurts of cum into Flora's mouth. It leaked down her chin in sticky wet rivulets, splashing onto her green chest. Flora gulped it down like water, drinking thirstily from the feline. Her lips pressed to Gato's pelvis, flat against her sheath. She suckled loudly, flicking her tongue up and down the cat's shaft, tracing the veins with the tip of her tongue. She felt like she could practically suck the semen out of Gato's penis, as if drinking from a straw.

Gato felt the heat growing in her loins, her body beginning to move without conscious input from her mind. She rocked back and forth, thrusting her penis against the back of Flora's throat. The other girl was incredibly skilled, her tongue and teeth driving Gato wild. Flora's tongue slid under her foreskin, swirling around the sensitive head. Flora nipped at the white-furred cat's shaft gently, causing Gato to shiver from head to toe with pleasure.

Tento grunted as he began to drive his cock into Gato. He took extremely long and precise strokes, pulling back exactly the same length and thrusting forward with exactly the same force. Despite the pheromones coursing through his systems and altering his thoughts, he approached sex the same way he did everything else: with a scientific and clinical detachment.

"Your vaginal muscles are stimulating my glans and penile epithelium. I am beginning to produce Cowper's fluid," Tento stated. Gato looked over her shoulder with an expression of mild bemusement and disgust.

"Tento, that is the worst dirty talk I have ever heaaaaaa- MREOW!" Gato complained, trailing off into a yowl as she felt his penis flex, a sudden rush of sparking, electrically charged fluid spilling into her depths. His precum sent her inner muscles spasming and clenching uncontrollably, her fur standing on end. The nerves inside her were jolted numb, and Gato panted and winced. Flora yelped, spluttering as a particularly large gush of kitty-spunk blasted into her mouth, overwhelming her.

"I attempted to warn you," Tento replied dully, continuing to pump his hips at the same maddening rate. He wasn't thrusting fast enough to help Gato's arousal build up, but he was thrusting too quickly for her to take control of his pace. It was driving Gato crazy, particularly since Flora was holding her hips still and keeping her from moving too much. She knew if she could set the pace, even for a moment, she could have reached a wonderful orgasm.

Unfortunately, Tento was too oblivious and clearly out of his usual element; and Flora did not seem to care much about anything other than gulping down as much cat-cum as she could get, regardless of Gato's pleasure.

"Mmm... tasty..." Flora sighed, catching her breath and confirming Gato's conjecture in the process. Streaks of bioluminescent semen crisscrossed her face, dribbling out of the corners of her mouth. Her petal-fingers were rubbing between her inner thighs lazily, teasing her little green clitoris. She panted heavily, her blue eyes completely unfocused, as if she were half-asleep.

"Flora, please! I'm hanging on the edge here! I need to cum!" Gato begged even as her penis bobbed up and down, all the muscles in her loins spasming at another spurt of Tento's electric precum.

"Yeah, your spunk is so creamy... salty-sweet, tangy! I can't get enough!" Flora sighed happily, apparently not paying attention to any word Gato said other than "cum."

"Um, yeah, b-but if you MAKE me cum, you'll have a lot more of it!" Gato panted desperately, trying to convince the flower.

"Mm-hmmm..." murmured Flora, still clearly completely ignoring Gato's pleas. To her immense chagrin, Flora began tickling her cock, using her stamens to flick and caress softly up and down her swollen, pink member. Gato whimpered and squirmed helplessly, gasping as her shaft pulsed. Her toes curled as more pearly, blue-glowing fluid oozed from her tip and spilled down the underside of her member, dribbling down over her muff and onto Tento's cock.

"Ah! Nnng! Nyahh!" Gato mewled weakly, her knees trembling. They would have buckled under her, but Tento held her up, his cock speared deep inside her.

"Mmm... Time to drink..." Flora sighed dreamily. She darted forward, and in the next moment Gato felt Flora's tongue sliding up her muff. She moaned, her eyes rolling up in her head as flashes of color went in front of her vision. Flora's tongue was flicking over her clitoris as she lapped up as much of the feline's cum as she could. Her tongue slid across Tento's pistoning erection too, catching the ribbed, armored shaft as it slid in and out of Gato's depths. Gato's penis rested on top of her helmet, sending a steady, constant flow of her spunk down Flora's face. A mixture of Gato's juices and Tento's precum coated Flora's face as she pressed her lips to the feline's vulva.

