Witch [Poem]

Story by Jessi Snow on SoFurry

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I am a witch.

Nature calls to me

And I answer her.

I believe in God

Because He believes in me.

Candles, potions, hexes, spells,

Seven heavens, seven hells.

Black cats and gemstones,

Plants and spices,

Knowlege and power.

Elements and spirits that be,

Goddesses and power of three.

We are the ones you failed to burn,

We are witches, and it's our turn.

I Love You During [Poem]

Your voice leaves a chill up my spine When you tell me you love me. The way you move inside me with care And with grace tells me so much. It tells me all I need to know about you. My inner goddess will dance with your Beast To the music that...

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Oh! You Monster! Her Too?!

Gatomon shakes her head, attempting to shake off the grogginess the strange blue liquid gave her. She looks to her shoulder, a small, red dot focusing into view. That's the injection sight, and it itches a little. Gatomon attempts to scratch at the...

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Oh! You Monster!

"Please... just let me go!" Gatomon cries out, unable to move her paws or even her tail. "I told you... not until I'm good and ready," Impmon replies, sneering in the shadows of the room. "I'll untie you... if you swear to do everything I...

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