"Yesss... Yesssssss... Little... more..." Gato panted as the plantgirl's tongue slid across her clitoris, even as Tento's hard ridged shaft ground against every bit of her inner tunnel. His shaft was so large that her stomach was bulging a little every time he thrust in. She dangled helplessly between Tento and Flora; the bug's thrusts were actually lifting her feet off the ground slightly.

It was a fresh spurt of precum from Tento that finally drove Gato over the edge. Tento gave a tiny noise, burying his shaft hilt deep into Gato. She felt his head swell up, before she felt the rush of warm, syrupy liquid, accompanied by a nearly-numbing jolt of electricity. Each successive shock was stronger than the last. This one made Gato yelp as every muscle in her body locked up for a moment with the surge. But with it, came a burning ache as the pressure building inside her finally burst.

Gato yowled in ecstasy as she came hard. Flora's cheeks ballooned outward comically, cum pouring out of the corners of her muzzle. Her inner walls clamped down on Tento's cock, making him grunt softly as he pumped his hips. Her body was completely out of her control as semen surged from her shaft in mighty gouts. Flora could not even try to keep up with the immense sprays of milky goo, most of it bursting out of her mouth and running down her chin. The sticky rushes of fluid ran down her chest, soaking her green skin.

"Ejaculating..." Tento announced flatly, as if he were simply reading the time. Gato barely had enough presence of mind to brace herself, remembering the last time she was on the receiving end of one of Tento's orgasms.

While she was braced for it, it wasn't much help. Tento gave a very loud buzz and buried himself to the hilt inside her. She could feel his penis twitch violently inside her... and then her senses exploded.

With the first rush of immensely thick, rich spunk also came the largest electrical shock yet. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't exactly anything Gato would describe as pleasant, either. It was less powerful than a taser, but enough to send all of Gato's muscles into convulsions. She yowled and babbled incoherently as Tento unleashed his cum into her. It came in a mighty, massive gush that overflowed the poor kitten near immediately, backwashing out of her in a milky-red rush of goo. The pale red fluid sparked with blue and yellow arcs of bioelectricity, carrying a charge even well after it left Tento's cock.

This was unfortunate for Flora, who with her face buried in Gato's muff, got a full-on facial from Tento's semen. She yelped in literal shock as volts ran through her body, sending her flailing wildly onto her back. Flora climaxed hard, the electrical surge being enough to drive her over the edge. She moaned and wailed, thrusting her hips up into the air, her nectar sprinkling the ground under her. Gato's spunk splashed across her front, pooling in her navel and soaking her green skin. Tento's cum fired with enough force into Gato, that it spilled out of her and soaked Flora's lower body. Every fresh wave of red goo striking her shocked her just as much as it did Gato.

Gato couldn't move, even if she wanted to. Every time her muscles loosened up enough for her to begin to slump forward, Tento ejaculated again, and the sheer amperage caused her body to lock up again. Despite this, she was in ecstasy. Her hips jumped and lurched of their own accord every time she gushed. Streamers of glowing spunk splattered across Flora's front, streaking her grass-green skin. Her penis jumped up and down violently, her pelvic muscles tensing and untensing rhythmically. Waves of pleasure rolled through her, even as she was jolted again by Tento. The sight of Flora writhing under her only drove her own, heightening her pleasure.

It was only when Tento let go of her hips that Gato was finally able to slump forward... unfortunately onto her face, since she was in the midst of convulsing uncontrollably as Tento had just electrocuted her again. She winced as her nose bashed the ground painfully, and moaned as her penis was trapped between the carpet and the incredibly soft fur of her stomach. Gato groaned and grunted, feeling her spunk bubble out, gluing her to the floor.

Tento gripped his penis, apparently unsure of what to do, now that Gato was no longer speared upon him. Sparking ropes of red spunk fired from his tip, splattering the desk and floor as he looked around with his usual blank expression. It wasn't until he noticed that Flora was panting, masturbating feverishly as she lay on her back, her eyes smouldering with desire and need, that he realized what to do. Pumping his length slowly, he aimed it at her, making her yelp as she was showered and jolted. However, as she was smearing the fluid over her skin, moaning and thrusting her hips upward, Tento had to conclude she was enjoying it.

"...Gennai's beard, Tento... Are you STILL spurtin'?" Gato slurred dazedly, picking herself off the floor as her orgasm began to slow, leaving her feeling warm and fuzzy in the afterglow.

"I am still in orgasm, y-yes," Tento buzzed, glancing over at her. He began to turn his hips as if to offer his penis to her. Gato shook her head desperately and held up her paws frantically to stop him. Flora seemed to enjoy the shocks as she was climaxing over and over again, but Gato could have done without.

"Okay, when I'm back on duty, I'm ordering you to at LEAST cum once a week... If only so that you don't get THIS ridiculously pent up..." Gato panted, stroking her cock as she fired her last bursts onto her own stomach. Her fur was completely matted down with red and glowing-blue semen, mixing in thick, gooey swirls.

"...I'll help with that!" Flora giggled, before yelping as Tento struck her and shocked her again. To Gato's relief, the intensity of Tento's bioelectricity seemed to be lessening.

Gato's head began to clear, the fog of lust slowly washing away in the afterglow. Pleasure turned to a familiar sense of horror and regret as she looked around the room. It was an emotion she was feeling quite frequently since her heat began. The office was drenched in her cum as much as Tento's. All the effort she had taken to avoid making a mess was wasted.

Worse, her paperwork was drenched. The datapads were sparking, with large dollops of Tento's semen splattered across them. The actual wood-pulp paperwork was soaked through (and glowing slightly, letting her know exactly who had ruined it), the ink running, and utterly destroyed.

The sound of splattering fluid and Flora's yelps of pleasure went silent behind her, letting Gato know that the beetle and the plantgirl had come down from their pleasure. Gato tried to think of something, anything to distract them from the damage and get them out of the room so she could try to salvage her dignity.

Unfortunately, it was at that moment that a very loud, static "FRRTTZZZ" noise sounded through the room.

Gato looked down as the scanning device gave a few feeble sparks, a telltale cloud of bluish smoke rising from it. Gato did not know much about electronics, but she knew enough to know when the bluish smoke came out of them, that they tended not to work any more. And considering the scanner was soaked in a mixture of glowing and red, sparking cum, it wasn't hard to figure out why.

"M-My scanner! It took me five weeks to build this... And it cost hundreds of thousands of credits!" Flora whimpered, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, "...I don't even have a blueprint made for it yet..."

"Um..." Gato hedged, wincing, "...I'll... I'll make sure... t-to do some paperwork to set aside some funds to reimburse you... Now... Please..."

"Oh, you'll do more than THAT to make this up for me. Five weeks of work... I'm gonna take that outta your rear!" Flora growled, her eyes taking on a familiar, hungry cast. Vines curled out from her wrists, her petal-fingers grasping needily. Gato blinked in horror, glancing over at Tento. The beetle showed no interest in stopping Flora; indeed, his penis was fully extended and dribbling again.

The people working in the main command hub would file noise complaints for the several following hours against Gato, for her incessant yowls of pleasure...

To Be Continued....

Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 5 Part 2

\*\*\*\*\*\* "Hnnrrrg..." grunted Vee, his twin penises pulsing rapidly in his claws. As he pulled back his foreskins, two thick jets of milky blue fluid erupted from his heads at the same time. He moaned in pleasure, arching his back as his...

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Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 5 Part 1

Digimon Defenders: Side Chapter 5: Calm Before the Storm. The cleanup from the viral pandemic was an ongoing process. While the worldwide destruction of the virus had also resulted in the cure of all the Infected Digimon and the disintegration of...

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MASTER Files 2: Kit Cloudkicker and Rebecca Cunningham

M.A.S.T.E.R. Archival File: 02931 Experiment 0329: Tertiary Testing Phase. Subject 023 and 024: Rebecca Cunningham and Kit Cloudkicker Experiment Supervisor: Prof. L Observer: Mind 012 Subject Notes: Subjects were taken from Earth-19203....

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